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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 147 KB, 850x637, sample-6ef4ccda86ed5807d26ff643590568c9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10120715 No.10120715 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player:

Skype: Add skippyfail, Japanese Bird (the one from Spaghettiville) or ferongr and one of them will add you into the conversation.
IRC: Idle with us on #/jp/radio on the Rizon network.

Please enjoy!

>> No.10121402
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>> No.10121434
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Ah, another thread. Cool.

>> No.10122280

Thanks for all your hard work.

>> No.10124833 [DELETED] 


>> No.10125362 [DELETED] 


>> No.10125371

Why is she smirking like that? That look is making me uneasy.

>> No.10125390

She knows about your lewd thoughts of her and is teasing you for a good reaction.

>> No.10125404
File: 562 KB, 1500x1500, 1317074646436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent listened to the radio in a while. Tonight I will tune in to help me sleep again.

>> No.10125406

Inline tag editing when?

>> No.10125419

Please join us for /jp/ theater tonight

>> No.10125435

>help me sleep
>Needs more metal.

>> No.10125457

Fuck you and your /a/-tier shit. They shouldn't had let you into the convo, faggot.

>> No.10125463

> Idle with us on #/jp/radio on the Rizon network.
do you guys ever talk there?

>> No.10125465

You first.

>> No.10125477

didn't work last time

>> No.10125554

Second time's the charm!

>> No.10126614

>ShibayanRecords - 月齢11.3のキャンドルマジック

I really like the second half of this song. The beginning is boring though

>> No.10127457

welcome to every shibayan song ever

much better than songs that weakly tail off at the end in my opinion


C79 ココロバイブレーション
(M3-28)[ShibayanRecords] ムソウマテリアライズ

are good as well, there are translations floating around for most of the vocal songs, they're very good

>> No.10127477

>putting noko in the wrong field

i feel so embarrased, d-don't look /jp/

>> No.10128780 [DELETED] 


>> No.10130289

>come back to jp radio after long absence
>chuu2 ed 2nd most played

sayonara and gomenasai

>> No.10131148

...like /jp/ radio wasn't chock-full of anime music right from the start.

Well, it's no like you're going to be missed.

>> No.10132369
File: 13 KB, 350x247, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the convo and find your soulmate.

>> No.10137266 [DELETED] 


>> No.10137983
File: 214 KB, 1500x1500, 1352469420580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys.

>> No.10138046

Why don't the peaches on Tenshi's hat go bad?

>> No.10138047

She eats them before they do.

>> No.10138052

I wish I had a regenerating peach hat. I love peaches.

>> No.10138053

Is her hat a plant?

>> No.10138056

Maybe Tenshi is actually the plant.

Or maybe she just reloads it manually.

>> No.10138153
File: 77 KB, 400x400, 1352513129282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to reserver locked girl (cool & create)

is one of the locked girls in the list a version of it or should i find an uploadable version

>> No.10138164
File: 62 KB, 301x327, 1350848240906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also whoever put a song composed of radio static on, die in a fire, gently, i mean you should die, but in a cute and gentle way, like a boiling hot pillow or something

>> No.10138350
File: 704 KB, 900x900, 1350534726863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had to upload it

>> No.10138530

>sudden dubstep

>> No.10138589

What the fuck am I listening to

>> No.10138600

Nevermind that, what terrifies me is that this is only part 1.

>> No.10138769
File: 572 KB, 2842x1413, Image0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10139243

Main site not loading??

>> No.10139250


>> No.10140827

hello I hope the thread is active

Im curious if boof is still alive? what ever happen to him?

also I want the links in mediafire for one of these, thanks!

1 BOOF - Wanna hear the most ONIING sound in the world? 4:39
2 BOOF - You're listening to jp radio!
3 BOOF's loli - 8 year old radio promo

>> No.10140982

He's in prison for reckless endangerment after crashing his motorcycle while doing stunts outside an elementary school while trying to impress the children.

>> No.10141359

What are the operating costs for 1 month?

I'm planning some donations and secret santa shit, and want to fit one month of /jp/ radio into the budget.

>> No.10141810

>Kluster - Klopfzeichen, Pt. 1
Fuck off with that shit, will ya.

>> No.10141883

The same ammount that it costs for this anon http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S10078486#p10078719

>> No.10141994

is the skype thing a voice chat? because i'm way too shy for that

>> No.10142079

For the 2x10^27 time, no. Never has been for at least 2 years.

>> No.10143119

Hey, could somebody tell me what this JP theater thing is? I've heard it a few times and it sounds cool but I'm not sure what to expect.

>> No.10143172

It's some /a/-tier faggotry where some people join a private voice-enabled convo and start reading lines from eroge.

Truly disgusting.

>> No.10143311


Oh, I was hoping it'd be more than that.

Shame, it sounded like something fun.

>> No.10144488

The toho clock is simply mesmerizing.

>> No.10145780

Odd. My song randomly disappeared from the archive.

>> No.10146087

I just heard Hajimete no Yakusoku on the cast.

A song I was almost sure of only myself and maybe 2 others were even aware of.

I only took a cursory glance at the stream at first, now I'm going to listen it until it goes down or I die.

