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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 800x800, neethat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10149586 No.10149586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's December (or will be soon)! How are you planning to NEET up not just this weekend, but this holiday season?

>> No.10149599

Shut indoors, trying not to burn to death.

>> No.10149600


>> No.10149607

by buying $300 worth of figs and shit and then living on ramen for the rest of the month

>> No.10149612

Maybe finish reading through Kanon

>> No.10149617


Wish we could masturbate together in the same room. No voice, no sounds at all actually. In the dark too, I just know you're there also masturbating and it keeps me company so I will not get scared.

>> No.10149622

Build a computer and finish Heisig.

>> No.10149623
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>> No.10149637

My money is coming to an end, I'm hungry, I have little to no food and I'm cold.

This is going to be a great Christmas..

>> No.10149647 [DELETED] 

oh boy a sugoi general thread just like they have on /v/ xD


>> No.10149651

anon pls

>> No.10149698

Does it really matter? The world ends in 20 days

>> No.10149701

It is a very stressful time full of hard to avoid social interaction and outings. It's also hard to deal with expectations with regards to one's reaction to presents.

>> No.10149709

I wish I were smart and motivated enough to have profited off the whole 2012 doomsday thing. Like the people on eBay who sell lots of 'bug-out' bags and charge out the ass prices for them or the people who wrote the 'science' of what to expect and how to survive Nibiru and fairies and shit.

>> No.10149720

No autismbux? Or are you one of those seasonal temp worker NEETs?

>> No.10149752

christmas lights.

usb christmas tree

>> No.10149819
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, bumpinbutts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to play Christmas music when I masturbate Christmas week, and when I cum, I'm going to shoot it in my face and pretend that my penis is snowing.

>> No.10149821

I've only been able to shoot cum up to my face one time, and it got on my glasses.

>> No.10149857

the baktum, not the world. a new cycle begins.

>> No.10149898


It's easy if you stop masturbating so often

>> No.10149907

I dont go outside during the final months of the year because I hate cold but I really want to go buy a nice cake for my birthday with some pizza and eat it all by myself for the first time.

>> No.10149910

how many fridey nights are there this december?

>> No.10149914

Such a task is beyond my abilities, I'm a afraid.

>> No.10149918

When is your birthday?

>> No.10149924

The 31st

>> No.10149919

Right noe, *whips out dick*

>> No.10149929

I'm going to make a happy birthday post on Dec 31 at 11:30 pm PST for you, so you can feel even happier on your birthday.

>> No.10149933

Oh thank you!

I feel cared about now~

>> No.10149954

It doesn't matter to me. December will go by like a few days.

>> No.10149974
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Does anyone else like to keep their room super cold in the winter? I like to open my window and also cover it with a blanket to keep my room cold and dark just like my soul.

>> No.10149982

I don't have windows in the basement :(

>> No.10149985

I'll get 6 days off this month.

But the overtime money will be well worth it.

>> No.10149983

I'm working at UPS for the season so I can buy gifts.

>> No.10149989


I love winter, I live in a very hot country and being able to feel cold and shiver brings great pleasure to my body and soul.

It's easy to be comfy during winter, you can just cover yourself with a blanket and buy some booze but you can barely feel comfortable when it's hot, and buying ice cream only takes away the pain for few minutes.

>> No.10149994

>super cold
No because I usually get -30C winters.

>> No.10150028

Probably compulsively play dungeon crawlers, even though I don't really want to. I'm not sure why. What's the appeal behind doing the same thing over and over and watching numbers go up?

>> No.10150074

Quick little question

Why the fuck do you guys only eat ramen and noodles? You can eat much better food with just the slightest preparation with not much more cost.

>> No.10150078

Shut the fuck up. Don't talk. You don't even know me.

>> No.10150088

I eat rice too

>> No.10150090


>> No.10150116


Like what, fag?

>> No.10150139

Hopefully in my house, my landlord wants to kick me out and he already interrupted the gas supply.

>> No.10150154

how does one get autismbux and how much do they give you? I really want to live in my own apt and buy myself things from Japan with the government's money without having to work.

>> No.10150161

you again?

ramen is good if prepared properly anyway stop hating.

i whack it in miso soup with beef, egg and 3 tablespoons of soysauce and it tastes like the tears of angels.

