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10130767 No.10130767 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>10109088

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10130779
File: 756 KB, 1920x1200, 28195-1920x1200-oyari+ashito-widescreen-littlewitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing "Shirotsumesouwa".

>> No.10130788

We gte Tohji back from Cartagra, makes up.

>> No.10130790


Is this that new Liar Soft VN with separate versions for males and females?

>> No.10130799

doesn't that apply only to the package and possibly bonus stuff?

>> No.10130801

It's more just drama Cds, but yes. Neon seems to be the main PoV.

>> No.10130807

I know. Just a bit disappointed that Stella isn't returning. She's one of my favorite Innocent Grey characters.

>> No.10130816

Playing メルヘン荘. It's fun.

>> No.10130817

I also love her slight autism and purity.

2013 is shaping up great, at least the first 3 months I have 4 titles I'm somewhat hyped for.

>> No.10130832

Nope, not to my knowledge. Nothing horrible happened to her, in any event. And I agree that it was too bad; she was underused.

I'd still rather have Ayumu and Tohji though.

>> No.10130837

At leasty she was plot-related and the game made you do her events to get true ends.

>> No.10130851

She didn't have an hscene. ;_;

>> No.10130859

Reposting my request for Janen Hen single in FLAC, if the gentlemen who posted the OST and maxi-single FLAC have it.

>> No.10130863 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, UNF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be very welcome. That ending was sweet.

Also, keep in mind that there are going to be two protagonists in this one, or at the very least Masaki is going to have a big role and probably get involved with several of the girls (so we'll finally get our Yukari ero, it just won't be incest); it could just as easily be him who develops a relationship with Yukiko.

...was what I was going to write, until your post made me go "wait, why is this anon talking about Yukiko? She's long since d----HOLY SHIT HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THAT BEFORE"

> Touko doppleganger
> same name as Reiji's dead fiancee

...yeah, I'm pretty sure he's going to bang her.

(also, what are the chances of there being any MMF threesomes?)
(...I'm guessing not very high. ;_;)

>> No.10130871
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, UNF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be very welcome. That ending was sweet.

Also, keep in mind that there are going to be two protagonists in this one, or at the very least Masaki is going to have a big role and probably get involved with several of the girls (so we'll finally get our Yukari ero, it just won't be incest); it could just as easily be him who develops a relationship with Yukiko.

...was what I was going to write, until your post made me go "wait, why is this anon talking about Yukiko? She's long since d----HOLY SHIT HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THAT BEFORE"

> Touko doppleganger
> same name as Reiji's dead fiancee

...yeah, I'm pretty sure he's going to bang her.

(also, what are the chances of there being any MMF threesomes?)
(...I'm guessing not very high. ;_;)

>> No.10130884

>(...I'm guessing not very high. ;_;)
More like null, unless it's just a mindbreak gangbang, that never happens in eroge.

>> No.10130895

guys have you played dark blue
can I please have download link guys guys
guys please I have looked for a while guys

>> No.10130945
File: 491 KB, 800x600, Kimihagu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Kimihagu to break up the more serious things I'm reading. I only picked it up for the Ino art, but it's been surprisingly funny. Probably the first romcom in a long time whose common route didn't bore me to tears. Not to mention, Emily is adorable.

>> No.10131048

god Neon could you please try and make it a little more obvious how much you want in the pants of The 72-Year-Old Virgin.

After all the dangling of this in front of us by fanartists and Liarsoft themselves, I will be most severely disappointed if he doesn't give her le dick by the end of the game.

(How do you say "le dick" in Serbo-Croatian?)

>> No.10131059

but but but.

VNDB has a Consensual Group Sex of One Female and Several Males tag now and everything!

> mfw the only non-nukige tagged are Ayakashibito and Daibanchou


>> No.10131060
File: 739 KB, 814x656, yes we cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Girlfriend is the President. It's full of lame jokes and sound effects, but I don't know what else to do...

>> No.10131061

Le kurac?

>> No.10131090

>The 72-Year-Old Virgin.
That was a lie, he's actually a 92-year-old virgin

>> No.10131145
File: 102 KB, 441x415, 30379410_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas cake, would not bang

>> No.10131166

you got that reversed, he would not bang you
not even if you threw your underwear at his Tesla coil

>> No.10131211

>Tesla coil
It sounds so dirty when you put it like that.

>> No.10131228
File: 337 KB, 800x600, capture_004_26112012_021313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really liking Dies Irae's antagonists so far

>> No.10131315

The heroine I'm looking forward playing the route of the most turns out having gangbang flashback scenes.
It just keeps happening.

>> No.10131330

What game?

>> No.10131430

Both antagonist and protagonists are great. Most of them only get development during Rea's route, however.

>> No.10131522


Zero Infinity, I guess?

>> No.10131681

Unfortunately, I don't have it in lossy or lossless.

>> No.10131697

Is it this one?

Got it in 320kbps if you'd like.

>> No.10131700 [DELETED] 
File: 829 KB, 1200x1694, enjoyee your chuuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you still chuuni at your age?

>> No.10131803

Still better than a Nicovideo rip I have.

>> No.10131896

Raven Steel here, in 320.
I've had no luck finding a lossless rip of it thus far.

>> No.10132125
File: 230 KB, 491x624, MakeContent wedding 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again.

>> No.10132342
File: 131 KB, 1024x576, 6009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Causcasus as my first Innocent Grey game. What am I in for? Should I use a walk through?

>> No.10132348

It's kinda boring, and you really need a walkthrough.
Cartagra would have been a better choice, less system retardation, just choices.

>> No.10132351

It's pretty bad.
Why do so many people start it these days?

>> No.10132356

I read it over the weekend along with Cartagra. The game's fault for looking so nice and pretty.

>> No.10132359

I only picked it because it's their latest game that's available. I have Kara no Shoujo downloaded, but should I really start with Cartagra?

>> No.10132363

I'd say read Cartagra and KnS and forget the rest.

