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10126164 No.10126164 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people often say that being a hikikomori is such a miserable existence?

There are even forums made by hikikomori and they talk about how much they hate their life and how they want to be different. All of Welcome to the NHK was based around how he hated being a hikikomori and how he thought of it as some kind of illness that he wanted to cure himself of.

I've lived this way for nearly eight years now and I find great peace and tranquility in this lifestyle. Why do so many people seem to feel the exact opposite?

>> No.10126192

they falsNEET

>> No.10126198
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There is nothing more I want from life than to be left alone, away from the expectations of other people and live a peaceful life by myself.

>> No.10126207

I don't really want to use the word "brainwashing", but basically people have been exposed to so much shit about how being social is important, even introverted people feel like they have to be social. At least, that was what happened in my case.

I realized one day that I didn't have to be any way sociable and in fact it only caused me misery, and now I have only 2 friends I know over the internet and haven't really spoke to anyone in 3 years now..

When I came to this realization, surprisingly it made being social a lot easier too. I learned how to say no, and I easily laugh off comments and such by family members about being a shut-in. I can also function outside,like looking up and not being slouchy which I couldn't do before.

So you don't have to be miserable! Though for the first time, I'm thinking of looking for a job. My dad was really sick recently, and though he's better now I should probably take more responsibility. If he kicks the bucket, my mom wouldn't last too long...

>> No.10126233

Your post reminded me of anonib's hikkikomori board and how it died because some faggot made his own board for truhikkis and started talking made-up shit about how anonib anons harassed people online and convinced everyone to post on his forums.

>> No.10126237

I think it's quite cool.
But it's not cool if you are constantly depending on others and making them sad.
You can be a hikkikomori and work at home with the computer or whatever.

>> No.10126238

No one gives a fuck about anonib. Well, except pedos, maybe.

>> No.10126240

Learning to be happy with being completely alone is difficult for most people. You have to learn to love yourself in order to love spending time with no one other than yourself.

That's hard for a lot of people. They look at themselves and they see nothing but flaws. They are quick to look past the faults and love others for who they are, but they won't do the same when it comes to themselves. When you are alone you are forced to look at yourself and your thoughts are more introspective than when you are surrounded by other people, so if you don't love yourself then naturally you will dislike being alone.

They have to accept and love themselves before they can love being alone.

>> No.10126244

Cause it is not fun, for most people.

And most people are driven into this lifestyle by some sort of traumatic events or mental disorders to begin with.

>> No.10126264

oh, shut up fatass
it's not about loving yourself or some other bs you made up to justify your obesity

everyone wants interaction and friends, it's scientifically proven. Most hikkis cope with that by finding appropriate replacements such as imaginary friends or excessive narcissism suggested by you. But that's just it-a replacement. It can not compare to the real thing.

>> No.10126277


Is it that hard to imagine a person who isn't insecure as hell and just doesn't want to deal with people?

>scientifically proven


>> No.10126278

>everyone wants interaction and friends, it's scientifically proven
>scientifically proven

>> No.10126289

Why are you even here? Baka!

>> No.10126297

if i got autismbux i would be happy with this existence

unfortunately im one of those hikkis with an unsure future so i cant really enjoy it

>> No.10126308

>Is it that hard to imagine a person who isn't insecure as hell and just doesn't want to deal with people?

Ara, ara. Many people don't want to deal with others due to one reason or another. Maybe they suffered some trauma, or maybe they simply can't find anyone with whom they'd like to spend time.
But you know, the need for social interaction doesn't just disappear from their brains because of that. We're that sort of animal you see, it's in our genes.
So these people who don't want to and don't have any contact contact with the others still need to substitute it with something, else stress and hilarity ensues.

>> No.10126313
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The need for socialization is an addiction that humans are born with. It's easier to satisfy your addiction by giving into it, but this causes you to become increasingly dependent upon it. It's just like how addictive drugs work.

When highly social people are forced into a situation where they can't socialize for long periods of time then they will break down in a way that is very similar to someone going through a drug withdrawal. If they persevere and push through then eventually their addiction will cease and they will no longer be dependent upon social interaction. Socialization isn't commonly seen as an addiction though because we're born into a culture where the addiction is nurtured from birth. Very few people get a chance to essentially sober out because everything you do in our society is based around socializing with each other.

It's like being born with a heroin addiction and getting an injection of heroin each day to keep the withdrawals at bay. After a long enough time you will think that heroin is just an essential part of life and just as necessary as eating or breathing. It isn't, but you will never know that since people have been forcing it upon you your entire life and no one gave you a chance to withdrawal.

>> No.10126313,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not true, anonib's hikki board is back, but it's just as dead as ever. That board the other guy talked about is actually a forum, and it fell victim to the typical circlejerking and drama that most forums experience.

>> No.10126321

I've yet to see solid research on these theses of yours.

>> No.10126352

Whenever someone who isn't normal claims to be even the slightest bit happy or content, you can always count on the normals to make a big point about how that person is only pretend happy or some shit.

I don't know why they always do this. Even if it was true, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather be pretend happy than authentically miserable.

>> No.10126354


>We're that sort of animal you see, it's in our genes.

We're not forced to blindly follow our instincts. Humans are capable of developing mental discipline and going against our instincts.

Anger management is a good example of this. It's natural to be angry and it's natural to want to strike people when you're upset with them. This kind of primal instinctual anger doesn't fit in very well with any kind of civilized society so we have developed methods to control and even completely eliminate these urges.

Anger is no different than loneliness. They're all primal human emotions and through proper mental discipline you can take away the influence that they have on you. We don't have to be these animals that blindly follow our instincts. Monks have been developing discipline and controlling their minds for centuries and they are perfectly happy with being in total isolation for large portions of their life.

>> No.10126365

It all comes down to capitalism, there's no need for someone to socialize or live among others when there is no necessity for that. All you need to survive in today's society is money, the so-called 'bio-survival tickets', you get anything with them, and when you run out of them, you're getting into the depression and eventually you might even commit suicide, since it implies your extinction.

Today, lack of money means basically death. In the old times, being excluded from the tribe had the same consequences - living alone then was impossible, being a member of tribe was as important, as money today is to a human - necessary to survival. It's still in our genes, and capitalism was existent for no more than a couple of hundred years, so obviously socializing, it's programmed in our brains to survive. Not anymore, and it will, probably, cease gradually if the capitalism advances.

That's all there is to this. Survival mechanism.

>> No.10126367

>I'd rather be pretend happy than authentically miserable.
You can be both! But you have to work hard at it to make sure the contradictions don't implode.

>> No.10126374

The amount of armchair science in this thread is appalling and only reinforces my belief that there are hardly any actual hikis/NEETs on /jp/

>> No.10126379

Get the fuck out OP. You are a liar. Also I hate you as person.

