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10081330 No.10081330 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most NEET friendly country in the world?

>> No.10081333


>> No.10081334


>> No.10081335



>> No.10081336


>> No.10081338

Norway or one of those nordic countries. You don't even have to fake disability, everyone gets free money if they don't want to work.

>> No.10081339


>> No.10081342

>NEET friendly

they don't respect my freedom of thought

>> No.10081346


>> No.10081349

Free Healthcare.

>freedom of thought

>> No.10081355

What's so great about free healthcare? Do you really want some doctor groping your genitals to tell you you don't have a hernia?

>> No.10081360

>freedom of thought

Loli is illegal there.

>> No.10081363

>>Do you really want some doctor groping your genitals

ofc I do. u gay m8?

>> No.10081361
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>> No.10081364

Like in the United States?

>> No.10081365

Hey, that's where I live! It's pretty chill for NEETs i suppose.

>> No.10081367

Are your prisons actually really cosy or was that just some media spotlighting at work?

I've heard Norway is good for welfare though, and it scores high on the Quality-of-life Index:

>> No.10081368

Loli is protected free speech in the US.

>> No.10081374

Why wouldn't they be? Remember the welfare.

>> No.10081370

It's awkward. Especially if you have a female doctor.

>> No.10081376


Possession of "loli" isn't a thought.

Being a pedophile isn't illegal in the US, although anyone who admits it, will be treated worse than 90% of criminals right away.

>> No.10081384

Does the Norway welfare income thing apply to people who were not born in Norway?

>> No.10081378

Probably Sweden or Norway.
Australia isn't very good because although our welfare is among the highest in the world, normal goods and services are too expensive.
I think this is a result of the minimum wage being over $600 per week, it drives up the price of shit because the 'poor' aren't even poor.

So with that in mind, I would think that countries good for NEETs would be those with a low min_wage/dole_payments quotient.

>> No.10081379

My impression is that they are pretty comfy at least compared to many other countries, but I have the same media spotlight influencing me so you never know!

>> No.10081385

Censorship is basically thought crime. You are prosecuting people for what they feel.

>> No.10081389

Nah, they decided the children don't have to exist for it to be illegal, and before you mention it this was in the law created IN RESPONSE to Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition.

The Federal child porn law explicitly includes cartoons and drawings. It also has a line that states:
>Nonrequired Element of Offense.— It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

If your image would be illegal as a photograph, it's illegal as a drawing. People have been prosecuted for (just) lolicon.

Sorry to burst your bubble. Enjoy the Land of the Free™!

>> No.10081392

Good for normals. Bad for NEETs. You cannot get autismbux here. Welfare is also difficult to obtain and they make sure you find a job very quickly. Then again, I'm only talking from experience. Maybe other places of the country are different.

>> No.10081393

Hmm, I don't know really, but i suppose that if you become a Norwegian citizen you would get the same rights as any other citizen.

>> No.10081394

It's a transactional procedure. Stop being so neurotypical.

>> No.10081402

Go there as a refugee. Say you fled your home in Syria.

>> No.10081405


Also say you are a Muslim.

>> No.10081407

When inactivity is punishable by death, prisons have to be harsh in order to prevent people from committing crimes. That's not a problem in welfare countries where you can design the prisons with maximal functionality (rehabiliation) in mind.

>> No.10081409


From what I have heard, Norway and Sweden really do not like outsiders because of their great programs. They worked hard to build them, and they don't want moochers from other countries taking advantage of them.

Then again, there are several villages with a few thousand people who are African war refugees, so I may be mistaken about that.

>> No.10081410

One of my friends is from Canada. She is a transgendered NEET and the government is paying for her HRT as well as all the doctors and psychiatric therapy that comes with it. Canada is the best for /jp/

>> No.10081415

That's really just for people who use photoshop on CP. If you got charged for just having 2D loli, it would be thrown out by the judge if you don't do something stupid like plead guilty.

