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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 587x392, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10111994 No.10111994 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder what would happen if I actually messaged this person. . .

>> No.10112001

You will be arrested

>> No.10112009

You know, I live in Tokyo too.

Are twelve year-olds serious when they offer to meet strangers and take them around for fun?

I think I'm too afraid to find out.

I'd be the kind of guy that innocently shows up and gets arrested or something.

>> No.10112006

Message them and find out. What's the big deal?

>> No.10112008

12 year old girl that's interested in drinking. Yep, no way this isn't some kind of set up or anything. Don't forget to mention where you live.

>> No.10112013

>you fun to do to me for fun
She wants it, give it to her.

>> No.10112017

You'll probably be placed under further surveillance.

>> No.10112020

>Innocently showing up to meet a 12 year old


>> No.10112021

You mean I'm already under surveillance?

>> No.10112023

If you have blonde hair and blue eyes you should be fine

>> No.10112024

It's innocent if I do honestly just want to be her friend right?

It would only be not-innocent if I had sexual intentions or something. I guess?

>> No.10112027


You'll end up on the japanese version of to catch a predator.

>> No.10112029

Teens are usually interested in drinking. What's weird about that? It doesn't mean she does, but if they could, a 12 year old would definitely drink.

Then don't be innocent. There are plenty of non innocents dating 12yo right now. (probably) and you only hear about innocent doofs getting caught for something. If you become like them, you can have a 12yo gf to have tea parties with too instead of being arrested like a nerd. (probably)

>> No.10112033

So, you're saying that if I'm not innocent, I won't get caught?

>> No.10112035


>> No.10112038

His whole post is retarded, disregard it.

>> No.10112043
File: 24 KB, 301x261, 1279280733671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again, /jp/ has like 4 archives. One of them probably does compile posts and make profiles of presumed individual posters.

>> No.10112044

O-Okay guys. I'm going to do it and see what happens. Maybe I will report later.

>> No.10112052

Hey, the first half about drinking is true.

It's the guilt that you feel that makes you able to be caught.

>> No.10112053

age of consent in Japan is 13 OP.

>> No.10112057


I wonder what would happen if a /jp/sie showed up to innocently befriend a 12 year old, got set-up, and then told the cops about how pathetic his life is. Would they release him out of pity?

>> No.10112061

hello mister bolice :---D have nice day

>> No.10112062

I was under the impression that most of those people who get caught are /jp/sies at least in spirit if not actual board visitors

>> No.10112065

Good thing tripscum make the job all that much easier.

>> No.10112067

>wanting to be friends with a 12 year old girl

Why do I want to be friends with some stupid kid? Is it your autism kicking in or something OP?

>> No.10112068
File: 75 KB, 256x256, remiexcite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck!

>> No.10112076

regardless of gender/nationality all kids are annoying as fuck.
Don't do it OP.

>> No.10112077

I jus wan to plunge deep in her loli pussey

>> No.10112081
File: 18 KB, 646x326, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she will answer? I tried not to sound too creepy or use big words a Japanese girl wouldn't understand.

>> No.10112082

Why are you replying to this? Are you slow?

>> No.10112087

You should watch some of the dateline to catch a predator episodes. Plenty of pathetic shut-ins got busted. Here in America it doesn't matter how pathetic your life is. You will get no sympathy. You could have just had your wife and kid beaten and murdered everything taken from you and also have a disability but if you like girls under 18 you are a monster and a plague of society.

>> No.10112088
File: 90 KB, 222x276, 1316495480989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112089

>I'm American
Instant blacklisted.

>> No.10112093
File: 90 KB, 694x679, 1332612160656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112096
File: 777 KB, 700x931, 1352101759581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got this.

>> No.10112100

Lets be honest here. You can't say you would go meet up with the girl in the OP without even the slightest bit of sexual intentions. You'd have to be inhuman, a girl or homosexual.

>> No.10112103


>and uh
>you would look nice in a Cirno outfit
>meet in a more secluded place

My fucking sides

>> No.10112111

Well, this is what I get for straying from 2d I guess.

