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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10173422 No.10173422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some alternatives to /jp/?

I want to discuss the newest Visual Novels, GUST, Otaku news and have a bit of FUN.
I don't want to browse a fucking concentration camp for fuck's sake.

By the way, before you think about deleting this thread Janitor, think of this as 1 less person to bother you and "your" perfect and clean board.
If I can find an alternative I will be leaving /jp/ without a second thought.

>> No.10173425


>> No.10173426

suck my dick dude

>> No.10173428

Go to /a/. It's the otaku culture, 2D/Random board.

Check it by yourself:

>> No.10173429

What? I thought things were bit better now. Maybe it is just so much fun to pick on janitors though. Our previous janitor kinda introduced us to it. So don't blame me us.

>> No.10173431

You're stopping yourself from discussing any of that here.

There are probably various subreddits for all of those.

>> No.10173434

There's barely any serious discussion going on /jp/. However the janitor keeps deleting anything that's not serious or does not meets his standards of quality posting. The board just can't decide itself if it wants to be 2D/Random or No discussion at all

>> No.10173435

Yeah, the janitors are going overboard recently. I don't want to see perfectly normal posts removed because some autist decided arbitrarily that they don't ``fit'' here.

>> No.10173436

Moderation shouldn't be visible.

>> No.10173439

>have a bit of FUN.
How horrible.

>> No.10173443

I've never seen /jp/ so slow before. It's truly sad to see a board die because of excessive moderation.

>> No.10173445

inb4 some smartass says "durrr /jp/ is fine" do the math, the board barely gets any replies

>> No.10173446


>> No.10173447


>> No.10173449


I don't see any problem. Maybe the bad post with the Fate/Ataraxia image could have stayed, but all the replies within it were not about Fate.

>> No.10173450

/a/, /v/ and /b/

>> No.10173452

I actually agree usually we have 4-5 posts per/2 minutes but its been much slower these days and lots of regular posters have stopped coming.

Unrelated question

Why cant we discuss manga here?

>> No.10173460

1 post per minute is pretty sad for a board, I didn't want to see /jp/ like this

>> No.10173463

>I want a board to spam.


Meido pls del.

>> No.10173464

Fuck off, you're making me fucking MAD.

>> No.10173469

I'm actually going to go play videogames and watch stuff, /jp/ has lost all its magic.

>> No.10173466

Anime and manga are specifically forbidden from /jp/.

>> No.10173468

>"your" perfect and clean board
He's simply following the rules set by moot. If you hate the rules so much, why haven't you complained to moot yet? The whole "hurr moot a jew" isn't going to matter if you're not retarded and decide not to mention it.

Why do you want to discuss something already covered in another board on a slow one? /a/ is at least ten times faster than /jp/ at any given time, and there are also sites entirely dedicated to anime/manga that aren't 4chan.

>> No.10173470

Nobody mentioned anime.

>> No.10173473

The incredibly arbitrary rules moot set up? Sure, that's completely moot's fault and not the janitor for deleting whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.10173474

The point stands, though.

>> No.10173475

Did you completely miss the "he's simply following" part or

>> No.10173476


For 2 years straight I kept coming to /jp/ enchanted by it's magic but now that the old /jp/ is gone I've been playing video games and reading visual novels 10 times more than before.

>> No.10173477

I'm just asking because manga is otaku culture and rarely ever discusses manga unrelated to anime.

>> No.10173478

3 years*

>> No.10173480

*and /a/ rarely discusses

>> No.10173482

Just get a hobby, nerd. The internet as a whole is shit now and it's probably only going to get worse.

>> No.10173483

Send an e-mail to him suggesting a new /a/, a manga board, or for it to be allowed on /jp/.

>> No.10173484

This board died because of excessive retards. No one bothers to post anything sensible or thought-out in this piece of shit because some leechers vocally insist that "4chan is not even about that!" and act accordingly. If you f/a/ggots were actually NEET you'd at least have a reason and enough time to appreciate the board with good posts.

>> No.10173488


>> No.10173490

Yeah, pretty fucking boring recently. Guess it will eventually just be the mod propping up his own Touhou threads with a couple of token otaku culture threads.

>> No.10173491


I went to their anime board and it's full of whiteknights.

>> No.10173496

There is more than one janitor per board?

>> No.10173497

I think only the elf and the December 20 one could have stayed from that list. And I don't believe any janitor deleted the doujin game recommendation one, it simply wouldn't happen.

>> No.10173500
File: 185 KB, 1059x907, 1343247132706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casualfag anime forum and 4chan hosted sub-reddit. 0/10

Okay board, lots of funny memes like "please respond" and "suck my cock dude", but very slow and dying. 5/10

Gets 1 post daily. 1/10

Welp, there's nowhere left to go on the internet. Time to an hero.


>> No.10173502

It's not news, unlike you.

>> No.10173504

Why does a slow board such as /jp/ need more than one janitor?

>> No.10173505

Because it's full of shit.

>> No.10173507

Because otherwise it gets spammed to death in the hours there are no janitors available, for some reason.

>> No.10173508

It's either a concentration camp to keep the gaia-tier faggots out and all the other cancerous shit or weeaboo communities.
Choose your poison.

>> No.10173509

People are seriously complaining about /jp/ being slow?

>> No.10173514

bunbunmaru is actually much worse off compare to /jp/.
It is the very definition of NO FUN ALLOWED where any kind of sarcasm and joke end up being tagged as trolls.

/jp/ is the only place on the internet left with any semblance of humour. Everywhere else are either too serious or full retard.

>> No.10173511

Badposters that don't know when they take jokes too far.

>> No.10173515

Because a board full of people pretending to be idiots is totally different from a board full of actual idiots.

>> No.10173517

Because it's slower than average /jp/ usually has a calm stream movement but now it feels as if a spiritual dam has been put up.

>> No.10173518

Yeah people from gaia would never post such amazing threads like flanfly or a touhou image dump. They just don't have the mental capacity.

>> No.10173520

2009 - 2011 /jp/ - 10 posts per minute on average - okay
2012 /jp/ - 1 post per minute - board dying

>> No.10173522

Instead they post 6 year old memes and discuss naruto and GLORIOUS NIPPON.

>> No.10173523

It's funny because it can be true for a limited period of time.

>> No.10173525

It is slow because of the huge crackdown.
In the "good old days" during downtime at least you can post offtopic funny stuff. Now they get labeled as shitposting or offtopic shit.

It couldnt be help that post 2011, the VN/eroge fad had faded. Remember11 being the last vn released? Really? Lets be honest here, probably only 1% of the people here actually play eroge in nips.

>> No.10173526

It's funny because /jp/ thinks it's superior to other places while in reality it's just as bad as shrinemaiden.org and pooshlmer

>> No.10173528
File: 30 KB, 601x211, 3048666b36c80dce939efe8c6d6f4442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went there to see what it is, I'm pretty sure this is way worse than /jp/.

>> No.10173529

obvious shrinemaiden/pooshlmerfag

>> No.10173530


>> No.10173531

I'm sure you could find an actual example that would show it being worse, but that totally is something that wouldn't be out of place here.

>> No.10173532
File: 1.78 MB, 315x315, 1350845402419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm relatively new here, so I had no idea this was a touhou board for homosexuals (no offence). After being on here for three months the femininity and (not so) subtle homosexuality exhibited by users are getting to me. Can someone recommend me a straight touhou board? Somewhere with no shotas, traps, crossdressing little touhous, and users who don't shave their legs and drool at the thought of being gangraped by large sin sacks while wearing a skirt with their penis tucked between their legs.