>> No.10081416


>Censorship is basically thought crime

Do you know what a thought crime is? If they started arresting people for just saying "I want to fuck children", with no other proof that they have done anything illegal, then we would be prosecuting thought crimes.

Child porn isn't censored by the way, it's illegal, if they find it, they will do their best to remove it and arrest the affiliated parties.

>> No.10081425

I live in Norway, and I can't say it doesn't exist here, but it certainly seems worse in Sweden. Also the political party that said that Norway was infected with Muslims have experienced a great decline in popularity.

>> No.10081422

Russia, probably

>> No.10081424

I feel like there is no place in the world that would accept me. Only the arms of death are reaching out to me, you know?

>> No.10081430

She could at least taken me out to dinner first.

>> No.10081432

Yeah as long as you don't live in Toronto.

Or Alberta.

>> No.10081433

You can be a NEET anywhere so long as you have the friends or family to support you. NEETs without friends and family to enable them are called homeless people.

>> No.10081438


I'm not Canadian, are they the normalfag provinces or something?

>> No.10081440

What's the difference between saying, "I want to fuck children," and drawing a cartoon of a man fucking a child? Nothing.

Child porn isn't the same thing as you can't make it without abusing children.

>> No.10081443

What's wrong with Toronto? Are other places in Canada somehow better in terms of social benefits?

>> No.10081452

No, but Toronto is Asian/Somalian central. You can't take it easy there.

>> No.10081453


>What's the difference between saying, "I want to fuck children," and drawing a cartoon of a man fucking a child? Nothing.

One is a statement, and one is a drawing.

Maybe you need to reword your statement, but that's like saying;

"What's the difference between water and a kangaroo, NOTHING".

>> No.10081454

>NEETs without friends and family to enable them are called homeless people.
Yes, if you're talking about "anywhere". If you get more specific, that might become a blatant lie.

>> No.10081456

I live in a Corean area. They remind me of Japanese people, so I feel right at home.

>> No.10081461

Heh, $600 per week. I live off of 20€ a week.

>> No.10081462

The difference is that one is (an expression of) a thought, and the other is an action.
This distinction is very important in the context of 'thought crime'. I wonder if anyone can work out why.

>> No.10081472

No, drawings are legally considered speech. Instead of using your vocal cords, you are using your hand. No other difference, really.

>> No.10081475


It's insane, isn't it?
To give you some idea of the prices it drives: 1.25L of Coca Cola is never under $1.90; 3L milk is never less than $3; video games cost 1.5* what they do in the US and UK.
Etcetera. Basically anything that someone on minimum wage might buy is overpriced, and that is not good news for a NEET.

>> No.10081479

Hah, sounds like Norway. Feels bad, doesn't it?

>> No.10081484

Oh, so it's just really high inflation.

>> No.10081488


No they're not.

A drawing and saying something is two very different things. In your mind, is smearing shit on the wall to spell my name out, the same as saying "I like pizza"?

You're defending yourself against a non-existent enemy by the way you delusional fuck.

>> No.10081491

>Basically anything that someone on minimum wage might buy
I don't buy any of these. What about vegetables?

>> No.10081496

What do you have against Canadian Texas? You can't blame the local job market/economy for not getting a job there? If you don't want to be a burger flipper or work on a rig in the fields, learn to drive a truck.

>> No.10081497

It's still speech, but smearing shit would likely be a health hazard, so it's not protected. Much like making child pornography is also not protected due to the harm to the child. See how that works? Making a cartoon is a pure act of speech and no sane government would prosecute you for that.

>> No.10081498


I don't think that is the word you are looking for, rather 'overpriced' basic goods.
$1 AU = $1.03 US currently, so these people are earning about $625 US per week on minimum wage and it causes goods to be expensive.

>> No.10081510

Well, I would just save up for three decades and then move to the US. I would be rich beyond my wildest dreams.

>> No.10081512


Bananas are $3 per kg. Rump steak is $15 per kg on average. A Big Mac meal is $7.
Can't really think of vegetables really because my diet is quite unhealthy.

