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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10021079 No.10021079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I write often about how the Japanese love it when foreigners take an interest in their culture, and nothing is more fascinating to them than seeing a gaikokujin who knows more about a certain subject than Japanese do themselves. I recently caught another TV show that introduced these kinds of unique foreigners called "Like! Japan" First there was a traditional enka singing competition in New York followed by a spirited trivia contest because hardcore foreign fans of AKB48, then a father-and-son combo in Italy who love Japanese trains and could name all the train stations on Tokyo's Yamanote loop line. Finally there was a competition between four Americans who could best be described as "Japanese history otakus," possessing a huge amount of knowledge of Oda Nobunaga, one of the most famous names in Japanese history. They were able to answer such tricky questions as, "When Akechi Mitsuhide brought his army into Kyoto to assassinate Nobunaga, what did his say to his troops before fighting?" (The answer was Teki wa Honno-ji ni ari! "The enemy awaits at Honno-ji temple!")


>> No.10021083

I don't care about girls but I would love to be praised

>> No.10021090

So? I'm not a weaboo, I don't care about Japan or its history.

>> No.10021094


>> No.10021102

The Japanese are arrogant little shits. They're lucky they have their cartoons otherwise no one would know they even exist.

>> No.10021106

I'm pretty good at recognizing eroge voice actors

>> No.10021108

I was wapanese before I even knew what anime was, so you are completely wrong.

>> No.10021109

A niche group of faggots doesn't count, his point remains.

>> No.10021113

Japan has a huge and unique fashion culture plus they have the second largest music industry in the world.

>> No.10021121

That blog is obviously biased and written by a weeaboo.
Can't wait to have someone fall for it and ridicule himself in front of a hundred gooks because lolkensamajpnsprt doesn't fly over there.

>> No.10021118

Don't forget the third largest economy.

>> No.10021127

even before anime, westerners liked knowing about/having things from japan, learn your history.

>> No.10021123

No it doesn't. Also why are you talking in third person?

>> No.10021137

all I'm saying is they're arrogant little fucks. Other countries don't go around making shows talking about how they're culture is superior to others, and interviewing foreigners who obsess over them.

>> No.10021149

The ones that have something to boast about actually do.

>> No.10021157

Yes they do

>> No.10021158
File: 51 KB, 315x282, lel3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.10021161

Weaboo do you not see how retarded this is, if you don't please kill yourself.

>> No.10021172

Are you saying that there is a yuropoorean country (and i'm obviously talking aobut the ones' that are rich enough to do so) that doesn't have contests to celebrate how awesome being french/belgian/german/russian/finnish/norwayish/danish/english/italian etc actually is?
Do you not see how almost all, if not all, countries do this shit?

>> No.10021175

Do you not understand what that word means? He was just pointing out that fact that most countries have nationalistic shows (plus Japan is trying to get tourism back to normal after 3/11)

>> No.10021178

If US would do this. Everyone would be like..."Get the hell out of heere...!"

>> No.10021183

If they do its retarded but no one does it as much as japan does. They don't invite foreigners over to their country and blatantly place their culture superior to foreign cultures. ie they don't go around saying we are superior nihonjin everyone else is inferior our culture is superior nihonjin culture.

>> No.10021189

The US could never pull this off. It would be seen as arrogant and racist.

>> No.10021193

Peter Payne advocating Japan fever? What a surprise.

>> No.10021196

Not really. I think that people just know enough about US already.

>> No.10021197

Everyone did that until WWII happened, if the japanese do this today is because they got the lightest punishment for their actions.
Although i wouldn't say that they are REALLY racist, sure moreso than the average westerner, but compare them to other asian nations (Worst korea springs to mind) and they almost seem like liberal fans of race-mixing in heat.

>> No.10021200

You are making a bigger deal out this than you should and it's you seem like you hold a grudge against Japan.

>> No.10021206

Peter Payne pls go

>> No.10021226

No! Not until you click those banners and buy something!

>> No.10021233
File: 153 KB, 504x554, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No your too expensive

>> No.10021243

Do you hate America? Do you really want to support Hong Kong companies, and not an American one?

Do you hate freedom?

>> No.10021244


Fun Fact: In China, it's commonly thought that white people enjoy eating watermelon seeds.

