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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10160297 No.10160297 [Reply] [Original]

The little arrowy things with the oval in the middle are the best bullets. This is a scientific fact.

>> No.10160304

They're pretty good.

Why is Howl of the Horned Owl harder on Hard than Lunatic?

>> No.10160310
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Some strange mystical force. Like how Kanako's last attack is harder on easy than it is on hard.

Why do artists never draw Alice's proper danmaku?

>> No.10160329 [DELETED] 

>u mena meem airrows?

>> No.10160339

I like star bullets and yin-yang orbs.

I guess I'm just a sucker for eye candy.

>> No.10160360

>Why do artists never draw Alice's proper danmaku?
Oh, simply because pretty much no one cares about the games. I think at least 90% of Touhou fans are secondary. The remaining 10% are the few true fans and people who try to fit in /jp/

>> No.10160368 [DELETED] 


>> No.10160374

I think we can all agree that rice grain bullets are garbage.

>> No.10160382

i like the regular circle ones with white filling. they're nice and modest.

>> No.10160389

Spinning rice is freaking cool though.

>> No.10160391
File: 38 KB, 500x428, Koishi Komeiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah NO. Hearts are the best bullets.

>> No.10160396

I don't know what you mean

>> No.10160395

I am good against kunais for some reason

>> No.10160403

The reason is their tiny hitbox.

>> No.10160434

Kunai, rice, and "the little arrowy things" all have the same hitbox.

>> No.10160452
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I like these ones. The large bullets that look like bubbles/donuts, purple on the inside with a harmless white outside.
Storm on Mt. Ooe is one of my favorite spellcards.

Worst bullet is wavy lines.

>> No.10160461

I like random patterns because I'm not so fond of memorising safespot.

>> No.10160465
File: 230 KB, 383x223, Hard vs Lunatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same reason Keine's second to last spellcard is harder on hard than lunatic.

>> No.10160472

I noticed that one too. But at least they're different kinds of spellcards. Howl of the Horned Owl is the same thing, just slower and sparser when you go from H to L.

>> No.10160487
File: 305 KB, 600x736, 1333692140627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her danmaku the most.It's simply beautiful and elegant,quite fitting.

>> No.10160506

I'm pretty much always hit on her last non-spell. She is not enjoyable.

>> No.10160534
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I like lasers.

>> No.10160579
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I like curvy lasers and the huge bubbles.

I hate these zigzagging ones.

>> No.10160602

I like the one's OP is on about because I feel like I can get away with murder due to their little hitbox.

>> No.10160615
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Reisen's tampons.

>> No.10160636

Those paper talismans are the best ones. Small hitboxes and fun to dodge.

>> No.10160640

I like the giant circles because you can go almost all the way inside them. I hate the little small solid glowing circles because they're always used in annoying patterns.

Music notes are the best. Knives and stars are the worst.

Tiny circles suck but are usually harmless. Usually.

>> No.10160655
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Marisa stars are the cutest.

>> No.10160717

And edible.

>> No.10160723


> I like curvy lasers


>> No.10160738

They are fun.

>> No.10160812
File: 439 KB, 1000x750, Mizuhashi Parsee 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if they are being shot normally or not.
In the case of img related, they are my favorite.

>> No.10160951

Need moar cheeto lasers

>> No.10163461
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>> No.10163473
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>> No.10163533
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>> No.10163541

My bullet grading scale does not include "best", it spans between "worst and most hated" and "most unremarkable".

>> No.10163548

The tiny dots are the absolute worst kind. I can't dodge them at all.

>> No.10163570

I like those red and blue cereal boxes/cards. But not the purple ones. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.10163593
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>> No.10163626

Besides Alice, what are some other characters who use arrow danmaku that are other colors than blue or red?

It really seems like blue and red are pleb tier danmaku colors.

>> No.10163665

I am not a fan of the big fat flare looking bullet
No sir
I never know how close is too close and die when I try to squeeze my tiny tohou or spaceship/military helicopter/loli/cat ass between them

>> No.10163681

Tons of them. Green is very common.

>> No.10163692

Knowing that you can safely go about 2 hitboxes, 9 or so pixels into them since PCB should be enough.

>> No.10165126

I can't trust hitboxes as a unit of measure. Theres a lot of shit I should have died to.

>> No.10165154
File: 93 KB, 529x600, GoMIllus-Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bullets

>> No.10165167

you pretty much nailed it.

Captain Murasa's anchors are close second.

>> No.10165180

Oh yeah.
These are so cool and impressive.
They are perfect for her and make you freak the fuck out the first time you see them

>> No.10165186

I also like the water droplet shaped danmaku she uses in her non-cards.

Those were fucking awesome, why did no other character use them?

>> No.10165199

Now that I think about it, they would be great for Kogasas spellcards

>> No.10165236

One of the worse bullet is cheetos bullets. But nothing could be cheekier than a textbox bullet.


Both are in MS. Do the math.

>> No.10168890

What the hell even happened here?

The text box killed her?

>> No.10168948
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I'm a sucker for stars

>> No.10168973
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 130666524458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have more of a liking to her stars if the battle with her in IN wasn't so fucking frustrating.

Anyways, MoF had a weird lack of leaf bullets.