>> No.10126392

Just because you're a NEET/Hiki doesn't mean you can't educate yourself. It mean a total opposite - you all time in the world, and you can do what the fuck you want with it. Some people like to educate themselves and not stay ignorant for the rest of their lives.

>> No.10126396


>pretend happy

Why do normal people believe that this exists?

I've never understood it. It's all just chemicals. The happiness that someone feels when they get a rush of dopamine after accomplishing something is just as real as the happiness that they would feel from the rush of dopamine that they would get from smoking meth.

Fake happiness seems like an oxymoron. If their happiness was fake then they wouldn't feel anything.

>> No.10126403

I meant people saying shit like "you NEED to be social" or "it's in our genes because our ancestors blah blah"

Everyone who is an actual Hikikomori should have reached their own conclusions as to why they are the way they are, whether they're happy or not is a different matter entirely that also lies with them

>> No.10126414

People who are NEET or Hikkis against their will and refuse to change are so pathetic.
I can respect if you wanna be a NEET.
I can respect if you wanna be normal and fuck bitches.
Do whatever you please.
But crying about how you can't live the life you want and making up excuses is just dumb

>> No.10126421 [DELETED] 

I sometimes may enjoy the company of SOME people in particular, but I'm generally not interested in socializing and do not feel "loneliness".
Is this weird?

>> No.10126428

>Is this weird?
The only weird thing here is that you obviously do seek confirmation by other people, otherwise you woulnd't ask this question.

Maybe being a Hikki isn't the right thing for you and you should instead become a functioning member of society and earn their approval

>> No.10126430

I have two friends I sometimes socialise with (by that I mean watching anime together or playing video games over LAN)

>> No.10126435

Humans work better in groups. That's why we have survived for so long. Most of us would be dead in a matter of weeks without the benefits of modern society.
Some people may prefer to be alone and avoid contact to other people but nobody can go without ANY social interaction at all. Most people would go insane if they had no way to interact with other human beings. Even you are browsing 4chan and talk with all those other nerds on a daily basis.
There are a few exceptions of course but those are mostly humans who had a traumatic experience or some other form of mental condition.

I prefer to spend most of my time alone as well, but I'm not shutting myself inside my room just to avoid other people. It's not that hard to keep people out of your personal life.

>> No.10126443

With "Is it weird" I didn't seek for approval, I just wanted to ask if it was common.

>> No.10126454

Congratulations, you're just like countless other posters out there who claim not to feel loneliness. Give yourself a pat on the back for being special.

>> No.10126461

I'm not trying to be special, goddamit I'm trying to have a normal conversation!
And it's probably not that uncommon to not feel lonely.

>> No.10126464

What does loneliness feel like? Could someone explain it to me please? I hear everyone say that humans need to socialize or we go insane and I don't understand.

I feel very unhappy and disturbed when I'm around other people. It's not anxiety or anything like that, it's more like my mind becomes agitated and annoyed by the difficulties of attempting to communicate with other people.

When I'm alone then I feel serene. Life feels wonderful, I am completely content with everything, and I feel like I'm in perfect harmony with the world. My thoughts flow so naturally, I know exactly what I want to spend my time doing, and there's just this euphoric clarity of thought that is so amazing that I can't even find the words to properly explain it.

If I could change one thing in my life then the only thing I would do is just make it so that I can live completely alone without any socialization. Maybe in a cabin out in the mountains or on a little farm in the middle of no where. That would be great.

>> No.10126470

>What does loneliness feel like? Could someone explain it to me please?
Imagine you want to share something with someone, but there's nobody there to share it with. Or if you were the only poster in /jp/. Something like that.

>It's not anxiety or anything like that, it's more like my mind becomes agitated and annoyed.
Sure sounds like anxiety to me.

>> No.10126484


>Sure sounds like anxiety to me.

It feels more like anger and frustration.

I know exactly what I want to say inside of my mind, but if I have to talk to someone then I need to take those thoughts and find the words needed to articulate it properly. It's annoying. Text-based chat like this is better since it gives me more time to convert the thoughts into words.

>> No.10126493

So from what I've gathered from this thread, I don't feel the need to change my lifestyle because I never once tried socializing?


>> No.10126499
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hikki = traumatized shut-in

it's not a voluntary lifestyle choice or something, kids do it because they're so miserable at school that they can't take it any more and go out of their minds

great alternative to suicide, since it's potentially reversible

>> No.10126512

I'd do it if I could find some way to have my parents not bother me and a way to sustain myself.

Like, if I would have alot of money suddenly I'd build a tower or a cabin somewhere at a remote place where no human ever goes

>> No.10126509

Does it always have to have such always connotations?
I'm sure laziness and fascination with media plays a part, too.

>> No.10126513

It's probably this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder

There's nothing stopping you from living in complete social isolation. Learn how to build a cabin, how to run a farm and how to hunt. Just choose some remote mountains where the possibility of being found is very small.

>> No.10126515

time to sleep

>> No.10126516


>The psychiatrist Tamaki Saitō defines hikikomori as "A state that has become a problem by the late twenties, that involves cooping oneself up in one’s own home and not participating in society for six months or longer, but that does not seem to have another psychological problem as its principal source."

Get educated.

>> No.10126529

I think you are just being edgy.
If you hate socializing, then why do you go on 4chan and chat with people? Sure, it's not the same as getting dressed, going outside and talking to people, but it's still a form of socialization. If you just hate going outside, that's fine, but don't try to fit in by trying to pretend that you hate people and never feel lonely.

There are too many people in this thread who are obviously new to the board and overglorify the life of a shut in. This is not a shounen and being unemployed is not mountain training. The kind of people who are too lazy to get a job and function in society aren't misunderstood geniuses who lock themselves in their rooms to become sages and master the arts. They are just that, lazy slobs.

>> No.10126540


I think the problem is that hikikomori is more or less defined as a mental disorder. Your lifestyle may be identical to a hikikomori's lifestyle, but if you enjoy it and you live this way voluntarily then you can't be a hikikomori.

It's like the difference between a shaman and a schizophrenic. They're both swimming in the same waters, but one is doing it intentionally and the other isn't.

>> No.10126575

If I could find some way to make money from my home I'd be perfectly happy with being a shut in.

Why do I have to socialize to be happy?

>> No.10126591


>then why do you go on 4chan and chat with people?

I like to hear different opinions. I'm just as happy with being alone, but it can be interesting to see what other people think about topics that I'm interested in. By talking to people on 4chan I can also learn about new things and that exposes me to many new hobbies and interests that I otherwise never would have known about.

