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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 274 KB, 800x600, 548293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10009558 No.10009558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NEET thread. I'm cleaning my room. When's the last time you cleaned yours?

>> No.10009567

I don't have a room, my pc is set up on the second floor. The 2nd floor is just one huge room so no real privacy.

Pros: My Room is cleaned by others
Cons: Can't fap until 2 Am

>> No.10009562

Put "NEET" in the subject field you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.10009573
File: 232 KB, 850x680, 1346626630680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room doesn't need cleaning because I don't live in filth like most tryhard neets here.

>> No.10009575

Are they watching you as you browse /jp/?

>> No.10009579
File: 789 KB, 1000x984, 27621069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom gave my room a full cleaning last month.

>> No.10009582

I don't really care, how is this relevant to not being in employment education or training?

>> No.10009583


My brother knows I browse /jp/ as he browses /fit/ and /v/.

>> No.10009584

Kill your brother for a better 4chan

>> No.10009606


He's not that bad

>> No.10009620

Kill yourself before you're corrupted.

>> No.10009631

I dunno, he sounds bad enough already.

>> No.10009743
File: 28 KB, 382x378, autism26 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my baldneet friends handling their balding situation?

>> No.10009751

Hats and sleeping caps.
Make a big joke out of it, and nobody will question why you're always wearing something stupid on your head. Start early though, if there is any indication at all that the hair is going, then you won't be able to pull it off believably.

>> No.10009770

Or just shave your head blad and grow a mutton chop beard combo.

>> No.10009774

I shaved my head last year and look like an anemic onion.

I can see all the head-muscles thrashing when I eat.

>> No.10009778

Do you eat in front of a mirror or something

>> No.10009777

I was going to clean my room today but I played video games instead. I might do it tomorrow.

>> No.10009782

You can never pull it of believably. A guy who suddenly starts to wear hats in his twenties... shikataganai~

>> No.10009786

This reminds me, is anyone else too autistic to cut their hair short or shave it becuase the sensation of a breeze where there shouldn't be one would be enough to drive you to suicide?

>> No.10009792

Not sure about that but feeling a breeze on top of my head as opposed to everywhere else feels bad.

>> No.10009795

This is probably true thinking about it, mine starting going when I was hitting puberty, so I've always been the asshole in the hat, people just expect it of me. But at such a late start, you're probably right, they'd never buy it.

Jump town, make new freinds and start wearing a hat.

>> No.10009799

Sometimes in the bathroom.


>> No.10009801

Face it, if you're wearing a hat and people know you're bald everybody will automatically assume you're insecure about your baldness and are susceptible to bald jokes, which they will take advantage of 100%.

>> No.10009807
File: 16 KB, 226x257, 1220286596184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too autismic to cut it short because I like having it hide parts of my face.

>> No.10009819


Entirely bald. No one see anythin if you recut every week or so. It goes well on most white people and you don't have to paye shampoo anymore.

Been doing this since i am 15 years old ;_;

>> No.10009825

Not if you retort with more bald jokes, but I'm not too sure if the autists in here are up for it.

>> No.10009852

How deep can one possibly sink into the sands of pathetic?

>> No.10009853
File: 299 KB, 991x985, autism05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to crack and am thinking about taking propecia. I already have low libido, manboobs and depression so it's not like taking it would make things any worse.

The rate I'm going bald worries me though. This is possibly my last chance to fight back against balding though since I've ignored it for 5 years now and it's only getting worse.

>> No.10009868

This thread makes me feel better about myself.
Thanks /jp/!

>> No.10009869 [SPOILER] 
File: 985 KB, 800x1067, 966ed75159cb16e45135f2044ebfa244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10009863

As deep as you can where nobody can make you sink any deeper.

>> No.10009874 [DELETED] 



>> No.10009877

cute dick would suck

>> No.10009879

Stop it

>> No.10009882


i've been shaving my head virtually bald since i was 18 due to major receding hairline, in the cold months i wear a toboggan when i have to go out, which is nothing unusual. when it's warm i just suck it up and go bare.

>> No.10009889

Stop what?

Seriously, explain.

>> No.10009888

My grandfather had Kennedy-hair until death did them part. I lost it at 20.


>> No.10009902

How do you wear a sled and why?

>> No.10009907 [DELETED] 

Do any of you self-harm?

>> No.10009911

Fuck off.

>> No.10009915


but seriously yeah it only happens sometimes when I don't lift for a while

>> No.10009921


>> No.10009922

Yeah sometimes I starve myself for upwards of hours, becuase I don't want to get up and cook.

It's probably shaved entire months off of my lifespan already, I don't think I'm going to make it.

>> No.10009939 [DELETED] 

Do your part to help clean up /jp/ today! Hide and report NEET threads! Demand NEET thread creators put NEET in the subject field for filters! Redirect posters to >>>/b/!

>> No.10009934


it's a southern thing.

calling a knit cap a toboggan, that is, not wearing a sled.

>> No.10009943 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is worse than /v/

>> No.10009950

That's so retarded I don't even know. Maybe they meant toque and got it wrong for centuries?

>> No.10009965

Going by what I know of hillbillys, it probably comes from the hat one would wear when tobogganing (either becuase it was a popular thing in the area, or they where being disparaging against people who couldn't handle the weather, through exaggeration), so it was a toboggan hat, and eventually the hat part was just dropped.

It's still silly and nonsensical as all fuck, but I'm pretty sure that's in the ballpark of the reasoning they used to come to that.

>> No.10009966

Touhou = /jp/ related

fuck off shitposter

>> No.10009962

Does anyone on /jp/ even use a filter?

>> No.10009968

Restricting calories actually lengthens your lifespan. But no exercise/healthy eating likely cancels that out completely.

>> No.10009972

Web 2.0 secondaries who can't ignore things.

>> No.10009977 [DELETED] 

>A Touhou image makes the thread /jp/ related.

Okay, I'm going to make a middle ages Scottish weaponry thread with a Touhou image in the OP. I guess that makes it /jp/ too huh faggot? (Hint: NO YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT)

>> No.10009978

I live off a varied diet of pizza rolls and vita cola, and move about three times a day, once to wake up and shit, once to eat, and once to go to bed. If only I chainsmoked, I might live to see 40.

>> No.10009982
File: 36 KB, 300x301, 1352292661209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was born a cute girl. All my problems would be instantly solved.

>> No.10009984

Thats kind of what a meant, I don't think /jp/ is to the type of community to just use a filter.

>> No.10009992

Why are you still here, after that one thread were just spent half and hour insulting everyone, I figured you wouldn't come back.

>> No.10010034

Filtered, kill yourself back to reddit.

>> No.10010036

>I wish I was born a cute girl. All my problems would be instantly solved.

Would you be on /jp/ if you were a girl ?

I would miss you ;_;

>> No.10010041 [DELETED] 

>back to Reddit

But I never came from Reddit.

Janitor modfag issues.

Another corrupt janitor deletion to post on /q/q

>> No.10010076
File: 157 KB, 419x600, be5cbc06029ba5e4c68b1ca2809c84e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the grocery store earlier for some sausage. Soon after I had it in hand I started laughing. I don't know why. It was just a case of the giggles. While I was trying to hide my laughter I almost fell over at the self checkout.

I'm planning to go out for a walk or something tomorrow and I'll have the biscuits and gravy before I go. I'm really excited!

Speaking of which, does anyone else spend a good portion of their NEET time cooking?

>> No.10010095

/jp/, sometimes you're really gross.
More so than /r9k/.
Disgusted sage.

>> No.10010112

My mom doesn't really let me in the kitchen, she seems to enjoy cooking enough for the both of us though. It has the added benefit of not only saving me effort, but that she's also a much better cook than I.

>> No.10010149

I want to but my mother does it so I get lazy and just leave her to it. And I never go grocery shopping with her so I wouldn't get to pick ingredients.

>> No.10010159

My grandma just asked me what my plans in life are so she could say something when people ask her.

She's a trooper when it comes to this stuff though.

>> No.10010172

I asked my grandparents once what I should do with my life, they said take care of my mom.

You could try saying that, too.

>> No.10010205

Any Schizophrenic NEETs here? I'm starting to think I might be developing Schizophrenia. Being asocial, unmotivated, and having no particular desire for or to do anything never really bothered me any, didn't strike me as terribly unusual NEET behavior either. However, recently I've started thinking people could read my mind, were trying to spy on me, or have hidden cameras in places like the shower. It's really subtle too, I've been checking for cameras for close to a week now and didn't even totally realize how odd it was until I read about paranoid delusions. It just slipped into my everyday behavior without me even noticing. This is especially striking to me because I've always considered myself to have a pretty rational outlook on things.

Can anyone with Schizophrenia share what it was like when it first started becoming apparent to them? Is living as a NEET with schizophrenia any different or is it basically just regular NEEThood with autismbux? Are you required to take medication or visit a shrink whether want to or not?

>> No.10010227

I clean and vacuum it every weak, move the furniture and dust behind it, and dust all the corners of the room including the recessed lighting. Can't stand spiders so I make sure there's nowhere for them to hide.

>> No.10010261

That's what schizophrenia is? Geez, I think i'm schizophrenic too then.

