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File: 1.30 MB, 2238x1466, Buchenwald-J-Rouard-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10046885 No.10046885 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, real talk:

Did the Holocaust happen, or was it a hoax? Which parts of the official story have been exaggerated?

(P. S. Look out for this thread on foolz later!)

>> No.10046902

I think it did.
I guess.
Should be a little more efficient but eh, the Germans had a war going on, I understand that.
Cheers, OP!

>> No.10046914


>> No.10046921

Go back tot /pol/

>> No.10046942

maybe. i don't really understand why they would give the go ahead to kill a bunch of people when the corporations etc were able to use them as slave labor. also typhus.

>> No.10047004

>i don't really understand why they would give the go ahead to kill a bunch of people when the corporations etc were able to use them as slave labor
The Nazis thought the Jews were evil by nature and survived by stealing from or scamming other people.
They also work on setting up social and political system that maximize the amount of power they hold and money they can steal, which also destroy the healthy culture and racial base of the superior peoples.

Because this behaviour is written in their genes, they cannot be taught to behave otherwise and must all be removed.

In the very beginning, the Nazis planned to ship them out of europe and have them live in an SS police state that would keep them in check, but after the outbreak of the war made that positively impossible, they gradually moved towards a different, truly final solution.

>> No.10047023

They did use them for labour, moron.

>> No.10047056

sorry, did i say they didn't? please don't call me a moron.


>> No.10047079
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lol those jews bullied hilter-kun when he was trying to become prime-minister. they made lots of anti-gentile stories in the news papers and made the country sad, so hitler stood up to the bullies and put them in holiday camps but unfortunately those allied bullies killed off supply lines to them and some jews died of disease :(

>> No.10047093

Of course they built all those concentration camps and gas chambers just for fun.

>> No.10047111

The "concentration camps" were just holding pens for until they could ship them off to israel. But then the war happened and a few of them died from starvation and fleaborne diseases.

>> No.10047117

Unintentionally happened, but not nearly as many dead as people want you to believe.

The camps got fucked by supply not getting through and people were starving, naturally in that scenario you would choose to try and save your fellow germans over jews.

>> No.10047121
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here is an EPIC as HELL image for this itt: in this thread
many lels will be had haha

>> No.10047125
File: 125 KB, 704x527, Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even modern jews are bullies, they keep stealing wrongful reparations from germany, its wrong to bully and wrong to steal

>> No.10047142

Yeah, the German controlled territory didn't expand during the war at all, bringing more Jews under German influence.

>> No.10047156
File: 163 KB, 823x1174, 1352375219769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't holocaust a bully unless it involves an oven silly
they revised the total bullies killed in auschwitz from over 4 million to just over 1 million. and its some dumb maths where you can have 4 million jews killed, minus 3 million jews and still come out with 6 million jews lost

>> No.10047164

>German-occupied Europe

>> No.10047171

Everything yout history book said it happened before you were born is false, anon. Don't trust it.

>> No.10047174

concentration camps are made to concentrate populations not kill them. there were no gas chambers.

>> No.10047180

Bohemia and Moravia were pretty much occupied.
If you were talking about all of German occupied Europe during the war, the Jewish encyclopedia gives a very different number.

So that jpg is either wrong or intentionally misleading.

>> No.10047183

The jews who died were predominately the children and the very old, but poison gas chambers kill healthy young men just the same as sickly ones.

The death tolls from the camps are consistent with dying from harsh conditions, but not with mass executions.

The Nazis did perform mass executions in Eastern Europe. The Einsatzgruppen dragged people into the woods and made them line up in front of a ditch, shot them with machine guns, then moved on to the next village. This is what actual extermination looks like. They didn't ship those people across Europe in trains and pay to feed them and guard them for the war: that's not what you do when you intend to kill someone. The idea of "extermination camps" makes no sense on the face of it.

>> No.10047197

Sorry, I misread your post.

Keep in mind that after a while many of the inmates were in no position to work. People like that are a waste of resources.

>> No.10047210

>there were no gas chambers
I guess it were really morgues and camps had the capacity to burn their entire labor force every two days because the Germans just loved to build ovens and the people who talk about the gassings are all lying and there is no explanation for where the more than 1 million people went who entered Auschwitz but never left it except maybe Nazi magic.

Yes, the denier version of history is very believable.

>> No.10047212
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nope hilter didn't bully jews, he gave no orders to hurt them either. my favourite funny story is how they say they had to survive for years by eating diamonds and pooping them out again to hide them and escape from german camp guards when they were being turned in to lamps and soaps lol

it was real in their minds lol

>> No.10047239

This a thousand times.

>> No.10047233
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>> No.10047256

The extermination of the Jewish people was to be kept a secret and thus the shootings local extermination could only happen in the wild East.
The Jews of the west and from civilized countries couldn't be killed where they lived, they had after all bean normal productive members of society and had gentile friends just a few years before.
The Nazis also weren't interested in being thought of as barbaric genocidal monsters, so they had to maintain plausible deniability, so they couldn't just shoot French or Hungarian Jews in the streets of the cities.
Many administrations already resisted when the official story was that the Jews were just deported.

>> No.10047271

What the hell is wrong is with me today?

>> No.10047276

Why do jews hate us? An entire race of bullys, horrible.

>> No.10047292

That is completely wrong.
Please do not post information without investigating the matter first.

>> No.10047296

God exiled them for a reason.

>> No.10047312

ok but where are the gas chambers LOL

>> No.10047317

That is the short version.

I didn't feel like typing up a wall of text, just go through this thread and you'll see the full information.

>> No.10047322

meant to reply to >>10047210

>> No.10047333

It's simply wrong.
You only display your ignorance and I can tell that you got all your information from Nazi propaganda without citations.

>> No.10047341

The Nazis prided them selves on killing them. It wasn't a hoax. I am not so sure the 6 million dead though. I know /jp/ is 4th reich, but God have mercy really? Saying the hollacost didn't happen? It looks like we've got that Arab Jew hating Otaku from Pakistan here again.

>> No.10047344

They are the rooms labeled as morgues.

>> No.10047345

Shut up jew

>> No.10047346

>Nazi propaganda
Stop believing everything jews say/write.

>> No.10047356
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>> No.10047359
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lol go back 2 /bun/

its not nice to bully gentiles, we have rights too

>> No.10047372


>> No.10047368

Yes, history books filled with footnotes and quotes from original Nazi documents are lies, youtube videos and jpg images with references to www.holohoax.com/heilhitler1488 are the only credible source for information about this topic.

