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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10184943 No.10184943 [Reply] [Original]

What non-Touhou doujin danmaku have you been enjoying recently, /jp/?

Been playing a lot of Alternative Sphere and RefRain myself.

>> No.10184982

there's no replies

>> No.10185036

Played touhou for years, I thought about giving dodonpachi a try. Looks nice.

>> No.10185045

Very few people on /jp/ play shooting games besides Touhou. And probably 90% of the ones that play Touhou only play it because of the secondary material and not because they are fans of STGs.

>> No.10185047

RefRain Prism Memories is made by the Seihou team as a spirtual successor to Samidare, right?

>> No.10185076
File: 541 KB, 1136x1063, YuKaishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars matrix, I manage to get to stage 5 with 1 CC sometimes, to 6 a couple of lucky runs but FUCK, that FUCKING stage 6 FUCKING BOSS.

What kind of sick and degenerated mind creates something so outrageous yet beautiful at the same time.

As funny fact, has anyone realized that the attack of the boss I just mentioned when it's in flower bloom mode looks like Pc-98 Yuka last spellcard but much, much more harder?

>> No.10185091

There were no replies because posting was down for a while.
I only feel motivated to play touhou or really old Toaplan stuff, so I guess you do have a point.

>> No.10185098

>I only feel motivated to play touhou or really old Toaplan stuff, so I guess you do have a point.

Just look at the STG threads and see how much discussion there is about Touhou in comparison to other games. People will mention other games and there will be no replies. People will insult games that aren't Touhou, etc.

>> No.10185138
File: 703 KB, 641x480, アマツカミの巫女.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10185141

Ok let's see, 2 years ago I REALLY got into Eden's Aegis, it's freeware and a really small filesize too.
1cc'd all characters on Heaven mode and once in Original mode, there's a hidden Accel mode with fewer, super fast bullets, playing as the short range character in there was really fun.

Gundemonium and Hitogappa are really, really great considering how old they are. Exceed 3 is also awesome.
I gave another shot at Hellsinker after the translation came out this year, though it didn't really help me understand anything that was going on.
Crimzon Clover is awesome for working the point items into the gameplay as unlockables. But I suck at it too.

>> No.10185154
File: 6 KB, 254x222, gun-nac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly bullet hell in places. No idea how the NES handled it.

>> No.10185155

The people mentioning CAVE are blatant trolls, saying your favorite series of games suck to your face isn't exactly the right way to make friends or start a conversation.

Also, have you checked out /vg/, they have an excellent arcade shmup general over there.
And if you read the OP properly he's specifically asking for doujin games.

>> No.10185159

>The people mentioning CAVE are blatant trolls

Not talking about that.

>And if you read the OP properly he's specifically asking for doujin games.

So? I stand by what I said about /jp/ and shooting games.

>> No.10185173

I guess you're right.
I'd gladly watch you stream a CAVE playthrough if you're up to it.
Summer Carnival 92' Recca on hard mode was worse.

>> No.10185236

OP here. I find something charming about doujin games that I've just never found in a commercial release. Maybe it exists, but I haven't seen it. Why does it always seem like the best games are made by one guy alone his in his room?

>> No.10185235

>Summer Carnival 92' Recca on hard mode was worse.

Someone linked this in /prog/:

I mentioned Gun*Nac in that thread too, but this game is definitely harder and more technologically advanced.

>> No.10185242

STGs are the kind of games where the fans know best. If a shmup fan makes a game he enjoys, then chances are other shmup fans will enjoy it too.

I know what you mean though. It reminds me of the ``bedroom programmer'' scene of the 80s and 90s. Doujin games (particularly STGs) are keeping that sort of spirit alive.

>> No.10185248
File: 24 KB, 320x240, rr_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am addicted to everything ABA Games has made.

>> No.10185251

Crimzon Clover

>> No.10185254

My arcade stick is broken, so I'm currently not playing any.
>Exceed 3 is also awesome.
Which do you prefer? Black Package or Jade Penetrate?

That guy is concerned with nothing but making a game that he likes, whereas a company becomes more concerned with pushing out shit that EVERYONE will like as it becomes bigger.

