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10144638 No.10144638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Cave has a mega collection of shooting games according to Amazon Japan, which is taking reservations for the Cave Shooting Collection. This bundle includes 10 games plus downloadable content on seven DVDs.

>You get:


>Deathsmiles IIX


>Mushihimesama Futari

>Espgaluda II Black Label

>DoDonPachi Resurrection

>DoDonPachi Resurrection Black Label

>Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets

>Akai Katana


>plus two booklets for 29,176 yen ($355) or 24,800 yen ($302) on Amazon. We’re checking with Cave to see if the games are region free and will report back when we hear from them.

>Thanks to everyone who sent this in!


Are you as excited as I am guys?

>> No.10144651

If it were $60 I'd be interested, $300 is ridiculous.

>> No.10144654

no care

>> No.10144663

They're trying to sell them the same way that they sell anime box sets.

>> No.10144671

It's 30ish USD per game and it comes with extras, it's worth it if you are interested in this sort of thing and don't own any of the games

>> No.10144681
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Fuck you guys, I say ALL OF MY MONEY

..Er, provided it's region free and has the console extras for all of the games. But that's pretty much the only thing I ask for. Translation would be the cherry on top, but it's not necessary.

>> No.10144686 [DELETED] 

Epic meme broseph, all of my money too :)

>> No.10144693

Holy shit, dude. I can't believe this is happening.

>> No.10144695 [DELETED] 


>> No.10144709
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That's really awesome. Too bad I don't have my 360 anymore. I put quite a bit of time into Mushi Futari and Deathsmiles when they came out.

>> No.10144717
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Too poor. Oh well.

Always wanted to try some of these games.

>> No.10144725

Why do they not release any of their games on the PS3?

I have an Xbox and a PS3, and I like both equally, but they could surely release all of these on a single disc for the PS3 and easily make it region free too.

>> No.10144735
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Sony apparently has a stick up their ass about games like this getting disc releases, so Cave would have to put them up on PSN if they wanted to sell to PS3 owners. Or something like that.

>> No.10144731

I'm gonna buy a new Ipod just to play all their iOS games. They are excellent.

>> No.10144742

What do you mean by "games like this"?

It can't be the art style because the Atelier games and Disgaea games are on it, and I wouldn't really consider arcade games like this something out of the ordinary either when shit like the Sega Genesis collection gets released.

>> No.10144744

That's still better than nothing. It's not like they have an exclusive contract with Microsoft, so I don't see why they are neglecting single console owners.

>> No.10144748

I wish I could get a japanese xbox 360 already but the fact that I already have one makes me feel like wasting money ;_;

>> No.10144754

I think its games that aren't 720p + can't be sold on the PS3 above a certain price.

>> No.10144761
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Sony doesn't want "simple" games getting disc releases for PS3. Cave would need to add all sorts of 3D graphics, voice acting, and cut scenes for the games to get disc releases for the PS3. They've also said that they don't feel that shooters aren't long enough to deserve disc releases, which is a bit dumb, considering that shooters are all about replayability. So basically, no Cave games on PS3 unless Cave decided to pad the fuck out of the games with unnecessary things so Sony wouldn't bitch.

With the 360 they can just slap the game on a disc and put it out, so they don't bother with PS3 at all. I'm not very good at explaining this, so go google about it if you're interested. There's probably more information on the subject somewhere.

>> No.10144767

Still not seeing why they can't release it on Playstation Network.

>> No.10144768

There's no way this is gonna be region free. My life and things I want out of it don't work that way.

>> No.10144775
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Beats me. I'd like PS3 releases too. I'd like to play Deathsmiles again, and I never got to play Muchi Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets, so that would be great.

>> No.10144777

None of what Clammy said was right at all.
Cave games need to be 720p if they want to sell them at FULL PRICE
There are already games like the gundamanium collection that are like 480p being sold at a low price, there are games like soldner X that are HD being sold at higher prices.

The only thing stopping cave from selling the games is the price tag they want to put on it. If they sold each game for $20 it would probably be on PSN already.

>> No.10144778

This is nice. I have a 360, but no money and no TV to hook it up to. Maybe it will change one day, and then I'll import it.

>> No.10144785

Can't you just mod your console and download these games right now?

>> No.10144794
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Hmm, I see. I recall reading about the subject in an interview with Cave a few years ago, so my memory was obviously a bit off.