I can imagine the 40 year old man reading my message laughing at me.


>> No.10112113

Sides of what?

>> No.10112117

His person clearly.

>> No.10112121

I befriended a Japanese girl on facebook, she sent me pictures of her Miku figures

We've been chatting for about a year now and I've even lied to her and told her I'll visit her in nippon one day.

>> No.10112118

I think he means his sides because he is laughing so hard that his sides are bothering him. (not sure though)

>> No.10112124

How did you manage to find a kind person like that?

>> No.10112128

She probably doesn't understand what drinking means

>> No.10112131

You have to look for them and pursue friendships with young girls, as in, you have to be a pedophile like him.

>> No.10112143

Don't you think it'd be fun to meet a girl like that in some city and go on an adventure like you wanted (or used to) when you were her age?

>> No.10112148

Maybe she likes to drink tea.

>> No.10112153

I used to chat with asians in chatrooms, and I made a couple friends

It probably helps that I'm decent looking though

>> No.10112162


I forgot those still existed. Should I just google 'Asian Chatrooms' or something?

>> No.10112165 [DELETED] 

>mfw face when >meet in a secluded place

lmao xDDDDDD

>> No.10112187

I mean like video chatrooms like chatroulette or omegle so you can see if they are really Asian.
I haven't done it in about a year or so, but I was able to find quite a bit of Asians in their peak hours. Most of them like practicing English, which is the reason why I think they go to the sites in the first place

>> No.10112194

You deserve it for posting shit like this outside of /r9k/soc/.

>> No.10112197
File: 13 KB, 590x302, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112223
File: 589 KB, 1269x475, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She must really like ice cream.

>> No.10112248

Well why don't you talk to her?

>> No.10112254
File: 22 KB, 588x408, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10112258


>> No.10112264

I was just skimming through photos. I don't really want a penpal.

>> No.10112268

Don't compare pure Japanese girls to Ameican whores.

>> No.10112272
File: 22 KB, 184x147, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bye bye america

>> No.10112273

writes like a german.

>> No.10112274

so Ganguro girls are pure?

>> No.10112275


>pure Japanese girls

You poor delusional man

>> No.10112277


What a gay name.

>> No.10112278

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10112281
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1343489167335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112282

Do you at least have an ordinary job?

>> No.10112291

The girl in OP was exposed as a fraud already a few months ago. I remember a similar thread on /jp/ very clearly

>> No.10112333
File: 23 KB, 304x350, 151796ded46d423a91d46e057d619d2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna visit Frankfurt, too... I need to go to the ECB...
But I'm really out of money...
Love Europe, too...

>> No.10112339

what site is this OP?

>> No.10112374

please respond

>> No.10112379

If you post a cute image macro I might consider it

>> No.10112380

Who was he quoting?

>> No.10112384

your mom, she's not pure

>> No.10112385
File: 189 KB, 640x360, Oreimo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112407

c'mon, isn't this cute enough?

>> No.10112419

>likes RPGs

Why do all western girls have to be vapid whores who chase after niggers?

>> No.10112431

>chase after niggers

>> No.10112438

what site is this?!!!?!

>> No.10112451

/jp/ of 4chan

>> No.10112453


>> No.10112468

Another cute gif and I will post it

>> No.10112472

Don't you know what an image macro is?

>> No.10112475
File: 544 KB, 300x180, Oreimo3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not particularly


>> No.10112478

just looked up image macro, fuck that

>> No.10112479

culture, although there some western girls that play RPG's and don't pretend they are somehow special. Vice versa there are Japanese girls that are looking for some black cock.

>> No.10112498
File: 508 KB, 1259x507, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can look for submissions with photos, but some are very old.

>> No.10112532


>> No.10112951
File: 75 KB, 654x800, rene_descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to do me for fun

>> No.10113854

omg!!! loli!!! if u were in japan u could hook up with her.

>> No.10113896

this is what happens when japanese try to employ the verb 「する」 into english

>> No.10113951


Asking for it.

>> No.10114004

Sometimes in random days when I laugh my belly starts hurting.

