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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10178764 No.10178764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em, /jp/

>> No.10178767

I don't have a waifu because I'm not a raging faggot trying to fit in on /a/.

>> No.10178769

You mean portable computer or what?

>> No.10178777

I'm sure it's a pain trying to find a new term for it now that it's been ravaged by /a/ and others like them. I feel sorry for those that genuinely do have a character they love.

>> No.10178778
File: 436 KB, 507x606, e87a2835ce5d084162c5597bb66414f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have excellent taste Op.

>> No.10178783

The carefully placed japanese food really seals the deal

get the fuck out, and don't come back

>> No.10178784


>> No.10178786

I never understood why people take pictures of their meals with their waifu, then post them on the internet. If through magic she becomes real and becomes your wife, would you post random pictures of her eating on the internet?

>> No.10178791


>> No.10178794


>> No.10178797

This stopped being funny or having any meaning in it 3 years ago.

>> No.10178800

It's a teenager fad, don't try to understand it.

With that said, I don't doubt there are /jp/ers who actually truly love a character. They must not like these threads because they know the "waifu" thing is just a silly and superficial fad by underage posters, generally speaking.

>> No.10178801

To spite you

>> No.10178813

Waifu-chan is a gorgeous place. It's like graveyard of emotion. I want to believe.

>> No.10178829

Except it's something that 2chan started, not /a/. They also go all out with their pictures, complete with bouquets in the background, and entire home cooked(!) meals, not just some cheap 10 dollar box of chocolates they bought from walmart.

>> No.10178831

how do i sage, want to make sure i don't bump this thread

>> No.10178835

gyoza and natto. Good thing your "girlfriend" can't smell your breath.

>> No.10178837

Some of the /a/ guys go pretty far, but it's still not as good as some of the japanese I've seen. And most of /a/ just half asses it greatly. I saw one of their collages and it was just plain pitiful.

>> No.10178838

Did I say /a/ started it anywhere in my post?

>> No.10178839


The difference being, 2chan actually tries to please and cares by putting so much time and effort into it. On 4chan it's just "lel my feel when no gf i got waifu"

>> No.10178844

Couldn't it be that they just want to show everyone else that they "love" that particular character the most?

>> No.10178846

>The difference being, 2chan actually tries to please and cares by putting so much time and effort into it.
This kind of summarizes the crucial difference between western weeaboos and nip otaku.

>> No.10178848

You used "teenager" and "underage posters". You don't need to be upset because you're wrong about a subject you don't understand well.

>> No.10178849


couldn't it be that it's just a lol epic meme?

>> No.10178850

Pretty much. They have entire threads where people try to prove it by posting the most pictures and occasionally walls of text.

>> No.10178859


It's certainly that way on 4chan. They're just showing off, they don't legitimately love their waifu and they'll probably change it the next season.

>> No.10178867 [DELETED] 

I have young Japanese friends and their usage isn't that different from the Western one at all. Likewise, I'm sure there /jp/ers (for example) who have as much dedication to theirs as the Japanese persons who gave birth to the concept.

>> No.10178870

I have young Japanese friends and their usage isn't that different from the Western one at all. Likewise, I'm sure there are /jp/ers (for example) who have as much dedication to theirs as the Japanese persons who gave birth to the concept.

>> No.10178880
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1298165999646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fully grown adult
>actually "loving" a cartoon character
lol uh...

>> No.10178884

too otaCOOL for you.

>> No.10178887

I'd also like to mention that, yes, I was referring mostly to the Western usage on my first post since this is a "Waifu" thread, not a "Yome" (wife) one.

>> No.10178889

Yeah, maybe for some. But then you look at the countless people crying that their picture is not in the collage. I don't know if they're trying to fit in or think that they're being part of some epic meme, it's probably a mix of both. It's ridiculously stupid.

>> No.10178898
File: 254 KB, 539x473, 1352244739695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10178904

Why would you make a fantasy romantic arrangement and import the absolute worst part of real-life romance into it?

You know people only get married for their kids, right? And for the tax benefits? There is zero advantage, aside from the stability it grants your kids, to getting married. Marriage will shit in your happiness. It's a mutual agreement that makes it infinitely harder to split up if you turn out to be unsatisfied.

Please be a responsible poster. Think what you say, and use the word 'girlfriendo.' This is also good because it distances it from the trendy & cool /a/ shit.

>> No.10178903

/jp/ is still not an anime convention. did all of those "hot slutty virgin girls" run away?

>> No.10178906


siggunificanto osseiru

>> No.10178912
File: 206 KB, 397x397, 1353551509380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't reply to my wife, please

>> No.10178915


I'm jerking off and your wife is helping. Get dunked, nerdstain.

>> No.10178917

If two people really love each other, then it doesn't matter if they're married or not, they'd stay with each other anyways. But I've never known anyone with that kind of love.

>> No.10178920
File: 302 KB, 600x823, 1343201416156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having waifus is an /a/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you have a waifu and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

/jp/ is for translators, artists and scholars of Japanese culture only. It is a place to create original content and engage in meaningful discussions. Not a place for man-children to salivate over imaginary cartoon girlfriends.

Now that this is settled, please continue.

PS: Stop jacking off to touhous.

>> No.10178923


You're HERE and you are still believing in that heavily-romanticized 'love' bullshit?

>> No.10178924

I suggest you just read things like this, or talk to young nerdy Japanese men.

Whenever I mention an anime or manga, my friends always go and say things like "ore no yome" casually about the girl they like the most in that certain series. Waifu is how the concept works in the west, so the word should obviously not be treated like it was the same as yome.

