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10105256 No.10105256 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most hated, despised Touhou in the Touhouverse?

I wanted to say RayMoo but everyone has teaparties with her and shit.

>> No.10105261

The Stinkbug of Gensokyo

>> No.10105260

chan pls

>> No.10105270

I'm going with Tenshi.

I mean in the fighting games everyone was ready to fuck her shit for good reason.

>> No.10105288


Even 2chan hates her.

>> No.10105290

I agree with anon.
She's just a nuisance to everyone there.

>> No.10105295

Satori obviously.

>> No.10105298

I don't mean hated in our world.
I mean which Touhou is probably hated the most between the actual characters.

>> No.10105308


>> No.10105325

I think Reimu is one of those people that is secretly despised. Nobody would dare say shit about her openly in fear of invoking her wrath so they just put on a friendly face when she comes around then talk shit about her behind her back when she leaves.

>> No.10105329

Marisa obviously. Stealing from everyone on a daily basis. Only Reimu keeps her from becoming Youkai food.

>> No.10105333


>> No.10105337

Reimu is actually well liked by everybody who matters.

I don't think there's a touhou that gets widespred hate. Maybe Tenshi, for the reasons already cited. Or Medicine. Fuck Medicine, that little creep.

>> No.10105338

Marisa, she's a crook.

>> No.10105355

Mokou is not hated as her ugliness would make anyone next to her seem that much better.


>> No.10105357

But a charming crook, that makes all the difference.

>> No.10105361


>> No.10105431

take that back.

>> No.10105481

Aya is canonically described as an annoyance towards everyone.

>> No.10105485

Where does it say that Mokou is ugly?

>> No.10105495
File: 79 KB, 406x600, Kazami.Yuuka.600.1241250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga stole mah master spark

>> No.10105559

Satori or Tenshi

>> No.10105565
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Yeah, she's pretty much a huge cunt to everyone anyways.

>> No.10105591

No one says anything how everyone fears and despises Yukari? Even Reimu hates her and no one likes her too except for a few.

Most beloved would probably be Ryujin the dragon god

>> No.10105592
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Tewi is the worst. The other touhous agreed. Don't bother them about it.

>> No.10105596

I was gonna say Yuuka but that's more like fear and Tenshi takes the cake.

>> No.10105598
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Some things don't need to be said in order for them to be true. Yukari is the undisputed bitch queen of Gensokyo.

>> No.10105599



She's one of the most respected figures in Gensokyo. She's like one of the Lords of Gensokyo. She's fucking older than Yukari to boot.