>> No.10115089


>> No.10115229
File: 243 KB, 1113x526, Pure nippon girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /jp/! Get a load of this girl.

>> No.10115237
File: 39 KB, 248x274, 1348358441839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP did you actually send her this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4EW5f1IANI?

>> No.10115240

where are you finding these asians

>> No.10115301

>hi everyone i am ikuu~
>hi everyone i am cumming!

did anyone else read it like that in their head?

>> No.10115309

fucking race traitor

>> No.10115346

don't bully please

>> No.10115400


>> No.10115531
File: 444 KB, 1280x720, 1352460976863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10115563
File: 335 KB, 1122x1600, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rember a doujinshi that staeted like that

it was quite good

>> No.10115575

she wants to know the The official international language.

>> No.10115642

Japanese has no teens.
He must be referring to "juudai," which is the closest thing to a teenager in Japan. It starts when you're ten and ends when you're twenty, when you become an official adult who can drink and vote.

>> No.10115658

Is it just me or is eating food a cute hobby?

>> No.10115709

Eating can be cute, but no, it isn't a very cute hobby at all.

>> No.10115750

fuck! when i click "send email" some "error" shit just pops out

>> No.10115785 [DELETED] 

>fine english
of course is a trap

>> No.10115839

Well most of the guys on To Catch A Predator are only arrested because they clearly have sexual intentions or they bring alcohol/condoms with them.

If you didn't have any of that stuff or any other incriminating things, how could you be arrested?

>> No.10115903

holy shit! I made this thread a long time ago

>> No.10115910

I hate it when people skip parts of the video footage like Ray William Johnson. It makes them talk too fast, and I can't take them seriously.

>> No.10115965
File: 26 KB, 586x598, nanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy her if you know what I mean

>> No.10116016

I managed to voice talk with a 16 years old japanese in skype through this site.
T-that was the best moment of my life!

>> No.10116036


>> No.10116043

I don't mean to be that person but what site is this

>> No.10116058


>> No.10116068

Too bad she deleted me when I asked the color of her pantsu ;_;

>> No.10116374
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1345606456713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could find a girl to play starhawk and battlefield 3 with me on the ps3 ;;

>> No.10116443

>I don't mean to be that person
For Christ's sake, please don't actually use this terrible meme.

>> No.10116452

You mean you've been here since August? I didn't know oldfags were still hanging around.

>> No.10116476

I've been trying to talk to people, and have sent quite a few letters out, but no one fucking responds.

I don't think this is working, guys...

>> No.10116514

i've been here since 2010

>> No.10116538

No way.

>> No.10116595

2010... woah... tell us of your journeys, sensei

>> No.10116609


>> No.10116658

you guys can't be serious, there are far away more autistic oldfags here than me

>> No.10116672
File: 218 KB, 1102x458, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what's up with this?

>> No.10116680

is the "send e-mail" option working for you?

>> No.10116699

It was a rhetorical question.

>> No.10116711

Have you ever heard about sarcasm, anon?

>> No.10116722
File: 88 KB, 525x690, disregard-females-acquire-currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10116741

Fuck this bitch, I replied to her ad in japan-guide and she ignored me

>> No.10116752

Sorry for asking but which site is that one?

>> No.10116758


>> No.10116760

I don't' know.

>> No.10116771

Oh thank you very much

>> No.10116782 [DELETED] 

ok, which one of you faggots did this? http://www.penpalpenpal.net/penpal/?ln=en&pic=0&language1=255&gender=1&age1=1&ag

>> No.10116785

Well I think it's cute.

>> No.10116804

did you get wet

>> No.10116855

is this what they call ice-cream otaku?

>> No.10116919

what other penpal style websites you guys know and use? i'm really alone these days i wish i could find a girl to play some vidya with me

>> No.10116931

She just wants to learn english. Can't you have a good time with a young girl without being gross?

I think it would be fun to just pal around with a girl and buy her food and stuff. Maybe go shopping. It would be like having an Imouto or a daughter.

>> No.10116940

>I think it would be fun to just pal around with a girl and buy her food and stuff.