>> No.10173533

Nobody is stopping you from returning here everyday. You obviously see some form on entertainment from being here everyday and posting the same threads over and over and over again.

Entertainment is a form of fun.

VN generals reach their bump limit nearly daily, whether it's because people shit all over them and get 50 replies to each one, or because people still have a legitimate interest in them, they're there.

GUST threads seem to have lost interest in /jp/, unfortunately there's not much you can do about that. After that one incident where a mod was trying to force them to /vg/, I don't see them really coming back.

Otaku news is a very broad term. However, if something doesn't hold interest, there's little to no point in keeping the thread around--it will just get bumped off the last page by new threads anyway. Remaking a thread to see if anyone has sparked interest later would be something you could do, but at the same time you should learn to accept that not everyone wants to talk about everything.

>> No.10173535

/jp/ is good compared to those shitholes, especially Shrinemaiden.

>> No.10173536

Just went there?
Good try November 04-san.

>> No.10173539

You forgot the part where the janitor deletes everything

>> No.10173542

I have dozens of reasons to leave /jp/, I just don't have a place to go.

>> No.10173540

No it's not, current /jp/ is the same shit as "those shitholes" stop deluding yourself.

>> No.10173541

Isn't that an excellent reason to leave?

>> No.10173543

I bet you greentext on forums too you fucking faggot.
And he's using greentext wrong anyway.

>> No.10173544

If you want to see what a slow board looks like, go to /bun/.
Personally, I think we're in a pretty good place right now.

>> No.10173547

Why are you here then? You must be seeing something worthy to be hanging around here.

>> No.10173552

See >>10173542

>> No.10173549

Why are the touhou and typemoon posters so bad here? Most of you guys act like those kiddy forum people except you talk about adult fanfiction of the games instead of the series themselves.

>> No.10173551

Because everywhere is shit.

>> No.10173554
File: 10 KB, 157x198, hebrew_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all waiting for you!

>> No.10173555

Personally I think we're not.

>> No.10173556

Why is the janitor killing the board? What is wrong?

>> No.10173563

Killing off all the fun.
Protecting blogshit....
I blame /q/.

>> No.10173557

So basically you people want a place like /jp/ but it not being like /jp/?

>> No.10173559

That's your opinion.

>> No.10173560

How do you expect there to be any "serious discussion" on /jp/ when you don't want to take the steps to change?

If you answer with "because the janitor will just delete it" or something along those lines, I have nothing more to say.

>> No.10173561

It doesn't make me feel better to see /jp/ in this state where even crappy /a/ outdoes /jp/ in otaku culture. It's saddening.

Do a search for some untranslated light novels on /jp/. You won't get jack. Now search for the same on /a/, and you'll get dozens upon dozens of non-shitposts actually discussing the title. That's horrible dude.

What do you guys have left on /jp/ now, anyways? Besides the usual Shrinemaiden.org tier threads and the constant trolling by Trevor.

>> No.10173562

Touhou and Type Moon are shit for high schoolers. This is true for the west AND Japan.

>> No.10173565

I enjoy /jp/ because its really slow, reminds me more of 4chan when it was still enjoyable.

>> No.10173566

Nice job zun!bar

>> No.10173567

Shitposting about /jp/ being shit

>> No.10173568

Are you going to blame ME now? You can't have any serious discussion or any discussion at all with just a single person. You need 2 or more people to have a conversation, it's not like your brainless imagedumbs where you can post alone and bump your threads the whole day. The change has to come from the community and I have waited and tried for far too long to know that /jp/ is not going to change.

>> No.10173570
File: 61 KB, 600x600, madopuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light novels
I dont read thrash.

>> No.10173572

Because he has terminal autism. why else?

>> No.10173573

Can't you be more specific?

>> No.10173575


>> No.10173577

Legitimate thread like im@s get sent to the trashbin while blogging and tumblr level thread get stay around.
Go and try to justify this. I am waiting.

>> No.10173578

If you can't see it for yourself then there is no point in being ´´specific".

>> No.10173579

I'm glad all that shit has been deleted.

>> No.10173580

Don't even try to discuss with him. He's obviously one of the janitor's drones and he's not going to listen to you no matter what because the RULES always come first.

>> No.10173581

I only see inane comments.

>> No.10173583

All I see is shitposting, why do you people want /jp/ to be full of shitposters?

>> No.10173584

Nobody cares.

>> No.10173585

Nobody cares.

>> No.10173586

It's ``'', not ´´". You probably think you're funny or something by being ironic making fun of people who properly use quotation marks. No surprise you're complaining because the janitor doesn't let you ``have fun''.

>> No.10173587

>Legitimate thread like im@s get
Most of those threads are vacuous imagedumps.

This, more or less.

>> No.10173588
File: 594 KB, 600x1710, ilovejp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewind back to 2008/2009. /jp/ has always been this way.

>> No.10173589

So much whining and faggot quotes, you can still shitpost at the /ghost/ board.

>> No.10173590

So does that mean I should go discuss feels with all my epic anime bros cause /jp/ is to terrible to have these kind of threads now.

>> No.10173592

You're right, you're absolutely right! I should never have bought up that, oh my god, I'm so sorry, you're absolutely right, you sure took your time reading all the threads in there right? 2 whole minutes is enough time of course.

>> No.10173594

But the majority are shit threads, try again nerd.

>> No.10173595

>Legitimate thread like im@s get
The same can be said about all Touhou threads.

If you open your filthy mouth to say "Durr but /jp/ was created for Touhou" off yourself.

>> No.10173596

You wouldn't go anywhere even if people told you to. In secret, you like shitposting and then complain why there's so much of it on this board. The core users have left because their threads keep getting pruned from all your "fun"

>> No.10173597

Yes, yes!
You're so smart anonymous.

>> No.10173598

I'm not trying to justify what has been wrongly deleted, I don't understand why some things are deleted too. I haven't seen any blog threads being allowed in a while, though. So is that really what's wrong?

I've also seen im@s threads being cleaned up...

>> No.10173599

I won't defend those threads either, don't worry.

>> No.10173601

Don't you get tired of samefagging and acting like the Captain Asshole Anal Blasted of the board police?

>> No.10173602

And so?
/jp/ is not a place created for pitiful losers to whine about their life or people searching for friends.

>> No.10173603

there's a shitposting haven I found just a week ago but I'm not going to tell youuu

>> No.10173604

The board police has come guys.

Time to throw all common sense out of the window. You can't discuss with these little shits with a conscious mind.

>> No.10173605


>> No.10173606

What are you trying to discuss? How the janitor is deleting your shit "fun" threads?

>> No.10173607


>> No.10173610

Lalalala I'm not listening to you

>> No.10173611

Forgot your faggot quotes, and tone down the aggressiveness a notch, will ya?

>> No.10173614

"fun" is as arbitrary as the rules set up by moot, there's no point in shifting the topic to that.
You always do that don't you? Whenever you start to get out of arguments you bring up buzzwords like "shitposting".

>> No.10173615

Life is an endless cycle of suffering.

The day a janitor quits /jp/ is usually when spammers take over for a few weeks then after we complain we get a new jani and it all starts over again.

The people who actually care about /jp/ are a minority and that is why /jp/ cant stand on it's own

>> No.10173616


>> No.10173619

Oh boy resorting to calling everything buzzwords just because you can't defend your shitposting.
If you enjoy these "fun" threads so much why don't you go to /a/?

>> No.10173620

The janitor is sameposting hard in this thread.

>> No.10173617
File: 179 KB, 891x731, rika_hoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this fun?
Post /q/ /jp/ will never have something like this anymore.