I always explain things in my head like someone's reading my mind so they don't take things out of context, in addition to always feeling like i'm being watched.

>> No.10010262

I don't know. I've been afraid of ghosts and corpses for as long as I can remember. I still sometimes skip sleeping because it feels too dangerous. Why would they need cameras? They already know enough.

>> No.10010266

Oh my, I know what you're going through, but I would be hesitant to call it that.

Paranoia in itself isn't anything terribly strange for someone in prolonged isolation, so even if it is a little much, it's not without precedent. And the antisocial listless nature is pretty much a necessity for anyone planning on being NEET, not the r9k I'm useless please help kind, but the people who actually make a decision not to do anything in particular with their lives. So again, if it weren't for those behaviors being already present, you wouldn't have gotten to this point in the first place. The tell tale signs, if you want to call them that are the more strange behaviors, sudden drastic changes in personality or way of thought, worries over how someone might be controlling your mind, delusions of people being in your house starting to manifest into mild hallucinations (a shadow ducks down when you pass by, whispering, worrying over curtains moving, or a door not being left exactly as it was, and things like that), then you shouldn't worry too much about it.

That said, anti psychotics not only make it worse, but always do a lot of really scary permanent damage, so they're not something to take lightly, even if you get it looked at and the doctor says, ayup he's a nutter. The best way to handle it is to generally try and keep things under control on your own, self restraint in refraining from indulging your delusions, a little discipline, and generally trying to take it real easy to avoid triggers. Self medication seems to go hand in hand with it for most people, some this makes it worse, some it's the nightcap that keeps them sane, play it by ear I guess.

Good luck hypochondriac anon!~

>> No.10010269

I don't know if I'm a schizo, I've never seen a doctor. I know for a fact that their diagnosis will be uploaded somewhere and I can't trust the doctor to keep it private. If it's submitted to some kind of mental health database, and potential employees browse it, I'll never be able to get a job.

But, back to the point. I do have delusions. All the time. Ever since I was little everyone around me kept saying "it's like he's on a different planet", "hey, are you there?" and so on. I have a poor grasp on reality, and it's like normals speak a completely different language. I can't understand what most people are saying unless they spell it out for me. It got worse when I left highschool and started spending a LOT of time indoors without talking to anyone. I started having these 'phases' as I like to call them, where I'm assaulted by horrible paranoid delusions. I clench my teeth, pull out my hair, bit my tongue, and hide under my sheets, because I'm afraid of the Illuminatus Conspiracy. The smallest symbols in anime/tv shows/movies are signs of them. After a few weeks it slows down, and then I start all over again. Maybe there's something wrong with my memory because I have been doing this on and off for nearly 4 years, but the way I see it it's been only 6 months.

>> No.10010275

If I have a mental illness is it hard to get on disability if I've worked once before?

>> No.10010285

Paranoia fucking sucks; though you probably don't need to be told that. The worst I had it was when I wrote a "By the time you read this I'll probably be dead" note and seriously thought I was going to die for about twenty minutes. Afterwards I realised I really didn't care if I did or not.

I think the only way to deal with it, short of getting drugged till you're a vegetable, is to kill yourself.

>> No.10010293
File: 25 KB, 500x450, DKhoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also cleaning today.
I've been holding back on masturbation for a few days now and I'm ready for a romantic night with some nukige or something, but I can't take it easy if my room isn't clean.

I'm also going to get my mom to brush my hair and instead of the usual pony-tail that, I'm going to let it loose to make it even more erotic.
I've cut my nails, shaved and brushed my teeth. I was thinking of flossing too, but it's too painful so I don't think I'll be trying it again.

I've washed my tenga flip-hole, prepared lotion and napkins. I've washed my electric kettle and prepared tea and rum.

I'm just so excited for the nighttime. Tonight is going to be a good night.

>> No.10010304

There's a lot more than that to Schizophrenia, and there are other sources to paranoid delusions. Half the reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to get a better overall picture for the onset of the disease so I have something to compare to.

>> No.10010313

Whenever I put that much work into something I come to dread it, and then quickly lose interest in even trying again for a considerable period of time.

I wish that I could appreciate these preparations as much of some people clearly do. For me it's spontaneous or simply not happening.

>> No.10010314

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10010324

My dad wants me to go to harvard. I dropped out of highschool and didn't even pass algebra.

It makes me wonder. What exactly is my Dad's thought process? He's either delusional or stupid.

>> No.10010341

I sympathize deeply with your situation.

It seems like the more I talk about doing something the less likely it is to happen.

>> No.10010343

When I used to worry about this I just browsing shitty forums for schizos and other colorful characters, on the whole someone claiming to be schizo online is about as trustworthy as those bi polar sorts, but on the other not only is the best place to get it straight from the horses mouth, but you've also got a good deal of material to compare and cross reference with. Guess it lacks the follow talking to someone here would have though.

The am I a schizo phrase is right up there with the I can make money off of forex phase, don't worry it'll pass.

>> No.10010344

Have you tried talking about it? You know, that thing when you kind of exchange ideas.

>> No.10010349


I did! I told him flat out " Dad, that is incredibly unrealistic" he just replies " Anyone can go to harvard, just a little hard work and thats it"

>> No.10010369

This date with myself started spontaneously too. I'd done everything I'm doing now, I just didn't have any of it in mind and was doing it without thinking. The next day I thought to myself "yesterday was really good" and I've been doing it about once a month since then.

huh why would I do drugs? I don't even know how to get my hands on (illegal)drugs, unless you mean prescription drugs, I've already taken them in the morning, so there's no problem there.

>> No.10010395

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10010400

Are you just parroting what other posters say when someone mentions drugs?

>> No.10010403

If the price of being a little girl is losing the ability to do drugs, I think I'll keep my bloated, unseemly man body.

>> No.10010414

Maybe your father was just testing your ability to handle a stupid statement?

>> No.10010439

I dont have a room

>> No.10010443

But would you need or even want drugs if you were a little girl?

>> No.10010455

Quite honestly, I agree with your father.

>> No.10010456

Girls don't stay little forever. Eventually I would need weed for menstrual cramps. Well, maybe not "need", but I would certainly want it.

>> No.10011928
File: 157 KB, 667x500, 1349672069390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe you're a good person? Do you believe you should try to be a good person? What is your NEET moral system?

>> No.10011978

Hey guys, do any of you get a little bit sick of autism being a joke?
I kinda laugh about it most days like everyone else, but mental illness is a serious issue that does impact peoples lives.
I've been a shut in for 6 years and that isn't something you can fake or something you would do for lols and free money.
Yet that's what I get accused of doing.
Kinda tired of it today

>> No.10011986
File: 148 KB, 425x417, 1352336822317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its my first time on /jp/

never again

>> No.10011987

2 years ago

>> No.10012013

Why are you socializing? People can't accuse you if they never get the chance to speak to you.

>> No.10012060

He's obviously talking about on /jp/

>> No.10012051
File: 20 KB, 280x372, 1350945090056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the days go by I'm starting to suspect that none of you are actually 2ruNEETs.

>> No.10012064
File: 246 KB, 896x716, 1351649072380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is your NEET moral system?

My morals are like a NEET Robin Hood mixed with a hood rat.

I don't mind tricking the government so I can get SSI money from them and I don't mind screwing over rich people to my advantage if the opportunity comes up, but I try to be kind and help the poor and oppressed whenever I can.

I can't do much, but I sling my prescriptions on silkroad at very fair prices because prohibition is a form of oppression and I do what I can to fight it by giving people access to drugs.

>> No.10012069

Keep suspecting me.

>> No.10012071

I'm cleaning up my room right now while watching Jurassic Park on Bluray.

>> No.10012092

Isn't that what we are doing now, socializing?

Well, anyway I guess a lot of the time it's more indirect accusations of people claiming mental illness in general to be a joke used by nerds to get free money.

>> No.10012094

my room is always clean because living in absolute filth doesn't make any sense. i've got a fucking trash can right next to me, why leave garbage lying around? i've got a clothes hamper, i'm not leaving my stuff all over the floor. books go on the bookshelf. anything miscellaneous goes in boxes or a bottom drawer. just stop being lazy and disgusting and put shit where it belongs.

>> No.10012125

Helping the world by collecting welfare and dealing drugs? I like the way you look at things.

>> No.10012130

My room is usually very clean.
I only stay in it during the night and for an hour or two after I wake up.
I usually lie on the couch with my laptop instead. If I stay in my bed all day I have trouble falling asleep.

>> No.10012168

The courage to be a dirtbag

>> No.10012214

Moral relativism.

I'm relatively moral.

>> No.10012300

You just realized that now? How new are you?

>> No.10012325

Coping: A Survival Guide for People with Asperger Syndrome
"Some times you may get labelled by people as useless or ignorant. This might be because you are not getting the opportunity to show any intelligence. NOT because it is true."

>> No.10012339

"Another problem you might face is that achieving things by half does not feel like enough. You may be an all or nothing person but remember this might be the autism speaking."
Fuck you too

>> No.10012485

"Don't make jokes about people's mums or dads unless everyone else is. To make jokes like these at the wrong time can make people violent towards you."

>> No.10013275

What if you're a nothing-or-nothing person?

