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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1017233 No.1017233 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1017235


>> No.1017237


>> No.1017243
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>> No.1017260

It's a nuclear device

>> No.1017265

Why don't they play a real RTS like Warhammer 40k?

>> No.1017269

Wait, is he wearing those black headphones over a pair of white ones?

>> No.1017288
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>> No.1017296

Because players tend to listen to music as they play Starcraft.

>> No.1017301
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Because Warhammer 40,000 is not the RTS.
Dawn of War is.

>> No.1017304

The white ones are the actual headphones the black ones are to stop him hearing outside noise.

>> No.1017307


>> No.1017345
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>> No.1017428

/jp/ ban Korean things.

>> No.1017442


Except StarCraft.

>> No.1017457

Well, thats like, your opinion, man, jpg.

>> No.1017460

Flash needs his hairpin he used to pull back his hair away from his forehead acne.

>> No.1017468


>> No.1017672

Fuck flash, jaedong for the win.


>> No.1017704

Hopefully there will be a Flash VS Jaedong final.

Flash will win by cordstomp in the last game.

>> No.1017736
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>> No.1017746

stork would have lost even without the CORDSTOMPAN. He's just a choker. He lost before he even got to face Flash, this round, to an idiotic mistake in the first game and terrible plays in the second.

Now Jaedong, Jaedong is a beast. Flash doesn't stand a chance against his ZvT skills, even if he cordstomps every 30 seconds.

>> No.1017764

good thing Japs don't play RTS or FPS, or they would own everyone else in the world at those game genres too.

they rule the world at shootan' and fightan'. imagine how good they would be at the other games which take less skill.

>> No.1017769
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>the other games which take less skill.

>> No.1017776

I DON'T NEED TO BUILD A ROBOBAY! I'M FUCKING STORK! He always seems to choke, surprised he even managed to win the blizzard tournament albeit against mostly westerners.

Jaedong better not get put out before the final I want to see him play Flash. Rewatching the Flash vs Jaedong games from the Star Invatational just now.

>> No.1017782

Are any of the expansions even worth it? Or should I just get the original Dawn of War.

>> No.1017800

What the fuck is a shootan' game that isn't an FPS? You mean some shitty memorize the position of the zombies and shoot them as they come out lame-ass quarter muncher?
Seriously, do you have any idea how shitty those cabinets are? Try playing the game standing on a chair and get an idea how much height alone impacts accuracy.

>> No.1017812

In after lunatic mode level trolling.

>> No.1017819

All of the expansions are worth buying.

>> No.1017823

Oh god I lol'd

>> No.1017830


>What the fuck is a shootan' game that isn't an FPS?

I'm getting the feeling you don't really belong on this board...

>> No.1017837
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>annoyed japanese fellow.png

>> No.1017845

sorry but

whats cordstomping?

>> No.1017849

just get (read, download) Soulstorm unless you're playing online

>> No.1017857

Starcraft tactics:
put your units in a location where they can't be surrounded
carefully control your units to gain an edge in the battle

DoW tactics:
stand on the cover terrain because the game gives you a defense bonus
select squad, attack move

Starcraft strategy:
focus on your economy or try to win with a timing attack
build units that fit your plan and are good against what your opponent is using

DoW strategy:
cap as many points as possible, who ever has the most points wins
build as many high tech units as you can, low tech units are worthless in comparison

>> No.1017865

>>1017857 starcraftfag upset that DoW is more fun to play

>> No.1017869

DoWfag butthurt that starcraft is too hard

>> No.1017873

>stand on the cover terrain because the game gives you a defense bonus

enjoy your range units getting meeled while his meele unit enjoy both cover bonus AND meele cover bonus from range attack from the rest of your army.

>> No.1017884

Fucking Warhammer fags and their undying jealousy of the game they ripped off..

>> No.1017890

What the fuck is the deal with these pro starcraft games? I guess a ton of units are worthless or something? Some dude has a dozen+ mutalisks but the other guy isn't building any valkyries?

>> No.1017891

Not really, champ.
Isn't past your bedtime?

>> No.1017912

valkyries are very situational and not usually cost effective. They also have a broken attack that can make the game stop working. Flash used some against memory though last weeken

>> No.1017914

I guess battlecruisers are trash too?

>> No.1017918


Nothing's really useless in StarCraft, but some units are certainly highly situational and you won't see them very often.

>> No.1017921

>other guy isn't building any valkyries?
Valkyries are hardly ever seen in pro games but there was a whole bunch of them in a game last week. There was also a gaint space cow battlecruiser fight with about 20 battlecruisers a side. It was a rare sight to see.

>> No.1017924

only seen in long tvt games

>> No.1017926

I'm also surprised I haven't seen any ghosts used against carriers. I guess ghosts are too expensive too?
Don't see Protoss Scouts either, but that isn't surprising... they really sucked IIRC.

>> No.1017932

starcraft fag butthurt about his game not being fun

>> No.1017936

Wow. English commentators and decent video quality. Thanks.

>> No.1017955

Also valkyries are bugged or something I dont know

>> No.1017962

you don't see battlecrusers in pro games much because they suck vs protoss (vs storm), and zerg (vs defilers), even in TvT matches you'd only see them in long games where players have large economy going.

