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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.35 MB, 2448x3264, 20121202_181321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10174186 No.10174186 [Reply] [Original]

Do your Anki reps /jp/!

>> No.10174195

you aint the boss of me

>> No.10174285

I did it you bully.

>> No.10174290
File: 19 KB, 676x380, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you lying, anon?

>> No.10174314
File: 50 KB, 437x419, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not lying.

>> No.10174320
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I'm doing my best, OP!

>> No.10174321

Pig disgusting biro.

>> No.10174342
File: 186 KB, 450x375, 1354613975645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate doing them because my handwriting is terrible

>> No.10174362

what the fuck, obviously you're going to be bad at something you don't practice.

>> No.10174375

It's always been bad, from kinder garden to high school, i think it's because i hate thin, bony hands.

>> No.10174434

Are you Japanese or have you tutored or some shit?

>> No.10175157

do you even hiragana? fix it, anon, it looks bad
and your 右 actually turned into 石 twice
す looks like you did two straight lines (second one is a little bit curved in the end), and then add semicircle (c)

>> No.10175171

to be fair, he has awful english handwriting as well

>> No.10175173

It's a good thing you put those 2hu toys in the photo, or I might have assumed you were a crossboarder.

>> No.10175180

Does writing the same kanji over and over again make you remember it? I have just bunch of words in Anki in my native language and I write them in Japanese.

>> No.10175197

Are 湯 stupid?

>> No.10175217


Your paper weight is cute OP, where did you get it?

Also, all my reps are done, im just reading manga right now.

>> No.10175257

Nice headphones OP! I have the same ones.

>> No.10175264

no it doesn't, you'd be better off learning all the radicals and learning how to build kanji with them

additionally, use them to make sentences or as parts of pictures to remember their meaning (e.g. warning/road signs etc)

>> No.10175467

Rakuten via a proxy

I use heisig (or just make up my own stories). Writing them sometimes helps me remember them better, improve stroke order or just to perfect my very bad drawing. Either way, it's calming. I like it, can take it easy.

>> No.10175488

which deck are you all using?

>> No.10175706


Mostly premades + the core2k and core6k decks because they are voiced

>> No.10175761


Core2k decks and Heisig's Remembering The Kanji.

Gotta grind dat vocab and Kanji if I wanna read shit, I suppose.

>> No.10175767

Sorry, OP, but anki offers me only a shitty pre-made Kanjj sets that lack half of pronunciations

if you're using it you're not going to learn the language

>> No.10175778


What do you suggest as an alternative then?

I'm all ears for strategies.

>> No.10175792

find yourself a website that drills you prim&proper

or fuck that shit, get yourself a dictionary, a pencil and a lot of paper and go with that

>> No.10175873

KanjiDamage Plus.

>> No.10175882

Nice Suika OP!

>> No.10176393

how do you say "I would bang her" in Japanese

>> No.10176557
File: 479 KB, 1280x960, 000_0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always do my Japanese reps. To the date I've mastered over 1000 kanji.

>> No.10176946

Yeah I know my kana is terrible, actually just made an anki deck with proper SO to fix my shit. My す was def wrong.

>and your 右 actually turned into 石 twice

I was reviewing from English words on these mostly, always confuse the two (also can never remember the difference between the first two of 右 and 左 for that matter). I don't even know if Japanese would really even notice it in handwriting.

>> No.10179156

>also can never remember the difference between the first two of 右 and 左 for that matter

左 = left, the 2nd stroke is the left one/goes towards left
右 = right, the second stroke is the right one/goes towards right

>> No.10179172



>> No.10179177

>spanish (or portuguese) and the readings seem mostly chinese.

>> No.10179183

I like it.

>> No.10179207

Please, [...] my asshole. I love men.

A few more years and I'll actually be reading Japanese! :D

>> No.10179208

Saying 哪裡 instead of 哪兒 isn’t just Taiwanese, everyone in the south uses 裡 there. It’s mostly the Beijing area that loves the -er sound so much.

>> No.10179392

Is there any difference between 哪兒 and 哪儿?
The teacher also added that the -er sound was considered somewhat strange or cute in Taiwan; could this be their form of -ですing?

>> No.10179444

But you cannot learn Japanese.

>> No.10179459

The pleasure of being fisted with both hands in the ass.