>> No.10150175

because i hate disgusting western american shit food and i prefer to eat glorious masterrace and superior Japanese god tier food instead.

>> No.10150183

>tears of angels
just another reason that Japanese food will always be superior.

murrican food is shit and will always be.

>> No.10150187

yes absolutely. the thought of putting another filthy Western morsel of food in my mouth makes me want to gag and beg forgiveness from Bishamonten.

That's why westerners are so fat.

>> No.10150189

I'm gonna catch up a little on my anime and VN backlog, put some models together, and maybe get into an MMO.

I'll also be writing and helping a friend with some of his work.

>> No.10150196


I find neets to be interesting, and /jp/ is basically the neet board of 4chan.

>> No.10150197

Simply epic.

>> No.10150201

you can do it anonymously you know, pretty hard to understand a board when every post you make is mired in tripfag hate.

also you're very aggressive for some reason, i don't get it.

>> No.10150217

It's a sad thing i wasn't born Japanese so i can fully enjoy Japan's beautiful culture and great country that it makes me want to cry.

>> No.10150230

I am curious, and awhile ago I was angry when I started reading these threads, so I guess some of that is still there.

Kinda curious how some people find enjoyment, or no enjoyment. How some are content with a lifestyle which may lead to homelessness.

Like, why don't people here learn a programming language? But the answer is some large apathy about everything. Apathy, wanting to avoid exertion, and fear of failure seem to usually be the reasons.

But the rage about the food is that I have been home for awhile because not enough classes at university(scheduling issues), so I have been stuck in my hometown being a psuedo-neet(going back to school next quarter). My parents buy the same crappy food, with noodles being the only main thing that is halfway ok. And im already horribly sick of them.

>> No.10150234

>why don't people here learn a programming language
You aren't the first person to come here thinking you can change lives with your posts.

It isn't going to happen, leave us alone.

>> No.10150237

god damn, i'm sorry /jp/ my posts have become a soap box for a moron.

nobody cares !dJaCOCbtrY go back to /g/ or where ever the fuck you came from.

>> No.10150243

More like /v/.

>> No.10150255
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you motherfuckers tricked me

i'm going out to get a job and a real life girlfriend and friends

>> No.10150257

What the HELL happened to Satou during these frames?

>> No.10150261

I want to live in a basement with no windows and stay inside my room with nothing but full of darkness while watching my animus/manga. anyone know where i can find any?

>> No.10150265

lol apologizing to some random people on the internet.

how pathetic can you be?

>> No.10150269


what do you mean?

>> No.10150273

I do, but it's annoying when you want to actually do something.
And having cold hands all the time isn't too nice. On the upside my computers are cooled really well.

>> No.10150274


I got tricked into getting a job, I hate it. I don't know how to quit. I just want to be a NEET again

>> No.10150278

just stop showing up to work. thats how you quit.

>> No.10150286

It started getting cold again and I decided to wear my onesie pajamas for the first time in years. They're a little tight, but I feel a little younger and more carefree wearing them.

I like the cold, but it's still kind of distracting at times.

>> No.10150865

I plan on ruminating over my numerous shortcomings and past failures.

>> No.10150869

Partly because that's like 200% your RDA of salt in one meal. (Admittedly I also eat too much salt.)

>> No.10150880
File: 82 KB, 700x700, 1351681414246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't like this series at all.

Why was he so pathetic and self-hating? He lived a good life, but he went on and on about how miserable and worthless he thought that he was and then it ends with him dating some crazy girl with borderline or HPD, they go to fucking college together (debt trap, exists only to ensure a life of wage slavery), and he plans to essentially become a salary man.

What kind of message does this send and why do so many people seem to feel encouraged by this shit series? Throw away your life by going into college and follow a career you don't want just so you can be normal?

It would have been far better if he told that crazy girl to fuck off and then he either accepted that he enjoyed being a NEET or did something like join a monastery. The whole thing was just anti-NEET propaganda, I'm surprised that it wasn't funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labour.

>> No.10150891

Well what happened to him was that he dropped out of college to work on his parent's farm, and his girlfriend joined him

>> No.10150903

I plan to spend the next half year as jovially as I can, as a transitional phase of sorts where I gradually come to accept my cruel fate as a wage slave. Unfortunately I am running out of things to do...

