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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1003960 No.1003960 [Reply] [Original]

Hi its me again. The REAL Japanese who took A level English. Now back in Japan, and i miss the food :)

>> No.1003963

What's "A level"?

>> No.1003964

a bizzaro reverse weeaboo


did you go to america?

>> No.1003967

>A level English

>> No.1003970



>> No.1003972

You miss all the fatties? You miss the HOT DOGS and HAMBURGERS and APPLE PIE?

You're not Japanese.

>> No.1003974

It's about a notch below rank S.

>> No.1003977

Where in America did you go?

>> No.1003980


There's some pretty damn good food in the US and as long as you're not a total lardass it's not a big deal if you're here on vacation.

Grass is always greener etc

>> No.1003981

... A level english?

Phft. I could have passed A level english in elementary school!

>> No.1003982

This cannot be a Jap; Japanese only understand English in terms of TOEFL scores and 英検 ranks.

>> No.1003984


There was no all those junk food in Singapore. Well there is but its not that popular.

Wow, i didn't know a forum for Japanese stuff have people blaming each other they're not Japanese. What do you want proof as?

>> No.1003985


>> No.1003992


Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!

>> No.1003994


It's just because he is a Japanophile.

>> No.1003996

they don't want proof, they're just jerks.

So you seriously miss McDonald's?
Are you sure the CIA didn't mess with your head, dude?

>> No.1003999
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Mind taking a crack at this one?

The translators here gave up because of the lack of context on the kanji that they rely on.

>> No.1004000

Jesus fucking Christ, learn to use grammar before you even THINK about posting here.


>> No.1004001

...I'm American, so naturally I'm totally ignorant. What's that?

>> No.1004006

American McD's vs Jap McD's. Of course the American one is superior.

>> No.1004007

You improperly used that exposition, American.

>> No.1004010

I think we scared him off.

>> No.1004021
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>> No.1004023

Again... YOU LIE!!!

>> No.1004026

A-Level English isn't even that hard as long as you've got the gift of the gab. And you probably could have taken your A-levels in Japan, Edexcel do exams worldwide.

>> No.1004030

It's okay because I'm American.

>> No.1004044
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Cambridge GCE A Level programme for foreigners.

And also,

>> No.1004048

This shit is making ne fiercely hungry.

Is there a US equivalent to "A level?" ...because I can't put this in perspective at all.

>> No.1004053



>> No.1004062


A-levels are our equivalent to university entrance exams.

>> No.1004072


Yup. And proud of it. Not many Japanese speak proper English

>> No.1004075

Not many Americans speak proper English either.

>> No.1004077

So what was your score for A Level English?

>> No.1004078

Wait, you're the guy studying at Tokyo Uni aren't you?

A friend's sister is studying Japanese there. She ditched a place at medical school to study in Japan...I still find it hard to believe.

>> No.1004090


A2 I believe. Screwed up marking scheme crap


lol yeah. Believe me, its incredibly hard for a person to learn Japanese in Japan. All you get is a bunch of white people in one spot. With a Japanese teacher SPEAKING Japanese and not english. So i recommend that if anyone wanna take Japanese, take it at your native country. It'd be easier if they translate it between Japanese and your native tongue.

>> No.1004100

My question would then be "why are you here?"

This is not the most friendly corner of the internet, as you can see.

>> No.1004101

You took your exams in Singapore am I right to assume?

>> No.1004107

neat, I did A-Level English

only because I had to take something (I also took computing and chemistry)

now I'm doing linguistics at university lol

in b4 grammatical holes

>> No.1004109


Yes. Not in UK or USA

>> No.1004110


Linguistics you say?

>> No.1004113

I think he's asking for your grade, or at least your UMS score (you should have gotten one x/600) A2 is only the second year of your A-levels.

Also, I can imagine. I remember her telling my year group before we left that she'd gone to Japan the year before for Med work exp. Fell in love with the place, sacked off medicine and spent the next year studying Japanese full time before she went to Tokyo.

I hear she's pretty much fluent now, but only in some levels of formality? I dunno.

>> No.1004115

Nah, I was asking for the score on the certificate. Anyway OP, I got a pathetic B3.

>> No.1004118


mostly generative syntax and computational linguistics

iz da good shit

>> No.1004119

Yeah, an A2 like I said is your second year of A-levels.

The score you get is a UMS mark out of 600. Where 240 is an E and grades go up every 60 marks (300 is a D, upto 480 for an A)

>> No.1004121
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do you like aya japanese man?

