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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 126 KB, 1240x874, 1335074866745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10182693 No.10182693 [Reply] [Original]

NEET Lifestyle Thread

The other thread is on the way out so lets go for another round: what is everyone doing to keep busy today?

>> No.10182700

Think I might make myself some tea and watch some Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.10182702

Looking for a job

Anyone have some good networking tips other than Facebook?

>> No.10182716

lol. I think i have carpal tunnel.

>> No.10182721

I want everyone to see my blog updates though.

>> No.10182718

What sort of job? Like just a reg'lar every day wage slave job? No networking required. Put in your application and call once a week on wednesday.

>> No.10182719

The other thread is still on page 2.

>> No.10182720

I've been wearing the same pair of pants for a week.

>> No.10182726

There's this faggot outside my window talking about his feelings and how he has reformed himself and talking with the sort of self-assured confidence that makes me want to puke. On top of that, my neighbors below me are blasting music so I can hear the bass, and this is the second day in a row of them doing that.

>> No.10182731

My keyboard broke just some hours ago, and now I have no idea about what I should do to fill up my time.

>> No.10182733

>Taking job advice in a NEET thread

Think about it.

>> No.10182736

I'm not sure what you mean. Most of us are just weekend NEETers.

>> No.10182748

That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.10182749

Well we're all bros here. Take it easy.

>> No.10182746
File: 66 KB, 410x386, 1329778546721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not how you NEET.

>> No.10182750

Go to accessibility and turn on your virtual keyboard silly anon.

>> No.10182751

Use your phone's keyboard to type on your pc

>inb4 neet no use for phone

>> No.10182754
File: 29 KB, 360x360, 1336931468562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who NEET here?

>> No.10182758

Are you NEET if you're very heavily studying C and have an offer to a university course next semester?

>> No.10182757


>> No.10182763

Pure normalfuck

>> No.10182770

I'm okay with this

>> No.10182776

Do you even know what NEET stands for?

>> No.10182782

Yes, that's why it's ambiguous.

Spell it out for me and explain why I am or am not, then.

The C is self-study but it's course-relevant.

>> No.10182787

You are attending a university, that makes you in education. You aren't a NEET.

>> No.10182789

Do you know what "offer next semester" means?

>> No.10182791

I'll leave it up to you.

>> No.10182793

It means that you have been accepted and are attending that university.

>> No.10182796

I'm not attending this moment, I will be attending starting next semester

>> No.10182800

I think you're still technically counted as in education.

>> No.10182805

That is like saying how people on their semester break ARE NEET because their next semester hasnt started.

In your case your freaking studying to get into a university, how is that not in EDUCATION/TRAINING.

>> No.10182804

waiting for dec 21 and the collapse of the dollar.

>> No.10182807

I'm not studying to get into a university. I've been accepted into the course. What I do today just makes my first year much easier (probably insanely easy)

>> No.10182811

I did that and I'm doing it now , but without me keyboard I'm bored

>> No.10182821

Are you tsundere for the university or something?

I'm not studying to get into you... stupid!

>> No.10182824

Go dig out a backup keyboard.

>> No.10182827

Nah just trying to stay productive with all this fucking time on my hands.

Job at McDonalds opens

100 applicants oh lawd

Like that everywhere here.

>> No.10182828

Ok whatever.
You are studying in anticipation of your University life. Dear NEET wannabe, if you really want to fit in, piss and shit on the floor & submit your resignation letter to your boss/university admins.
Bonus point for achieving hikki status by locking oneself in the room.

>> No.10182830

I broke them too

>> No.10182835

Try to get a job placement counselor instead of applying for jobs you know are going to be filled with high school students. They actually have connections in the business world.

>> No.10182854

My brother's a /jp/ tier NEET for sure (Maybe even above), no real interests above yu-gi-oh and anime, 24 and still unemployed. He goes to the jbo center to do all that shit you mentioned weekly and it doesn't help him. In fact it looks like a cancer to your applications if you're signed like that.

I do have skills he doesn't have, though but even then most of them are underdeveloped or unmarketable.

>> No.10182913

Job centers don't look bad at all on applications. Companies specifically seek out job centers for pre-screened qualified applicants.

>> No.10182921

You need to have good qualifications though. I have great high-school grades and no further-education degree. High school grades with no degree are pretty much worthless which is why they unofficially encourage people who have no chance at university to leave school at 15 and find work.

>> No.10182928

I watched a bunch of videos at Khan Academy.

>> No.10182949

I was wishing I was NEET so much I did go to any of my lectures this week and I hae an assignment for next week.

so I'm ordering my cute girls folder

>> No.10182954
File: 37 KB, 512x512, jp room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so much talk about jobs?
Is this a 'How to get out of NEETdom' advice thread?

>> No.10182962

wow did you draw that?

it looks really nice.

>> No.10182963

Will you go out with me?

>> No.10182967

>failing out of college by choice
>not realizing how dumb it is

There's still time to fix your mistake. Despite the glory given to being NEET here, it is generally an undesirable status unless you're retired.

>> No.10182970
File: 123 KB, 800x800, headscratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I just slapped a /jp/ on it

>> No.10182975

what's with your obsession with maids, then? it seems to be the only thing you post.

>> No.10182976

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10182981

Some sort of complex that makes me want to use reaction images that I got from 'obscure' japanese boards and nobody else here uses.
I don't actually care for the maids.

>> No.10182984

i see. i think it's really cute, please don't let what i said deter you from posting them!