>> No.10132368

Cartagra is pretty short and it's not bad (nothing great either)
Rest is just bad, don't lose your time with them

>> No.10132375

Even Kara no Shoujo? A lot of people seem to like that game.

>> No.10132376

It's a good game, just use a walkthrough, otherwise it's a nightmare.

>> No.10132380

Sorry, I misread your post, yeah Kara no Shoujo is good too.
KnS/Cartagra = good, rest is bad

>> No.10132395

Alright thanks. I'll keep reading Causcasus since it's already installed and if I get bored I try KnS.

>> No.10132418
File: 311 KB, 800x600, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say it as if it was bad. Yukino is lovely, don't you think?

>> No.10132426

Caucasus is nice and worth playing for the characters and atmosphere, but the plot and the unfolding back story become steadily more retarded as the game moves on toward the true end.

Also, many of the flags have more to do with luck than inference, and it's impossible without a walkthrough

>> No.10132442
File: 225 KB, 1366x768, 1844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Kimihagu is fun. Karetoshi is also delicious if you want more Ino. Even has Emily with tits.

>> No.10132600

The guy who uploaded the maxi, sorry don't have it.

>> No.10132606

You should read Cartagra before KnS, it has some cameos and even spoilers.

>> No.10132703

Thanks for spoiling that kiss scene!

She may be cute, but there are way too many ''funny'' jokes...

>> No.10132748

I actually have that installed but I haven't started it yet. Does it have comedy? I'm reading way too many serious titles.

>> No.10133026

Yeah sure, but only half the cast is worth a damn. Main selling point of games from Hadashi Shoujo is the awesome lewd talk though.

>> No.10133055

I know it's not really a VN but is kamidori alchemy meister any good?

>> No.10133085

Meh. The game is rather luckluster but the actual gameplay is not too bad. There is only one actually route, and there are two other routes that are comprised entirely of sidequests you could just do in the first one anyway. If you have some time to kill go ahead, but it is not the best either.

>> No.10133210

More accurately, Pianissimo has a story that's pretty dumb and Cartagra's is all right but hampered by a terrible adventure game-style interface. Still worth playing IMO if only for dat Sugina art, but don't expect any masterpieces.

The Nagomibako fandisc, on the other hand is a must play.

>> No.10133217

дајте јој курац

>> No.10133225

I thought Himegari was better, but it's still pretty fun.

>> No.10133546

The boobs are so big in this that they turn me off. And I'm one who likes boobs.

>> No.10133672
File: 291 KB, 800x600, Cure.Girl.full.587575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise of today for me: the scenario writer for Kara no Shoujo and every Innocent Grey game since also wrote CURE GIRL. I'm debating picking it up; does his style hold up as well when it's not in a story about sad postwar girls in snow?

Also learned the Cartagra writer was a different guy who also wrote for several Littlewitch games including all of Quartett! (awesome) and part of Period (BA-HO-RIIIIINGG), so I really have no idea what to expect from Cartagra now.

>> No.10133774

It's been on my backlog for a while as I quite like Coffee Kizoku's art, but I haven't quite gotten around to reading it.
If you do decide to go ahead and read about, please post about it.

>> No.10134344

Personally, I liked KnS a bit more, but Cartagra is a solid game all around, save for like KnS too many random eroscenes

>> No.10134554 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, WHITE ALBUM2_2012-11-27_18-20-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Izumi's route. I liked how Maruto handled the ending, because I was pretty fucking pissed about halfway in her true route. It's nice that he addressed all the issues and potential issues in the conclusion. I also kind of hope that they give her additional scenes in the PS3 version, but I'm not holding my breath since the only confirmed extension afaik is Kazusa true. That being said though, the whole christmas break thing was the best time I've had playing a Maruto game in a while.

I'm really starting to feel for Setsuna though. I'll look very forward to her pain being compensated for in her route. I'm looking forward to Mari's route for the time being since she's the most irrelevant character. I'm also surprised at how strong the drama is, even though I don't usually like it this thick. Something about putting the game down in the middle of a long play session bugs me and I can't stop playing.

>> No.10134632

I'm kinda in a rut right now when it comes to eroge. Right now I'm playing a bunch of them at once, but none of them is really interesting enough to make me read continuously. I hit a plateau with Mizuho route in Tsuriotsu, Hinata route in Noble Works, halfway through Asairo's second chapter, and a couple nukige.

I want to install something that gets me pump up like Dies Irae, but then I feel guilty for leaving the ones I'm playing half done.

Sorry for the whiny post. I promise I won't do it again. I guess I just need to get this out of my system.

>> No.10134675

I'm the exact same way. What I had to force myself to do was uninstall a bunch of VNs except for 2-3, keeping the save files of course. And absolutely not download anything new. But I still have trouble actually finishing anything. I think it's because I keep playing in small increments and rotating between VNs. I guess in the end it's a problem of attention.

>> No.10134768

I sympathise. I'm in the middle of Itsusora and Itsusora. Keep dropping games to play other ones.

Asairo I couldn't put down myself though. If you're half way through the second route I really recommend continuing it until you get about 3/4ths of the way, once shit hits the fan its impossible to put that game down.

>> No.10134771

If these VNs don't grab your attention, why do you think they're even worth your time. Go play vidya or catch up on some TV shows or something.

>> No.10135416


funny way to write Tsuki ni Yarisou

>> No.10135664
File: 855 KB, 818x641, senpaiknowsherstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cure Girl was decent. I don't remember why I decided to read it since it's not exactly my type of story, but it was a fairly decent VN with nice art (Coffee Kizoku) and music (Toshinori Orikura).

Personally I thought the premise could have been done a little better. Instead of having the characters meet offline straightaway, they could have made them interact with each other both on and offline without knowing who the other person is. The story might have been more interesting that way.

Overall Cure Girl had its moments. I enjoyed the humor and wasn't too put off by some of the drama, which were a bit contrived. The pacing was okay for the most part I think, and the characters, though a bit forgettable, were generally likable (Kotone was my favourite). It will probably be a refreshing break from VNs with heavy plots for some people, but don't expect too much from it. There are bad ends by the way.