It's still stressful though. I like hearing about new things, but I can only do this for a few hours and then I need to take a break to recharge.

>that you hate people and never feel lonely

I don't hate people at all though. Communicating, especially verbally, is just frustrating and difficult for me. I prefer being alone. My thoughts are clearer when I'm alone since I can go back to thinking normally and I don't have to fumble around with words and try to figure out the best way to say what I'm thinking.

>> No.10126600
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>> No.10126625

Why are you posting on 4chan if you don't need to socialize?
Then lurking should be enough, why do you feel the need to use /jp/ as your personal blog?

>> No.10126652

I think maybe you should have a long hard look at your life and try to find out where it all went wrong and how you can fix it.

>> No.10126654

Being a hikki is much better than being an awkward "beta" with a job.
It was hell having to talk to those faggots all day whilst worrying about what I was wearing, my posture, what I was saying, etc.
The only "bad" thing about being a hikki is lack of disposable income, which wouldn't be a problem for me if it wasn't for the fact that nobody wants to buy this house because the government won't give them planning permission for something "historically significant".

>> No.10126672


>Then lurking should be enough, why do you feel the need to use /jp/ as your personal blog?

If I want to talk about something then I need to ask the question though. If you only lurk then you have to read about things you may not care about. This thread is something that I'm interested in so I made posts in the thread, you replied with your opinion, and that's what I was hoping for. I don't understand how lurking would accomplish the same thing.

>> No.10126703

Wanting to express opinions doesn't mean you are some social-interaction addicted pal.
I don't get what is that guy trying to do.

>> No.10126700

the hikkikomori life syle must be really boring

i can only stay like 5 days in vacation when i already want to get back to work

>> No.10126706

People have opinions and taste different from other people, who would have known? The hikikomori life is not for everyone. I didn't choose the hiki life, the hiki life chose me.

>> No.10126756

The only time I doubt my hermit lifestyle is when I'm on the internet because people make it seem wrong, regardless of being hermits themselves. People on the internet are really poisonous. They're either dragging you down with their own depression and doubts or crapping all over you.

I think to really enjoy this lifestyle you have to cut all ties with other humans.

>> No.10126757

You're interested in talking about yourself?

>> No.10126768

>I think to really enjoy this lifestyle you have to cut all ties with other humans.

No shit, Sherlock, that's what being a hermit is all about.

>> No.10126772

Hey guys, remember that video where normals were put into that Sensory Depreviation experiments? Basically hikkilife during a black out. A woman pissed herself like 30 minutes in.

>> No.10126787

Don't fucking get smart with me you little shit. I'll deck you in your motherfucking forehead. Learn to clean the shit off your dick before stepping to me, nigga.

>> No.10126788

You must be leading a bizarre life if you think sensory deprivation is the norm for a shut-in.

>> No.10126797

I'll talk about your hot mom and how i fug her in da butt

>> No.10126802

The problem isn't enjoying it, the problem is sustaining it without dying or leeching, which is impossible.

>> No.10126807

But did she know this was an experiment, or did she just woke up in a dark room without anyone telling her the situation previously?

>> No.10126809

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.10126818

Who the HELL are you talking to like that? This fucking asshole has some goddamn balls.

>> No.10126826

what did they do with her panties

>> No.10126831

You wanna start shit with me, fagmeister? I'll ram my hyper-dick so far up your boypussy that you're mom would get so jealous that she'd ground you for the rest of your pathetic nerd life!

>> No.10126875

no homo

>> No.10126879

Well please explain what did I say that was so stupid.

>> No.10126896

If you don't realize after re-reading it then you must genuinely be retarded. Your posts are so much more annoying now that they're attached to a name.

>> No.10126911

kuso thread
not the usual shit but /a/ bad

>> No.10126918

I don't know, if you already know the situation and you know it's going to end, it sounds ridiculous to be so scared that you literally pee yourself.
The only logical explanation is that you didn't know what was going on, but I find it unlikely that they lock someone without previous notice.

>> No.10127001

There are people who haven't filtered him ?

>> No.10127006
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>Your posts are so much more annoying now that they're attached to a name.

>> No.10127015

Not as kuso as your breath you little kisama.

>> No.10127133

The need to feed is an addiction that humans are born with. It's easier to satisfy your addiction by giving into it, but this causes you to become increasingly dependent upon it. It's just like how addictive drugs work.
>When highly obese people are forced into a situation where they can't feed for long periods of time then they will break down in a way that is very similar to someone going through a drug withdrawal. If they persevere and push through then eventually their addiction will cease and they will no longer be dependent upon social interaction. Eating isn't commonly seen as an addiction though because we're born into a culture where the addiction is nurtured from birth. Very few people get a chance to essentially sober out because everything you do in our society is based around eating more and more.

It's like being born with a heroin addiction and getting an injection of heroin each day to keep the withdrawals at bay. After a long enough time you will think that heroin is just an essential part of life and just as necessary as socializing or breathing. It isn't, but you will never know that since people have been forcing it upon you your entire life and no one gave you a chance to withdrawal.

This is how retarded you sound

>> No.10127213


If you don't eat then you die. If you don't socialize then your mind adapts and you're fine.

>> No.10127217

Actually, he's right. Obese people think it's okay for them to eat that much because they can. Most of them will complain that they're fat and cry but don't do anything about it. They won't stop eating, they won't start getting a diet - they will just continue to eat, and even lie to people around him and tell that 'diet doesn't work'. This is exactly how my obese cousin is, fucking retard.

>> No.10127219

You are socializing right now.

>> No.10127229


>>10127217 here, you can SAFELY don't eat for two months straight, but you will lose a lot of weight, fasting is perfect for obese people, it helps you lose a weight very fast, clean the organism out of toxins etc.. Go read up on it, it's very recommended by doctors all around the world.

>> No.10127258


Clean your mom out of toxins lel

>> No.10127272


I didn't eat for a day once and I felt like I was going to pass out.

>> No.10127338

I would be perfectly fine with this lifestyle if I was given money to survive. I am only miserable because the day my support will be cut off is inevitably approaching.

>> No.10127460

Since there are a large number of normals here, why you assume no one tries to break out of this?

I thought I was getting better when at age 24 I finally got a job. Sure it was a low paying part time job, but it was a huge milestone I thought. I even had plans on getting a better one, with the two year degree I manged to get.

Six years later now, I still work at that same shit job, and have never made any friends despite really trying. I have gone through a whole bunch of shrinks and about every medication they can throw at me.

I just can't function well in this world.

I do envy those that are content. I am starting to wonder if I would be happier if I went back to being completely alone. Being around others just makes me sad.

both sides here hate me.