>> No.10013304 [DELETED] 

I sort of tidy daily, but it's been about a half a month or so since I've thoroughly cleaned; last time I attempted such a feat I stepped on a free-weight while carrying a box of networking components, and rolled my ankle pretty badly.

>> No.10013308

Then you're probably suffering from depression rather than aspergers.

>> No.10013332

I was told /jp/ had a NEET guide. Anyone have it?

>> No.10013344

No a living as a NEET guide.

>> No.10013343

Don't be in employment, education, or training. There you go!

>> No.10013362

Well you can wake up whenever you want, cause you don't have to do anything. Going to convenience stores really late at night is a nice plus. I can't think of anything else that stands out.

>> No.10013399

yesterday. gonna stim all the way to gensokyo.

>> No.10013433

Have any NEETs ever had to evacuate due to a natural disaster?

How did you handle it?

>> No.10013445

/v/ are the ones who have it. Try there.

>> No.10013511

go fuck yourself worthless kid

>> No.10013516

I really have to wonder. Some /jp/sies have some pretty serious fucking issues that would probably keep them from going to a crowded shelter in the event of a hurricane or something similar.

>> No.10013691

I don't think I've ever actually cleaned this room since I moved in here, besides sweeping the floor a bit and wiping down the window sill with some spray and a cloth. I ought to do the skirting boards as well, and dust the corners for cobwebs.

But as to what you probably meant, the place is a bit of a mess with books, blankets and clothing all over the floor surrounding my futon. I shift everything into near piles now and again. I hardly ever go into any of the other rooms in the house apart from the kitchen and bathroom, so it's mostly clean.

>> No.10014472

I try to be a good person.

>> No.10014486

It's not even cold and my neighbors are burning logs in their fireplace at night. The smoke smells and it goes right in my room and makes my eyes hurt.

>> No.10014509

Where do you live and why do people still do this in this day and age?

>> No.10014511

I-Is this what they call a "Hygiene Otaku"?

>> No.10014533

I'm in Arizona. I don't know why they do it, especially when it's not cold in the slightest. I'm not even sure who is doing it but I have a good guess. I live near some some insanely annoying neighbors on this block. The father of that family does landscaping and about an hour ago I heard them 'testing' their gas-powered equipment, which often times also causes my room to smell.

The kids in that house also litter horribly, sometimes throwing stuff right into my front yard. I know it's the people in that house because there are always fast food bags and cups right outside their cars when they're parked.

>> No.10019764
File: 189 KB, 480x480, 26696840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck in here NEET bros

>> No.10019784 [DELETED] 

I just got home from my job as a club bartender. Maybe I'll call my girlfriend later to play some PoFV after I finish smoking this bowl.

>> No.10019780

Sorry I didn't see this one before making a new one, I just searched NEET in the subject field since thats rule.

>> No.10019786 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 299x272, 174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 21yo virgin neet
>fap to some awesome porn at 3AM because i have nothing better to do
>cum in a old crusty sock
>go into bathroom
>wash my face in the sink
>suddenly hear a bed squeaking
>listen for a while
>hear a girl orgasm
>mfw thats the first time i hear that in real life

>> No.10019795

At least you weren't in the same room and the people doing it thought you were asleep, but you were actually wide awake, but too fucking scared to move because it would be really awkward.

>> No.10019792 [DELETED] 

>be 14
>sister is 18/19
>NEET and a huge cunt to everyone else in the house
>playing vidya
>Hear argument
>go in the other room to see whats going on
>As i walk in shes leaving and pushes me aside
>Then begins to shout at me everything thats wrong with me and why im such a foreveralone etc
>call her a cunt and walk away
>She sprints up to me and slaps me across the face
>stare at her for a second
>With one arm grab her shoulder and the other deck her in the jaw
>proceeds to run away for the rest of the day.

Dont have any regrets, she still lives with us now but its about time for that bitch to gtfo.

>> No.10019793
File: 272 KB, 1000x1000, pokey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dude in his early 20s... typical virgin, underachiever, ex-NEET and a still beta as fuck robot.
I didn't get any sleep at all last night, because I sometimes suffer from insomnia. However, overtired as fuck I still went to school to write a test. It's the usual morning routine, I get on the bus, walk to the back and sit with the more or less usual people. Same thing happens when I take the train. And there I see him, a young boy who's like ~12 years old. We both always wait on a similar spot to catch the train and also have our usual seats. Shit happens for like over a year now, since I had to take this train. We never spoke a single fucking word to each other. I'm too beta and also afraid that someone might question why I'd talk to him. And he's probably afraid too, cus I don't know any kids who just walk up to older blokes for a chat. It's all weird. I hate myself for not even talking to him. So close, but yet so far away. I really like him, but it seems that I wait for a chance to talk to him that'll never come by. But what really killed me on the way back home was that I met the other boy who I fucking love. We actually know each other, because a friend of mine knew him. However, I haven't seen him for over half a year or even longer, because he moved and doesn't take the same bus as me anymore. We talked a little and I was really happy when I could look in his adorable green eyes again. He's 15 now (oh, that's the legal age in my country) and holy fuck a straight 10/10 for my taste.

>> No.10019797
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 1351205355417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, OP, when I was 16-18 I was full on NEET highschool dropout tier, and even I had the common sense to at least smoke weed instead of drink to deal with my "problems."

Now I'm gonna tell you a secret, that I hope you heed since you all ready have shown disregard for your body.

Use meth. It has its ups and downs. I've posted on here like I am now (spun out of my mind and feeling happy) and I've posted when I was crashing and left giant sob stories about why I started using meth and how it's "destroyed" my life.

It's not easy, some days you'll think it was mistake, but other days you will see with crystaline clarity that it has improved you. I'm employed (a legal job at that), I am starting college next semester, and most days I don't even care about tfw no qt gf.

inb4 i get called a troll. seriously, do it op

>> No.10019798 [DELETED] 

>really awkward person
>apply for hundreds of jobs
>get a callback
>interview goes well
>the asst manager says "you have a good aura about you, definitely easy to talk to people
>get job
>now sweet talk customers into buying 5-year warranties

it's part-time and min wage + commission ($15/hr max) but idc

>> No.10019800

btw im a girl

>> No.10019801

Earlier I bought some D76 because I couldn't afford HC110 and then when I came home my cousins were here and one had a sort of sundress on and I could see her panties.

It also rained and I got really excited.

>> No.10019802


There's nothing quite like a real log fire. It makes you warm and fuzzy in a way a gas or electric heater can't. Maybe it's because of the good company, or maybe it's due the fact that whenever I start one I usually have a blanket, a good book, and a nice cup of cocoa.

There's something sentimental that can't be expressed in kilojoules in the equation.

>> No.10019803

The fags who originally wrote these need to learn how to use linebreaks. The reason greentext is so popular is probably just because it's easier to read. Fuck.

>> No.10019805 [DELETED] 

>be NEET
>suddenly, a wild warehouse job appears
>go to orientation
>they tell me I need to take a drug test
>alright, that's fine
>they schedule me for work every single day during the hours that the drug test facility is open
>I guess I'll have to go on the weekend when I don't have work
>turns out I needed to take the test within 48 hours
>but they scheduled me for work during the only times I could've gone
>miss the deadline
>automatic failure
>no longer have job

Glad that a supposedly professional company is run by monkeys. Back to square one.

>> No.10019811

I like roasting marshmallows.

>> No.10019817

I regret losing my virginity, I lost it when I was 17 then became a huge shut in NEET when I was 19 and spend my time playing video games. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere.

>> No.10019823

i dont know who you are quoting, but he's a retard

>> No.10019819
File: 176 KB, 642x713, 1349410673227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008-2010 hardcore neet
2010-2012 broke out of my neet life style
started to make new friends , be social etc...
last few months I began to miss my old life style so I thought what could go wrong if i go neet for a couple days .... big mistake, I'm back to my old neet state. am i doomed??
is there is a way to break free for ever from this afwul life style


>> No.10019833 [DELETED] 

>be 24
>narcissistic as fuck in the most non beneficial way
>live at mom's house
>tfw you know your place/status and dont even try with women because you know how it affects their choices with you
>tfw i've had sex before almost always in my mom's house/vehicle and the only good fuck i had was with my first girlfriend 6 years ago
>tfw fucks have ran out of supply to give and currently living a NEET as fuck lifestyle
>tfw you're so far in the neet hole you cant imagine any girl that is compatible with you
>tfw this affects your confidence hard
>tfw after so long of living like this you stopped giving a fuck completely about finding a significant other
>tfw very intelligent and have many great ideas that can make me very rich but have zero drive/motivation and cant even begin to find a way to get back in the game mentally

i think im pretty fucking screwed and foreveralone, jaypee

>> No.10019829 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 1350341802609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a lie but i've hidden to all my acquaintances except my family the reason I went through 10th grade again which is in fact that I was a depressed fuck and didn't attend classes for more than half the year.

They were suspicious though because I still look like a depress fuck most of the time and I guess people assumed by my look and behaviour that I was a NEET of some sort. Half my class wondered why my english skill was so high despite my absence of the former year and even my teacher once asked me from where do I know all the stuff I put in my essays.
Of course I'm not retarded enough to tell people I browse 4chan.