>> No.10144806

Way too expensive. I'd rather just emulate the ones that I can. That's kind of my test for playing games -- if I can emulate it I'll play it. I'd rather put money into my computer than consoles.

>> No.10144832
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I've been considering buying an Xbox for some Cave shooters but I'd rather have an English one then a JP one. I REALLY want to play Deathsmiles IIX, DS is my favorite STG

>> No.10144835

You can buy IIX via Games on Demand on English systems

>> No.10144845

Welp, time to buy an Xbox.

>> No.10144851


deathsmiles iix is available for download on the marketplace for english users

the game's in japanese still but it works

>> No.10144854

>30ish USD per game
Not very reasonable, to be honest, considering some of those games are 8 or 12 years old at this point. How many times have they printed even just Resurrection already?

>> No.10144868
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Yeah I know, an entire console for two games is a little bit sticky though.

>> No.10144872

No Fever SOS?.

and 300?, holy Byakuren.

>> No.10144886

No ketsui, no progear... ;__;

>> No.10144902
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Then pirate that shit is it.

>> No.10144912
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It's not like CAVE could release Progear anyway, Capcom holds that property.

It's one of the few things I can say I dislike about Capcom, though I still don't understand this Crapcom business.

>> No.10145080 [DELETED] 
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Oh, um...did anyone happen to notice that all of these games listed have 360 ports? I wonder if they include the 360-exclusive content with them. I'm inclined to believe the answer is "yes" since Muchi Muchi Pork and Pink Sweets are listed as one entry. Hmm!

If only they'd release an Ibara Kuo: Black Label HD. I'd happily buy that too. Although the original Ibara is a complete mess.

>> No.10145088
File: 95 KB, 549x776, 14753436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, um...did anyone happen to notice that all of these games listed have 360 ports? I wonder if they include the 360-exclusive content with them. I'm inclined to believe the answer is "yes" since Muchi Muchi Pork and Pink Sweets are listed as one entry. Hmm!

If only they'd release an Ibara Kuro: Black Label HD. I'd happily buy that too. Although the original Ibara is a complete mess.

>> No.10145093

haha fuckin retard

>> No.10145104

No thanks.

>> No.10145112

Are you an idiot? Unless you go out and buy the PCB the 360 is the prime console to own if you enjoy STG.

>> No.10145123

If you want to play new ones, I guess.

>> No.10145486


Fun Fact: most moddings will not make the console region free, you will still only be able to play games of your continent.

>> No.10145503


Pretty much what I did and I am satisfied, who needs all that other stuff you hardly replay.

>> No.10145525

this is the best bundle ever in both quality and value

>> No.10145538

If you want to play the best.

>> No.10145542
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I am a big fan but I would have to disagree, with this pack pretty much everyone will get games he already owns, Why put Akai Katana in there which everyone that wanted a new STG in the last year bought, and leave out dangun feveron for example? For 300 bucks and as a regular xbox cave games buyer I would like to see something different in it. Of course I will still buy it if regionfree

>> No.10145545

The only problem is you have to play it on an xbox.
Fuck that d-pad.

>> No.10145551

I doubt it will have the first-print DLC for each game. Meaning:

Deathsmiles 1 voice pack
Muchi Muchi Pork Matsuri ver.
Mushihimesama 1.5
Mushihimesama Futari 1.01
Akai Katana Shin voices
Daifukkatsu 1.51
and I think Deathsmiles IIX had something insubstantial

The DLC install disc will probably only include the DLC they sell on the marketplace: Futari Black Label, Daifukkatsu Black Label, Deathsmiles Mega Black Label, Deathsmile MBL 1.1 + Guwange.

>> No.10145554
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>> No.10145563

the Dangun Feveron port was never released. this is only a collection of all of the games Cave has released for 360, minus Instant Brain. don't forget you get 7 superplay DVDs with it as well - those alone would cost more than $300 if you bought them right now.

do you even seimitsu

>> No.10145566

Haha, no

>> No.10145573

Haha, yes

>> No.10145580
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As someone who plays on both PC and Xbox I can say that it is quite a different, more arcade like feeling on the Xbox (especially with stick) and definetly recommendable.

>> No.10145593

>stretching a 3:4 game to 9:16

oh shit nigga what are you doing

>> No.10145599


Was to test it out I actually do shrink it to a proper size before playing, else its too large a screen anyway considering how close I sit.