>> No.1004123


>> No.1004125
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not quite sure about that score. I think about 500+?

Anyway, Tokyo Uni is a great university, mainly for its lecturers and reputation. NUS (Singapore) is also nice. Has the latest tech.

>> No.1004126

What the hell are you doing here then?

>> No.1004133

Is Tokyo University as crushingly difficult to get into as pop culture has lead me to believe?
It makes it seem like Ivy league schools, but I have no idea how good the school really is....

>> No.1004136

great for Japan, but not internationally

>> No.1004140

As far as I know, I believe it is ranked in the top 15 in the world.

But it isn't quite on the same level as the top Ivy League Schools and Oxbridge. Close though.

>> No.1004142
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>> No.1004146
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There are alot of universities in Japan. And 4 in Tokyo itself. Some say Tokyo Uni is overrated, but others say it deserve its credentials. Because its just a normal university with excellent students. Emphasize on NORMAL.

>> No.1004167


is dat sum koda kumi?

>> No.1004174

I weep for you.

>> No.1004195


Yeah Tokyo U is a dream for most Japanese students. Because we are taught that American level of education is inferior than ours.

>> No.1004203

what do you think about all these faggots who worship your pop culture?

>> No.1004205

Oh believe me, it is.


>> No.1004216

Perhaps up to the high school level, but that's only a product of intense exam-oriented cramming. Japanese post-secondary education, from my experience, isn't anything about which to write home.

>> No.1004221

I can assure you the average America is probably dumber than the average African.

>> No.1004226


as you can see "i'm dumber than africa.

>> No.1004234


I'd say that culturally we have taken over ザーワルド! (the world)

>> No.1004250
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>> No.1004252

That, though, is a product of the decentralization of the American educational system, in contrast to the Japanese model. Again, I speak from personal experience and personal experience alone, but my American high school was far more demanding in terms of workload and content covered than my Japanese high school. There's also the very basic fact that performance in high school in the US actually has repercussions when it comes to applying for college/university -- admissions boards actually consider your performance in school along with your SAT scores, essays submitted, etc. To my knowledge, grades aren't considered in Japan -- only performance on the particular university's entrance exam (and the センター試験, the role of which I'm not entirely clear on).

Case in point: the pass/fail mark at my high school was a 65%. At my Japanese high school, it was the half of the class average. So, if the class average on a given exam was, say, 64%, the pass/fail mark would be 32%.

>> No.1004256


Is that a Beatles' song?

>> No.1004263

so in Japan they adjust the passing grade so that 3/4 pass and 1/4 fail?


well that's fucking retarded

>> No.1004265


Unlike the US, getting a job in Japan means you gotta pass your exams and get a degree.

Skills =/= work. Not in Japan at least.

>> No.1004267

東京は夜の七時/The Night is Still Young by Pizzicato Five.


>> No.1004274

bell curve, mother fucker, have you heard of it?

>> No.1004279

And getting hired means passing another set of exams, in many cases, as well. I really have trouble wrapping my head around the entire system, and I really pity my friends going through it. I mean, why in the hell are you even in university if you're going to spend your third and fourth years doing your 就職活動 only to be hired by a company that has no interest in your skills or what you've learned, but only the name of your university?

>> No.1004294
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Japan really took that Pink Floyd song to heart huh

>> No.1004298

ITT we are trolled by a fat white guy in Florida

>> No.1004302

They have fun with intertexual referentiality.

>> No.1004308
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Because of what you've gone to. My tutor graduated with a degree in Genetic Engineering but he got a job in Sumimoto.

IMO, Employers dont care what kinda degree you got, they wanna see that you have the discipline and the ability to adapt and learn quick (which probably what puts them in that prestigious school/institute)

>> No.1004307

I'd say the same for the UK, unless you're going to one of the best secondary schools...which are usually public schools and not state schools.

I went to a local state comprehensive school and shitsucked, whereas my cousin would tell me about the shit they'd do over at the local public school and their work ethic was completely different to ours.

Then you get large public schools like Eton, but there's no point in talking about places which pretty much guarantee you a spot at Oxbridge for $50000ish a year.

>> No.1004311

Is that in a Yodobashi Camera?

>> No.1004315

Sometimes I wonder what are you guys doing on 4chan.

>> No.1004322
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>> No.1004317

The same thing you are.

>> No.1004337

Oh, just to add that though my school was good by comprehensive standards, it didn't scratch my cousin's school. Then again, they had shit like 4 England Schools Rugby players on their team, aspiring Tennis pros, 1/3 of their students applying to Medical/Dental schools and all sorts. Silly really.