>> No.10047415

>footnotes and quotes from original Nazi documents
But that's the thing: there were no documents.
We don't have any pictures.
We don't have any documents.
We've got only "survivor stories" (some of which are undeniably false, but as long as the survivors claim that it was real in their mind, it was okay)
And a near-religious aderence to this belief, why is it that when you question jesus, allah or whatnot, you have the right to do so, support even, but dare you question the holocaust and suddenly you're labelled as a nazi supporter and marked for life as hateful antisemitic bigot?
I mean, if it has sooo much proof, why can't people draw their own conclusions on it?

>> No.10047471

>We don't have any pictures.
>We don't have any documents.
That is wrong.
There are no pictures of running gas chambers for obvious reasons, but there are a lot of documents about all kinds of details, even though the Nazis did their best to destroy all documentation towards the end.
There is not a single huge file with direct orders and blueprints for everything that happened, but there are many shreds that can be pieced together to reconstruct what happened.

People label you a Nazi if you deny the Holocaust, because the only good reason why anyone would deny a historical event is that he holds anti-semitic beliefs and does not care about the truth, two things that seem to go hand in hand rather often.
If you would read up on the topic you would see that historians did not construct the mainstream view out of thin air and that deniers resort to lying and misrepresenting evidence to support a false image.

>> No.10047478

No Nazi documents said anything about the mass killing of Jews. Hitler said nothing about genocide--he only mentioned the "final solution to the Jewish question" without elaborating on what it was. Some people believe it was a mass deportation scheme.
The accepted answer from mainstream historians is that the relevant documents were destroyed. Yet we have Allied documents from the time that say nothing of the sort. You might know about the Enigma machine, the first "proper" computer that was used to crack encoded Nazi transmissions. The British listened in on daily camp reports from Auschwitz. Keep in mind these transmissions were top secret and encoded, yet none of them mentioned any gas chambers or systematic killings.
A couple of decades ago the Russians released the Auschwitz "death books" which recorded all the deaths at Auschwitz. 46 volumes and there were about 70,000 deaths listed. This seems a more accurate figure.
We also have records of how much coal was transported to Auschwitz, and it was nowhere near enough to cremate hundreds of thousands of human bodies.

If you find some document that unquestionably says, "I am a Nazi. I am in Auschwitz. I just gassed a thousand Jews." then please show us. Hell, show it to David Irving. He's unlikeable as a person but a good historian, and he has offered a reward for anyone who can show him such a document.
Preferably a document from the time. Even mainstream historians agree that the Soviets made up propaganda and a lot of the Nuremburg Trial "confessions" were false and made under duress (e.g. the Auschwitz figures went from 4 million to 1.3 million).

>> No.10047505

>Hell, show it to David Irving. He's unlikeable as a person but a good historian

>Irving has for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence; [...]

>> No.10047517

Allied soldiers flew over the camps and took aerial photographs. If people were herded into cramped gas chambers on a regular basis (and it had to have been a pretty regular occurrence to kill so many people) why are there no photographs showing large groups of people being forced into the gas chamber buildings?

>> No.10047521

Since when is Holocaust /jp/ related? Fucking neo-/jp/.

>> No.10047537

As far as I recall, the images do show a group of people herded towards a "morgue".
You should also note that there are very few pictures and that the extermination camp was not the focus of the reconnaissance.

>> No.10047548

Lipstadt did the same thing, actually. She claimed to have recovered original blueprints of the gas chambers. She attacked David Irving at a talk she was giving. David Irving stood up and said "btw i'm in the audience. Now where are those blueprints? Can you please show me?"
She had him kicked out by security and she still hasn't showed us those blueprints.

I really don't like David Irving, but of course he's going to be contested. Every piece of historical record or scientific fact underwent battles between different camps of people, but one emerged victorious. Notice how Irving was a widely respected historian until he wrote things people didn't like, then he ended up on everyone's hit list.

>> No.10047557

Let's back up and see if you can turn that Mount Everest of manure into a few facts.

>> No.10047598

You assume that the Nazis discussed all details over wire and the British caught everything.
Also, this piece they DID catch supports that there indeed was an extermination going on.

>A couple of decades ago the Russians released the Auschwitz "death books" which recorded all the deaths at Auschwitz. 46 volumes and there were about 70,000 deaths listed. This seems a more accurate figure.
Except the death books are incomplete and people who were gassed on arrival were never registered anywhere.

>If you find some document that unquestionably says, "I am a Nazi. I am in Auschwitz. I just gassed a thousand Jews." then please show us.
So showing that a Nazi said that all Jews must be exterminated and then showing that as many Jews as they could grab were exterminated is insufficient?
Your demands are completely unreasonable.

>> No.10047605


Hurr durr it's a video.

Just watch it if you have any doubts. It really is a great analysis of the Auschwitz camps without resorting to antisemitism or hatred. Even the camp officials are stumped and admit to lying about a few things. I don't blame them too much, but it does show that we should be allowed to ask these questions.

I just hope David is okay.

>> No.10047623

This conversation doesn't have another 2 hours, can you point towards some specific parts?
Videos are garbage because the information contained in them is so inaccessible and it's hard to work in footnotes.

>> No.10047631

The most frustrating part of this entire discussion: I have no reasonable means to go out on my own and do independent research. I have to rely on "expert" testimonies.

>> No.10047649

>I have to rely on "expert" testimonies
Yes, so do you believe historians who write books with thousands of pages filled with information or STEM people who make youtube videos?

>> No.10047659

Do you mean blueprints like the ones on this site? http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/othercamps/auschwitzgaschambers.html

>> No.10047662

I'm not really offering this as part of an debate, I'm just saying that you, personally, should go ahead and watch it when you're bored.

It's a video because it's about a guy actually visiting Auschwitz and interviewing some of the people who work there.

>> No.10047671


>> No.10047690

So why is he dealing with what tour guides say instead of what historians write?

That's like trying to debunk the moon landing based on information given by a guide in the National Air and Space Museum.

The people who work with visitors don't do history, they do edutainment and their knowledge will reflect that.

>> No.10047692

Truth is defined by humanity. There is no objective truth. We don't care about the arrangement of each individual atom. If it's accepted that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, then six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

>> No.10047712

Bored American retards making retarded theories.

Same with the fake moon landing and other bullshit.

Yes, Holocaust was real. Maybe it's exaggerated a bit but it really happened.

My grandfather was a resistance lieutenant in eastern Europe. This shit was real.

>> No.10047706

But that's wrong, you retard.

>> No.10047707

You discredited one eyewitness.
There are plenty more who are extremely unreliable.
Which is why they are only used sparingly to fill in details, ideally after careful consideration, though historians are only people too.

>> No.10047722

My grandfather was Hitler's brother and he said that the holocaust is jewish propaganda!!

>> No.10047741


Whatever. Keep being uneducated idiots.

That's why whole world is laughing at how stupid americans are.