>> No.10150932

Marimite Christmas album, eggnog, and rum.

>> No.10150961

People have different ideas.

>> No.10151305

I just started my first job ever (in the previous neet thread, at least 3 of us started work last week) and I hate it. I went through periods of hating being a neet but I eventually got into a routine of gym / sleep / talking with friends online / sleep.


>> No.10151306

No different than normal. I'll sleep a whole lot, attend Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings, and then sleep some more.

>> No.10151313

I made a Twitter account. I think it could be interesting if you follow the right people. People don't even really care if you post interesting stuff. They just want someone to relate to. It's like /jp/ but more personal.


>> No.10151317

I hear you. I hate that face when they give me presents knowing I will never be able to reciprocate them.

>> No.10151341

I will be looking for a job.

>> No.10151347
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That was his friend, Yamazaki.

>> No.10151364

Ironic that you posted Anzu along with your message, as she is the biggest falseNEET out there.

>> No.10151384

It gives you a feeling of achievement.

>> No.10151653

That's probably it. Although, I should really stop if I'm not enjoying myself...

>> No.10151666

Video game and anime.

>> No.10151675

Video game.

>> No.10151697
File: 205 KB, 877x1423, NHK_c023p028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the manga he is still a NEET at the end, if i remember correctly.

>> No.10151700

The manga is horrible.

>> No.10151702

It is objectively superior to the anime and only surpassed by the light novel.

>> No.10151712

/a/-kun, are you lost? Look at the address bar.

>> No.10151716

My favorite part of Welcome to the NHK was the note from the writer that came out after a while that said he had blown through all the money he made off the series and was a failure with no hope through and through.

>> No.10151717

I sincerely doubt anyone on /a/ has read the LN, and it seems you haven't either. The characterization is just plain better in the manga/LN, Misaki being the main improvement, and the ending was also vastly better in the LN.

>> No.10151721

You are objectively stupid

>> No.10151718

I was alluding more to your choice of words. Look over what you wrote one more time. The opinions don't really matter.

>> No.10151740

Are you literally taking the piss, mate?

>> No.10152240

forgive my newfagness, bu what animu is that?
inb4 boku no piku

>> No.10152249


Kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.10152252

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.10152264


Fuck off.

>> No.10152276

I wish the anime didn't have such a lame "positive" ending.
Anybody read the light novel? Is it better?

>> No.10152295

I'm not a NEET, but I'm really beta at my job.
my boss asked me if I wanted to work extra next week, and I agreed even though I didn't want to.

Also I don't know what to do this week, will probably go to the Asian market because I love the atmosphere there.

>> No.10152345

Still waiting for my headphones to arrive, but I have a feeling they will arrive on Monday. Does anyone think it would be fun to be a delivery driver? Specifically, to be a delivery driver for Ontrac or some other same day/fast shipping company. The delivery people drive vans not trucks, and they probably only take a small amount of packages with them to ensure same day shipping.

Seems almost like some kind of video game.

>> No.10152578

Being a deliveryman could be a fun job.

King of Queens wouldn't lie to me

>> No.10152604

The amount you get is not worth the hassle.

>> No.10152609

wud fug leah remini

>> No.10152652

Today I stepped outside to get some fresh air for the first time in... days. The air in my room was too thick. There was a key in the sidewalk. It looks shiny and new, hardly used, but I don't know what it's supposed to open.

Is this a message from God?

>> No.10152667

God? Don't be so sure. Could have been Satan trying to lure you away from your hermit ways.

>> No.10152837

I took out my little plastic Christmas tree. I was looking forward to lighting up the small bulbs but once I was done decorating, I noticed that one of two cords was severed. Quite a shame as the colorful lights sort of comfort me. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised when things like that happen to me.

>> No.10152868

Some people came to take a TV my parents put up for free online. I had to help carry it out. My right arm now feels weak. I was able to drive myself to the store for a snack because I helped, though. I got root beer and a 41% chocolate bar from the fancy store.

I'm going to take a shower and then come back and sip my root beer while nibbling on my chocolate bar. This snack is very easily the highlight of my day. I'm really excited for it. I hope it doesn't keep me up all night.