>> No.10182986

Yeah I know, I did this on the first ever assignment as well ended up passing comfortably.
I don't even know why I'm at univerisity anymore though

>> No.10182996

Tell me more about the obscure japanese BBSes/imageboards please, I only know a few mainstream ones.

>> No.10183004
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Do you guys even realize that none of your kawaii 2D fucktoys are NEETs, nor would they ever desire to be with one?

Even if you do get into Gensokyo you'll just be shunned for being a worthless non-contributing zero. Just like you are now.

Get a job, bums.

>> No.10183005
File: 114 KB, 477x600, 1320225520555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've begun listening to audio books. I'm currently listening to some Lovecraft stuff and Notes from the Underground. Today I slept until 8pm. I had to visit the hospital yesterday for routine treatment, so I'm pretty worn out.
I have a lot of trouble getting interested in things usually, but a few days ago I played Bastion in one sitting and enjoyed it. I think I will replay Cave Story next. I also want to play some new VNs, if anyone has suggestions.

I sure hope my post isn't completely ignored, nor kills the thread!

>> No.10183007

Maybe I'd take you seriously if you didn't use an anime picture.

Back to replying to yourself.

>> No.10183008

What if my 2D fucktoy is rich? I can freeload off her.

>> No.10183009

I don't have a 'waifu' because I know this, silly. I can survive alone fairly adequately.

>> No.10183027

I read a bunch of ebooks about web design, because I'm going to start a bunch of shady porn sites and make millions!

I worked it out, /jp/. With a million dollars invested into treasury bonds, I can make an income of almost 2500$ a month! (That's only worth 1000$ a month in today-dollars at 3% inflation after thirty years, so I'd better reinvest.)

And when I get rich, I'm going to by a bunch of land in the country and build a house and a pond, and a fig collection, and a fiber internet connection, and buy all the Touhou games, VN's, Eroges, anime, and music that I've pirated, and I'm going to buy a bunch of nice teas so I don't have to drink the generic store brand tea anymore, and I'm going to stop eat god damn maruchan ramen every day. It'll be nice.

>> No.10183032

I propose we change "NEET" to "NEEET" to avoid this issue in the future: "Not enrolled, in education, employment, or training".

>> No.10183033

What do your porn sites offer that isn't already available?

>> No.10183043

I'm going to make it very mobile friendly so that people can look at porn on their phones. I will also have much more irrelevant tags and other garbage to get a higher rating on google. I may also make them social, so people can favorite videos and meet freaks who are into tamakeri bukkake and share their favorite videos.

>> No.10183041
File: 323 KB, 714x420, surprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just call it NEETY
Not in Education Employment or Training Yet


>> No.10183046

Please don't make such stupid comments. Also, you forgot to enter "sage" in the e-mail field.

>> No.10183048

I just call myself 'irresponsible'.

>> No.10183050
File: 104 KB, 407x542, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still didn't bump the thread genius

>> No.10183053

But the noko+sage trick is confusing. Please avoid using it.

>> No.10183056 [DELETED] 


>> No.10183057

I want to have some oranges now...

>> No.10183059

Your posts make me feel sad..

>> No.10183065
File: 382 KB, 663x703, 1235070409059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much more comfortable as I don't have to enter sage manually.
All my posts are never bumping

Plus it comes with the benefits of not making outsiders think I 'downvoted' their thread.
In fact you seem to be the one that thinks sage should be used in such a way that it is clearly visible to others.

>> No.10183075

Anon, instead of fighting over how you use sage in this thread, how about telling me about those imageboards?

>> No.10183078

I'm really sorry. I hope you can take it easy.

I don't think that at all. I'm sorry for confusing you.

Take it easy, please. I won't bother you again today. ;_;

>> No.10183079

I'm not sure I like this "nokosage only" trend. Hopefully it'll pass.

>> No.10183082

You'll lose a thousand dollars on hosting and pull the plug in a month.

>> No.10183081
File: 135 KB, 600x600, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it'd tell you about those imageboards then they would be one step closer to being less 'obscure' now wouldn't they?
That would make the point of them moot to me

>> No.10183088

Watching Grave of the Fireflies as part of my half assed Ghibli marathon. Maybe some Nichijou after that.

>> No.10183086
File: 15 KB, 160x160, 2mhfxo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhh, even on the internet I can't even make a ripple.
I'm going to find something to do, I hope the rest of you enjoy your night/day.

>> No.10183092

I'm been marathoning Sailor Moon for a week straight. You are nothing compared to me.

>> No.10183089

I share with /jp/ some obscure doujin soft and they continue to be obscure. Give me at least a lead or two, or link me one of them, please!

>> No.10183090

You too!

>> No.10183097
File: 94 KB, 462x493, cornered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I can not do so.
Chances are you might know them in the first place and I feel embarrassed about calling them obscure.
In fact I have found them through /jp/ anyways, so there are at least some other anons that know them.

>> No.10183098

Just a quick question, am I supposed to be impressed or feeling pity?

>> No.10183103

Okay, I'll be impressed after that.

>> No.10183100

Fuck you. I'll watch all of CardCaptor Sakura next!

>> No.10183125 [SPOILER] 
File: 910 KB, 1686x2028, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't sleep so I took Satori on Omegle and documented the reactions of other human beings.

Now I'm going to bed.

>> No.10183145

I made a website, but I'm not sure if it's going to be popular. Aside from that I have no backup plan.

I live a house alone with money from my other family after my dad kicking me out, and I think they plan to cut me off soon.

I'm too shy to shop at grocery stores, so I usually go to McDonalds at 3am or the konbini late at nite (though I'm so skinny you can see my ribs), so my money rations run out fast.