>> No.10047735

I am Adolf Hitler and I personally ordered the extermination of the Jewish people.
Stop trying to take away my greatest accomplishment.

>> No.10047757


>> No.10047765
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cry every time

>> No.10047767

He addresses this. He gets a personal tour guide and contends that she has just been told what to say, even if what she says contradicts established fact. He requests to see Dr. Franciszek Piper and has a lengthy interview with him where he openly admits that a lot of it is wrong.

I'm not saying this documentary is the ultimate work that debunks Auschwitz, but it raises some great points and it's definitely worth watching.

>> No.10047769

>I'm unable to refute the mainstream story
>all my lies have been exposed
>my last retreat is to point at this legislation and hope that someone, anyone eats up my inane conspiracy theory

>> No.10047780

Does he just point out discrepancies between the two or does he actively debunk anything?

>> No.10047786

Who are you quoting? I'm not even the guy you were replying to, I just thought it was ridiculous that you would say something so ignorant as "stupid americans"

>> No.10047795

Why don't you just watch the fucking thing

>> No.10047797

I was summarizing this thread and any discussions that deniers have with people who have a passing interest in history.

>> No.10047809

Holocaust was exaggerated.
By the way, there's nothing wrong in slaughtering Jews. People do this thing in previous centuries.

>> No.10047813


Listen retards. More than half of my family died during WW2. And no, I'm not a fucking jew.

It's obvious that this whole jew extermination thing was not planned from the start. But as germany was losing the war and running out of supplies they had to do something with all those people in concentration camps eating their food.

Yes, Hitler is demonized and he was not the monster jews want you to believe. Doesn't change the fact that shittons of people died because of him. Not only jews.

>> No.10047822

>Holocaust was exaggerated.
People often say that, but I think it is a good example of the middle ground fallacy.
What aspect do you think is exaggerated and what do you base your assessment on?

>> No.10047824

You're not really helping your case son.

>> No.10047836

Let's say the Holocaust is 100% true, and all the deniers and revisionists are wrong. Why is it a crime to deny it, or even just aspects of it? David Irving was fined for saying, "The gas chamber in Auschwitz, which they show to the tourists, is a fake built after the War by the Poles."
That's the sentence he was fined for. Not for being a denier in general. He could have been completely wrong. I could say, "Henry VIII didn't execute any of his wives," but it isn't a crime. People might think I'm an idiot, but it certainly isn't illegal.
And, as it turns out, David Irving was partly right. The gas chamber was largely a post-war reconstruction. He didn't get his money back. And there are elements of the story that are now known to be fictional propaganda (lampshades, soap, showers), but questioning those a few decades ago would have landed you behind bars.

I'm not a revisionist or a denier because I don't know very much about the Holocaust. I haven't looked into it enough to make an informed opinion. But to lock people up for questioning history is ridiculous. It's Orwellian, almost.

>> No.10047837


>> No.10047838

>But as germany was losing the war and running out of supplies they had to do something with all those people in concentration camps eating their food.
Jews were starved in ghettos since at least 1940, the Einsatzgruppen started their Extermination in 1941, the extermination in camps started in 1942 and Jews were rounded up and send to these camps as late as 1944.
The extermination was running independent from the supply situation, although there were interdependencies.

>> No.10047856

There are ethical and pragmatic considerations behind anti-hate-speak legislation, which is not limited to anti-holocaust denial laws, as deniers often imply.

>> No.10047866
File: 32 KB, 300x450, wilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Billy Wilder in that video.

He later went on to direct some good films. Some Like It Hot and The Apartment are great.

>> No.10047876

>David Irving was fined for saying, "The gas chamber in Auschwitz, which they show to the tourists, is a fake built after the War by the Poles."
That is a false statement and a historian should know better. The true information is freely available.
So why does he lie?
Why reason could he possibly have?
Can you find one that is not "anti-semitism"?

>> No.10047886

more people died in single week due to allied bullies attacking hitler-kun than in the entire existence of these 'death camps'. jews just want a free ride and to sell their holocaust sympathy package

>> No.10047903


Because millions of people lost their family and friends because of it.

It's like some guy saying "Lol, WW2 never happened, you are all lying. Your friend died in your arms? Bullshit! Your husband was killed? Ha, ha, fucking lying bitch!".

30 years ago there were still many people alive who actually lost their parents, siblings and so on. Of course not in USA. But in EU wounds were still open.

>> No.10047915
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My entire family, including me, and everyone I ever knew, and everyone they ever knew, died in the Holocaust. I have absolutely no idea how any of these insensitive go-, err, I mean guys can even dare to question Holocaustianity, the holy religion.

Here, watch these, as well as David Cole's vid that has already been posted.

>> No.10047919

I can deny the Holodomor. Millions of people killed in a systematic famine, but I can question it.
I can deny Unit 731. I can deny the Taiping Rebellion. I can deny the Rwandan Genocide.

Of course, if I'm a jerk about it, I might be charged under other laws. But the Holocaust is the only matter that has specific laws that say, "You're not allowed to say things if they contradict what we believe about this."

>> No.10047939

A holocaust denier denies that there were mass genocides. You can't compare it to something huge like a war. But people do deny that there was gassings and camps designed for mass exterminations. You can still believe that jews and others were rounded up, but still deny that it was with the intent to murder them all.

>> No.10047944


Yes, jews are faggots about the whole thing. Blame your country for letting them control it so easily.

Doesn't change the fact that it was real.

>> No.10047967

> The gas chamber at Auschwitz I was reconstructed after the war as a memorial, but without a door in its doorway and without the wall that originally separated the gas chamber from a washroom. The door that had been added when the gas chamber was converted into an air raid shelter was left intact.

See the citations. Even Nizkor admit it. This fact was actually established in response to the David Cole documentary. So if he hadn't made that, there's a good chance this information would be missing from Wikipedia and accessible, public sources of knowledge in general. It might even be a crime to deny it, but now it is as established fact.

>> No.10047970
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>I can deny the Holodomor. Millions of people killed in a systematic famine, but I can question it.
>I can deny Unit 731. I can deny the Taiping Rebellion. I can deny the Rwandan Genocide.

But you can't deny BEATORICHEEEE, caaan youuu?

>> No.10047974
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jews are bullies and collect gold lol

>> No.10047977


Being imprisoned for life in a shithole that makes Rwanda seem like paradise is so much better than dying in gas chamber.

Not to mention that Nazis started the war that ruined the continent and killed between 50 and 70 million people. And allowed Soviets to become a superpower controlling half of Europe.

What's the point in denying Holocaust? Is it really so important if it was planned and systematic or not? Results are the same.