Not worth bumping for.

>> No.1004349

Yes, I realize that; it's just that it seems like such a waste, in a sense. Perhaps my attitude is aberrant in this day and age, but I value my chosen field of study, am interested in it, and plan on continuing on with it. It also seems like such a waste of time, as well, but since one only has to put forth minimal effort in order to graduate, perhaps few Japanese students would share that opinion.

I guess what I'm trying to articulate is my general disappointment with the way the system works. I mean, why not just skip university altogether? Have your students take their entrance exams, give them a few months to jerk themselves off until they're satisfied, then hire them -- it's not as though their four years of university are going to do them or anyone else any good.

>> No.1004355
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Its 1:38 in the morning /jp/. I gotta sleep. Night <3 Chat tomorrow k?

>> No.1004358


If I have to stay up all night hand-copying an entire magazine, everyone else has to stay up, too.

>> No.1004364


>> No.1004374

I don't think he's like us. A succesful man like him must have a life.

But I can stay here with you. It's almost 3am and I don't plan on going to sleep until 9am.

>> No.1004379


Hi. you're probably Ausfailian.

>> No.1004383

I see Chinese runes.

>> No.1004387

Not quite. I'm a 在日Amerifag.

>> No.1004388

Or even worse--a New Zealander.

>> No.1004393

This magazine-copying Amerifag wants a successful life. Or at least one that feels successful, and isn't full of magazine-copying.

>> No.1004394

want my MSN /jp/?

i got 2

one is made in Singapore the other is Japanese. I'm currently using the ghey singaporean one though. The Japanese one is for official stuff.

>> No.1004398

I would be careful; someone might try to touch you. Or vice versa.

>> No.1004399

Only if you'll introduce me to the cool cats like the Fonz.

>> No.1004401


lol okay then. I won't reveal since this place is like "TITS OR GTFO LOL" at least /b/ is.

>> No.1004405

When did /jp/ become /b/?

>> No.1004411

If you want to give out that sort of information, doing through mixi mail or something like that would probably be safer. I dunno.

>> No.1004414
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try me /jp/

>> No.1004416

That's a pretty gay email...

>> No.1004424

>Koreans are barbarians and have

I like you.

>> No.1004426

Duly noted.

>> No.1004429


My ex-girlfriend made it for me. She says its "romantic" and "cute". Sorry for ghey mail name.

>> No.1004431


>> No.1004433

Is that all you could come up with?

>> No.1004445


>> No.1004447


>> No.1004448


>> No.1004458

kuuru sutori buroo

>> No.1004464

supu suro buro.

>> No.1004472


>> No.1004483

sounds like you were whipped

>> No.1004485

srsly, goodnight people.


>> No.1004487


>> No.1005565

WTF? Unless you're a sleazebag hanging around Roppongi all the damn time, it's not like there are flocks of expats in Tokyo. I've wandered by Todai, nary a whitey to be seen. Same with Waseda.

>> No.1005589
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>> No.1005609

Shumai > Gyoza

>> No.1005616


both are technically chinese food.

>> No.1005618

even sushis are technically chinese, they were recorded in ancient records far predates the time when japanese started to make them.

>> No.1005641


impending rage.

>> No.1005649

Srs? Oh well, even Katanas are actually inferior versions of Chinese swords.

>> No.1005653

the start of shitstorm.

You have to understand, the katana equiped for footsoldiers are no better than chinese broadsword. Asia is a smalll place, countries exchange ideas, from culinary ideas to religion.

Makes me rage the koreans claiming they inventted everything.

>> No.1005658

i thought the katanas were superior with their ability to cut through solids like glass and bone

>> No.1005681

dont forget M1 Abrams tanks

>> No.1005786
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>> No.1005821

Because, like, Japan invented everything, right?

>> No.1005842

did you even read what his post?

>> No.1005845

what's your point?

>> No.1005869

lack of intelligence in /jp/ today saddens me
this is why i prefer touhou/type-moon shit on the front page

>> No.1005893

so, is everyone here spamming his MSN?

>> No.1008403


Back from school. Apparently not =P

>> No.1008442

Holy necromancy, Batman! Honestly though, you've redeemed my view of the Japanese race with your ability to speak intelligible English. The only other person I knew who spoke English is my... well, I'm not sure of the name for the relationship, but I believe he was my great-aunt's first cousin once removed, or something. He doesn't really count because he grew up in both countries.

>> No.1008446

Are /jp/ers really that immature?

