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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 119 KB, 554x471, 94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9988866 No.9988866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread

>> No.9988872

Oops I put the subject in the name field again.....

>> No.9988873 [DELETED] 

What a boring image. You're boring.

>> No.9988878



nice OP you should do more of them

>> No.9988880 [DELETED] 

That is so moé!

>> No.9988881

I'm sorry I just wanted to put up another one because I saw the last one fell off i'll draw something cute later.

>> No.9988895


Reworked, again

My arduinoboy still hasn't come so still no boops from the gameboy. I hate international mail.

>> No.9988910


I I actually just started using my pixiv page so there isn't much content

>> No.9988913
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, New Canvas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried using SAI instead of MS Paint this time. Still quite hard getting used to the way the curve/line tool works though.

Anyway, trying to make an anime short. Don't know if I should finish it or not.

>> No.9988927
File: 962 KB, 1500x2100, yuyuko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck.

>> No.9988935


I see some potential, work on proportions and try not to draw limbs with for shortening until you've got a good hand on the basics first

>> No.9988937

Not at all, I think It's beautiful.
Just don't give up on trying.

>> No.9988939
File: 260 KB, 800x1058, BySho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is born drawing well, keep practicing, is not that bad.

>> No.9988972

The eyes are misaligned

>> No.9989198
File: 78 KB, 900x900, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli anatomy is too hard. The limbs end up looking like tubes because low musculature.

From where can I download child idol videos? I need to understand the anatomy of grade schoolers. Just for educational purposes.

>> No.9989208

i never understood why people always go straight to drawing lewd stuff

>> No.9989224


I'm sorry.
I was trying to draw him dancing but it somehow it ended up like that.

>> No.9990129
File: 253 KB, 992x1403, iris in moonlight repriseed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the hang of drawing with Sai after a while.
Still, colouring is a pain

>> No.9990140
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x1831, 163518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 designs for my super chicks completed. Sassy girl here. I know it's kinda wacky that she cut this tree with her hammer, but she really is that strong. Drew the trunk in my sketch but left it out this scan.


>> No.9990139

Just go to a stock photography site, like Getty images, and search for photos of kids. Less bandwidth wasted than downloading an entire video just for reference.

>> No.9990193
File: 593 KB, 1569x2130, bbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current WIP in CS. Painting is hard and this is taking me a while. Well I'm already getting both neater and faster with my basic ass techniques. For being my second paint job, I'm pretty happy with it.

>> No.9990196 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1280x778, chibi shani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a bonus chibi

>> No.9990200 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 441x391, I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9990210

If you had made it hold the last frame for a little bit it could have been cute.

>> No.9990212
File: 244 KB, 1280x778, chibi shani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a bonus chibi

That looks cool as hell, why not finish it?

>> No.9990224

I want to make 16-bit music with a /jp/ twist but I don't know what that means

>> No.9990246

>16-bit music
An odd choice, most people go with 8-bit because that's obviously retro-sounding.

>> No.9990251
File: 119 KB, 554x471, 1352037095404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason his right eye is so low.

>> No.9990280
File: 1.65 MB, 1151x690, halloweenres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I did last Halloween

>> No.9990314

Cute. Do you have more stuff?

>> No.9990381
File: 176 KB, 441x391, Untitled2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right. It looks a little better now.

>> No.9990400
File: 2.76 MB, 2560x1600, one piece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to emulate Vofan style, but failed. So is the perspective.

>> No.9990404

It looks silly if you just stop on the last frame. Redraw the last frame a couple more times and bounce back and forth so she stays in that pose but the .gif is still moving.

>> No.9990406

Jesus fuck I can't stop laughing. I won't even post my high grade art in an OC thread with such a ridiculously funny and bad OP image.

>> No.9990416

What is with these idiots who can't properly make a thread?

>> No.9990772

post it

>> No.9990894
File: 78 KB, 554x471, mzq68f09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP, fixed for ya.

>> No.9990927

Ah thank you...to be honest I actually didn't even see it....

Also I'm sorry for making a bad thread but I just couldn't find the other one....

>> No.9990967


Thanks, Bahi JD.

>> No.9991663
File: 195 KB, 1050x840, random OC character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will nail down my style(s). There's just so many directions I could take that it's still slowing me down...

>> No.9991696

Not yet. At least one I recognize myself.

>> No.9991691

You...you have your own style?

>> No.9991709

Do proper anatomy studies. Draw from reference. Your style is inherently unique as is your interpretation of reality. Style isn't something you force yourself into. It should be something that emerges naturally out of the way you do things.

