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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 256x317, 256px-Eternal_Sonata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10093588 No.10093588 [Reply] [Original]

What is /jp/'s general consent of this game?

>> No.10093599

Good game with a fun ending and a good last boss fight.

>> No.10093605

My opinion is that there should be a PC release so I can enjoy it, as well.

>> No.10093620

It's the best game ever made.

>> No.10093632
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Good gameplay, weird plot and they should sexaulize the characters more.

>> No.10093686
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I really enjoyed the combat system and the art direction. The PS3 version is better, though, since it has more content. Now I want to play it, but I sold my PS3...

>> No.10093691

Mediocre. Characters and writing were awful, and the game itself wasn't even really that fun to play. It had some nice visuals though.

>> No.10093697

Pretty shit, even by JRPG standards.

>> No.10093703

10/10 Masterpiece.

>> No.10093705

I thought that it was too linear. You were never really free to roam around how you choose. Also too short. Felt like it ended too soon. Combat system was interesting at first but became very repetitive. Otherwise fairly memorable and interesting idea to use Chopin in that way. Worth playing if you don't have any better games in queue. 5/10

>> No.10093709

Wow that must be really shitty.
Like Neptunia shitty.

>> No.10093724

It's a work of art, not a game.
I could enjoy it all day.

>> No.10093749

Actually now that I think of it, it's really not that memorable. Looking at the cover I don't remember any of the characters except Chopin and the girl in the red dress. I'll still keep the rating at 5/10 though since the game was not bad. I feel like 4/10 would give the impression I think it is bad.

>> No.10093792

Yeah, it's amazing how unmemorable it is. I couldn't even tell you the MCs name. All I really remember is the devs had a massive hardon for Chopin.

>> No.10093813


Good, cute, even occasionally deliciously sexy, but terribly awkward dialog and character animations at times.

>> No.10093822

Don't sell your PS3...

>> No.10093819

Did anyone else skip the optional dungeon at the end? I was pretty sick of the combat system by the end of the game so I couldn't put myself through it.

>> No.10093832

What are some good RPGs for PS3? I haven't really played any in ages.

>> No.10093854


Everything had a music-related name, so it was also really easy to mix everything up.
Her name was Polka, though.

>> No.10093860


1. Good games
2. PS3

Pick one.

>> No.10093861

I liked the music.

>> No.10093864


The only games I ever played regularly were Eternal Sonata and Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.10093900
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>> No.10093915

There are many, please don't be like that.

>> No.10093922
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>> No.10093923

I liked it. Kind of short, though.

>> No.10093927

Please stop that.

>> No.10093933
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>> No.10093935


>> No.10093944


That's what she said! HAYO!

>> No.10093954

I enjoyed it, I think it could have been done a lot better though. Blue Dragon on the 360 was better IMO.

>> No.10093953
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>> No.10093975

Pretty gay. If you're looking for cheapo mediocrity play Folklore.

>> No.10093987


You're pretty gay if the girls didn't give you a raging hard-on.

>> No.10093992

If you want a hack and slash game, play Muramasa for Wii. It's delicious 2D and you can emulate it on most systems.

>> No.10093993

I hated it.
The battles were annoying, the art was too "weeaboo-ish", the story was laughable, the dungeons sucked. It had a really bad case of "I'm too lazy to fix these clipping issues with my strange clothes so I'm just going to make all the characters stick their arms out really wide all the time".
Also the cutscenes were boring, I'm not interested in music at all.

>> No.10093999

Nuh-uh. I'm pretty sure YOU'RE gay, gay guy.

>> No.10094020


Yeah-huh. YOU'RE gay, cockwasher.

>> No.10094042

I know you are but what am I, you gaylord?

>> No.10094061


Good question. What are you?

>> No.10094087

Consensus, right?

Otherwise, yes. I think my mother would allow me to play this game.

>> No.10094096

Why do you need your mother's permission to play a game? Did she find out about your eroge habit and is trying to rehabilitate you?

>> No.10094090
File: 6 KB, 287x176, Fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.10094098

>I know you are but what am I
I never understood this comeback as a kid, and I still don't get it as an adult.

>> No.10094100

Eternal Sonata isn't otaku culture.

>> No.10094113

Looking for (wannabe) deep conversations talking about the corrupt government while eating bread casually?
Looking for a WIDE variety of RATS to fight in EVERY SINGLE AREA OF THE GAME?
Looking for pretty environments that surprisingly don't really make you interested at all?

Neither was I, but that's what this game delivered. Some day my friend and I really ought to finish it, but...
Why do that when we can just co-op Tales of Vesperia?

>> No.10094110


>> No.10094119


Yes, please.... Fuck me. Someone fuck me! I'm tired of sitting here all alone playing shitty rainbow-vomit RPGs and fapping.

>> No.10094120


>> No.10094121


Nope, OP said consent. Please work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.10094141

To be honest, I only played through the game because it was one of the only JRPGs at the time for the 360 with Japanese voices. And Hirano, she wasn't as hated as she is nowadays.

>> No.10094151

What a bizarre criteria.

