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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1004120 No.1004120 [Reply] [Original]

Anonymous, the era where a man could simply take it easy has passed into history. Stand and fight, prove that you can protect those whom you cherish. Put your life on the line for the sake of justice!

Take it, Anonymous. Take your future. Grasp it tightly with your own two hands, and never let it go.

>> No.1004122

I liked you better when you were 7 years old.

>> No.1004124

1 mil get was take it easy so yeah

>> No.1004131
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>> No.1004132

Guardian of the earth, forgive me, for I am taking it easy!

>> No.1004134


>1 mil get was take it easy so yeah

1 mil get was "taken easily" so yeah


>> No.1004137


>> No.1004139

>the era where a man could simply take it easy has passed into history

If anything, the opposite is true now more than ever before, and it's getting worse.

>> No.1004153

My old roommate was a recreation management major (yes they exist) and according to him people today have less free time then the serfs of the middle ages. We put in more hours of work to acquire things that supposedly make our lives easier.

>> No.1004176

There's a difference between the work done now and the work done then. There's no massive numbers of lower class doing back-breaking and unsafe labor. This does still happen of course (immigrant workers), but it no longer consists of a large portion of the population.
We're bordering on George Jetson jobs, where we sit around and push buttons al day long. Just because we do a lot of work doesn't mean our work is physically hard.

We have tools and equipment to do our jobs for us. Robots build our cars, not blacksmiths. Massive gas-driven tractors plow our fields, not peasants and a mule.

On top of that, we don't live in tiny, dank, and cramped hovels; when we go home, we can relax in comfort. When we sleep, we sleep in a warm, soft bed. We don't need to gather firewood to cook our dinner, nor do we need to stoke the previous night's coals to fry some eggs in the morning.

Just because we're idiots chasing shit we don't need doesn't mean our lies are harder than they were.

>> No.1004180

I wasn't saying our lives our harder, I was saying we have less free time.

>> No.1004182

lol you want to be a fuckin' serf? Woking in the fields all day, every day, except for when your king occasionally gives you a blunt object and forces you to war with another estate?

>> No.1004185


I'd rather be a minor noble. Lets the kings and the knights play their politics, I'll have some portraits painted while the serfs bring me apples.

>> No.1004209

People today are less satisfied with their lives than at any time in history, this is pretty well known by sociologists. In our pursuit of material goods which supposedly make our lives simpler we're giving ourselves more work which adds to stress which gives us less satisfaction with our lives.

Perhaps being serfs again where we enjoy our evenings with family and spend less time working would bring us greater satisfaction with our lives. Maybe it really would be a good idea.

>> No.1004230

Also I should add assuming serfs worked every day is incorrect. They had every Sunday off (people were very religious in the middle ages) and more feast days than you realize, plus winter there's virtually no work to be done so it's like an extended vacation.

>> No.1004241


But I dislike other people, and only my love of myself and my many material possessions make life worth living.

>> No.1004246

Are you saying we should abandon the Internets?!

Throw out the life boats! The Internets is sinking!

The way I usually take it easy is, sleep or watch something. If you're here at an image board, it only means you're already taking it easy.

>> No.1004247

>Perhaps being serfs again where we enjoy our evenings with family and spend less time working would bring us greater satisfaction with our lives.

Enjoy your wife and daughter raped by a noble.

>> No.1004257

I'd be a conqueror, taking your property and freedom. I'll also kill your would-be king and I'll make her daughters my concubine.

>> No.1004264

I'm not arguing that; I was simply stating that "taking it easy" doesn't necessarily equate to "doing nothing".

I'm sure we all have our own spin on it, but to me, taking it easy means working less hard, not just working less.

Personally, I'd rather not be an indentured servant to some rich nobody; but beyond that, living the farm life, raising my own food, and building my own house sound like an amazingly satisfying way of life.

>> No.1004268

I'd be a witch hunter and lock up some 10 year old girls for "experimentation," if you know what I mean.

>> No.1004269

I heard you can marry the harvest goddess too!

>> No.1004275

>But I dislike other people, and only my love of myself and my many material possessions make life worth living.

You need to learn how to enjoy effects of hard work and every day life.

>> No.1004277

I'd be a warrior (10) paladin (10). Because a tsundere elf shaman wife and an awesome blackguard rival would be the best existence ever. Also, killin' ur dragons and listening to kiseki no umi.


>> No.1004304 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 500x716, 1216052656451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would trade my whole wealth I have for wooden house near big lake and with big garden.
Ohoh Anonymous, to be so awesome you need Experience.

>> No.1004320

The witch is a much better choice. Or the mermaid.

>> No.1004419


>> No.1004529


Not looking too likely; otherwise, we wouldn't be here.

>> No.1004537

>>I would trade my whole wealth I have for wooden house near big lake and with big garden.
>>for wooden house near big lake and with big
>>near big lake and with
>>big lake


>> No.1004541


>> No.1004547

[X] Attempt to hug China
Stepping forward, you embrace her tightly, before she can react, bringing her close to you. "Please, I really am sorry." You whisper gently into her ear, and hear a shocked intake of breath. However, she firmly pushes you back, looking straight at you with large, crystal blue eyes.
"No. Please, sir. Go inside." Much more powerful than you, you are shoved back more than a couple of paces, and stumble right into the mansion, and she shuts the doors in front of you. Perhaps you should have waited or talked with her more.
[ ] Drown your ronery tears in a bed, and sleep
[ ] Go to the library
[ ] Go into the basement
[ ] Go to Remilia's study
[ ] Find Sakuya
[ ] Jump into the lake
[X] Jump into the lake
Opening the doors once more, you rush past the surprised Meiling and dive straight into the lake. "FUCK THIS! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!" You sink like a fucking rock as you drop down to the bottom of the lake...
The lake wins again, Anon.
The lake wins fucking again.
---- BAD END ----

>> No.1004556

Restarting the game..