>> No.10047987

But whether it was real or not doesn't matter. Again, I don't know because I failed history. The fact that there are laws preventing open, empirical discussion is very worrying.

If you attack people personally, there are laws against that already. And that's fine. But saying "event x never happened" should never be illegal, no matter how wrong you are. Irving was fined for saying a building was a fake, not for attacking people personally. Even if people were offended by it, and I imagine they were, that building isn't a sentient being with rights who sued for libel.

>> No.10047989
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>> No.10047990

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10047994

Of course. But then why make it punishable by law to deny it? They're arguments of definition, but one is made illegal.

>> No.10047997

What's the point? The point is that the Holocaust is being used today by Jewry to extract guilt and money and seed injustice. The point is that you're always supposed to seek the truth about what happened. The point is that there's a reason the Jews don't want the Holocaust to be investigated, because the ridiculous claims about it will be immediately disproved (and already have been).

>> No.10048016
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>> No.10048008

Are you playing devil's advocate?

Your last question is dumb. Of course it matters. It also matters whether it was 100,000 people or 10,000,000 people, even though both are tragedies.

>> No.10048020

Can you at least use the term "Zionist"? Now he's just going to accuse you of being a silly racist that he can't argue with.

>> No.10048032

That is pure speculation.
Can you show that mainstream historians didn't know that the gas chamber was restored.
Oh, talking about restored, deniers of claim it is a complete fabrication when that room WAS used to gas Jews until it was turned into an air raid shelter.
The Poles just restored it to its original state since the Nazis blew up the other gas chambers.

>> No.10048036

>This statement is given in an attempt to set the record straight about my current views regarding the Holocaust and Holocaust denial. As anyone who follows the subject of the Holocaust denial knows, from 1991 until 1994 I was well known in the movement as a Jewish Holocaust denier (a self-described "revisionist"). For the last three years I have no longer been associated with this movement, having realized that I was wrong and that the path I was taking with my life was self-destructive and hurtful to others. I have spent the last few years in silence on the subject of my time with the denial movement, a silence caused mainly by my shame at what I had done with my life and my desire to distance myself from that life.

>However, in that shame-induced silence it has been brought to my attention that I have not gone as far as I should have to make a clear and complete public statement in order to set the record straight as to where I stand.

>It is my great hope that this statement accomplishes that task.

>I would like to state for the record that there is no question in my mind that during the Holocaust of Europe's Jews during World War II, the Nazis employed gas chambers in an attempt to commit genocide against the Jews. At camps in both Eastern and Western Europe, Jews were murdered in gas chambers which employed such poison gases as Zyklon B and carbon monoxide (in the Auschwitz camp, for example, the gas chambers used Zyklon B). The evidence for this is overwhelming and unmistakable.

>The Nazis intended to kill all of the Jews of Europe, and the final death toll of this attempted genocide was six million. This atrocity, unique in its scope and breadth, must never be forgotten.

>> No.10048040


Because jews have money. And in USA money means power.

Kurds were systematically slaughtered by Turks just like jews were by Nazis and no one cares.

Yes, jews are assholes. But screaming that the whole Holocaust is not real and it's all jew lies in crappy youtube videos isn't helping. At all.

>> No.10048045

How dare you deny the sacred truth and eternal authenticity of the Holocaust? HOW DARE YOU? It's like you're murdering 6 million of my people a second time! I have reported this hatespeech to the authorities. You bigots simply cannot be allowed to deny the established historical fact of the cruelty suffered by the Chosen People.

>> No.10048052

>During my four years as a denier, I was wracked with self-hate and loathing, a fact that many of my critics were quick to point out. Indeed, this self hatred was obvious to most, but I was too blind to see it. The hate I had for myself I took out on my people. I was seduced by pseudo historical nonsense and clever-sounding but empty ideas and catch-phrases. When my eyes were finally opened, thanks to several good, kind friends who refused to give up on me even at my worst, I was horrified by what I had done. My instinct was to flee and never look back, but I now understand that I owe it to the people I wronged to make a forceful repudication of my earlier views. I also owe a very large apology, not only to the many people I enraged, and to the family and friends I hurt, but especially to the survivors of the Holocaust, who deserve only our respect and compassion, not re-victimization.

>Therefore, to all of the above people, let me offer my most humble and very, very sincere apology. I am sorry for what (I) did, and I am sorry for the hurt I caused.

>And just as I must set the record straight concerning my views, it is also incumbent on me to set the record straight regarding the video "documentaries" and media appearances I did from 1991 to 1994. These "documentaries" are merely videotaped garbage filled with self-hatred and pseudo-intellectual nonsense. My "media appearances" were nothing but an embarrassment. My glazed look, specious reasoning, and talking-in-circles during my talk show appearances would have hopefully alerted any astute viewers that this was a man not in touch with reality.

>> No.10048055

>Kurds were systematically slaughtered by Turks just like jews were by Nazis and no one cares.
You mean Armenians

>> No.10048056

Lol I thought this was jp. Anyway I'm German and luckily I know that the whole gas chamber business is a lie and thus 6 million is very unlikely.

Not sure why I should believe in the holocaust because if you're a mean liar once I can't trust you so pls leave me a lone kikes. ;3

P.S. 6 million is of course logistically impossible and if they had planned to kill anyone systematically they would have planned it - we're talking about (Nazi-) Germany after all

>> No.10048058

>The fact that there are laws preventing open, empirical discussion is very worrying.
There are no such laws.
Research is free, you just are not allowed to lie or intentionally misconstrue evidence.
What ever you may think about that political decision, no researcher would have a problem with working under such rules.

>> No.10048061

>It has been brought to my attention that Bradley Smith is still using one of my videos in advertisements he is running on college campuses. Therefore, I would like to make these additional points: This video is being advertised without my consent, and I denounce this video as being without worth. Bradley Smith is no historian, and denial is no "historical field". Students on college campuses should look elsewhere to find out about the Holocaust. To these students, I would say, look to books like Hilberg's "Destruction of the European Jews", Yahil's "The Holocaust", and Dawidowicz's "War against the Jews" for correct information. If your school library doesn't stock these books, have them order copies. Do not pay any attention to any "David Cole" videos, except to rightly denounce them as frauds.

>I am thankful for being given the opportunity to make this statement. This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly, even happily given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defence League for the widest possible distribution. This statement is the most current and accurate compilation of my views, and it supersedes an(y) previous writings, videos, or statements. It is my hope that there will be no more confusion as to where I stand. I thank you for letting me set the record straight.


>David Cole


>> No.10048066

>But then why make it punishable by law to deny it?
It's incitement of hatred against a minority group.
Why is that illegal?
Look at Nazi Germany.
Or Rwanda.
Hatred leads to violence.

>> No.10048073


Both of them were.