>> No.10127460,1 [INTERNAL] 

You would indeed be happier. Your problem is that your only happiness lies in the validation that others give you.

>> No.10127532
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I don't hate you, anon.
If you don't have any other source of income you should keep your job. Having an awful job is still better than having no job at all!
And you don't have to make friends with people that make you feel sad, you already have a lot of friends on /jp/!
There's nothing wrong with you so please stay the way you are.

>> No.10127591
File: 363 KB, 681x717, yousucktoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being social IS important.
People just choose not to be, and thats fine. Not two minds think alike.

Thats what I think.
Its cool to be a hikki, I want to become one actually, but I find it wrong to actually be a leech of your family, and just being a dead weight for them.

Ask the first phychologist you will find.
We dont need to fetch around essays just for you to disregard them and say "they are probably fake."
As I said before, phsychology and sociology prove to be right for MOST people.
Just because its wrong with your specific case, doesnt mean no human need social interaction and can live by themselves.

Heard about ethics? Yeah, thats what he talking about.
You cannot abduct a woman and force her to undergo an experiment.

Picture related.
You may tell yourself you have been trying, but in reality, you prbably didnt do something worthy.


>> No.10127631

Yeah that pic might be true if you're mentally ill and lack any self perception whatsoever.

>> No.10127645

I only feel miserable as a shutin when my funds are low. The scariest thing is thinking about where you'll be in 5 or so years. "Will I have broken down and gotten a job?" Will I kill myself by then?"

Socialization isn't necessary, primary reason I come to 4chan is to save pictures. I wouldn't complain at all if someone offered me a cabin in some remote forest where I would be provided access to necessities in return for never speaking to another human again.

>> No.10127652

Would that mean giving away your internet, and electrical appliances, since they arent really necessary? Because that is part of "never speaking to another human again.".

>> No.10127660

Maybe. The internet is getting boring to me, I've spent most of my time awake on it since the early 2000s and frankly it doesn't quite have the spark that it used to.

>> No.10127669

But what would you do? Would you learn to hunt? Grow crops, or sit by yourself and think all day?

>> No.10127723

I'm a hikki and the only reason I hate being a hikki is because I don't have anyone to love me in real life. I would be fully content with my hikki life if I just had someone to hold me, and love me, and cuddle with me. I would love it. But instead I have to attention whore on the internet to even feel good about myself a little bit, and then just end up feeling even worse. I can't even do anything by myself on the internet, if I'm totally by myself I just do nothing but read 4chan and the news all day.

being a co-dependent neet without anyone to be co-dependent on is suffering

>> No.10127839


>I would be fully content with my hikki life if I just had someone to hold me, and love me, and cuddle with me. I would love it.

I had this a couple times. It's alright, but inevitably you get your heart crushed over and over again since the only women who would date a hikki are fucking crazy.

You'll drop that co-dependent thing real quick after a few rides on the crazy train of dating bipolar/borderline/histrionic girls. There is nothing more enjoyable than being alone after experiencing that.

>> No.10127909

I've been on that ride, over and over, with girls in real life, with guys online, with 'best friends' that end up leaving. I will basically become dependant on anyone that give me attention.

I've had this problem since I was like 11, ten years later it hasn't gone away.

>> No.10128011


Yeah, this. If anything, we're sensory *addicts*

Not that that's a problem or a bad thing or anything, but like, it's definitely the opposite of sensory deprivation

>> No.10128020


Then why do normals keep telling me to get out of the house and go have sex with drunk girls in bars or whatever?

>> No.10128046
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git sum FUG

>> No.10128153
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so you can go spend money so that a certain merchant can hoard the shekels

>> No.10128156

Why this picture is always label as mystery, clearly it's Jew,

>> No.10128160


You fucking anti-Semite. REPORTED.

>> No.10128170


I thought the jew was telling me to stay inside and not reproduce

oh, I bet he's doing both, huh.

>> No.10128191

he wants you to spend and not reproduce, or reproduce with a nigress

>> No.10128262

Because they are retarded, of course. Unless you are blessed with a rare blend of physical and behavioral features that make women fall for you easily, the cost of one-night stands (money/effort-wise) is too high. Also, you will return empty handed many times, or even if you somehow manage to succeed in most cases the gal would be far less atractive than projected.

And for long term relationships, I do not know a single person, A FUCKING SINGLE PERSON, whose relationship isn't a hell on earth. The expression 3DPD is more accurate than many believe. A couple of examples: any stable relationship in which one o f my friends is involved implied the guy being emasculated or dumped after 4-5 years (this actualy hapend with 6 different experimental subjects, and one of then was stupid enough to repeat the process). Others are going through with all the "family project" idea. The wife of one of them jokes admits openly that she is with the guy because "there wasn't anyone better around", and that she "only needs his sperm, he better do as she tells or he would be replaced".

Now, family examples. My parents are still toghether, but the quarrel about any single fucking thing. It's physically exhausting just to stay in the same room while the bitch to each other. My uncle is one of those emasculated men who built a collection of several GB of japanese porn after the birth of his child. I know for sure, I found it while visiting once, and I still have nightmares about it.

tl;dr: normals are stupid

>> No.10128277

inb4 there is nothing wrong about japanese porn, it's the fact that he no longer has sex and has to masturbate like the average anon, plus all the pain a child+wife

>> No.10128285

The future is worrying and it makes me nervous. 4chan will be unbrowsable in a decade or two.

Why am I the only one who's concerned about the multiple archives that crawl the boards every 10 seconds and store every single thing you post? Can no one else see where this is going? Tomorrow you'll piss off the wrong autist, he'll trace your image hash to that one time you greentexted inappropriately and call you a crossposting faggot. In a few years he'll just click the "similar images" button and look for the same filename, posting style and time of day. In ten years he'll run a similar sentence structure search, and the archive will return every post from 2008-present that uses the same vocabulary and syntax. How does that sound?

You can't hide. Migrate to /b/ if you want, but sooner or later it will be archived too. Everything will. What are you going to do when every single human being has his own entry in Wikipedia?

Want to know more about candidate number 6197424 for your dead end min wage job? No problem! Here at Google we have All Dox, All the Time™- just type in his name, location and age range. If the page doesn't have a photo, feel free to upload your own! Don't forget to rate and comment.

"I met this faggot in highschool. He's a total nerd" 1/5
"Awkward pose, looks away during conversations. Had to let him go" 2/5 -McDonalds Human Resources department

And then, in a separate tab, there will be a list of every 4chan post you ever made. The "cabin in the middle of bumfuck nowhere" idea looks better every day.