Also, it's got the vocals at the end, are you using my own video from Youtube?

>> No.10146505
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, mfwbullies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's such a big lie!
The time I joined someone called me and started saying a lot of rude and lewd things to me...
I was just there silently listening to his loli MorphVOX'd voice, too shocked and shamefaced to respond.
I haven't been able to muster the courage to join again since then.

>> No.10146515
File: 6 KB, 269x125, mfwretards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone called me

The fact is that voice calls are disabled for the convo. If someone called you privately, it's your fault for being an idiot and not declining the call. Or for failing to set up your client correctly (see image).

Lastly, stop with the forced memes or I'll bully your face to the ground.

>> No.10146612

You are always so angry.

I can't imagine how anyone in that convo manages to put up with you.

>> No.10146620

I'm always chill except when I detect people pretending.

>> No.10147399

Which song was it?

>> No.10150882
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x1365, vocaloidxtoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10152511

Website now features proper caching of images and js/css.

A revolutionary new technology saves binary and selected text files to a browser disk-based cache so subsequent pageloads will be faster.

>> No.10152914

The database of songs that the cast is pulled from, is there any chance it has a relation to what used to be Anime Academy Radio?

>> No.10152935

Prepare for patent lawsuits!

>> No.10152945
File: 117 KB, 531x610, 129c7d1d0503442ddb66b32e74488217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the means, but that sounds amazing!

>> No.10152957

>that the cast is pulled from

The wha?

Anyway, I vaguely remember Pyonta-kun starting the stream back some years ago streaming from Winamp manually, without a site so I doubt it.

>> No.10153030


Ah, well thank you for the response.

Also I tend to use cast to refer to almost any online streaming for lack of a better word.

All in all loving the radio, although some incredibly strange songs like to sneak in every once in a while.

>> No.10155449 [DELETED] 


>> No.10155464

Is uploading broken again?

>> No.10155479

If you see no error then it's likely the file has characters in tags that break the upload script filename function. In that case, the file is saved normally, but with a numerical filename and lacking an extension.

I see an extension-less file uploaded at 15:41 GMT+1 server time. Will append an extention to it and it will be indexed normally in a few minutes.

>> No.10155481


And done.


>> No.10155493

So angry.

>> No.10155496


>> No.10155497

Yeah, it's the one.

I was under the impressions tagging was working properly by now.

>> No.10155504


"Thank you for reporting the issue. I would like to inform you that I blah blah blah..."

I don't use the politically-correct "polite", "courteous" Newspeak that some influential modern companies and people force. Dressing up words unnecessarily results in the point being lost or diminished in impact. Perfect for the gutless, spineless masses. But not for me.

>> No.10155509

yeahhhhhh tell it like it is

>> No.10155517
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>> No.10155531
File: 55 KB, 240x240, rincar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tagging works correctly for ~98% of the files uploaded. It's only a few specific characters in the "Artist" or "Title" ID3 tag that break the PHP library for tag manipulation that we use.


Wanna fight about it, DOHC-VTEC turbo-injectedsperg?

Ah, nevermind. Take it easy and enjoy the stream.

>> No.10155540
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>> No.10155542

Do you bleed black? Does nobody understand the real you?

>> No.10155553


Understanding is not required . Only accurate transmission of information.

>> No.10158826

I'm surprised how chill the station is.

Never thought I'd say this, but good job /jp/ :P

>> No.10159987

>good job /jp/ :P
Thanks, I work hard :)

>> No.10160489


>> No.10162864 [DELETED] 

good night age

>> No.10164302

Somebody skip this boris shit posthaste

>> No.10164341

alright ya weebs time for some heavy as HELL sh*t

>> No.10166985
File: 102 KB, 400x400, remi_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10167507

Personally I think the BGM that plays during the Little Busters minigame isn't that great for listening on its own.

>> No.10168939 [DELETED] 


>> No.10168962

Is there a way to listen to this on Android?

My PC's soundcard is broken and Shoutcast Client for Android doesn't work either.

>> No.10168967

take it /jp/sy!

>> No.10168971
File: 352 KB, 639x976, 1352231614446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Remilia have to do with music? There should be a Primsriver there.

>> No.10168990


In my experience this is the most robust, lightweight client for listening to streams of one's choice. It's so good that I was able to listen to the stream driving a truck across half the country for 6 hours straight.

>> No.10168996
File: 40 KB, 150x116, 1348522368190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, works perfectly!

>> No.10169009

Black coffee! It's fragrance is so great.

>> No.10169029

Let's have some dekomori.

>> No.10173319
File: 215 KB, 500x750, 21184786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wakey wakey with some matsurillex against the current flow of outsider trash on the frontpage. Good Morning /jp/ radio.

>> No.10173471
File: 22 KB, 300x100, boris[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it so.

>> No.10174752

just wanted to say, my player's at 39:21:33 and still going. GJ on the no downtime. GJ on the no troll songs.

must be a new record.
take it easy /jp/

>> No.10174757

is that a good job? do you get to take it easy as much as you would like despite being employed?

>> No.10174778

they do, and then she predicts the weather - didnt you listen to her weather report?