>> No.10136232

Please give me link to this

>> No.10136236
File: 322 KB, 640x800, 1349175357835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very bullied by these threads. Everyone is posting Japanese VNs that I'm unable to read because I don't know Japanese.

This is like the sho'ah all over again.

>> No.10136255

This guy looks like Hisao.

>> No.10136276
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x910, 31305380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Supa Dangan Ronpa 2.

>nicopedia distinctly states while you can play 2 without having played 1, you wouldn't be able to play 1 after you played 2.
>lol whatever
>now I really can't play 1 because I know exactly what happened

I should've known better...

>> No.10136279

That kind of shit should be understood that
>it spoils the whole thing, play 1 first

>> No.10136285

海の子守唄 in Harumade ost is so heartbreaking.

>> No.10136309

What good obscure old eroge (<2004) you know is worth playing?

>> No.10136318

Meguri HItohira, but I don't know if it qualifies as obscure.

>> No.10136370

Finally fired up Grisaia after spending so long saying I would. Michiru doing her tsundere phrases training is killing me.

Looking forward to joining in on the hype for Rakuen after I finish Kajitsu and Meikyuu.

>> No.10136392

Michiru-Sachi exchanges later on are awesome.

>> No.10136426

What are some really depressing VNs?

>> No.10136427

Swan song?

>> No.10136461
File: 134 KB, 800x600, 118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a title I liked quite a bit that doesn't get mentioned enough, Yumemishi

>> No.10136728
File: 85 KB, 850x1194, sample-7cac1a1b10a5bdcc04675e8787ee2594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Innocent Grey does, pretty much.

>> No.10136736
File: 116 KB, 600x600, 31545351_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10136763


>> No.10137348

Speaking of Innocent Grey; I've only played Cartagra, Caucasus and was planning on getting to Kara no Shoujo considering the sequel will be out soon but I'm wondering how badly spoiled I am.

People keep posting those bloody screenshots of Toko without properly tagging them, similar to everyone being too brain dead to use spoilers while talking about Umineko. I'm assuming she dies, but is the game still worth playing? Also, I heard the English version of the game had some problems with the notebook (text unlocking and spoiling events beforehand). Is the Japanese version safe?

Swan Song
Looking-Glass Insects chapter in SubaHibi.

>> No.10137353


>> No.10137360

Japanese version is completely safe, also it's worth playing, because those spoilers may not be fully true, it has routes and ends.

>> No.10137716
File: 230 KB, 1366x768, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clockup gets it. Just stick the textbox to the side if your company still can't be arsed to do widescreen. It also doesn't cover the CGs this way which is neat.

>> No.10137747

I imagine that's a nukige since it's clockup, looks pretty good, what's the premise/gimmick?

>> No.10137763

Virtual Reality Jumanji with sex.

>> No.10137870

So. Let's say I have 2 VN's on my hard drive.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia and Baldr Sky Dive1+2.
I have limited time, so reading through any of these will take months.

Which shall I read?

>> No.10137876

Baldr Sky
see you around christmas next year, godspeed

>> No.10137887

Baldr was good. I recommend having a controller.
Makes the gameplay parts much more enjoyable.

>> No.10138000


So you get to dodge elephants, rope-jumping with crocodiles, etc, with the sex in the quieter moments? Seems almost too good to be true.


Go with Baldr Sky, use a game pad, more fun. It doesn't have complicated choices

>> No.10138015

Baldr Sky is my favorite vn, so I would say go with that.

>> No.10138312

Baldr Sky is one of the best VNs I've read, and arguably one of the vest VNs ever made. If you can't be arsed to grind through battles to get weapons and plugins like me, there's a save up on sagaoz with all the weapons and plugins unlocked.

>> No.10138403

Whoa, Witch's Garden is already out.

>> No.10138415

Wow, that's pretty early. Apparently it still needs a NoDVD patch, though.

>> No.10138423

Wow, nice. Unfortunately all of the girl that appeal to me look like they don't have routes, so I think I'll wait until I read some impressions before I decide to play or not.

>> No.10138613

I don't really have high expectations for the story or characters. I just want to play it because it's pretty.

>> No.10138646

Yeah, the emote or whatever it's called is really neat. I've only seen it used in a PSP game before so it's really weird to look at.

>> No.10138704

I liked the soundtrack in that game. Felt like P3.

>> No.10138976
File: 379 KB, 1280x720, I suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last played: none

Currently playing: Eiyuu Senki. Macedonia challenge is welcoming although -20% income as the reward for winning a city is very eyebrow raising. Video cast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13QzYo0aeQE

Looking forward to: Alice Tale!! Just one more day!!

>> No.10139006

I just want to fuck the silver haired kuudere.

On that note, what are some games with great kuuderes? I've read the route of that one from Fortune Arterial and that's about all, I think.

>> No.10139029
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1338772689008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm having some trouble finding a crack for Haramin, and the demo .exe swap trick isn't working.. Could anyone help me out?

>> No.10139047
File: 193 KB, 1278x724, alice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone play Supipara? How much drama was there compared to the other minori games? It looks pretty fucking happy and I wouldn't be prepared for a sudden genre shift.

>> No.10139129

You meant Causcasus, right?

>> No.10139555

I just discovered some people actually prefer to play VN in fullscreen mode... Why?

>> No.10139564

Less temptation to alt-tab to 4chan, and you can set your screen so it doesn't stretch/distort the image.

>> No.10139569

Because I have a 1920x1200 monitor and I don't feel like reading a postage stamp?

>> No.10139637

Less distracting, more immersive. I thought this was obvious?

>> No.10139642

The Siglus Realive patcher thingie made by those Taiwanese people works. It's linked in girlcelly's thread.

>> No.10140131

Nope. Toko either A) dies or B) survives with all of her limbs cut off, leaving her as a torso with a head. The latter only happens in one of the several endings. It's absolutely worth reading, as it's probably the best of the Innocent Grey VNs.
How does Baldr Sky compare with Muramasa?