>> No.10179462

>Is there any difference between 哪兒 and 哪儿?
Oh, no, I just didn’t switch to simplified IME. 兒 is just traditional 儿.
>could this be their form of -ですing?
Well it has nothing to do with です as in that they are completely different things, but in Beijing they love putting -er behind their words as much as possible.
Here’s a kawaii Mandarin instructor explaining 兒化, Bask in his kawaiiness.

>> No.10179470

Man...somehow I feel like I'm actually getting better at Japanese. I've never gotten better at anything I've ever attempted ever. Is this just some kind of sick joke?

>> No.10179471 [DELETED] 


You can delete you're post now and move to >>10174186

>> No.10179488

Keep doing your best everyday, I'm waiting for you...
-Your future Japanese wife

>> No.10179493

What have you tried to get good at before?

>> No.10179498


Mandarin is fucking adorable...but learning a tonal language sounds like a horrible ordeal.

>> No.10179507

Tonal languages are retarded as HELL. Sometimes, I just feel like saying everything in a monotone just to spite the Chinese and their shitty language.

>> No.10179517

haven't done shit in two months after learning 60 kanji. I want to do it but I feel like I'll have to start over.

>> No.10179526

You will have to start over if you continue doing nothing.

>> No.10179524

No it’s just that this man is very adorable rather than the language which is often very harsh.

>> No.10179548


You're thinking of Cantonese. I've always thought Mandarin was sing-songy and fun.

News woman croaking Cantonese and being oppressed:

>> No.10179579

He could do 60 in two days, or even one, if he already learned them before. I stopped once at around 300 or 400, and continued from there half a year later. Pretty much got them back in a week.

>> No.10179588

No I‘m TM thinking of Mandarin la

>> No.10179748

hot water?

>> No.10179758

My Japanese class are going out for our Christmas party on Monday, so I'd like to have reached 1000 kanji by then.
I just hit 900 today, so it should be possible.

>> No.10179817


are you autistic or something?

>> No.10179821

how do you mean?

I have a lot of time for kanji if that's what you mean

>> No.10179826

Yes and so am I and so are you

>> No.10179833

But i don't want to go among autistic people.

>> No.10179834


You're kind of in the wrong place then.

>> No.10179896
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I gradually didn't give a fuck

>> No.10179925

I always just imagine writing kanji because I fear wasting good paper, but what you're doing there looks to be a reasonably good alternative. I guess really writing something forces you to play your hand, while you could still get away with little mistakes otherwise.

>> No.10179935

I tried "writing" with my fingers for a while too. It's just not as effective, and your writing will never look decent unless you were good from the start.

>> No.10179945

I haven't used Anki in forever since I've switched to another SRS system.

Opened it up again because of this thread. 4000 reviews.


>> No.10179967

Just get a flat piece of light colored plastic and write on that with a pencil. When you run out of space just wash it off.
I got mine from an old cd case.

Or buy a mini whiteboard and a lot of markers. Those are really useful. But markers run out really fast, so you need an assload.

>> No.10179972 [DELETED] 

The new Anki version enforces a 100 reps/day limit (unless set up otherwise) to prevent you from falling into that pit of despair~

>> No.10179981

That's one of the reasons I'm sticking to anki 1, I do anywhere from 160 to 260 reviews a day. Also the UI sucks.

>> No.10179983

Only 100?

Hell, I averaged about 250 per day when I was using it.

>> No.10179991

Don't listen to the others! You're writing is moe! Moe!

>> No.10179999

How is it "enforcing" anything? How hard is it to click Options and change the review number to 9999 or whatever you want? Fucking idiot.

>> No.10180000 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 255x190, kaibaeye3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done them in like forever...

That's it! I will start doing them again today!
But only if this post ends in 0.

>> No.10180008

Now you have to work 4 times as hard!

>> No.10180010 [DELETED] 

That's why I said UNLESS SET UP OTHERWISE, nerdlords.

>> No.10180011

If you can simply change the option, then it's not ENFORCING anything, you fucking retard.

>> No.10180015 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10180017
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Congrats man.

>> No.10180020 [DELETED] 

Whatever. Just stop bullying me, idiot.

>> No.10180024

Maybe you shouldn't call others idiots when you don't even have a rudimentary grasp of the English language.

