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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10045958 No.10045958 [Reply] [Original]

Why? What happened?

>> No.10045963

People shit the board up to such a level that they gave up on us, the /q/ thread was put on auto-sage and moot copied what some random /q/ poster said and renamed /jp/.

>> No.10045968

it's genuises, not geniuses

get it right

>> No.10045969

So, this means no more shittarded janiturds?

>> No.10045976 [DELETED] 

Who knows what it means, but I guess if you take that stance, then go wild.

>> No.10045978

Yes, feel free to shitpost to your hearts content.
Heck I don't care anymore.
I also give up

>> No.10045980


what the actual fuck?

>> No.10045987

I'm scared...kinda

>> No.10045994

It's the representation of a misunderstood genuis /jp/er, my friend.

>> No.10046005

/q/ once again improving the quality of our board.

>> No.10046027

I'm surprised moot didn't sticky Anime Pussy at the top of the board to go with the new title.

>> No.10046037

I'm not really sure where we go from here. I'm hoping, and expecting, that hes just going to let people get a taste of what no moderation looks like for a week. Then make a sticky with proper rules outlined, that are more lenient but allow for something other than just /b/.

>> No.10046053

You mean like 2011?

>> No.10046142

I wish moot would just outright say what he does or doesn't support on /jp/. First he hires janitors to clean the place of rampant shitposting, then he does this. I thought he was in support of curbing the purposefully disruptive spam. I had the feeling that over the last weeks Janitors have done their best to help the board rediscover it's purpose, but now moot has shit all over it.

If he'd go back to saying this board is only a dump for /a/'s waste I wouldn't give a shit, but fuck moot for this half-assed attitude.

>> No.10046147 [DELETED] 

Moot is a fucking piece of shit, this has been the case since the beginning, theres nothing more to say there.

>> No.10046184

Who gives a shit, internet drama? Just name it /jp/ - Otaku-related Bull Shit / Misc. and be done with it.

I am so glad /q/ gets archived so I don't need to constantly refresh the 4chan meta board to get some kind of explanation. Otherwise I guess I might be happier. You know, just assuming mootles is a misanthropic random little assclown doing whatever and it doesn't matter why.

>> No.10046188

With moot you lose.

>> No.10046238

I think Moses got lost

>> No.10046255

visitor from /lit/r9k/others

Goddammit you guys are bigger fucking whiners than r9k...seriously. I don't even know what happened last week, but fuck. Moot fucking rules.

>> No.10046262 [DELETED] 

Nice try newfag, moot has always been a faggot

>> No.10046272

So if moot renamed us to misunderstood genuises which is code word for autist what gave him the idea we are autistic? Is it a joke? Is he called /jp/'s /q/ squad autistic? Am I autistic? Please help me.

>> No.10046274

implying faggots can't rule

>> No.10046280

I hope /jp/ finally gets deleted this time around.

It's not like there's any purpose to it anymore anyway.

>> No.10046289

Yes. Autistic.

>> No.10046293

Well, you sound pretty autistic to me.

>> No.10046296

Stop asking questions and making threads and just ignore it. Is that so fucking hard?

>> No.10046300

Do you even know what site you're on?

>> No.10046305


>> No.10046303

Fucking /q/ that shithole should be removed!

>> No.10046312

This is the average 4chan poster.
Keep in mind, that as bad as /jp/ might get, it will never reach this level of shittiness.

>> No.10046353
File: 64 KB, 645x517, mootsoedgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10046356

just like in high school

>> No.10046357

Please don't talk to me.

>> No.10046360

Having been here since the beginning myself, I was always under the impression that /jp/ had most of the original 4chan posters. With that context, that image is kind of just depressing.

>> No.10046373


Fuck, this is so true.

>> No.10046376

That is the beginning of 4chan, with much of those original posters moving to /a/ and then /jp/ when it was created way later.

>> No.10046386

Thank you certified psychologist!

>> No.10046404

> /jp/ had most of the original 4chan posters.
Ha! It's comprised of the shitposters of /v/ and /a/

>> No.10046409

I said it had those people, I'm still here so its not an entirely false post.

>> No.10046417
File: 66 KB, 351x356, moot_insert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been browsing this site since whenever this picture was on frontpage and i made most of the threads on jp right now

>> No.10046429

If that was actually true, you would have the necessary skills to use capital letters and punctuation by now.

>> No.10046426
File: 772 KB, 481x5000, KS in JP, nobody really cares but you're a shitstain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because it's cropped and whatnot.

>> No.10046427

Who gives a flying fuck, you get meta bored

>> No.10046430
File: 129 KB, 500x374, mootinmiddleschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually this one

>> No.10046431

Can someone make a /jp/ chan already with 3 boards

Otaku Culture

im really tired of 4chan and at this point id be willing to use sparky's site

>> No.10046436
File: 116 KB, 400x300, 1351782518051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10046438 [DELETED] 

What does you making the threads on /jp/ right now have to do with what I was saying about its original members?

>> No.10046443

tohno and /bun/ already exist.

>> No.10046449 [DELETED] 

Its not like every single poster from back then ended up on /jp/ exclusively, or managed to conduct themselves properly.

>> No.10046454

Wow, that doesn't even make sense.

Reminds me of my (non) thought process when I'm so hypoglycemic my brain cells are dying, or when I'm fuckin' out of my mind on some substance.

>> No.10046453

i cited the wrong post

>> No.10046457

You need to take it easy, no reason to get to excited over a random little post like that.

>> No.10046458

Not /jp/ enough for me

>> No.10046461

Notice how in every single end panel it seems they're fine with the shit everywhere. I believe that, and the multiple perspectives, are the point.