>> No.10140143


She has another ending when you hit all her flags, which is probably canon and segues into KnS 2

>> No.10140343

You can't really directly compare Muramasa and Baldr Sky, they are too different, so depending on your taste it is either better/as good as/worse. But both are definitely of top of this medium and you should get equal experience of goodness just bit different goodness

>> No.10140758

I want the knight girl with braids.

Both redheads are good too, though I'm not sure if one of them is a heroine or not.

And the loli that looks like someone right out of an Atelier game. Probably not a heroine though.

>> No.10140882

To expand on this, Muramasa is the epitome of 浪漫. It's in every aspect, also sword fighting and contrasting philosophies. It's only really comparable to Hanachirasu, except it's impossibly better because there's multiple shades and developing philosophies told through the story instead of being stuck with a label from the start.

If I could compare Muramasa to any other game, it would be Dies Irae, but Dies Irae is pure fantasy action while Muramasa is detailed fantasy sword fighting and political and moral and war philosophy among others. They're comparable in the sense that each character represents a concept or an idea or an ideal, and the battles in it are representative of the strength and resolution of the concepts backing the characters, who are mostly actors to enact on their belief systems. However there's no Melcurius-like figure in Muramasa, they way the stories play out and the character structure is again, very different. It's an extremely powerful, extremely interesting, extremely memorable game, and I really encourage you to play it. For just about anyone there is some worth in the experience.

Baldr Sky however is pure detailed science fiction and triumphing over evil. The amount of intricacies in the setting was absolutely exquisite and immersive. However, when I say pure science fiction, I mean it, it's that and not much more than less. The up side is that the characters aren't one dimensional like most of the characters in Muramasa are, but that's conversely a down side because not all of Sky's cast is even remotely as powerful. Also a very memorable game with a good conclusion that makes you feel accomplished. Also the gameplay is like a 2D armored core cross Virtual on, and is imo the best real time action eroge have to offer. Hell even compared to most video games, Sky's game component is outstandingly strong and worthwhile.

>> No.10141048

Can someone pass me some good portrait wallpapers form eroge? I got a new monitor and it needs some clothes.

Links are fine too.

>> No.10141092

But wasn't that the plot of Euphoria?

>> No.10141098

> I heard the English version of the game had some problems with the notebook (text unlocking and spoiling events beforehand).

There was a patch released that corrects this. There's also one that changes the default font to a nicer one.

>> No.10141106

Okay, now I just have to read Dies Irae.

>> No.10141107

Ewww, please don't compare Muramasa with a game where absolutely every character talks like that chuunibyou comic relief character everyone likes to make fun of.

>> No.10141108
File: 935 KB, 1920x1600, vacant_bgcg01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a real wallpaper (it was the background image from the KnS 2 site) but it's very high res and looks gorgeous. It's my current desktop.

>> No.10141120
File: 89 KB, 600x780, 26243075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'OH. I certainly did.

>> No.10141124

The dialogues of Badlr Sky aren't that bad

>> No.10141130

The story of Witch's Garden looks retarded but e-mote looks pretty cool, cool enough to check out. Anyone feel the same way?


>> No.10141137

If nothing else, it's pleasing to look at, even ignoring the E-mote gimmick.

>> No.10141143


I'm in the middle of Shukufuku no Campanella, and no, it probably isn't cool enough.

This is probably the most banal and uncreative thing I've read in recent memory.

>> No.10141147
File: 318 KB, 1366x768, catonhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone feel the same way?
No, you are most certainly the only one.

>> No.10141157

I liked Campanella a lot. Relaxing atmosphere and very pleasing all around.

>> No.10141159

For those who aren't interested in that type of cutesy game, it will probably be the only reason to take a look at it. I didn't play the trial, but it seems that besides E-mote there's nothing exceptional about it.

Personally, I think it looks pretty nice.

>> No.10141165

My posy or the actual game? I am not gonna judge the game definitively until I play it.

The art is nice enough by itself, there isn't much going on this month anyways.

>> No.10141174
File: 267 KB, 600x338, uro_cg06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 将来はヒットマン


Whatever staffer is in charge of posting these is a massive troll.

>> No.10141177

Eclair gives a special feeling in me, I don't know why I like heroines like that.

>> No.10141189


That's what I was hoping for, but in playing it the plot is more like a Saturday Morning cartoon and the characters are all stereotypes. Not really that relaxing. Also I know it's all about wish fulfillment and so on, but the whole harem thing and the way all the characters basically scream innuendos in the MC's face makes me feel like my intelligence is being insulted and it gets old. It's just the same thing over and over to the point it becomes irritating.


The game.

>> No.10141191

He's talking about Dies Irae.

>> No.10141199

The stuff in DI is total nonsense though.

>> No.10141198

>one dimensional like most of the characters in Muramasa are
really? you must have never read one dimensional characters if you think those qualify as such

>> No.10141201

I know, I was joking.
Because anyone who dislike the dialogues in Dies Irae is obviously pretty stupid

>> No.10141214

>That's what I was hoping for, but in playing it the plot is more like a Saturday Morning cartoon and the characters are all stereotypes.
Saturday Morning Cartoons were pretty nice and character's being stereotypes is such a worthless complaint anyway.
>Not really that relaxing
Agree to disagree then!

>> No.10141217

>Because anyone who dislike the dialogues in Dies Irae is obviously pretty stupid
Whoa, slow down there. Dies Irae is about as close to unreadable as an Eroge can get if you're not into chuuni.

>> No.10141218

sup Moogy.

>> No.10141230
File: 90 KB, 357x500, 2012112715095419c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will happen, I just know it.

>> No.10141243

Their job is to hype you. That picture is pretty troll worthy without context though.

>> No.10141262

I did not know the trial was out. Now to downloading.

>> No.10141265

You need to set date and shit to japanese if you want to install.

>> No.10141296

The E-Mote system makes everything 100% more adorable.

>> No.10141448
File: 121 KB, 850x637, sample-56e0a901f28b64d16175cf7aebc12a05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I don't know about that; I just remembered where I'd seen that pose before.