>> No.10048074

Of course it's speculation. I used the word "chance" for a reason. I was basing it on the fact that this has happened with other pieces of evidence.

I don't know about mainstream historians, but if you follow the discussion up you'll see a man was arrested and fined for stating this fact.

>> No.10048078

Are you going to painstakingly post Nuremberg trial "confessions" now? Guess what, if the Mossad was after you, you'd fucking swear by your mother's corpse that the tooth fairy was real too.

>> No.10048088

Kurds never to the same degree of Armenians. Kurds just fit the general oppressed minority bill.

>> No.10048090

Then why are there Holocaust-specific laws, and why the Holocaust but nothing else?

>> No.10048091

>I was basing it on the fact that this has happened with other pieces of evidence.
Like what?
Show where a denier changed the view of mainstream history.

>a man was arrested and fined for stating this fact.
He probably said the gas chamber was build, not restored.
There's a fundamental difference between these two statements.

>> No.10048095

You assume that people deny it because they hate jews, and only because they hate jews, and not because they believe there are holes in the stories and such. The law does not make this distinction.

>> No.10048100

Several countries have laws against the denial of all genocides and the holocaust just so happens to be the single most important and largest genocide in modern European history and it took place all over the continent.

>> No.10048106

France made it illegal to deny the Armenian holocaust recently. Which angered Turkey.

>> No.10048117


Maybe in America.

Plenty of countries have laws against denying other genocides.

>> No.10048119

The holocaust happened. That is a fact.
It was a systematic effort.
That is a fact.
These facts are backed up by mountains of evidence.

Details are open to debate and you can research anything.
This has happened since the war.

Why do you think do all the "researchers" who find problems have close ties to neo-nazi and anti-semite organizations and how is it possible that they are always found out to lie or ignore any evidence that doesn't support their view while misconstruing and misquoting whatever they think they can use?

It is a fact, that holocaust deniers are intellectually dishonest at best and deceptive liars at worst.

>> No.10048133

Is this an ironic post? None of those things are fact and the Holocaust is anything but "open to discussion". How can you be so deluded? If you were to actually research anything, you'd find out how ridiculous the entire operation is, in pretty much every single aspect. Or does the JIDF browse /jp/ too now?

>> No.10048136
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>> No.10048139

I don’t know if they do, but /pol/ definitely does.

>> No.10048142

Well, stay ignorant. I don't intend to convince you, just inform you.

You can lead the horse to water, etc.

>> No.10048155
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>> No.10048156

>the Holocaust is anything but "open to discussion".
The Holocaust is not a virginal topic; there is already a lot of information about it available and people expect you to investigate and learn about it before stating an opinion.
In that sense, it really is not completely open to debate, but only an idiot would insist that unfounded, uninformed opinions should be respected.

>> No.10048169

But that stuff doesn't exist. There are discrepancies. All of the details are not completely obvious and apparent. Denying the holocaust is not like denying something like "the sky is blue." These people are not convinced of many things, and sometimes they have room to question it. To deny them the right to question it is silly.

>> No.10048171

No, you're going to have to convince me, sorry. For starters, try addressing the problems found in David Cole and denierbud's videos. How did 2000 people not manage to break down the gas chamber door? How did they fit in the elongated chamber that led to the gas chamber without rebelling considering that there were "3-4 Nazis" guarding them and the rest were Jewish guards (sonderkommandos and kapos) hired to guard them? How did the crematorium physically handle the enormous workload of bodies to burn when the average body takes an hour and a half to burn yet all Holocaust books say multiple bodies were burned in a single oven for no more than 20 minutes? How come there are no mass graves found?

This is just scraping the surface of the ridiculousness of the Holocaust. But surely a great historian such as you will be able to address these issues and educate an anti-semite such as myself.

>> No.10048181

It should be apparent from this thread alone that deniers are ignorant of even the most basic information or sources about the Holocaust.

They are clearly not curious, otherwise they would have researched it.
They have sinister ulterior motives and the frequent anti-semitic outbreaks in this thread can you give you a hint what these could be.

>> No.10048187

I wonder why only the losing countries had massive human rights violations revealed.

>> No.10048198

>It should be apparent from this thread alone that deniers are ignorant of even the most basic information or sources about the Holocaust.
So are the people who accept it. I haven't seen a single good argument either way in this thread.

>> No.10048207


>> No.10048200
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>> No.10048202

This is fucking /jp/ and most of the anti-semitic posts are separate and ironic anyways. Is a law justified based on what happens on an internet image board?

>> No.10048213


To you morons I point out that a syndicated talk show had an episode on Holocaust denial with two of your heroes:

They were pretty damn open about it. The audience had a few idiots but there wasn't any booing or anything. And to their credit the Holocaust deniers conducted themselves well too.
It's ignorant to pretend we can have fairly relaxed talk shows but not civilized debates "or else you get locked up."

>> No.10048220

-Jews were docile and went to die like lambs all over Europe
-I know of one attempted rebellion in front of the gas chambers, but that was shut down
-the evens they used were not like the ones we use to burn to loved dead but more similar to what is used to burn biological trash
-mass graves have been found, deniers just insist that nothing found in East Europe is real

I'll take a bath and will be gone for at least an hour now.

How about the reply given to denier disinfo here? >>10047598

>> No.10048244
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>> No.10048253
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1. Flan did the holocaust
2. Hitler took the blame because Flan was his waifu
3. Remilia locked Flan in the basement as a punishment for doing the holocaust


>> No.10048255

>Jews were docile and went to die like lambs all over Europe

Utterly ridiculous. Jews are human beings, just like everyone else. ANYONE in a comparable situation would most certainly rebel given the apparently immense opportunity they had to do so.

>I know of one attempted rebellion in front of the gas chambers, but that was shut down

Care to elaborate? I'm eager to hear all about it.

>the evens they used were not like the ones we use to burn to loved dead but more similar to what is used to burn biological trash

Complete nonsense. Even if we were to assume that such ovens existed during WW2 (they did not), there is nothing indicating they would burn bodies faster than a conventional cremation oven. Bodies are hard as hell to burn to ash, the ovens in Auschwitz were certainly not more powerful than modern cremation ovens (that still take over an hour at least to burn even a skinny body)

>mass graves have been found, deniers just insist that nothing found in East Europe is real

Would like a citation here. But you seem to have a convenient excuse to stop replying, so I guess I'm not getting that.

Anyway, I have nothing against you or Jews. It's just that I don't enjoy being lied to. And when you get down to it, the Holocaust is full of lies.