>> No.10180030 [DELETED] 

Whatever, idiot.

>> No.10180037

Nothing else to say, retard?

>> No.10180113

I haven't done my reps in days, I'm starting to get worried I will forget the ones I know and not meet my goal of 500 by new years

>> No.10180139
File: 78 KB, 500x557, g6zgG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have a tendency to grind out a shitton and then procrastinate for a few days and do zero anki, really gotta work on that. It does feel awesome to be making progress though, even if it is slow.

>> No.10180140
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>> No.10180235
File: 10 KB, 289x108, vocab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post em'

>> No.10180237

Does anyone know the name of the chrome extension that when you highlight a kanji, it gives you information on it?

>> No.10180248


I think this is what you're looking for? It's a port of rikaichan for FF.

>> No.10180260

E-Excuse my ignore but...
I just looked for Anki after seeing this thread a couple of times. I'm interested but I'm not sure how you guys are using it.
What are the decks that I should get?

>> No.10180265

create your own decks

>> No.10180272

If you are going through Heisig get the Remembering the Kanji deck

If you are going through Kanjidamage get a Kanjidamage deck

If you are going through whatever else see if there's a deck for it

Core 2000, Core 6000 decks are good for vocab

>> No.10180382

Kinda depends. Some people argue it's a waste of time to make your own decks, some say looking up the kanji, readings and other relevant shit as you enter the data into your SRS reinforces your memory of the kanji so you have to review less. I do my own RTK deck and it seems to be working decently for me right now.

I think most people would say core2k is probably the #1 deck to get, where you go from there depends on what part of the language you want to focus on and how advanced your Japanese is.

>> No.10180393

That Suika is very moe, where did you get her anon?

>> No.10180410

If you want to learn Japanese, it's not to waste all your time on decks. Just read real things instead of anki and use some extension for help.

>> No.10180425

Or you could just stop being a hipster newfag and do both.

>> No.10180430

Enjoy having to look up every single compound while reading which will take years before being able to read stuff like LNs smoothly, when you could just power grind through JLPT1-5 jukugo(10k words) in under 6 months and barely having to do this at all.

>> No.10180448

>and use some extension for help.

Never listen to people who say this. They probably can't even read without using a text hooker or something. Text hookers are useful, but only to make it easier to copy paste words into a dictionary online. You shouldn't use them for anything else or they will become a crutch.

>> No.10180450

How much better is this than the original? I am thinking about switching, but I don't want to lose my progress.

>> No.10180459

This. Although I would advocate switching off between reading and grinding.

>> No.10180486

I have to ask.
What did you guys start out with?
Hiragana, Katakana, what?
Pronunciation and speech, or writing?

Also, Rosetta Stone? Is it worth it?
Really, thanks.

>> No.10180497

1. Hiragana and Katakana
2. Grinded all 1760 kanji off Kanjidamage with readings(did kunyomi readings rated 3 stars or more)
3. Grinding vocab ~6000 words

>> No.10180498

learn the kana starting with hiragana then learn kanji

the words are easy to pronounce, i say it out loud every now and then as i write them

no it's not worth it at all.

>> No.10180499

I started by learning kana. Took two days. Then I did Heisig and learned all of the jouyou kanji. Took about three months. Then I went through a grammar book and learned grammar and some vocab.

>> No.10180500

I think kana should be top priority when you're getting started... romaji is retarded as hell and counterproductive for anyone that wants to do something above random conversational shit.

>> No.10180503

Forgot to put grammar in between the kanji and vocab.

>> No.10180513

I learned the Kana and my Kanji is going well, but I'm totally stuck on grammar. I've read through Tae Kim a few times but nothing is sinking in. What should I do, /jp/?

>> No.10180515

Use a real grammar book instead of some guide someone wrote.

>> No.10180541

yes thanks

>> No.10180559

I had this problem too. I grinded through rtk1 and started reading it but absolutely nothing was sticking around the halfway mark. Too many rules and stuff.
So I got that [clozed] anki deck and started grinding. It takes a lot of time to review, but it's helped me a lot. I don't think could have gotten through it any other way. I've only a few dozen cards left, then I'll move on to core.
The deck isn't polished, though. But you can fix it as you go.

>> No.10180572

Are you looking to understand Japanese only, or do you want to be able to construct grammatically correct sentences on your own?