>> No.1008451

What the hell, man, have you even LOOKED at the state of the board?

>> No.1008456


>> No.1008474
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>> No.1008478

About 30% of /jp/ consists of people with RAGING HORMONES akin to that of a 15 year-old.

>> No.1008495


lol the MOAR you know.. anyway, dinner time here. Sadly i'm only eating instant ramen.

>> No.1008503


Go eat some カレー instead. Or at least real ラーメン

>> No.1008548


I hate curry. And i'm too tired to make real ramen. Instant ramen will do.

>> No.1008573

First legitimagte reason I've seen for hating non-touhou stuff

>> No.1008581


How can you hate delicious curry? You are an abomination.

>> No.1008585

My stomach can't handle spicy foods.

>> No.1008597
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This thread

>> No.1008596

we're two of a kind then, anon

i piss out of my ass every time i eat something too spicy

>> No.1008607


yeah, and furthermore, genuine indian curry tastes much more better, unlike bitter shit they call curry. Srsly it butchers the taste. Maybe the local shit curry is meant for local tongues..

>> No.1008629
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instant ramen...

>> No.1008654

Japanese man, what is your field of specialization going to be in Tokyo University?

>> No.1008678


Military History and Political Science.

>> No.1008685

so basically Unit 731?

>> No.1008695


>> No.1008696


Shit, welcome to the club bro

*is a 3rd year*

>> No.1008698



>> No.1008706


Yup. Currently me and my project mates are scrutinizing the political debacle in Malaysia and the crisis in South Korea and Thailand.

About military history..now on WHAT WENT WRONG during the arab-israeli conflict. The lectures are very very interactive and not what i expected it to be.

>> No.1008722

Japan likes to pretend that shit never happens

all history before WW2 is romanticised and during WW2 they view themselves as the victims.

>> No.1008725

Cannot be true Japanese purebred -- all Japanese children are weaned off the mother's breast and onto curry.

>> No.1008730


Shit, that sounds a bit more interesting than what I'm doing in finance-related classes right now. I always wanted to go a military history route, but I would never use it.

>> No.1008732



>> No.1008736


Last semester I did a crazy interesting class on chinese political history from the GMD to the CCP. Seriously modern chinese history is the most interesting shit ever made twice as interesting from the fact that my professor was there during the cultural revolution and had loads of great stories.

>> No.1008743

romance of the three kingdoms still kick the most ass though

>> No.1008760

If you take a look at ancient Chinese History you'll find that modern is jack shit.

>> No.1008777


I don't do ancient history but I seriously disagree with anyone who describes modern chinese history as "jack shit"

>> No.1008790

Only in comparison to Ancient.

>> No.1008794


yeah, political history, been there done that, now we are watching current shit that's happening. Also I find the Cuban and North Korean political history very intriguing.

>> No.1008796


I don't think it would matter what I compared it too it still interested the hell out of me.

>> No.1008799

I gotta give props to someone who managed to survive the cultural revolution and get out, that's for sure.

Kinda funny how they spent so much time hating on the west, and now they're all about us. Well, our money, at any rate.

>> No.1008801

Romance of the three kingdoms is fiction, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.1008805
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i've got clubs, bombs and a freaken mohawk
what don't i have?

>> No.1008807

A cape.

>> No.1008817

sorry to have ticked your asshole switch anon, but i more specifically meant this


>> No.1008820

WOW, I've seen that crab in person. It's in Naha City, Okinawa.

>> No.1008841
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My surname is "Wu", am I awesome yet?

Pic Related, it's my surname.

>> No.1008848
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>> No.1008847

Ummm, I'm reading 蒼天航路; can I be part of the Chinese history club?

>> No.1008865

Fuck you.


>> No.1008868

PS - Shu says Hi, and thanks for all the wives.

>> No.1008872



>> No.1008875

ITT chinks

>> No.1008884


ITT: Chinese is the new cool now.

>> No.1008890

Fuck you too.

Bigamy wasn't a problem so I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.1008902


He seriously almost got beaten to death so many times just by the fact that he was a professional intelluctual himself. He had a very small photo collection, he said that very early a group saw him taking photos with his post-grad buddy and they barely escaped self-criticism themselves so he pretty much hid his camera after that. He also has a very impressive collection of relics from maoist china including copies of mao's little red book with the Lin Biao preface (for those who don't know, that preface has been removed in most non-english copies because Lin Biao was branded as a traitor during the revolution).

Also there is still a lot of contempt for the west in China among middle to upper class, they think that the US is trying to keep china in the dark ages and their emergence into a post-industrial life is almost done to spite the US.