>> No.10128294
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh. My long term relationship experience is the opposite. My parents are happily married and get along great to this day. My brother has a girlfriend he's been with for about 4 or 5 years now that is basically just his unofficial wife by now and they're deeply in love with one another

Actually, I'm quite convinced that if you find the right woman, you can have a truly wonderful life. I just prefer to remain single and virginal because I am equally convinced that I will never find her, and even if I did, I wouldn't deserve her

Anyway, I was just making a joke about how stereotypical normals badger their hikki friends/family by talking about how they're so "antisocial" by being inside all the time, and how that thought process contrasts with the idea that posting on an internet forum is a form of socialization. Which, well, it *is*, but yeah

>> No.10128295


That will never happen.


No thank you

Not gonna happen

>> No.10128298


It would take an awful lot of time and effort to sort all that information. Our personal internet archives are like a warehouse filled to the ceiling with dusty, unorganized loose-leaf papers.

>> No.10128307

Computers get faster every day.

>> No.10128317

>In ten years he'll run a similar sentence structure search, and the archive will return every post from 2008-present that uses the same vocabulary and syntax.
There's so much overlap in posting style and so many short posts here that you would get tons of false positives no matter how good your algorithm is. And unless you're a terrible poster who hides under your anonymity you would have nothing to worry about even if it were 100% accurate.

>> No.10128320

Well, best of luck to your brother. In the cases I know the girl suddenly went bananas and decided she didn't want to be with the guy afterall. After 4-7 years (i.e: when biology kicks in), seemingly happy couples implode. I hope whenever you live people is better.

Induction is pretty inacurat, of course, but I have seen it too many times, and had my own share of unpleasant experiences to hold any hopes. Plus, I might have had too much exposure to 2D, because I no longer am interested in the females around me, the exception being the ocasional base impulse.

>> No.10128343

The problem is your metaphorical warehouse existing in the first place. Every person is different, and every person has a unique writing style. It really is only a matter of time until a computer program takes two pieces of text, analyzes the grammar, vocabulary, date, subjects being discussed, and pops a little message window saying "chances these were written by the same person: __%"

It's even worse for some us because speech repetition is a staple of autism, in case you didn't know.

Now imagine someone running that program on 4chan archives.
...number of unique identities:
...click here to see this persona's posting history:
and so on.

The real information age hasn't even begun. We're moving towards a society where privacy is a rare, sought after commodity. People will change their names to escape the things they've written on the internet. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I lose my favorite internet hangout. Just thinking about makes me anxious.

>> No.10128349

>"I met this faggot in highschool. He's a total nerd" 1/5
>"Awkward pose, looks away during conversations. Had to let him go" 2/5 -McDonalds Human Resources department

I like you

>> No.10128363

>People will change their names to escape the things they've written on the internet.
But in this world with so much access to personal data on everyone, surely name change records would be no exception.

>> No.10128373

This is why I don't recycle. Hahaha serves the new cybernetic overlords right.

>> No.10128399

No big deal. I'll simply stop using the internet before that happens. Besides there's no information connecting me to my true name.

>> No.10128401

What about Internet memes where people mindlessly copy and paste something from someone else?

>> No.10128403


I find your scenario just as exciting as it is terrifying. I liked the way you wrote that little story quite a bit, especially since it has such a grounding on reality. It would be a really interesting read if you expanded on it, no lie.

>> No.10128441

Well maybe there is no escape (short of moving into the Serengeti and starting a new life)

How about a 4chan post remixer? With the press of a button it'll replace your nouns and adjectives with commonly used synonyms and shuffle the order your objects and verbs. Surely such software most already exist, all those lazy college students who need to plagiarize a school paper at the last moment would love it. And why not a plagiarism detector for professors and teachers?

That's one of the problems with English... it's a beautiful language, but compared to others the syntax is too rigid. I don't want to sound like a weeb, but Japanese is more vague. It depends a lot on context, everything sounds the same and you can omit things more easily. Or at least that's the impression I'm getting. I hope I'm right.

Anyway, text isn't even half the problem. The point is this world is made up of patterns and computer programs will identify them. That photo of your desk you posted in a "battlestation" thread? Maybe in the future some nerd will run a "same computer case" search on google and you get the idea. See where I'm going with this?

>> No.10128515

I'm actually a failed novelist.
Don't worry though! Just write down my post numbers, wait a few years, click on "find similar posts" in the top right corner next to the report button, and you'll be able to see all the horrible shit I've written. You'll probably find my name and address too.

(thanks in advance for the pizzas)

>> No.10128711


I understand your plight. I'm a failed "poet" myself, but a couple years of inactivity and 4chan have shot my ability to write to shit.

I think internet realm that we currently inhabit is still pretty strange and unexplored, which is why I find posts like yours so interesting and entertaining. The line between "real life" and the internet is becoming increasingly blurred, and we're smack dab in the middle of the transition period. It's a state of being that needs to be understood better, but because it's a state mostly experienced by fuckups, it's hard to give it any legitimacy.

I guess as long as the good ideas themselves gain significance, it doesn't matter who originally wrote them. That's why our internet footprints don't worry me so much; we're all pretty insignificant but if our ideas live on that's more than good enough


>> No.10128782

how do you guys break up with girls?

I take three days to do it. The first day, I make sure she sees me eating a batch of jumping beans. I spend the rest of the day being overly energetic and jumping everywhere.

The second day, I eat some entirely ordinary beans out of a jar labeled "Yelling Beans," and for the whole day, I act loudmouthed no matter what happens or how much she tells me to dial it down.

The third day, I get up early. When she comes into the kitchen, she'll see me next to a jar labeled "Break Up With That Horrid Bitch Beans" slowly chewing them one by one while giving her the stink eye. See if she gets the hint.

>> No.10128807


I got broken up with. That was a year ago, and the beginning of my transition to NEETdom. I done got broke.

>> No.10129140

lol i heard tat on

>> No.10129169

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10129445

The comparison with heroin is utterly ridiculous. Heroin is considered a bad thing only because it ruins your life. The effect of relationships is the opposite most of the time. When you surround yourself with good people not only you get the pleasure, but you also make your life easier and safer. You create a safety net of people who will comfort you, be on your side when bad things happen and provide opportunities in life.

So what if a relationship ends. All things end, it was good while at lasted. The memories and experiences are still there in your mind.

What pisses me off the most are the people who enjoy eroge, read romance doujins and then somehow pretend they aren't simply using poor substitutes for the things they actually desire.

If your brain chemistry is so different that you enjoy none of these things, have never, not even as a child experienced pleasure of social interaction and all you do is try to perfect your Touhou high score and research/learn stuff then yes, you are a trueNEET.

The rest are just pathetic scum who either wallow in self pity or delude themselves with lies that help them feel good about what they do.

>> No.10129449

>delude themselves with lies that help them feel good about what they do.
Isn't that what life is about?