>> No.10173618

>It doesn't make me feel better to see /jp/ in this state where even crappy /a/ outdoes /jp/ in otaku culture.
Heed to this man for he speaks the right words, the words of wisdom. Imagedumps stand out nowadays because they actually look on-topic as shit.

>> No.10173621


Face it, anime/manga fandom is cancer. There's no hope , time to move on.

>> No.10173622

>Whenever you start to get out of arguments you bring up buzzwords like "shitposting".
I don't think you belong here.

>> No.10173623

#/jp/ got owned hard in this thread

>> No.10173624

Maybe it's time to move on like that other post said.
I can have fun with or without moderation either way, although I agree there's some decent discussion getting pruned for no reason.

>> No.10173625

He's going to argue that Japanese bird was spam and that Rika threads were also spam therefore they can't be considered fun in his robotic mind

>> No.10173627

I went to /q/ once to complain about not being able to discuss light novels on /jp/ and was basically told "get out of 4chan".

>> No.10173628

I don't think so...

>> No.10173629

>robotic mind
Pardon, I meant autistic.

>> No.10173630

Are you saying "shitposting" is not a buzzword? You make me laugh anonymous.

>> No.10173631

Green text on forums is popular now. . .yeah.

>> No.10173632

I'm not sure if this is of any value but this is how /a/ reacted to this same thread:

>> No.10173633

nice buzzword

>> No.10173635

Buzzword is a buzzword.

>> No.10173639

I actually thought the janitor has been a bit more lenient lately, a little selective, but definitely more lenient.

>> No.10173636

Not him, but no, it isn't.

>> No.10173637 [DELETED] 

Fuck you Janitor!
Fuck you you god dam fucker!

>> No.10173638

Nice buzzword.

>> No.10173640

Nice buzzword

>> No.10173642

You're either posting from a time machine back in 2008 when shitposting wasn't used all across 4chan to define posts I don't like or you're mentally insane.

>> No.10173643

It may have become one at some point but that doesn't makes the issue of organized groups shitting /jp/ up on purpose to turn it into their own little gaia any less serious

>> No.10173645

I'm not blaming you at all. But I do think that if you want some of these changes, you can (at least try to) do your part by setting an example. If this still leads to the janitor picking on you for it, THEN complaining about him would be reasonable.

I don't want to discuss this anymore, mostly because I'm really tired and want to sleep. You've made a few threads fairly similar to this one in the past(they also weren't deleted before garnering a few dozen posts, too), and still haven't changed. I hope this time you do, but I'm not expecting anything anymore.

No matter what you decide to do, have a great day.

>> No.10173646

As a properly quoting Touhou enthusiast, I feel offended by your post. Could you apologize at once, please?

>> No.10173647

Please stop.

>> No.10173648

There are no organized groups shitting up /jp/. You are insane.

>> No.10173651


>> No.10173652

Forgot your fagot quotes there chap.

>> No.10173655

You haven't been here long enough to have witnessed tokiko&friends then

>> No.10173656

/jp/ is a containment board. Dumb posters come here thinking they have a haven but end up getting owned by mods and janitors. I'm glad I have other boards for my interests

>> No.10173660

I wasn't quoting anybody. Didn't you read my post?

>> No.10173661

The janitor being corrupt is clearly visible by anyone that enters /jp/ though.

>> No.10173665

If you read the archive, you'll find that "shitposting" and "shitposter" as terms weren't used at all until 2010.
"Shitpost" can be found from early 2008, but infrequently.

>> No.10173666
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>> No.10173667

Tokiko barely shitposted at all, all he did was take credits from individual shitposters like Trevor and pretend he was a great mastermind shitposter while in fact he was just (and still is) an underaged kid with a sense of grandeur.

>> No.10173670

You think anything they say matters?

>> No.10173673

Thats kind of the whole point, however, I'd say much of our community is shared with /a/: we were all /a/ goers at one point after all

>> No.10173674

/a/ is better than /jp/, yes

>> No.10173675

I'm pretty sure I used shitposting in 2008, are you sure about that?

>> No.10173676

Not him, but yes they are, and you're pretty deluded if you don't think T****o/Moe!TRON, Yama and such popping up everytime the board is getting flooded by shit is a coincidence.

plus the IRC squad.

>> No.10173678

>pretend he was a great mastermind shitposter while in fact he was just (and still is) an underaged kid with a sense of grandeur.
And the post which resulted from that were shitposting, no matter what his intention was

>> No.10173680

I'm going to join all those groups and start shitposting so hard /jp/ will turn into a shit mountain

>> No.10173681

It's funny because when the janitor leaves and the board goes to shit you start acting like disturbed paperbag huffing mongoloids crying for another one.

>> No.10173685

That steam group isn't about shitposting though

>> No.10173688

Its all a front set up by the global banking conspiracy

>> No.10173690

It says goodposters

>> No.10173691

Its already been said.

>> No.10173693

I'm not going to listen to you, I bet you're a jew in disguise trying to turn me against my fellow goodposters.

>> No.10173695


It's not just /jp/, the shitposting on: /a/ /v/ /co/.
Is a consorted effort. There's literally a legion of trolls shitposting entire boards to hell. I was there when Accelerator spam troll destroyed /a/ and when he came back because of /q/. This shit is real.

>> No.10173697


>> No.10173698
File: 374 KB, 1886x1424, Untitled_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10173665 confirmed for FOOLZBABBY.

>> No.10173700

It was created after another one with shitposters on its name was closed. And look at the members.

There's also /m/: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TodbobFanclub

>> No.10173701

Why did I laugh

>> No.10173702

Yama is a pretty nice guy
No bully

>> No.10173709

The IRC group on /a/ is possibly the worst, it turned /a/ into a community war shithole with "Manly anime" fags against "Moefags".
/co/ is just shit really, homestuck, toonami and gave birth to /mlp/, same thing with /v/, /v/ is long dead.

>> No.10173705

I hope something really bad in real life happens to you.

>> No.10173706

Holy shit he is still alive? I remember this poster.

>> No.10173707

Uh. Had a similar issue on some another board far away from 4chan. Well, it was somewhat fun board, and then suddenly not fun anymore. It's just that people can't help abusing any kind of powers if they get it, be it moderation or something else.
It's easy to ignore kids (they get bored fast), but those fags who take it all (imageboards) like somthing serious......
It's really easier to leave them like that and use the freed time for something more fun. (Like advancing your otaku hobbies or fixing something about your life. And you can survive without this illusion of communication, you know).

>> No.10173714

If we all agree to be nice to one another and make good threads nothing can bring /jp/ down.

>> No.10173715
File: 5 KB, 255x235, kaibawaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for defending me, my friend.

Here, have a 5.

>> No.10173716

After such a long history of daily 4chan browsing its quite difficult to just give it up though. This has literally been my life for the past near decade, I've enjoyed it pretty much the entire time too, just recently its gotten a little difficult.

>> No.10173718

That goodposters stream group is also pretty dead, I joined about 3 months ago and no one is ever there in chat and there are never any announcements,I highly doubt its a secret shit posting group or I wouldn't have been allowed in.

>> No.10173727

It's fun until you realize how shit that board actually is.

>> No.10173722
File: 724 KB, 490x480, 1299483801808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured you would have been a founding member.

>> No.10173723


Don't forget waifufags and pointless imagedump threads.

>> No.10173724
File: 101 KB, 600x655, 6fc27f2a2dd3c18f64524ed55c205a40ceff1340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you tired of people who make threads which would put /b/ to shame while operating under the veil of "fun" or "irony"?