I will cry such bitter tears if history repeats itself.

>> No.10141452

I uploaded the pre-extracted folder a few weeks ago too, if you can't make the EXE work: pastebin.com/La9x4Rqr

>> No.10141511
File: 307 KB, 600x338, uro_cg04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about the pictures themselves. Hover over the thumbnails on that page again; you'll soon see what I was talking about it.

Relatedly it seems clear from the new voice samples that went up that these guys are the local Scooby Gang and seem to have a funny rapport with each other. I hope they don't all die horribly ;_;

>> No.10141550
File: 1.92 MB, 1286x768, emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it so far

>> No.10141559

Oh awesome, isn't that you-know-who's baby? Does that mean we'll see the two of them too?

>> No.10141562

Sorry guy, they are SO dead. They are fodder for Hinna-sama's curse.

>> No.10141568

>new Kazuna and Shuugo
I hope they added him a couple of eyes.

>> No.10141570

Even the boys? ._.

>> No.10141572

Guy on the right is the killer.

>> No.10141573

nooooo, I oppose this.

I thought it was great how they didn't give him a face even after he was no longer the protagonist.

>> No.10141582

I hope one of the killers is female this time. Not the shrine maidens, either (no way am I believing you that easily, trial), but the real criminal mastermind, even if she is just the first boss a'la the Black Madonna killer.

>> No.10141608

It was way too easy to point the killers out last time as well, hopefully they mix it up for this game. I haven't read the trial though

>> No.10141722

I'm not looking for "recommendation charts" or any of that bullshit, but ever since I started reading in jap I feel like I wandering from one VN to another. Right now im basically using tag search and the screenshots on vndb to make most of my decisions. Is their any decent sites eng or jp that give quick run downs on VNs or would shed some light on some gems I know I'm missing.

>> No.10141732

you can use erogamescape as a jp reference, but you'll still have to look around for personal reviews or blogs to find something you might like
find some user whose scores you mostly agree with, see what games he valued highly, explore from there

>> No.10141878

>the whole harem thing and the way all the characters basically scream innuendos in the MC's face

I must not be that far in the game because none of the girls have been gunning for the MC's dick yet.

>> No.10141890

What genre do you want?

>> No.10142008

Awesome. Relay Broadcast is out. Time to drop everything.

>> No.10142103
File: 404 KB, 1366x768, 874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, there is an enforced route order? Seems like I can only enter Ririko's and Misumi's routes.

>> No.10142159

These guys list some monthly big releases. Rather good for getting a general grasp of the new titles.

If you're still at the point where you're wondering whether some games are too difficult to read, I'd recommend checking out
While not a true measure of "difficulty", the kanji count really helped me sort out some of the harder games for later.

You could also check out other titles of your liked studios or writers. Ask around.

Oh my.

>> No.10142429

From the complete save file, Witch's Garden's h-scenes are divided as:

>7 for Ayari
>4 for Suzuno, Ririko, Misumi, and Eclair

>> No.10142450

Oh, so Eclair does have a route. Time to download then.

>> No.10142524

From the walkthrough, it looks like you can only do Ririko's or Misumi's route the first time around. Doing either will unlock Ayari's and Suzuno's. Doing Misumi's will unlock Eclair's route. After doing all 5, you get access to Ayari's true route.

>> No.10142583

I wonder why they decided to go with an enforced order. I dislike it in non-plot-focused games. Ririko and Misumi don't particularly appeal to me so it seems I'll be forcing myself through one of their routes to get to the ones I actually want to do. Oh well, at lease the game's pretty.

>> No.10142966

More eroge makers need to do what Lose did with Monobeno and make h-scenes optional / non-canon that are unlocked as you play through the game.

It's the obvious solution to the problem of having random h-scenes that have no place within the game's story itself.

>> No.10142980

you can always skip them and pretend they don't exist just as well

>> No.10143059

>Ayari's true route last
>enforced order
Motivation for playing this game = 0, I hate enforced route because no game has 100% likable heroines.
At least Ririko is half decent so far.

>> No.10143085

>no game has 100% likable heroines

Although rare, these games do exist. Of course, this is up to individual preference too. For me, I liked all the heroines in Baldr Sky.

>> No.10143141

even Chinatsu? ew

>> No.10143183

I've read people complaining about her but I honestly can't see the reason for all the hate for Chinatsu.

>> No.10143204
File: 267 KB, 1366x768, biribiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Misumi's route. Best thing about it was Eclair so I guess it's a good thing that this unlocks her route. Now I really need some fucking sleep.

>> No.10143287

Nanoha is about 20 times worse than Chinatsu.

>> No.10143319

>Symphonic Rain

>> No.10143603

will there ever be a plot-heavy game that manages to pull off a well-written rape scene that uses first-person PoV

>> No.10144025

So no Yuko scenes I take it? Unfortunate.

>> No.10144692

Wow Witch's Garden is a pain in the ass. I think there's a mistake in the walkthrough. I needed to do Mizumi, Eclair, AND Ririko's route before I could get to either Ayari's or Suzuno's. Also for some reason, using the full save didn't let me skip the enforced route order... as in I couldn't get to their routes... which doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10144702

Why do people keep on hating Nanoha?
I like her. ;_;

>> No.10144706

I found her to be the best imouto type character that wasn't actually an imouto, as in you really want to protect her. During the last battle in her route, I felt bad even letting one of her gates get destroyed.

>> No.10144712

>imouto-type character
>not actually imouto
Mai Goto is great for doing that.

>> No.10144796

wow is it really that short? fuck this game

>> No.10144837

No, I just skipped through those routes because I have zero interest in those girls.

>> No.10144858
File: 756 KB, 820x642, kana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for helping me with the Botedol crack earlier /jp/. I was able to update the page on VNDB. One more inbreeding game down, many more to go.


>> No.10144876

Yeah, I don't think I'll be playing Witch's Garden right away now, what with all this enforced order stuff.
Time to go remember what other things I wanted to play that were coming out this week I guess.