>> No.10048261

Nazi thoughts:
A)Not all of them are fit to work
B)it takes a shit load of resources and money to feed all of these Jews
C)It takes out a lot of time and resources to just systematically shoot them all
D)the evil Jew
It's not like the war started and then all of a sudden JEW KILL TIME
It started after resources had started to become scarce and they needed those to go towards the battle front
so that with the things listed above mixed together, created the idea of just exterminating them through a more efficient means ex: the gas chamber

You have to be retarded to think it never happened
as for things that were exaggerated it would be things like how all of the soldiers/people knew about the extermination. The majority didn't. Or probably the number of Jews, Russians, and Gypsies were murdered seeing as people tend to think of it as Xmillion Jews were exterminated, when it wasn't just Jewish people sent to the camps. Also the fact that they can't accurately count the bodies so the numbers tend to be estimated and a bit exaggerated.

>> No.10048277

>ANYONE in a comparable situation would most certainly rebel
Most people just tire and give up.

>> No.10048272

>How did 2000 people not manage to break down the gas chamber door?
It was a gas chamber door. Made of metal. The wooden door is more recent.

>How did they fit in the elongated chamber that led to the gas chamber without rebelling considering that there were "3-4 Nazis" guarding them and the rest were Jewish guards (sonderkommandos and kapos) hired to guard them?
Any prison has more prisoners than guards. Guess who has the guns?
Plus even deniers don't refute that the inmates were starving. Supplies were tight even for the officers. Good luck forming a rebellion when you all look like stick insects.

>How did the crematorium physically handle the enormous workload of bodies to burn when the average body takes an hour and a half to burn yet all Holocaust books say multiple bodies were burned in a single oven for no more than 20 minutes?
Some of the bodies were put into mass graves. Plus these aren't average human beings we're taken about, they were malnourished. Get a ton of coke and set a room on fire, bodies will burn. The flesh and muscle would take no more than a few minutes. Bones would have taken longer but they aren't indestructible.

>How come there are no mass graves found?
We have photographs of mass graves. Or were those all state-of-the-art 40s CGI? You don't deny thousands of people died from starvation or typhus. Where are THEIR bodies? Guess that didn't happen too. Same for all the people Mao and Stalin murdered.

>> No.10048278

What? I haven't seen any sources on anything yet. Holohoax is a lie deal with it schlomo. 6 trillion my ass even 1 million is laughable.

>> No.10048295

I dislike how they never tried to back it factually but used an appeal to emotion whenever it was taught to me. I found this way of ``educating'' to be distasteful. Felt a lot like propaganda.

>> No.10048304

>Höfle Telegram

You mean people ARRIVED at concentration camps?!

Holy shit, solid proof for the mass extermination of Jews via gassing right there.

>> No.10048313

>It was a gas chamber door. Made of metal. The wooden door is more recent.

Doesn't matter. The force of 2000 people would be more than enough to break down a flimsy (yes, it was flimsy according to official holocaust historian info and photographs) metal door. A few tens of people are able to semi-easily break down a concrete wall with their weight.

>Guess who has the guns?
Plus even deniers don't refute that the inmates were starving.

3-4 people with guns are no match for 2000 angry prisoners. Also, how exactly were they starving if they were immediately led to their execution upon arrival at the camp?

>Plus these aren't average human beings we're taken about, they were malnourished. Get a ton of coke and set a room on fire, bodies will burn.

Conjecture. This does not change the fact that even a skinny body takes around an hour to turn to ash and only one body could physically fit into an Auschwitz oven (of which there were 15 in total) at any one time. Thus it is impossible for hundreds of thousands of bodies to have been burned at Auchwitz in the time it was operational as it is claimed.

Also I still need a citation for those mass graves.

>> No.10048315


Yes, solid steel doors can easily hold 2000 people. Especially considering all 2000 of them wouldn't be able to push them at once. And they would end up trampling and crushing each other in panic.

People send to gas chambers were usually kids, weak and elderly. Those young and fit were used for slave labor.

You seriously expect a bunch of starving children and elderly to rebel against guards with machine-guns and grenades? In the middle of a militarized camp? They knew there are many times more guards outside.

>> No.10048334


Only largest gas chambers could fit 2000 people. And I doubt they always packed them with 2000 people.

Not to mention they were usually after weeks of travel in cramped trains.

>> No.10048339

This. Everything else in history class was taught fairly methodically. But then the Holocaust comes up and suddenly it's a tragedy. Miss Williams, last week you taught us about all the people Genghis Khan killed! Was that not a tragedy too?

Someone's going to make an "edgy" comment here, but I don't see why I should be expected to care about an event that happened seventy years ago but not one that happened a hundred or a thousand years ago. If it was very recent, I would understand. If I knew people involved, I would understand. But to me it's just words in a textbook. Nobody cries over the victims of the An-Lushan Rebellion.
That's not to say these things weren't tragedies and I would feel genuine sympathy to people involved, but it's a double standard I've never fully understood.

>> No.10048348

it happened, but not nearly as many jews died. there were many other nations that got dragged into it because of jews.

>> No.10048357

You seem to have unrealistic expectations of people in a crisis.

Why don't people in any prison just work together and ram down the door? Why don't they force their way through the concrete? X newtons of force times Y people...surely they thought of that!

>> No.10048364


Allies are just trying to make Nazis look like insane monsters to justify all the atrocities they committed themselves. Like burning whole cities to the ground.

Soviets were much worse than Nazis. Stalin was much worse than Hitler.

But since we were allies Soviets are not demonized even close as much as Nazis.

>> No.10048366

> And I doubt they always packed them with 2000 people.

Lol, not what Holocaust historians claim! They claim they Auschwitz was operating at full capacity 24/7 (it would have had to, to reach the number of victims there according to official Holocaust history).

But enough about this, let's talk about the Auchwitz cinema or swimming pool instead. Clearly those that were "fit to work (and live, according to official Holocaust history) did deserve to have a great time at the camp. You know they even had official Auchwitz money with which to buy things from the Auschwitz shop? It's all real.

Also, the gas chamber placement is kind of strange when you consider it was in direct view of the Auschwitz dormitories and football stadium (yes, there was one). Surely it would be kind of strange to all the people there seeing trains loaded with people go into a building nearby and never come out (remember, officially, the Jews in Auchwitz did not know they were being systematically murdered! Isn't that weird?)

>> No.10048370

Were any of you taught that Jews were killed in ovens? That is, living Jews were forced into giant ovens that were then turned on and they all burned to death.

I'm not sure if I misunderstood or if I was genuinely taught this. I have seen at least one other person say they thought this too.

>> No.10048396

They're not 2000 angry people. Killing thousands of submitting John Johnsons is easy. It's what Europe does best.

>> No.10048392

Because prisoners have never ever rebelled before. And it is also reasonable to compare modern prison institutions to those of the 1930s and 40s.