>> No.10174787
File: 9 KB, 593x114, uptime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of uptime...

I've not been working for the past 2 years after the massive undersizing the company went through but I've been doing a few routes once or twice a month to fill blanks in the schedules, It is a pretty chill job. No managers to distract and whine to you, no industrial designers forcing their bullshit on you and only dealing with the HR vampires once a month.

Best part, I could blast my weeb music in the semi's cab and moving rhythmically on the air-suspended seat while wearing flipflops, shorts and a wifebeater with the A/C in full power and the cruise control engaged. And it payed relatively well for not having to use my brain very actively.

>> No.10174794

what's that encoding for?

>> No.10174796

The stream you're listening at, duh.

>> No.10175046

Fucking remixes of Flandre's theme for the past hour.

>> No.10175104

That has just changed.
Fuck Flandre/Ran spammer.

>> No.10175161

That pic is really deep.

>> No.10175187

Do you translate from FLAC on the fly?

>> No.10175193

The source files are a mix of MP3 and Vorbis files uploaded by all you, in various bitrates. Most recent stuff (barring nicovideo/youtube rips) are MP3 V0 or CBR.

>> No.10175266

Lossy-to-lossy transcoding considered harmful.

>> No.10175288

SAM doesn't support FLAC. Also, our current song database would take up over 2TB of space in lossy and that amount of space isn't really available.

In any case, I find the stream transparent in most circumstances.

>> No.10176553

>Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Fuck, now I feel like playing some THPS

>> No.10178328

>Boris & Merzbow - Part 1 15:36
>Boris with Michio Kurihara 17:29

Oh come on. This random selection is clearly rigged.

>> No.10178610

Boris is the main reason I dont have this stream on all the time, and just check in whenever.

>> No.10178633

wait, you mean the songs are encoded in something WORSE than mp3?!

>> No.10178865
File: 89 KB, 954x724, TH4-LLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem like music experts and nice people. Please help. Is there a way I can convert these .M files into midi? Alternatively, a way to redirect the output of Parameter Viewer to a plain text file?

>> No.10178877

No. Most tracker tracks cannot. You have to decode them to mp3 or wave files if you want to listen to them without the tracker software.

Tracker music is way more complex than what the General MIDI standard supports.

>> No.10178908

Thanks for the reply.
I'm not trying to convert them for listening. I need them in a more verbose format. Like notes and duration of each note, volume of each note, etc., which is what the Parameter Viewer is actually displaying. I need a way to get those values. I'm thinking of text hooking the window and log them to a file. I'm wondering if there's an easier way to do it than writing a program that does this. I'm not really much of a programmer so that would probably be not the best solution.

>> No.10178926

You could always find the tabs. Otherwise you may have to write a custom parser or use the parsing library of an existing PC98 tracker and export notes, durations, FM data and samples.

But since you're not much of a programmer, then I guess it can't be helped. Your only hope is a premade solution that may or may not exist.

>> No.10178946

A premade solution probably doesn't exist because I have been searching for a whole day now and all I could find are posts from people with the same questions.
Thanks for the tip on the parsing library. That or the source files of this player is probably my last hope.

>> No.10181143 [DELETED] 


>> No.10183776 [DELETED] 


>> No.10183777

Do you need another relay? I have bandwidth to spare.

>> No.10183814


Sure, relays are welcome if you have the bandwidth for it, especially if they are based in Western Europe where a stable relay is needed (rei.mu is in the US). With the current bitrate it's 1 Mbps per 4 clients so set your client limit accordingly with bandwidth to spare for buffering.

Just point your relay to the main stream's address (skully.hopto.org:8000) and post your own relay's domain here. I'll add it to the relay list on the site.

>> No.10183836

I use Icecast. I hope that's not an issue. I've never used SHOUTcast before, so I may be wrong in saying that, unlike SHOUTcast, Icecast can handle multiple streams, meaning there's a mount point.

Details: http://cassa.kimberlyharris.org:8000/
Actual stream: http://cassa.kimberlyharris.org:8000/otaku.ogg

Hosted in France with OVH.

>> No.10183842

works fine for me

>> No.10183846

Rename the mountpoint to have the correct extension for the actual codec, i.e. otaku.mp3

I'm not sure the relay page can parse the icecast webpage to extract listener statistics at the moment.

>> No.10183844

I'm glad to hear it. If anyone wants to host their own stream on this box, be sure to query me on Rizon for the password. ( ´・ω・)

>> No.10183855

>Rename the mountpoint to have the correct extension for the actual codec, i.e. otaku.mp3
Oh, my bad -- habit and all! Anyone listening will have been booted off just now as I restarted to fix the issue.


>> No.10183861

>Anyone listening will have been booted off
Fuck you! But Shounen Heart was shit anyway, so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.10183864

I could have temporarily moved you to my media player's playlist, but I doubt Irish folk is your thing.

>> No.10183880

Done. I can't add you to the relays page yet but it will be done soon. What's the client limit for the server? From a cursory glance the status webpage doesn't show it.

Anyway, thank you for relaying the stream!

