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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10093494 No.10093494 [Reply] [Original]

>“What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.”

Do you fell this when reading a Touhou porn?

>> No.10093509

Touhou porn isn't thousands of years old.

>> No.10093510

>Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions
Nope, language is.

>> No.10093521

Other animals have language, too. Dolphins, for example.

>> No.10093518
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Youkais were being drawn way before ZUN was even born.

>> No.10093515

I don't read Touhou porn.

Well, I have, but I can count the instances on one hand.

>> No.10093520


other hominids probably had language before proper humans came on the scene.

>> No.10093523

human language you autistic fuckwits

>> No.10093525


Language is not an invention.

>> No.10093529

Language doesn't exist, pleb.

>> No.10093530


Physics is.

>> No.10093532


Drawn way better than ZUN at that

>> No.10093537

The point is that humans didn't invent "language," genius.

>> No.10093550

humans invented the language of humans dumbass

prove it

don't be stupid

>> No.10093546

kuso sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10093554

I invented modern english.

>> No.10093564

Go to bed, Shakespeare.

>> No.10093556


HUMAN language is a human invention, nigger.

>> No.10093557

You didn't specify that in your post.

>> No.10093568

I haven't read a book since High School. I would rather just watch a movie or play a video game.

>> No.10093569
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>> No.10093571

But language is something common to animals and we obviously inherited it naturally, as was sated before. It was never invented in the first place.

>> No.10093573


That isn't Shakespeare. Do you even iambic pentameter, pleb?

>> No.10093576

>prove it

There was no one sitting in his cave and was thinking "Well, wouldn't it be nice if I could talk with my fellow cavemen?"

The development of language was a natural progress, like walking.

>> No.10093587

Why are you posting a picture of yourself?

>> No.10093591

lmao owned

>> No.10093590

That same line of thought would bring us to the idea that we did not invent tools, or anything else, only develop them from rudimentary tools used by our genetic ancestors.

If that is true then how can anything have been invented?

>> No.10093597

Not really.

>> No.10093594

Cave Paintings are objects with meaning. I guess we didn't invent writing either, yeah?

>> No.10093601

Chimps used tools. Cars are tools. Chimps invented cars.

Fucking stupid argument.

>> No.10093608
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>Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions
Couldn't be more wrong. The greatest human invention is the United States of America.

>> No.10093613

That's not an invention you stupid faggot.

>> No.10093621


That's not writing. And no, that's not an invention, but a basic form of human expression. It's like saying singing is an invention.

>> No.10093622

If it's not an invention how come I use it?

>> No.10093623


>> No.10093626


By that reasoning, all human endeavors are natural developments borne from some primal impetus of growing complexity,and thus, invention does not exist.

>> No.10093634
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God Bless America.

>> No.10093633


>> No.10093631

I don't think you understand what the word invention means. Chimps didn't invent sticks and stones.

>> No.10093630

Tell it to the nuclear arsenal, yuropoor. Enyoj you're police state

>> No.10093638
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I'm rubber, you're glue, what touches me bounces off and sticks to you.


>> No.10093643


>Implying Takane could successfully serve food without devouring it and wouldn't just eat everything in the restaurant.

>> No.10093645


>> No.10093647

Carl Sagan wouldn't be happy with the amount of bullshit going on in this thread.

>> No.10093653


Not really. Take writing as a counter example. Only very few cultures invented a script and that's why most of the world writes with a script which shares the very same foundation.

>> No.10093655

A lot of surprise boxes and meme arrows going on in this thread.

>> No.10093656
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>> No.10093658

Prove it.

That's right, you can't. Checkmate, yurop.

>> No.10093662 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10093675

The point is I would liken the cave paintings to rudimentary writing just as non-human communication is to human language.

Human languages are human inventions. Somebody did go say one day: Well, this character here seems good for representing a woman's vagina and it developed from there.

Protip: Written language did come from symbol painting.

>> No.10093673

>I don't read Touhou porn.
You're female, aren't you?

>> No.10093700

>Protip: Written language did come from symbol painting.

But it involved a good chunk of critical thinking to reach that point. And that's exactly the line between a basic impuls and creating the means to satisfy them. A stick to crack nuts isn't a tool, but someone tacking a stone to it in order to make it more efficient has invented a tool.

>> No.10093713
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It's pretty amusing that we seem to be having a semantics issue when discussing language as a concept; there seems to be a dicotomy between one group referring to 'language' as writing itself (human invention), and another group speaking more broadly about semiotics/linguistics (genetic trait of some mammals).

>> No.10093723

Writing is phonetic in all the superior languages. Only Chinks developed pictographic writing.

>> No.10093735


The predecessor of the Latin script was pictographic. Like every script at one point.

>> No.10093737

I was just scrolling by and happened to see your post.

Fuck you and fuck your reaction image. I hope you lose your argument.

>> No.10093739

don't forget shitty English and other shitty European languages.
Seriously, when a dictionary has to tell you how to pronounce a word, the language fails.

>> No.10093745
File: 30 KB, 612x969, poiuytrew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, native americans and africans also used pictographic systems.

>> No.10093750

>other shitty European languages.

Actually, only English and French. And French is exactly the reason why English is such a phonetic mess.

>> No.10093760

Nope, Touhou is.

>> No.10093771

True /jp/er.

>> No.10093777

>Not a hideous-sounding fucking mess

>> No.10093778

I'm not arguing a point.

>> No.10093784

I think the internet is still a better invention
Of course it wouldn't have been possible without writing

>> No.10093788

It's like you people have to actually water down the difficulty for someone to read by actually writing every single letter of a word. A well done pictographic system is able to present as much information as a phonetic one in a much more concise manner.

