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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10017928 No.10017928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WHY do some of you faggots like 3d lolis? disgustin'

>> No.10017937


>> No.10017954


Are you gay?

>> No.10017957


>> No.10017965





>> No.10017965,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10017982

You mean you're not?


>> No.10017977
File: 457 KB, 1755x1035, 3 tanks 1 girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophile sympathizer here
What's so disgusting about it?
Do you hate children or something?

>> No.10018008

I don't know
But I miss working in a day care center

>> No.10018020

no you sickos hate children you ruin they're lives why'd you do it??

>> No.10018034

That would be true if you actually sleep with them. However, I'm a virgin!

>> No.10018047

it's a compulsory mental disorder and you can't control it forever like the rest of the mans

take a look at wikipedia

>> No.10018062

It's an obsession, not a compulsion. Unless you have OCD, I guess.

>> No.10018070

>in kindergarten
>nap time
>there's this really cute girl I want to cuddle up with
>I like to sleep naked
>take off all my clothes and get under the covers with her
>teacher sees
>calls the cops
>I get arrested and go to jail

I'm 25 btw

>> No.10018076

I want to kill all of you sick fucks.

>> No.10018080

>sexual orientation

>> No.10018081

who are you quoting?

>> No.10018083

His sick delusions.

>> No.10018093

puts me in mind of when murderers kill child molesters or sex offenders in prison, as if they have the moral high ground.

>> No.10018095


>compulsory mental disorder

Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded? Please? Being gay was also a "mental disorder", currently, ANY paraphillia, like foot fetishes or liking traps, is also in the DSM as a "disease".

They revoked being gay, admitting it's not a disease. Which makes you question how much, if any, science was involved at all in calling a sexual interest a disease. The answer is none. It's complete bullshit based off pseudoscience and arbitrary opinions, sexual interests of ANY kind isn't a disease.

>> No.10018105

Anything you think about uncontrollably is an obsession.

>> No.10018110

>Which makes you question how much, if any, science
Psychology is pseudoscience. People get mad when you call it that, but it fits the literal definition.

>> No.10018111

but they did studies with pedos and they have these compulsions

for example the ones in prison for rape, they took them out and studied their brains

>> No.10018114

I don't know. I just always have. At first it was mostly a sexual attraction, but now that I'm a bit older I just like being around them. Compared to people my age, I think it's interesting to hear what children (especially cute little girls) have to say. I appreciate that cuteness and beauty now more than ever. I literally cannot imagine what it would be like feel nothing. It must make for an incredibly bland, maybe even infuriating world.

Speaking of which, this might sound odd but has anyone noticed that kids have some kind of way to tell you're not normal?

>> No.10018115


Don't you mean "a disease of the brain"?

>> No.10018122

It isn't pseudoscience, it's just the quantification of common sense. It uses the scientific method, but in the same way pigeon counting does.

Not sure if pigeon counting is a real thing, but whatever.

>> No.10018129

Why do you assume that pedophiles are predisposed to become obsessed with children? Seriously.

They appear to be "obsessed" just because every little reference to their attraction is viewed as abnormal.

Normal guys, on the other hand, lust after women the whole fucking time, sex is always in mind. Are they obsessed with women?

>> No.10018133


They removed nymphomania for fucks sake, but if you're undersexed your considered deficient.

The DSM is a political tool and nothing more at this point.

>> No.10018139

3D lolis are women, except they are cuter, and more energetic, and less likely to judge me.

>> No.10018140


This just in, everyone on Earth is obsessed with this thing called "food".

The mental illness is so widespread and severe, that if you forcibly deprive them of it, they begin to obsess and think they "need" it.


A bunch of guys sitting around arbitrarily deciding what personality traits, emotions, and behaviors, are diseases of the brain, with no actual science involved, isn't a real science.


Sorry, I'm a bit off today.


>studied their brains.

You meant asked them questions? Even if they did more than that, the best they have is a claim that possible correlation is equal to causation.

