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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 247x222, people worse than hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10022952 No.10022952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is a hellhole filled with the most misanthropic reject cunts society ever miscarried out. they are the most miserable trash imaginable and make /v/'s userbase look like the fucking Red Cross by comparison. the population at large of 4chan, a site that for 8 years has prided itself on being the most offensive, destructive, and unwelcoming community online, has singled them out as being intolerably hostile. I want you to think about that for a minute. /jp/ is the island where the leper colony sends people it doesn't want. If everyone who ever posted on /jp/ died in a fucking terrorist attack tomorrow it would be a global holiday for centuries. Fuck the board, fuck everyone who posts there and fuck you too to an amount directly proportional to how knowledgeable you are about that place. Get out.

>> No.10022962
File: 179 KB, 373x327, edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10022955

Why do people still use that image? Hitler has been accepted here for a while now.

>> No.10022961

Yeah, seriously.
He did nothing wrong.

>> No.10022966

Fuck off

>> No.10022972

I sort of agree with OP.

>> No.10022974

This. Thanks to the internet, people are allowed to finally say, "He was a bit of a dick, but he had a point."

In the future we'll look back on the whole anti-Hitler/anti-Nazi/pro-Jewish thing as one of the greatest examples of Zionist propaganda in history.

>> No.10022977

>They still believe the Jewish propaganda

>> No.10022990

What's the matter, OP? Did one of us refuse to tell you how to configure applocale?

Get madder, you fuggin titty baby.

>> No.10022986


>> No.10022991

The fact that /jp/ is on 4chan indeed is a great tragedy.

>> No.10023005

Please don't bully.

>> No.10023025

Wut's a titty baby

>> No.10023027

I like how people used to think /jp/ was a hardcore place when really it's just shitposting elitist scum from /a/ and /v/ mixed in to post touhou pictures. There are a ton of normalfags here in school or employment.

Most of the truNEETs aren't even that hardcore. I dream of a more grimdark /jp/.

>> No.10023033

>I dream of a more grimdark /jp/.


>> No.10023034

I'd like the OP to be true.

But it's not.

>> No.10023041


It's a lot of effort to leave 4chan and have to keep up with another site. I agree with you though.

>> No.10023044

>most misanthropic
Stopped reading there.

It's "misanthropickest", fucking illiterate.

>> No.10023043

More like it's the only tolerable board left around.

Also /jp/ is for Jewish Persecution.

>> No.10023047

>/jp/ - Shit
>4chan culture - Good

Once you're adapted to the culture, it's just impossible to go to another site and see "xD" "lol" being thrown around so casually.

>> No.10023084
File: 594 KB, 600x1710, jper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10023085

I find it impossible to go to another board and see the rage faces and reaction images being thrown around so casually.

>> No.10023086

Bullshit. I use these all the time on a gaming forum that I often visit

it's not a problem, to be flexible

>> No.10023091


>> No.10023097

How's your daily trips to neogaf, nerd?

>> No.10023102


not neogaf!

try again

>> No.10023110

What's up with all these shitty troll ragebait threads recently?
I wonder if they are all made by the same perdon...

>> No.10023111


>> No.10023118

At first probably, but some people probably find them LOLSOFUNNAYXD and joined in on posting them.

>> No.10023160

itt people fall for shitty kopipe

>> No.10023161
File: 57 KB, 451x633, 1323148155950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with you, fuck the shitskins

>> No.10023238

heil hitlah