>> No.10183173
File: 25 KB, 572x351, saying-google-in-jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masturbating furiously to my 2d loli hentai.

>> No.10183179

I'm looking at some onaholes. I want a clear one so I can see what ejaculation looks inside.

>> No.10183214

Why is the girl on the 2nd to last row, 2nd from the left so shocked?

>> No.10183216

I hate niggers
they ruin all porn they're in.

>> No.10183229

Please post your website

>> No.10183233


They hate smelly NEET basement racist otaku too.

>> No.10183242


I can't. It's embarrassing.

>> No.10183243

I am black and I find it hard to actually hate someone. I may dislike one aspect of a person, but to hate a person in their entirety because of a few things I disagree with them on will probably never happen.

>> No.10183268

i hate how niggers think that being dumb, and not noticing when someone insults them equates to being "a person who doesn't hold a grudge".
14 words my brothers.

>> No.10183271

steins;gate if you haven't played it yet

>> No.10183277

I'm racially aware.

>> No.10183275


Are you retarded?

>> No.10183283


Poorly written generalizations and logic errors don't make you racially aware.

>> No.10183286

says the jew.

>> No.10183290


I didn't know Asians could be Jewish. Tell me more before I leave, and you go back to projecting self-pity by spouting nonsense.

>> No.10183295

Israel is in Asia.

>> No.10183296

You've been tricked!
T-This is my first trolling attempt, it seems to have worked pretty well, what about you? A-are you excited? D-do you feel like punching the screen? Please reply.

>> No.10183299


Y-you too.

>> No.10183302

Umad Utricked

>> No.10183307


You were never trolling. You were just stupid.

I was only replying to the other anon pretending to be you who said it was a joke because he was cute.

>> No.10183313

It was always me, does that mean you think i'm cute? Thank you.
>You were never trolling. You were just stupid.
Isn't it the same? Could you explain the difference if it is not? I value customre opinion very hghly.
Please reply.

>> No.10183315

When I saw my grandma today I realized she that still looks at me the same way as when was a child. Its been 22 years and yet I'm still her ageless grandson. The guilt was strong enough to make me cry, I cant knowingly give up my life if she is alive to find out.

>> No.10183320


It wasn't always you, because the other person was me.

>> No.10183323

It was me, stop trolling.

>> No.10183325

I am so ashamed of my lifestyle, that I can't speak to my relatives at all. They try to contact me, but I never answer. They probably think that I hate them or something.

>> No.10183327

I need socks

>> No.10183332

Me, too. I have so few socks/underwear I often wear the same pairs for a day or two. It's disgusting. I'll order some from Amazon now.

>> No.10183330


>> No.10183341

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10183345 [DELETED] 

I been workin on my kawaii anime loli voice. It's gettin there

>> No.10183350 [DELETED] 

http://vocaroo.com/i/s0QZROiRH0hJ =w= soo moe

>> No.10183351

What the FUCK is /gp/?

>> No.10183352

gay pee lmao

>> No.10183356

Temp agency called this morning and asked me to come in to finalize things monday

Looks like I might be working for another few months again, after this long of a neet phase it'll be nice to regain some funds. Too bad I'll be too busy hating life to enjoy the money while I have an income.

>> No.10183358

Good luck with your new job. Maybe it won't be so bad.

>> No.10183359 [DELETED] 


>> No.10183360

hell yeah nigga

>> No.10183368 [DELETED] 

I actually laughed. gj

>> No.10183380 [DELETED] 

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly makes you ashamed to contact them, Is it just your method of living?

I think most of my shame comes from the impossible standards by which I judge myself by. To me is seems as if I want to become this flawless supreme being yet I'll always be the same. There is a good chance I'm a decent person but I'll never be able to realize since I have no real sense of self awareness.

>> No.10183388 [DELETED] 

I think most of my shame comes from the impossible standards by which I judge myself by. To me is seems as if I want to become this flawless supreme being yet I'll always be the same. There is a good chance I'm a decent person but I'll never be able to realize it since I have no real sense of self awareness.

>> No.10183392

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly makes you ashamed to contact them, Is it just your method of living?

I think most of my shame comes from the impossible standards by which I judge myself by. To me is seems as if I want to become this flawless supreme being yet I'll always be the same. There is a good chance I'm a decent person but I'll never be able to realize it since I have no real sense of self awareness.

>> No.10183421

Marathoning Welcome to NHK, about a third in so far.

Misaka's character doesn't fit in with the show and the whole NHK theory is derpy.

Other than that this is "/jp/: The Anime."

>> No.10183429

>Only a third in.
Just wait anon, it gets worse/better.
I also recommend you read the manga as well.

>> No.10183433

>Is it just your method of living?
It's not the NEET lifestyle itself, it's the fact that I am 25 year old and I still depend on my mother to support me. They don't even know that I've dropped out of uni years ago. They also haven't seen how much weight I've gained due to my compulsive overeating.

Many people look decent and sane on the outside, but there are all kinds of shit going in their private lives. So I don't have any impossible standards. I think I would be quite content if I could support myself without becoming a wageslave, proud even.

>> No.10183437

I'm sorry to hear about what's happened, Anonymous. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.

>> No.10183452


>the whole NHK theory is derpy
>Other than that this is "/jp/: The Anime."

Just replace NHK with "Big Jew" or some other nutty conspiracy theory that some NEETs use to rationalize their failure at life.