>> No.10129464
File: 26 KB, 400x400, cirno on the internet distraught_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

I would use kinder words, but it's sort of true. It's really depressing to see how many people are willing to endure an existence they don't enjoy

Of course, it's always entertaining to read posts by normals like >>10129445 who seem absolutely convinced that his inability to comprehend hikkis content or happy with their lifestyle means that they're just being "fakehappy," or whatever

>> No.10129474

>not even as a child experienced pleasure of social interaction and all you do is try to perfect your Touhou high score and research/learn stuff then yes, you are a trueNEET.
Now that we already have shitposter permits, what would you guys think about truNIT medals? Looks like I would qualify.

>> No.10129478

He's complaining about the people who believe they've utterly transcended the desire for social interaction. You can be as happy or depressed as you damn well please and nobody minds, but when you put on airs in public people get irritated.

And I can't imagine, aside from the very obvious explanation, how you haven't seen that post a dozen times before.

>> No.10129484

I thought about compiling a list of /jp/ achievements but I decided that it could only lead to bad things.

>> No.10129486

>What pisses me off the most are the people who enjoy eroge, read romance doujins and then somehow pretend they aren't simply using poor substitutes for the things they actually desire.

You can play a loli eroge without going to jail.

You can read a romance without losing half your possessions in a divorce.

What does it matter if it's a poor substitute, it's safe.

>> No.10129488

>He's complaining about the people who believe they've utterly transcended the desire for social interaction.

What are you talking about? He is very clearly using that as a sarcastic example of something unattainable, the conclusion being that everyone here is just using a "poor substitute" for real romance or socialization or whatever

>> No.10129496

>He is very clearly
He was arguing against the truNEET brigade, not taking a dump on everybody who plays VNs. The post is tied into a stupid argument that occurred earlier in this thread.

>> No.10129503


because being a hikikomori is defined by misery.

A non-miserable hikikomori is not a hikikomori, it is a sage, a hermit or a buddha.

>> No.10129510

Most Hikkomori tend to be schizoids. Schizoids have trouble feeling emotions and usually feel empty on the inside. They tend to be miserable.
Haven't you ever seen The Wall, OP?

>> No.10129508


>What pisses me off the most are the people who enjoy eroge, read romance doujins and then somehow pretend they aren't simply using poor substitutes for the things they actually desire.

How is this not inclusive of literally everyone who reads and enjoys eroge or romance doujins who doesn't walk around with a noose of self loathing around their neck?

>> No.10129526

It's a wide brush, but it doesn't hit everyone.

>> No.10129554 [DELETED] 

>hikkis content or happy with their lifestyle means that they're just being "fakehappy,"
I said in that same post that there are trueNEETs and I get that. I also think that they are people who are simply content with their existence, but they could experience so much more pleasure in real world in they didn't delude themselves. After all if they don't like it all they have to do is go back to their hikki existence.

>He's complaining about the people who believe they've utterly transcended the desire for social interaction.

You reasoning is faulty. You do realize that you can have relationships without the commitment of marriage or children? These is no need to follow social conventions, you can interact with people the way you find comfortable. Are you a trueChristian or something?

More people then just NEETs enjoy these things. Nothing wrong with that. I am talking about the people who say that these things are the limit of their desires.

>> No.10129551
File: 211 KB, 600x400, kaguya easy sleeping_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It does, actually, because that's what the words say, and that is what they mean

Anyway, whatever


It's funny, because I used to be exactly like that during my teenaged years

I grew up a little after getting a sales job and realizing that I was missing absolutely nothing of value by not participating in society

>> No.10129566

>It does, actually, because that's what the words say, and that is what they mean
No, it's not. Not even close.

>> No.10129578

Well, I took myself to Bayou, I could not believe my eyes. The folks had been mutated, not quite dead, but not alive. Wasn't really looking for love, but they say that's when it strikes. She had that look of being dug up, but that's the type I like. Yeah, free World man, one man's meat yadda yadda yadda man, she was good. She comes towards me, said no words just kinda snarling. She tried to eat my brains out, I just had to kiss you darling. Think that I kinda rushed it though, cause as her lips touched my mouth, her gums broke free from her face, thought it rude to spit them out. You know those travel programs thats on the television, where they eat all that weird shit? Yeah, she tasted like chicken.

Didn't want to make a scene as her mouth was in mine, so I chewed around and swallowed it down and went in for a second time. Now I like love the hard way, the rough and then the tumble, but she was something else man, I was being strangled. Once again misread the sign, start going to second base, as her top came off her tits went pop, got puss all over my face. Yeah, tasted like chicken, chunky, pussy chicken.

>> No.10129573

>but they could experience so much more pleasure in real world in they didn't delude themselves.
getting out of your comfort zone means that there is a potential that you are going to get hurt so it's better to just stay in your comfort zone

>> No.10129574

>hikkis content or happy with their lifestyle means that they're just being "fakehappy,"
I said in that same post that there are trueNEETs and I get that. I also think that there are people who are simply content with their existence, but they could experience so much more pleasure in real world in they didn't delude themselves. After all if they don't like it all they have to do is go back to their hikki existence.

>He's complaining about the people who believe they've utterly transcended the desire for social interaction.

You reasoning is faulty. You do realize that you can have relationships without the commitment of marriage or children? There is no need to follow social conventions, you can interact with people the way you find comfortable. Are you a trueChristian or something?

More people than just NEETs enjoy these things. Nothing wrong with that. I am talking about the people who say that these things are the limit of their desires

>> No.10129576

If they feel empty then how are they able to be miserable?

The only time I really curse my solitude and wish I had friends are in video games when I have to play online alone.

>> No.10129586

>I am talking about the people who say that these things are the limit of their desires.

Hello. I am one of those people. Enjoying a quaint little romance novel has very little to do with my conscious decision to embrace misanthropy and disregard society

Have you truly never heard of vicarious enjoyment? It's a pretty simple idea. People may like watching action movies, but it's very unlikely that they want to get into a shootout with terrorists or engage in deadly duels with swords or whatever. I believe you are the one with faulty reasoning, here


>What pisses me off the most are the people who enjoy eroge, read romance doujins and then somehow pretend they aren't simply using poor substitutes for the things they actually desire.

>the people who enjoy eroge, read romance doujins, and then somehow pretend they aren't simply using poor substitutes for the things they actually desire

Look, I'd like to think I am not so autismal that I am going to try to teach English over the internet, but seriously dude. *Seriously.* If you really want to, you can try to argue about what he *intended* to say, but that's what he actually *said*

>> No.10129595

>Hello. I am one of those people. Enjoying a quaint little romance novel has very little to do with my conscious decision to embrace misanthropy and disregard society
It's funny because I don't read eroge and I've never made a conscious decision to disregard society.