>> No.10019843

its board culture newfag

>> No.10019839

>get job
>fuck yeah I got a job!
>get paid a lower wage $9-$11 but at least I'm getting something
>weeks ago by
>hate having to give up over half my time while conscious to the pursuit of making some guy more money
>hate having to spend 8 hours or more around normalfags
>hate the thought of spending the rest of my life toiling away in some dark factory barely making enough to survive
>quit after a few months
>live off savings for several months as a NEET
>repeat process

This has been my life since I graduated highschool

>> No.10019840


>> No.10019841

When did /jp/ allow copious amounts of green text and le feels?

>> No.10019842

go back to r9k

>> No.10019844 [DELETED] 

>split rent with family member
>never held job (never needed to)
>have suv
>lots of druggie friends
>don't do drugs
>social anxiety comes and goes

head full of fuck shit well time to start the day!

>> No.10019847

Please just quietly report them. They will be removed.

>> No.10019848
File: 112 KB, 400x378, 1350164773531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am a 25 year old NEET. I am a High School drop out, (with a GED). I have no working experience. I am in college, but it seems wrong somehow.

I know there are places where anyone can get a job. Like in a mine in some small town. Or becoming a truck driver or something. I can probably borrow money from my parents to get a truck and start my own company?

What the hell am I supposed to do?

>> No.10019850

Why'd you single out this one? I mean it's obviously spam.

>> No.10019859

>22 turns 23 in two months
>live at home
>no education
>never had a girlfriend
>kissless virgin
>never even held a girls hand
>can't make basic conversation
>small dick (5.8x5.1)
>not tall but not that short either (5'11)
>would be extemely jealous in relationship and paranoid
>no hobbies other than video games and browing /jp/ while listening to music i picked up from /mu/
>average looks (got mixed reviews from the only time i posted my picture on /jp/)
>boring as hell
>no life experience
>afraid of evetything

Nobody is ever going to want me

>> No.10019862

Is it possible to get a check from the gov't for having a psychological disorder like severe depression, or asbergers? If not, what other disorder do I have to fake to play the system and get a check? I am much happier being a NEET and pursuing my own interests. But I cant stand living with my parents. I need some way to make at least enough to live on my own and get by without having to work, until I can develop my own source of sustainable cash flow.

>> No.10019863
File: 152 KB, 900x730, 1339358566895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MUH NEET THREADS ;_________;

>> No.10019865

my mom cleaned my room
feels good man

>> No.10019867 [DELETED] 

>Be 20 year old NEET
>today my Dad gave me one of those talks about me getting a job
>he went to mom about this
>mom starts getting really mad for some reason
>she threatens to leave
>Dad brings me in to the argument so I sit down on the couch shivering due to anxiety or nervousness basically
>talk goes on for about 10 minutes, Mother tells Dad to leave, so he goes off somewhere in the van
>my failures are the reason this whole argument started in the first place

Just one reason to kill myself, man. I'm a fucking parasite.

>> No.10019868


That's me if you add a smattering of attempting college and then not giving a shit halfway through the semester. For some reason, I can never force myself to do well the entire semester. If I graduated I think I'd be pretty happy and live a nice relaxing life. But I won't let myself get there...

>> No.10019869

> 1339358566895.jpg

>> No.10019872

I love all these fucking meme arrows.

>> No.10019874

What's stopping you?

>> No.10019880 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 1348716747484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you guys are in full-on NEET mode?

Do you like it?

Do you have a NEET girlfriend/wife/significant other that likes the life you guys both live?

Do your parents not mind supporting you?

What do you do to fill your days?

That kind of stuff.

>> No.10019885

Don't use anime caps edited to include /a/b/v/ memes.

>> No.10019888 [DELETED] 

>be an awkward NEET
>have to attend a mandatory meeting at school
>just took a shit
>walking down the hall
>start feeling squishy itchy feeling in my butthole
>ass gets wet and smelly
>people I walk by cover their noses and say what smells like shit
>I feel my poo Goo stuck in my ass and am unable to do anything
>start to panic, become nervous
>bathrooms close, can't wipe ass
>stay like that all day and come home and want to die

>> No.10019891

Wow, you must be disgusting.

>> No.10019893


Nothing other than my nihilism. I sign up, try really hard for a month and then just give up and stop caring. I don't really see a way to fix my behavior.

>> No.10019903


pick one.

>> No.10019899


And just to clarify, I'm not giving up because it's hard. I took 99th percentile in the ACT. I'm just lazy and can't bring myself to care about my future.

>> No.10019901 [DELETED] 

>tfw NEET
>tfw its only 6:00 PM and I'm so bored that I just want the hours to fly by so I can sleep
>tfw I'm so bored I'd rather be dead
>tfw the girl that was into me suddenly isn't talking to me anymore
>tfw I never get texts anymore
>tfw no human interaction

How do you guys cope with your crippling boredom and loneliness? I seriously would rather take a bullet to the head than deal with this.

>> No.10019907

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10019909

>99th percentile in the ACT

Prove it, you dumb faggot.

>> No.10019914


I've never really cared. I've always preferred being alone than around people.

I find dealing with people hard, so would rather not do it. I don't ever really experience crippling loneliness.

Sometimes I get horny and think a girl to shove my dick in would be nice.

>> No.10019910 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 483x528, meido_alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My shitposting buddy just got banned for shitposting.

>> No.10019912 [DELETED] 

>being this mad over nothing

>> No.10019921


>> No.10019932

Incidentally, I have a friend who is somewhat of a nihilist and he seems to be able to flow through life okay so far. Kid's not phased by anything.

>> No.10019934
File: 24 KB, 350x538, 1352435794503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10019936 [DELETED] 

I live alone currently I work as a manager for a run down appartment complex
my life is pretty sad
no social connections whatsoever to the point where im making friends with my brother's friends
your turn
what is it you do here jp?

this is my only social interaction today

>> No.10019935


I'm not posting my ACT scores because some guy on the internet thinks I'm a liar.

To be a bit more honest, I only got 99th percentile in the composite and reading sections. I was only 90 or above in the rest (how the fuck you get 99th percentile composite with only a 99th rank in only one area still makes no damn sense to me, but that's what the paper says).

At least I don't live in Michigan. I'd have pissed away a full ride scholarship because I'm a lazy ass and would probably have killed myself.

>> No.10019938 [DELETED] 

>posting ontopic on /jp/
>janigger bans me for "shitposting"
>reset router
>continue posting as if nothing happened

>> No.10019941

>social phobia, selective mustim, OCD
>depression and insomnia
>be quite attractive but unable socialize or to talk to anyone
>0 friends and socially isolated
>have no future, be a college drop out, NEET, never be able to live an independent life
>never leave the house

>tfw you are not curable
>tfw /jp/ tells women that they live on easy mode
it doesn't apply for all of us

>> No.10019945

Make working on stuff a habit, and not trying to force it too much.

>> No.10019946

I try to dust/vacuum my room once a week or s. It doesn't really get dirty, per se, since I don't really move things around or let crumbs and clutter accumulate on the floor.

>> No.10019947

Also, chocolate. Classical conditioning.

>> No.10019948


Many are like that, because if it doesn't matter, why not pursue what feels good in the long run? I probably just need to admit that I need some medication/therapy.

But that feels like giving up on who I am. I feel that I should be able to achieve what I want without modifying my brain's chemical makeup.

>> No.10019951
File: 37 KB, 640x480, sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10019952

>eating doritos and listening to wu tang
>stomach kind of hurts
>to scared to leave room to go to washroom
>just sit on /jp/ instead

>> No.10019961


>NEET since I graduated HS in 2010
>kissless virgin
>can't drive
>lives in parent's basement
>idk wat im doing

I got a seasonal job 2 weeks ago.. My first job. But I'd much rather stay home and play mmos ): The constant human interaction of this retail job is fucking torture for me.

>> No.10019956

Anyone else feel emotionally attached to /jp/? I recently lost my job and became NEET so I spend most of my day on the computer, even if I'm not browsing I like to have it on my second screen. It actually brings me some comfort knowing that I can access the board anytime from my desktop, laptop or my smartphone.
Closing it habitually, I feel a cold feeling in my stomach and I have to reopen it again.

What the fuck is happening to me /jp/

>> No.10019960

You probably just had to shit. Was there too much on your floor already or something?

>> No.10019964


I'll try that. I've been using beer but it's too easy to get addicted and just skip straight to the reward without actually doing the work. It'll be easier to moderate that with some tasty food.

I feel optimistic because years of foodservice work really makes you want a new job, to the point that it's motivating me in college. But, I've had that 'motivation' before, and it faded quickly. We'll see if this motivation is any different.

>> No.10019965

See here:

>> No.10019969

Ha. All you need to do is walk out the door and men will provide for you. Nobody gives a fuck if you're weird since you got tits.

True MAN NEETS have to actually find work and deal with social situations as a less than beta. You don't know shit about NEET.

>> No.10019971 [DELETED] 

>be rich
>promise a beautiful woman a house and leisure free life with the condition she bears my child and marries me
>everything goes along smooth, she gives me a child, I let her live in my mansion
>fall in love and get married
>3 months passes and she files for divorce
>turns out she was lying and manipulated me
>shit laws give get my property and child
>left with nothing
I don't know who I am quoting anymore

>> No.10019977

Kind of like me, except I worked full time for a year after HS, then was a NEET for 6 months, then tried uni, but struggled to motivate myself to study and probably failed the first semester.