If it's the former part, Tae Kim should do fine, since it's understanding conjugations for different tenses and particles that pretty much the only thing that matters.

Obviously te-form, masu-form, polite, honorific and humble forms etc. too.

If it's the latter you should try out stuff that has workbooks and exercises like Genki.

>> No.10180594

> Are you looking to understand Japanese only, or do you want to be able to construct grammatically correct sentences on your own?
Shouldn't the latter come naturally with experience?

>> No.10180603

What experience? If you are only reading you aren't going to be getting practice composing.

>> No.10180636

I'm guessing Anki is some sort of program? What's the deck thing?

>> No.10180649

I was worried about that deck, but it might be my only choice.
I want to speak it as though it was my native tongue. I have Genki here but I haven't looked at it yet because I was told TK was better.

I really don't like learning from books. They always confuse me. Do you know of some good video series to learn from?

>> No.10180655


>> No.10180684
File: 262 KB, 1280x800, muffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works like this. The recording got a little cut off, but you get the idea.

>> No.10180687

>I was worried about that deck
Me too, I actually tried it when I first started reading the guide and thought it was way too hard at the time.
But actually, it's not that bad. It's really slow at first, but now I don't mind grinding it as much. Just take it slow. Try not to go over 200 reviews/day. You also pick up vocab on the way. I suggest getting zkanji, minimizing it, and when you encounter an unknown word you highlight it and press ctrl+shift+j. Then type it in manually. You'll remember surprisingly fast that way.

>> No.10180694

Just say that was to show off your dwm desktop, dude.

>> No.10180697


It's like flashcards but they work better than normal flashcards because of science or something.

>> No.10180702
File: 260 KB, 799x799, 1351610145261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of anki reps I've just been looking up every kenji I come across by radicals. They seem to stick in my head better this way(because I subconsciously want to avoid the tedium of looking them up maybe?)

but i guess ill do anki reps too

Also guys, how do you remember those really dense kanjis? eg 違

the strokes are so tiny I can't even differentiate it from another kanji that looks the same

>> No.10180712

Context, sentence structure and being overly familiar with compounds using said kanji

>> No.10180723

I think over time you're going to internalize it to a degree but I think there's a huge difference between being able to interpret a language and being able to speak a language. With the former you're looking at grammatically correct sentences made by natives (hopefully) and trying to recognize grammatical elements and apply them to the words you know.

>> No.10180731

>Also guys, how do you remember those really dense kanjis? eg 違

I used Heisig so they all break apart easily into primitives and I can distinguish them with no trouble. If they're too tiny I zoom in.

>> No.10180768

if that's a really dense kanji for you you're in for a lot of fun in the future

>> No.10180784

When you learn the kanji and see it enough times, you kinda start getting the idea how it looks in a small font, even if you can't see individual strokes.

>> No.10180795

Oh, yeah. I get that. Kinda how in english you just glance at the first and last letter of a word and know what it is

>> No.10180911

So which decks are the best for learning kanjis? From what I can see, according to the ratings looks like Kanjidamage or Heisig is the most popular choice.

Or is there any other decks that is better than these?

>> No.10180928

Your question should be, "Which method is best for learning kanji?" Look into Heisig and Kanjidamage and decide which you want to use, if either. Heisig's book is called Remembering the Kanji, you'll need vol. 1 and the 2010 supplement (optional) if you have an older edition. It's scanned. Then get the deck which goes with your chosen method or make your own.

>> No.10180959

>Kanjidamage or Heisig is the most popular choice.
Yeah I think they're considered the two most popular systems that avoid rote memorization like the nipponskis do. I'd say do some research and give the decks a look, see which system works for you. I've never used kanjidamage but at the beginning of RTK1, Heisig explains in depth what you're in for and how it will work, you might take a look at the intro if you can find it somewhere.

I've heard a lot of people do RTK without hard copies of the book, just with the prebuilt anki deck and that reviewing the kanji website.

>> No.10180987

>I've heard a lot of people do RTK without hard copies of the book, just with the prebuilt anki deck and that reviewing the kanji website.