>> No.10129606

>If you really want to, you can try to argue about what he *intended* to say, but that's what he actually *said*
Yes, that's what he said. We both know that we are each capable of scrolling up and reading what he said, so you can stop pretending I'm a retard now. And yet it still doesn't cover "literally everyone who reads and enjoys eroge or romance doujins who doesn't walk around with a noose of self loathing around their neck."

>> No.10129624
File: 109 KB, 491x398, no u_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, whatever dude


Really, that's just my overly flowery way of saying I have absolutely 0 interest in interacting with anyone, aside from the handful of internet friends I've made and family, in real life. I am one of those guys who politely declines when someone at work invites us all out to a bar or whatever, preferring to just go home and do my own thing. So, yeah

>> No.10129639

Sorry for deleting the my post, too many typos.

>People may like watching action movies, but it's very unlikely that they want to get into a shootout with terrorists or engage in deadly duels with swords or whatever.

But you are using the heroin argument again. Terrorists and deadly duels are most certainly harmful. Relationships on the other hand a beneficial most of the time.

>getting out of your comfort zone means that there is a potential that you are going to get hurt so it's better

Is this really what it comes down to? Is this the essence of a trueNEET? People who might enjoy doing things in society, but don't because they are either exaggerate the risks or are reluctant to take any risks whatsoever?

If this is it, then I feel like I've said enough to show the nature of the trueNEET crowd and expose their hypocrisy.

>> No.10129650

>But you are using the heroin argument again. Terrorists and deadly duels are most certainly harmful. Relationships on the other hand a beneficial most of the time.

Alright, fine. So your conclusion is that as long as a form of media depicts a beneficial aspect of life, anyone who enjoys watching it more than participating in it is pathetic

I guess everyone who watches sports is pretty damn sad then, huh? After all, who wouldn't want to make millions of dollars, get in shape, and lead an exciting career?

There. Is that an adequate enough a comparison?

>> No.10129656


> You do realize that you can have relationships without the commitment of marriage or children?

Do you not live in the west? Any "romantic" interaction with females is a risk you take, here.

>> No.10129662


>I am one of those guys who politely declines when someone at work invites us all out to a bar or whatever

This terrifies me. It is the one aspect of the working life which scares me. I know i would be that guy, but then don't you always go to work with that "dark cloud" over your head? Being "that guy" who doesn't ever want to talk to anybody?

Most importantly, i'd be scared of losing the job over that. I'm sure people can make shit up to make it seem like it's a good reason.

>> No.10129663
File: 339 KB, 811x1917, 'I got a vasectomy.'_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not going to outright deny your accusation, but I feel you should reconsider the broad stroke with which you paint western women. I am >>10128294 , and my brother and his girlfriend do not actually want children, and she has had quite some years now to "accidentally" get pregnant. I understand that pregnancy is an extremely significant power that women wield, and that it is an issue in the western world, but please do not speak as if all women are truly so loathsome

Besides, if you really want to fuck with an unscrupulous woman's head..

>> No.10129669




>> No.10129682


That's not what i said at all. You said they are not all so loathsome, but if she has a chance to be, then there is a risk. And i'm not just talking about pregnancy, i'm also talking about false accusations and stuff like that.

It doesn't matter if the probability is low, the consequences are large. Unless you can pretend you know a woman 100%, then there will be a risk. I don't like taking risks, so i'll pass, but undoubtedly, the risk is worth the benefits for many many people.

>> No.10129683

I remember a lot of people on my shift at a job making plans to meet up the morning after work and going to play golf and have a few drinks. I've never played golf in my life and wasn't really interested but I said ok just to be nice. However later on I remembered that I had to do something for college on the same day so I told them I couldn't go. They didn't seem disappointed of course but the guy who was putting it all together said "yeah that's what I figured." I always thought that as long as I didn't do a service job that I wouldn't have to deal with social shit like that.

>> No.10129686

>People who might enjoy doing things in society, but don't because they are either exaggerate the risks or are reluctant to take any risks whatsoever?
It's not exaggeration when you have 20 years worth of statistics which indicate utter failure. It's called learning from your experiences and "getting the hint".
>Relationships on the other hand a beneficial most of the time.
People don't NEET it up and shitpost on /jp/ 24/7 most of the time.

>> No.10129693

>I know i would be that guy, but then don't you always go to work with that "dark cloud" over your head? Being "that guy" who doesn't ever want to talk to anybody?

It's actually funny how my mind works to me. You see, I am the Anon who mentioned he had a sales job. I, through the course of my work career, spent about a year in the industry, so I learned quite a bit about socialization

On the clock, I'm plenty talkative, quite chipper, and even rather silly to be around. I hum touhou music to myself, think of funny posts on 4chan, and loosen my inhibitions enough to be entertaining to others. I am simply off in my own world, but it's a very happy one. My coworkers often comment on my chipper attitude and my silliness, but in a positive way, because I brighten the workplace, I don't darken it

Essentially, even if you're off in your own world, people won't dislike you as long as you aren't a gloomy guss. Nobody likes a downer, so.. be happy

>> No.10129694

Stop acting like a retard.

If you have something to say, say it like a real person.

>> No.10129701


Alright, alright, sorry. I'm just sayin'

>> No.10129704

>anyone who enjoys watching it more than participating in it is pathetic

Again there is a big difference. It's impossible for you to compete in sports on that level. It takes years of training, lots of luck and a genetic aptitude for that sport. Having a relationship is effortless in comparison. Most people can do that.

It's also unfair to compare competition with relationships. I would think that due to evolution our brains reward us more for actions that lead to procreation than for personal achievements.

>> No.10129707

It is a peaceful lifestyle, OP. I have no idea why or how people can feel so miserable living like this. If you take time to just slow down, think about life and take it as is, you realize that it's pretty useless to feel miserable.

>> No.10129711


I'm happy, but i don't really want to partake in group activities with coworkers. If you work a cubicle job which is probably what i will end up with, the only time you really get to interact with others is when you CHOOSE to do so (lunch, breaks, parties, what have you).

When i was working in sales i didn't have that problem. It appeared with the cubicle where i was given the chance to be alone, and seized it.

I just don't want to be fired over it ;_;

>> No.10129714


Because you think relationship with cute 2D lolis is possible?

Come on now.

>> No.10129721

>My coworkers often comment on my chipper attitude and my silliness, but in a positive way
Well, congratulations.
>people won't dislike you as long as you aren't a gloomy guss
Have you ever tried being that "I don't know but he's fucking annoying" guy?

>> No.10129726

Is this a thread about loli? How do I get a platonic loli friend to have fun with?