>> No.10183453
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>> No.10183458
File: 977 KB, 1316x803, 47885-Touhou-Reimu-Hakurei-car-city-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NEET who happens to know how to work on cars. I just sold a car that I bought for $500 and repaired to resell for $2000. It was hard work, but a $1500 profit is enough for me to live on for several months. The key to surviving as a NEET is to use your natural talents to make money yourself.

>> No.10183459

I see, I think that not being independent is my biggest shame also. In addition I too have an eating problem it coincides with my preferred suicide method, starvation.

>> No.10183463

...and have space where you can work on cars and a place people will put up with your junkers and rednecky shit around.

>> No.10183464

Kill yourself

>> No.10183479

That's the lovely thing about living in the USA, you can buy a cheap house for $30k or less out in the woods and survive just fine on your own with no neighbors to worry about.

>> No.10183480
File: 31 KB, 600x750, 1351981980804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudist outpost with trailers and hemp and junk cars all around

>> No.10183483
File: 235 KB, 660x547, Snug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't sleep.
I keep thinking of how nice it would be to hold somebody in your arms, or somebody holding you in their arms.
Warming them up as I wrapped my arms around them. Or having them hug me, and feeling them be at my side. It seems like it would be really nice. I wish I could have somebody's arms around me.

>> No.10183493


I was imagining I was hugging and fugging Madoka in bed last night. My large plushie dog has flappy ears that I can pretend are Madoka's hair puffs.

>> No.10183494


That's awesome. I was thinking of doing something similar like buying up shit homes, fixing them up, and selling them at a profit but don't know now with the housing bubble.


It's not that hard to find someone. Just lower your standards.

>> No.10183540


I wish I read it sooner. Hiki-neetdom all comes down to complacency and being spoiled by our parents. The moment will come when our only option is working or starving.

>> No.10183598

I always think of this before sleeping. I'm not even bad looking.
4chan changed me. I was always a nerd or whatever but I could of survived.
All this red pill dosage I've taken over the years made me realize a lot of things and made me into what I am today.
Its not like I needed it. I voluntarily accepted it.

>> No.10183745 [DELETED] 

>all comes down to
/jp/ pls

>> No.10183924
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x1568, 29677142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

>> No.10183936

my day was ruined by u just now >:(

>> No.10183949


u r a faget

>> No.10183975

The anxiety is tearing me apart. A few weeks ago I google searched the name of a somewhat obscure PS2 game. A couple days later, someone made a thread about it in here. Coincidence? I think someone put a keylogger in my computer and he's teasing me. What does he want?

>> No.10183977

Clearly Morphic Resonance or whatever that bullshit is called now.
And stop stealing my paranoid delusions, nerd.

>> No.10183989

We can be paranoid together.

>> No.10184004

I just finished finals and started winter break. Can I be NEET too?

>> No.10184005

I like that idea, gonna use it from now on

>> No.10184012

You guys helped ruin me. If it wasn't for this site being the only sanctuary left on the internet,I would of have left to help adjust my life on track. By that I mean almost* everything that comes in the whole "neet" package.

>> No.10184023 [DELETED] 

>would of have
I'm afraid the damage is quite deeply rooted.

>> No.10184026


I knew someone would point that out...

>> No.10184051
File: 307 KB, 578x818, 20373907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a mulligan, go to sleep and start a new one!

Maybe they just want to be friends and are too shy to contact you directly.

>> No.10184076
File: 102 KB, 480x640, 173960624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is everyone doing to keep busy today?
Earnin' dat paper, nigga.

In all seriousness though, work. I got a job a few months ago and am still slowly adjusting to living on a schedule and picking up more of those pesky responsibilities most adults have. It kinda sucks, but you get used to it. On the bright side, my life appears to have been all candy and rainbows compared to the hard, drama-filled lives of my coworkers. Yeesh...

>> No.10184088

I've been streaming a lot of Max Payne. I'm going to start Part 2 today.

>> No.10184091 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting? Why are you posting pictures of skanks? Why are you not sageing?

>> No.10184093

Why post in a neet thread if you have a job?

>> No.10184099

Quoting OP and I forgot.

To shitpost of course!

Polite nokosage

>> No.10184101 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the spoiler feature.

>> No.10184102

He's quoting the OP, dumbass. Stop abusing the anti-abuse feature already!

>> No.10184105

I don't even have anything against your kind, but it's strange to me how this correlation of working status vs post quality exists.

>> No.10184107

The correlation goes the other way.

>> No.10184209

I thought of a kind of jioke, but I don't know how to execute it.

"neko the woods." Kind of like Neck of the woods.

Maybe it would make for a nice screen name.

>> No.10184286

I had no luck finding someone who was both 2D, and who I could physically interact with

>> No.10184387

You know the housing market is in recovery right?

>> No.10184944
File: 94 KB, 593x792, 1353396524741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get'n butt naked in the woods

>> No.10184959

lol at this guy all alone on his website


>> No.10184968

I've been sick since I woke up, so I haven't really done anything other than watch Fringe and a couple animes.

>> No.10184977
File: 56 KB, 876x876, 1340030704699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I'm stuck with the opposite. I feel resentful of many of my co-workers over how coddled and spoiled they are. It's no surprise they got to this point without much sweat thanks to having a functional family who bought them cars and free rides to uni and shit. It's easy to get a good mark when you don't have to work to survive as well. It's easy to interact and have normal relationships if you came from loving non-abusive parents and have no mental problems etc. etc. I really can't relate to yuppies yet I'm trying to eke out a better living in one of their positions.

>> No.10184995
File: 73 KB, 424x600, ест чо.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy a cute tracksuit so I could go squat with Konata. What color/brand tracksuit does /jp/ wear when squatting?