My problem is that I really have no desire to do anything, I just keep getting forced into it. However, I know that in the long run, it isn't good to do nothing. I just don't have any particular talents or interests that would be beneficial to me career wise.

I don't see myself finishing college with the attitude I currently have. I will need to somehow drastically alter my outlook on life and find a way to get motivated, or I'll need to find another job.

>> No.10019978


>> No.10019976

>Women not on easy mode.

>Date /jp/ neet girl
>Completely agoraphobic
>Steadily she improves as we become more social in each others presence
>Great morals, calm, and kind.
>Bullied when she was younger
>She keeps improving as we spend time together and she's able to return to school after 2 years.
>Starts hanging out with new friends
>Starts flirting with other people, loving the new attention
>Gets felt up at her first party.
>3-4 people flirting with her on her new facebook
>She starts to contradict herself and lie a lot.
>She starts doing things she specifically said she was against, and hated in other women her age.
>She starts bullying another girl she knows
>We split because I came to resent her and being with her was degrading, and she doesn't like that I was still a neet because her new friends made fun of it.
>She hops onto someone else 5 days later.
>She doesn't do her old hobbies anymore.

The human brain, man.

>> No.10019980

Just a warning with something like chocolate though, be careful of weight and blood sugar.

>> No.10019984


Not curable? I don't know much about those disorders... but it seems like social phobia could at least be mitigated by a positive environment.

>> No.10019985

>I don't know who I am quoting anymore

>> No.10019989

You probably know that already though.

>> No.10019995

sounds like you got it made

>> No.10019997


Weight isn't much of a problem for me (I weigh 140lbs at 5"9'.)

I'd have to start exercising again, though. Can't have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Silly dualists.

>> No.10020004

sleeping caps?

omg I love these threads

>> No.10020003

Isn't that nondualism?

>> No.10020005

>Sick of being neet shut in jpsie
>Start going to gym
>Start volunteering
>Stop playing vidya so much
>Week later, evicted from flat
>Constant struggle to make benefit money last
>Out of nowhere, meet girl of my dreams
What the fuck life? At least give me some consistancy

She volunteers as well, has got a bf, and not into me like that anyway, but I enjoy her company so much it doesn't bother me. We have stuff in common and I always feel relaxed around her, like we've been good friends for years even though we had never met before. What's really suprising is my lack of spagetti with her.

I only see her once a week and we sometimes go for a drink with other volunteers but last thurs was just me and her. I had a really good time amd she seemed to as well, but I don't know where my head is at now with all the conflicting feels

>> No.10020009

>ive been a loser my whole life, in school i got shitty grades, didnt do homework, had alot of days absent, etc. now im a high school dropout NEET. sure lots of desirable and average looking girls who were date/girlfriend material approached me, flirted with me and so on, but before anything happened they realized that im a loser and changed their minds. the only reason they were interested/attracted to me at first was because they liked that i was tall, "very cute", "funny", sometimes even "hot"
>i never had status, wasnt ever 0% socially awkward, didnt play sports, not even into watching them, had some geeky hobbies and so on, so the desirable and average looking sluts/whores who approached me and were flirting with me changed their minds before anything happened. the only reason they were interested/attracted to me at first was the same reason the date/girlfriend material girls were
>the only girls who would have had sex with me were ugly chicks/hambeasts who were desperate and their looks matched my status

>> No.10020015

This place makes me happy, at least, for now.

>> No.10020016


Yeah, same here. I don't have any real passions; I'm just going with the flow because resisting it is troublesome. Unfortunately that's not the attitude you can have if you want to get a degree.

But, at 22, I'm realizing just how much I hate shit jobs. I'm hoping that the shittiness of these jobs will keep me grinding my way out, despite my lack of passion.

>> No.10020019

>19, NEET living with friend and his family
>sitting on friends porch with friend having a smoke
>its facing the street only a few yards from the road
>real nice white car pulls up to stop at the light
>turns to us
>recognize him as that douchey kid from middle school that always told dirty jokes
>he recognizes us
>says "whats up with you guys"
>i say "not shit"
>he gives a douchey smug smile and drives off

damn why was i so stupid all my life.

>> No.10020024

>dad is alpha as fuck
>everything he trys will be always a success
>is strong as fuck
>has a bigger dick
>never takes shit from anyone
>woman are eyefucking him

>i'm omega as fuck
>i always fail
>weak like a babby
>can't even Talk to people

>tfw father pretends that he is still proud that he has a son like me

>> No.10020028

>No prospects
>No money
>No friends
>Family dislike me, but are too good to disown me
>No social skills
>Legitimately ugly (3-4/10 according to every 4chan board)
>Back hurts due to NEETing it up so much
>Still finding it hard to accept the fact that I'll never be a good-looking, kind, rich person

>> No.10020025

I would've uppercutted his ass into the stratosphere for that kinda shit.

>> No.10020034

>Have offer to do a medical test for 16 days in house, take pills, give blood, get $3,410 for it at the end
>One of the requirements is to not have caffeine a week before you go in to start
>I'm a massive coffee and tea drinker, at least 15 cups of the two combined a day
>Few days in of no coffee
>SPLITTING migraine
>Visions blurry
>On the verge of throwing up all the time
>Muscles are cramped to fucking hell and back
>One of the other conditions is to not take any over the counter medicine, so no Panadol either
>A few more days of this ensure
>I can't fucking take it any more
>Take Panadol, drink a bucket load of coffee and tea
>Get better
>Mum goes fucking ape shit at me because I forfeited the study and thus no $3,410
>We're not poor, but we're not rich either, it's not like we're struggling to make rent or buy food
>I try to explain that I'd rather have my health than any money in the world and that it just wasn't worth it
>MFW her sons suffering is worth $3,410

So who is in the wrong here, seriously?

>> No.10020037

what do you mean by spam?
He singled it out because:
but that's not "obvious" spam, unless it's also being posted elsewhere?

>> No.10020038


I'd say that there's more than just those two groups. I don't particularly crave interaction, but I want money to buy stuff like a sweet car, or a really powerful computer, or lots and lots of fancy beers.

But, you say, doesn't wanting those things really mean you want the social interaction that comes along with it? No. I really don't. I just want to enjoy... things. I like them a lot more than people. Most normals would probably shun me after hearing such a comment, but it's just who I am.

Thus the paradox of my situation. I want things, but things are made by people and people also like people who have lots of things, and so on.

>> No.10020039

>6/10 guy, NEET, hikki, but fit as fuck because of my amazing metabolism and the gym gear in my flat
>meet 8/10 half-italian, half-white girl from /jp/
>she's kinda smart, she's a virgin, she plays games, and she's a hikki too
>find out she was raped by her step-dad and lose all interest
>she confesses to me last christmas
>i tell her that I like somebody else
>she kills herself two months later
I still miss you, Marisa. ;-;

>> No.10020040

You kinda.
I'd deal with caffeine addiction withdrawals for 3.4k, it's kind of cowardly what you picked anon.

>> No.10020043

>tfw you havent had real real conversation with a girl in months
>tfw just recently became a NEET living on your mothers couch
>tfw when getting kicked out of the military for being bi polar
>tfw when most of these arent even all that bad and if i was a better person i could fix this

>> No.10020046

For a bachelor's degree, you don't need passion, you just need to get the work done. Jobs are somewhat of another matter, but you can fake passion pretty easily, and you still need to get the work done.

>> No.10020045

>be depressed kissless virgin
>try to be social for once
>go to some party
>get drunk
>some girl starts getting into me
>takes me to a back room
>sticks her hand down my pants
>says "is this it?" with a disappointed look
>and then leaves
>drop out of college next day
>end up as a NEET

>> No.10020047



>> No.10020050

>20 years old
>4'11", 97 lbs
>Formally diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder, come from a family where if you don't have some kind of schizo-spectrum condition you're basically a black sheep
>NEET, currently searching for work but having trouble due to the combination of my disorder, the recession, and my utter lack of experience or viable references
>live with my mother, my brother having recently moved out within the last year or so
>one prior relationship, mutually abusive, has given me trust issues and worsened my paranoia
>fairly asocial and socially anxious - friendships are usually established by people approaching me, and though I can maintain them fairly easily, once I lose contact with someone I tend to simply let them drift away
>rarely drink, don't smoke tobacco, occassionally use cannabis, hallucinogens and opiates, addicted to caffeine like everyone else in the civilised world
>no idea what I want to do with my life, would be happy with just a dead-end job and a few acquaintances

I don't really get lonely that much, but I do miss the company of the people I trust sometimes, particularly since my social anxiety becomes managable if I have friends around to keep me calm, and I even become somewhat hyperactive and extroverted, to the point I get compared to a boisterous child, completely the opposite of how I am in most other situations. >>10020045

>> No.10020053

I want to be your friend, but I've already done this before you always end up betraying once you get a ticket to being popular.