>> No.10129730

I am an anon who argues that relationships are good.

I am not sure why is everyone bringing up group social interactions with their coworkers. These are some of the worst kinds of social interaction. Fuck these people, I don't even have anything in common with them besides the fact that we share a workplace. Plenty of normals despise this, you are not special.

>> No.10129732

>Having a relationship is effortless in comparison. Most people can do that.

Hang on now, Mister Goal Post Mover. You spoke of how people who enjoy eroge and romance doujins are pathetic for not going for such things in real life. I think we can both agree that most of the perfect, comedic, or moving romances depicted in those things are quite far removed from what one gets in real life. Idealized, even

Since you are now introducing a measurement of difficulty to your argument (things that are harder to achieve are excused for not being pursued; things that are easier are not), this presents a flaw. In what way is, say, some silly romance series like Love Hina or whatever similar to simply "having a relationship"? I could go fuck a bar fly and call her back the next day. We may even move on to have a somewhat steady relationship. Can you, with any degree of intellectual honesty, compare the two?

>> No.10129745

>Fuck these people, I don't even have anything in common with them
You're almost getting it.

>> No.10129746

>I just don't want to be fired over it ;_;

As long as you're a hard worker, you won't be. Enough people *aren't* hard workers that you'll stand out by comparison

Socialization, however, remains the lubricant of the workplace. Don't be surprised if unfair favors start getting passed around for the guy who butters up the right person. God speed, Anon

>Have you ever tried being that "I don't know but he's fucking annoying" guy?

Probably! I don't really care, though, because like I said, I'm off in my own world. Anyway, you'll find out pretty quickly what gets people interested in you in the right and wrong ways if you know how to listen. Again, social cues. Hard to explain, but don't fool yourself into thinking you can't learn them, Anon. I did, and I didn't have to become some reprehensible normal for it

>> No.10129748


Then it's pretty stupid if everybody is forcing themselves just because everybody else is forcing themselves.

>> No.10129757


>> No.10129786

>Hard to explain, but don't fool yourself into thinking you can't learn them, Anon.
I guess two industrial jobs, the army and university weren't enough.
>Probably! I don't really care, though, because like I said, I'm off in my own world. Anyway, you'll find out pretty quickly what gets people interested in you in the right and wrong ways if you know how to listen. Again, social cues.
You know what?

>> No.10129803

>I guess two industrial jobs, the army and university weren't enough.

Knowing nothing at all about what you actually did, it appears so Anon. I say that with the most sincere regret I can muster

I was a vacuum salesman and then I was a telemarketer. I spent eight hours a day conversing with people I had never met before, trying to listen for "hooks" so I could make my sales pitch unique to them and their needs, all so I could pay my own bills, for a year

I don't know what you did in your workplaces Anon, but I can tell you right now; for learning how to talk to people, that year of work did the job for me

Honestly, if I ever have kids PFFTAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I am going to make a point of making them get a sales job as their first line of employment. However much disdain I hold for society, "the game," and all the bullshit that it entails, knowledge of its workings is simply too valuable to not have

Good luck, Anon ;_;

>> No.10129822

I am sorry that you happened to be born a pedophile. I can't argue with the fact that you probably don't have much to do in the modern society.

>I think we can both agree that most of the perfect, comedic, or moving romances depicted in those things are quite far removed from what one gets in real life.

Removed, yes. Idealized? Yes and no.
It's true that there are few happily ever afters in real life. But there are a lot of issues in these stories that don't come up nearly as often in reality. They also only let you experience only a tiny bit of the pleasure you would get in reality.

>Can you, with any degree of intellectual honesty, compare the two?
I am sorry, I don't understand what flaw you are talking about. Compare? I can point out the similarities.

>> No.10129835

If you can't win, join them? I'd rather kill myself than support all kinds of bullshit. Martyrdom has a long historical background of being quite effective.

>> No.10129854
File: 25 KB, 400x430, marisa pc98 get out of jp blueboard_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I am sorry, I don't understand what flaw you are talking about. Compare? I can point out the similarities.

Basically, the usual way you come about a romance in real life is far removed from the fanciful tales found in ero and romance doujins. If you'd like to point out how my interest in Sora's story from Ever17 makes me pathetic for not going and finding an Artificial Intelligence with a hologram to fall in love with, or any of the numerous other fanciful situations commonly depicted in such works, then I'm afraid we're simply going to come to an impasse

>They also only let you experience only a tiny bit of the pleasure you would get in reality.

Uh-huh. Please, sir, continue to make assumptions about what I and others find pleasurable or desirable. I am especially impressed with your ability to strictly define what is more and less pleasurable. Do you think we could get some fractions or percentages here so I can know exactly how much I'm missing out on by remaining single?

That is what this entire argument boils down to. You are going to keep moving goal posts and keep spinning things until you've firmly convinced yourself that nobody is as happy or satisfied with their life as you are, simply because our interests are different

I have indulged you long enough.



Knowing how they work doesn't mean you have to *be* one of them, Anon! I'm just as reclusive as you are. I just know how to spin my public image

>> No.10129895

hi me

>> No.10129933
File: 20 KB, 350x300, yuka sinner slap_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10129967

a-ah, sorry. forgot to sage that shitty post, didn't I?

>> No.10129971

"I just know how to spin my public image"
- a salesman, 2012

>> No.10129986


Well, you can be forgiven if you noko+saged

Full disclosure; in my sleep-deprived state, I thought you said "hit me." I was trying to be comedic, but it looks like things turned out alright anyway, even if it was unexpected


Joke's on you, I'm a janitor now. Movin' on up~

>> No.10130202

I am amused by how many here think that the mind works in a logical way.

>> No.10130262

im thinking of doing that, tips?

>> No.10130310

>Joke's on you, I'm a janitor now. Movin' on up~
I wasn't making fun of your position but attitude.

>> No.10130362

Are you saying you're a 4chan janitor?

>> No.10130375

I have schizoid personality disorder; a rare brain fugg-up that allows me to intensely enjoy the experience of being alone.

"Lonely" is not how I'd describe me - so long as I have occasional outlets to slake my neurological need for interaction.

Plusm I'm lazy.

>> No.10130461

anyone have some cool hiki tips?

been one for 13 years (leeching off my mother, money, chores, everything)

cool ways to not lose spaghetti, not be totally useless in certain situations or hide your fail level?

>> No.10130675

would you like to be my friend

>> No.10130690

sorry I already have a waifu

>> No.10130688


>> No.10130691


>> No.10130730

i lied it's not okay

is your waifu yandere

>> No.10130742

d-damnit, I keep forgetting to sage

>> No.10130737

I'm the yandere one

>> No.10131293