Beta as fuck

>> No.10116957

Yeah because that's what 12 year old girls are interested in, creepy neet to buy them food and go shopping with them.

>> No.10116976


If you were a twelve year old nippon girl, wouldn't you want a big handsome gaijin to lift you up on his shoulders and buy you ice cream and buy you cute things?

>> No.10116986

If I was a twelve year old japanese girl I'd probably be more interested in dick.

>> No.10116995

So how young do I need to go to find one that isn't interested in dick?

>> No.10117004

Probably preschool

>> No.10117020

Why is it so hard to adopt a japanese girl? I want a daughter so badly, but not an ugly little white pig gaijin babby.

>> No.10117039

>ugly little white pig gaijin babby
It doesn't exist.
Japanese genes are so dominant that even white people with just a Japanese greatgrandfather look exactly like a native Japanese

>> No.10117051

It's hard to adopt children in general. If you don't have a high paying job and a wife, you are out of luck.

>> No.10117054

Like Jews?

>> No.10117061

yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.10117196


there you go bro

>> No.10117203

Do it and send us a videotape of the newest episode of Dateline NBC.

>> No.10117213


That's not always a good think, just look at black people. Just 1% black and you're Westley Snipes black as fuck

>> No.10117244

I'm sorry but what am I supposed to do with that?

>> No.10117251

time travel to 2001 and click on it

>> No.10117262

i want to know that too

>> No.10117301

could you explain how such thing works?

>> No.10117308

you just have to believe

>> No.10117314

not a very satisfying answer

>> No.10118132

I take it you get pepper sprayed allot when you try to pick up real women.

>> No.10118372
File: 3 KB, 300x57, mazinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that's very old common phrase and not a maymay.

>> No.10118539

Alright which one of you fuckers made the naruto fan account.

>> No.10118655

Someone post that one from the dude who 'hates bitches though'.

>> No.10118969

I don't know if you're for real or not, but you really made me want to try this shit. I just think it'll be hard to find someone on there without a dick.

>> No.10118981

japan-guide seems kind of legit, I searched for language exchanges for my native language - because I hoped there would be less trolling - but the bitches there all seem rather old or really uninteresting. I'll keep monitoring it though, maybe I'll get a chance and something good comes up.

>> No.10119093

Japan-guide is full of real girls, with exception of these 12 years old "girls" I think there are few males pretending to be females there.
But it doesn't really matter, unless you are in Japan and want to meet them.

>> No.10119108

No one ever thought about contacting one of those guys/girls looking for english speaking people to talk to and improve their english and then teaching them all the wrong stuff?

>> No.10119136

Thanks for idea, I'll do it right now
I feel so bully

>> No.10119144

Spreading misinformation is one of the most harmful things you can do. Why on earth would you spread it willingly?

>> No.10119145

I wouldn't be able to sleep if I did that!

>> No.10119149

Think of all the nerds that these bitches bullied

>> No.10119155

The funny thing is that you just need to be a latino or a slav pretending to be american and you'll teach them the wrong stuff automatically.
Imagine just how many times it happened!

>> No.10119167

Doing it intentionally and bragging about it makes it much worse.

>> No.10119237

If you are a latino you aren't lying if you say you are アメリカ人

>> No.10119250

Do they knew about United Statians?

>> No.10119334

I kissed a 12 year old girl once. Ask me anything.

>> No.10119337

12yo girl of which race?

>> No.10119415

can we get some context?

>> No.10119666


Not until you can prove to me you're not an undercover agent trying to get me to confess a crime I didn't commit.

Seriously, though, is kissing a minor really considered as a crime in America? I pity you, if it's true.

>> No.10119691

don't think so.

>> No.10119707

It depends on how many centimeters of your tongue you pushed inside her mouth.

>> No.10119732

And the amount of saliva exchanged.

>> No.10119778

And whether you drugged her first.

>> No.10119829


Then you'd be seen as being like this guy.