>> No.10018149

Of course most men are obsessed with women. Why are you even asking that?

>> No.10018156

>This just in, everyone on Earth is obsessed with this thing called "food

You also feel compulsions to eat food. Hunger sucks.

>> No.10018171

I've liked girls as young as 10-11 since I was of around that age, and I always have but not exclusively so, my first crush was a weeaboo student teacher we had. I'm sure most people have a similar experience as a child. So my question is, why did you stop liking little girls, op?

>> No.10018186

I don't like prepubescent lolis, like this

However anyone capable of giving birth is fine by me, including lolis. I don't like using the grass on the field/old enough to bleed idioms, as I hate those two aspects of women.

>> No.10018189

>The DSM is a political tool and nothing more at this point.

Every psychiatrist and psychologist I've spoken to thinks this. Hell, I know nothing about psychology but I've read most of it and I agree. I get it's based on social norms and there's obviously a lot of debate as to what those are, but it's so corporate and artificial.

Here's an interview about autism with the woman who coined "Asperger syndrome":
She has a good point about committees. It would be better if actual practitioners got to decide who had what based on separate tests rather than one book that arbitrarily decides everything and only gets updated once every 20 years. If you have something like ADOS or DISCO, then the DSM is completely superfluous.

>> No.10018203

Even if they use scientific methods, they are studying the wrong people.

>Society fucking hates pedos
>No pedo is gonna get out of the toybox
>Some sickos who aren't even pedos RAPE children
>Some pedos grow really tired of this madness, begin to hate everyone and turn into the "evil molesters" that everyone believes them to be
>"Oh, thanks god. Finally some pedos came out of the closet by raping kids!"
>"Let's study them to find out what causes pedophilia, since deranged rapists and people who hate the world are truly neutral and represent the average pedophile!"
>You get that shitty article in Wikipedia

>> No.10018210

She has a chubby face, but she's cute.

>> No.10018220

>Every psychiatrist and psychologist I've spoken to thinks this.
They still hate pedophiles because "the DMS says how many disorders they have", though.

>> No.10018228

Plus pedos put them in an awkward position where they don't know if they should maintain confidentiality or not.

>> No.10018230


>> No.10018231

When they stopped being my mental equals. You may as well love a retard if you're going to love a child.

>> No.10018234

Little girls are stupid, boring, and annoying, you can't have a proper conversation with them.

How can you like them, /jp/? Is it really all about lust? You sick fucks.

>> No.10018239

But women are never the mental equals of men?

People also seem to have no problem with rich men marrying trophy wives everyone acknowledges as stupid.

>> No.10018240

Women are stupid, boring, and annoying, you can't have a proper conversation with them.

How can you like them, /jp/? Is it really all about lust? You sick fucks.

>> No.10018246

If they actually believe DMS is bullshit, they shouldn't feel "the need to tell the police about this pedo guy who confessed to me just how pedo he is". They would know how retarded that way of thinking is.

>> No.10018249


We have proper discussions when I whip out my cock.

>> No.10018255

It's not about intellectual differences between mentally healthy adults. Those are much smaller gaps that what exists between you and the stupidity of children.

>> No.10018264

What do you guys mean by "political tool"?

>> No.10018265

I know how to treat children. And I like everything about them, so why not?

>> No.10018266

I may be pathetic socially, but even I can talk to a child.

>> No.10018262

Oh fuck you you sexist scum.

>> No.10018268

Studying psychology does not remove the normal knee-jerk reaction to the p word, even if it removes other things.

>> No.10018274

>can't have a proper conversation with them

I can't really have a "proper" conversation with most people anyway. As cliche as it sounds, it feels like there's some kind of barrier when I speak to most people. I feel way more relaxed talking to a kid, and there is no barrier. I feel like I can be myself and say things I really want to say. If I were going to have proper conversations with anyone, I feel as if they'd be more likely to happen while speaking with a child.