Scouts aren't used because they have a weak ground attack and more expensive than corsairs.

Valkyries also have no ground attack, and are way up on the tech tree which if you're in you're better off going science vessal.

oh man ghosts, the're on top of tech tree, cost a shitton of gas, have a limited use and require intense micro.

>> No.1017966


>oh man ghosts, the're on top of tech tree, cost a shitton of gas, have a limited use and require intense micro.

They're beautiful to watch in action, though. I remember BoxeR's lockdowns.

>> No.1017971

I remember the nuke-rush. Good times.

>> No.1017982

>oh man ghosts, the're on top of tech tree, cost a shitton of gas, have a limited use and require intense micro.

Slayer_BoxeR tier amirite?

>> No.1017989

boxer's ghost is credit

>> No.1018056

I have to wonder if Nukes have just been metagamed out of usefulness by now or something. BoxeR was one of the pioneering Terran players, did Zerg/Toss (and other Terran) just learn how to always be ready to counter nukes? I've been watching Korea time every week and I've not seen a single Ghost, much less a nuke, so far.

>> No.1018062


everyone is fucked once he gets back from the air force

>> No.1018091

With nukes you're probably going after the workers and progamers run their workers out fast when there's a threat. I mean half the time when someone reaver drops the scarab has to chase the workers running away then goes dud.

>> No.1018206

Here is a pretty insane battlecruiser match: http://www.gomtv.net/videos/241

>> No.1018280
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>> No.1018284
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>> No.1018298
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>> No.1018302

How do I watch these Starcraft Tourneys? Is there an online feed or something?

>> No.1018305


>> No.1018314

I thought the starcraft thing was a joke till I visited Korea and there were girls talking about a recent match at a cafe.

>> No.1018321



>> No.1018464
File: 45 KB, 160x188, 1216288905072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image hasn't been posted yet?

>> No.1018502



>> No.1018521

I need to visit korea

>> No.1018536


it does

>> No.1018538

what what?

>> No.1018542

Prepare to draw your sword in defence, traitor.

>> No.1018548

You're kidding right?

>> No.1018564

korea is a less expensive, less crappy version of japan
prove me wrong

>> No.1018569

Korea is shit.

>> No.1018573

Oh man. Flash is about to lose 3-0 to fOrGG in the MSL Semi-final. Talk about embarrassing.

>> No.1018583

Or not. WTF Flash. How the hell do you manage to pull that shit off and make a comeback? 2-1 now.

>> No.1018586

KOREA: girls that you can play RTS games with and they actually have an interest in it

JAPAN: girls that could care less about anything that pop culture magazines don't tell them to worship

>> No.1018603

>KOREA: girls that you can play RTS games with and they actually have an interest in it

>JAPAN: lolis

>> No.1018604

And Flash fucking loses in the 4th game 3-1. LOL. fOrGG's fangirls are screaming for joy.

>> No.1018607

>EVERYWHERE ELSE: girls that could care less about anything that pop culture magazines don't tell them to worship

>> No.1018610

MSL Finals
Jaedong vs fOrGG


>> No.1018622

I used to think that Flash was god. Then I saw the shit that Jaedong pulled off against Lomo.

>> No.1018626

what team does fOrGG play for? I'm reading he's only ranked 21st

>> No.1018632

He plays for Lecaf OZ. Same team as Jaedong. Jaedong has a history of playing badly vs teammates.

>> No.1018639

>Jaedong has a history of playing badly vs teammates.
Except he beat Lomo who is also on his team.

>> No.1018640

I love Flash, but he was way too naive thinking forGG wouldn't try another proxy, like last game, and the game before that, and the one before that...

Oh well, there's still Jaedong.

>> No.1018644

He came so fucking close to scouting the proxy factory on the 4th game though. Then he made his SCV turn around and I was like Wow. WTF.

>> No.1019049

That third game between Jaedong and Lomo in the gomtv classic event was awesome, Jaedong was winning every skirmish and his unit where just everywhere. Never seen someone play zerg that well so many dark swarms and so many scourged science vessels.


>> No.1019635

Flash got beaten pretty badly compare to his usual play. Caught out so many times by proxies and nothing seemed to go his way at all, the golaiths beating all those siege tanks was something else. Wonder how that other guy will do against Jaedong and his muta micro.

Jaedong is playing Shuttle this sunday in the tittysambo tournament, should be some good games if shuttle plays as well as he has in other rounds of the tournament.

>> No.1019900

What happened to Bisu?

>> No.1020171


Though he got eliminated in the group stages of MSL and Backhoe'd out of OSL in Round 2 the group stages there, he's still around, and still is one of the best PvZ players, just not as dominating as he was a year ago.

Partly because he's been a bit more uneven as of late, but also because Zerg players today are a whole lot better in dealing with Corsairs.

>> No.1020182

they own at shootans and fightings? you best be joking nigger watch the world cyber games... they suck

>> No.1020288

WCG is a korean conspiracy

>> No.1020313

then explain why 1337 Japanese gamers can't even make it to the finals of other gaming championships?

>> No.1020327

Japs don't care about western games, they only like them tohoes and streetfighters and other shit that runs on 20 year old hardware

Also they're scared because going to WCG would force them to mingle with scary foreigners, better stay home at the arcade