>> No.10144935
File: 32 KB, 500x375, IwishIwasJapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are all of you /jp/sies in this thread from? since all of you seem to write with good english and talk about Japanese games, are all of you asians who know english or are you americans who know Japanese? I really, really want to know please.

>> No.10144956

Mostly people who learned Japanese, along with a decent chunk of people who are lazy and just use AGTH. Native Japanese speakers are a rarity.

>> No.10144962

California, Fresno

>> No.10144963

Does light have any other notable games other than Dies Irae, Gunjou, and KKK?
Tapestry premise seems like a promising nakige but I'm not sure if the game actually lives up to it.

I immigrated to America from Asia. I took some Japanese courses back in high school and college, which help somewhat.

>> No.10144966

California, Sacramento/Davis here.

>> No.10144974

As far as I know, most of /jp/ is made of Americans and freedom hating Euros

>> No.10144985

Canadian here.

>> No.10145039

Seattle, and as white as can be.

>> No.10145094

I'm from Pennsylvania.

Any Illadelphia bros here in /jp/? There was a /b/ thread once that had almost 20 people claiming to be from Philly in it.

>> No.10145090

El Paso, Texas.

I can read games but I need a dictionary once every few minutes. Japannese is hard even when you know most of you kanji and loads of jukugo.

>> No.10145103
File: 364 KB, 1296x758, nanatsufushigi14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here, only posting once in a blue moon though.
Actually still at the last game I started, not making too much process nowadays. It's a fun one, though.

>> No.10145145


>draw someone moe
>add lines to the face so you know they're old

>> No.10145211

Cool, Davis here too.

Yeah that face looks awful. The height being the same doesn't help.

>> No.10145236

Neat. Two Davis people. Well, three including myself.

>> No.10145238

Oregon. White as fuck.

>> No.10145242

Do you happen to go to UCD by any chance?
I apologize for the /soc/ direction this thread is heading to. I'll try to keep it down.

>> No.10145255

It doesn't live up to it, definitelty.

>> No.10145288
File: 46 KB, 353x481, makina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that. Grad student.

>> No.10145295


Oregon too

lolicon mind

>> No.10145374


what a quinkydink, I go to UCD too

>> No.10145395

You three should get together and have awkward conversations about your favorite porn games.

>> No.10145405

Uh... are you perhaps a member of DAC?

>> No.10145406
File: 333 KB, 800x600, capture_009_24082012_051321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland. Self–taught, though my output skills are a bit wonky. Actually planning to study East Asian languages/culture in the future (provided I can pass the entrance exam).

I still have to rely on JParser for harder stuff but can read Root Double level games without any hook tool's assistance.

>> No.10145410
File: 117 KB, 1288x720, snapshot20100227040012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that common in VNs? I've only see it in this anime here. (the older girl in back left is her daughter, and she has the unseen 20something main character as a son so shes at least mid-late 40s)

>> No.10145416

Araragi was so adorable, if asairo stoppped in the first chapter she'd be my favourite girl.

>> No.10145414


no sir i am not

>> No.10145415
File: 117 KB, 800x602, donking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the reason why Araragi is a military otaku. What was it again?

>> No.10145423

Oh okay. I guess there are people hiding their power in campus too.

>> No.10145439


And such each other's penises

Such is the /jp/ meetup way

>> No.10145465

Are you that crazy motherfucker from lauta?

>> No.10145497

I'm really happy that you Americans play visual novels.
I hate anime(except Jojo), but I really love VN.
By the way, I recommend you my favourite VN “Bullet Butlers”.
Sorry for my poor English.

>> No.10145502

Afraid not.

>> No.10145519

How disappointing

>> No.10145536

Paradise Lost (belong in the same series as Dies Irae), Dear my Friend (romance eroge partly written by Masada), Boku to, Bokura no Natsu, Kaminoyu, Zero Infinity and Vermillion.

These are what I liked other than those you cited, though I haven't read everything Light made so I may be missing a few of their good ones.
There are also some weird ones like Tapestry that has a pretty nice common route but horrible routes or Soranica Ele that has a really nice setting, good writing and very strong beginning but turn really stupid later on.

>> No.10145576
File: 321 KB, 1024x600, guishen_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part of a dirty Asian race. Filipino. Stationed at Naval Base San Diego.

>> No.10145577

Looks like FSN really is pretty badly written if even a fanboy like Moogy has some problem with its text

>> No.10145586

I read from the archive people stating that Paradise Lost kinda lost its meaning if you have read Dies Irae first.

Is Masada good at writing romance? Dear my Friend kinda reminds me of Moshiraba, probably due to the art.

Thank you for your impression. I think I have an idea of what to play now.

>> No.10145602

Other than the overall big setting, Paradise Lost has a completely independant story so no there is no meaning lost
Spoiler for DI/KKK I guess people told you that because in DI/KKK you know that eventually Mercurius hijjack happens but it never happens during PL itself

>> No.10145607

You can play eroge freely in the Navy? I might actually considering joining the Navy after graduating college a serious option then.

>> No.10145652


>tweets in japanese
>no retweets
>no japanese followers

look at this weeaboo

>> No.10145654

He's Japanese on the inside

>> No.10145693
File: 366 KB, 1284x721, 1342577198480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so can i play my untranslated VNs using shitty translation tools or should i bother learning Japanese? I'm asking this because I have nothing to do all day other than watching animu/mango inside my room since i dropped out of high school 1 year ago, and i know other people wish to study Japanese but can't cause of uni+work. what should i do with my time? should i study Japanese or no? also, im 18 yo. pls halp me /jp/.

>> No.10145719

>so can i play my untranslated VNs using shitty translation tools
No, not at all, at least not if you want to actually enjoy them. Just learn Japanese.

>> No.10145776

Dude, get your ass back to high school. For real. Nobody will ever take you seriously if you don't. A GED is totally not the same. I don't know what hardships drove you to quit but it's not worth it in the long run.

>> No.10145783

Not him but I got a GED and I am about to get a bachelor's in EE. You are only as good as you last degree, he should get his ass in college.

