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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10147693 No.10147693 [Reply] [Original]

So Japan is basically saying having a female raped is preferable to her having a past relationship and/or consensual sex in a male other than the protag?

>> No.10147698

*with a male

>> No.10147703

If by "Japan" u mena "Male writers catering to omega nerds", then yes.

>> No.10147704

Not if you are into NTR.

>> No.10147709

I think so. There's no love or attraction involved like there would be with a boyfriend.

>> No.10147713

In their minds she is still somewhat of a pure maiden because she did not seek the cock willingly that and people love tragic maidens.

>> No.10147731

A lot of people do not seem to understand the value the purity and virginity and in fact see it as a nuisance. These people bother me greatly.

>> No.10147740

So how do you feel about females who have been raped?

>> No.10147752
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The heart is more important than the body.

>> No.10147755
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>> No.10147753

I think there is much more to be found in a girl who has been just raped than a girl who has been in a proper relationship. They are still unmarked and generally untainted, and as an added bonus tend to be damaged or unhinged which pleases me because I have something of a sadist and am incredibly possessive.

>> No.10147754


>> No.10147758

>I have
I obviously meant to say "I am."

>> No.10147765

This is why rape is so popular in Japan.

>> No.10147773

Because it bothered me.

>> No.10147768


What are you talking about?

Are you talking about Type-Moon's eroge?

>> No.10147769


If it's so obvious, why do you feel the need to correct it, megadweeb?

>> No.10147778 [DELETED] 

Rape means she didn't want it, consensual sex means she didn't wait to find her trurabu and just took in a dick for fun.
Sex is not for fun.
Sex is for the person you love and marriage.

>> No.10147789

The heart of a rape victim is damaged, only sadists like rape victims.

>> No.10147799

No girls or boys want to do marriage nowadays.

>> No.10147802

I think the best rape victim waifu would be naturally one you raped yourself. Whether you were already in a relationship, you were setting up a relationship, or she fell for you after of her own free will.

>> No.10147807


>> No.10147813 [DELETED] 

And that is why normalfag society is going down the shitter and otaku culture is the only tru way to live now

>> No.10147819


More importantly, rape or whatever traumatic event practically insures unwavering love for and devotion to her love interest.

Past relationships are scary, as one can draw from it that the woman can leave the relationship as easily as she got into it.

>> No.10147823

How so?

>> No.10147827

Why would you rape your love interest?

>> No.10147825
File: 63 KB, 613x559, 1353884169056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to agree. If a girl had ever had sex consensually (oral counts, basically if other person has contact with her genitals or breasts, or she has contact with another person's genitals) then I would not be involved with her since she is damaged goods, a whore. If she was raped it would only be okay depending upon why she was raped. If she was an innocent victim, I wouldn't blame her, but if she was going to parties getting drunk and then passed out and got raped or something, that's just as bad having had consensual sex. I'm not sure about if a girl has kissed someone or held hands. That's pretty lewd but I might be able to look past it and try to think of her as a decent person if I tried.

>> No.10147833

Either you try to give her stockholm syndrome or you engineer a situation in which you can hide your identity from her, rape her, and then be the first person to comfort her about it.

>> No.10147835

I would rather date a woman that was raped especially if it was a family member than one who went out and asked for the dick.

>> No.10147846

You ensure her love, loyalty, and devotion, as well as inflicting deep psychological trauma in the process. What's not to love?

>> No.10147843

Spoken like a true sadist.

>> No.10147851

Same here, but I would only accept a girl who has been raped in her childhood and because of that she's afraid of sex and people. I'd make her fall in love with me and depend on me, she will be afraid of other men and only look at me. Then we will hug each other naked in the bed to make babies.

>> No.10147853

Would you rather have your love interest raped and killed or have her choose someone else for life?

>> No.10147854


It's still beats! It's still pure!

Help keep her heart intact with the mystical glue of love!

>> No.10147858

Raped and killed.

>> No.10147857 [DELETED] 

Raped and killed

>> No.10147865

That's it's probably going to backfire for one.