>> No.10152899

Your everyday life must be extremely mundane. If so I feel the same way, but...

>> No.10152922

It's strange to me that some of you guys have Driver's Licenses. Did you parents force you into getting one or something?

>> No.10152963

I got one because I wanted to dualsport the dirtbike I had, but never ended up doing it. Drivers licenses here last for a very long time (mine expires in 2055) so it's pretty much a one time thing. I don't dislike going out for a drive or for a snack though.

>> No.10152968

Oh, that's neat.

>> No.10153045
File: 14 KB, 300x180, _1410071_bigissue300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British NEETs: have any of you tried going freeter and selling The Big Issue? How does it work?

>> No.10153098

Not just driver's license, but some of us also own cars. I'd like to live on the road, never visit same shop twice, never see same people twice. I have this complex about cashiers, neighbours, etc. getting to know me.

Why can't I be completely anonymous in real life. I don't want to exist as an individual.

>> No.10153108

The more mundane you are, the less people will care.

If you stand out, you will be remembered by everyone.

>> No.10153117

Go to different shops. I've also recently taken up limited "disguises". I wear a different "style" of clothes and a different hat every time I go outside. Sometimes I dye my hair, which is fun.

>> No.10153122

I believe the system is that you can buy Big Issue stock from them, then sell it yourself and use the revenue from that to buy additional Big Issue magazines. The concept is that you take charge of the stock management and so will work harder to maximise your profit.

The reality is you just get loads of brown people trying to sell it on the streets trying to sell one to you.

>> No.10153135

I am not, I can not be and I do not want to be normal.

Not an option, I live in a very sparsely populated area. I think I'll eventually die of hunger when I'm too afraid to go buy my noodles

>> No.10153312

>Why can't I be completely anonymous in real life. I don't want to exist as an individual.

Are you me?

>> No.10154493

>I am not, I can not be and I do not want to be normal.

No relevance.

>> No.10154860

I went to a local Comic convention and stole something from one of the vendors. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now I feel really bad about it.

>> No.10154888

What did you take?

>> No.10154916

A copy of Alundra for the PS1. I spent $60 earlier on that vendor for a Zelda Master Quest copy+Chrono Cross and she was charging $38 for it (Alundra). I only had $20 left to spend and I really wanted to play that game so I just pushed the game into my bag when she wasn't looking.

She seemed like a really nice lady, too.

>> No.10155568

who EMULATION here

>> No.10155578

Don't do it. You'll feel obligated to keep your shitty job so you don't let down your father/best friend. Then you'll either be treated like shit or outright excluded from your home on the internet.

Trust me on this.

>> No.10155608
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>> No.10155640

I've had a job for three years. The time has gone past so fucking fast it's scary. My chances of getting a girlfriend are now even slimmer than they were when I was a NEET. I've gained weight and I just look like shit in general because I'm really tired and depressed.

Don't do it man, if your country has a good welfare system and allows you to live as a free man, you should do it. There's too much work to do in life.

You should rather go to school to study something you'd really like to do.

>> No.10155641

Despite all the welfare-leeching, parent-burdening ways of /jp/, this is the most pathetic thing I've read here in a while.


>> No.10155940

Miso is fucking nasty though

>> No.10155942

Yes, the website says you start out with some free copies, then they're £1.25 each and you sell them for £2.50:

Do you have to prove those requirements? I'm not homeless, though I may well be soon, and I'm not sure what counts as "facing a financial crisis."

And are you tied down? Or can you just stop working at any point and it doesn't matter, because you already paid for everything?

>> No.10155946

I don't though.

>> No.10155973

I recently noticed I have some sort of weird rash or skin irritation on my hands. My palms are covered in red spots and they're itchy/burny.

Also last night I had this weird sensation where all of a sudden my face and hands/forearms felt like they were going numb. I felt really lightheaded and the numbing was extensive enough that my teeth started tingling. Eventually it went away but I still felt pretty "off" for a while afterward and it brought on a bad headache.

Is there something neet-related that could have brought these on?

>> No.10156057

Scurvy and scabies.

>> No.10156291


>> No.10156334

A copycat suicide is defined as an emulation of another suicide that the person attempting suicide knows about either from local knowledge or due to accounts or depictions of the original suicide on television and in other media.