>> No.10145656

see >>10145566

>> No.10145691

Or maybe they are just too cheap to buy a PS3 devkit.

The thing that really puzzles me is why they waste time on iOS bullshit instead of porting some stuff to the PSP/DS

>> No.10148703

It probably won't be

>> No.10149511

don't come to /jp/ often but i have a fuckign massive hardon for cave games.

if it's region free, i will seriously consider getting this even though it costs $300!

but fuck i bought Akai Katana individually just a week ago.

is it a fancy box set?

i have one of these
shit's cash

>> No.10149521

You might want to replace the stick if you're solely going to focus on shmups. Those sticks don't have strong enough spring force, at least for me.

>> No.10149539

Pretty much this.

I'll have to wait and see.

ESPgalulda 2 is probably my favorite shmup, i think i'm the only one.

>> No.10149626

Galuda 2 is a top tier game mate. Futari is my favorite though.

>> No.10149674

>>300 bucks

Day 1 pirate those extras somehow some way

>> No.10149743

Xbox seems to be the console of choice for arcade gamers in Japan. I don't really get it either but most shmups end up on it.

>> No.10149785

Probably to do with the hardware being so similar between the two, easy ports.

>> No.10150030

For fighting games, it's because Xbox Live is superior. This only matters to the really hardcore crowd though.

For shmups, it's because Sony has stupid policies and Microsoft welcomed all Japanese games with open arms at the beginning of this gen. Once the shmup fanbase was established on 360, it made no sense to put them on other platforms. Grev tried with Mamorukun and Under Defeat, but they wound up selling like crap anyway.

>> No.10152005

No Ketsui? That's the only good CAVE game so this collection sucks.

>> No.10152042

it's funny because Ketsui is the game of choice for casuals who want to see hardcoar

96.24% of the people who act like Ketsui is the greatest game ever can't even get past 1-4.

>> No.10154664

No one likes Ketsui

>> No.10155083

You're wrong. I like Ketsui.

>> No.10155101
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I do like to play Ketsui at times, and I have the NDS version for when I ever go out... but it's not like it's CAVE's masterpiece. I didnt even get the argument, until the kind anon pointed out that it's the prime game for people not really used to the genre.

>> No.10155115

At first I thought this'd be a good way to get into shooters that are not Touhou provided it was region free.

Then I see it's 300 bucks. Fuck off. That's goddamn ridiculous.

>> No.10155120

It's 10 Xbox 360 games + DLC + 7 superplay DVDs. That shit's gonna cost you.

>> No.10155126

> Grev tried with Mamorukun and Under Defeat, but they wound up selling like crap anyway.
And both of them have slowdowns everywhere. Who in the fight mind will play shmups with game dynamic butchered like this. Grev now have my official seal of 'crapware'.

>> No.10155125

and it'll take a lifetime to master all of the games in this collection, so it's still a great value.

>> No.10155141
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I am unsure what you are talking about, if it is about being able to play the japanese rankings, ok. But most of these games are available for XBL download through europe and the US. We will get it mainly for the bonus features and DVDs.

>> No.10155139


Most of the games would probably work out cheaper to buy separately.

>> No.10155179

They definitely wouldn't. Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets is $100+ on its own.

>> No.10155180

Exchange rate is a killer. This would have been $100 cheaper in an ancient time.

>> No.10159456

Is PC emulation for these perfect? I got quite a few of them in MAME and play them regularly but I feel like they might be off somehow because there's signifigant slowdown fairly regularly.

>> No.10159665


They're not emulated correctly. You get slowdown in all the wrong places and in places where it actually is meant to be present you don't get it.

>> No.10159778

Emulation for the SH3 games is terrible (i.e., Deathsmiles, Mushihimesama, Mushihimesama Futari, Espgaluda II, Muchi Muchi Pork, Ibara, Pink Sweets). Their older games are fine.

>> No.10159810

They are actually fine, you just need to get the right Slowpoke Mame builds. Google slowpoke mame. It requires a good computer and a ton of tweaking, which is why most babbys say it's terrible.

>> No.10159819

I'm honestly surprised most of you guys don't own a Japanese 360.

step it up, senpai

>> No.10159820

Pls leave SPC. You're the only one who hates Ketsui.

Ketsui is a lot harder then the Donpachis, it is not peoples entry game.