>> No.10048413

no, dead bodies were burned though
quicker than digging graves
but I would assume this didn't happen all the time considering burning bodies don't produce a good smell to say the least

>> No.10048403
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>> No.10048435



Jews also rebelled few times. But most knew how pointless it is.

And it's not just jews who were killed. 6 million jews were officially killed. The total Holocaust toll is 10-11 million.

>> No.10048450

Why didn't they just fucking punch those German pussy ass fagglits? I bet they weren't even allowed to 4chan. LOL dumpasses

>> No.10048458

You're basing this on that one "There's no business like Shoah business" video, aren't you? From the Last Days counter-documentary?

For one thing, you're getting camps mixed up. The man who talked about beer and football was from a different camp. Auschwitz did not have a football stadium or anything of the sort. Some camps had coupons that were used for food, like ration stamps. The inmates were fed and a coupon system is easier than keeping track of whether every individual has eaten.

Plenty of Jews knew there was something going on with the gas chambers. What did you expect them to do? Write a letter of complaint?

Anyway, I've been to Auschwitz. There is a theatre, but we weren't allowed in because someone else bought it or something (how convenient etc.). There was also a swimming pool, but you had to find it yourself or request to see it (I did). They keep it off the main tour because it wasn't a big part of the Holocaust. There are a few buildings they don't show you because they were just used for storage or whatever.

I don't doubt there were theatrical productions, and Jews may have been asked to take part. The officers were human beings. If you ran a prison and you were bored or wanted help with something, you would show compassion and ask the prisoners to help out.
This does not mean Auschwitz was a holiday camp where you could go for a swim whenever you wanted before heading off to theatre for the evening. It just means it was ran by human beings who got bored and weren't all dicks, even if the overall thing was evil. Sometimes nice things happen in war. During World War I, the Germans and English arranged a truce on Christmas Day and played football together in no man's land.

>> No.10048473
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> Auschwitz did not have a football stadium or anything of the sort.

No, bro. Here's a nicely annotated photo I found on just the thing. Educate yourself. What I said was true.

>> No.10048488

Because obviously it was for the prisoners and not the guards on break

>> No.10048490
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>"Fire brigade reservoir built in the form of a swimming pool, probably in early 1944"

>> No.10048502


>> No.10048507

Survivors recount inter-camp matches going on on that pitch, so I'd say it was indeed for the prisoners.

>> No.10048519
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"The working hours were modified on Sundays and holidays, when most of the kommandos were at leisure. Roll call was at around noon; evenings were devoted to rest and to a choice of cultural and sporting activities. Football, basketball, and water-polo matches (in an open-air pool built within the perimeter by detainees) attracted crowds of onlookers. It should be noted that only the very fit and well-fed, exempt from the harsh jobs, could indulge in these games which drew the liveliest applause from the masses of other detainees."

>> No.10048554

>I don't doubt there were theatrical productions, and Jews may have been asked to take part. The officers were human beings. If you ran a prison and you were bored or wanted help with something, you would show compassion and ask the prisoners to help out.
>This does not mean Auschwitz was a holiday camp where you could go for a swim whenever you wanted before heading off to theatre for the evening. It just means it was ran by human beings who got bored and weren't all dicks, even if the overall thing was evil. Sometimes nice things happen in war.
le prison camp face

>> No.10048557

[citation needed]

All I see is a field. To use revisionist "a pile of shoes only proves that they had a pile of shoes" logic, a field does not prove inmates had soccer games there.

>> No.10048560

I've always kind of liked Hitler.

Stalin too, just any type of man that takes charge and leads people (not controls) is pretty cool in my book.

>> No.10048567

Actual prisons often host sporting events. A Wing vs. B Wing or inmates vs. guards, little competitions to keep things interesting.

>> No.10048598


>> No.10048606
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>> No.10048609

Because war-time prison camps are just like normal prisons, right? They both hold prisoners, after all.

>> No.10048628

A shame he was in Monowitz and not Auschwitz.

Nice editing, though.

>> No.10048639

Monowitz was part of Auschwitz you dumb fuck.

>> No.10048648

Is that so?

>The workshop's first event of the year on Jan. 19 will feature Horst Cahn, who will share his experiences and the lessons he drew from them in a talk titled “Three Years in Auschwitz.” Cahn was born in 1925 in the German city of Essen. He apprenticed to a baker and was barely 14 when he as arrested by the Gestapo, resulting in a three-month confinement in prison. At 17, he was taken to Auschwitz where his parents were immediately put to death. For three seemingly endless years, Cahn withstood the physical deprivation, back-breaking labor, and constant threat of death at the National Socialist’s most infamous concentration camp.

Source: http://libraries.ucsd.edu/about/press/releases/2011/holocaust-survivors-2011.html

>> No.10048723

How come no Holocaust survivors say "There were no gas chambers"? How come all of them agree that there were?

>> No.10048726

Because they're lying jews

>> No.10048737

I know right? Why don't we just talk to the people who went into the gas chambers and ask them what it was like getting gassed to death. That'll shut up those jew hating racists.

>> No.10048741

>1 million people go into camp
>a few thousand come out
>soil is full of bone fragments
>earth radar shows large pits
>drilling finds human remains
>people who worked there say they killed Juden

I wonder what happened to the missing people... I guess there is absolutely no way to know.

>> No.10048745


>> No.10048749

Gassing is the only way for a human to die.

>> No.10048752

i think it was real..but the number of people killed is small compared to the one in afrincan countries and other conflicts you dont hear about

>> No.10048848

>Utterly ridiculous. Jews are human beings, just like everyone else. ANYONE in a comparable situation would most certainly rebel given the apparently immense opportunity they had to do so.
That's simply false.
There was little to no resistance by Jews anywhere. The Nazis could come into ghettos, grab 50,000 Jews and send them to gas chambers without anyone doing anything.
People thought a) their situation was hopeless
b) if they resisted, they would die now instead of later
c)it's only the other people, I am still useful

Only a) applies to gas chamber, but it was evidently what happened.
Einsatzgruppen report the same behaviour, Jews walked up to pits full of bodies and had mental breakdowns or did nothing while the Germans just shot them.

I can't find the source for the revolt now, but it was just something a high ranking German officer said, there was no further substance, I think.

Soviet commissions investigated several mass killing sites, here is one example:

As to the ovens: we have reports from both the SS and the oven engineers saying that the ovens were capable of burning such a large number of bodies, of course there are also affidavits and witness accounts, but I guess those aren't worth much here.

>> No.10048860

Deniers insist that the Jews were not killed at all and at best just died from natural causes.
They also deny the number of dead, and want to reduce them to a few hundred thousands but with no grounds whatsoever (they cannot explain the decline of the Jewish population at all for example).