A spike of emulation suicides after a widely publicized suicide is known as the Werther effect, following Goethe's novel The Sorrows of Young Werther.[1]

The Werther effect not only predicts an increase in suicide, but the majority of the suicides will take place in the same or a similar way as the one publicized. The more similar the person in the publicized suicide is to the people exposed to the information about it, the more likely the age group or demographic is to commit suicide. The increase generally happens only in areas where the suicide story was highly publicized.[2] Upon learning of someone else's suicide, many people decide that action is appropriate for them as well, especially if the publicized suicide was of someone in a similar situation as them.
1. ^ The Werther effect after television films: new evidence for an old hypothesis, Psychol Med. 1988 Aug;18(3):665-76.
2. ^ a b c Meyers, David G. (2009). Social Psychology (10th Ed). New York: McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-337066-8.

Remember, no threads!

>> No.10156487

Winter is the perfect season to freeze to death in a lake (if it's not frozen over). It's inexpensive and not messy. It could be quicker and less painful, I guess, but you can't have everything.

>> No.10156539

Buy half a liter of vodka, mix it with soda or juice to make keeping it down easier, chug it.

Wait until you're starting to get numb before entering the water.

A sea or a river with fast current instead of a lake would probably be better.

It's what I planned on doing back when I was still suicidal.

>> No.10156542

I've been thinking. Most of my social anxiety and paranoia stems from past traumas.

If I were to take a tazer to my head, could I get rid of all those memories, and become an existence that isn't a ticking time bomb?

dattara ii na~

>> No.10156604

Having to buy crappy presents since I only have JSA cash ;-;

>> No.10156649

the apocalypse is not something that man dreads, if anything it is a fantasy.
Soon our suffrage will be over, see you in gensokyo!

>> No.10156670

Do you even need water for that? Just pass out in the woods wearing inadequate clothing.

>> No.10156819

I would just stab myself in the heart with a steak knife. You bleed out in like 5 seconds. That was my plan when I was suicidal.

>> No.10156824

I'm going home for the holidays! It'll be so nice to get away from work for awhile.

>> No.10156827

I don't understand what's pathetic about it. He just stole an overpriced game.

>> No.10156883

Bad idea.

Going into water makes it much faster, and pretty much reduces chances of someone noticing or being stupid enough to try and help you to zero.

You want to die, not wake up in hospital after having lost all your limbs to frostbite because some insane dude went running at night and stumbled upon your body.

Which reminds me it's almost 11PM, it's below freezing, time for my run.

>> No.10157345

You really couldn't have pirated it?

>> No.10157354

That person probably needed the money more than he needed some shitty and easily gotten game.

>> No.10157407

I need to do another torrent of translated doujinshi this year. Last year's was 53gb, this year's would be more than that but less than 67gb if LO and RIN are included.

>> No.10157476
File: 113 KB, 750x1241, 1346776502895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god, learn to suicide correctly. How hard can it be?

>> No.10157501

I think just falling from a really tall building is better.

>> No.10157789

How do truNEETs/hikis buy food? Do you all really order to your home? Or just stock of on long-life foods once in a while?

>> No.10157791

Live with your parents

>> No.10157792

Mostly ask for things when parents go to the store, or if I'm making something I'll ask for money and get it at the store myself.

>> No.10157794

>NEET up

>> No.10157795

I'm way more scared of falling from heights than I am of dying.

>> No.10157800


It seems many of us live alone though.

>> No.10157849

My birthday is on the 20th, so I guess I should probably do something nice in case the World really does end the day after.

>> No.10157856

No, it's pretty evenly split.

>> No.10158785

Browsing 4chan and being a useless faggot, how else.

Speaking of which I've been finding it more and more difficult to come here everyday. No, it has nothing to do with the quality of the board. The size of the userbase is problematic. How many times have you recognized a person's posting style and called them out on it? Chances are you are running into the same 15 or 20 people every day, even more so now that the staff has been forcing us to condense our discussions. Just imagine the consequences. Let me help. Let's start off with a /jp/ janitor calling his friends, real, virtual, or whatever, through a instant messaging service.