Then hear me, join the /jp/ Alliance for Goodposting!
All you need to do is to follow these easy steps!
- Ignore and report bad threads (This very thread included, metathreads are bad)
- Venture through the board and bump ontopic threads.Not just a simple woard like "bump", contribute to the discussion somehow!

Have a nice day, I believe that we can make /jp/ a better place together!

>> No.10173729
File: 215 KB, 4865x2000, 1350120541156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take humour and sarcasm seriously in /jp/ but alas everything get branded as shitposting nowadays.
It is tough being misunderstood.

>> No.10173728


*does a backflip*

*puts on sunglasses*

>> No.10173731

I guess but theres a bit more of an attachment after such a long time, its not so easy to drop something after so much history.

>> No.10173733

Anyone remember Athens? This place died when he left.

>> No.10173735

/co/ is shit because cartoons and comics have no real plot so they have nothing to discuss.
/a/ has some nice threads if you stay away from the popular anime of the season (ex. chuu2 and SAO), the Saki threads are pretty kool and so are the YGO ones.

>> No.10173738

Go away athens, nobody remembers or cares about you.
I don't even know who you are

>> No.10173739

I started on traditional forums then moved to /a/, then to /co/ and now I'm on /jp/. Yet, I still can't escape the shit posting. . .christ.

>> No.10173741

/ghost/ is the las step in human evolution.

>> No.10173742


Go away f/a/ggot.

>> No.10173743
File: 631 KB, 867x720, heil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10173745

Ghost is basically this thread but all the time, in fact someone copy pasted zun!bar's ghost post's into this thread.

>> No.10173746

How the fuck do you even get shitposting in nazi moderated forum? All flame and contrary opinions are silenced in forum.

>> No.10173747

What is considered shitposting is subjective
/jp/ is supposed to "take it easy" and be nice friendly otaku who have fun together.
What went wrong?

>> No.10173748


There both shit, stop whiteknighting /a/sshole.

>> No.10173750

Traditional forums make me uncomfortable because there is always a group of top users circlejerking with eachother in every thread.

>> No.10173751

>but those fags who take it all (imageboards) like somthing serious......
>It's really easier to leave them like that
That kind of thinking is the exact but apparently non-obvious reason why people who should be doing well spend their days sabotaging themselves instead of utilizing their talents.

>> No.10173753


Too many stupid people move in and displace the board culture.

>> No.10173754

Ok, you had a point. I went to 50 pages in this time and my view still has not changed. 90% of the deleted posts are NSFW/spam/obvious shitpost. Most the good deleted posts are deleted by post owner to be edited and reposted or thread owned got his answer then deletes.
The only thing I can found about people having "fun" was this thread:
aka reaction face + quoting
and this

Other deleted threads were blogging, how was your day and neet general.

Only thing I found distasteful is deleting occasional "help me install this".

>> No.10173755

>but those fags who take it all (imageboards) like somthing serious
Blame /q/ and the janitors. /jp/ was never a serious place until the clampdown came down hard.

>> No.10173758

>Ok, you had a point. I went to 50 pages in this time
Lel, you rlly did it brah? I pity you

>> No.10173760

I posted in both of those threads :3

>> No.10173763

Exhibit #A of someone that take imageboard too seriously for their own good.

>> No.10173764


It's that type of thinking that created /v/.

>> No.10173765

>The board just can't decide itself
If there is no janitor there would be shitposting all over the place. no one knows how to have any restraint when there is no moderation. no one knows how to self moderate. IF everyone in /jp/ reported and hide shitposts and threads this place would be a lot more civil. If everyone in /jp/ knew to ignore shitposters they would not get the gratification they want and continue shitposting.

You are deal with people of all kinds of beliefs and behaviors that are never the same and so everyone will post accordingly and this is what you get.

It does not have to be one extreme such as 2d/random or the other extreme no discussion at all but because not everyone is willing to self discipline and show restraint we cant have that ever. We need some kind of moderation otherwise there will always be shitposting and it would flood up the board.

>> No.10173766

There's no point arguing with autist-kun, he actually wants to physically harm people from steam groups because he believes they organize shitpost raids on /jp/.

>> No.10173767

name change, new rules

Name says 2D/random
Rules say doujin culture

>> No.10173768

That sounds like something a normal would say, why not take it kind of seriously if you spend your entire day here.

>> No.10173769

/v/ is just right that but for normalfags, if only /jp/ could do that too but without normalfags it would be perfect.

>> No.10173771

The new guidelines of what is acceptable on /jp/, NON PERMANENT and revisable, following the user advice posted on /q/ (☞゚∀゚)☞

* Light and Visual Novels
* Figures and other otaku paraphernalia
* Touhou Project
* Doujin works and music
* Neet lifestyle¹
* Diverse niche japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea...)
¹ - NEET lifestyle will be contained in only one thread, so the board won't be flooded with personal threads.

NSFW is not allowed. Post links externally if you must discuss nsfw, just don't post it. Censoring (spoilers, mosaics) your porn is not allowed either. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it. /jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump, travel advisor or personal translation service. Topic overlap with other boards is acceptable in moderation (keep anime/manga in /a/ though), and at the discretion of the available janitors. Please do not complain about cherry picking, as janitors aren't trying to be nazis.


>> No.10173773

moot should just merge /jp/ back to /a/ since the split never worked as intended.

Maybe create copies of /a/ to split the traffic, userbase and slow down posting. Just like nijiuras, since we are 2D random anyways.

>> No.10173775

>NSFW is not allowed.

This board is shit.

>> No.10173776

>/v/ is njust right
Why don't you go to /v/ then?

>> No.10173777
File: 5 KB, 255x315, kaibamadness4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, 8M is about to happen on /pol/ and I'm out of ideas.

Anyone wants to make a GET request?
Otherwise I will just do a normal Seto Kaiba one.

>> No.10173778

So this is what went wrong, a bunch of /b/tards decided what is right/wrong for us.
Just like my real life politics!

>> No.10173779

>/v/ is just right
Its nothing but epic memes from 2008 and reddit shit and feels and no video game discussion whatsoever.

>> No.10173780

>Censoring (spoilers, mosaics) your porn is not allowed either
I never understood this

>> No.10173786


I told you all that /q/ was a mistake.

No one listened.

I told you about the ossification of website culture and the death of fora. I told you about SA and what happened to them.

This is humiliating. To know what's happening, to be able to describe it, to be able to describe it and then provide examples of it occurring in the past- this shit is fucking humiliating.

>> No.10173782

Horo please

>> No.10173783


Can we banish the neet blog faggotry to /r9k/.

>> No.10173784

Say something about jews, /pol/ likes that

>> No.10173785

Can you read the rest of my post?
"Just right that"
I didn't say /v/ is just right but they're "taking is easy"
God damn it anonymous

>> No.10173787


>> No.10173788

Though I guess your default images are kind of your gig, maybe you should just go with them instead.

>> No.10173791

Its not like that was a massive surprise, when the site lasts without any major changes for so many years then all of a sudden massive amounts of change.

>> No.10173792
File: 349 KB, 1000x813, 1077468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, /jp/...

>> No.10173793

Lemme put it this way. If you get a board that has quality discussions, you won't have much traffic. If you have a board that has alot of traffic, you won't have quality discussions.

>> No.10173794

JIDF get
Be creative about it.

>> No.10173797

Is anybody else only here because Ylilauta is down? :((((

>> No.10173799

I'm not even here.

>> No.10173801


What I want to know is what's next.

4chan was founded by people who wanted to escape the oppressive atmosphere of SA, so what are the people who want to escape the oppressive atmosphere of 4chan going to do?