>> No.10046462


>> No.10046505

The point is that there were two competing viewpoints as to what is actually going on at the time. However the reality was that a bunch of outsiders flooded the board and pretended to have a shitstorm before getting bored and leaving. The real /jp/ just sat it out until they went away.

>> No.10046706

word of dog right here

>> No.10046716

Give me some web space and I'll do it.
I'm NEET so I literally have nothing to do all day. Having somewhere to moderate/run might be nice.
It'd be interesting, to say the least.

I don't like those other cult-of-personality-chans.

>> No.10046723

Do you mind if said website has other, nsfw boards that may or may not be in your interests?

>> No.10046732

Who cares. you can avoid them if you don't like those boards, right?
What I mean is, NSFW content is kept inside its little place, right?

>> No.10046742

Could someone link me to the thread on /q/?
You know the one moot put on auto sage.

>> No.10046745

Where the FRESH FUCK does /q/ even get off on hating on /jp/? If you don't like it here, don't come here; HOW FUCKING DIFFICULT IS THAT?

>> No.10046751

The board is on fire, and there's no janitor at the wheel.
And the pages are all muddied with a thousand awful shitposts.
And a dark wind blows.
The webmaster is a Jew, and we're all so many livestock with the gold accounts and the Captcha.
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible board, and the board is bleeding to death.

>> No.10046764

goddamnit I am NOT going to sparkychan FUCK THAT

>> No.10046784


>> No.10046779

As shit as this place ever gets, Sparky will always be worse.

>> No.10046788


/jp/ is a containment board like /mlp/ is.

>> No.10046799

I don;t know which thread >>10045963 was referring to, but the "MISUNDERSTOOD GENIUS" thing was from the PMQ thread:
>>Moot, can we wordfilter 'aspie' to 'MISUNDERSTOOD GENIUS'?

>> No.10046800


Nothing can contain love, peace and harmony.

>> No.10046821

I was referring to >>>/q/277967

>> No.10046895

Of course.

I'm also not sparky, if that helps your decision.

>> No.10046896

If moot hates /jp/ so much why doesn't he just delete it?
It's not like /a/ could get any worse and he said that he no longer cares about anime anyway.

>> No.10046904

I'm so down. Where am I headed, if I may ask?

>> No.10046905

I think we amuse him somehow.

>> No.10046928

moot is angry that we are the board with the least amount of Jew Pass purchasers

>> No.10046937

what does he expect from the truNEET board?
we have precious few autismbux!

>> No.10046965
File: 64 KB, 744x191, moot moderating 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10046968

/jp/ may be bad, especially right now, but don't you ever dare to imply that /a/ is somehow better again, or i'm going to rape u.

>> No.10047088


give me a bit.

>> No.10047095

About that...

/a/ first page:
Number of shitpost threads = 5
Number of on topic threads specified in 4chan.org/rules = 10
/jp/ first page:
Number of shitpost threads = 12
Number of on topic threads specified in 4chan.org/rules = 3

>> No.10047118

oh yeah so just because we're being targeted right now you're going to whip out some fancy rules and imply that just because posts are on topic that they are not in fact shit?


>> No.10047168
File: 97 KB, 879x517, 1352823754851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yes.

Shitpost threads vs. on topic threads ratio has always been very, very high on /jp/. It just exploded now since moot himself decided that participating in shitposting would be so "fun and randumb".

Disregarding the actual on topic stuff (pic related) and some other good threads we rarely get, /jp/ is probably the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.10047306


>> No.10047301


Aaand, here we go. Any suggestions or anything like that would be appreciated.

>> No.10047324

omg thank you.
I can only pray for your sake it doesn't wind up like this place now that you've posted a link.

>> No.10047591 [DELETED] 


>> No.10047619

Secondary sites only end up with spam for at most a week, after that it always balances out when all the terrible posters return to 4chan.

>> No.10047653

Is it possible to change the theme?

>> No.10047705
File: 64 KB, 481x173, oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10047718

Still hasn't loaded 4 me

>> No.10047732

>Any suggestions or anything like that would be appreciated.
I’d say drop the trevorchan (kusaba/kusaba x/serissa (wait, is that even maintained anymore since ohgod died?)/whathaveyou).
Who are you forking? You might or might not be interested in non-kusabas, like NorthBoard?

I wonder if tee is still coding his python IB.

>> No.10047772

Looks like you borked it.

The “OtakuTalk” affiliate link brings bad associations with it, for me.

>> No.10047816

> What happend?
No one can invission truth, honor, action, nor beauty anymore. Aesthetics of post-modern man is to roll over, never queation, never seek out truth through adventureous action, and to embrace the faulted and slanted lies of the new definition of multi-culturalism. Even here on /jp/ can see it.

I am a contradiction within contradictions. I am a hidden mask playing as other masks. I am Otaku.

>> No.10047904

Not currently, But I could get some other themes soon enough.

Ahh, I was discussing this with the other admin not too long ago, to be honest.

Look closer.

>> No.10047929

moot a shit

>> No.10047984

> The page you are looking at is exactly what you're looking for. Even though you're not actually reading it.
+ that login form
ww I see now.

Oh, looks like the site has existed since 2008, never came across it before. I thought it was new. Ever used the serissa fork, or did you go straight for kusaba x?

>> No.10048005

Thats good until we can get something more permenant.(I swear I will even pay myself if I have to)

But we need a way to keep the userbase intrested unlike most spin offs.

>> No.10048026

>But we need a way to keep the userbase intrested unlike most spin offs.
I was a heavy user/mod on spinoff-of-spinoff imageboards and in the end I now only visit 4chan anymore.

>> No.10048124

Straight for kusaba x.