>> No.10081514


Oh, you were desperately trying to say that a drawing is (or should) be covered under the same legal protection as freedom of speech in the US.

Oh wow, it all makes sense now. Maybe you should try using the English language correctly next time, instead of saying stuff like "A drawing is literally the same things as talking", then not understanding when someone tells you it's not, like an autistic 6 year old.

>> No.10081517


*del 'really', either one

>> No.10081521

There you go. If you don't eat meat, you've already saved yourself a lot of money.

>> No.10081526

Please stop eating unhealthy stuff. It is overpriced everywhere and you don't benefit from consuming it.

>> No.10081531


I don't eat meat that often. I sometimes cook Vindaloos and stuff, but when I do I get it from a butcher near me for $10/kg diced.
The prices I quote are from supermarkets; I live in a Middle Eastern suburb of Melbourne so there are cheaper options here.

>> No.10081533

In the eyes of the law, they are literally the same thing.

>> No.10081546

How do I stop eating unhealthy when I have a subway, wendys and mcdonalds right next to me

>> No.10081552


I'm lazy. Nothing more to say.

>> No.10081556


Apparently not, seeing as how I could be prosecuted for drawing children fucking, but not saying "I want to fuck children".


>> No.10081557

Eat a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up.

>> No.10081567


>> No.10081571
File: 685 KB, 200x152, whips out dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you eat a spoonful of THIS

>> No.10081572

That's not always the case. For example:
White rice (unhealthy): $2.50 per 32 ounce bag
Brown rice (healthy): $2.75 per 16 ounce bag

The healthy option is over twice the cost of the unhealthy option.

>> No.10081574


And brown rice has a shit texture and generally isn't as good for any purpose.

>> No.10081577

They probably would detain you anyway if you shouted that. At least until your lawyer came by with a writ of habeus corpus.

>> No.10081582

At least it's edible. Try eating brown pasta. Yuck.

>> No.10081593


Once when I visited my sister she cooked brown pasta, it was terrible.
Also the supposed health benefits would be minimal at best.

>> No.10081604

Really. I only eat vegetables and nuts, they have everything you want really.

>> No.10081606


They got to many people, so they're probably pretty hard pressed for resources and won't be very willing to take care of people who COULD work. Although from what I hear, China is a workers paradise and there's jobs galore since everything is outsourced there.

What about other communist or very left wing countries without many people?


Does it really matter even if they were treated exactly the same as speech? (Which is inherently impossible by the way) There are MANY illegal things you could say, making "terroristic claims" is illegal here, shouting "there's a fire OMG call 911" when there isn't, is illegal. It wouldn't exactly prove anything if they were treated the same as speech, because while it would just be one type of drawing that's illegal, there is many more things you can say which are illegal.

Lately my brother won't shut up about how they're restricting "his freedumb". At this point I wished that they never said a single fucking word about "freedom" or you having "more freedom" than everyone on else on Earth in schools. If only to never again have to hear the hordes of people who grow up, realizing it was complete bullshit, and in turn never shut up about how they're "supposed" to have X and Y "freedoms" but they don't. Or how the law is "supposed" to work according to the constitution, but doesn't.

>> No.10081607

They say that eating brown rice and pasta instead of white can prevent type 2 Diabetes. That seems pretty important.

>> No.10081612


The key word there is 'can', it's up to you whether that chance is worth eating shitty rice for the rest of your life.

>> No.10081613

>Does it really matter even if they were treated exactly the same as speech? (Which is inherently impossible by the way) There are MANY illegal things you could say, making "terroristic claims" is illegal here, shouting "there's a fire OMG call 911" when there isn't, is illegal. It wouldn't exactly prove anything if they were treated the same as speech, because while it would just be one type of drawing that's illegal, there is many more things you can say which are illegal.

Er... both of those things would likely start a riot or a stampede or something. That's why they are illegal. You can't have people going all crazy.