>> No.10173802

I actually browse /v/ sometimes and they are far away from taking it easy, they just fling opinions at each other and call everyone who doesn't agrees with them a faggot.
They also spout the same memes over and over again and ironically shitpost too

Seriously, if all you want is a 2nd gaia where you can have silly fun and make posts like "HAHA SO EPIC x3 *glomp*" then maybe you should just fuck off

>> No.10173803

>I told you about SA and what happened to them.
I dont knwon what hapened to them. i have never once set foot in that place.
>ossification of website culture and the death of fora
I dont know what any of these are.
I honestly dont see why are people complaining about moderation.

-someone blatenly shitpost
-janitor removes shitpost
-shitposter complains about his shitpost being removed

What is wrong about that? This is what I am seeing from your guys.

>> No.10173811

don't bullu

>> No.10173806


>> No.10173807

How about a picture of your cold dead corpse?

>> No.10173809

I've been considering that ever since all the /q/ shit popped up. Figured it was about time history repeated itself, I guess I'll end up splitting my attention among different imageboards until one sticks.

>> No.10173810

That's some funny shit.

>> No.10173812

I don't browse /v/ so I wouldn't know that.
Maybe you're the one who should fuck off.

>> No.10173813
File: 1.27 MB, 1648x3435, full autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking things too seriously is bad.

Look at the rise of xxx/general threads. Pasta style opening, posters are forced to conform to certain posting criteria or told to fuck off, a few idiots circlejerking in their ghetto.. These are all behaviour that I expect from a traditional forum, not an imageboard.

A good example of this would be comparing 2008 comiket/reitaisai threads compare our newest 2012 comiket threads. The difference is night and day.
It is only they lost all abilities to have fun.

>> No.10173814

What the FUCK did you just call me?

>> No.10173815

but reddit is not about the quality of the post but who is posting and people circle jerking over a popularity contested with stupid voting systems

>> No.10173816


>> No.10173818

Reddit has worse problems than 4chan. I know you think you're being a contrarian and alarming gadfly, but you're too lazy to really challenge anyone.

>> No.10173828

>contrarian and alarming gadfly
I don't even know what these words means

>> No.10173822

It's okay. I forgive you.

>> No.10173824

Maybe I'm to stupid to notice a difference, but I seriously haven't been able to. The only major difference was 2006-2007 before and after for me, as well as Reddit basically taking over /v/, which finds its way to other boards.

>> No.10173825

weebos gettin mad left & right

>> No.10173826

just don't bully,,,,,,

>> No.10173827

I dont get that image the girl is looking int eh same direction as the others. is she some kind of background character? what is this from?

>> No.10173829

You guys should be proud of yourselfs. Considering the topic and how civil it's been. It would be impossible to have debate like this on /a/.

>> No.10173830

>Post links externally if you must discuss nsfw, just don't post it.
>Censoring (spoilers, mosaics) your porn is not allowed either.
Extremely stupid.

Sure, /jp/ is "worksafe" to stop it from becoming a porn imagedump board, but there is absolutely no reason to go all nazi over this.

>Topic overlap with other boards is acceptable in moderation (keep anime/manga in /a/ though)
Incredibly stupid. Anime/manga are the topics with most overlap with /jp/.

>> No.10173831

Its just that theres already a board set up for discussing that, making discussion here absolutely pointless.

>> No.10173832

I'll try my best not to. I'll admit, it is pretty tempting. But I'll try my best not to. Thanks.

>> No.10173833

that's because /a/ is pristine compared to /jp/ and doesn't need to find an alternative board

>> No.10173834


Whoever made these rules has no understanding of the board culture. Why are mods who have no understanding over the board culture allowed to moderate?

>> No.10173838

What do you mean?

>> No.10173840

I think I should be the next janitor
Wud b koolio

>> No.10173846

Whenever I make a /q/ thread for serious discussions about important topics, it just dies.

I'm not good at attentionwhoring, that seems to be necessary to get noticed in /q/.

>> No.10173841



>> No.10173843
File: 142 KB, 782x1453, aoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were written by AoC.

>> No.10173845


Other boards have solved this literal years ago: separate spoiler tags for NSFW content.

>(keep anime/manga in /a/ though)
Yeah, this is dumb. Those are essentially the core of otaku culture. Keeping them out is absurd.

>> No.10173847


>I'm loving /q/

Stopped reading there.

>> No.10173854

owned hard because it made you upset

>> No.10173850
File: 500 KB, 1280x2880, too much autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People start taking too seriously.
Back then, the attitude is carefree and easy.
Of course the occasional newfags still get the marisa treatment but they arent done in malice.

Now, you get told to fuck off for starting a thread wrongly, not labeling your download link correctly and tons of other shit that I never thought I would see in 4chan. And of course people actually spoonfeeding to earn brownie points and LIKE count.

>> No.10173852

thanks for telling everyone

>> No.10173853
File: 218 KB, 800x602, jp meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please allow /jp/ to develop into 2D/Random already. It's the board the userbase has been trying to create since 2008, only to have a different model forced upon it from above time and time again. User-generated content is what this imageboard thing is all about, yet most of that is forcibly removed from /jp/ in favor of regurgitated threads centered around consuming rather than creating.

/jp/ is not just Touhou imagedumps from Pixiv + an idol ghetto, no matter how earnestly a few powertripping janitors believe this to be the case.

>> No.10173858

You only commented on more peripheral topics, you didn't say anything about the core rules there.

>> No.10173856

Say something about our janitor being a filthy jew,

>> No.10173857


Just be glad you're not /v/. Their usurpers turned "board culture" into a dirty phrase.

On a divergent topic: has anyone else noticed how dumb the average /q/ person is? Just in the way they write and express themselves, I mean.

>> No.10173863

Because now the community is already developed and if we allow the newfags to take over it would be horrible.
Look at /v/ and /b/.

>> No.10173859

Make a thread on /v/ about an obscure untranslated game. Zero replies, every time without fail.

It would have worked on 2008 /v/, but not now. You don't have to wonder why /jp/ is getting so many crossboarders now. This is where people are running to after /a/ and /v/. It's the third stage of the cycle (the first being /b/). After that, it's over as far as 4chan goes. That means when /jp/ inevitably completes its evolutionary cycle into /abv/, there will be no place to go on this website. The textboards would be nice if they were moderated, but moot isn't willing to go through with that.

I have found other nice places outside of 4chan that aren't mentioned in this thread and only a select number would know of them on /jp/. As high quality as they are, you can't really discuss anything related to media in detail. It's just silly fun.

>> No.10173862


I grinned.

>> No.10173865

But allowing nsfw images in spoilers would become just that. A porn image dump board.

>Anime/manga are the topics with most overlap with /jp/.
Anime/manga topics go to the anime/manga board

>> No.10173871

>shitpost factions
He cant be that deluded right? Is he having another breakdown?

>> No.10173868

Well if the text boards start getting a bigger community they would be moderated.

>> No.10173873

> if we allow the newfags to take over it would be horrible
>if we allow

Is this you:


>> No.10173874

>/a/ is pristine
No its not. Its full of shitposting and it is not better that /v/. It USED to be good but not any more.

>> No.10173881

Maybe its time I start working on my projects instead of wasting time on 4Chan (I usually just browse /jp/ 24/7) since it seems to be declining lately.

>> No.10173875

/jp/ was created to emulate a 2003, pre-normal /b/

let it be

>> No.10173877

>has anyone else noticed how dumb the average /q/ person is?

Vast armies of teens and children marshaled by the occasional "internet theorist"/blogger type. It's a cesspit.

My hope was that moot would operate it as essentially a round file where chronic complainers could wear themselves out but, sadly, he appears to be treating it sincerely.