>> No.10018277


Obviously he's a virgin loser with no experience with real women and still lives in his fantasy world where he expects to find a mutual love with an equal intelligence and shares all of his interests. A female clone of himself if you will. That is the result of selfish, self-centered minds who never think outside the first-person point of view. He will no doubt die alone, hopelessly clinging to his childish delusions.

>> No.10018278

The children in those tests were all under the age of 5, if I'm remembering correctly. Most pedophiles on 4chan like children at least 8 years old, from what I've seen.

>> No.10018279

That must be nice. I've reached the point where even the youngest child bullies me severely and I say nothing.

>> No.10018289


feminazi detected

>> No.10018291


>> No.10018294


You like, don't belong here d00d.

>> No.10018302

Unlike you, I can stand children and actually like being around them. I don't feel bored talking about whatever retarded shit they are interested in.

I'm not a "manbaby", it's just a different taste. And I also happen to like them physically, since I liked little girls when I was a kid and saw no reason to stop. Why would I suddenly stop liking them?

>> No.10018308

Adults can be fooled the same way, just not that blatantly. Taller, skinny glasses make you think there is more liquid inside. It's an optical illusion.

>> No.10018318

This is the problem I face. I've considered bringing it up, but they always give me the same disclaimer about how everything I say is confidential unless I pose a risk to myself or others. I imagine a lot of pedophiles are in this position and they're missing out on help if they want it.

I think this might be the case, but it depends on the person you're talking to. He or she is a human being, after all, and has to make subjective decisions.
I always felt I had to be careful about what I said to psychiatrists. Now I have a counsellor and we can talk about anything. It's a huge relief being able to tell someone you think child porn should be legal or that the Holocaust was a hoax, and not have them call the police. And she's not just humoring me or anything, she's interested in this stuff and hates the stigma as much as I do.
In before she turns out to be a JDL spy.

>> No.10018321

Conservation of matter is something that's learned, just like conservation of energy or increase in entropy. And there are adults who somehow just can't understand that that shit is true.

>> No.10018322

Not sure. Just the other day I was called a stupid head and cried for a few hours straight. I guess I'll just hide in my car next time until I can make a dash for my front door.

>> No.10018323

This. Most people are retarded, fact.

>> No.10018330

I like being around children, I just don't like being around their parents.

>> No.10018345

That's not the same way. An optical illusion is different from believing in the witchcraft those children do. The fact that no adult would ever make that mistake if you showed them the process is what's important.

Showing them the finished product forces them to estimate.

>> No.10018351

So /jp/ wants to fuck little children because you are all too autistic to communicate with adults?

>> No.10018353

How did you manage to get a driver's license?

>> No.10018362


I said you don't belong here dude.

Stop posting.

>> No.10018357

More like how did he manage to afford a car.

>> No.10018371

My mommy filled out most of the forms and I just drove extra slow and cautious during the driving test. I barely passed, but now I just have to renew it every few years with very few complications.

>> No.10018381

The pedophiles who need help are either:

1. People with problems NOT RELATED to pedophilia who can't fully control it

2. Normal guys who feel incredibly restrained IRL, are censored and experience extreme butthurt on the Internet, etc. They end up hating this retarded world and becoming bitter NEET's. This would NOT happen if society wasn't so brainwashed and actually tried to hear what they have to say.

>> No.10018388

My second test I was failed for "not appearing confident enough in my driving." In other words, driving too slowly. I passed on the third attempt, but I don't believe you ever did.

>> No.10018403

At the rate I'm going I'll probably die before renewing my license. It expires in 2055.

>> No.10018405


Couldn't it be more likely that you find it easier to communicate with a mind that's on the same level as your own instead of "most people are retarded"? Though I admit the american education system doesn't produce the brightest crayons in the box.

>> No.10018409

I don't belong here because I don't want to have sex with children? When did /jp/ become a hangout for real pedophiles?

>> No.10018414


... since its creation? Fucking newfag

>> No.10018423

I thought you were supposed to renew them every eight years.