You'll need at least a scan of the book. The reason is that the primitives he uses will be either 1. other kanji, or 2. non-kanji characters. The primitives that are kanji will be on the cards on the website, but the ones that aren't kanji are only explained in the book. For example, you'll get to the kanji 却, and you'll think "what's that square thing on the right?" It's because the primitive was taught in the book and it isn't its own kanji. You could probably gather what it is from reading the suggested mnemonics, but people sometimes switch the primitive meaning (for better or worse). There is also extra information about some of the kanji in the book. It's scanned anyway so it shouldn't be a problem to get it.

>> No.10181002

Also some kanji will have a different primitive meaning suggested from their keyword, like 九 (nine) is given the term "baseball" or "baseball team" when used as a primitive. Stuff like that is only explained in the book.

>> No.10181062

I'll be sure to try these decks and see how it goes. Seems like its pointless for me to ponder and waste time for choosing which method to learn kanjis.

As for the Heisig's book, this is the one that I should be looking for?

>> No.10181101

I want that Miko Suika. Where did you get it?

>> No.10181109

Like I said, you need to worry about the method more than the deck. The deck is just something people put together to help you do the method you choose. And it's not wasting time to find something that works for you, since you're going to have to memorize ~2000 of the fucking things. It's going to take a while.

>> No.10181111

Also yes, that is the book.

>> No.10181138

Skip RTK and do KD and save yourself some money, since both methods use mnemonics and radicals.

Whether mnemonics will be to your liking or not is for you to decide. For me it did not work, and I moreso focused on radicals and rote memorization instead.

>> No.10181174

>and save yourself some money

We've been telling him to get a scan, you know.

>> No.10181182

Why would you encourage theft? That is against the Ten Commandments.

>> No.10181189

RTK is shit either way, as it requires a second book for the readings, while KD combines all of these elements on one page for every kanji.

>> No.10181196

Most people skip RTK2 and learn readings by doing vocab.

>> No.10181207

He argues that it's less efficient to learn the kanji and its readings at the same time, instead of learning kanji + "keyword" only and then getting to readings later.

Honestly I haven't really seen any real empirical evidence given from either side of the argument.

>> No.10181217

Isn't it a pain to memorize vocab that way? Like isn't it abstract as fuck to memorize shit like 大統領 or 駐車場 as opposed to someone that has done onyomi?

>> No.10181228



>> No.10181242

You're still going to have to do that to an extent even if you learn on-yomi, since there are jukugo that use kun-yomi readings.

But let's say I learn that college is 大学, だいがく. I now know that 大 is だい and 学 is がく and I can apply that elsewhere.

>> No.10181251

Ah, ok. Just asking since I did onyomi and wanted to know how it was like, since I'm usually having trouble with stuff that doesn't follow the usual readings.

>> No.10181329

Okay, after having a look at couple of pages for both RTK V.1 and kanjidemage, it looks like kanjidemage is more efficient for me to use since it has both On/Kun readings and some jukugo.
Actually, I'll tell you what I like/dislike about them:
- Heisig: Has stroke order, doesn't have readings, jukugo or any example sentences
- Kanjidemage: Has readings and jukugo, doesn't have stroke orders and example sentences
I don't find mnemonics useful and both have radicals which as a result I think kanjidemage would be the best choice.

Also, is there a way to get pdf files or some sort of printable resources for kanjidemage? because I don't want to study in front of computer and I would love to get a hard copy of it.

>> No.10181339

Is there a recommended anki deck for vocab?

>> No.10181350
File: 96 KB, 1600x1200, 2rqzsc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PDF: http://www.mediafire.com/?oxy031s07nt6oac

>> No.10181357


I like the Core 2000 decks, example sentences, audio and stuff. Neat deck.

>"Studied 249 cards in 34 minutes today"

I blame those fucking kanji reps.

>> No.10181356



>> No.10181368
File: 238 KB, 765x658, ss (2012-12-08 at 01.48.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core2k - basic shit
Core6k - a bit more less used stuff

Japanese CorePlus - includes everything off JLPT1-5 vocab list along with the Core stuff. Amounts to about 25000 words. Sadly this deck isn't in any particular order, so you can get JLPT 1 vocabulary all randomly. And you have to do as pic related, to avoid seeing the furigana in the background. Using an always on top script which puts the windows on top of the anki window, and then I just press Ctrl + Space when I have the Anki window focused, to put it on top of everything else, if I want to check if my answer was right.

