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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 258x273, 2012-12-07-02-21-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10178225 No.10178225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10178228

Your mom just fell out of bed.

Just relax.

>> No.10178229

Not good. Mag 6.4 quake. Tsunami warnings. More info at @earthquake_jp

>> No.10178249

Please stay safe everyone, it would be the worst thing ever to hear if one of you got hurt.

>> No.10178254
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it was 7.3

>> No.10178259

please send help... onegai

>> No.10178260 [DELETED] 

Not this shit again.

>> No.10178261

Living on the east coast I've never felt an earthquake, even one of the little ones that come by every few years that everyone else seems to feel.

>> No.10178262

Oh no, ZUN. Hang in there! You have my support!

>> No.10178264


>> No.10178269

For a seismic country like Japan that's nothing. Call me when the quake is > 8.0 M

>> No.10178267

>A tsunami warning has been issued after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck off Japan's eastern coast.


>> No.10178268

Fucking shit hasn't Japan had enough fucking earthquakes? Fuck nature right now seriously leave Japan the fuck alone

>> No.10178272

yeah I get 9.5 on the regular while fucking your ugly mother.

>> No.10178273

Last time we had any noteworthy Quake was 1997...

>> No.10178274

I wish nature would stop bullying Japan! She should go bully someone else for a while.

>> No.10178276

inb4 pearl harbor faggotry

>> No.10178277

Oh you.

>> No.10178282

Oh shit.

>> No.10178286

9.5 in your ass

>> No.10178287

9.5 on the rectum scale xDDD

>> No.10178291


>> No.10178294

Earth is trying to get rid of Japan.

>> No.10178297 [DELETED] 

also fuck supaman broski. he's a homo slav.

>> No.10178300

I've never felt an earthquake. If one happened it would probably scare the shit out of me.

>> No.10178305


I live on the California coast; they get fairly dull after a while, though I've never been in a very big one.

>> No.10178304

Two big earthquakes in 20 mins
RIP Japan

>> No.10178306

I'm living in Chiba. My building just shook like crazy and then it stopped. I'm probably far away from the center. No damage here though.

>> No.10178307
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>> No.10178310

Forecasts are for 1m tsunami waves for Miyagi Pref., and 50cm in Fukushima, Iwate, and Aomori.

>> No.10178312
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>> No.10178315

The sum of circle above upside down v

>> No.10178319

Wow looking on the map Alaska and California get a fucking lot of earthquakes all the time.

>> No.10178321


>> No.10178325

Who do we otaku with once Japan sinks into the ocean??

>> No.10178327

Wow this world really hates Japan holy shit

>> No.10178330


Live under the sea.

>> No.10178329

living in cali, they rarely happen during the day. we get alot in socal while we're sleeping apparently

>> No.10178332

Korea seems to be getting increasingly popular >___>

>> No.10178333

Is this an epic meme? >___>

>> No.10178334

we can finally catch up with our backlogs

>> No.10178336

oh wow holy shit

>> No.10178339

The east gets most earthquakes apparently

>> No.10178340

i live in tokyo, i afraid jba part2 onair is adjornment.

>> No.10178341

apparently the tsunami hit, but there wasnt much damage.

>> No.10178343
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>> No.10178344

Guys you know about japan, please tell me if the animes are okay

>> No.10178345

6.2 magnitude aftershock.

>> No.10178346


>> No.10178347


confirmed for 90's babby.

i was 3 years old and i almost had a TV fall on me in the 89 quake. luckily i got up and ran the fuck into my mommy's arms as she carried me outside to safety.

>> No.10178349

Time to wear my Japan Ohana shirt again.

>> No.10178350

Felt it in Sapporo. Was playing a game during it thinking "Oh wow, my first earthquake, shit's not so bad".

Then I realised that there's fuck all earthquakes on the west coast and should probably stop playing.

>> No.10178357

You don't feel anything below a 5, but being in a building in heavier stuff is unsettling.
I was riding my bike along a trail up in Sonoma county during Loma Prieta, got to see some trees shake and fall.

What always stiffs me is the large difference in construction for 4+ storey buildings in Pacific Rim areas versus the East Coast or all of Europe.

>> No.10178359


exactly. shit like earthquake renovation/earthquake mindedness construction should be standard once the bar is set, and be constantly put higher with advances in architectural engineering/construction technology. I mean OSHA standards get updated all the time, the standard for building the things OSHA is put in place to protect the workers should be too.

>> No.10178361


>> No.10178362



>gojira, gojira. gojira


>> No.10178364


fuck me forgot link


>> No.10178365

Lol, japan.

get ready to take it up the butt from momma nature again.