>> No.10145807
File: 371 KB, 780x537, fan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gakthun popularity poll started today. Currently ranking after Tesla and Neon are Berta and then Emilie.

Oh, and Liarsoft apparently isn't going to count any votes from foreign IPs :/
Better find a good proxy if you want to participate.

>> No.10145810

Having Japanese followers isn't a big deal, since most Twitter users there are polite and will follow you back as a matter of courtesy no matter what your account is like.

>> No.10145824

Was there any good VN released yesterday?

>> No.10145832

Not really, check out http://omochikaeri.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/november-2012-eroge-releases/

There might be something to fit your fancy. Also don't listen to Zen, he's a dick.

>> No.10145838

>Liarsoft apparently isn't going to count any votes from foreign IPs
I enjoyed voting the past polls and nothing happened, did people complain about 10 foreign votes skewing the poll or something?

>> No.10145841

I don't get her, is she supposed to be a guy or something? I could swear she was voting for the fraternities.

>> No.10145850

it's a man according to her background info, but he does look like a reverse trap, and Berta is a female name
anyways, 4 of her 9 votes are from the same name/ip combination in the space of 4 minutes

>> No.10145870

I hope they don't try and pull what I/O did, because it was obvious the reverse trap was a reverse trap and they tried to pull it as a twist.

>> No.10145883
File: 90 KB, 300x300, misarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Only during the weekends when I'm actually not working. Other than that I don't really have much time on my hands. The military is a good place if you love the benefits. But if you're not really social or you hate working with people, I wouldn't recommend it. Also, if you had to choose one, I'd recommend the Air Force. At least that way you wouldn't have to be in the seas without internet for months at a time.

>> No.10145900

Yeah, I didn't think for one second that she was actually a guy; when I read the profile for her I wondered if it was a mistake. Least convincing reverse trap ever.

>> No.10145912

Maybe they'll pull something interesting about that in 'his' chapter.

>> No.10145917
File: 258 KB, 536x750, 2012y11m15d_062639528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An inverted Victor Victoria twist (actual dude pretending to be a reverse trap) could be interesting.

>> No.10145919

How is the trial btw? I haven't played it yet. Does it look like a homerun?

>> No.10145925
File: 186 KB, 450x600, niconeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters are wonderful, really likeable. Also there are about 50000 metric tons of UST between the leads, if you like that sort of thing (I do).

>> No.10145927


Great music, art is a bit more realistic but still good, and the mains have a ton of chemistry in chapter 3.

>> No.10145928

>50000 metric tons of UST
As long as it is written well and both characters are likable.

Does it give the same WAB feeling that the good ones give?

>> No.10145933
File: 256 KB, 468x650, gac00e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> UST?

Unresolved sexual tension. Hopefully it will not stay unresolved the whole game.

>> No.10145939

Art direction is close, same lines and patterns, it's just a bit more defined because it's a bit more science-related than the rest.

>> No.10145945

Tesla's SCIENCE is powered by his virginity, you are hoping for his defeat.

>> No.10145946

I liked the way that the previous ones had a setting that felt very alive and had a really immersive atmosphere. I guess I will miss the fantastical elements though.

>> No.10145953

It had some elements reminiscent of sona nyl's intermissions , which are some kind of tale for kids which are basically related to the chapter.
this one is more like Utena's kashira chorus since it's a bit more metaphorical.

>> No.10145954
File: 227 KB, 559x599, 31317881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it will be a victory for MY DICK

>> No.10145959

Studio beast is down? Going to the JQV site says that it's undergoing a renewal? Could we be seeing some info on Mine Sweepers this week? God I hope so.

>> No.10145960

I hope it's just like Lily's sex scene, incredibly awkward and virginal.

>> No.10145992

I don't care for WAB-style softcore porn anyway.

>> No.10146018

Even cross channel is out before xchange, fuck.

>> No.10146109

Europe. English and Japanese are my fourth and sixth languages respectively -- my Japanese writing/speaking skills are somewhat weak compared to my reading since I've mostly learned from eroge and stuff

>> No.10146151

треад треба још курца

>> No.10146475
File: 708 KB, 1280x720, seiyuuifications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out Witch's Garden for a change of pace.
Kawashima Rino was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.10146605

That girl makes me diamonds. Another game where we hope for the FD to have some side routes.

>> No.10146675

I'm from suburban New Jersey. I'm probably the only non-Japanese that knows the language within a 100 mile radius. I'm also probably the only one that knows what a "visual novel" is within a 200 mile radius.

>> No.10146683
File: 152 KB, 990x697, sg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't come as too much as a surprise to people that played it but Secret Game Code Revise is basically getting completely remade for PSP. About 80% of the game is getting rewritten and a third chapter is added, apparently making it double the length of the original. So basically the same as Killer Queen --> Secret Game.


>> No.10146701

I just hope that they won't censor the shit out of it like they did with KQ -> SG. Being hopeful about this, wish they would rewrite the first chapter so that the MC actually does more in it, and interested in what they are going to do about the third chapter, would be nice to see some of the other characters survive

>> No.10146816
File: 238 KB, 640x480, corm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to finally read Sharnoth soon (then re-read Inganock and Celenaria) now that the patch for the full-voice version is finally out. I had been about to start Sharnoth a year ago when I saw news of the new version and decided to wait for a new patch; didn't realize it would end up being this long.

Right now I'm finishing up Otome Crisis; Laurier is such an adorable rapist. Yuri rape is a surprisingly good combination of two things that individually I sometimes have trouble fapping to. Overall it's a whole lot better than Xross both comedy-wise and story-wise. I'm still horribly disappointed though about the Imnity x Mia scene getting interrupted just as it was getting good.

>> No.10146847

I'm from suburban NJ too and know moonrunes.

>> No.10146882


Yes, the one thing I felt it would be better was for MC to show more involvement and the two routes felt a little short. However if 80%of it is getting rewritten then it's practically new and fingers crossed for new endings. But PSP... geh

>> No.10146912

I hope they never swap the psp for ports.