>> No.10173888

Again, people who genuinely think there aren't dedicated groups of people who try their hardest to flood the board with inane shit are the deluded ones.

>> No.10173889

I don't get it

>> No.10173883

I support this idea if only people wouldn't think that 2D/Random means that they can post whatever anime thread they want and that they can make threads like the big pigspam of 2011.

Sillyness is okay, the only thing that needs to be stopped is people trying to turn /jp/ into their own playground like these shitposter groups.
The janitor did a good job keeping these in check

>> No.10173884

The thing is not allowing them. It's not being a nazi about them. /jp/ never had a problem with too much nsfw but since /q/ came, you get banned for days for just posting a single image, even in spoilertags or spoilered with overlays. It's fucking retarded. You'd think this place is some kind of fucking Christian forum.

>> No.10173885

>that's because /a/ is pristine
cant stop laugh

>> No.10173886

The idea of the more interesting userbase (I'm fine being called elitist about this) disbanding and scattering to the net really worries me. It seems like for a while 4chan had finally concentrated an enjoyable number of interesting types of people/topics while also turning away from a lot of traditional forum identity culture. I don't want to see that be completely destroyed..

>> No.10173887

A proper and serious nanny state are what made the newfags flock to /jp/.
Just look at the NEET thread for your case study.

>> No.10173890

Taking things seriously and acting like an important person are different things. It's like the average neurotypical brain can't differentiate between the two. It's either "look at me, I am able and I will sort this shit out" or, in the case of having fun, plain shit spouting and/or circle fellatio. If only people realized that they don't have to belong so intensely.

>> No.10173891

That's what we all want except for the people who run it.

>> No.10173892


>> No.10173898

Whats with all the people on /q/ that go into threads and say shit like "lol I don't even go to this board" after giving advice.

>> No.10173895
File: 75 KB, 624x480, cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it succeeded in being this for the first week or so. It's a shame to see such potential dashed by such autism. Even if our culture cannot be saved from backseat quality cops, moot can at least axe the janitor already. The overmoderation here is inexcusable.

>> No.10173896

Wow, someone who misuse spoilers wants /jp/ to be 2D/Random. That was unexpected!

>> No.10173897

>/jp/ is not just Touhou
/jp/ was created to get all touhou and otaku threads out of /a/

>> No.10173905

>Zero replies, every time without fail.
This does not apply for everyone. Not everyone has the same luck as you.

>> No.10173899

Is that what the board really wants?

>> No.10173900

I already responded that you've basically ignored the core rules.

>> No.10173901


How would one go about keeping those types of people out?

>> No.10173902

WRONG, you fucking newfag. Kill yourself.

>> No.10173903

Delete 4chan

Kill moot

>> No.10173904

If that were to happen you'd have to accept the influx of users from all over the site.

>> No.10173908

>core rules.

Such as?

>> No.10173910

I don't know what your definition of obscure is.

>> No.10173915

The core rules in that post >>10173771
, you just discussed a few of the more minor details that could likely be fixed if we just made a few /q/ threads.

>> No.10173912

I'll add this: excessive moderation builds the wrong kind of consensus.

>> No.10173913

>if only people wouldn't think that 2D/Random means that they can post whatever anime thread they want and that they can make threads like the big pigspam of 2011.
This is EXACTLY what they will think and do though. And it will never work out.

>> No.10173914

You couldn't even get replies out of them 3 or 4 years ago if you posted a not-even-so-obscure video game that was not fotm. The thread would just 404 after 20 minutes of no replies.

>> No.10173916

4chan in general is shit.
Every single board was taken over by the cancer and the ones that weren't are completely dead and moot doesn't care about anything otaku related anymore and is a shitposter himself.
What do we do after /jp/ turns into complete shit?

>> No.10173917
File: 466 KB, 1376x1032, 1210752966855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008 /jp/ was just that.
People were just posting shit for giggles and laugh.

>> No.10173919

No, I don't want that. Go back to #/jp/

>> No.10173921


see >>10173724
We are all part of the problem

>> No.10173922

I mean to quote >>10173865

>> No.10173924

The internet is quite a different place than it was in 2008, this is reflected in the more popular boards on 4chan.

>> No.10173926

>after /jp/ turns into complete shit
Where have you been, tomodachi?

>> No.10173927


So, your saying NSWF and anime/manga is not core issue of NEET life style?

>> No.10173928

I didn't misuse spoilers.

>> No.10173931

Except I am not. That was one of the MAIN reason why this place was created.

>> No.10173934

And yet everyone want to go back to 2008 /jp/ but the janitors CANT HAVE THAT....
What is the problem? Too bitter to have fun anymore?

>> No.10173935

I'm talking about /v/-tier shit.
Or well since this is a board about otaku culture, /a/-tier bad.

>> No.10173942

I worry that we're doomed because American and anglophonic culture simply will not allow otherwise.

>> No.10173940

I'm sorry that post doesn't make any sense, but I'll respond based on what I think you meant to say. The NSFW thing can probably be easily fixed, moot would be hard pressed to see why it wouldn't be appropriate if they were just spoiler tagged. The core issues there were the rules outlined, and come on as tied to otaku culture as anime and manga are, they already have their own board.

>> No.10173941


It's not, but soon enough.

>> No.10173943

I honestly can't imagine that, but I know it will happen. Can we give a reasonable estimate? I'm giving it two or three more years.

>> No.10173945

So? Even by your own admission, that's still not just Touhou, even less so Touhou imagedumps.

People who want to have a "Youmu thread" and the like, containing nothing but images from Pixiv and Danbooru should fuck off to >>>/c/. That's the sole purpose of that board.

Imageboards are about creation, not regurgitation.

>> No.10173947

Soon fellow anon.

>> No.10173948

"/a/-tier bad" is completely different from /jp/ "shitposting". /a/ is literally just a gaia overlap. Outside of their character and series related threads, they have the same kind of threads gaia has. Like "x happens, what do you do", "x is now y, what happens?" or "what do you look like and who do you act like" and they've had that shit for YEARS.

>> No.10173950

You've paid me a compliment, even though you don't realize it.

>> No.10173953

I just wanna take it easy guys ;_;
I think normal people would be put off by how serious this discussion is about an online imageboard, but it doesn't bother me.

>> No.10173959

>People who want to have a "Youmu thread" and the like, containing nothing but images from Pixiv and Danbooru should fuck off to
I completely agree with this. Just image dumping without any meaningful discussions are just as bad as plain spam and shitposting.

But that does not make the reason this board was created any different.

>> No.10173954

Well as long as your fine with the people on /v/ coming over here and integrating - which it doesn't seem like they know how to - then I guess thats fine.

>> No.10173955

How can #/jp/ be a compliment?

>> No.10173956

Gaia plays 2hu too so yes it can get that bad.

>> No.10173958

yes, we are epic nerds.

>> No.10173960

Because this is the last board anon, we have nowhere left to go and we must not let it turn to shit.

>> No.10173962


You can't force people to create and expect good results.

>> No.10173963


How does it not make sense? Anime and Manga plus NSFW content is a big chunk of NEET culture in japan. How is it peripheral according to you? If this board was created for Touhou only. Then okay, but it's a mislabel to call it otaku culture when the aforementioned issues are the core of otaku culture.

>> No.10173964
File: 76 KB, 700x493, jp (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because /jp/ is home

>> No.10173966
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1350082074409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure Marisa will protect us

>> No.10173968

Yeah, I bet...

>> No.10173972

But you can allow them to. The janitors aren't. Anything that is not a discussion of Touhou and other niche video games is deleted.

>> No.10173973

Images saved from 4chan get that, what's your point?