>> No.10081624

My family has a history a diabetes, my father has diabetes, my grandfather has diabetes, my great-grandfather had diabetes before he died. I don't really have any choice in the matter.

>> No.10081652


I would think that limiting carbohydrate intake in general would be the thing to do.
Another statement I have read is that sugar intake in and of itself is not the predicting factor for diabetes, that is to say eating 250g of sugar per day would not increase the risk by the consumption alone.
Rather the risk is the obesity that comes with sugar intake.
Obviously you should talk to your doctor, who will be able to do more than repeat things he read online like me.

>> No.10081664

To me, eating healthy is eating things that are minimally processed and contain no overly weird chemicals. Doesn't matter how fatty or carbloaded or sodium packed it is. If I can identify ingredients in a meal, it's healthy enough for me. Things like butter, salt, or other weird substitutes and artificial sweeteners have no place in this household.

This way if I die from eating too much, I'll die of some fatass disease like diabetes or something, and not some mystery illness because the stuff I ate wasn't tested thouroughly long-term.

>> No.10081673

You're afraid of salt and butter, really?

>> No.10081695

No, I was saying I steer clear of things like salt and butter substitutes. Salt and butter are amazing.

>> No.10081710

Isn't the problem to do with blood sugar level? What does obesity have to do with it?

>> No.10081716

Oh, I see. The way you worded it was weird.

>> No.10081725

It's a complication. When you have high blood sugar, your body is unable to heal itself and your heart weakens, meaning you are at higher risk for heart attacks.

>> No.10081735


That's what I thought too, like I said I am simply repeating what I read.
I found it interesting because I thought the development of diabetes would be related to blood sugar spikes, that's why I remembered it.

What follows is purely my conjecture:
Perhaps rather than being related to spikes in blood sugar level it is related to total blood sugar level over time, i.e. one's average blood sugar level in a given longer period.
If that were the case perhaps obesity would be the best secondary marker for high average blood sugar level and therein is the link.

>> No.10081739

The problem is that if you just limit carbs, you body will simply metabolize fat and salt into carbs.

>> No.10081744

The poor are just lazy.

>> No.10081745

I don't know much about biology but isn't sugar a fundamental component for cellular respiration? If your body is damaged and needs to do extra repair work, wouldn't it need more sugar along with proteins and all that other stuff?

>> No.10081760

NEET-friendly country? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>> No.10081772


>> No.10081763


Please never do that again.

>> No.10081769

The problem is that your body becomes insulin resistant. In other words, even though your body has plenty of sugar available, it can't use any of it.

>> No.10081776

The one that shuts the fuck up about being NEETs

>> No.10081787

Why? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>> No.10081791
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Are you some kind of super hacker?

>> No.10081801

Because Africa is not a country.

>> No.10081831


Because you mustn't force your epic may-may, for then it wouldn't be epic.
Let it grow organically like malignant cancer or mould on a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.10081833

Oh I see ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>> No.10082258

With the right papers the government just gives you a monthly welfare check.

>> No.10082283

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>> No.10082384

Come to Northern Ireland. Everyone is a NEET here.

>> No.10082396

Sweden isn't friendly if you like loli. Man who worked for some anime magazine got arrested because he had some NSFW loli pics on his computer there, he made a complaint but I don't know how the case ended. At least people there now think that 2D and 3D are the same thing in porn.

>> No.10082425

well, so much for sweden, then. i had put it on my list of possible countries to move to should things here in the states completely go down the shitter. finland is still on my list though.

>> No.10082437

NI is a shithole m8, 'specially Antrim.

>> No.10082449

com here to binland :---D is good place

>> No.10082454

I'm from Antrim m8. It's a NEET party all day every day.

>> No.10082458

America has treated me pretty well so far.

>> No.10082464

Maybe they treat 2D like 3D because DARPA has found a way into the 2D world...

>> No.10082482

If you have some savings Mexico can be a pretty cool place to live in. Prices are relatively low compared to the rest of the world and you get many commodities you have in a developed country.