>> No.1004555
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>> No.1004553

>The lake wins fucking again.

>> No.1004554

Anonymous stood on the shore of the Scarlet Devil Lake, looking towards the horizon and beyond, deep in thought. A gentle breeze filled with flower petals caressed his face, as well as those he had come to call friends over these past five days. Meiling, the ever vigilant gate guard, Sakuya, the perfect maid, Cirno, the childish ice fairy, Keine, the scholar and protector of all humanity. Everyone had felt it, even the spirit of the lake herself, who had patiently waited for her love to return.

"I've spoken with Remilia. She says that she'll protect the Scarlet Devil Lake for as long as she lives, you have her word."

"Thank you, Anonymous. Now, even when I am gone, the lake will continue to thrive."

"That's right. But everything will be fine now... Everything..."

"Yes... But I am... A bit tired..."

"Rest, then. I will wait for you, so... Sleep as long as you like. I'll make you eggs for breakfast."

"I... Think I'd like that... Anonymous..."

The spirit closes her eyes, her radiant smile fading with the setting sun.

>> No.1004559

Suddenly, thread becomes awesome.

>> No.1004562
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>> No.1004563

It is more rewarding knowing that you got the things to live off of by your own 2 hands.

>> No.1004567


I find it rewarding to manipulate others into working for you.

>> No.1004572
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>> No.1004574


If you're really her master she'd probably be delighted as opposed to disturbed. Everybody else at the mansion would think you're a freak for wanting to marry the dog, though. Then again, Anonymous, though incapable of producing his own Danmaku, has the pinnacle of Danmaku dodging skill, so if anyone attempted to stop you it'd be an automatic win on your part.

>> No.1004575
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>> No.1004577

Hey guys, time to make a separate thread for Lake.

>> No.1004582

This thread... I like the direction of this thread! It's really taking it easy! Albeit, under THE LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1004588


...Dare I dream of a Scarlet Devil Lakkuri?

>> No.1004600
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Refreshing level 3 it easy!

>> No.1004618
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I'm already achieved of big lake

>> No.1004626

>I would trade my whole wealth I have for wooden house near big lake and with big garden.

Ideally, I would also like internet, but considering how many sacrifices I'd likely have to make to have it, I can do without.

>> No.1004643


So perfect world would be medieval europe with internet and better houses?

>> No.1004666

I don't believe anybody claimed that one type of lifestyle appeals to everybody.

>> No.1004681
File: 169 KB, 473x560, 1216060603082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put your life on the line for the sake of justice!

>> No.1004680

>Put your life on the line for the sake of justice!

>> No.1004701

I think the perfect world would be one where you raise/hunt your own food, could trade that food for other items, and still manages to maintain communication and medical technology. No bullshit "jobs" working on menial pointless tasks; you work for what you need.

>> No.1004713

Sounds like an idea for Harvest Moon Online.

>> No.1004733


DO NOT WANT [to share mai waifus].

>> No.1004758


The ideal world is where you just click on things you like, click on things you hate and chop it with your +10 whatever weapon, where you can wear the headgear you want. Where you can trade in your stuff to others, where you can die but respawn back to your save point. Oh shi---! My mind has been invaded by the Internets

>> No.1004766

I'd prefer it NOT be virtual... ;_;

I fucking hate MMO's; talk about pointless. I get the same effect out of 4chan, but I don't have to pay for it or piss around killing monsters just to have an excuse to socialize with other online geeks.

>> No.1004769


Am I the only one who plays MMO's to socialize? Seriously, I realize that I'm missing out on a big social part of the game but I tend to ignore people in games unless it's extremely necessary to interact since most tend to be idiots. And even then I usually just ask to party up then never talk again.

>> No.1004772

Effective immortality is one of the more frightening things I can think of....

Why is that your ideal?

>> No.1004773

>who plays MMO NOT to socialize

Too lazy to delete and fix.

>> No.1004793

If I wasn't playing to socialize, I'd just play an offline game. Not socializing kind of defeats the "multiplayer" aspect.

>> No.1004794


The only way to die is if you get tired of living, that is, if you get tired of playing. Oh shi~ Internets is really taking over!

>> No.1004803

>Seriously, I realize that I'm missing out on a big social part of the game but I tend to ignore people in games unless it's extremely necessary to interact since most tend to be idiots.

Same here. I played WoW a bit, long time ago. It was somewhat immersive, but then I had the oppoturnity to interact with other players and they made the suspension of disbelief impossible. It was like watching a bad movie with bad script written by a dyslexic 7 year old ADHD kid and retarded actors.

>> No.1004807

>Oh shi~

why do you keep doing that?

>> No.1004808


MMORPG's have less annoying storyline and more grinding and endgame content usually, so when I itch to just level up and kill shit or run around on my cool high level, I play MMO's.

Single player are also good too. It's just that I play games to play...games...not to talk to gaiafags. I imagine if my power level were higher and I lacked or yearned for social interaction I would...but I'm not paying (one time fee OR monthly) for a chatroom with good graphics. I play my games for the gameplay.

>> No.1004812

You are the only person I've ever met who likes to grind.

If it weren't for story, I doubt I'd even play video games....

>> No.1004818


Just because I can?

>> No.1004854

That's still effective immortality...

>> No.1004931


Delete your character then? After that, don't make anymore character. There, you're dead.