>> No.10181379

...dammit anon that sounds so pathetic and yet it motivated me

>> No.10181383

Thank you.

I see you have binded it into three separate books.

>> No.10181389


>> No.10181468

Why do you learn Japanese?

>> No.10181472

That's an awfully inelegant way of doing it. You could just open the card browser, click a random card, click "card layout" and remove the brackets that give you furigana. This will remove the furigana field from every card using that layout.

>> No.10181496

I don't want to remove it completely. I still need the furigana to confirm if my reading was right or not.

>> No.10181521

Interested in the culture and media, academic interest in the language, unrealistic belief that it'll turn into a marketable skill one day.

>> No.10181527

Cut it out and paste it over to the answer side, then.

>> No.10181528

Eroge. Hey, at least I'm not a faggot like >>10181521.

>> No.10181535

Not even watching this thread but i'm going to learn Japanese now.

>> No.10181541

Because I want to play my porn games and become Moogy. Felt like I came to a point after spending thousands of hours on watching anime, which eventually made me take the first step.

>> No.10181542


Because I have games to play that will never receive a fucking english translation.

>> No.10181547

What margins did you use for that? both horizontal and vertical.

Also, is there a way to save it in pdf or any other format? Since I'll need to print it off from local printing office, html would be a no-no.

>> No.10181580

Isn't it just as expensive to print all of that out? Or do you have a laser printer?

>> No.10181607

An older PDF version is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/?j6jzs7lca5kxh6k

Keep in mind that this isn't as up to date as the single html file. You could convert html to PDF by using the Foxit PDF Editor.

>> No.10181682

Already done son, just starting though. 4 days ago i started the RTK deck

>> No.10181717
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are you me?

>> No.10181737


Practically all of my interests are Japanese in origin, so I figure I might as well learn the language so I don't have to sit on my ass waiting for translations that may never come. And when the day comes when I must shed my NEET lifestyle so I don't starve in a gutter it'll keep me a step above the rest, I guess.

>> No.10181794

I've always wanted to be able to speak another language but never had the motivation to, and it felt pretty wrong not being able to understand the one I hear on a daily basis. I wouldn't mind living in Japan for a bit either, but then again anywhere is probably better than this shithole.

>> No.10181835


Install Firefox and use the proper version of the extension. You shouldn't be using a botnet in the first place you fucking pleb.

>> No.10181976


Rikaichan all the way.

>> No.10182145
File: 4 KB, 427x80, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to start a deck like this? I was thinking about doing more than the allotted 20 on my first day so that on the second, I'll have more reps to do. But I'm afraid that might be unhealthy on the fourth day. How do you start new decks on your Anki?

Also, I've totally done my reps.

>> No.10182155

I suspended a years worth of studying. There is no reason for me to write kanji or vocab anymore since all I really want to do is read. But I can't help feeling disgusted.

>> No.10182197

If you are able to back up on your reviews, as in being able to put your soul into it, just grind the HELL out of it. And whenever you're done for the day, open your deck and add a custom deck out of it to cram forgotten cards.

Do this as much as possible until the next day when you're going to review.

That's what I did for 3 months, 4-6 hours a day for kanji. Doing the same for vocab now, managed to pull off 1400 words in 11 days, but then again I gained a lot of vocab from various other stuff, but still.

>> No.10182264


>> No.10182279

/jp/ I have a question. I'm currently grinding 10 kanji a day but I usually finish in about 1-2 hours and I want to spend another 1-3 hours on vocabulary. I have coreplus but I see you guys who say you learn like dozens of vocab words a day. I don't get it, how do you get it into your brains?

>> No.10182950

Have you seen FlashForward? There was a similar plot line in it.

>> No.10182979
File: 92 KB, 759x340, top-13e036bff039da154453399d317e5b67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanjidamage website
>learn kanji using Yo Mama jokes
>math stylezzz
>read why most kanji textbooks suck
>this image
The front page looks disgusting. I hope the content itself will actually be useful.

>> No.10182985

You forgot

>throwing out information and kanji I don't think you need

>> No.10183039

It's just a matter of how much time you spend on it. Right now I don't study very much (2-3 hours a day), but in the past when I was initially going through RTK I would spend about 6-7 hours a day on it and be able to learn about 50 or so kanji. After a couple hours you can get a bit fatigued, but you just have to push yourself to continue and while the rate of retention may reduce you'll still end up learning quite a bit.