>> No.10147870

The former. The "I just want my beloved to be happy" thing is bullshit.

>> No.10147868


Someone else of course.

>> No.10147878

Then you screwed up. Blame yourself, not me.

>> No.10147880

She will not want to be with you if she has a psychological trauma.

>> No.10147887

What if she fell in love with her rapist?

>> No.10147892 [DELETED] 

Kill her with my sword and defeat the big bad afterwards

>> No.10147896

You would have to find a woman who's at least a little mentally unstable for that to work on. And mentally unstable chicks are usually not virgins anyway.

>> No.10147897


How can you claim to love her when you'd have her experience pain and death just to spare you a little misery?

>> No.10147918

I'd have the bitch put the the blade before she made me a cuckold!

>> No.10147923

Love goes both ways.

>> No.10147981 [DELETED] 


>> No.10147982


It will be for another but isn't it better for your love to live? The moment you decide she should die is the moment your love is proven a farce.

You are a monarch who would prefer to destroy his kingdom over abdication --the most supreme arrogance emanating from a fool in love with love.

>> No.10147985 [DELETED] 

Shut up

>> No.10148010

Why would you bother loving someone who refuses to love you in the first place?

>> No.10148016

This was meant for the above post.


>> No.10148015


No you! Men like you don't deserve to love.

>> No.10148018

stop the bullying

>> No.10148023

Great meme, man.

>> No.10148032
File: 106 KB, 960x544, 2012-11-22-100251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.10148052
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Is this what they call a "Rape Otaku"?

>> No.10148073

I'd storge her eudaimonia if you know what I mean

>> No.10148080

Shit man you think of that your self?
Good stuff, serious.

>> No.10148090

Do Japanese have a preference between raped during childhood and raped nearing adulthood?

>> No.10148115

Most would say childhood. During adulthood would have a good chance of turning them into angry, whiny feminists. Plus during childhood would be the most like having pure girl since down there has more time to heal up

>> No.10148138

I used to hate you, but you've become more humourous.

>> No.10148143

Stop samefagging, bastard...

>> No.10148157

I am not the person you hated and that is why I am funnier.

>> No.10148294

What a pervert, wanting to inflict the most damage.

>> No.10148328 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1200x983, pc master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey weeaboos, here's a question for you.
why do japs censor their porn? why would the most perverted country in the world censor it?
why so much hypocrisy? they're still going to hell and censoring won't help.

>> No.10148345

Even they have standards.

>> No.10148393

Let's get this shit straight:

Pure girl >> danger-counscious rape victim > divorced >> ex-boyfriend used goods >> one-night stand slut = self-blamed rape victim = complete slut

Yeah, that shit is an equal sign.

>> No.10148396

A rape victim who blames herself is worse than a good who willingly fucked other men?

>> No.10148408

I think he means, if a rape victim was raped and was not looking for it you can't blame her. I think a self-blamed rape victim is someone who goes to a party and dresses slutty then gets drunk.

>> No.10148409

I thought the same thing, but he must be referring to a rape victim who only has herself to blame. Ones getting drunk with slutty clothing who are probably used goods anyways.

>> No.10148418

here, and I obviously meant these

>> No.10148421

What the HELL

>> No.10148523

Are you a self blamed rape victim?

>> No.10148548

Love and affection are nothing to do with orgasms

>> No.10148691
File: 99 KB, 640x952, poor maidens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why again? I understand it adds to character and helps ferment a desire to love, protect, and give affection the girl who's gone through a lot of shit and that works. I get Kohaku but why Sakura? She was tortured daily but her assclown brother who already treats her like garbage has to put a cherry on top by raping her?

It's not even about them being non-virgins; they're kind, devoted, the sex is very enjoyable and they would seem more open minded about it.

>> No.10148734


Disappointed that there was no kitchen sex with Sakura only wearing an apron. So much time in fucking kitchen together and nothing.

>> No.10148785

Sakura is a slut who wanted sex, pretty funny to call that rape.