>> No.10183888

80 clients. I only ever "use" bandwidth when a new TV show is released, and the downloads complete within seconds anyway (even with limits set), so it's fine.

>> No.10183895

He probably just doesn't post on /jp/ anymore. That 8 year old he got to do the radio promo is probably 10 by now and trapped in his basement.

>> No.10183897


>> No.10183900

>80 clients

Yeah, this is neat. Is it a VPS? If it is I may be interested in renting one, esp considering it's in the EU.

>> No.10183909

It's a dedicated server. It costs me just over £8 a month.

OVH, an awful ISP from France, has a budget line of servers called Kimsufi. Since you live in Europe, but not in a country they don't have a specific site for, you'd have to order from the Irish one (I don't know why): http://www.ovh.ie/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml

Note that OVH are notorious for being shit, and Kimsufi are so cheap because they have a lower SLA than normal. This means that if there's a hardware issue, expect 24+ hours of downtime.

The network is good for things like P2P, warez, IRC, etc. as every other pirate uses them (most seedbox providers use OVH). Don't use them for anything serious.

>> No.10183912

Oh, but, despite everything bad I said about them, I've actually had nothing but good experiences. Remember to remove their RTM tool from /etc/crontab and their SSH keys from root's ~/.ssh.

Query kimbl on Rizon if you need more info or whatever.

>> No.10183917


Thanks, I don't want any enterprise quality, highly available scalable distributed integrated applications, just a remote box to have fun.

>> No.10183920

Then you've found a great provider. I have the mKS 2G because I'm poor as fuck, but the i3 box is fantastic if you can afford it. :3

>> No.10184624

Haha, Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler samples from a song that's on Newgrounds.

>> No.10184921

the fuck is this 60min shit?

>> No.10184954

...you sure it's not the other way around?

You ARE aware that's a massively popular, 13-year old song, right?

>> No.10186368

I hate when you fucking pile of idiots play songs that are a shitty computer music along with a recopilation of voices or just Japs speaking fast. Whoever requests that shit seriously has the worst musical taste.

>> No.10186380

The stream got stuck in a tutturu loop

>> No.10186404
File: 414 KB, 512x512, 22093383_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be best to be able to properly identify/describe music before you start insulting anyone's taste.

>> No.10186424

Are you referring to the Steins;Gate song that SAM picked at random?

>> No.10188191 [DELETED] 


>> No.10188236


with each syllable as a note, japs singing in triplets makes normalfags mistake it for "randomly talking in the middle of the song".

for example, see tsurupettan youtube comments.

oh, and the extended satori remixes are the best.

>> No.10188319

>for example, see tsurupettan youtube comments.

"This is chinese because japanese say desu a lot and they don't say it in this hurr"

God damn.
And this is why I usually don't read them.

>> No.10188857

Damn this song. It's such a nice remix of Love Hina and nostalgic.

>> No.10188862 [DELETED] 

stream down again?

>> No.10188865

Melon is down, the other two are fine according to the status.

>> No.10190038

Are you going to add the other relay?
Also they should include their location in the list.

>> No.10191271

Goddamn whoever's requesting these acoustic pieces, they're depressing as fuck.

>> No.10192581


It's not operational anymore.

>> No.10193980

Did Boris just break the stream?

>> No.10193996

Boris is playing but the counter started at 0:30 and keeps resetting to 0:30 every time the page refreshes. I keep trying to skip but

>You can't vote skip a song that is almost over.
>This window will close in 5 seconds... This window will close in 5 seconds...

this is an outrage

>> No.10194154

Out of pure curiosity why has Boris not just been removed yet?

Is it to keep us on our toes? A game of mental chess to keep us dancing for the hosts enjoyment?

Perhaps it keeps getting uploaded to torment us like some kind of audio-terrorism.

>> No.10194168

>Stop liking what I don't like! Srsly guise don't do that!

>> No.10194193


You're referring to the broken track of 60 minutes that consists of pure static?

The one that instantly gets vote skipped the second it comes on?

Just to be clear.

>> No.10194225


You can like whatever you want but mind the fact there are other people listening who aren't you.

>> No.10194380

No, the other guy was talking about a normal 7 minute BORIS track.

You can always request your favorite flavor-of-the-month animu OP, nobody's stopping you.

>> No.10194745
File: 134 KB, 560x735, 1308299476757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how anon requested another version of uninstall after me requesting the normal version.

>> No.10198171 [DELETED] 


>> No.10198207

I'll do it right now just to spite you!

>> No.10198298


I didn't even know about that shibayan track up until now, thanks anon.

Haven't been on my "jaypee skype" in over a year ever since the chat became complete shitposting/pretending to be retarded etc.
I guess i'll check in again

>> No.10198487

Is this relay dead already? Sure lasted for a long time!

>> No.10198492

Help, my stream keeps stuttering a second or so every other second.

>> No.10198511

Try using a different relay. If this doesn't help paste the output of tracert <domain> (win32) or traceroute <domain> (Unix-likes) to pastebin and link to it here.

If you are in a South-Asian or South American country then you may have problems with both relays since rei.mu is in the USA and doujinplay.net in Russia

>> No.10198535

Dunno, it was fine a few hours ago. Traceroute only shows 14 steps with a total delay of about 120ms, which should still be fine with a bit of buffering taken into account.