>> No.10173975

/jp/ isn't about NEET lifestyle, its an aspect of the board, but its not entirely about that. The board is Otaku Culture right now, so it encompasses all of those things, just anime and manga have a board for themselves already. With lenient enforcing of the rules outlined I think the place can be fine.

>> No.10173987

omg ur so old wtf

>> No.10173977
File: 25 KB, 841x127, 1224161808436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont keep old image when I changed computer turbonerd. Take your forum behavior back to where you came from.

>> No.10173978
File: 178 KB, 640x800, 1328739398433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we're having a good old meta thread.

>> No.10173979

Why don't we just do whatever 2chan does?

>> No.10173980

If you think /jp/ is so bad why don't you make good threads for change and instead create a metashitstorm?

>> No.10173986

>/jp/ isn't about NEET lifestyle

So, then it's Touhou board?

>> No.10173989

futaba is worse than /b/

>> No.10173992

I livestream 2hu for mai gaia frans
I'm slowly introducing them to /jp/ memes too.

>> No.10173994

Missed the email field, oh well.

It just seemed that you phrased it like /jp/ was the NEET culture board and that anime and manga should be welcome as they're key components of that lifestyle.

>> No.10173995

Truly, /jp/s favourite topic is /jp/.
No other threads have so many replies and everyone is having fun

>> No.10173997


How so?

>> No.10173998

/jp/'s idea of a "good thread" isn't janitor approved

>> No.10173999

I don't know if the problem are the janitors. I think we just can't go back in time.

>> No.10174000

milk threads are slightly faster

>> No.10174004

I don't think those threads are particularly a direct part of the problem, as it's been stated the moderation will make it seem as if those threads are all that get posted.
I also feel that some of the user base has become... overly aggressive, I guess? Like if your post isn't quite in-line with the standard, you're going to be ridiculed into oblivion. I like the idea of some level of user-side "moderation", but it can get excessive.

>> No.10174006

You took what I said out of context, I was being serious but it looks like you might not have been.

>> No.10174009


>> No.10174010

learn japanese and find out

>> No.10174012

There are no people who have the knowledge to create such threads.

>> No.10174013

But that's because they have the same 3 people from /cgl/ posting in them

>> No.10174014

This right here.

No one wants to do it. It is easier for them to shitpost than to make actual threads with on topic discussions.

>> No.10174016

I would be fine if this place was 2D/Random and people would have self-control: if they didn't ironically shitpost flooding the board with feels and other shit like this: >>10173575, but instead enjoyed a relaxed and fun atmosphere, like a mix of what would now be on-topic discussion (Touhou, VNs...) and nijiura (this part is important: 2D/Random doesn't mean /b/, /v/ or Ylilauta stuff, but people would abuse and just post that), where good discussion about otaku culture could be had and also more or less fun things like japanese bird or aikido kopipe could spawn.

When /jp/ falls, it'll be time to leave this site. Remember that and try to improve the board, or at least not to shit it up too much.

>> No.10174017

2chan is the reddit of the east.

>> No.10174018

We're not allowed to. That's the whole point idiot.

>> No.10174020

You're confusing 2ch with futaba. 2ch is for normals, futaba is ok.

>> No.10174021

Why do you think that is? Because the current /jp/ "user base" is nothing but spurdo spam and stupid shit.

>> No.10174023


You said /jp/ isn't about NEET lifestyle. I dunno how I took that out of context.

>> No.10174024


Then I give up. You have no real vision for what you want this board to be aside from the buzzword of "quality" and the only thing that really makes sense in the context of "otaku culture" is something you emphatically reject.

I don't have a vision either, but at least I don't try to impose my non-vision on others.

The only way you'll be happy with this board is if it's dead or run in such a way as to be indistinguishable from dead. The hell with your janitor and your deletions.

>> No.10174025

I believe it's safe to assume that some of the moderation has caused people to be more timid with their posting, but as for going back to 2008.. I don't agree with the mentality exactly. We had fun then, but we should learn how to have fun now.

Or something like that~!

>> No.10174026

>No one wants to do it.
No one _can_ do it because they don't even otaku.

>> No.10174032

Yeah thats the sad thing, if the place were to be turned into a 2D/Random I'm certain it would be mostly people spamming tired memes.

>> No.10174035

Posting some link to a newssite with a wall of greentext which then evolves into a 300 post discussion is fun, but is it a good thread?
I've been here since only 2009.
Go ahead, please show me the thread of the good old times.
What's a good thread in your eyes?

>> No.10174040

>2D/Random and people would have self-control:
You can only have one or the other. Not both.

Just the name "random" itself is a huge target for shitposters. it would be an absolute disaster.

>> No.10174041

Out of context in that you didn't include past the first comma.

>> No.10174044

Are you posting without your trip?

>> No.10174046

Yes they can but they CHOOSE not to. so they only shitpost

>> No.10174047

You'll never reach an agreement on what to do about "shitposters" because "shitposting" has no real meaning.

>> No.10174050

Then again, anything is a invitation for shitposters.
They seek excuses and nitpick anything just to make a stupid thread.
Remember when the rules said that train and headphone threads are okay?
That was a fucking disaster too
We can't have nice things because of some 15 year old brats

>> No.10174051

You obviously think that anything that isnt on topic must be shitposting.
May I remind you that the current NEET/hikkimori general only got so big because back then most people joke, lie, pretend and made exaggerate stories about being one.

>> No.10174056
File: 172 KB, 500x500, brain problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not. Worthless Touhou imagedumps are far more common than spurdo, etc. Autistic robots who spew the same garbage day-in and day-out in "general" threads are a minority here, but they're protected by janitors and their posts are held as the paragon of quality for some reason. The rest of /jp/ wants to move on, to move back--to let this board run itself like a normal anonymous BBS rather than a forum, but the moderation staff will not let us. Let's enjoy 300 pictures or Raymoo instead; at least it's not spurdo!

>> No.10174057

>May I remind you that the current NEET/hikkimori general only got so big because back then most people joke, lie, pretend and made exaggerate stories about being one.

Just like that whole waifu thing which started off as a joke and people joined it and took it serious.
Does the origin of it makes it any less serious now?

And you still have to provide me with a link to a good thread

>> No.10174058


You mean the parts that simply reaffrim the opening statement that /jp/ is not about NEET lifetyle?

>its an aspect of the board, but its not entirely about that

>The board is Otaku Culture right now, so it encompasses all of those things, just anime and manga have a board for themselves already

If it encompasses all of "those things "and by "those things" I assume you mean otaku culture. Then it's a otaku culture board. But, you claim on that it's not. Which is it? You're being vague on purpose to defend bullshit rules.

>> No.10174059

S-sorry, I'm not cool enough for a trip. I am honored that my post was poor enough to be considered such.

>> No.10174067

A good thread is something that generates community interest. Simple as that. There are clearly many topics here that /jp/ would like to discuss that aren't allowed because they offend a certain little Hitler's tastes.

>> No.10174069

All of those things being: >>10173771

I just said the board wasn't entirely about that.

There seems to be some sort of disconnect here that I don't think we're going to be able to get over.

>> No.10174074

Back then people dont take things seriously.
It is what you guys call "SHITPOSTING". Nobody give a shit or cry to their MEIDO SAMA. The only real complain was about dick spam or cocksucking spam
Just go to the archive and type any random number <1million.

>> No.10174084

>I just said the board wasn't entirely about that.

I know that which is why I asked this:


>So, then it's Touhou board?

Lemme rephrase it then:

Is /jp/ primarily a Touhou board?