Also, when you have the kanji down and know some basic vocab (a couple thousand words) further vocab can be quite easy to learn as you can often guess the reading/meaning from recognizing kanji that you've seen in other words. If you want to learn some vocab now go for it, but you may have issues with kanji that you don't know yet so it might be wise to instead spend that extra time on getting the kanji down.

>> No.10183063

>going through RTK I would... be able to learn about 50 or so kanji

Not the person you are responding to, but I do 50 a day as well. Yesterday I did 75 since I got behind on my schedule. I don't think my brain's ever felt so overloaded, but I reviewed them today and still knew them all.

Also I'd agree that Heisig should be done prior to tackling vocabulary, since RTK doesn't teach kanji in frequency order, but in the order easiest to learn them. If you start learning basic vocab you'll probably run into kanji you don't know just because Heisig teaches them at a later point even though they're common. Heisig is meant to be done fairly quickly to knock kanji out of the way so you can move on.

>> No.10183468

>Smell His Odor for SHO
>Smell Her Underpants for SHU
>JO as in, "Jack Off."
>GE, KA The GAY fella was below your CAR
>KEI it's OKAYYY to measure your pubic hair.
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
Is there a deck like this, but without mnemonic sentences, especially this shitty? I like how it's organized, but this shit distracts me. If there isn't, I'll probably just have to remove them myself.

>> No.10183473

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10183484
File: 20 KB, 834x370, screenshot_2012-12-08_15-14-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10182979 and >>10182985 - quotes from the website, >>10183468 - quotes from the cards.

>> No.10183496


>> No.10183563

So guys, I'm gonna start Kanjis, which resource do you suggest?

>> No.10183769

Whatever you do, don’t do this Kanjidamage garbage.

>> No.10183784

No one does mnemonics anyways, it's useless. Go for rote memorization and radicals instead.

>> No.10183835

Is it ok to just learn the kun-yomi if Im going to learn the onyomi through grammar anyways?

>> No.10183839

I really fucked up my firefox. Everytime I go to a website, it redirects me to another one like those pop up ones. I can only use chrome based browsers.

>> No.10183879 [DELETED] 

>writing horizontally instead of vertically
Why would you do this?

>> No.10183966

>writing horizontally rather than vertically

>> No.10183994 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10184018

If I plan to learn kanji by myself, which order is better? By JLPT levels or by this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Diku_kanji#First_grade_.2880_kanji ?

>> No.10184079


Try reading the fucking thread.

>> No.10184096
File: 2.45 MB, 2448x3264, SN3Q0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sleepy

>> No.10184103

Use JLPT levels if your goal is to pass the lowest level of the JLPT as quickly as possible.
Use the Kyouiku list if you are a Japanese primary school student.

Otherwise, I would suggest Heisig. If you want to use your own method, still use Heisig's order.

>> No.10184108

I-is that a Koishi keychain?
Oh god, I want one too so badly...

>> No.10184168

Although implicit, your image leads me to believe that you are studying English, rather than Japanese. As this is incongruous with the theme of this thread, I can't help but feel skeptical; nonetheless, it is a plausible truth and I cannot overlook its possibility.


>> No.10184174

If only grammar was as easy as grinding vocab.

>> No.10184178

didn't he just mistake which of the two he was supposed to repeat because he's sleepy?

>> No.10184180

shouldn't you be repeating the japanese word?

>> No.10184185

It's a joke. He's trying to show that's he's Japanese learning English, doing is English reps. It's funny because he's practicing advanced and obscure words almost nobody uses in everyday life

>> No.10184187

You don’t use implicit?

>> No.10184189

No, I'm not an autist like you.

>> No.10184191

This post seems plausible.

>> No.10184192

You don’t use plausible either?

>> No.10184194

No, but I do use plausible and skeptical from time to time. However, I have a pretty simple vocabulary and only rarely do I use advanced words in my speech. This does give me some inspiration to pick up Japanese again as I feel it's the same for Japanese speakers as well.

>> No.10184193


>> No.10184214


>> No.10184265

they are not
like the name implies, it's going to damage your brain

>> No.10184322

That aside, the deck doesn't look that bad. It has radicals and a couple of example words for every kanji.