>> No.10185006

How did you get sick if you're a truNEET?

>> No.10185015

I caught my mother's cold, she caught it from my sister.

>> No.10185034

I had to close the window while I was sleeping because it was too cold.

>> No.10185070

How long has it been since you first started NEETing? Do you or can you even keep track anymore?

>> No.10185081

Browsing /jp/ and looking at otaku and anime shit to distract myself from how lonely I am right now

Also, I love my waifu <3

>> No.10185089

get well soon!

>> No.10185094

I guess this can be quite a common problem for NEET's
I know it often happens to me.
Since we never leave our own habitat our immune system doesn't have much contact with foreign germs.
It, like us, becomes lazy and weak.

My mother works at a school, and when she comes home with a cold, I get it bad.

>> No.10185097

About 11 years or so.

>> No.10185103

Anything more precise? Surprised you can still keep track like that though. Or it's probably just that I personally have godawful long-term memory for everything.

>> No.10185112

Hey guys seeing as /v/ is having a NEET thread over here
I thought I'd link it to you guys because you discuss this stuff better!

>> No.10185116 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck do you people sage so much?

>> No.10185122

No reason to bump the thread and bring it to everyone's attention.

Lurk more.

>> No.10185123

i've been NEETing for the first time in 6 years. quit my job in october, and dont want to go back to work any time soon. i've just been photoshopping... or listening to music.

i should pick up painting again. its been a few years since that too. what should i paint though? i hate everything original that i draw... i wish i had a tablet.
i forgot what motivation feels like. and now im blogging on /jp/ :(

>> No.10185127

Why do you sage so much?

>> No.10185128

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.10185133

go to bed colette

>> No.10185136

You use it when your post isn't important enough to bring the thread back to the top of page 0.

>> No.10185148

sup weeaboos /v/ here

>> No.10185150


>> No.10185152


>> No.10185157


>> No.10185158

Hey /v/, how's life treating you?

>> No.10185186
File: 336 KB, 500x500, 1350107796942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup phimosis dorks /cgl/ here

>> No.10185197

Can you guys share some lewd 2hu doujins? Not too lewd though.

Thanks !

>> No.10185207

I keep going back time and time again to that one doujinshi where Sanae masturbates to a sleeping Suwako and then ends up having sex with her while she sleeps before waking up.

>> No.10185214

hey , this is my first time posting on /jp/ and I'm as NEET as you can get and have been for the last 8 years , now this might have to change as received letter in the dreaded brown envelope saying that I need to be reviewed for ESA, anyway I was hoping that maybe a UK NEET can give me some advice on not getting my benefit cut , also I truly am too scared to go outside and deal with people also pretty depressed so if my money is cut I don't know what I would do , thanks and hope no one gets mad at my post

>> No.10185222


>> No.10185226

You're pretty cute. I'd suck your penis.

>> No.10185237

no penis lol Im a girl , also not fibbing and please help if anyone has gone through same thing in uk /london

>> No.10185243

Speaking of lewd stuff, my comic reader plugin no longer works for ex-hentai, does anyone know a good plugin/extension that works for Upset Pandabear? All I really need is page pre-loading.

>> No.10185244


you need to suck the dick of your ESA advisor and make sure to ask if they want you to swallow or not BEFORE you start

>> No.10185245
File: 836 KB, 1278x1426, 1354984622463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys plan to do in christmas?

>> No.10185250

ohh ok is that what you had to do?

>> No.10185253

nottsfag here.
You're fucked lel

>> No.10185255

Feels like I'm invisible lately.
Whenever I try to talk to my mum she's like, yea yea that's great then phones my sister and talks to her about shit for an hour.
I come on 4chan and post, and it's like no one even see's or reads my post, let alone replies to it.

I was thinking about joining a forum or something to try and make friends but they all seem to have already established circle jerk members bases so I'd just be an outsider.

Why am I alive.

>> No.10185256


ill be happy cause i wont have to see your faggot ass everyday

>> No.10185257

Be sure to make it painful!

>> No.10185259


im not a neet sorry :(

>> No.10185265

My cousin made a resume for me because my mom told him to, he put it up for me on job websites. I am getting all of these emails and phone calls.

My cousin said that he'll do the interview himself if it's over the phone. But I just don't know how to tell him that I don't want a job. I don't even know what the fuck a NOC technician is.

>> No.10185268
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1348049078275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was thinking about joining a forum
I just did that....
...Worst decision ever

>> No.10185267

>Why am I alive.

I ask myself that question quite regularly. Why are you alive? You don't bring much to the table of life, your posts are a pain to read. Can't you at least think of something snappy or witty to say, like a joke? Maybe a pun?

>> No.10185269

You're not suppose to reply

>> No.10185277
File: 13 KB, 320x240, c1720f94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally feel you on not being able to relate. I have next to nothing in common with anyone at work. I don't have kids, go out and drink, do drugs or anything else small-town folks normally spend their time on... I'm just the quiet new guy. Thankfully, my job requires me not to interact face to face with anymore than a handful of employees (I watch the "watchmen", so to speak), so it's been really smooth sailing here so far.

Hang in there, anon!

>> No.10185281


I couldn't decide which would be worse, really - ignore his post or try to reinforce the idea that he's a bad, worthless person. I just hope I made the right choice.

>> No.10185285

Seems like a interesting job.

>> No.10185290

I'm drinking white wine, while reading MariMite.
Anyway should i order pizza or make some rigatti?

>> No.10185293

Why, what happened?

>> No.10185294

Choose healthy eating. Please order fruit.