>> No.10198579

It could be anything then, depending on which network technology you're using.

If DOCSIS then it could be that your neighborhood node you're connected on is overloaded.

If ADSL it could be an overloaded backhaul network in the exchange where your DSLAM resides.

Regardless of networking technology, restarting your DOCSIS modem/ADSL modem/router may fix the problem since consumer stuff is pretty shitty.

Or it could be a local problem with overloaded networks that you can't do anything about.

>> No.10198675

Fuck the interbutt. Well, whatever, apparently it magically fixed itself.

>> No.10198840
File: 263 KB, 600x700, 284aa0c25c8ff7ff9d0b0c9dc547c31ddd000fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, basically everyone can request as many songs as he likes, or is there a limit on how many songs one person can have queued at any time?

>> No.10198861

Two songs every ten minutes.

>> No.10198870

Moderately good taste today.

What is it about this time of day that makes people post? Is it nightime in UK?

>> No.10198871

There's an adaptive algorithm that throttles request rate per user depending on the length of the queue.

It starts at 2 request per 10 minutes and as songs accumulate it can throttle as low as 1 per 20 minutes.

>> No.10198880

It is prime time in the UK.

>> No.10198882

Early evening.

>> No.10198889

I see. Thanks. When uploading files, what encoding should MP3 tags have? I see that I have uploaded a file which is fucked up now, while other files with kanji display just fine.

>> No.10198893

<s>In Japan, it's deep in the night</s>

>> No.10198914

ID3v2.4. Check "Automatically tag songs". Report (click the i symbol) tracks with incorrectly uploaded metadata.

>> No.10198933

So, ID3v2.4 is UTF-8? I'll try not to fuck it up next time.

>> No.10198942

Yes. It's explained in the FAQ nicely (you don't have to use mp3tag though, foobar2000 with an option changed, Winamp and all decent players can write ID3v2.4 UTF-8).

Which reminds me, I'll have to add a section about reporting tracks.

>> No.10198955

I noticed after you posted. Guess I'm too used to FAQs not containing useful information, so I didn't check before. Shame on me. <s>Haha, just kidding, I don't feel all that bad about it</s>.

>> No.10199226

Since the France anon who posted in this thread apparently already killed his relay, let me give this a test run as well.

Hosted in Cologne, Germany. Non-standard port because too lazy to change firewall rules. I'll leave it for a while to see how well it goes.

>> No.10199237

It'd be great if you could use Shoutcast 1.9.8 instead of the latest version since we can parse the relay's status and display it on the relay page easier.

>> No.10199283

Or maybe not, let me check.

>> No.10199320

It can't be helped and I'd rather not make any changes to the fragile PHP.

>> No.10199405

My bad. I took what was up for download on the Shoutcast website without much thought. Did some downgrades now, but have no idea if it still works since the main relay is currently down.

>> No.10199418


I restarted DNAS on BOX (nickname for the machine that runs SAM) and added you to the list. Werks fine.


Thanks for relaying the stream!

>> No.10199469
File: 55 KB, 500x646, my_4th_favorite_nasuverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWIW your relay works great for me in Greece. Instant buffering and stable transfer without lost packets.

Also updated the FAQ info on how to report tracks for people that may be unsure about that.

Also bump.

>> No.10199478

Why aren't you out helping build the golden nation?

>> No.10199491
File: 95 KB, 246x250, rin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be bothered.

>> No.10199563

I uploaded a track in the past week, it's an OST track except when I let your program auto tag it, it didn't fill in any of the fields so you probably have a song that's got no tags.

>> No.10200525

If anyone uses the flash player and is unsatisfied with the applet then please test the following.


This is a new applet that according to personal testing is rock-solid for long-time playback. If people are satisfied with it and we may decide to roll it as the normal webplayer.

>> No.10200982

It doesn't respond too well to the relay temporarily going down for a few seconds (I noticed because running sc_serv inside screen apparently causes frequent config reloading when the screen size changes). The flash thingy cannot recover and just keeps stuttering unless restarted.

Other than that, it works fine for me.

>> No.10201491

To the person that uploaded the AT3 Orgel Arrange Mini Album, I love you. This is so soothing.

>> No.10202197


Shoutcast on Flash is shit. Other applets randomly stop playing or depending on the position of Mercury, never start playback at all. I'll go I say and intepret your comment as positive.

>> No.10202390 [DELETED] 


>> No.10202393


>> No.10202608

I can't take it easy to this.

>> No.10202609

God, SAM sure loves screamo lately.

>> No.10203810

Why is Anzu such a fucking lazy NEET slut?

>> No.10204932

Thanks, couldn't find a real copy of that D4 Princess song when I uploaded the cover.

>> No.10204944

Gotta love them random Russian filesharing sites.

It surprised me I had trouble finding it, because I knew the original song, but I never watched the show. Now it's gonna bug me to figure out where I know it from.

>> No.10207728

How about a checkbox "Automatically queue" when uploading files? Having to wait before being able to enqueue a file really disrupts my ``workflow''.