>> No.10149031

But she didn't want the original worm rape.

>> No.10149040

Yes she did.

>> No.10149100

8 year olds do not want worms inside them you dweeb.

>> No.10149125

Sakura did, she was born a slut.

>> No.10149168

She got it from her mom.

>> No.10149261

dude i was just wandering around and saw a TM tread

is this true

holy shit....just did a quick search before ???

its true

Thanks you Typemoon

>> No.10149348

athens would be proud of this thread and posters

>> No.10150071

You are raped in front of your love interest, what do you do?

>> No.10150075

Probably be ridiculously aroused in a wierd sort of way.

Thats probably a fetish of mine. Plus, she would be seeing me naked, that alone is super lewd!

>> No.10150081

This reminds me of a doujin where both the guy and girl, a couple, were raped in front of each other.

>> No.10150085

Where has "Japan" said anything like that? Did the government make an official statement? Did somebody poll the public?

>> No.10150087

>Probably be ridiculously aroused in a wierd sort of way.
>Thats probably a fetish of mine.
I don't think you understand the definition of rape.

>> No.10150143

Thats why it'd be a "wierd sort of way" I wouldn't be able to help it. In my mind I'd likely be horrified the whole time, but my body would probably be aroused as HELL.

>> No.10150167

Are you a woman? You seem like one with your rape fetish fantasy.

>> No.10150240

It doesn't make sense for them to not want it that way.

They should be pure maidens, or failing that good that were only used against her will. If she asked it, liked it, or wanted it, she's just a slut.

These things aren't supposed to represent the terrible reality where every girl past age 11 has had sex with at least 16 different people.

>> No.10150372
File: 283 KB, 399x504, amagami kaoru smile 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met my current girlfriend online about 3 years ago. We have 5 years and a half difference in our age, so when I did she was still in her teens. She was a huge weeaboo and somehow she felt for me without a reason. She started changing her personality after we started talking more and after an year and something we ended up together... I still can't explain what actually happened. And she is a cute girl, very good looking and petite, I was her first in everything, she was 100% pure. I have no idea how she never had a boyfriend or something like that before, but I am willing to bet it was because of her being a disgusting weeaboo.
I am really happy with her, I want to spend my future with that person.
There are pure girls out there who'd be willing to be with you, /jp/. I believe in you!

>> No.10150380

Women are terrible no thank you.

>> No.10150386

Not when you find a pure one and shape it like you want it to be

>> No.10150388


You shouldn't lie to them like that. You might get their hopes up.

>> No.10150391

Still no cock

>> No.10150394

It's not a lie, anon.

>> No.10150395

Isn't hoping for this the reason normals have lives like they do? I gave up on any sort of contact from females when I was 16 or so. The most I hope for now is not falling in love with them because I feel ashamed to.

>> No.10150400
File: 148 KB, 624x352, 1299042869125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread scares me, I can't tell what's sincere and what's not here.

>> No.10150405

Honestly I gave up on the idea around 17. Had a few teen relationships that didn't end up well, but that was when I was dumb as hell. I spent like 4 years stuck at home reading and playing stuff. Meeting her was completely random, but I thought she's worth it because she was young and delicate.

>> No.10150409

Has been in a previous relationship = she is a whore who will lie and cheat just to get in your wallet. Incapable of true love.

Rape victim = she did not choose, and tried to remain pure until she found true love, despite being overly attractive and having people at her feet.

The choice is obvious, rape victim are the purest.

If I had to choose between a rape victim or a woman who divoced once, the choice would be easy. Divorcing once means being capable of divorcing, so there's nothing that would stop her from divorcing me as well. And with today's laws, that would mean death.

>> No.10150419

Yes, not all of them are 3DPD, some women are actually great person, true hidden gems.

The problem with hidden gems is that they're burried deep underground and you need to pickaxe your way through kilometers of shit.

Also, fuck trial and error. If I want her to be a boyfriendless virgin, it would be dumb of me try "try out" several girls.
Also, believe it or not, but people break up even after 6 years, or divoce after 15 years. Nothing is more hasardous than trying to get a 3D significant other.