>> No.10178368
File: 375 KB, 1003x1485, komm knuddeln sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am listening to Faith is for the Transient People and hoping for the best.

>> No.10178369


Now that I think about it, "Godzilla" is the coolest fucking monster name ever

Everyone should watch at least the first two films. They're fantastic.

>> No.10178370

You're a funny one, aren't you?

>> No.10178373


i forgot to point out, skip to 7:30 in


>> No.10178374

So how bad is this going to be? There going to be tsunamis and flooding again?

>> No.10178378


Tsunami's, yes. There's a few that have been issued and Tohoku, the place that got fucked up last time, has a warning for a tsunami up to 2 meters.

It's looking like this wont do much damage. If it does, it wont be any where near the scale of last years.

>> No.10178377
File: 51 KB, 499x718, senanurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Japan goes down, Korea will just take its place as the dominant exporter of moe moe cartoons and comics.

Even better, there will be no more 2hu garbage. It will be a new golden age of gook shit.

>> No.10178384 [DELETED] 

I deleted the thread on /a/. they're very /a/ustistic

>> No.10178385


I seriously doubt anyone else can do that stuff other than japanese.

>> No.10178386

There will be, but nothing bigger than 2 meters in Miyagi p. Possible flooding near coastal regions, bot not as bad as the flooding from last year.

>> No.10178387


>last years

dude. it's been two years already.

>> No.10178389

Thnx j/a/nitor, pls let me suck ur dick

>> No.10178391

How did you manage to get that janitor in the first place?

>> No.10178392
File: 247 KB, 850x760, dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really sad that people like this exist.

>> No.10178394

Second this.

>> No.10178395
File: 61 KB, 202x200, faggots.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot asshole we were having fun

>> No.10178396
File: 102 KB, 1345x355, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, AFTER I pointed out the thread for what it really was. At least /jp/ is being mature about the situation and isn't turning the thread into a massive cock sucking tripfag circlejerk.

Fags who take advantage of a situation where people are injured/die for some Internet "cred" are the lowest of the low.

>> No.10178397

That's my mom!!

>> No.10178399

This is why everyone hates amurrika.

>> No.10178400

I'm pretty sure 2011 was last year.

>> No.10178401

>/kr/ will become a reality


>> No.10178403


>> No.10178405

Kinda makes me want to call karmic vengeance for Hiroshima and Nagasaki whenever something bad happens in USA.
Just to see how those people react.

>> No.10178404

How does it feels to be a fucking slut and masturbate to yaoi and Korean faggots all day?

>> No.10178406

thanks for your hard work kog, you're doing everybody on this website a great service

>> No.10178408
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>being this angry over Korea

>> No.10178409

It will be another /fur/

>> No.10178411

I don't know those feels.

I just want /kr/ to have a dedicated place to discuss K-pop and K-pop girls.

>> No.10178412

I'm pretty sure Japan has people like her too and they must have been like "Piggus deserve it! Banzai!!" when 911.

>> No.10178413

announcing janitor privileges or pretending to be staff is against thu rools

>> No.10178414


Kog wins again

>> No.10178415

4.8 - 5.5 mag aftershocks hitting every 10 minutes.

>> No.10178417

but i was the OP

>> No.10178418

You guys remember Fukushima? That shit is STILL melting down, completely uncapped. Last I heard the building was so unstable that an earthquake could take it down. And here we have an earthquake.

There are hundreds of MOX fuel rods in that plant. If that building collapses, kiss your asses goodbye.

>> No.10178419

Prove it.

>> No.10178420

it's called starcraft general, it may as well be KR culture because they rarely talk about the actual game

>> No.10178421

i could delete this thread too

>> No.10178425

7.3 245km out and 35~ km deep
Not really a big deal, hope nobody manages to die, because it'd be real embarrassing if they did

>> No.10178422

"I think there are retards around so it's okay to be a retard"
-- u, 2012

>> No.10178423
File: 1 KB, 192x27, (0) _jp_ - DID ANYONE JUST FEEL THAT BIG QUAKE!__1354873910206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We janitors now

>> No.10178424


>> No.10178426

Just ignore the nerds, dude.

>> No.10178427

Do it and I report u~

>> No.10178428
File: 75 KB, 640x480, yugiyamiv4tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I could remake it and leave you out of the conversation entirely.

What's your point? Nobody CARES about you fagging up some threads. People over in Japan are hurt/dying, and this might affect the release of anime/manga/VNs/etc. Nobody cares if you're the OP or some other faggot.

>> No.10178430

Then do it and fuck off.

>> No.10178431

Yet you're still attention whoring as well.

>> No.10178431,1 [INTERNAL] 

your're dumb as HELL nigg4