>> No.10184346


>> No.10184406

/jp, do you have some words that you always misread in your head that makes you correct yourself everytime?

I always see 読売 and think どくばい, but then I instantly correct myself with よみうり. The fucking lack of okurigana pisses me off.

>> No.10184422


Yeah. I can't really finger any specific example right now, but I usually turn it into some kind of mnemonic and that's how I end up remembering it.

I do the same with plenty of English words, seems like a okay plan to me.

>> No.10184426

Get denpa songs stuck in your head. That will take care of grammar.

>> No.10184434


I have been getting 会as こんwhen it's かい because of 今 when I'm speeding through reviews.

>> No.10184475

Tend to read 通う as つう and 行う as いくう if I'm speeding through.

>> No.10184477


I'm not sure how that's supposed to help when you have no idea what they're saying.

>> No.10184829

>No one does mnemonics anyways, it's useless.


>> No.10184838

Man, I remember that shit. I tried KD at first but I just couldn't get his mnemonics to stick. Trying to throw on-yomi into the mnemonics just fucked everything up for me. Heisig worked so much better.

>> No.10187425

What if I try to do my reps but my dik won't let me?

>> No.10187438

I think they make medicine for that.

>> No.10187519


”this nerd"は"get a load of"だぞ。

>> No.10187531
File: 393 KB, 862x1206, 1354974290195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I notice I play a lot of Starcraft 2 and League. If I could get Japanese voices for these games it would help my immersion environment a lot, however fortunately they don't exist.

What are game good online games/MMOs that have Japanese voices?

>> No.10187590

Play them with nips.
Talk to them with your mic.

>> No.10187639
File: 704 KB, 492x1500, kana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only kanji writing I did homework for my course.

>> No.10187641


da zo.

It's really masculine way to end a sentence.

>> No.10187672

what about this?

>> No.10187690 [DELETED] 
File: 969 KB, 1283x2157, 1348225186960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Patchouli in the OP. Please tell me all about it.

>> No.10188785
File: 11 KB, 118x114, Capturee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10188814

I haven't done my reps in forever and I feel like shit because of it... I'm so busy though with other studying that I've fallen horribly behind on my Japanese studies...

Any like anime with intermediate vocab that I can just turn on and leave in the background to listen to for comprehension practice?

>> No.10188881


I severely whip my back with a belt if I ever get lazy and avoid doing my reps. If I avoid doing it multiple days in a row then I smash my head against the wall and punch myself repeatedly.

I once gave myself a black eye, cut my forehead on the edge of a table, and punched a piece of metal until my knuckles were bleeding after three days of slacking.

>> No.10189014

I wish Tae-kim's guide had exercises for each of the grammar points. I can't seem to get a grasp of the grammar without at least applying it to something myself.

The Introduction to Modern Japanese book is nice and thorough but the second book, which is the exercise book, isn't scanned.

Guess I have to use Genki.

>> No.10189107

Ive been grinding my Kanji, but I always wonder if I should be trying to learn grammar and vocab at the same time. Ive been hesitant to do so due to the fact that im learning based on radicals and probably wont recognize any of the kanji.

>> No.10189119

I used to do something like this, although I slammed my forehead in frustration because of certain compounds that just couldn't get to my head. Always went around with big ass bumps/blue marks, and people would ask me where I got them from.

>> No.10189182


Pretty much any generic high school harem romance anime

>> No.10189196

If you aren't learning kanji by frequency order then you should finish studying the jouyou kanji before moving on, because yes you'll probably run into kanji that are used frequently but you don't know yet. Studying them the way you're doing, or by Heisig or RTK, is good though since it makes learning them easier and quicker, so don't think you picked a bad method.

>> No.10189413

That makes me feel a bit better since everyone is constantly saying I have to learn all 3 at once even though im using KD. Should I focus on the kun-yomi or just save it for grammar?

>> No.10189461

Do whatever suits your pace. I did Heisig so I learned readings through vocab. If you want to do kun-yomi you can but it might make KD more of a pain since kun-yomi aren't part of the mnemonics.

>> No.10189495

After seeing how many kun-yomi there was I started skipping them and just doing the On-yomi. I just felt like I might have been shooting myself in the foot by doing that.

>> No.10189542

You'll learn them through vocab either way.