>> No.10207748

I'd rather you checked your upload to see if it was indeed uploaded and indexed correctly.

>> No.10207757 [DELETED] 

Why would it not be upload correctly?

>> No.10208415

Thank you for requesting songs, everybody~! It's very enjoyable to listen.

>> No.10211379

I had thought about uploading Nijiiro Crayon sometimes ago but kinda forgot to do it. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

>> No.10212301
File: 19 KB, 221x221, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10212332

But I am listening, anon.
Sometimes I find the DJ program has decent enough taste and just let it play whatever. Doesn't mean that I'm not listening, anon.

>> No.10212356

I find that it most often selects mediocre to downright horrible titles. It would be great if someone would do manual selection from time to time instead of having to rely on someone to request track by track.

>> No.10212376

When it's not picking Boris, Merzbow, or vocal cord mutilation it usually makes nice background noise.

>> No.10212378

>manual selection from time to time instead of having to rely on someone to request track by track.

That's the same thing.

>> No.10212403

I assume the DJ software would be somewhat more comfortable than clicking around in the web interface and being told YOU CANNOT REQUEST MORE SHIT NOW, ASSHOLE every other time.

>> No.10212414

What if there were a primary queue with a 2 songs/10 minutes request cap and also a secondary non-SAM queue with a higher request cap that you could request into after your 2 songs/10 minutes which would play whenever the primary queue was empty?

>> No.10212433

I suggest we should just use this thread and the IRC channel more. 2 songs 10 minutes? Just exchange our request ideas and someone may find it interesting enough to actually request something. Everyone's happy.

>> No.10212459

For some reason, /jp/ radio is great around this time of the day.

Good idea.
Good idea. The IRC channel's pretty dead, though. In the last week, I have seen maybe five attempts at communication, which were met with silence every time.

>> No.10212465


What you're asking for is basically the opposite of what they're trying to provide; it's supposed to be directed by users. People get upset when others monopolize the queue. They did have periodic DJ sessions a long time ago but there was some kind of drama.

I'm fine with how things are, although I think the library could use some pruning. I usually like SAM's choices but sometimes it wades into long-ish sequences of crap.

>> No.10212481

It's a shame I can't request Arphage after these. 志方あきこ was requested recently ;_;

>> No.10212489

For some reason nearly everyone who tries to talk in the IRC channel is incredibly unlikable.

>> No.10212492

Directed by users only works so well when no one is online. I assume that most listeners are somewhere in an US time zone, so when I am online, no one ever requests something, and, as you already said, automatic selection often hits songs that aren't exactly good.

>> No.10212520

Why is it limited to one song by the same artist per hour anyway? Putting some limit there kind of makes sense to prevent abuse, but does it really need to be so low? It seems like it ends up preventing more legitimate requests than abuse.

>> No.10212548

No idea. Isn't the request queue time limit already enough to prevent abuse? Artist limitation mainly hurts things like Ar Tonelico where everything is sung by two persons. And Boris, I guess. Why isn't that shit deleted anyway?

>> No.10212588

>Why isn't that shit deleted anyway?

Forced meme.

>> No.10212592

Well shit... at the moment Shikata Akiko, Akiko Shikata and 志方あきこ and whatever her other alias were all requested.

>> No.10212620

It rarely matters, but what is the time limit for each individual song? 1 hour for each artist seems bad enough >>10212592

>> No.10212627

At this rate, every single AT song will be locked out within fifteen minutes.

>> No.10212643

Good, this is bad as the Flandre theme spam.

>> No.10212652

Are you saying you don't like Flan's theme? Most versions I know are pretty awesome.

>> No.10212653


Honestly, Ar Tonelico songs have been playing pretty regularly. I like it but it's not really inappropriate for the software to be configured to encourage other stuff to be requested. I don't see how it's a problem.

>> No.10212675

Maybe, but half an hour to an hour of the same melody will kill anything.

>> No.10212689

Still, I doubt bumping the limit up to 2 would harm anything.

>> No.10212699

But there's also the time limit on each songs. You won't be able to play AT all day in the end anyway, so why the artists time limit? They also do other stuff too.

>> No.10212690

I've concluded from the past few weeks that I need to play this Ar Tonelico game.

>> No.10212706

Still a fairly enjoyable series. Odds are nobody here exactly has anything better to do, so they are worth a playthrough.

>> No.10212707

You will not find another game with music as epic as Ar Tonelico's. Well, maybe one or two, but not many.

>> No.10212700


I thought that a long time ago, but the game really doesn't live up to soundtrack.

>> No.10212713

The world setting is also brilliant.
But guys, as long as I miss AT threads, this thread is not one of them.

>> No.10212719

I for one am I rather pleased by the sudden interest our dear /jp/ radio has taken in the series.

>> No.10212746

Please stop before you embarrass yourself even more.

>> No.10212740

When did I type ''as long as'' instead of ''while''? Silly me.

>> No.10212767

I'm kind of curious about this too.

>> No.10212793

It's at least 6 hours, I think.

>> No.10212837

Wow, the queue's literally exploding right now.

>> No.10212852

Isn't it amazing how long it gets with more than one or two people requesting?