>> No.10185296

I just want to NEET it up though. I just don't know how to tell them that I don't want to work especially since they are doing this all for me.

>> No.10185298

I drink water and eat fruit everyday, thanks for worrying about me.

>> No.10185309

i know what you mean but this is the best job for a NEET. Also the money will come handy. Btw i mean work for a couple of months then leave, you can switch between NEET and work.

>> No.10185316
File: 111 KB, 415x415, 1c0334255a94ca5b6dd6d68c610c155d2ceadfe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see...
>post count whores
>reputations based on post counts
>filled with 12 years olds
>threads doesn't even last 2 posts until being derailed into stupid circlejerking between users.
I could continue bitching but I'm way too tired.
Enjoy this image of darth vader.

>> No.10185317

>for a week
So what is the problem, exactly?

>> No.10185321

I apply to places EVERYWHERE. The only interview I've ever managed to get was at mcdonalds, and even they wouldn't hire me.

Can we please switch lives?

>> No.10185324

I keep getting catchy songs stuck in my head and I can't take it easy

>> No.10185325

i aint neet, but enjoy this board


>> No.10185330

Why are there so many fucking normals in this NEET thread

>> No.10185332


Don't forget everyone sucks mod cock thinking they can become mods themselves.

>> No.10185334

As long as your interests are related to Otaku Culture.

>> No.10185336

You're NEETime is over. /jp/ now belongs to normals. Good job.

>> No.10185340
File: 844 KB, 866x977, a4ed01eb77e7d18d30200f4b746433a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you actually enjoy your loneliness.
The only thing that bothers me is money and shit.
The peace is nice.

>> No.10185344

what were the treatments for?

>> No.10185346


I don't think I could ever join a forum that has that reputations, likes/dislikes or god forbid a currency that allows users to buy eachother useless shit as gifts.

>> No.10185347

i'm not a normal, but i'm growing and it seems that i love my family so at least i want to give my mom a little hapiness. And i'm actually very scared but i want to try.

>> No.10185353

> decide to dust out my fb account
> severe depression

>> No.10185356

Everyone is responsible for generating their own happiness. It makes no sense to beat yourself up for missing out on an opportunity to make someone happier.

>> No.10185359

I agree. People that sulk over their lack of social relations are the worst.

>> No.10185361

I'm in the same position as you.

>> No.10185364


i used to be NEET but now i have a job. i wish i could be a NEET again but having money is a lot better than not having money. not all of us are teens who can leech of their parents forever

>> No.10185365

I know that feel, bro (though I did it with MySpace because I'm not a teenager).

Also: listen to the music you used to listen to when you were a kid. Metal, emo, indie, whatever. Feel those feels. It's cathartic.

>> No.10185367 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 891x727, 1342186049484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks facebook
>only 2 "friends"
Not a single fuck given.
I will understand the kind of people who value their personal value on the amount of facebook "friends" they have.
It's pretty pathetic to be honest.

>> No.10185381


I'm 29 and still leeching

>> No.10185375

I'm not a teenager, fuckstick. Most teenagers aren't NEET either, as they probably have to go to school.

Fucking normals.

>> No.10185380

>checks facebook
>only 2 "friends"
Not a single fuck given.
I will never understand the kind of people who value their personal value on the amount of facebook "friends" they have.
It's pretty pathetic to be honest.

>> No.10185385

Well I don't think it's hard getting a job. You just have to lie on your resume. My cousin has his own company so he put on his resume that I had worked for him for 2 years. But they will know if you are lying or not in the interview so you really have to study the field that you want a job in. Look at youtube videos of the job, what they do daily, and makeup your own fake story by looking at that.

>> No.10185391

I'd be your friend.
And then be too shy to speak to you.

I agree though.

>> No.10185393

*my resume

>> No.10185403

Seems it was linked on /v/. Enjoy your dumbfuck unemployed normal invasion.

>> No.10185407

What world do we live in where we have to lie just get make a living.

A world I do not want to live in.

>> No.10185411

Why am I alive is not the right question

I'm a zombie, because whenever people see me, they ask themselves what kind of forbidden magick is keeping this half starved corpse-thing walking. Why isn't he dead yet? What reason could someone so disgusting possibly have to be alive? I'm not a mind reader of course, but body language is not exactly hard to decipher and that's the message I get when I leave the house. It's like the job market is a exclusive yacht club surrounded by those electric fences from Jurassic Park.
Sorry, but you didn't waste four years of your time studying a career that would probably be 6 months long if all the filler was cut out, so I can't let you wash these dishes or mop my floor, you see. I hope you can understand the position I'm in. Thanks for your time, oh and don't forget to leave your contact information to my secretary in case I need to call you back, but not really.

Do not pass "Go", do not collect 100 dollars. Go straight to jail, game over

>> No.10185415

You arent invisible I can see you. I will be your friend.

>> No.10185423

That's not even the worst part. When you start noticing little things like these, it just snowballs until you realize the way the planet runs right now is a cruel joke. There is not one thing that is just in the world.

>> No.10185425


I have applied for and been offered 3 jobs in the past 3 years and I have no degree. You must just be a horrible person. Remember, being a NEET/Otaku/Hikki is no excuse for having a bad personality!!!

>> No.10185426

Don't be sad, anon. Keep your chin up, and remember, /jp/ is always here for you

>> No.10185438

Trust me I know. /new/ "red-pilled" me a while back.

I contemplate suicide but I just can't do it.