>> No.10082490

You also get the drizzling shits if you eat or drink anything

>> No.10082499

Nah, just cook yourself and you'll be safe.

>> No.10082563

Certainly not Chile. No autismbux.

>> No.10082656

Seems like Norway or Finland then?

>> No.10082714
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>He seriously believe this

>> No.10082753

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10082751


He was acquitted by the Supreme Court. So the legal state of loli is fine now. Sweden is still a pretty shitty place to live as a NEET lately, autismriksdaler has been severely restricted in the past decade along with lots of other right wing dumbfuckery.

>> No.10082758

This. What's illegal is inciting panic, not actually saying something. You can say to your friend "There's a fire in this room!" and it wouldn't be against the law, but if you say it in a movie theater than that creates a panic and you have broken the law. In other words it is the context of the situation and the actual utterance of the words are not illegal.

>> No.10082814

Here in germany some guy managed to be a NEET for more than 30 years.
You have to do stuff like writing applications though or else they cut your money.
But they will pay an apartment for you.
I imagine you can easily live with that cut money unless you are a single mom with 3 kids.
Heck, sometimes whole familied live off the state with both parents being NEETs

>> No.10082820

At first glance it looks like her large intestine has distended rather grotesquely...

>> No.10082826

What's this from? I've been wondering for years.

>> No.10082859

>People have been prosecuted for (just) lolicon.
No they haven't. Only people who were guilty of sending any sort of porn through the mail (illegal) and people who pleaded guilty to obscenity charges without even going to court to decide if it was really obscene.

Not a single person has been prosecuted for having some drawing.

>> No.10083368
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I wish I were a cute NEET girl. Nobody would resist taking care of me and giving me autism money.

>> No.10083380

it's from THIS

*whips out dick*

>> No.10083383
File: 315 KB, 850x1200, 0bba5a8b1e4f3caa49794ba38599c31b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Anzu. Working for candy is kinda cute, but then you realise she's 17 years old. I'm not sure on why they make her like that

>> No.10083395

African clicks on computer. My mind is blown.

>> No.10083438


How do I acquire autismriksdaler? I want to take it easy, but I don't want to work. It's so expensive around here in the 'burbs of Stockholm.

>> No.10083440

>If you got charged for just having 2D loli, it would be thrown out by the judge if you don't do something stupid like plead guilty.
You are WRONG and have a misunderstanding of USA laws. Perhaps you are remembering laws on television instead of how they are in real life. A lot of americans are wrong like this.

First, it is not "thrown out by a judge" because it is the federal prosecutor that determines whether or not the federal gov't will take the case on first or if the State you reside in will take it on first. If the state declines to try it first (budget), then the federal prosecutor decides if the usa gov't will Try you or drop the case.

Because the federal prosecutor is so important as to whether or not laws are applied, and to whom, the republicans typically want the presidency so that they can appoint new federal prosecutors. Under Bush, this took a radical first turn in history as the republicans devised ways to fire every federal prosecutor (it takes a bit of effort, cannot just simply fire them without cause) that was not a strong republican. By changing the prosecutors, this meant that many companies, especially favored ones, could have their cases dropped/declined whereas the law would continue to be prosecuted against individuals or those whose political viewpoints were not liked by the federal prosecutor.

Unlike Bush, Obama during the campaigns for his FIRST term in office stated that he would be bipartisan. Thus, he didn't re-replace the federal prosectors as did the republicans under Bush. Hence, this left USA gov't prosecution choices highly conservative and republican in what cases it chose to Try.

>> No.10083473

The problem is NEETs are poor. Poor people can't afford a non-shit lawyer.

Bullshit like Obscenity literally exists just to fuck over people who can't afford to fight it.

>> No.10083487

thats basically all laws, actually

>> No.10083503
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>Loli is protected free speech in the US.
It is not. You should more carefully observe the pedophilia cases that were declined for prosecution (cost) despite the posessor being arrested for it. By the way, the pedophilia arrest remains on your record, so it affects how people perceive you.

