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10114516 No.10114516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10114522
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>> No.10114530

heterochromia a shit

>> No.10114562

Seiga a shit

>> No.10114570
File: 237 KB, 600x600, 30293810_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time until you recover from the downs

>> No.10114589

whats this do you have downs? do you need downs to like heterouglia?

>> No.10114598
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sorry please dont reply i dont talk with illiterate downies

>> No.10114631


>> No.10114753

Neko get out you're on the wrong board

>> No.10114763

dumb nerd http://dwz.psych.ucla.edu/ZaidelHessamianSymmetryJournal.pdf symmetry is beauty

>> No.10114835
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i want her to tell me sweet lies about a rose-colored high-school life

>> No.10114981
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wow man im literally laughing over here like literally quoting this from your journal:
>The emphasis in the published literature has mostly been on symmetry as the critical source for beauty judgment. In fact, both symmetry and asymmetry serve as highly aesthetic sources of beauty, whether the context is perceptual or conceptual.

get fucking schooled downy lmao


>> No.10115012


> The mean fitness of mutations has only a minor effect on the relative advantage of koinophilia.
heterochromia loses and ruins koinophilia

>> No.10115055
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>Thus, natural selection causes beneficial features to become increasingly more common with each generation, while the disadvantageous features become increasingly rare. A sexual creature, therefore, wishing to mate with a fit partner, would be expected to avoid individuals sporting unusual features, while being especially attracted to those individuals displaying a predominance of common or average features. This is termed "koinophilia". It has, as an important side effect, that mates displaying mutant features (the result of a genetic mutation) are also avoided.
now you know why heteoruglia is so rare

>> No.10115061
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woah are you seriously trying to retreat to natural selection in a discussion about aesthetics

>Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, South Africa.

oh your a nigger no wonder youre stuck on animal impulse sorry were talking about intelligent life here you can go make another thread to trill wit yo homeboys n fuck bitches

>> No.10115073
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>> No.10115074

theres nothing but whites in south africa you moron

>> No.10115098
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ref "people and society"

yo downy you want to be wrong about anything else before were through or are you done

>> No.10115107

i have not been wrong on anything please see >>10115055

>> No.10115125
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oh so youre just illiterate please see >>10115061 thanks

its alright dude i dont expect you to understand the whole point here is youre a lower lifeform

>> No.10115131

the argument is the same, symmetry is preferred and the reason heterochromia is rare is because it is avoided and not seen as beautiful and then you resorted to calling me a nigger. you lost

>> No.10115156
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this is hilarious because your butt buddy already "lost" your argument for you by conveniently providing the perfect journal thats almost two decades more recent than yours >>10114763

since weve established you have trouble with words ill take an excerpt from the conclusion

>While symmetry serves as a source of beauty in many scholarly domains, it is not an exclusive source of beauty-related responses in humans. Multiple sources give rise to aesthetic reactions, including asymmetrical features, be they in faces, art, nature scenery, or various intellectual domains. It is proposed that the fact that humans experience multiple beauty responses stems from major sophisticated symbolic and abstract cognition supported by the human brain. Indeed, aesthetics may be a uniquely human cognition; we do not yet have evidence that animals experience aesthetic responses, even when they selectively respond to symmetry in successful reproductive strategies.

and summarize it: your a dumb nigger

check your downs

>> No.10115172
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, [CoalGuys] K-ON! Movie (1080p) [6839C336].mkv_snapshot_00.15.38_[2012.07.24_03.24.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all this nerd talk? You guys need to calm down and watch K-ON again.

>> No.10115181

a scientific study backed up by legitimate scientists or an article published as a college paper in 2010, i wonder which is more credible.

>> No.10115204
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do you not understand how journals work or realize that it was released by staff in the medical department at ucla

or that your "study" is measuring animal reproductive habits and not human aesthetic perception

are you seriously dumb for real

but to answer your question id say the one that identifies symmetry preference as a trait of downs

>> No.10115210

It's too late to calm down.

>> No.10115266


she's holding her teacup recklessly, her thumb should be on top of the handle but it appears to be folded into her palm.

>> No.10115863
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>> No.10115878

K-ON is gay as HELL nerd shit

>> No.10115883
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>> No.10115895
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>> No.10115916
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>> No.10115918
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>> No.10115942
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>> No.10115949


>> No.10115951
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No it's not...

>> No.10116108

she looks cuter