>> No.10020055

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10020057

>4 year degree
>parents' house
>have not applied for a job since graduation
>pretend it's obama's fault
>no driver's license
>sleep 12 hours a day
>hobbies rest of the day (cooking, coding, video games, writing, etc)
>go out drinking with friends twice a month
>all of my friends are homosexuals
>drink too much and end up making out with inebriated 5/10 women since I am the only guy who will
>enjoy the attention but not interested in casual sex
>leave at 6 am with friends and play more video games
>no women in any of my social circles since high school
>begin to wonder if women really exist or if they are merely alcohol-induced hallucinations

>> No.10020058


I think you were less than 24 hours away from getting over your addiction and the migranes. I feel that was a bad decision, but I didn't suffer through your pain.

Where did you find this job, ooc?

>> No.10020060

>19 year old white male
>living with my parents
>no gf
>no friends
>virgin, never even held a girl's hand
>no idea what to do with my life

welp, could be worse I guess.

>> No.10020064

>long hair, fat, lazy, depressive attention seeking loser
>don't have any, unless you count failing at life
>my laziness. all my problems stem from being unable to motivate myself to do anything but sit in my own filth and complain

>> No.10020066

>19, tall, chiseled features, conventionally attractive, short brown hair, grey eyes, athletic body shape
>nothing at all, effectively NEET, living with parents
>drinking, "partying", drawing, videogames, film buff, internets
>I'd like to be less depressed, apathetic, and unmotivated/lazy

>> No.10020070

Hahahahahahaha. A woman having it hard.. just sell your body you dumb cunt

>> No.10020073

>that feel when never bullied seriously past middle school
>that feel when liked by everybody but with no close friends after school or any activities.
>that feel when people always said how smart you were and how you were going to be a rocket scientist or something like that.
>that feel when you had no real determination or drive and skated by school barely even trying.
>that feel when you no plans for what you wanted to do with your life
>that feel when you ended up neet for two years before winding up in community college doing nothing worthwhile, wasting time and money to keep from being kicked out or having to find a job.
>that feel when you've had zero social contact with anyone from high school since you graduated and they probably think you've made it big while in reality you're failing life hard.

>> No.10020079

>tfw you prefer the silence of night so you only go to sleep only in the morning
>tfw you realized through the years you started to talk to yourself out loud
>tfw you don't talk to your parents and don't see them for days
>tfw you still live with them in your childhood room as a 30 year old NEET
>that feel

At least I'm not moot

>> No.10020082

>have had two girlfriends
>both end up cheating with other people before we ever get intimate
>have massive trust issues because of this
>have incredible anxiety whenever I talk to a female I might be interested in to the point of panic attacks
>have just shut myself away and become a NEET alcoholic

At least my suffering won't be long as my liver will probably give out soon, just like my cousin's

>> No.10020084

My god, this thread.

Why didn't you stop it?

>> No.10020087

Thanks, Obama.

>> No.10020090

Just landed a second job today, jpsies. Will be able to buy my way through college within a year or so completely self-made. I'll be working 60-80 hour weeks but whatever, not like I was doing anything outside of my first job anyways. Fuck yeah!!!

Any other up & coming successful robots here tonight?

>Tfw NEET for over a year and finally turning my shit around playing my cards like a bawss to become one successful motherfucker.

>Tfw single and will be pocketing near $30,000/year, half of which will go towards various investments and shit for a fine ass sports car at age 40. 20 years to go!

>> No.10020091

im with you man

i swear that one female chick in my circle is cross dressing that nose is freakishly big

>> No.10020093

I feel bad about bumping it since now the OP isn't even around to delete it.

>> No.10020095

I just assumed that they were being copy-pasted from somewhere..

>> No.10020096

I want to be your friend.

And your friend.

And yours.

Please email me. I'm an english neet of four years. Cynicism and massive resolution pictures of Hitler are acceptable.

>> No.10020097

I think they initially were but they've been serious for quite a bit now.

>> No.10020100

I am building a computer for Christmas and I can't decide what to buy. It is really stressing me out!

>> No.10020101

You know, you could just suck dick for money, right?

I fucking hate seeing women complain about this shit, they have it so easy.

>> No.10020103

>be neet
>parents force me to get a job
>can't get job anywhere because i'm ugly and not social
>nobody wants to give me a chance
>try to get back into school
>they don't want me either
>tfw nobody needs or wants you

maybe killing myself is the only chance to escape this shit

>> No.10020107

>be 19
>decide to be NEET for ever
>parents are jews and demand money from me to live with them
>fuck that
>move into shared house and agree to do all the chores and cook so i don't pay rent
>mfw so cheap to buy food and cleaning supplies
>mfw my housemates think im spending hundreds of dollars every week
>mfw i feed them on $70 a week
>mfw i get $270 from government every 2 weeks
>mfw i live comfortably
>mfw they won't be able to live by them selves
>mfw ill just always live with other people and off the government
>mfw i have no face

>> No.10020109

You can thank minimum wage laws.

>> No.10020111

>been NEET for past year or so
>never gone outside
>no health problems
>parents get sick of me leeching off of them
>force me to get a job
>apply to a fuckton of places
>go for interview
>spill spaghetti everywhere
>sleep it off
>wake up the next day
>coughing up yellow phlegm
>can't breathe properly
>lungs feel like collapsing
>jaw hurts like fuck
>eyes burn
>want to die

I should've just stayed inside...

>> No.10020112

Being ugly shouldn't stop you getting most jobs.

>> No.10020114

>You know, you could just suck dick for money, right?

Men can do that too, you know.

>> No.10020115


>> No.10020116

MMO threads are gone, this is not

/jp/, you only had to listen

>> No.10020117

I hate how /jp/ and /r9k treat women.

>> No.10020119

>NEET for a year
>gets to the point where parents start telling me theyre embarassed when their friends ask what im up to
>caused parents to cry/be depressed
>my unemployment is like the elephant in the room constantly, feel like everyone in the house hates me
>hear from mum about this opportunity to be trained to be a book keeper
>take it, get the job, been working for 2 weeks
>flushed some of my drugs down the toilet, gonna better myself
>realise how much it sucks to work 8 hour days, then come home and not have free time to relax because you have to cook, clean and prepare for the next day
>working for min wage
>omg im going to be a fucking accountant

>> No.10020120

Impossible. If they're original creations then they must be ironic. I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.10020121

Yeah it's so terrible that he dumped the girl who started to develop a shitty personality and didn't want to be with him anymore. Those evil men!

>> No.10020124

second post sure
first post no, seems like the opposite

>> No.10020125

>weird sense of humor
>never been in relationship
>almost no friends
>not smart
>no talents
>boring person in general
>will spend hours on end on 4chan

>> No.10020126

/jp/ has been this bad for quite some time, I still can't believe how some of you people can't accept this.

>> No.10020128

>probably going to kill myself by Christmas
>tfw no gf

>> No.10020131

>born to a drunk father and a naive, though kind mother
>he beat her, so she left, to another state, and I went with her
>spend a good 6/8ths of my life in poverty (we're talking food pantries; I ate at a soup kitchen once, too, but that was a class trip)
>enter high-school - 9th grade, in another town
>I was a faggot back then, and I liked FF8
>Decided to act like Squall, because being a maladjusted little freak didn't work for me in my last town
>get a reputation as a weird loner creep
>Some girls liked me, though, I guess I have enough looks to bridge the gap between the overall opinion of me and the truth
>10th grade
>I go to school drunk for the first time
>11th grade
>get arrested for breaking into an old building and destroying it with a bunch of my friends
>mfw it's the biggest juvenile case in the history of the town
>12th grade
>Get into uppers, read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time
>Take to both of these like a baby to a tit; Live my life for the purely hedonistic sake of drug consumption and writing (although my writing is/was shit)
>Act like a madman for the rest of the year
>Have fun when I'm not crashing, act like the biggest asshole in the world when I am
>Drop-out/stop going by the end of the year
>Cynicism overtook the fun once I ran out of uppers
>Now here we are. I'm a NEET. Have been for 2 years.

And that was the greentext story of a druggie NEET who has no prospects.

>> No.10020132

How annoying is your OCD?

>> No.10020133

It happened /jp/
I have gone full NEET mode.
I have not bathed or shaved in weeks.
I noticeably gained weight.
I have not went outside at all(literally) for the past couple weeks either.
All my food shopping is done on the internet.
The date and time on my computer is out of sync so i have no idea what time of the day it is most of the time. The curtains in my one room apartment fully block out any light from the outside and i never open them.
I basically am living from an inhertance and do nothing all day but watch Anime and play vidya. My whole apartment probably smells of spunk and leftover food but i would not know since i am used to it already.
What is your NEET level?

>> No.10020134

Why are people posting "quoted" stories? I don't remember this happening even a few weeks ago. Did a bunch of people from /r9k/ come during the GET and decide to stay? I want them to leave.

>> No.10020136

Did you know 40 percent of men in all of history have reproduced compares to a whopping 80 percent of women? Women is easy mode, mo one expects anything from you. Men are more likely to be targets of random crimes as well, recieve less for cancer research, experience drafts, and are left to fend for themselves.

>> No.10020137

Fuck off normalNEET drugfriend

>> No.10020140

You're not a woman, the societal pressures are quite different.