>> No.10018422

Hi, welcome to 4chan.org.

>> No.10018427

Maybe. My intelligence is really high and I certainly find most people fucking retarded. I have yet to find someone like me...

But even I would be brainwashed if I wasn't a pedo myself. I guess that's what happens to some people here in /jp/.

Define fake pedophiles.

>> No.10018439

People who claim to be pedophiles to be cool/funny/provocative/whatever but actually aren't

>> No.10018441

Men hold a dominate role in the relationship it doesn't matter if there's a "power imbalance", or some bull shit. They don't have to be you're intellectual equal and children do grow up eventually.

Able to bleed able to breed. That's it.

>> No.10018449

>Define fake pedophiles.

People who like 2D loli, but who would never think about harming real children.

>> No.10018454

The ephebophiles/hebephiles who learned their definition of pedophile from mass media.

>> No.10018469

Depends on the state.

>> No.10018462

That's called a delusional pedophile.

>> No.10018464

>Men hold a dominate role in the relationship
Keep telling yourself that, virgin.

>> No.10018470

Eh, I like 2D loli but stuff like >>10017977 does absolutely nothing for me.

>> No.10018492

Maybe that's because she's not a particularly attractive child

>> No.10018507

I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. I definitely enjoy speaking with kids rather than people my age.

>> No.10018517

I don't find children attractive at all though. I've seen that stuff on /b/ and whatnot for a long time now, the child models and all that and it's never done anything for me.

Kids can be cute, like that girl, but not in a sexual way for me.

>> No.10018519

You have to pay the fee each time, so it seems like an easy way for them to make money.

>> No.10018523


I failed my first time during the parking. The guy was really nice and happy and I thought he wanted to be my friend. I got really relaxed and wasn't careful not to make mistakes because I thought he would help me out. Then he told me to stop because I had made the max amount of errors already and it was over ... I'm never trusting anyone ever again ;_;

>> No.10018528

Sexuality sure is mysterious.

>> No.10018533


>The ephebophiles/hebephiles who learned their definition of pedophile from mass media.

Hey I'd rather not be lumped in with you, it'd make my life easier. Personally I like them when they just start maturing and have buds. I don't care for really little girls.

>> No.10018537

I'm pretty sure /jp/ is full of real pedophiles.

The antis will attack you with "THEY WOULD BREAK THE KIDS HEART AFTER SHE GROWS UP".

Yeah. Like women don't become fatty whales who keep being loved by their husbands. Like pedos can even begin a relationship with a child in this society. Like pedos find teens and young women AS disgusting as fat whales and grannies. Or even disgusting at all.

I don't want to hear any of this bullshit, please.

Real pedos don't ever think about harming children. They actually feel a platonic love for them. It's a surprisingly pure attraction. Most "normal" guys and gays do think sometimes about how much they hate that woman/man who dumped them.

But I guess "people who only like 2D" aren't real pedos. They are just perverts who like it because it's forbidden. Or maybe they are delusional pedos who were brainwashed by the media.

>> No.10018544

The feeling is mutual. I don't like being grouped with people who sleep with teenagers.

>> No.10018549


What do you mean? She's moe as HELL, dude!

>> No.10018558

>child models
These things are run by normalfags who can't see what pedos see. So they dress the girls like sluts and put makeup on them so they become "attractive" and fail horribly.

I don't like them at all. What's the point in dressing them like women?

>> No.10018563

I never had pedophilic tendencies before, but recently I've started to drift over to loli hentai since I got bored of the normal girls, kind of the same way I got bored of 3D and drifted over to 2D. Now I sometimes imagine what it would feel like inside of a nice tight loli anus, though I imagine it wouldn't fit. I of course wouldn't do anything in real life as I'd rather not go to prison and of course I don't obsess about it or think about it often, but if it was ok to I wouldn't mind doing it with a loli.

>> No.10018571

>I sometimes imagine what it would feel like inside of a nice tight loli anus, though I imagine it wouldn't fit

Turn back while you still can.