Also Mao was just a dick, seriously everyone that wasn't in the gang of 4 was barely tolerating him and trying to keep their head on their shoulders until he went away.

>> No.1008910
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>> No.1008907

>Also there is still a lot of contempt for the west in China among middle to upper class, they think that the US is trying to keep china in the dark ages and their emergence into a post-industrial life is almost done to spite the US.

Sounds about right, concerning the attitude of most Chinese people.

>> No.1008911

I'm a Chinese and I don't even know this. Ah well, can't expect much from the Chinese outside of mainland China.

>> No.1008912

Here's what I learned about the cultural revolution in high school-- It occurred.

Everything else I learned from shit like "The Red Violin".

American public high schools.... We are SO fucked.

>> No.1008928


>> No.1008929


I was reading a travel report by this journalist who went to china and talked to lots of people, and just about every one who didn't live in a shanty wanted to do nothing but take this guy around in their brand new car and show him shopping malls, superhighways, urban development and boring pollution filled shit that is totally unimpressive to any US citizen. They are really proud of this stuff though, it is so exciting to them and the CCP thrives on this pride that the people who have money have in the nation. They keep on feeding them an us vs everyone else mindset, then you get crap like chinese people defending the shit the CCP has done in tibet because "everyone is out to keep china in the colonial era" while the CCP continues to get away with doing what it's always done.

Even when they have earthquakes and schools just fall over and crush an entire generation of children in a village because of shitty state construction building jobs people tolerate it simply because they believe that it's either successful CCP china or back to smoking opium in a ditch.

>> No.1008932

Now this is pretty unexpected. Singaporefag here, not managing to add you on MSN though.

>> No.1008938

Considering your interest for Modern Chinese History I'm guessing you would've read Mao's last dancer?

>> No.1008941

It makes me wonder what would happen if the Chinese leadership just blinked out of existence one day....

Would they fall back into the same pattern? Collapse like a house of cards?

Someday I wish people would realize that others don't like them BECAUSE they ACT like no one like them, particularly China. Nobody likes a crybaby.

>> No.1008950

Singapore Chinesefag here too.

>> No.1008957

Well, China is the only underdeveloped country that I know that has undergone serious modernization. Even if that brings corruption and pollution they're better than before.

Propaganda and nationalism, FUCK YEAH! But you can't ENTIRELY blame it on brainwashing. When the media does not have a single positive article about China, it's no wonder that they hold some contempt and start bashing every criticism.

>> No.1008971

Yeah, it works both ways. Chinese are proud of their progress and any criticism of their government is essentially criticism of that. The Western media largely disses the CCP, so naturally the Chinese get offended and think the world hates them. It's nationalism, a clash of cultural views, and media narratives all rolled into one prickly problem.

>> No.1008976


China is dependant on the private sector, the CCP just plays into the favor of the private sector while complementing it with state projects. The problem is that people don't care who's in control, only the fact that they're successful. This is why we haven't seen another Tiananmen Square, not because of how brutally the PLA crushed the protestors but because a successful country makes people not want to risk their lives when they are living better then they ever have.


I haven't actually, most of the stuff I've read is from before Mao such as A Madman's Diary and other Lu Xun stuff.

>> No.1008993

It's propaganda, both sides.
The Chinese only see positive things about their country as the bad news are filtered.
The West only see the bad things about China because the media here doesn't report (or rarely reports) good things about China and are constantly bashing the CCP.
With this an average Chinese's view is "My country is doing great, even if there is some corruption" And the average Westerner's view is "China is a stinking hellhole where people are oppressed in all known ways."

When those 2 views clash, people and both sides jump into the bandwagon and start flaming each other. Result: EPIC TROLLING.

>> No.1008997

I know, I hear the us vs them sentiment from my father and his wife all the fucking time.

They should get over it. Seriously, nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.1009007


Korea's modernization was just as rapid, if not more so since it skipped the whole industrial blue-collar society part rather fast. The unique thing with China is the fact that they did it while keeping their pride in tact, or rather they did it without generous help from the US (state).

Anyway I've got other things to do, you guys really make for great history conversation when it isn't about Japan. Also OP good luck with your major, and I hope that the fact that it's Todai means that you're not going to end up like other history majors like myself at no name unis and either have to choose between becoming a professional scholar or being unemployed.

>> No.1009018


It's a lot easier to modernize a small country than a large one (Taiwan followed a similar path like South Korea).

>> No.1009152
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enjoy your communist government.