>> No.10119841
File: 30 KB, 640x432, 1353582921275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to date a Japanese a cute girl

>> No.10119849

I'm okay with it if you're asian. Interracial relationships are disgusting, and should be banned.

>> No.10119854

Quality Murrizikistan television entertainment.

>> No.10119868
File: 406 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_2012-11-19-12-29-26-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a musculer Aryan.
There are plenty of my Japanese friends that would be into such a relationship, but right now I am interested in one of them. I am headed to Japan for International buisness soon. Anyway a lot of my friends are leaving to go back to Japan, includding the one girl who has become what feels like my bestfriend.

I never thought it was a good idea for gaijins to stay in Japan or marry/have kids with the Japanese, but love changes everything. I just wanted to preserve my genes and heritage with another indo-european girl, but as I said, love changes things.

>> No.10119872

Do you actually have shows like that in the U.S.? That's quite horrible...
Do people actually watch and don't think there's something very wrong with a crowd picking on a single person?

No matter how "bad" this person is, this is pointless bullying.

>> No.10119877

Why bother. You have to learn a whole language, unless you already know it and then you gotta travel. Why not just date someone from your own country? Women are women.

>> No.10119890

This is what'll happen:

>> No.10119906
File: 36 KB, 466x290, motherfuck-foreigners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.10119919

Do they think the rest of the world is white?

>> No.10119920

have you considered moving to 日本?

>> No.10119931

White-Asian interracial relationships are fine, but everything else is bad for whites. This is the truth and you cannot deny this.

>> No.10119941

Why do the japs sleep during the day?

>> No.10119975

This site is shit
In every message I sent I ask if they know touhou and the better reply I got until now was "I know the characters, I love cirno"
And I've already sent 173 messages, damn it.

>> No.10119991

What the fuck did you just call me?

>> No.10120038

Breeding shouldn't just be within colour, it should be within the same nationalities. This is especially true with what you guys refer to as "Asians". I don't consider the Japanese the same colour as those evil Chinese, or Koreans, and they definitely should keep their race pure. They deserve to have a pure nation.

>> No.10120039

I know this brother and yes I am learning the language. I wasn't learning the language for women either. I always thought I would marry some ine else.
this is my post here too >>10119868
Life is just begining for me, so who really knows who I will end up with in life love. I am just really sad about my Japanese friend that is a girl who is leaving. I have always been popular with plenty of friends and women are never in shory supply either, but I have never felt such a clise friendship to a girl in such a short time. More or less this friendship means more to me than just mere friends. I just wish I had more time.I can't stop listening to Oasis - Don't go away.

>> No.10120044

White != Aryan.

>> No.10120050

>Life is just begining for me
No, it's ending. You shouldn't think that you have all the time in the world, it's a dangerous thought pattern. You will be old and frail before you even get a chance to blink.

>> No.10120058

Old people can get away with anything they want and people excuse them because they are "just old" and "senile." My life will begin in the golden years.

>> No.10120061
File: 6 KB, 264x400, leedgyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120063

Like what?

>> No.10120074

You are right, time really flies.
It looks like I've fucked ur mom yesterday but you are already 15 years old.

>> No.10120078

was supposed to quote >>10120050

>> No.10120081

Oh, hi dad. Please get off my epic /jp/ board.

>> No.10120088
File: 50 KB, 500x129, iceburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120108
File: 27 KB, 315x239, 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(heh. it says he's fucking gay.)

>> No.10120110

I am always living my life to the fullest. I see whay you're saying, but I don't really pass up opportunities anyway.

>> No.10120111
File: 26 KB, 587x505, Akari (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120125

The other day I saw a Chinatsu ad just bellow Akari's one.

>> No.10120156
File: 79 KB, 581x623, Maho (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10120173

These fucking gooks just want free English lessons.

>> No.10120188
File: 16 KB, 594x341, 1352154525895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just a coincidence?

>> No.10120190

most gaijin are just out for free japanese lessons

it evens out

>> No.10120191

I'd give them free "dick" lessons, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10120196

That's not true, I'm looking for a loyal wife.

