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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10049249 No.10049249 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I've been trying to take it easy the past few days, but I haven't been able to fully take it easy with the thought of one day losing my support and being kicked out on the streets.

In light of that, what should I do? I don't have a GED, but I feel I could just lie my ass to put myself in a half-way decent job as I don't want to waste time in classes. Preferably a job where I could work at home and proceed to take it easy, but I'm not sure how likely that is.

It seems like most people lie to get what they want, anyway. Just look at politics!

Or, alternatively, how much does disability get? I've had a history being committed, depression, anxiety and all that other good stuff written with some ADD mixed in and ADHD. Is it even realistic for a 20 year old?

To be honest, I wouldn't even mind working that much...if you didn't have to go through so many hoops just to get a piece of paper saying you can do a job. I feel, if this was in my father's time (in the 50's and 60's),

I probably would have had a job as you didn't even need a degree or HS Dilpoma as much then. I feel kind of ripped off that I was born in this time and have to go through so much bullshit just to say I can flip burgers.

Why can't you just find a job center, pick out a career/job/skill or whatever and just train for it until you are able to do it? I'd even be fine with socialism if it ensured security/job and etc.

>> No.10049256
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>> No.10049260


I will now fap to those tits.

>> No.10049259

bump for OP

>> No.10049269

>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that can be considered a shitpost!

>> No.10049275


Get out of here, weeaboonerd.

>> No.10049276

Just get your GED done, it's so easy I didn't even study for it and got in the 99th percentile. I'm sure you could do the same!

>> No.10049286

>I feel I could just lie my ass to put myself in a half-way decent job as I don't want to waste time in classes.
Typical shithead. Just starve already, fool.

>> No.10049289
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If this is true, what was on the test?

>> No.10049293

Show me your bottles.

>> No.10049300
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No, I don't want to waste time in a class. If I'm gonna work towards something, I just want to be trained how to do some job and then be grandfathered into the trade/job.

Besides, everyone lies to get what they want after awhile. Some are white lies, others are well thought out lies and most people are just shit tier at lying.

>> No.10049307

The highest level math was beginner geometry. The other stuff was pretty easy history, science, and you'll have to write a 1 page essay.

Keep in mind I had just dropped out of school and so the material was still fresh in my head. They give you a study guide but like I said I didn't use it.

It might be a good idea to review the study guide for maybe a day or two and you could score pretty high. It depends on how long you've been out of school though.

Like I said the test is really easy and I could have passed it in my freshman year. I'm sure you'll have no trouble if you try just a little bit.

>> No.10049319

I don't want to waste time replying to you. Do you understand what filtering means? A selection mechanism?

>> No.10049328


That's what I was worried about. Everything else I did pretty well in school, but I've always been iffy/worried about my math. Though, with enough time spent, I could probably get the hang of it.

>> No.10049344


I understand I'm being unreasonable, but I just want to do some grunt work to support a small apartment, internet, food and all that nice stuff. I don't want to have to get a four year degree + the time to take a GED just to get that much Especially since I'm not even fit for college or any of that. I just want to do some labor or something.

>> No.10049357



What you waiting what you waiting we're here waiting for you!

>> No.10049364

Just lie on your application. Say you have a diploma, skills that you don't, references that you don't know, etc. You'd be surprised how many employers don't even go beyond a background check. Sure a lot of them are going to find out you lied but it's illegal for employers to collaborate on a worker blacklist.

>> No.10049384

>I understand I'm being unreasonable, but I just want to do some grunt work to support a small apartment, internet, food and all that nice stuff.
I think it's quite safe to say that grunts live in the third world. The west is reserved for the global elite.

>> No.10049388
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That's what I was considering doing for awhile. I just feel too stupid to really attempt anything when it comes to education, so I'd rather just be put into work like my father did when he was young.

>> No.10049406

Horrible start to this thread, OP. Now it will turn into yet another employment/education blogging thread with minimal focus on NEET discussion.

>> No.10049413

>so I'd rather just be put into work like my father did when he was young.
Me too, but that doesn't happen anymore. Isn't it wonderful when parents derive their methods of upbringing from temporary socio-economical circumstances? I've just given up.

>> No.10049422

New /jp/ has decided to focus on neet recovery efforts instead of enabling the unhealthy neet lifestyle.

>> No.10049431


>> No.10049452
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My apologies. I'll probably terminate it once it reaches a critical point.


Yea, and to be honest, I kind of feel like I got the short end of the stick by the time our generation was born. I feel do feel envious of the time my dad was born into because finding a job was so easy, it didn't even require much second hand thought, requirements or experience. As, when he was growing up, he had many jobs.