>> No.10150453

tulpas don't count as people

>> No.10150460

Similar thing happened to me - met my current girlfriend online, except she's only 1 year younger than me. She's very cute and loving and 100% pure as well. Things like these happen, and you should strive to take that chance while you still have it, /jp/!

>> No.10150473

That's stupid. As if a girl could fall in love with me.

>> No.10150472

What about widows? Widows are pretty hot.

>> No.10150489

Same here. I buy games used, not my possible future wife. I haven't had sex, so I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the same thing from a woman.

>> No.10150672

What's with the assumption that the raped girl would have been pure before the rape? Non-virgins can be raped too.

>> No.10150710

>So Japan is basically saying having a female raped is preferable to her having a past relationship and/or consensual sex in a male other than the protag?

Being raped doesn't make you a bad person.

>> No.10150730


Because they can't help it. Beneath everything, they're just animals that want to be roughly held down and fucked, whatever they say.

It's natural selection. They will give birth to sons as strong as their father, and daughters as slutty as their mother, and the human race will continue to improve.

>> No.10150732

It does if you were asking for it.

>> No.10150741

Everyone knows that doesn't really count as rape. I think it's even in the Bible that if a woman says she was "raped" in a city, it isn't really rape since she obviously could have called for help if she really had been unwilling.

>> No.10150744

Same here dude. Met my virgin supermodel wife and got my professional racing career started on the same day just by being online

>> No.10150763

Pretty obvious the subject at hard are women who have had their purity taken by rape, not whores that are raped. That doesn't even count.

>> No.10150775

That's not rape, it's shoplifting.

>> No.10150795

That might have worked when cities had 1000 inhabitants, one crime a decade, and everyone knew each other, but nowadays when some thug puts a knife to your throat and tells you to keep quiet, you do what he says, since he'll have enough time and cover to slice your arteries and get away safely before anyone decides to be brave enough to check who was screaming. And that's if someone does.

>> No.10152504

Being raped makes you used goods in every sense of the word.

>> No.10152547

Kitty Genovese screamed for help for half an hour as she bled to death. I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.10152700


Something being used doesn't make it undesirable.

>> No.10152720

Yes it does, are you fucked in the head? You want something that is mentally broken and where the cum of another man has already been?

>> No.10152760

A guy told me he wouldn't sleep with me because I AM a virgin. What kind of sick fucker is he?

>> No.10152767


Anything damaged with the penis can also be fixed with it. It is man's mightiest tool.

>> No.10152809

Sex should only be between married lovers.

>> No.10156692

Most of /jp/ has probably never been in contact with a rape victim.

>> No.10156775

Have you ever been bled on or spat on?
Same difference.

>> No.10156879

Wanna go out with me?

>> No.10157596

Virgins aren't typically good in bed.

>> No.10157768

That never happened.

>> No.10158637

I feel sad knowing some would reject a nice girl who happened to be raped, rather than make something work.

>> No.10158697

Did something like that happen to you? Are you a nice girl? I'll date you.

>> No.10158706

It did, I went to a party and got a bit wasted.

>> No.10158724

Then you deserved it.

>> No.10158735

Sexist pig.

>> No.10158796

>implying that a man who went to a party and got wasted wouldn't deserve it either.

>> No.10158871

I just want a hug from a nice pure girl, that's all...

>> No.10158900

You wouldn't even appreciate it anyway.

>> No.10158910

ITT: worthless people projecting their own worthlessness onto others

>> No.10162941


Is it okay for people who feel worthless to gain a sense of worth through a relationship with someone who is damaged in some way?

>> No.10163081

Did you not read this ancient piece of shit? This turd is fossilized, you must have read it by now.

Being raped makes Kohaku a terrible person. Kohaku's personality obeys Machiavelli's model of ambition- she immediately subjects other people to the terrors she herself has escaped from.