>> No.10093793


German is very phonetic. Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.10093790

Nope, OVER 20 POUNDS is.

>> No.10093794

Language wasn't invented you fucking retards; though actually I think it's just one retard. Humans have an innate ability to communicate with each other just like every other animal. Do you think children are "taught" language? No, they naturally pick it up. The same way that the best way to learn a new language is to be constantly exposed to it. It's like saying "hurr durr human sight was invented by humans xD". Reading and writing on the other hand have to be learned as they were developed thousands of years later.

>> No.10093811


That's why china is seriously thinking about revising it's whole dictionary and basic language learning system with latin alphabet you gigantic weaboo.

>> No.10093816
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Yellow untermenschen.

>> No.10093831

Because China has such a deep value for its culture and is not attempting to please western markets in any way, am I right?

>> No.10093845


How the hell did he kill stone lions with an arrow? How the hell did it take him that long to realize they were made of stone? What kind of drugs was this guy on?

>> No.10093855


The millions of illiterates appear to be a more realistic reason, just like in Vietnam before they introduced the alphabet.

>> No.10093859

>Do you think children are "taught" language?
Yes they are.
>The same way that the best way to learn a new language is to be constantly exposed to it.
Of course. Life gets kind of boring if you're unable to communicate, doesn't it? Anti-intellectual people never bother to learn other languages because they don't need them. If you're a weeaboo outcast you will naturally want to learn Japanese.

lan·guage (lnggwj)
a. Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
b. Such a system including its rules for combining its components, such as words.
c. Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community; often contrasted with dialect.

>> No.10093867


Except it's not even close to sounding like that now, only is old Chinese.

>> No.10093876


No one knows how classical Chinese was spoken.

>> No.10093877

Stone lions, referring the the lion fish.

>> No.10093882

God, chinese is a ugly language.

>> No.10093884


>Yes they are.

Ok, you have to be a troll, no one can be this fucking retarded.

And the rest of your imbecilic argument has nothing to do with anything on top of which you retardedly posted the definition of language as if it in anyway makes you look less retarded.

>> No.10093890

Look at how that poem is read with today's pronunciation. So yes, the only way it can read like that is in Old Chinese.

>> No.10093904

Isn't there a sentence in Japanese you can make almost entirely with "ha" as a demonstration of why kanji is necessary?

>> No.10093906

Where's the image of the eagle ripping up a book with its talons?

>> No.10093907


The whole point of the poem is to be fuzzy and confusing, which leads to the conclusion it was also fuzzy and confusing when it was published.

We don't even know how classical Latin was spoken and that had a phonetic script. It's simply impossible in case of classical Chinese.

>> No.10093912

German opera is beautiful.

>> No.10093934

>We don't even know how classical Latin was spoken

What? We do so. "Classical" latin as in the latin spoken when the language was alive, correct? But such latin is still conserved due to writings and is even teached to, for example, singers that are to sing in latin.

>> No.10093937


>> No.10093936

>Ok, you have to be a troll, no one can be this fucking retarded.
teach (tch)
v. taught (tôt), teach·ing, teach·es
1. To impart knowledge or skill to: teaches children.
2. To provide knowledge of; instruct in: teaches French.
3. To condition to a certain action or frame of mind: teaching youngsters to be self-reliant.
4. To cause to learn by example or experience: an accident that taught me a valuable lesson.
5. To advocate or preach: teaches racial and religious tolerance.
6. To carry on instruction on a regular basis in: taught high school for many years.

>> No.10093962

>But such latin is still conserved due to writings

And how do you know how exactly it was pronounced? Take the word "Caesar", for example. We don't know if it was pronounced as "Kaesar", or "Zaesar". We also know nothing about intonation and word stress.

>> No.10093981

I don't like reading touhou porn. Which is shame because it usually involves a lot of my fetishes.

>> No.10093985


Cool. Posting definitions when you're too retarded to come up with an rational form of thought yourself. Children start speaking their first words by the age of one year, before they even learn to walk, and are completely fluent by the age of 3. I bet you also think they need to be "taught" how to walk. As if our ancestors needed to sit down and have a meeting using random hand signals, because obviously language hadn't been "invented" yet, to discuss how to get around and "invent" walking.

Hell, why don't you sit down and try to teach a child that age math, it'll be easy right? How hard is 2+2? Though for someone as stupid as yourself it may be a monumental task. You're obviously a troll, I hope for your sake, or are highly mentally challenged. I'm done with you, I think I killed brain cells reading your idiotic posts. Do humanity a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.10094000

>Children start speaking their first words by the age of one year
Do children learn to speak if there are no other speakers around?

teach (tch)
v. taught (tôt), teach·ing, teach·es
1. To impart knowledge or skill to: teaches children.
2. To provide knowledge of; instruct in: teaches French.
3. To condition to a certain action or frame of mind: teaching youngsters to be self-reliant.
4. To cause to learn by example or experience: an accident that taught me a valuable lesson.

>> No.10094029


All I wanna say is I would have better luck TEACHING a monkey english than getting a coherent thought across to or out of a retard like you.

Hey retard, did you know if you blind fold a child for their first 6 months of life their eyes won't develop properly and they will be blind for the rest of their lives? OMG HERP DERP THEY NEED TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO SEE XDXDXD

>> No.10094051

>Do children learn to speak if there are no other speakers around?

They'll most likely invent an own form of language, as primitive as it might be. My niece is a good example. She could'nt speak until she was 4 or 5. Instead, she used certain forms of sounds with rising or falling intonation, showing us she was pleased or displeased with something. It didn't took too long to get used to it and knew what she wanted.

>> No.10094072

There thread should be brought to an end for the sake of all of us.

>> No.10094088


I think the discussion is quite interesting, it should be just a bit more civilized.