>> No.10178930

so edgy

I like to think it's possible, but just because it's possible doesn't mean it happens or is likely to happen.

>> No.10178932
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who homu

>> No.10178937
File: 323 KB, 1600x1200, mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice laptop OP.

>> No.10178938

You know, it's a funny thing.

I consider myself Kinsey 6 homosexual. I have literally never felt physical attraction to a woman. When I was a baby, I nearly starved before my parents figured out they'd have to use a bottle because I wouldn't touch a breast.

When I went to school, I literally was unable to see girls. Every day, I would go to class and look around and wonder who all the empty seats were for. I thought the other guys were crazy because they sometimes had arguments with thin air.

When I went to high school, I joined the football AND swim teams so I could spend more time in the locker rooms. It wasn't really the nudity-- I had porn-- but the *smell* of the dicks that I was going for.

That's why, in the Navy, I took laundry duty every chance I got. I fantasized about our instructor taking me in, adopting me, and having me as a live-in maid.

Naturally, I picked up AIDS somewhere along the line. Some seedy bath house, I guess.

Right now, I'm teaching a men's rights class.

Yet this post and its poster is somehow gayer than me.

>> No.10178935


Yeah. Anyone who disagrees with you/disagrees with the general opinion is just being edgy.

I understand why you're still believing foolish shit at this stage: you're slow.

>> No.10178940

Fuck you OP and fuck your delicious looking meal.

God I hate you so much right now.

>> No.10178942
File: 20 KB, 185x185, 1351652560235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10178944

Whatever mister internet cool guy. Go write long pages of text explaining why everything is stupid so that people realize how enlightened you are.

>> No.10178945

Какого хрена ты просто чертовски говорят обо мне, ты, маленькая сука? Я вас знаю, я закончил верхней части моего класса в спецназа ВМС, и я был вовлечен в многочисленные тайные набеги на Аль-Каиду, и я более чем 300 подтвержденных побед. Я обучаюсь в гориллу войны, и я верхней снайпер во всей вооруженных сил США. Вы для меня ничего, а просто другую цель. Я буду уничтожить вас к черту с точностью равных которому еще никогда не видели раньше на этой земле, помяните мое чертовски слова. Вы думаете, что вы можете уйти с того, что дерьмо в meover в Интернете? Подумайте еще раз, ублюдок. Как мы говорим Я связываюсь с моим тайным сеть шпионов на территории США и ваш IP в настоящее время прослеживается прямо сейчас, так что вам лучше подготовиться к буре, опарыш.Шторм, который уничтожает жа

>> No.10178947

I acknowledge your post, but I refuse to stop masturbating to Touhou.

>> No.10178949


Thanks for calling me cool.

>> No.10178957


arigatou, keinei-sensei

>> No.10178958

Ice cold

>> No.10178961

Ice Edgy Burn Heal Faggot King Master

>> No.10178965

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little proprietry bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the FSF, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Apple patents, and I have over 300 confirmed bug fixes. I am trained in Free Software Evangelizing and I'm the top code contributer for the entire GNU HURD. You are nothing to me but just another compile time error. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am building a GUI using GTK+ and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can decompile you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Model M. Not only am I extensively trained in EMACS, but I have access to the entire arsenal of LISP functions and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking debugged, kiddo.

>> No.10178968

go play dota you piece of shit

>> No.10178969

Worst thread on /jp/ right now. Congratulations, I guess.

>> No.10178970

>I am building a GUI

>> No.10178972

Stop commenting.

>> No.10178977

A comment.

>> No.10178979

Oh like those threads are different from "which 2hu this, which thu u that" threads.
"But we're being ironic!"
Stop being such a hypocrite, /jp/.

>> No.10178978

>being this new

>> No.10178980

Idiot. There is no discussion. Don't comment.

>> No.10178982

Touhous are interesting and enjoyable. Hearing about "waifus" is not interesting or enjoyable.
Snibeti snab!

>> No.10178985

It's really a sad day when crossboarders think something like this is completely taboo because another board does it. And if you aren't from another board, you should feel just as bad because you can't ignore a thread.

If collab anon is still around, I hope your pic gets used this time, op. Good luck.

>> No.10178986

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10178990

Dammit, stop posting in the thread. It is obvious that you know *NOTHING* about the current situation. Otherwise you would have noticed that this thread is dead. It uses a very different implementation which allows to handle this situation differently.

>> No.10178992

milk is my waifu

i dream about cumming inside her dialy

>> No.10178994


I call bullshit on every one of those words. How young may those "japanese friends" be, 12? Get back to /a/ with your waifu shit...

>> No.10178996

Stop posting in the thread. And this is also no chat room. Go somewhere else.

>> No.10178999

It's kind of dumb how worked up you guys get about meta-bullshit.

I feel like you dudes are the board least inclined toward "taking it easy".

>> No.10179001

Posta postan post post

>> No.10179002

There is nothing to discuss. Period.

>> No.10179003


>> No.10179005

Look guys. It's over... AHehahueahuehue!!!

>> No.10179006

These kinds of threads attract a certain type of people. The rest of /jp/ takes it easy while we all argue about stuff.

>> No.10179007

>I feel like you dudes are the board least inclined toward "taking it easy".
It doesn't matter anymore. There's no reason to protect the board from faggots if it is full of faggots. For example, what are you doing here?

>> No.10179013


Cool homophobia, Reddit-san!

>> No.10179014


No, these threads stand out because they are not part of /jp/. To tell some children to knock it off does not hinder you to take it easy in proper threads.

>> No.10179017

Redditards are homophobic? I thought they were all liberal.

>> No.10179019

I am goddamn hate wiabou so much