>> No.10147039

I never did FSN in japanese but the text of Mahoyo left me cold.
And the text of FSN is supposed to be worse?

>> No.10147119

but it has voices so all the people who were crying about mahoyo have something to help their ADD

>> No.10147124

>their ADD
Defending mahoyo's lack of voices?

>> No.10147173

all i see is his usual sucking romeo's cock

>> No.10147197

The bits written in japanese, not his Cross Channel fapping.

>> No.10147206

Oh, I just looked at the first and last ones and thought he was just ranting about nothing important just for the sake of tweeting in Japanese.

>> No.10147552

Trying the game thanks to your post.

>hold down ctrl for 30 minutes

>> No.10147624

>windmill oasis

>> No.10147652
File: 908 KB, 1280x800, Unknown 2012-11-30 05-52-53-78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monobeno is surprisingly raunchy as hell.

>Play twister with your childhood friend and little sister wearing skimpy outfits.
>Get a boner.
>Friend stops you in the bathroom, points at your crotch, and asks which one of them gave him the boner.

I'm glad that the makers had to foresight to throw in optional h-scenes.

>> No.10147726

Is there an ongoing translation maybe?
Sounds pretty fucking nice.

>> No.10147787

Does EGS not let you list by platform or have a tag dedicated to platforms? Wanted to check out a list of eroge/VNs that've had PS3 ports, but I couldn't find any way to just get a simple list of them.

>> No.10147793

Reading Kusarihime, I tried a while ago but I didn't manage to run it properly, particualrly the music, so I tried this time with the dl version, 800x600, so good, except the opening which looks like shit in the engine.

>> No.10147937

Nope, it's all yours. Get to work.

>> No.10147950

I can't imagine why unless you have a fetish for things you can't have.
The game seems to be better than I expected, but we'll see after the last 3 routes.

>> No.10148153

I liked it personally. Good production values and the ero was fapable. Also Arisu is a slut.

>> No.10148614 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, shewantstofuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost feel bad for the protagonist here. Granted, it's only 45 minutes or so into the game but it's almost as if every female older than him in his family wants to rape him.

>> No.10148684
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, homolustroutewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe~

>> No.10148987

Does the inclusion of rape make a VN "dark"? It seems like it's prevalent in "dark" VN's, like Kara no Shoujo, Muramasa, Saya no Uta, etc. But Baldr Sky also has rape, but that's more of an action eroge than anything else, and I wouldn't really consider it dark.

>> No.10149004
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 010e756b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What VN is this?

>> No.10149038

あえて無視するキミとの未来 ~Relay broadcast~
I'm playing it right now. It has some great comedy but don't expect anything else from it.

>> No.10149151

You just answered your own question.

>> No.10149219

>But Baldr Sky also has rape, but that's more of an action eroge than anything else, and I wouldn't really consider it dark.
I dunno man, the setting is pretty dystopia it just doesn't happen to the protagonist and friends (for the most part).
I feel really horrible for the girls that was abducted and forced into sexual slavery. Especially that one girl that got her eyeballs plucked out by Gilbert

>> No.10149277

>Does the inclusion of rape make a VN "dark"?
No, not necessarily.

>> No.10149318

How are the girls?

>> No.10149357
File: 142 KB, 1259x707, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you played ALcot honeycomb's 春季限定ポコ・ア・ポコ? The writer is the same and it feels a bit like he just copypasted the characters. If you liked the heroines from that game you'll like the heroines from this.

>> No.10149362

Playing Soukoku no Arterial.
This is even more autistic than Kamidori.

>> No.10149423

About to finish the Miu route in Dracu-Riot, who should I do next?

>> No.10149548

You should do Nicola's route because of how adorable Nicola is.

>> No.10149613

But in terms of full routes, aside from Miu's I've only did Elina's before the game got put on the backburner due to not having much time and I'm generally terrible about going back and finishing things.

>> No.10149656
File: 1.03 MB, 1286x768, WHITE ALBUM2_2012-11-30_22-26-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time that I've been waiting for in White Album 2.

So I've got a question. I'm saving whatever the last route I play in this game in to play the PS3 version on Christmas Eve and Christmas day in adherence with the game's winter themes. Between Setsuna True and Kazusa Normal ->True what should I be playing on that day?

Also when do I read the web novels included in the game?

Playing: Itsusora (Konome), Chronobelt (Chronobelt), and WA2.
Looking forward to: Gal/Eroge-wise WA2 PS3, KnS2, MLATE, and Daitoshokan. Q1 next year is outrageously good all around.
Finished: WA2 Mari. I liked her route, but I really disliked how pathetic Kitahara was and how she lost a lot of her mature allure amidst the excessive amounts of dere. At the same time, I went into it thinking I might get something like NG, so that was kind of my bad. I liked Izumi normal the best out of the entire game so far. All over though I really appreciate how well made this game is, even though it's not really my thing, the drama, particularly the Setsuna related drama really hit hard.

>> No.10149707

That image, ugh. Even after all these months, the rage is still strong.

Maruto is such a fucking troll.

>> No.10149732

That isn't unlockable right?

>> No.10149942
File: 981 KB, 1284x743, I suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea, alice tale finally!! I waited all night.
>Tutorial battle

I... I have no idea...

>> No.10150067

Was the trial that good?

>> No.10150086

It was a more mature, well refined school romance comedy. It's still a moege and uses those paradigms, but it didn't feel as generic as (imo) Fortunate Arterial did. Moege aren't my type of game either and I still liked it. I think it'll be a very enjoyable charage, under certain conditions.

The trial was good yeah, but the characters kind of drew me in. I'm mostly looking forward to it because I have faith in the devs competency after Eustia.

>> No.10150303
File: 82 KB, 759x672, platonicsibling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just starting it myself as well, seems to be easy one for the weekend

>> No.10150305

It has gameplay?

>> No.10150306

You can find a video of it on their site. It looks like some gimmicky sort of rpg battle.

>> No.10150308

Talking about FSN, was a crack released for the realta nua PC version?

>> No.10150512

New thread >>10150510