>> No.10159826
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Could we get this cleared up, do the older games also emulate with unnecessary slowdowns? I do see them when emulating but then again I see the same in Xbox quite often, those obviously wanted slowdowns...

>> No.10159831

Wow, I really need to buy a Japanese 360. $300 seems absolutely insane though.

>> No.10159834

Most older games are fine with shmupmame, slowdown in correct situations and such.

>> No.10159864


Everything up to ESPgaluda runs correctly, everything published after that isn't emulated properly.

>> No.10159998

Ketsui isn't an entry game, but it is a game that low-level players like to put on a pedestal even though they barely have an understanding of shmup basics.

"Ketsui is the best game ever! All of Cave's modern games are shit in comparison!"
-- Someone who doesn't have a single noteworthy achievement.

>> No.10160005

Dai-Ou-Jou is harder to 2-ALL than Ketsui Ura loop.

Dodonpachi, Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label and Daifukkatsu with Power style are harder to 2-ALL than Ketsui Omote.

So no.

>> No.10160043


But on the other hand most high-level players and people I know that have been playing shooters for a long time think Ketsui is easily one of the best games. Let's not turn it into the new Ikaruga, at least Ketsui is a hundred times more fun to play than that tripe.

>> No.10160068

Ketsui is a good game. Throwing a sloppy mess of suicide bullets at you in the second loop and the air-lock glitch knocks it down a bit, though.

>> No.10160071

Hide le crown jewel before it's too late!

>> No.10160072

u wot m8

>> No.10160074

Ketsui only gets so much praise because for eons it was the only Cave game you couldn't fucking play without flying your white gaijin ass to japan to play or dropping a fat stack on to get the PCB in your house

Now that the rest of us plebs finally get to play it we see it for what it is
Not better than DOJ.

>> No.10160133

Ikaruga = Overrated and mediocre
Ketsui = Mediocre

let's keep it at that.

>> No.10160561

Written like a tr00 "don't play the good games, filthy plebs!" ChainChainPachi autismus maximus.

>> No.10161739

>Ikaruga = Overrated and mediocre
Ikaruga is a masterpiece.

>> No.10161751


IKD actually said this himself and he's right.

>> No.10161875
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IKD also said that Battle Garegga was his favorite game for ages. So that doesn't amount to much.

>> No.10161886

Gradius and R-Type are the best shmups.

>> No.10161914


My niggah

>> No.10161921

Only the arcade versions. They suffer from some piss poor console ports.

>> No.10162438

Actually, they're shit.

IKD clearly has an eye for quality. No wonder he makes the best games.

>> No.10164113
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Has Cave made anything new recently? I feel like all I ever see is stuff about their usual games being re-released. I'm quite a Sunday shooter so I only really know what /jp/ says about them...

>> No.10164123

>Actually, they're shit.


>> No.10164201

Dodonpachi Saidaioujou - 2012
Mushihimesama 1.5 - 2011
Akai Katana Limited - 2010
Akai Katana - 2010
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Black Label - 2010
Deathsmiles II - 2009

Plus a ton of console modes and ports.

>> No.10164204
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The DoDonPachi Saidaioujou home console port is coming out soon in both the east and, if all goes well, the west.

>> No.10164234


Great times ahead.

>> No.10164343
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I love how anti-secondary this game is. Phallic ships fags mad the game has drawings of little girls on the stage result screens, cute girls fags mad the game hands their asses over.

Looking forward to untainted leaderboards.

>> No.10164412

The PC Engine versions weren't bad at all.

>> No.10164439
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I miss my pc-engine so much... the feel when your parents already did this, and you didnt appreciate it enough when you were young so you sold too much stuff ;_;

>> No.10164481

all of CAVE's games are anti-secondary if you go by the leaderboards though

>> No.10164494

>some shit

>> No.10165168

So apparently Dodonpachi Saidaioujou has a casual mode? Was there another Cave game with this?

>> No.10165367

Yes to the first question.

>> No.10165491

What? Saidaioujou on the 360 will probably have a Novice mode. The arcade game has two different difficulties: one for Shot & Laser, which is harder than the first loop of any Pachi, and one for Expert mode, which is harder than the second loop of any other Pachi. (DOJ is harder since it takes away all of your lives, but the patterns in SDOJ are way harder.)

>> No.10167686

is that a penis?