>> No.10212865

Maybe it's 8, then.

>> No.10212859

Seems longer, I requested ネジマキ鳥と我楽多ノ森 around 6 hours ago, and it still failed because ``Track recently played''.
Well it takes a little more time to be able to request a Shikata Akiko's song anyway.

>> No.10212879

Well, I'm not complaining. At least I have at least 30 minutes of almost guaranteed good music.

>> No.10212920

Sometimes I really do believe that AT's Hymmnos are actually magical.

>> No.10212962

That fucking hamburger song... idols aren't fat Americans, so it makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.10212973

I'm neither fat nor American but I still like hamburger.

>> No.10213008
File: 3 KB, 263x119, limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the request (and auto-queue) rules.

Note that "title" refers to the actual Title tag (absolute matches only), while track refers to the unique track in the database.

I vaguely remember trying to relax some limits in the somewhat distant past but my changes were reverted by a higher up in the Chain of Command.

In any case, the limits work decently to enforce variety.

>> No.10213018

Could you try changing the artist timeout from 60 to 30?

>> No.10213035

Me seconding this

>> No.10213036

Doing "smart" tricks to bypass the limit will force us to take other measures, as far as disabling requesting when the queue gets a certain size.

Be fair to other listeners and don't do such things please.

If it changes I'll make an announcement.

>> No.10213073

Well not that I mind... the queue looks rather good right now.

>> No.10213277

Is this really /jp/ radio? I've been listening for about an hour and most of what I've heard had been anime or video game OSTs. No 2hu music, no vocaloid. I am disappointed.

>> No.10213338

You can only listen to so much Touhou music before it all starts to sound the same, and I personally don't like the sound of Vocaloid. You can request them if you'd like.

>> No.10213353

Like >>10213338 said, there's only so much Touhou you can listen to before you want a change. I try to request old anime related music anyways, like that Seto no Hanayome which is currently playing or the Bamboo Blade ending song.

>> No.10215224

2hu is a video game.

>> No.10215981

Nuh-uh, it's a way of life.

>> No.10215983

So is your mom.

>> No.10216792

ProTip™: the limits, like the artist limit, are there to encourage variety!

<s>I'm talking to you, akiko shikata guy. </s>

>> No.10217584

>I'm talking to you, akiko shikata guy.

>> No.10217591

Goddamn it's that Little Busters song again.

>> No.10217690
File: 198 KB, 493x419, 30min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10217725 [DELETED] 

*slightly alters artist tags*

>> No.10217737

*bans your subnet*

>> No.10217782 [DELETED] 

>Anonymous - /jp/ Themesong 2
>Gumi Catch You Catch Me
>kobaryu VIP STAR

I love you all.

>> No.10217791 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 600x551, 1336697519399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the radio being raided by you-know-who?
These requests seem suspiciously dokyun.

>> No.10217793 [DELETED] 

I requested the theme songs with tablecat, but I'm not Tokiko. I have a feeling someone requested VIP STAR in response to me, though.

>> No.10217797

The old /jp/ theme is so much better.

>> No.10217799

CurryButt got banned ages ago.

>> No.10217804 [DELETED] 


>> No.10217803 [DELETED] 

The second one has grown on me. It's more serious and bittersweet. I like that.

>> No.10217813

First, both themes ordered with tablecat and now VIP star?

>>10217791 knows what's going on.

>> No.10217817

But it sounds like shit.

Also, /jp/ theme needs to be silly.

>> No.10217821 [DELETED] 

It sounds good, fuck you.

The first one was your typical happy pop bullshit (and that's fine). The second one was taking a breather and thinking about life more seriously (which is also fine).

They're both great songs approaching the board from two different angles.

>> No.10217827 [DELETED] 

I already said I was tablecat.

Please don't accuse everyone interested in text board memes of being Tokiko. We've been around longer than him, and it's /jp/-related. It's like saying everyone who likes JRPGs is ZUN!bar.

>> No.10217831

If anything is typical pop bullshit it's the second one. It's bland and generic.

The first one is catchy and doesn't take itself seriously.

>> No.10217829

Both are good in their own way. First one is catchy sounds nice and has silly lyrics, second one is more 'serious' and has more to do with a story than a simple song.

>> No.10217846 [DELETED] 

Caramell should pay 4chan royalties.

>> No.10217843 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with being a little serious. It's like the song and /jp/ have grown up a little. That's not say we still don't like happy things and escapism, but the second song was more of a reflection.

They're both catchy pop songs.

>> No.10217903
File: 34 KB, 640x480, listentomysong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10217972

>Fred Durst ft. K-On girls GO! GO! KLAYMEN!

Tokiko is here now!

>> No.10217973 [DELETED] 

requesting blackup

>> No.10217978 [DELETED] 

it's funny because <s>you're correct</s>

>> No.10217984

50 songs requested in a second

>> No.10217989 [DELETED] 

>Toby "Radiation" Fox
>Apple Girlington
>05a Tokiko.png
>Touhou 14 Leaked songs

Oh dear.

>> No.10218034 [DELETED] 

Bis is /jp/-related, you 4chan secondaries.