>> No.10021248

Oct 17, 2011 (The Nation/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) --
One fine morning, pandemonium broke out in a South Korean supermarket, and customers and shop stewards alike scampered for safety. Babies strapped on their mothers' backs, others in prams screamed as their parents sought the nearest exits.

And it wasn't a terrorist attack, neither was it a band of robbers who had raided the convenience store. No, it wasn't a fire alert either.

One Kenyan woman had just walked in to make a purchase.

"It was terrible!" recalls the woman, Everlyne Nyambegera. "Children were crying, their mothers dashing for the exits and all this made me also break down and start crying too."

>> No.10021251


With CFW 4.30 now out I pirated the game.
Suck it, Capitalist.

>> No.10021252

Chinese from Canada here, Chinese people actually eat watermelon seeds and sunflower seeds.

Watermelon seeds (the large variant) are salted, then either sun-baked or baked in an oven. Once dry, you can break them open and eat the kernel inside, which is quite tasty. Same goes for sunflower seeds, though they are sometimes fried in fragrance oils.

>> No.10021256

forgot to mention, after eating the kernel inside, you throw away the hard outside skin.

>> No.10021262


This horrible. Reactions to Blacks in Korea are the same as weabo neckbeards in the West.

>> No.10021268
File: 106 KB, 685x531, 1341662889355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually if you've watched NHK world you would know that they don't boast about their culture that much. The one country that actually brags about their shitty culture is Corea. I was watching a program on Arirang the other day where they played a supposedly ancient corean instrument and analyzed the sound, rhythm and stuff etc. Then a bunch of foreigners were interviewed about the play at the end of the program, they were all saying things like "this changed my whole life, I wanna come to Corea again!" . It was fucking facepalm inducing, pathetic and blatant.

At least Japan has something to brag about while Corea does this shit with their non-existential culture.

>> No.10021273

I think that is buuullshit. Could be true. Who knows. 1 out of 100 maybe.

>> No.10021279


>> No.10021280

Learn how to avoid bias you look really stupid.

>> No.10021281

Pfff... Japanese are descendants of Corean culture. It's a geographical fact.

>> No.10021283
File: 77 KB, 220x212, 1339331737915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you say that to me and not to

Fuck off gooklover. Or maybe you're that person.

This is me giving a shit.

>> No.10021288

Anytime its a japan vs everyone else thread all the weaboos are biased towards japan, if japan makes some shitty nukige rape game it beats all western games, if japan makes horrible music it beats western music the reason is always the same

>because its Japanese.
really wish /jp/ wasnt retarded.

>> No.10021292

>NHK world you would know that they don't boast about their culture that much.
NHK world is pretty shitty in that sense. 80% of their programs focus on other countries or some documentaries. I want to know more about Japan, not about some shitty third world country's problems

>> No.10021294

Also if they are racist it's okay because they are Japanese.

>> No.10021299

And those threads are also full of Japan haters such as yourself, your point? Seriously go find a new board if you can't stand that. It should be expected that there are weeaboos on /jp/ unless you're fucking new to this board and can't deal with anything that's out of your comfort zone.

>> No.10021302

>if japan makes some shitty nukige rape game it beats all western games
>if japan makes horrible music it beats western music the reason is always the same

>> No.10021305

I am no japan hater i wouldn't be here if i was. I am just not a blinded weaboo zealot. I like japan but I'm not going to give them an advantage in anything because they are Japanese.

>> No.10021313

Well you're actually exaggerating a lot to make your point. I haven't seen anyone think like you've described. Maybe your view is just distorted because the board is actually discussing Japanese pop culture instead of Western?

>> No.10021318

These guy's weaboo mind can't comprehend anything slightly negative towards Japan.

>> No.10021321

stay relevant, chap

>> No.10021324

No I'm not. people here say incorrect things they don't know about all the time. If you really think their is absolutely no bias in /jp/ then you haven't been here long enough.

>> No.10021325

It's true though.

>> No.10021329

that or more likely you are one of the bias people.

>> No.10021334

I'm open to constructive criticism. The guy I replied to was just immature in his thoughts as was the other guy who said that only Japan is arrogant. I just don't think it's fair to bash an entire nation when they have no means to defend themselves. Why don't you take it to 2ch and argue with them if you care so much?