"Isn't it time?"
"yeah, he always starts posting around this time. must be when he wakes up"

Fast forward 10 minutes. Jani and his friends are exchanging screenshots of 4chan posts, laughing, and posting obnoxious animated smilies. What's so funny? Me. They know I have no life and browse /jp/ 14 hours a day. I'm nothing but a little toy to them, spitting out hilarious blog posts about my pathetic life. Maybe they have been doing this for years, and have collected so much information about my life that they decided to dedicate a entire wiki to me, CWC style.

And this is just the best case scenario. The one where we unwillingly get attention in exchange for cheap laughs. Now what if this isn't a comedy? What if someone managed to earn the eternal resentment of a 4chan staff member? Someone could be stalking you right now, cross referencing every little piece of information they have on you with local databases such as school/college records, CCTV footage, etc. This is my biggest problem with /jp/ right now.

4chan. a place for friends

>> No.10158800

> and being a useless faggot

I stopped reading right there. If you're going to post a wall of text don't immediately come off as some sort of person who dislikes themself.

>> No.10158810

Alcohol, animes and video games.

>> No.10158834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10158835

I'm just being honest. If I had a single redeemable quality I wouldn't be worried about people spying on me.

>> No.10158837

The plural is "anime", dad.

>> No.10158840

I'm not sure whats happening to me. Usually I've never had problems with being lonely and having no friends and having never had a girlfriend. Recently though I've been having these really intense urges to do sexual things to a girl. Even 2D girls, I see pictures and I just want to touch them everywhere and I want them to be real. Before I would have my fap breaks and that would be it but now I just can't stop thinking about lewd things and I masturbate a lot. I wonder if I'm becoming a rapist. Its a bit frustrating too sometimes I get really jealous of people for having girlfriends to fuck.

>> No.10158849

pls no
I'm an American, so I use "animes."

>> No.10158862

The only trait you have that causes you to think that was is complete paranoia. Why would anybody care about you?

>> No.10158854

Same as usual, but with a thick blanket wrapped around me. It's really chilly during this time of year and I'm deathly afraid of getting sick.

>> No.10158863

You know what's your only problem? You're incredibly nihilistic. The world does (not) revolve around you.

Besides, janitors can't even see poster IPs, there's no way they could connect you with any other posts. Even if someone managed to connect two or few of your posts, they still don't have definite proof and no way to build a profile detailed enough for stalking.

The userbase is also considerably larger than you think, especially if you consider the vast majority that mainly lurks without posting.

>> No.10158882
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>> No.10158883

kil urself

>> No.10158886

I sometimes wish the janitors or mods were following my blog-esq shitposting and laughing about how pathetic I am. That might turn me on a little bit.

>> No.10158895

Whenever the weather changes I always get really horny and feel urges to do a lot of lewd things. It might be normal.

>> No.10158899

I'm curious how you guys are getting by financially

I'm not a neet, but I'm going to fail a class or two this semester in college in I'm starting to think this might not be for me. My parents aren't nice enough to support me for longer than they already have, so I have no idea what to do. I know one of the primary answers will be "autismbux" or something similar, but how many of you are actually on that? I hear its hard to get.

>> No.10158904 [DELETED] 
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It's not in English.

>> No.10158901

Same reason people love trainwrecks and car crashes. Humans are incredibly competitive, we are always looking down on those who are dumber, uglier, or simply less talented to feel better about our position in the local food chain. Being able to take a look at someone at say "Well, at least I'm smarter than him" is liberating.

>> No.10158907
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I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to leave my room again in the foreseeable future.

>> No.10158923

will you give me 15 dollars?

>> No.10158928

/jp/ is /b/4.0

>> No.10158930

As a NEET my parents take care of a lot of financial needs. They pay my car insurance, gas, food, clothing if I need, ect. I'm always looking for a way to earn some money on the side though and few months ago I earned $1800 selling some things. A week or two ago I earned $100 for doing work around the house.

The money I earn is always used for non-essential things for myself like hobby items, electronics, ect.

>> No.10158936

Please tell me you don't believe everyone lives life like that, looking down on others. That's simply not true and it seems incredibly unhealthy to suspect people are constantly looking at others like that.

>> No.10158955

Not everyone of course, but that is what normals do.

It is expected of you if you wish to fit in to society.

>> No.10158965

Soramimi Cake is now playing in your head manually.