>> No.10174088

But then people would make shitty anime and milkthreads and samefag in them to make it look like they are community approved so that they don't get deleted.
I wish we had IDs like /b/

>> No.10174097

You mean that's not the case right now?

>> No.10174098

Back then, that was 50% of the board. Now, it's 90% of the board. Check and mate nooblord

>> No.10174105

I didn't say that, but right now such threads are rightfully getting deleted.

I have to admit that I don't like what the janitor does, like deleting a 100 post thread with interesting discussion.
But if that's the sacrify I have to take to get the aforementioned threads out I'm willing to endure it

Later a mod, a janitor or moot will read this thread and thing
"/jp/ doesn't even knows what they want themself, just let these assholes burn"

>> No.10174107

There is another imageboard where some of us old /jp/ers have gathered. Its name begins with a D.

I, for one, couldn't care less about how /jp/ is currently faring. You know why? Because 4chan is now one of the most popular websites on the internet. It's infested. I can't stand the fact that this is no longer my *secretclub* where I could have a nice, decent and long-winded discussion about Touhou, figs, video games, japanese lifestyle, eroge, music or which brand of beer is the best.

Some people just want to do and respond to meta threads. That is why they continue to come to this place because nothing is enforced. This board has no direction. The people that cared enough have long been gone.

>> No.10174111

>There is another imageboard where some of us old /jp/ers have gathered. Its name begins with a D.

How's the traffic?

>> No.10174113

desuchan is turtlespeed

>> No.10174116

Sorry didn't think you were the same poster and I was mainly replying to that guy. I'm not even really here for Touhou but its definitely one of the main reasons the board was created in the first place.

I think the best approach would be to just use those guidelines posted earlier, which are supposed to be the current rules, but enforce them only so much. Clear spam, such as the spurdo and feel shit, should just be deleted. If I was going to discuss anime/manga I'd just take it to /a/ myself, not that I have in quite some time, but there is a separate board for that. If a particular thread was generating a great deal of good quality discussion then it should be left alone but if its just anime screen caps we can probably do without.

>> No.10174121

hey, I post in /d/ too!

>> No.10174122

I havn't really posted here since 2009 and this is the first thread I see
also I see theres a "vn general" so does that suggest vns have lost so much people interested in them they gather up in a general out of convenience, or is this a mod enforced thing?

>> No.10174127

I'd love to just find an image board thats basically 2D/Random that has a post rate of around 1 or 2 posts every 10 minutes, but at a more continuous rate throughout the day.

>> No.10174129


>> No.10174134

Where have you been? I just knew something was missing.

>> No.10174139

Last translated game was Never7.
Lack of contents to be discussed. Most people cant read moons anyway and /vg/ took all the new vn babbys.

>> No.10174147

How is /v/'s post rate even close to 1post/5 minutes, don't they have one of the highest post rates on 4chan.

>> No.10174149

>But if that's the sacrify

I don't trust anyone who can't spell "sacrifice" to decide what to sacrifice, let alone to what end.

And it's fucking true. We don't know what we want. We're all just assholes trying to have our own way and to remake the board in our own image. The janitor is included in this.

>> No.10174158

I'm sorry, I kinda made this post in a hurry.

>> No.10174189
File: 298 KB, 3000x4124, shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is a CANCER. Futaba created a ghetto for Touhou and all Touhou threads on the main board get saged and del'ed.

If the moderation wants /jp/ to improve, they need to allow more than Touhou danbooru dumps and idols.

>> No.10174196

2011: Shitposters flood into the board and have their way for most of the year, establishing themselves as a large component of /jp/'s user base.

2012: New rules are imposed which cause 2011 /jp/ users to cry foul as they can no longer shitpost. However, all of /jp/'s old users gave up on the site during the 2011 to early 2012 era, leaving mostly shitposters. This results in what appears to be the entirety of /jp/ crying about the state of the board, but in reality its just the 2011 shitposters, with a few rational older users being suffocated in the giant pile of shit.

>> No.10174206

Good job dude.

>> No.10174220

Unfortunately just a few rational old users don't deserve an entire imageboard to them.

>> No.10174223

I wish moot would just make more boards. I don't get why he has such an aversion against smaller boards.

>> No.10174225

Yes they do, they were here first.
Are you saying that the board would be too slow then?
Slow doesn't means bad.
Many boards are way slower and manage just fine.

Why don't the new guys just go to /b/ where thy can post "lol epic xD" as much as they please?

>> No.10174229


That's not gonna change shit.

>> No.10174231

I'm speaking generally.

>> No.10174234

Are you stupid?
moot hates /jp/ and he hated old /jp/? Why would he bother hosting and wasting an entire board worth on his precious servers when /b/ is getting faster and faster by the day? /jp/ is not a kids club that you can claim "we came here first so it's ours"!

>> No.10174258

you brought it on yourselves
>/jp/ can't be trolled
>shitposting is ok as long as its ironic
its fitting that came back and bite you in the ass.

>> No.10174263

My sides are in orbit right now.

More seriously, it's been a long time since I've seen a thread like this on /jp/, where people actually discuss anything.

>> No.10174265

That's because all of the meta thread participants have migrated to /q/ in August.

>> No.10174283

yeah I think that's one thing that really degrades boards, irony doesn't translate well on just text. people see someone saying something stupid ironically and they may think its something serious and then emulate the behavior. and before you know it instead of people doing this stuff in jest, they are doing it seriously, thinking its the norm.

>> No.10174284

Translate it weebs

>> No.10174286

owned hard because you don't know what it says

>> No.10174287

The prophecy....It has been fullfilled!

>> No.10174293

just shut up and translate it and baldlr sky

>> No.10174541

I'm sure the janitors just wanted to help the board... But they should quit if they're killing what they wanted to help...

>> No.10174560

Compared to 2011 it's alot better now thanks to the janitor

>> No.10174707

Fuck off neoNSJ.

>> No.10174560,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is crying.
/jp/ is dying. Why won't you help us moot?

>> No.10174750

There is barely and interest in doujin games, music, and other shit this board is for. People now come to this board to blog and that's about it.

But the western otaku culture community is really shitty so it's not this boards fault that it's shit.

>> No.10174788


>> No.10174750,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10174788,1 [INTERNAL] 

Too busy pretending to be a celebrity just because he admins a popular imageboard.

>> No.10174788,2 [INTERNAL] 

>436 replies

I'm the king of meta whining, you guys should have waited for me.

>> No.10174788,3 [INTERNAL] 

You know you can always,like, make your own website you know. Like,we need like more places to retreat to in the future ahead. Moot,like, isn't going to live forever so,like, where the fuck are like, the web developers at, yo.

>> No.10174788,4 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder if Moot has a proper backup plan in place, like does he even have someone he can trust that much with admin control over the site in his absence.

>> No.10174788,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. – better known as Si – is CEO of Advance Publications, which in turn owns Condé Nast Publications, publishers of Vogue, Vanity Fair, the New Yorker and numerous other world-renowned titles. Once memorably described as “the reigning arbiter of high-end glitz,” his father was the eldest of eight children of Jewish immigrants to the US who began acquiring newspapers in the 1930s. Newhouse Jr. has dramatically expanded the publishing empire, and acquired a reputation for a brusque style of dismissing writers and editors and a keen eye for spotting talent.

>> No.10174788,6 [INTERNAL] 

His mom

>> No.10174788,7 [INTERNAL] 

I never invited anyone to the group; it isn't exclusive, it's a public group.
I'd feel like a jerk if I kicked someone out of the group. I'm spineless I know. Whatever.
The group was a failure. It never achieved what I wanted it to.

>> No.10174788,8 [INTERNAL] 

get a life
