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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 552 KB, 1920x1200, dodonpachi daifukkatsu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10037067 No.10037067 [Reply] [Original]


This song is soooooo cool!

>> No.10037142

r u a gal irl?

>> No.10037167

Quit molesting me with your words.

>> No.10037171

btw im a girl

>> No.10037173

molest this
*whips out dick*

>> No.10037177

want 2 fug?

>> No.10037184

Don't bully my girlfriend.

>> No.10037187

Check the archives, he posted in a vocaroo thread saying "I'm a girl, ask me anything.". He's clearly a man.

>> No.10037195

Please stop acting like fucking retards.

>> No.10037209
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No sir, I refuse to believe it.

>> No.10037211
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>> No.10037216
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1352341638588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is your penis?

>> No.10037232

u tell me babby

*drops pants*
*30lb dik flops out n slaps u in face*

>> No.10037244
File: 89 KB, 397x399, 1343828387748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like 300 pounds of flab rolls out.

>> No.10037256

yea babby
300 pounds of flabby dik
get 2 work

>> No.10037263
File: 61 KB, 711x960, 1352475315676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is gold

>> No.10037300
File: 141 KB, 800x800, 1351527579001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't suck flabby NEETs off.
If you had a cute little penis I might reconsider.

>> No.10037310

5'10" tall
125 lbs
5.5 incher here. How's that?

>> No.10037318

Too big

>> No.10037326

140 lbs
5 incher

>> No.10037322

Too big. You need to be like 2-3 inches.

>> No.10037332

I have a cute little penis and I'd dress up for you/call you master if you wanted.

>> No.10037337

117 lbs
a girl

>> No.10037348

Whatta fuck man?

>> No.10037349

195 pounds
5 inches

I hate myself

>> No.10037362

Still too big.

>> No.10037351
File: 125 KB, 1048x720, 1343823126067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl.....

>> No.10037370

Want me to make it shorter by cutting some of it off or something?

I could get surgery. I just want an Otaku gf

>> No.10037375

If I'm submissive does it make up for the fact that I'm 2-2.5" too long?

>> No.10037394
File: 40 KB, 390x380, 1352569561705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mutilated penis
N-no thank you!
No. I want you to (try) and dominate me with your tiny flaccid penis.

>> No.10037425

Please I'll do anything! Just be my Otaku girlfriend?

I've been told I am quite good looking I just have trouble talking to people is all!

>> No.10037438

You're so not my type.
We can just be friends, if you like.

>> No.10037447

Are you good at TF2?

>> No.10037459

I only play fightings games, shmups and RPGs.

>> No.10037487

What if I beat you at the fighting game of your choice?

>> No.10037480

Well then no thanks.

I only want friend who put out or can replace members of my UGC team.

>> No.10037500
File: 5 KB, 200x300, 1351728866679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf you guys are so tall yet lighter than me? gwahahaha you're probably skinny stickfigures. Even >>10037337 for being a girl is too stickfigurey

I have no idea about my dicksize, probably like 5-7 inches, why should I be concerned about dicksize when I rarely have sex? And the few times I have, I was taken advantage of while I was drunk by alpha-girls... It felt like rape ;__;

>> No.10037504

Get out normalshit

>> No.10037510

You wouldn't let me win?
What kind of a monster are you?
No, sorry.... I don't think we can be friends, you're mean.

>> No.10037512


>> No.10037513

You are the worst poster in this thread

>> No.10037514

It's better being too fat than to be too skinny. If you ever wanted to build muscle mass you could skip the carbs and just shovel down beef jerky and eggs and just work out for like 40 minutes. You'd become alpha in like 3 months

>> No.10037516

Is this still Gensokyo Gal posting with a trip?

>> No.10037521

without* that is, sorry

>> No.10037529

But bagels and mashed potatoes are too tasty.

I dunno anything about working out and eating right but if I eat whatever and exercises for 30-60 minutes a day could I be /fit/?

>> No.10037531

I'm 5'3"
about 4 inches

>> No.10037541
File: 167 KB, 750x750, 1350656198001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, that's just your opinion.
I am just girl trying to have fun here.
I'll never tell.
How feminine are you?

>> No.10037549

Well I really hope not, at least you didn't shit post this bad in the past.

>> No.10037551

I'm from fit. If you just want to lose weight, then 30-60 minutes is WAY overdoing it. You really just need to run like a mile or two per day, which shouldn't take you longer than 25 minutes.

But if you want muscle (It won't make you lose weight, you'll just lose your fat), then you should work out every muscle group for like 10 minutes until your body becomes jello and you'll be sexy as fuck. All of this while you eat whatever you want. Doing something is always better than nothing. No matter how sexy you become, you will ALWAYS be socially inept :<

>> No.10037555

stop attention whoring.

You are probably an ugly hambeast anyways.

>> No.10037558

Well I CD somewhat often. If that answers your question

>> No.10037561

Good, I wouldn't want to play fighting games with a bitch like you anyway. I only play with real niggas.

>> No.10037563

I already have a pretty 2D girlfriend so the socially inept part doesn't matter, I just want to look normal.

Thanks for the tips, friend.

>> No.10037570
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 1329706129789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the fucking sticky

>> No.10037573
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 1341533117378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly boys... You'd never get with a girl like me, not even in your dreams. I wouldn't even glance in your general direction in a million years.
How convincing are you?
Do you have nice legs?
Do you shave all of you body hair?

>> No.10037581

My friend told me there was only gay porn on /fit/ so I never go there.

Plus there is no anime, touhou or otaku culture stuff!

>> No.10037579

Atleast a hambeast can be touched irl... :\

>> No.10037585

Everyone should read that.

>> No.10037587

Too bad no one would want to touch such a thing.

>> No.10037590

I suppose I have nice legs I don't know. I CD in private most of the time. And yes I shave all of my body hair.

Sorry no pics if you want any. I don't have a camera

>> No.10037591

suck my cock dude

>> No.10037593

Please don't include me in your nonsense, I was just asking if you were that tripcode user.

>> No.10037596
File: 7 KB, 284x284, 1351837686185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think your song is cool. But it's not uncool

>> No.10037595

Would you CD for me if I made it worth your while?

>> No.10037609
File: 765 KB, 700x714, 1352076656001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late boyo, you're in my cross-hair now!


*shoots you with moe bullets* <3

>> No.10037622

Please leave. You are a poor poster and have bad images as well.

I would go so far to say you are a filthy cross-boarder.

>> No.10037636 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 252x192, 1350434056001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a real high quality post there anon.

>> No.10037667

Go back to playing SC2 with your korean gf, loser.

>> No.10037719
File: 142 KB, 733x935, 1340905818687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the boss of me, nerd. I'll do what I please, where I want and when I want to.
No need to take your self hate and loathing out on me.

>> No.10037722

This isn't even good shit posting

Step it up.

>> No.10037738
File: 193 KB, 800x719, 1340634244860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you're much better at that than I am.

>> No.10037904

I didn't think I'd ever be hit by my own magic, this feels wonderful.