Kohaku thinks nothing of raping or killing people if she wants to.
She will kill people like Akiha who have done nothing wrong to her directly just out of spite.

Kohaku got raped, and it made her a bad person.
You don't know where you're arguing.

>> No.10165349


>> No.10165371

I hope you are kidding.

>> No.10165503

I wish I could stroke Kohaku's ass.

>> No.10165541

Japan is not saying anything. I'm sure that that's not what Nasu is implying either. Just accept it as a story element.

>> No.10165561

I understand that you value virginity but you don't have to condescend those who have lost it, especially in rape (no matter the circumstance of that rape). You're being just as bad as those bullies who make fun of us for being virgins.

>> No.10165569

I'm not a virgin and I regret it deeply because I didn't marry the woman I had sex with, even though we were in a loving relationship.

The fact that you can have sex and just be, "Eh, whatever," about it is precisely the problem.

>> No.10165575

>The fact that you can have sex and just be, "Eh, whatever," about it is precisely the problem.

Why is this a problem? I am curious. I agree with you but I want to know why and why it is necessary to condescend.

>> No.10165581

The virgin obsession is an expression of exaggerated jealousy, stemming from feelings of inadequacy as a result of personal sexual inexperience. It's obvious why an individual with this complex would be more offended by a former lover than a rapist. The rapist is in no way a threat to the ego of the afflicted, because he doesn't really care about sex, what he cares about is the level of her devotion. If she was romantically involved with a man at the same time when he was still remaining chaste, even before the two met, he sees it as an infidelity.

>> No.10165593 [DELETED] 

I'm a virgin and I agree with this. I don't want to be compared to her former lover and come up short. I want to be her first so we can learn the pleasures of our bodies with shame as equals.

>> No.10165598

I'm a virgin and I agree with this. I don't want to be compared to her former lover and come up short. I want to be her first so we can learn the pleasures of our bodies without shame as equals.

>> No.10165622

Sex is only for married lovers.

>> No.10165641

It's a matter of principle for me so it's difficult to explain. Basically, sex is a big deal. A huge deal. Not just for religious reasons or anything like that, but for physiological, sociological and romantic reasons. It's the most intimate two people can possibly be. So, it makes sense to have reasonable standards when it comes to having sex. You wouldn't walk up and kiss a complete stranger, so it baffles me why people are fine with having sex with someone they just met. Marriage has a lot of flaws, but I think it's a good arbiter when it comes to sex. Same for other relationship issues, like living together or sharing a bank account.

If you have sex and shrug it off as though it's nothing, you are lowering standards. Not just for yourself, but for everyone. It's like fashion or fancy cars. If everyone goes out and spends an absurd amount of money on the hottest new designer coat or the latest sports car, then society's standards shift. If one or two people put way too much effort into looking nice at a party, then the less effective a plain cocktail dress or a dinner jacket will be. Back to sex, I've known men and women who weren't interested in sex or held high standards about it, but society or their friends decided they had to go and lose their virginity even if they didn't want to.

>> No.10165643

I look down on people who have sex too easily because it cheapens the act. It's like using the word "epic". Falling out of your chair is an "epic" fail. Now the word "epic" no longer carries the punch it once does, so we can never use it in that way ever again. Sex should be something meaningful between two people in a loving, meaningful relationship, and they should only have it once they are sure they'll stick together. Again, marriage is a decent if imperfect solution to the problem here. If you aren't willing to make a real commitment, then don't expect sex, just as you shouldn't expect an acquaintance you're a little bit friendly with to loan you enough for a house. It's just silly.

Maybe being a little bit condescending or beating yourself up is unhealthy. After all, I'm a man and no real changes took place in my body when I lost my virginity. But I went against my own principles and I should feel bad for it. Feeling bad is a natural part of life. If someone dies, you mourn. If you murder someone, you feel regret and guilt. If you have casual sex, you should feel ashamed and disgusted with yourself. And then you should certainly understand why people like me lose interest in you.

tl;dr: sex is serious business and I'm insane.