>> No.10185436
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, 665753_10152038994853797_1711540786_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thw worse part is finding out the 9.5/10 gf you used to be deeply in love with is now dating a 1/10 ginger that works in bestbuy cs.

Pic related.

There are also some gems like hot asian chicks getting knocked up by spics and is now a fat single mother at the age of 20. But otherwise getting on fb is a sure way to give yourself depession.

>> No.10185437

You need income to live in public housing. If you don't have income, they will charge you rent that assumes you get social security income that you are eligible for (but this requires you to constantly attend job interviews and show proof of looking for work and such). I personally don't see how living as a 4th person in a 3 bedroom public housing house equates to "stealing" from the taxpaying normie. I only see this as a method of bullying to force people to work. Right now my only choices are work, be homeless, or continue living here and hope they do not find me.

>> No.10185440

That's nice of you anon.
What kind of things do you like to do with your friends?

>> No.10185445

all the guys crying about ``normals'' need to go back to /a/. you're trying far, far too hard to fit in (and your posts are fucking nightmare to read, too)

>> No.10185449

Can I be your friend too?
We can talk, and share stories, and be happy

>> No.10185455


no fuck you

>> No.10185458

Listen to other music than!

>> No.10185460


>> No.10185463


>> No.10185464

I was like that, but then I started getting starved for affection after a few years

>> No.10185475

Who uses a point scale when describing women?

How was there such high quality phones 10 years in the past?

Are you a teenager anonymous?

>> No.10185466

Except that they don't whine about it in the same way /a/ does. A "normal" on /a/ would be someone with less experience in the medium, while on /jp/ it can mean a variety of things.

>> No.10185469

Are you me? Because it sure as hell sounds like it. I don't know why I bother anymore. But it's not like I have anything better to do. Nobody every notices my posts, but I post anyways. It's all I have left.

>> No.10185471

No bully pls

>> No.10185481

The ironing

>> No.10185482

so do all the people who use the word "lel". though /v/ might be more fitting for you.

>> No.10185479

I like to skype with them, play vidya, help them with problems they may have be an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Things like that.

>> No.10185488

Oh, okay.

I feel rather depressed now. I wish I could have friends

>> No.10185490

Just scrolled by and read these posts.

Jesus christ how horrifying, /jp/ has fallen low.

You should be ashamed for even having a facebook account

>> No.10185491


then back to whatever board or website they visited before they came to /jp/ in 2011 or 2012. i am sorry for presuming it would be /a/, but they've obviously not been on /jp/ for long anyway

>> No.10185492

>Briar Woods High School
>High School

On dear.

>> No.10185494


>> No.10185496


>> No.10185499

Mine is probably going to end soon. I think my parents are going to kick me out or make me get a job in the new year.

On an unrelated note, I shaved my luscious mane off, for the first time in my life. I actually like the way it looks a lot.

>> No.10185502

Typical "NEET" that posts in these threads.

>> No.10185504

Give me your skype.
If I'm feeling brave I'll add you.
But I'll probably pussy out, I always do.

>> No.10185505


i do my ironing on a sunday

>> No.10185511

Sorry dear but if you think having a problem with normals is out of place on /jp/ then clearly you are the one who hasn't been here very long.

>> No.10185529


i remember when people took it easy instead of making posts filled with impotent rage like


>> No.10185534

Take it easy. Why should you care about normals? They're outside.

>> No.10185537

Why don't you guys just become millionaires to live your NEET lifestyle? Seriously, it should be easy for people like you. The average person doesn't have a chance, but that's only because they live thinking their existence is average and thus it is so.

join the 1% master race

>> No.10185548

Tell us the secret then.

>> No.10185549


>> No.10185550

The info is probably two or three yesrs old.

Sorry, I should have used hot as HELL to fit in. I'll try harder next time and will include pissing in bottles and other epic jp memes. In the meantime hsve this sage to prove that im totally a truNEET.

>> No.10185552

Yeah, it should be a piece of cake for people suffering from severe apathy. Makes sense.

>> No.10185556

Ever since the NEET threads became generals, they've been filled with /r9k/ esque posts.

It's not something new, you know. Just put a pile of jobless, depressed losers in one thread, and this is what you get.

Obviously this phenomenon existed before they became generals, but these threads made it possible to break regular board traditions like not writing blog posts etc, because that's what these threads really are for.

>> No.10185557

How does one become a millionaire?

>> No.10185566


i don't see how that's related to what i posted but thank you for that keen insight

>> No.10185582

Sell guides on how to make money

>> No.10185585

It's loosely related to >>10185445

>> No.10185600

No it isn't

>> No.10185612


I don't see a problem with people NEETing it up or shitposting or blogging in NEET threads. it's just the anons who get maximum over rustled and make angry posts when someone isn't their ideal truNEET standard that I don't like

>> No.10185616

Are there any rich NEETs here?
Like if you parents are super rich or you somehow got rich so you don't need to work anymore.

>> No.10185618
File: 22 KB, 239x300, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Socrates think the ideal truNEET is?

>> No.10185628

Crying about "normals" is not a /jp/ tradition, you're supposed to take it nice and easy, and not overreact to stupid shit like that.

>> No.10185629


lmao who the fug is that old dude he wouldn't understand truNEET because he's old as HELL

>> No.10185630

hermits. moutain folk. people that live off the land, alone, away from society.

>> No.10185661
File: 312 KB, 918x1369, diogenes.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates is the wrong philosopher to ask about truNEETness.

>> No.10185679

As long as it's all contained in one thread, and doesn't spread to the rest of the board, I'm fine with it.

>> No.10185694

Toleration is the ultimate weakness.