>> No.10018569

>I think it's interesting to hear what children (especially cute little girls) have to say. I appreciate that cuteness and beauty now more than ever.
I feel the same way. I LOVE children, but I just can't feel anything sexual for them. 2D lolis on the other hand make my dick rock hard.

I can confirm that the little ones have a sixth sense. Seems like they can cut through all social bs and see who people really are.

>> No.10018578
File: 123 KB, 600x720, 1345334352699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the opposite. I just like the flat chest/no waist body type.

When they act like actual little girls it's a bit of a turn off.

>> No.10018583

Off boarders can really inflict a number on /jp/

>> No.10018573

So anyone have the image of this girl who's sitting by a window I think and you can see her pantsu? It's has a caption that reads "I apporve of CP" or something like that.

>> No.10018577

The real issue is that children are retarded and you can trick them into doing anything you like.

>> No.10018585

Don't listen to the other guy, embrace the darkness of your soul.

>> No.10018594

I, as a pedo, don't like to fantasize about penetrating a little girl. Anything but that. It has nothing to do with the fact that it may be too big for her, it's different. I even lose my boner when I get to that part in a loli doujin.

Am I the only one?

>> No.10018591

Agreed. Intelligent and mature acting little girls are the best.

>> No.10018600

That probably came off wrong. The more you imagine being stopped because it wouldn't fit, the worse it will feel years down the line.

If you can, start imagining how warm and soft the sensation of being licked is.

>> No.10018602


Same with anyone.

See: behaviorism, the only pure scientific psychology. Check out the various conditioning methods and the experiments that have been done.

>> No.10018618

Real pedophiles don't want to just trick them to satisfy themselves. I'm serious.

Stop with this "children are an easy target" BULLSHIT, they aren't easy at all. Hell, they are the most protected thing in this world and you could be sent to prison just by talking to them.

>> No.10018619

I share your sentiment, but I'm not a pedophile.


>> No.10018620

Adults are manipulable, but children are double retarded. We treat adults like they have agency because there's no other choice.

>> No.10018616


You'll eventually head over to traps and shota, mark my words.

>> No.10018638


That's not going to happen. I'm absolutely repulsed by male genitals. Thing about lolis is that all they are is miniature women right? It's not an attraction to their innocence or the fact that their children, but they have holes the same as normal women and I think they would feel better since they're smaller and tighter ... this line of thinking might lead me down a very dangerous road

>> No.10018659

Two questions then:

Are you a virgin? Maybe you don't know how exactly does it feel, so you can't put yourself in the guy's shoes and put yourself in the girl instead (because unlike the guy, they moan a lot).

You can't even imagine how does it feel to have a vagina AND to have it penetrated, so you can't put in her shoes either. At least not fully.

So you end up finding the penetration scenes dull and prefer the foreplay.

What do you think? Maybe it's just preferences and has nothing to do with being a virgin, though.

>> No.10018668

Wait, that was just one question. I forgot the second one. Whatever.

>> No.10018673

But children can be pretty manipulating, too.

>> No.10018678

like I got time to listen to your nerd shit

>> No.10018684

You aren't the same guy.

>> No.10018692

That feel when five times as much allowance because I played my parents against each other when they were getting a divorce.

>> No.10018708


Many people have said the same, but I'm serious you'll be really horny one day and someone will post a poju doujin and then it's over.

>> No.10018725

I just realized poju was the first time I fapped to shota.

How did you know???

>> No.10018726

Op is the niggest.

>> No.10018729 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 450x720, 003qter7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But poju does straight stuff too so yeah.

>> No.10018743

>I'm absolutely repulsed by male genitals.
I would have said the same thing years ago. Now nothing turns me on more than thinking of penetrating a shota while playing with his little dick. Embrace it.

>> No.10018747

How does a little girl's sock smell like? Besides crayons I mean.

Do their sweaty socks smell like everyone else's or is there a difference?