>> No.10020141

>have a weird voice that you hate
>know you can do stuff but no motivation
>give up easily
>23 and still scared of parents
>don't get social cues because NEET for about 3 years
>walk past people on the street, can't maintain eye contact only in a one on one social situation
>usually ignored in social situations

>> No.10020144

Why would he say 6/8ths instead of 3/4ths?

>> No.10020147

because he's a /r9k/ fucktard

>> No.10020148

gb2soc normal faggot

>> No.10020152

>be NEET
>have your whole family and their friends be ashamed of you
>brother's girlfriend comes over
>haven't shaved since you last left the house over a month ago
>hides in room to avoid brother's girlfriend to see your disgusting self
>need to pee really badly
>runs into the bathroom when your brother and his girlfriend go into his room to fuck
>hears the door open and brother's girlfriend voice
>panics and accidentally pees all over the floor while hurrying
>brother's girlfriend opens the bathroom door and sees you wiping your piss off the bathroom floor and wall
>lock yourself in your room in shame

How do I forget this horrible night and not care about what my family thinks?

>> No.10020153

I almost never read the NEET thread. When I do it's when the discussion looks halfway decent. At all other times I just assume it's been infested by ironic shitposters.

>> No.10020155

Anyone posting "greentext stories" please GET OUT of /jp/. Please fuck off back to whatever board you came from. We don't want you here.

>> No.10020156

I really hate being a NEET.
Gonna go get wasted with a bunch of my bros later though. Maybe that'll take my mind off all the stress.

>> No.10020157

>live with parents
>start drining
>get abit drunk
>look around closet for old stuff
>find an old harddrive
>plug it in
>drink more
>find old music folder
>listen to it
>start crying extremely hard
>remember being young and hopeful
>i'm 22, no job, no education, no future, no hope, still a kissless virgin.

>> No.10020161

Yeah, they're really annoying.

>> No.10020163

>We don't want you here.

Why would a shitposter troll care about that at all?

>> No.10020164

And since the stories are rolling out at a pretty absurd rate and nobody is commenting, I can only conclude that that's what it is.

>> No.10020165

>got into uppers just before senior year
>I was doing shittily in school before then, so I can't blame the drugs
>ended up going to school high
>all the fucking time
>invited to 0 parties
>GPA was something like, .50
>didn't even go during the last month
>NEET now, working on getting the GED (loser's scholarship) and going to CC
>not very many friends, save for a group of people who I love (I still see them from time to time)
>my life is shit.

>> No.10020166

I'm not trolling. Please leave.

>> No.10020172

>parents force me to get a job
>can't get job anywhere because i'm ugly and not social

If you're willing to go where the jobs are and are willing to sweat, there are people who have a use for manual laborers and don't give a fuck whether you're ugly or whether you're a good conversationalist.

>> No.10020173

Does your bathroom not have a lock?

>> No.10020174

No, you fucking idiot. I mean why would the guy spamming those care that you don't like him? He's obviously doing it to get on your nerves in the first place. And it's working apparently.

>> No.10020175

>Be NEET, get munies from the government
>Have to go to some shitty course to help with finding jobs
>Everyone there is amazing, we all get along straight away (but that's a different story for another thread)
>Naturally, when the course ends we all go our separate ways
>Walking home, girl from course is with me as her destination is on route
>The past two weeks she's been laughing at my jokes more than anyone there, we seemed to befriend each other the most
>Adds me on Facebook
>When I get home she's already messaging me
>We talk for ages (she's doing most of it)
>Not sure if flirting

This just happened today, halp.

>> No.10020176

Are these being copied from an /r9k/ thread? Please stop, whoever is doing it.

>> No.10020182

>be a NEET
>father makes 300k a year
>have no motivation at all whatsoever
>father never gives me money when i ask

>> No.10020184

>almost 20 year old NEET living with my mum
>receive a note in the post saying that the postman has been with a package and I wasn't in
>must've been in bed when he tried to deliver
>go to the house that he left it with across the road, not had a shower in 2 days, wearing jeans and a raggy t-shirt
>Gorgeous cute blonde woman opens the door, must've been about 28
>amazing smile
>i look scruffy as fuck
fuck my life

>> No.10020187

You brought this upon yourself. These threads have always been honeypots to crossboarders and undesirables, but you wouldn't listen. Doompaul was right. I told you about the day /jp/ would be covered in green. You will regret not telling people to tell us who they were qouting. The end is nigh.

>> No.10020191

>''Oh man, I love animals! I wanna be a vet!''
>Years later...
>Diagnosed with Aspergers
>Can't speak to people I don't know without turning bright red and fleeing
>Never go outside
>Live with mother

This is your fault, past self. You could have done something about this.

>> No.10020192

Yeah, what the fuck.
I'm making up all these hilarious original troll posts and they're being completely overshadowed by this shit.

>> No.10020197

>tfw 26
>out of college with a useless degree
>squandered so many social opportunities, lost contact with most of the few friends I made during those four years
>never had a gf
>still live with parents
>stay up until 4-5 am every day watching movies, playing vidya
>wake up at 3 pm
>feel like I fell through the cracks of society and am now a ghost

Dat apathy.

>> No.10020200

No idea, they'll probably run out of steam eventually. I don't think it's getting them anything.

>> No.10020201

Are these all serious shitposting replies or are they just joking?

>> No.10020203

>none of my friends talk to me anymore
>my mum is the person who texts me the most
>still depressed about losing my GF of 3 years
>the girl who was crushing on me that I was into stopped talking to me
>don't do anything
>bored as fuck at all times
>scared of going to highly public areas
>no chance of meeting new people

I should just give up.

>> No.10020204

> 20
> hate my friends
> hate my family
> about to be kicked out
> not smart
> never had girlfriend
> still a virgin
> will probably see me on the street next month

wtf was I brought in this world for

>> No.10020206

Which replies?

>> No.10020209

>21 year old NEET
>had girlfriend ~5 years ago, still thinking about her every now and then
>finished highschool, but had to struggle because I'm lazy as fuck and have trouble focusing
>can't get a single job because it's a very high unemployment rate and even shitty jobs as a cleaner gets like 1000 applications. It doesn't help that I have a slight anxiety and I'm very shy
>lives at home and feel like a burden for my parents
>no friends anymore except for family

Still I don't feel depressed at all. I'm just taking every day as it comes. I know I won't live at home as a NEET forever. As most 1-2 more.

>> No.10020210
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Accel World - 03 [7CB826BE].mkv_snapshot_00.01_[2012.04._0.0.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a simple fact, just like Jews running the economy and stealing our money.

Minimum wage ensures that people can't get hired for countless entry level jobs to acquire job experience and move up the ladder. Instead people are forced into unpaid internships and become slaves to our Jewish overlords.

>> No.10020211

>got foot surgery a few days ago
>sleeping half the day
>other half of the day sitting on my ass with my computer
>father buys me Starbucks twice a day and cake and suchforth

This is now my inspiration for becoming a NEET.

>> No.10020212

>Wake up
>I'm a NEET
>Browse 4chen
>Smoke some weed
>More vidya
>Smoke cigarettes
>smoke some more weed

The NEET life

>> No.10020214

I know who they are. A bunch of guys from the MMO threads are trying to get the NEET threads deleted and they done care as long as this thread becomes shit and unusable.

>> No.10020215

my plan for today

>woke up at around 12pm
>ate some cereals
>currently browsing internet and it's 1pm
>will go to sleep again because I feel sleepy.

maybe later friends call me and we go out clubbing.

I am a NEET parasite.

>> No.10020217

>25 year old neet
>wants to get a job
>lives in state with highest unemployment rate.
>all girls around me are taken or clearly mentally unstable.
>all dudes are too busy with their other friends and gf's to even humor me.
>mom hates my guts, drug addict thief brother, dad who's tired of me.

Is there any hope for me? Is there any end to this suffering?

>> No.10020221

Good, these threads blow. Especially when everyone in them is serious.

>> No.10020228

>wake up
>go to work
>gotta study for final on monday
>spend all weekend studying
>just want to sped my weekend being a neet

>> No.10020222

>Be in high school
>Feel like it's pointless, seriously consider dropping out
>Teachers and counselors: "ZOMG ANON U CAN'T DO DAT!!11! U WON'T BE ABLE TO GET A JOB AND U WON'T HAVE A FUTURE!!11!!!"
>Decide to stick with it, graduate
>Find out shortly afterwards that no one gives a shit about a high school diploma

>Go to college, in a field that I was told was in demand (journalism)
>Feel like it's pointless, seriously consider dropping out
>Hear "ZOMG U WON'T HAVE A FUTURE!!11!" from everyone I know
>Decide to stick with it, graduate
>No one gives a shit about my college degree either

>tfw I could have spent my whole life just sitting in my room, playing video games, and being a useless NEET, and I would be in the exact same position I am now
>tfw all that time, effort, and stress was for nothing

>> No.10020225

>Wake up
>Eat breakfast
>Browse 4chan and play vidya
Such is life as a NEET

>> No.10020232

>finished shit highschool, cant go to college
>zero skills and knowledge
>have no will most of the days
>feel like a parasite to my parents
>poor family
>OCD, self loathing and unhappiness with myself.