>> No.10158971

Let me tell it to you straight. Nobody cares about you, nobody is stalking you, you are not notable. The only really identifiable thing about you is these kinds of paranoid posts. If we wanted to laugh at retards there's /pol/, /v/, /b/, Reddit, YouTube, Danbooru, and all sorts of other places. Nobody gives a shit about you. Get over yourself. You are not that important.

>> No.10158972
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>NEET all over the floor
>Parents bitch at me and call me an untrained dog

Can I move in with one of you?

>> No.10158981

That was very creepy and analytica of you, stalking anon.

>> No.10158975

Yes, I'd love to have a /jp/ to abuse and call an untrained dog.

>> No.10158985

Now you're just taking the piss.

>> No.10159021

You know, sometimes I wonder if the reason my posts get no replies is because people are just sick of constantly reading about loli, or semen, or some other fascination of mine that I ramble on about.

I mean, I think the posts are well thought out, but the subject matter is mostly always the same.

>> No.10159024

He's taking the piss? Whose piss?

>> No.10159031

ur'e mums m8

>> No.10159065
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>> No.10159068

The reason is that people hardly ever reply to well-written and worthwhile posts. Look at how much attention shitposts get. It's not really a mystery.

>> No.10159079

You mean narcissistic.

>> No.10159090

I could have sworn that people used to though. Oh well.

>> No.10159100

Taking a year off college because my parents think if I spend a year fucking around on the internet I'll get bored and enjoy work.

>> No.10159103
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I hate being a NEET. I followed my friends into uni and went for a useless biology degree. I spent 90% of the time fucking around on 4chan and I didn't even get it. I'm 12 credit hours away from graduation (foreign language req).

I really had no ambition for the field, it just felt like that's what I was supposed to do since everyone I knew was going for med school and my parents egged me on.

I really wish I went into Computer Science like I wanted to. I would at least be employable. Now I'm 24, $20k in debt and have no net worth outside of my computer. Hell, I don't even have a license.

>> No.10159113

Shitposting in /jp/ like always but it lacks the pow factor for me. I think I'm sick of shitposting.

>> No.10159115

Can you stay NEET forever?
The likelihood that you can't is the only thing and makes me feel depressed nowadays

>> No.10159116

You could always kill yourself.

>> No.10159117

Yes you can, anon. You just have to believe~~~~

>> No.10159121

I fled my bio major after I realized I didn't want to waste a good slice of my life staring at tissue samples through a microscope.

I still don't give a fuck if my journalism degree will put me in the poor house

>> No.10159119

I'm inheriting property in the future which I plan to rent out. With that money I'll rent out a small apartment or purchase a small condo for myself and live what I believe is essentially the perfect life.

>> No.10159171

You don't need a journalism degree to read twitter and forward it.

Journalism is dead. Why you went into it is beyond me.

>> No.10159205

Basically the same situation as me but I stuck with it til the end and got my degree. Now I'm sitting around doing nothing being a NEET because I never actually wanted to do Science as a job, I just kind of wanted to learn stuff.

>> No.10159213
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You imbeciles haven't yet realized that the best way to get a programming gig is to get a music degree? How pathetic.

>> No.10159219

are we complaining about majors now?

i did anthropology and archaeology, and although interesting actually being an archaeologist is hard work and requires further study that i couldn't be bothered doing.

but now i'm looking for work that requires a degree but it doesn't matter what the degree is in in all likelihood i'm going to end up an army officer guy because connections and training.

>> No.10159280
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I don't get it.

>> No.10159288
File: 72 KB, 500x331, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because you are just too stupid to know how to pull it off correctly.

>> No.10159289

>army officer

Don't do it. Nat defense budget is about to get drastically slashed.

>> No.10159294
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1327813721318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop

>> No.10159302

No. Now kill yourself out of /jp/ before you can embarrass yourself any further with your shitty, retarded, thread-ageing posts.

>> No.10159311

The Embodiment of Neo-/jp/

>> No.10159344
File: 74 KB, 691x539, Lord_of_the_Rings_Return_of_the_Kig_Ext_2003_720p_BluRay_QEBS5_AAC20_MP4-FASM.mp4_sapshot_03.50.22_[2011.10.28_21.34.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10159353

Please don't discuss education and employment in the NEET thread.