>> No.10185266

What was that one shooter where you fought an endless stream of bosses?

>> No.10185278

I never hear anything about Crimzon Clover on /jp/. Was it a failure?


>> No.10185288
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, gundemonium collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundemonium Recollection, Deathsmiles

>> No.10185302

Revolver 360 (Xbox Live arcade)

Asterbreed (trial)

>> No.10185999
File: 345 KB, 1280x960, 13550238100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RefRain and exception.

exception is playable in multiplayer.

>> No.10186060

>Asterbreed (trial)
Is it out yet?

>> No.10186073

DoDonPachi is rather quite not doujin.

I guess you could say that, though it's not very much of a spiritual successor. The mechanics are quite different.

>I'd gladly watch you stream a CAVE playthrough if you're up to it.
I'll probably do this in... maybe a week? I'm really busy these days unfortunately.

>Was it a failure?
Crimzin Clover is the furthest thing away from a failure that I can possibly think of. It's the exact opposite of a failure.

>> No.10186139

Warning Forever

also rRootage

>> No.10186156

I am too retarded to work anything more complicated than an EXE or RAR, so I can't into RefRain using the first page of google.

>> No.10186203

I'm still look for a working link for Hellsinker.
In the meantime, I've been trying to play the Exceed games, but they always crap out half way through the first level. Which is odd, because I damn well know my computer can handle all of the bullets. I dunno, maybe it's the game.

>> No.10186254

> rRootage

Was that the one with the Ikaruga mode?

Fun game.

>> No.10186555

Doesn't exception get really slow on the highest difficulty? I don't know how they expected it to run on jap computers.

>> No.10186579

Trying to get my monkey ass through BWRPlus on Hell/Accel.
At this point it feels like a game where the trash is more threatening than the bosses. I get walled in by those little fucks every time and they eat my bombs like candy. My bullets aren't enough, I need more bullets to come out of my ship. I may have to abandon Hope and use Wish or Eden if I want to clear Hell.

>> No.10186597

What hurts the stage three boss? I haven't played in a long time and I forgot how to even hurt it.

>> No.10186604

Hitogata Happa
Please god someone help me. This shit is impossible.

>> No.10186800

It's not that bad on the easiest difficulty (hohoho).

Collecting lots of items is the main thing to make tons of extra lives, and using the suicide attacks alot

>> No.10187340

I liked Exceed 3rd a lot. But then I stopped caring about STGs for a few months again. Almost had a normal+ex clear last time.

>> No.10187836

The problem with the /vg/ thread is, it last about 3 days before falling off the board, then doesn't get remade for about a month. That there's a few dumbass trolls that can't tell their arse from their elbow (SPC being the main one)

>> No.10187858

Crimzon Clover was underwhelming for a lot of people, I wouldn't call it a failure though, enough people liked it for an Arcade port to made (not sure if it's out yet)

>> No.10187862

I fapped surprisingly hard to that STG.

>> No.10192025


>> No.10192120

I never figured out how the fuck you were supposed to play that game.

>> No.10192137

>Crimzon Clover was underwhelming
If you don't mind the expression, how the bloody fuck could it possibly be underwhelming? I don't see any way in which it could be described that.

>> No.10192174

That's half the challenge.

>> No.10193134

That just means the game clicked with you well, a lot of people were disappointed with it.
Personally I wasn't a fan, the scoring system wasn't my cup of tea (which is a pretty big part of what I enjoy about STGs) the length of the game, especially the final stage, made it feel like a chore at times and I found myself getting bored if I played a few credits in a row. Aesthetically it wasn't very good, I know they were going for the "120% explosions" thing but a lot of the time it just looked a mess, that being said when the screen wasn't full of exploding crap it looked quite nice.

>> No.10193138

Are there any interesting doujin shmups coming up for 2013?

>> No.10193158

Non-touhou shmups seem to take forever to get uploaded anyway. Don't hold your breath over it.

>> No.10194746

It never seemed to get THAT explode-y unless it was unlimited mode.

And if you think that's a chore, Hellsinker is twice as long.