In the USA, if you run out of money to defend yourself, you can be forced to plead guilty even if you aren't. That's because court cases must be decided. If you run out of money and have to switch to a public defender, you will find they aren't like the ones on television that fight to defend you. The real life ones that do that are few and far between. Public defenders in my city basically just do the technical paperwork and legal process explanation for you. The represent you in Court so that the technical aspects of what to do in a courtroom don't confuse you, but that is it.

Once you've experienced it, you'll be one of those many americans who say that justice is for the rich. Since the rich and powerful lobby and craft laws with great determination in the past 30 years since Reagan, the system has evolved over time to serve them fairly well.

The PROTECT Act was just the watered down version of what Ashcroft wanted - regulate all media the same way. Sounds simple, but it turns virtual media (hentai anime, doujins) into thought crime.

>> No.10083509

I would have guessed Sweden. Legal loli, legal piracy, and glorious Scandinavian welfare. Sounds like it's not as good as I've heard though.

>> No.10083522


Unless you're full retard they are gonna make you do all sorts of humiliating shit that will take up just as much time as job would. Fas 3 etc. I managed to avoid this and still collect welfare for 9 months or so by having a nice caseworker, a legitimate diagnosis and a plan for the future. Shit is awful right now.

>> No.10083525

I've never experienced it and I still know this. It's really a matter of common sense. The courts are the one thing that's arguably even more corrupt than the Fed.

There's no such thing as Free Speech in the US, here your rights stop where my feelings start.

>> No.10083528

In the US it's more: your rights stop where you bank account ends.

>> No.10083549
File: 39 KB, 708x530, Blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. In the USA, if you run out of money to continue defending yourself, then you are forced to accept the Charges that were filed against you. If you refuse to make a declaration, the court will set your plea to GUILTY because YOU chose to not continue your defense. Another problem of losing this way is that you will be forced to sign ADDITIONAL documents where you give up a bunch of rights against defending yourself in the future; yes, this does occur in America. This might seem unfair to you, but it was legally justified under President Reagan as a cost savings measure in prosecuting repeat offenders.

>> No.10083571

Hitting someone with the back of a sword made of pure energy.

Which tenchi is that, anyway?

>> No.10083575

Every province does welfare differently. It shows how little you know about the country. You are just randomly assuming shit. The welfare requirements, and expectations of finding a job very greatly from province to province.

>> No.10083580

If you are seriously being arrested for cartoons and cartoons only, you can at least get organizations that want to protect free speech in cartoons to help you.

>> No.10083641

>If you are seriously being arrested for cartoons and cartoons only, you can at least get organizations that want to protect free speech in cartoons to help you.
You can TRY, but fail 99% of the time as there are few cases they participate in. The other problem is that the prosecutor may have set a fast track date, so the court case is over and done with before any outside party has mulled it over and decided on helping you by sending an additional attorney to consult with you.

Regardless, if you cannot afford the cost of defense, pretty much all the lawyers out there will decline to accept your defense case. Your public defender will have urged you to accept a plea bargain and you will be tempted because the max penalties are so large that the prosecutor can give you the 97% discount "bargain" and still have enough of a penalty. The main thing you need to avoid is the sex offender label because that will kill your future employment, ability to vote, ability to get into school or have scholarships/loans, ability to get bank loans, ability to work because many jobs are legally denied to you, social welfare benefits can be reduced or nullified, etc.

>> No.10083687

Honestly someone who got to be a sex offender over having anime cartoons deserves the right to just shoot up a public place and be done with it.

>> No.10084123

Good luck getting any free speech group to back you over loli.

>> No.10084135



>> No.10084167

Nope, the no-work-time is limited here.

>> No.10085260

Belgium gives out free money to people who don't want to work. And by "work", they mean getting hired then doing no work because the employer can't fire you.

Or so I've heard from someone "working" there.

>> No.10089749

layman's terms?