Now I feel like I have to put it into overdrive, work extremely hard and produce way more effort just to even get ten percent of that. To me? It just doesn't seem worth it and it might be easier just to kill myself when resources run out, then to keep going on like that if I cannot find a way to support myself.

>> No.10049545

>I do feel envious
I can't say I do, because in the end, my life has been pretty luxurious. Pitiful and lonely, sure, but nothing worse.

>It just doesn't seem worth it and it might be easier just to kill myself when resources run out
I agree.

>> No.10049744

Are you that engineering student that poses as a NEET on here? We talked a while back on Omegle. How's it going bro? Finding a real NEET on neo-/jp/ is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Probably harder with a bunch of fake 'needles' thrown in.

>> No.10049795

Look into manufacturing jobs. You just work with machines to make stuff. No need to talk to people except to ask simple questions.

>> No.10049820

They're in China, dweeb.

>> No.10049825
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Just whine more if it makes you feel better, you babies

>> No.10049857

I wouldn't mind a job if it was freelance, or something where I could work my own hours with no boss, wherever and whenever I want.

Today I decided I am going to invest all my autism bucks into one of those burger vans. I will make delicious burgers and sell them to drunk students every evening. I can handle conversations if I'm selling tasty hamburgers to people in need. And if anyone gets too chummy, I can drive off and take my business elsewhere.

Wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.10049849

I sure as fuck will. Then I'll suicide and make a huge hole in your heap of expected "tax dollars".

>> No.10049861


I don't see whats the point in this if I have to end up taking high school level classes in community college anyway.

>> No.10049888

be prepared for a bunch of cliches

if you need a job, think to yourself, what do you really like to do?

Dont think of not only of what you have a talent in, think of what you actually like to do. For example, many are good at math but absolutely despise doing it.

do you like to design graphics? go be a graphics designer and have people wonder how you did what you did
do you like to work in a theatre? go be a performer and be marveled by many audiences
do you like to work in a lab? go be a chemist and blow things up

I know it's hard to do, but don't worry about money. I was planning on majoring in finance in college just so that I would have something to pay bills on time, but I never saw myself as a business person. Halfway through, I changed my major to computer science and went into a career of game design. I never wake up feeling like it's a grind but I wake up wanting to get to my job because it's what I like

tldr; do whatever the fuck you want to do, not what everyone else wants to do

>> No.10049890


If I were a drunk student, I'd rather buy my burger from burger king than from a complete stranger on the side of the road. If you are in the city then I okay.

>> No.10049901

Usually they'll have a placement exam in a community college. If you score above high school level with a GED you won't have to take them.

>> No.10049908


I would risk it and buy the streetburger.

>> No.10049926

There's no such thing as preference when you're drunk

>> No.10049930


I think I barely passed math. My score was 2600 I think.

>> No.10049964

If you're finding that math difficult it's probably because you had a bad teacher. Beginner geometry is very intuitive; if two things look the same, chances are they are the same. Depending on how far you went in high school, the algebra shouldn't be difficult either.

>> No.10049966

the thought that street food is always a ripoff is so engraved in my brain that i doubt i would buy it even if i was drunk

>> No.10049983

Id rather eat hand made street food for cheap rather than fast food that is just so artificial

>> No.10049997

>hand made

It goes through the exact same process with the exact same ingredients.

>> No.10050004

Don't you have Turkish pizzerias in America?

>> No.10050021

In this thread: Education & Employment/General

Good job, OP

>> No.10050054
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What a productive thread we're having.

Otaku culture is independence after all.

>> No.10050112

If being an useless, inflexible, leech is independence, sure.

>> No.10050144

No I meant having a job and buying lots of cool figs and paying your own bills and stuff.

>> No.10050194

If you don't mind being out in the middle of nowhere, you can sell taco's to pipeliners. Just drive around until you see a gas plant with construction going on, then drive up and start selling tacos. You can charge 5$ for a tortilla (cost: 100/5$), beans (cost: 10 pounds/5$), and chicken (cost: 1 whole chicken/10$). Then charge 2$ for a tea or soda. If you find a place working 12/7, you can mix the menu up every few days and get steady profit. Most of the places that they run those lines through are shitholes where the only place to eat is a gas station with a hand-painted sign, so they will be glad to get away from it. And since you are in the middle of nowhere, they is unlikely to be a health department to get a license from. If you get just 30 workers to buy a taco and a drink from you, that's 210$ a day (coincidentally what I make when I work in that field). You can get even more if you get an attractive (by normalfag standards) woman to sell them for you, because those guys (especially welders) blow money like it's worthless.

Feel free to ignore me though.

>> No.10050457

Don't start your thread with NEET in the title.