>> No.10018750

It's very rare but there are some 3D lolis that are cute as fuck. But it's not like I would corrupt them or anything

>> No.10018764

I would rather just think about a girl than a boy that's basically a girl.

>> No.10018775

But you'd love to.

You'd love to be invisible and spy them while they masturbate or something. Don't lie to yourself~

>> No.10018795

Kids are fucking hot. If you disagree, you're brainwashed.

>> No.10018791


Shut up fag

>> No.10018794

shit taste

>> No.10018799

Obviously. Look what site I'm browsing.

>> No.10018800

I'd post cute little girls, but they'll ban me like always.

They seem to think I'm one of these retards who posts half naked lolis or shitty models dressed like strippers.


>> No.10018802


Lolis don't masturbate

>> No.10018810

Some do. Varies from person to person.

>> No.10018811

Kids start masturbating as toddlers.

>> No.10018827


Yeah, I'm sure you two know a great many lolis and have done extensive research in this field.

>> No.10018836

Spying on that? I guess so. As long as I'm pretty much safe from anybody including the child ever finding out. Nobody knows, no harm done.

>> No.10018838

Look it up cuntweed.

>> No.10018848

One of my biggest fetishes of all time is loli masturbation. Specifically, the first few orgasms they have. It's really exciting to think that lolis may be having their first in the same city you're in, or perhaps even in the same neighborhood. These things do happen, after all.

Anyone else?

>> No.10018854

Nope, I'm just relying on probability.

>> No.10018879


Post it faggot


So you're making shit up and presenting it like it's a fact? Ok.

>> No.10018887


I think unicorns exist somewhere out there too. I mean, it's a big world right?

>> No.10018889

It's your fault for using absolutes. Those statements are usually false.

>> No.10018899


I'm not interested in edcuating you any further. If your ignorance needs quelling look up information yourself.

>> No.10018908
File: 132 KB, 788x1086, 1345300144394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Leaning episodes"

>> No.10018920

Narwhals are unicorns.

>> No.10019008

I don't want this thread to stop.

>> No.10019034
File: 610 KB, 950x1150, 09eb8c158335eff4ead574c59d3457de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this little boy is disgusting dude I definitely WOULD NOT fap to.

>> No.10019085
File: 113 KB, 680x680, vomit-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10019104


>> No.10019106

I want to find a little girl like that. I could help her masturbate and it wouldn't be traumatizing because she is experiencing a lot of pleasure. She would have to not understand the concept of private parts however.

>> No.10019140


Just because she enjoys rubbing her clit does not mean she would enjoy being ravaged and violated by the likes of you

>> No.10019173

If she doesn't have a concept of private parts, she can't enjoy masturbation as a psychological thing. That's the whole point.

She would be traumatized anyways, since her mom would find out what you did and convice her to remember it as the worst time of her life.

>> No.10019188

Same here.

It's one of my biggest loli-related fetishes too. That and bullying/humiliation/dignity-related shit.

Yep, I'm weird.

>> No.10019212


>bullying/humiliation/dignity-related shit.

You're a sick fuck you know that?

>> No.10019231

Most men find that shit really exciting. I wouldn't ever do anything of the sort in real life, not even with adult women. It's just plain cruel.

>> No.10019292


>> No.10019370

Wow, that's some hot stuff!

>> No.10019421


>Most men find that shit really exciting.

Who are these "most men"? Did you do interviews with "most men"? Take surveys from "most men"?

>It's just plain cruel.

It's more cruel to do it to 2D you disgusting normal


So because I don't want beat, rape, and torture women, that makes me a feminazi ... you're a fucking genius you idiot

>> No.10019499

Get out, retard.

>> No.10019499,1 [INTERNAL] 

Domination and submission is a prominent sexual theme. Look at how in porn men come on the faces of women and the viewers like it or how they slap the girls face with dicks or surround a woman with many men until she is drenching in disgusting man fluid or how they grab her hair slap gr tits. Faggot

>> No.10019499,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so lewd