>> No.10048870

There are more people who haven't witnessed the Holocaust than people who have. I bet nobody ITT saw it happen.

>> No.10048881

I have never seen Japan, only on pictures which could be manipulated.
These runes people keep posting here are probably just senseless drawings.

This is the ultimate troll board.
Even touhou doesn't exists, it's all an elaborate ruse.

>> No.10048898
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people die in those?

honestly though, if you find yourself in aficaland and get yourself killed it's your own goddamn fault. there are better places for a vacation.

>> No.10048918

>Deniers insist that the Jews were not killed at all and at best just died from natural causes.

If you mean revisionists, then this simply isn't true. You have guards with guns and a prison full of people who their ideology discriminated against. People were murdered and mistreated. What revisionists claim is that there was no call for the systematic extermination of Jews, and that there were no gas chambers.

>want to reduce them to a few hundred thousands but with no grounds whatsoever

It came to light in the 80s that the Nazis kept records of everyone who died. Even accounting for administrative oversight, it couldn't have been more than a million Jews overall. Historians claim that gas chamber victims weren't recorded, which is fair enough but hard to prove.

>they cannot explain the decline of the Jewish population at all for example

Immigration and the fact that the census statistics weren't particularly accurate to begin with.

>> No.10048919

>they cannot explain the decline of the Jewish population at all for example

Hmm, well let's see. They could have died. They could have moved somewhere else before or after the holocaust. There could have been misrepresentations of the numbers. That all seems illogical though.

>> No.10048916

So Jews were zombies. The revolt was never documented. Clearly unbiased ans honest (as Soviets and Communists in general are known to be) Soviet commissions confirmed the mass graves. And the ovens that could burn 4 bodies even though no more than 2 could physically fit in them.

The Holocaust, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10048932

Japan existing is different from a historical event. Japan is a country, it is tangible. The holocaust was something that happened at one point in time and never again. Please work on your analogies next time.

>> No.10048969

Just whip out those sources already. I can see a wall of posts with zero substance.

>> No.10048971

>there was no call for the systematic extermination of Jews
Utter bullshit that is so easily debunked. That you can be sure that every who claims to know anything about Nazi Germany at all and tells you this is lying to you and a bad person.

>there were no gas chambers
There certainly were gas chambers, the question is whether people wee gassed in them. The overwhelming majority thinks the existing evidence proves that beyond reasonable doubt.

>It came to light in the 80s that the Nazis kept records of everyone who died. Even accounting for administrative oversight, it couldn't have been more than a million Jews overall.
[citation needed]

>Historians claim that gas chamber victims weren't recorded, which is fair enough but hard to prove.
Nazis stated that that was how it was handled and this is supported by the discrepancy between the number of people who were sent to the camps and the number of people who were registered.
Unless you can explain where millions of people went who were put on trains to Poland all over Europe, the "they were just not registered" explanation remains not just the best, but the only one.

>> No.10048980

Jews did Emigrate, but there are statistics for every destination country and this has been taken into account.
And the census statistics are reasonable precise, no way in hell are they millions off. You have to show that that was the case if you want to use it as an argument.
The biggest uncertainty is how many Jews retreated with the Soviet troops, which is where a lot of the uncertainty regarding the total death toll comes from. It's one of the biggest reason why estimates range from five to more than six million, but again, it has been taken into account.

>> No.10048984

If you want footnotes, read history books. This is people talking.

>> No.10048991

Why is it always 6 million? Same number that were (almost) holocausted in WWII + some 10-15 or more times before that? Do Jews always gather in groups of 6 million, and get holocausted in groups of 6 million?

>> No.10048998

If the holocaust didn't happen, we'd all be even more overpopulated right now.

>> No.10049000

What kind of braindead monkey actually enjoys this shit?

>> No.10049013

i have never seen a jesus, only read some writings with it which could be manipulated.
the stuff christians spout here is probably just sensless fiction.

even god desn't exist, it's all an elaborate ruse.

>> No.10049036

>they cannot explain the decline of the Jewish population at all for example
they escaped to america. that's why you've got such a jew infestation there.

>> No.10049048

Even Raul Hillberg admits in The Destruction of the European Jews that he was working from estimates and sensible guesswork. His book arrived at a figure of 5.1 million, though it's arguably where the 6 million figure started from (of course, you've probably seen the 6 million figure in pre-WW2 documents for similar propaganda purposes).

Auschwitz's death troll was reduced from 4 million to 1.1 million. This would reduce his calculations and make it unusable as an accurate source, but we're still going by his figures and saying the overall death toll was around 6 million, but around 3 million people were conveniently misplaced.

The 6 million figure is symbolic. They can't change it because that would take some serious work. Might as well just pretend it's accurate.

>> No.10049058

And it is different from denying the existence of a country. But history can be manipulated. Someone writes history, and whose to say he won't write it incorrectly, maybe even on purpose? Of course this borders on tinfoil hat conspiracies, but you cannot deny that there is always the chance that the entire world has been lied to because there is no longer anyone there who saw it themselves.

>> No.10049098

Did you even read Hilberg?
He arrived at 5.1 million while putting 1 or 1.1 million at Auschwitz.
And the first edition of his book came out in 1961.

And estimates are necessary since a lot of people were displaced, borders changed and there wasn't a census in 1939 and one in 1945, so there is a lot of uncertainty. Uncertainty in the range of up to maybe 500k to maximum 1 million, not 100% of the death toll.

>> No.10049133

My grandfather was gassed in Dachau. All you neo-Nazi ant-Semite bigots deserve to be locked up.

>> No.10049264
File: 31 KB, 594x423, 53391977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10049348

should have gassed coreans

>> No.10049359

>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that can be considered a shitpost

>> No.10049386

You want U+3000. Whatever converter you're using is putting baka gaijin thin spaces instead of glorious nippon ideographic spaces.

>> No.10049415

He’s right, let me help you.

>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that
 can be considered a shitpost.

>> No.10049418
File: 6 KB, 264x400, 1346553724131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ancestors were systematically purged and nearly wiped out, but do you see me crying? No, because I'm not a pussy.

>> No.10049429

Thank you, kind sir.

>> No.10049775

There are quite a bit of angry jews in this thread. I don't think anyone really denied the holocaust actually happened, but objectively questioning how things actually went and not taking the bullshit fed to you by your 3rd rate patriotic schooling system is something to be admired. Hell, if Hitler had won the war he would be a Jesus like figure in history books, sent down from heaven to rid the world of the jewish evil. The fact that you retards are getting so upset and frustrated is proof of your jewish nature and your filthy propaganda. You want to spread ignorance and lies so you vile scum can keep concentrating money among your jewish selves.