>> No.10165688

Ive read what you type out and I can see where you're coming from. The way sex is treated nowadays cheapens the act and considering how big of a deal it is we should treat it with respect.

If you're still here I'd like you to answer some more questions:

1) Doesn't the act of watching pornography cheapen the act? A lot of VNs have sex in them and we read a bunch of them on /jp/, people in this fandom have masturbated over non-vanilla sex doujins so doesn't it mean we're just as guilty as cheapening sex as the non-virgins?

2) Could you elaborate on why you think sex is a big deal?

Anyone else interested in answering this question please go on ahead or adding to the anon.

>> No.10165738

But you aren't having sex. It is masturbation which does not "cheapen" sex. Watching sex would not cheapen anything except if the people that were having the sex weren't really in love.

>> No.10165742

>2) Could you elaborate on why you think sex is a big deal?
Social people have sex and if you don't have sex you're not social. Not being social lowers your worth as a human and as a citizen. The implication is clear to everyone even though few dare to admit it.

>> No.10165743

>1) Doesn't the act of watching pornography cheapen the act? A lot of VNs have sex in them and we read a bunch of them on /jp/, people in this fandom have masturbated over non-vanilla sex doujins so doesn't it mean we're just as guilty as cheapening sex as the non-virgins?

Honestly, I hate pornography, though I don't have anything against people who like it. I think the distinction between 2D and 3D matters here. One is drawn and purely fantasy, the other is (usually) two people actually having sex. Pornography itself cheapens sex, but I don't necessarily think using it does as long as you keep it to yourself. We shouldn't go to some backwards extreme of telling people that natural urges are wrong, but we should try to limit those urges' influence on our lives (to a sensible degree). If you're feeling horny and want to masturbate, fine, it's your body, but keep it to yourself. Do not tell people. I don't know why it became acceptable to talk about how you masturbate, but for some ironic reason it has. It's not something to be proud of, even if it's nothing to be ashamed of.

>2) Could you elaborate on why you think sex is a big deal?

I really can't explain it any better than I did in my other post (the first few sentences). I'll happily admit my views are my own, and they aren't entirely rational, though they're not based on any bad experience I've had or anything like that. I felt this way before I had sex, I tried to keep an open mind, I feel this way now. I guess it's like art or music in that some people make the case that it's this hugely important thing, whereas other people just don't give a shit.

>> No.10165770

Lewdness is a disease.

>> No.10165845


I don't hate your opinions and ideas but goddamn do I hate the way you argue and reasons around them. It not only makes you seem like a autistic retard trying to explain why you will never have sex but also doesn't follow any real value. It's like you think neither your opinion nor anything else can actually hold your arguments. Kind of reminds me how deeply religious people, who are trying to get taken serious, argue.

>> No.10165971

I'm not one of the both above you but i agree to what they say (at least substancially).

1) I think Pornography cheapen it, because clearly the role (as i think it is) is to feed your carnal desire in the most easy way. That's the same as concidering sex a nourrishment, or in an animalist way; that is to say condecsending it (reducing it to it's biological/physionomical role/effect). The VN is a bit different, (i think) maybe i seem to plead in favor to playing it, but there is a context in it (at least they try to make a descent setting), so i can't affirm anything. Indeed it's all about how you react toward VN's stories, if you're to shy so you skip these scene, because they only concern the fictionnal characters or you want to devote yourself to the one depicted in it sincerely so you really are in love with the "game" and that's a descent way of thinking, which then doesn't cheapen the sexual act. However, if that's just one more occasion to fap... then it's the same as pornography...

2) I don't know, maybe sensibilty, the fact we are a symbolic species, or just cultural and religious aspects... Well, about sex, it's quite a unique symbol here... maybe the fact you're the most promiscuous to someone, well i just don't know how to answer you here, maybe someone will be able to put into word what i'm thinking...

>> No.10166001

someone call the essay department a bunch got loose

>> No.10167288
File: 110 KB, 732x812, 1336766876758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chut up!
This is what /jp/ should always be like!