>> No.10218067

a song used in a zone flash != /jp/ related

>> No.10218072 [DELETED] 

ironic as HELL because caramelldansen remix was on earlier

>> No.10218078


>> No.10218084

Uploading temporarily disabled due to certain shitty uploads by a specific individual.

See you tomorrow.

>> No.10218087

i'm not deciding if it belongs or not, it's not automatically "/jp/-related" if it's been used in something on 4chan in the past.

>> No.10218110 [DELETED] 

4chan culture is /jp/ culture

like it even matters

we have gangsta rap songs because people like it

>> No.10218114 [DELETED] 

If it was me, I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for uploading the same song twice, but the original file wasn't tagged.

>> No.10218126

It was not you (probably...).

>> No.10218136 [DELETED] 

the moment you re-enable uploads I'm giving you an original composition called "ur a faget"

>> No.10219348

Space Geass eh? Haven't heard this in a long time.

>> No.10220079

Enable uploads again onegai

>> No.10220118

Looks like there was quite some drama going on here.

>> No.10220371

I really like this song.

>> No.10221386

>`content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" `

You better watch out tonight, you could accidentally die.

>> No.10221503


>> No.10221536 [DELETED] 


>> No.10221803

I was the guy who uploaded Istoria Musa yesterday if you were talking about me, and no, I've requested like three songs for the past 24 hours.

Looks like we got some shit happened here today. Gotta check the archive.

>> No.10221963

My faggoty techno broke the stream ;_;

>> No.10221961

Da fuq, just when I requested some good songs things start do die around me!

>> No.10221970

What happened to rei.mu?
I can't take it easy like this

>> No.10221973

Sorry guys, my Enterprise Quality scripting made SAM freeze, resulting in having to restart it.

Everything should be okay now.

But don't worry, some nice things are coming.

>> No.10221974


All the relays are down.

>> No.10221984

>relay host returned error (ICY 400 Server Full)
Hahaha what.

>> No.10222002

I doubt it's loli or cake, so it could not be all that nice.

>> No.10222004

Everything should be up and running again.

Again, apologies for the interruption.

>> No.10222371

Old Yukiho so good.

>> No.10223749

I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the track:
高瀬裕司 (MTK2) (まぐなむお~ぱす) - WANDERERS FROM YS 「バレスタイン城」 from the album "めっさ!!ちいさなたからばこ"
Would anyone happen to have a youtube link or other link to this song? It sounds really good and I would really like to listen to it again.

>> No.10223772

I've been looking for that too. If I ever find it I'll post a link here.

>> No.10223779 [DELETED] 

Thank you. So far I've found out that it was released at C79 and is from the circle WOODSOFT.

>> No.10223873

Thank you.

>> No.10224720

Since you're pimping the website, why not unfuck it and remove the table altogether? A three column layout in CSS can be written in five seconds, and stolen from 10000 examples on the web in even less time. I kind of want to write my own style sheet, but there is no point to it as long as everything is in a table.

>> No.10224723

Alright, so the things i were preparing yesterday are now live.

There's a new indicator for user request status, specifically the rate you can request at and whether requests are enabled or not, and if not why (throttling or manual disabling).

As a bonus to the above the table layout on the header has become saner and the header itself tweaked a bit to look better.

Furthermore, a new flash webplayer is in use that according to testing is more resilient to pauses and doesn't suffer from memory leaks.


>> No.10224730

Not that easy to do currently. That would require practically rewriting everything from scratch.

Well, it's not like modern underlying markup would provide any benefits as the site is now so it's mostly wasted effort.

>> No.10224807

It would be great if the request interface and the now listening page were more integrated. Right now, I am constantly switching back and forth, requesting things and checking what others have request to get new ideas. Since -from what I understand- the idea is that users drive the content that is played, it would seem natural that this ``central workflow'' would be more easily accessed.

>> No.10224814


Making the dedication window open into an overlay instead of a browser window, redirecting to the main page once a dedication is done is probably easy to do. Anything more is not.

>> No.10224827 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 640x480, 1355099557172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, anyone knows where i could get all touhou music cds? All Akyu's untouched and all zun's albums. Thanks

>> No.10225307

Better than nothing. Thanks.

>> No.10225695

Just an FYI, Vorbis never worked correctly with SAM, i'd advise against uploading any Vorbis tracks with Japanese metadata.

>> No.10226052


But my entire collection is in vorbis. Why do you hate Freedom?

>> No.10226348

scrub nerde

>> No.10226500

i love the spirit conjuring song

>> No.10226533


It should be auto-inserted into the queue every hour.

>> No.10229557

What happened to /jp/ radio? This "music stream" nonsense is stupid.

>> No.10229558

I'm not sure I understand the difference.

>> No.10229574

What happend to /jp/? This "image board" nonsense is stupid.

>> No.10232431

Nice sony.

>> No.10233100
File: 9 KB, 743x100, dead-radio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead radio, dead relays, dead thread.

>> No.10233107

The fact that you cared enough to take a screenshot and post it here shows the opposite.

Go be buttmangled somewhere else

>> No.10233153

Go be /v/ somewhere else.
