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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 463 KB, 1440x810, A cute barefoot NEET girl!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10058270 No.10058270 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - NEET Girls!

>> No.10058297

/jp/ - repeat the same pictures until you fucking die

>> No.10058565

Who's that guy sleeping in the corner?

>> No.10058573

I just studied for 50 hours. Do you even lift?

>> No.10058585

Didn't know such thing exists

>> No.10058608

The amount of BL. Disgustiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

>> No.10058633

fake neet. room is too tidy, like she occasionally has people over. and no cushion or padding meaning she doesnt always sit on the floor or occupy that space for extended periods of time.

you had my hopes up OP.

>> No.10058640

Me. Oh wait, you're talking about that guy. I must be off screen somewhere.

>> No.10058647

Can't agree about the first part. I like to keep my desk area tidy and I have no one over ever. You have a point about lack of cushion, though.

>> No.10058660

Some people are tidy.

>> No.10058667

That's the same Fujoshi who was posted some days ago. And certainly i don't remember her being a NEET, just a fujoshi.

>> No.10058679

Japs are neet and tidy

>> No.10058681

>reverse search image
>some links removed for CP

>> No.10058728

NEET doesn't equal hikikomori, and there isn't even anything preventing hikkis to be tidy.

>> No.10058735

le fugg?
Girls can't be truNEETs. They are just lazy normalfag bitches who pretend to be "nerdy" to get attention.

>> No.10058748

She's holding that controller in a very peculiar fashion.

Not to mention a NEET wouldn't be able to afford that much video games and merchandise, unless she has very nice parents.

>> No.10058761

I long to meet one.

>> No.10058763

She's so pretty. I wish I could date a cute neetgirl like her.

>> No.10058771

Do you even lift, /jp/?

>> No.10058775
File: 53 KB, 599x337, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute. Would date.

>> No.10058776

>Girls can't be truNEETs.

Until recently most women were NEET. After the invention of household appliances, there was a golden period where there really wasn't anything for women to do all day so they sat around at home and watched television.

>> No.10058786

I did once, but then my chest became quite large and people thought I was just getting fat, so now I'm back to my old skinny form.

>> No.10058794

Stay-at-home wives are not NEET. No country considers such women to be NEET.

>> No.10058799

Gosh you guys are stupid.

>> No.10058803

It's Japan, not your shithole America

>> No.10058810


You're saying Japan isn't a shithole?


>> No.10058816

That doesn't make sense. Things in Japan are more expensive than in America.

>> No.10058817

You've never held a controller like that?

>> No.10058824

I don't understand your point

>> No.10058831

You shouldn't be talking ameripoor. You'll be standing in the breadlines soon.

>> No.10058833

Too much bellyfat on your average NEET.

>> No.10058840

I'm not an Ameripoor anymore, in 7 more years I'll be an official doucheland citizen.

>> No.10058844


>> No.10058845

That's actually very confortable way, I use it pretty often too.

>> No.10058846


poor thing got bullied ;_;

someone post that pic of her bare knees. always gives me a boner.

>> No.10058852
File: 1015 KB, 394x577, ShyneetMagician-CBLZ-JP-SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much BL not to mention all that shit taste.

>> No.10059213

I think taking care of kids is generally thought of as their "Employment".

>> No.10060348

So there's 1 neet girl huh?
Good to know.

>> No.10060359

Anyone have a link to a video of that?

>> No.10060364 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.10060372

What are the major social constraints on supply of water and sewage in rural Mexico? In particular, which constraints aren't amenable to resolution through further funding?

>> No.10060377 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone talk about how disgusting you are about you behind your back.

>> No.10060382 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone talk about how disgusting you are about you behind your back?

>> No.10060390

Because they're bored and they can't think of anything else they have in common to talk about with the other person.

>> No.10060397

Are you going to use that trip exclusively for this thread, or are you always a faggot?

>> No.10060398 [DELETED] 

Why are you answering questions directed at others?

>> No.10060410

she isn't even a fujoshi you idiots.

she likes otome games not BL

>> No.10060419

ugly feet

>> No.10060426

Long feet be loooooooooong.

>> No.10060547

Fujoshi love BL
Neet don't work/study
Hikikomori only do ONANI~

>> No.10060570

10/10 would have pm in irc.

>> No.10060585

her feet look ugly

>> No.10060619

¨Fuck am I glad I still play that game, so getting this when it comes out in English.

>> No.10060628

You haven't even begun to play real vidya until you play with your hands under your thighs.

I'm also a fan of one hand under and one hand over. It's a more "masculine" pose, but just as comfortable.

>> No.10060662

That pose is weel to the max.
I POP that shitto off all day.

>> No.10060666

It makes me want to play xbox with the controller under my legs that way.

>> No.10060672 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 42424241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10060674

That's clearly /v/ not /jp/

>> No.10060680 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 850x800, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /v/ is fit to wear a crown

>> No.10060684

That guy must have balls of steel to go out dresses like that while being a fat and ugly goblin.

>> No.10060688

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10060689 [DELETED] 

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

>> No.10060854

nope I see some BL in there

>> No.10064881

There's plenty.

>> No.10064919

probably more. Try asking around on 2chan/Futabachannel.

>> No.10064941

What if they don't have kids?

If taking care of the house makes you not NEET, than many here are in fact not NEET.

This only applies to women I bet.

>> No.10069849

What are you so mad about?

All NEETdom requires is staying in the house and being a drain on society. Anyone can do it. There are no bonafides like you seem to think.

>> No.10069855

Truth. Nobody who's ever done a full day's worth of housework would claim that women who stay at home are NEETs. You might not get paid for it in money, but that shit is WORK.

>> No.10069881

Imagine being slutty enough to be barefoot on TV...

>> No.10069887

A wife is basically an unpaid prostitute.

>> No.10069892

On second thought, a wife is a paid prostitute.

>> No.10069912
File: 239 KB, 838x1080, [000908].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I vacuum the entire house, do all the dishes, organize/clean/throw-out everything in the house, and do all the laundry, everyday without fail and I enjoy doing it. Shit only takes like an 40 minutes total time.

If you think that is hard work, or can compare to having a real job, you're screwed in the head. Although I wish people thought like that so I could act like I actually do something.

>> No.10069914

that controller holding technique is trill as fuck

>> No.10069915

Who holds a controller under their legs?

>> No.10069927

Try taking care of a bunch of brats while doing that

>> No.10069953


I love hanging out with kids.

Believe it or not I've actually been trusted to temporarily take care of a few kids in my lifetime. Any kid above the age of like 5 can take care of themselves really.

Exactly what "work" is there to do with that? They go around the house, do what they want, play video games or watch TV, and you do whatever you want. They might ask you for help with something or to make them something to eat, big deal.

That's literally nothing, practically no effort is needed. Maybe if we're talking about getting them ready for school, but that's it really.

>> No.10069967

cooking would add an extra hour if you were in charge of that too

but you're right, it's not even close to a full-time job, many women work full-time jobs and then come home to do all the housework on top of that

>> No.10069983


Cooking is fun though.

Everyone just eats whatever they want throughout the day, or if someone decides to make something, everyone eats that.

There's really no set time to eat anything in my house, or consistent "meals".

>> No.10073112


Do you think she'd be upset if I came on her feet?

>> No.10073123

What would you do if one of them got hurt? Do you know first aid? What if they don't like what you cooked?