>> No.10020230

>21 year old NEET
>Due to mediocre grades in elementary wasn't able to enroll into a Proper European high school i.e. Gymnasium
>Dropped out of the secondary school i enrolled into after one moth of attendance
>At some point while i was 14 a drug addict with a hand deformity since birth ridiculed me
>Had the luck to lose my hearing on my left side and balance due to Neuritis when i was 12, which made me unable to do any sports for several years
>Was supposed to kill my self at 19 but i'm still alive
>Born Slav(Slave)

>> No.10020234

>be 19
>be female
>be failing first year of uni
>then drop out, currently NEET (no one knows, not even family)
>living off government payments I'm not entitled to
>live alone
>all I do all day is eat, stuff my face with junk
>rapidly go from skinny and attractive to overweight
>develop social anxiety, depression

>> No.10020237
File: 102 KB, 785x712, PrtScr capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I found a proxy Yama used to ban evade. It's a Japanese one I left on by accident.


Now you too can pretend to be Yama and not get dubs because you're banned.

>> No.10020241

>26 yo NEET
>Live with my mother and her asshole partner
>Not a virgin but not attracted to 3DPD anymore
>Horrible eyesite
>Shaky hands prevent me from doing anything that interests me.
>Clumsy as fuck
>Fat alcoholic
>Obsessed with Anime.
>Spend my days wanting to be a little loli
>Otherwise horribly depressed and suicidal but too much of a coward to do anything

>> No.10020244

>18 year old NEET
>drop out high school
>gay, beta, antisocial, afraid of intime contact.
>mom cooks me dinner and serves it to me
>Clinical depression for several years.
>mehh etc

>> No.10020247

me too.

>> No.10020249

>18 year old NEET
>10th grade dropout
>have lisp due to really fucked up teeth
>can't afford to get teeth fixed
>can't talk in public without being laughed at
>can't get job even at mcdonald's
>talk like a fucking retard
>somehow not a kissless virgin
>about 6/10
>vidya and sleep all day erryday
>smoke weed like 6 days a week
>no ambition
>no motivation
>contemplates suicide, too pussy to do it
>complete loser

wat do jp. I am sick of being a complete basement dwelling neckbearded faggot but there is nothing I can do about it when I sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.10020254

Ah. It's like grinding to them then.

>> No.10020260

>tfw all that time, effort, and stress was for nothing

But anonymous, surely you gained valuable knowledge and skills during your schooling.

Didn't your elementary school teachers tell you that you get out what you put in? They weren't lying to you. It's entirely possible to get nothing from college and high school, if you're just waiting until they give you a piece of paper.

>> No.10020261

>As of 1 week from now I'll be a 23 year old NEET with no future
>Come from single mother home who was a slut that lived off child support and government help
>mom was a big drug addict and alcoholic
>even though she's horrible to live with I still follow her around because I can't make it on my own
>I only graduated highschool on the sympathy of my teachers, I was taking Algebra 1 in my junior year
>haven't had a friend since highschool, of whom talked shit about me at every chance
>experimented with a fat gf once, ended up running away when she kissed me, her parents thought I was gay. Of course I'm still a virgin
>weeaboo, I watch loads of anime to pass the time in my room. 99% of the music I listen to is just anime shit
>currently living in the corner of my grandma's room in her 1 bedroom apartment that's a converted motel
>socially anxious to the point of barely being able to walk through a store and feeling like I'm going to die if I have a conversation with someone that isn't my mom for longer than 30 seconds

>> No.10020271

>22 year-old NEET
>kissless virgin
>used to be addicted to alcohol, weed, and klonopin
>diagnosed anxiety disorder, dysthymia, avoidant PD, borderline PD
>live at home
>have no friends, snap at people, can't control anger/violence
>no motivation, no will, have given up on trying to change
>super-beta introverted and socially-awkward like dad
>blame everything on others except myself
>spend all time anxious/withdrawn, in med withdrawal, browsing the internet, jerking off, and sleeping all day

>> No.10020275

>22 NEET
>kissless virgin
>been depressed for years
>average penis
>no job
>no education
>no motication
>no ambition
>no goals
>no love for spanwords
>no gf

>> No.10020281

>22 yo NEET
>European junior high school equivalent drop out
>OCD and paranoia
>Nothing to look forward to in life except green text threads on 4chan
>waiting to die

>> No.10020283

>18 year old NEET
>8th grade drop out(so embarrassing)
>agoraphobic, psychotic and possibly schizophrenic
>mom cooks me dinner and serves it to me
>I would be dead in a month if my mother didn't take care of me or my ssi got cut off
>therapy and pills not working
>just got out of mental ward

>> No.10020285

>be 22 year old kissless virgin NEET living at home
>meet old friend from high school
>he is married
>has a kid
>good job
>he asks me what i do for a living
>that fucking feel

>> No.10020289

>that feel when you're a 23 year old NEET
>that feel when never had a job with no work experience
>that feel when you did poorly in school
>that feel when you're as dumb as rocks

How do the rest of you NEETs cope with living?

>> No.10020291

Happened today

>recovering shutin
>started going to government course to help me stop being a shutin NEET
>on break from lectures
>sitting outside
>feeling kinda shitty
>want to go home
>one of the girls also on the course sits next to me and asks if i'm alright
>we end up talking during the break
>my first real conversation in 5 years with a girl
>feel better

>> No.10020292

This thread got a lot less exciting when I found out /r9k/ had an archive.

I thought you had lovingly hand-harvested these stories through months of harsh labor to share with us.

>> No.10020293
File: 18 KB, 1054x218, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020295

I have an OKCupid account for the sole purpose of rejecting lonely girls because I derive a sadistic pleasure from it.

I know this thread is already really shitty but I just had to get this off my chest.

>> No.10020296

You give them too much credit.

>> No.10020297

Is that the Shittiest Boards Only archive or something?

>> No.10020297,1 [INTERNAL] 

Me too

>> No.10020304

As long as you'd also be okay with being on the receiving end.

>> No.10020308

It's missing /b/, but that may be simply due to higher requirements of archiving a board that moves that fast.

>> No.10020309

Sure, why would I even care?

>> No.10020320
File: 124 KB, 400x300, bender's_advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 NEET
>Living with mom
>No gf
>Haven't been in a relationship in almost 3 years
>Haven't had sex for 5 years
>12th grade drop out without a GED
>Stay inside all day and play games, occasionally hang out with the one friend I have
>All of my other friends have moved on and stopped talking to me years ago
>Been out of the social loop for so long that I can't even start a conversation with people, I get nervous and start shaking. It's embarrassingly noticable
>Squander hundreds of opportunities to improve my life
>Slowly starting to lose interest in everything I enjoy
>Gaining lots of weight, generally look like a loser
>Becoming increasingly paranoid, always assume that a person has an ulterior motive if they talk to me
>Fap every day to loli forget how shitty my life is

>> No.10020319

Only retards and mongoloids believe in karma.

>> No.10020322

/b/ is one of those kinds of boards that you expect to be shitty though. Those are, for the most part, shitty in a disappointing way. If you know what I mean.

>> No.10020326

No idea if you do or not, I'm not you.

>> No.10020331

I already got the thread to the bump limit, dood.

>> No.10020334

Not karma, just empathy.

>> No.10020339

One time I rejected a girl in person. It was really really hard for me not to burst out laughing at the disappointed look on her face.

>> No.10020395

What's with all the non-ironic greentext in this thread? This is one thing I didn't expect on /jp/.

>> No.10020398

You're kidding, right?

>> No.10020406

Glad you didn't.

>> No.10020408

Sorry, I didn't mean to quote that post. I originally had a separate response for that person than what I ended up posting.
Also, he did start his misuse of quoting greentext story with >Women not on easy mode.
which is annoying, despite how correct his actions may have been.

Better examples are:

While I'm complaining, there was (maybe still is, I don't know) a NEET thread already up.
and both of them contain at least one content-free "bump" post.
And someone tried making a third NEET thread while the two were up.
I need to take it easy.

>> No.10020409

Well, of course I didn't. What kind of asshole do you take me for?

>> No.10020422

Less of one.

>> No.10020431

Actually, you're probably okay.

>> No.10020451

Thanks, but why?
I don't understand your logic.

>> No.10020452

I've never seen so much greentexting on /jp/ before either.

>> No.10020456



>> No.10020457

Sure, but it was clearly ironic spam.
Is your autism that bad?

>> No.10020467

>20 year old not-NEET
>No serious physical/mental disorders
>Fairly normal
>Bit socially awkward, but can deal with it
>Small bunches of friends, don't hang out much though
>Live with parents, very nice family
>4th year of university in CS, good grades
>No job, living off student loans
>Inundated with hobbies
>Happy with life

am i doing it right

>> No.10020475

Your confession of sorts:

>> No.10020477

Also, I rarely understand my logic myself.

>> No.10020524

I confess I didn't read any of the greentext, or notice that they were /r9k/ reposts. It's still kind of annoying, though.

>> No.10021005

Want to go on a NEET date? We could sync watching anime together

>> No.10021005,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10021005,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10021005,3 [INTERNAL] 

Go out with me

I can provide for you

>> No.10021005,4 [INTERNAL] 