>> No.10094162

Obviously you have not spent much time around weeaboos.

>> No.10094176

I wanted to play some JRPG, but I couldn't stand English voices and I didn't have the money to import a Japanese 360 and games back then. Until then, I just played SNES final fantasy games on my PSP.

>> No.10094183


Not as bizarre as mine... I wanted little girls and rainbow color induced boners. Succeeded as a game on both counts, sir.

>> No.10094185

Chopin dies

>> No.10094189

cute style, fantastic music, great voices, shitty fucking gameplay, linear as fuck.

played for like 10 hours then just got so bored of the repetitive combat.

>> No.10094242


Chopin is dead?! NO!! Last time I saw him, he was being publicly eviscerated by a pants-wearing whore, but otherwise he was fine. What a tragedy.

>> No.10094248

How did your thread get so many replies?

>> No.10094270


He's nothing like the real life Polish figure. He could have been named Squall because he's just bland forgettable JRPG character #151035.

>> No.10094282


Chopin was French.

>> No.10094288

Enjoyable combat system, colorful pretty scenery, great music, characters you want to punch in the face.

>> No.10094297

Oh and also: a death scene in which I thought the character died three times before she actually kicked the bucket. It's literally a 10-minute monologue of a side character you couldn't care less about.

>> No.10094307


Chopin isn't pronounced like chop inn, it's show pan.

Here's another tip, le dick guy's name was pronounced something like day cart. Try to remember all that on way back to reddit.

>> No.10094318



He wasn't Polish.

>> No.10094424


I know that, so I don't quite get what you mean... I was hoping someone would get my reference about George Sand raking him over the coals in Lucrezia Floriani, but never mind. I expected too much from /jp/.

>> No.10094465

i love it. it's not perfect, but it's really easy to get involved and associate with the characters, and have a good laugh at the terrible dialogue translations

"Go clean yourself up!"

>> No.10094595

I kind of want to replay Tales of Vesperia because of this thread. That was the first true great 360 jrpg.

>> No.10094703


Agreed. It was fantastic.

>> No.10094715



Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin looks pretty Polish to me.

>> No.10094729

Ar Tonelico Quga is decent if you've never played Ar Tonelico games before and can avoid all the people giving perfectly valid reasons why it's crap.

Record of the Agarest War 2 is a really good strategy RPG that improves over the original two games in so many ways It's hard to recommend them at all

Hyper Dimension Neptunia Mk. 2 is excellent and great way to relive the mild days of the console/publisher wars, you know, if you were japanese and all

Enchanted Arms it gets some bad press since it plays like a more strategic version of Pokemon, leveling is capped for the arms after a certain point and the plot is silly. But, it's a more strategic version of Pokemon... if that doesn't get you hyped I don't know what will.

the Atelier Series - Lots of grinding but lots of fun and cute girls doing Cute things. The Alchemy system is one of the most advanced systems I've seen in a while, that's what makes it both unique and great.

Valkyria Chronicles - If you haven't played this game play it now, enjoy it, then weep with the rest of us that Sega moved it over to portable consoles, twisted it to appeal to the female audience, restored it to it's former glory then killed it when it didn't meet sales expectations

Wizardry series - if you hate yourself a little bit these old school dungeon crawlers force you to learn about effective item and resource management. The plot is barely there, but you're not really there for the plot, you're there for the thrill of exploration and adventure. I'm not really into it since I don't do download only games but i played the Japanese version and except for the usage of Torches, it's pretty solid.

Most if not all of the downloadable PS1/PS2 RPGs available on the PSN are excellent and I would not hesitate to play those games.

Any Compile Heart game made before Hyper Dimension Neptunia Mk. 2, yea they're all pretty terrible, Trinity Universe made me want to punch my dog.

>> No.10094743

I liked ATQ well enough. Sure it was not the best, but it was still fun. He really should play the first two sooner or later as well, though.

>> No.10094788

You are pretty mean.

>> No.10095155

modern traditional RPG. i liked it. battle system was fun, music and art were nice, and plot was at least interesting.

>> No.10095176


>> No.10095189


>> No.10095361

It's alright but it felt like it could have been much more than it was.

>> No.10095367

One of the best RPGs ive ever played, I loved the music theme since I am a musician

>> No.10095398

Lets use this thread to discuss jrpgs. Anyone buy Persona 4 Golden yet?

>> No.10095392

It starts off a bit slow but it really picks up later when the battle level increases.

Also get the PS3 version for more characters and balance changes.

>> No.10095419

ATQ plays like a poor mans tales game. Unless you are a fan of the first 2 its not worth it. Also Neptunia mk2 is mediocre at best.

Also you forgot Tales of Graces f

>> No.10095483
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What I'm looking forward to is Demon Gaze.

>> No.10099165

You forgot Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2.

>> No.10099332
File: 876 KB, 1255x1141, 29832ab7c0318c62ead8895cfd6e0150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really fun so far and amazingly well ported to the Vita.

Neptunia MK2 was fun as HELL and better than most of the rpgs released this year (including Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Diablo 3).