>> No.10120202
File: 45 KB, 447x665, 1353009927178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they all want to knoq English so badly?
It cannot possibly be just for buisness work can it?

I have seen those videos before and that kid is such a whimp. On top of that if you saw the other videos you would know that those two women he was talking about were sluty ho's

>> No.10120212

>It cannot possibly be just for buisness work can it?
They use someone like me to learn English, then move to America to marry a jerk.

>> No.10120221
File: 18 KB, 599x377, takakomi (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did you quote my post?

>> No.10120247
File: 602 KB, 1122x1600, page06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10120249

So they're after a green card is what you're saying?
On top of that they din't have to be jerks.
The way you posted it made it sound like you your self are a Japanese woman.
Are you a Japanese woman?

>> No.10120255

Yea they jerks alright.
No I'm (sadly) a boy.

>> No.10120292

>Please make friends with me


>> No.10120293

Well Okay. Thanka.
I am the guy
>>10120039 and
>>10119868 and

I am no jerk buddy. On top of that I am Catholic, so I have some sense of morality.
The thing that worries me is that if I do fall in love with a Japanese girl, like the one I have become such good friends with (Not saying I am in love with her; love takes two people's emotions), than her love will be a shallow one. I have seen so many green card relationships and possibly been in one too. I see these socially awkward out of shape gross guys with these very attractive Korean and Japanese women. It seems like the green card girls are so desperate to stay in America that they don't even try to get us attractive americans, because they think we might play them, so they get the lowest of the low men knowing they will hold on to their green card asses.
I would hold on to them even though I am attractive. Not all good looking guus mess around.

>> No.10120318

>On top of that I am Catholic, so I have some sense of morality.
raged hard

>> No.10120321

You don't understand.You just don't.

>> No.10120335
File: 22 KB, 250x281, 1353356223012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye then.

>> No.10120355

The Japanese can't be called "Gooks".

>> No.10120368


Yeah, nips and zipperheads is more appropriate.

>> No.10120389

Nips = Nippons

>> No.10120392
File: 10 KB, 600x190, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10120401

>i catch a cold

>> No.10120698

He should have let it go.
If it had truly loved him, it would have come back.

>> No.10120751

What site are these screenshots from?

Is it like a site like interpals?

>> No.10120776

read the thread

>> No.10120791
File: 12 KB, 500x259, le sad cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120796

The Japanese are white.

>> No.10121871
File: 27 KB, 579x486, pure japanese girls who loves inocent american men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will be able to be your tour guide when I am back to Japan.
>I think its perfect that you save money for a trip to Japan during I am in the U.S. so that 2 or 3 years later, you will have a tour guide and have fun in Japan :D

>> No.10121927
File: 253 KB, 1000x1000, 18217474_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10121961


Don't be fooled, Anon! This man is a poser! True Americans only use the Imperial system, because it was given to us by Jesus and it is the best system for accurately measuring freedom!

>> No.10122022
File: 24 KB, 200x210, usaEagle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you.

>> No.10122095 [DELETED] 


>> No.10125596


>> No.10131299

Did you fuck her yet, OP?

>> No.10131323

When people say "ageru", I think of the cute way to say "I'll give this to you", rather than "bump".

>> No.10131357
File: 61 KB, 299x419, 13241654216421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to set up a profile and meet nice Japanese people but I probably wouldn't even be able to tour guide in my own country.

I could imagine myself in the situation... "and um.. here's the um... mall that's next to my apartment... and umm... sorry I don't know where that is"

oh god

>> No.10131364

Wow I have lived in Japan for 3 years now and never thought of this. 出会い系 sites are strict about being over 18 and using Mobage or Gree or whatever is an exercise in frustration

>> No.10137310


>> No.10137423

Wow, that's incredibly cute. It makes me feel all nice. I'll be thinking just like that from now on. Thank you!

>> No.10137458

Hugo? What a spergy name you have.

>> No.10138799
File: 388 KB, 412x374, 1344050855878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On top of that I am Catholic, so I have some sense of morality.

>> No.10139160
File: 162 KB, 1021x498, mygf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm gonna marry this girl one day