>> No.10021339

If you seriously think that it is immature to believe that they're is bias towards japan in /jp/ than you are retarded.

>> No.10021347

>people here say incorrect things they don't know about all the time.
Like? The things you said earlier don't make any sense.

Also why the fuck do you even care? Do you spent your whole day on youtube arguing just because someone said something stupid? I'm not the kind of person you described, but this boggles my mind.

I think it's immature to cry about things like that when this shit happens everywhere with every other country. It clearly shows that you're having a bias yourself against anything pro-Japan and bear a grudge of some sort. Why don't you, for example, cry about other people for having bias towards American games? Or music? Is it because you take it for granted that you can't accept anything else as superior? You're such an angry person, must be cool to be an internet thug like you.

>> No.10021350

>No I'm not.
Yep you are.

>> No.10021353

I don't support bias anywhere towards any group America included but it can get really bad on /jp/.

Also I'm not mad just talking is all.

>> No.10021354

who u qt turbonerd

>> No.10021356

To be fair.
Theyre both mostly shit.
What the fuck is this thread even about anyway?

>> No.10021357

That wasn't supposed to be me i was just imitating certain people here. I prefer Japanese games. Western and Japanese music is about equal in my books some may argue otherwise.

>> No.10021370

You aren't quoting anyone and abusing the quoting culture.
You're complaining about pro-japan bias where there isn't any.
You call everyone who doesn't agree with you a weeaboo.
You demean japanese works and claim that the USA is better at everything.

I've found your board!
Go there, you'll find lots and lots of likely minded people, sharing the smae IQ as thyself.

>> No.10021372

Who gives a shit.

>> No.10021373

>quoting culture
quoting ``function", gommenasai.

>> No.10021381

What are you talking about he was making fun of the guy who said there is bias towards japan. he is just misquoting

>> No.10021382

you have the wrong guy...

>> No.10021384

sorry forgot to reply. you have the wrong guy.

>> No.10021392

These type of replies have made up most of the thread starting


>Japan is so arrogant for doing what I don't like
>You weebs are so stupid Japan is shit
>I'm not anti Japan it's just shit
>You are a weeb for saying something positive about Japan
>Japan is a racist shit country

I really do not care but whoever is making these responses clearly is just as biased as the so called "weebs" and everyone here should probably just stop posting.

>> No.10021394

shut it weeaboo

>> No.10021399

(Please sage when making responses like that)

>> No.10021401

No one here has said japan is shit. The most negative thing in the thread was the Japanese are arrogant

>> No.10021436

Why are you here?

>> No.10021449

Thats not even the same person

>> No.10021458

ITT: mad amerifats with japan jelly

>> No.10021492

While it's true that most of Japan is trying to get at America's money, it's also true that some actually want their culture to spread.

Take for example that Miku thing. There's no chance of that returning a profit, yet they are still probably going to go through with it.

>> No.10021501

Are you talking about trans-pacific project? Crypton (Miku's company) isn't even part of that but the "Cool Japan" thing is.

>> No.10021600


>> No.10021631


>> No.10021754

>the second largest music industry

I believe it's first largest as of now. Or maybe it was just physical media sales.

>> No.10021761

Its second retard America is no 1

>> No.10021772

Japan is the best at everything. Everyone else is inferior and all the amerifats are jelly of japan.

>> No.10021774


>> No.10021789

Isn't it ``Americlaps'' these days?

>> No.10021805

this whole thread is just Americans being jealous of japan.

>> No.10021828

I heard that too earlier this year but I didn't say it because I wasn't sure if it was just bull talk.

>> No.10021843

Japanese entertainment is far superior to western entertainment that is why we prefer it. Its just better.

>> No.10021870

Everyone loves foreigners who love the country they're visiting. Old news.

>> No.10021889

This. People think, "Oh wow, FOREIGNERS came here and really like my country! My country must be pretty great!" It makes people feel good about shit so it boosts ratings.

>> No.10021904

Europe here. My country does it too.

>> No.10021961

ITT: Only the rest of the world commits racism.

Israel does not.

It is not racism when Jews do it.

>> No.10021972
File: 103 KB, 320x240, gooky jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Peter Payne trying to be the next Danny Choo?

>> No.10021980


>> No.10022020

F-Father and Son "Train Otakus"?? That could be neat I guess...