>> No.10185697

>Thw worse part is finding out the 9.5/10 gf you used to be deeply in love with is now dating a 1/10 ginger that works in bestbuy cs.
Could you possibly be more of a normie? Keep this in any board except /jp/ please.

>> No.10185709

I make 6k a month with my small online business. Its easy as hell and all you need is money to make more money.

It cost upwards of 30k in merchandise though.

>> No.10185708
File: 967 KB, 1288x859, IMG_3207-20121208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the house to myself tonight, parents told me to go to the store and get snacks prior to leaving so I got some lazy cookies and on-sale chocolates. Tonight is going to be good.

Dunno why these cookies are so small though.

>> No.10185715

Very nice. I would have also picked up some salty snacks, since I get tired of sweet things easily. Enjoy your night.

>> No.10185728

>Crying about "normals" is not a /jp/ tradition, you're supposed to take it nice and easy, and not overreact to stupid shit like that.

You can't seriously believe this?
If anything, it was actually worse before. I mean do you remember athens? That bullshit probably wouldn't fly nowadays, but back then he used to derail threads on a regular basis and rack up hundreds of responses.

>> No.10185730


>> No.10185760

jp is not your secret club.

Im going to post like a "normal" everday from now on just for the epic lulz

>> No.10185774
File: 57 KB, 550x801, kraken_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some Kracken and dogfish head beer. It's been a long time since I last bought myself some liqueur.

>> No.10185790

Just played some IN
Got corpse fucked by marisa as usual
Was reminded how amazing the OST is though going to listen to it all night now.

You NEET's playing any games?

>> No.10185823

I'm not the guy you've been arguing with, so I think you kind of missed my point there. I just wanted to say that /jp/ has never actually taken it easy about this kind of thing, but we're probably closer now than we ever have been before. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to the individual poster to decide.

>> No.10185824

Of course I remember, he still posts from time to time, and it's usually about whining on a certain type of people.

And of course there'll always be people that doesn't follow the "take it easy" concept that've caught onto this board. It's not like /jp/ is one collective identity.

>> No.10185879

I wish dual screen worked in a way where I could play one game in one screen while browsing and posting in jp on the other.

then again I don't even have two screens yet.

gonna be playing some skyrim while playing a character I would never normally play
an 'evil' archer

>> No.10185884

Is that good? I normally drink sailor jerry.

>> No.10185888

Drinking heavily because there's only a little over two weeks until the worst day of the year; Christmas. I can't stop thinking about how awful it's going to be to listen to a bunch of strangers ask me about my miserable life all day long.

I wish I could get into some manga or a video game or something tonight, but I just don't have the will.

>> No.10185917

It's surprisingly good. I am not a rum person myself I normally drink whiskey or scotch and the likes but this was pretty good.

>> No.10185954

I'll buy that next then, thanks for the recommendation

>> No.10186014
File: 394 KB, 419x850, 29656558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this something you would be willing to discuss further with someone who has capital to invest?

>> No.10186334

It's the true face of post-/q/ /jp/.

>> No.10186460

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10186759

Earlier today instead of a warm cup of tea, I warmed my onahole and lube and used it. It warmed me up better than any cup of tea.

>> No.10186763

>routine treatment
Please share with me your routine treatment and what is wrong with your body. Please answer, I have to know.

>> No.10186768

Today my mom got me tea and cookies which I enjoyed while playing Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. It was nice.

On the downside, my depress is becoming so bad that it's starting to hinder my ability to take it easy. I'm uninsured and can't afford medications. This makes me even more sad.

>> No.10186811

Homu daki cover came in. Will be tucking in with it, night /jp/.

>> No.10186833
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1600, homu190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night d00d.

>> No.10187193
File: 30 KB, 640x360, shiki_ep07_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practically literally black hard liquor
Jesus that looks like such horrific hangover fuel

About the darkest crap I'll touch is bourbon.

>> No.10187399

How does one become a NEET actually? I want to be one but my mom is kind of mean. If I just stop leaving my room one day is she going to just let me stay in there?? Did you guys like discuss this with your parents first or what?

>> No.10187727

So I have a group of online acquaintances that I play Dota 2 and other games with, they're somewhat tolerable people but they almost always shit on me for liking K-On. Today was one of the worst days where we actually got into an argument over me liking the show, it was really annoying because it wasn't even a normal discussion with arguments, it's mostly just exaggerated statements and potshots at my character (I was told I had a Neckbeard, I was lonely, etc.)

I'm not even the kind of person to brag about the show or obnoxiously defend it, I try to be mature about it and just rationalize that it's not the kind of show that certain people would enjoy, but one of the "friends" went so far as to sincerely ask me whether I was alone/lonely and I had to lie about my NEET lifestyle just to save face. I'm probably not gonna get any sleep tonight over a damn TV show, I hate these self-conscious induced arguments over media taste.

>> No.10187778

I cut all ties with people I can't freely talk with. I have nothing to hide from those who are left. They know that I am a NEET. When they ask me if I am lonely I say truthfully that I am. I don't know why do you even bother with people you can't be emotionally intimate with.

>> No.10187792

>I don't know why do you even bother with people you can't be emotionally intimate with.

There's no hell on Earth like Dota 2 solo queue.

>> No.10187851
File: 460 KB, 440x248, 1344648167177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get games like LoL or Dota2 nor why people play them.

I miss older RTS's though

>> No.10188819
File: 69 KB, 150x150, sonasqaure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are good ways to make money online? Are any /jp/ers earning through adsense?

>> No.10188819,1 [INTERNAL] 

i feel a neet