>> No.9991715

I dunno man, I think like >>9991709 says that style is inherent. I can always tell you apart from any other drawfags even if you try to emulate another style. You pretty much inherently have a style of your own, in my opinion. I can't see it any other way than that.

>> No.9991741

Clearly two years was not enough for me to draw as good as its there. Talk about practicing more...

>> No.9991754


>random OC character
>OC character

Original character character.

>> No.9991787

original content, you stupid fuck

>> No.9991796

Original content character?

Who the fuck even says that?

>> No.9991804

not this guy, obviously:

>> No.9991811

Now, now.. let's not fight about pointless things like a filename.

>> No.9991936

The only good thread on /jp/ has come yet again. This thread was a relief after seeing the front page.

>> No.9994163
File: 400 KB, 1780x720, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept sketches for some vn. The author decided to hire different illustrator, so these designs were scrapped.

>> No.9994178

That girl in the middle is so faaaaaaat.

>> No.9994201

It's a VN about Americans after all.

>> No.9994211
File: 184 KB, 640x400, Riddle_me_rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9994214
File: 141 KB, 640x400, Riddle_me_rabbit[outline].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the outline of it. I wouldn't normally post this, but I felt the colouring really didn't live up to whatever potential it may of had. Sorry if it clutters the thread.

>> No.9994215
File: 148 KB, 640x564, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9994240

It looks very nice. Good job.

>> No.9994322
File: 2.64 MB, 2509x2415, 11-3-2012 11;39;51 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw all the yukkuri now

(Ignore the caption, it was drawn as a reponse to someone else' s drawing)

>> No.9994329
File: 1.39 MB, 2520x2016, Kimeemaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9994337 [DELETED] 

Not sure if I could maintain my inspiration long enough and well, drawing frame by frame with a mouse takes a hell lot of time.

>> No.9994356

Not sure if I could maintain my inspiration long enough and well, drawing frame by frame takes a hell lot of time.

>> No.9994454

Thanks, dude.

>> No.9994548


>> No.9994772
File: 207 KB, 653x700, Llend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been awhile, but I'm still working on my game~

>> No.9994797


good job and good luck

>> No.9994858


do any of you guys saved that pic posted on the recent OC thread? its that girl riding a broomstick, its very well drawn

>> No.9994868


Ah the guy some asplord was crying it was too lewd ( think that fucker is in this one too ) Alas I did not it didn't have that certain something that made me want to save it but it was good

not really a big fan of holiday pictures....

why don't you save you own work or have a Pixiv/DA account or something you know if people like you enough they'll want to follow you and maybe one day commission you step up sempai

>> No.9994886

Try foolz

It may be a hive of scum and villainy but it saves the pictures for a time

>> No.9994935

>Ah the guy some asplord was crying it was too lewd ( think that fucker is in this one too )
My god, your incapability of dealing with someone expressing their thoughts is amazing.

Well, nothing to be expected from someone saying 'asplord', 'sempai' and unaware of punctuation usage anyway. I love how people demonstrate how stupid they are.

>> No.9994993


You seem mad, I find it ironic you complaining about someone having an incapability with dealing with someones expression when you yourself basically did the same thing.

Well, nothing to be expected from someone who gets butthurt so easily and uses sage. I love how mad they are.

>> No.9995019

>nothing to be expected from someone who gets butthurt so easily and uses sage
I just scrolled by this thread and decided to post here to tell you that your opinion just became irrelevant

>> No.9995033

>uses sage
Ohohoho, things are quite clear now.

>> No.9995055

No, it's not the same thing.

There's a big difference when you insult other people for no reason at all, and when those who were insulted comment about your pitiful behavior.

Yeah, I think it's quite obvious what kind of person you are now, based on your posts alone. So good luck in your little fight.

>> No.9995162
File: 72 KB, 674x693, tewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try colouring but it didn't turn out so well.

>> No.9995178

I think the eyes turned out pretty well.

>> No.9995194

I don't like these kinds of threads on /jp/, they attract a bunch of people who don't ever post outside the thread and become these insular little communities for people to pimp their wares.

Sure, it seems harmless enough, but it really lowers the tone. I also feel the same way about the touhou game thread and all the streamers there.

>> No.9995209

Sure it's a downside, but I still like to keep these threads running, because they are still the best threads on /jp/ most of the time.

>> No.9995338

>they attract a bunch of people who don't ever post outside the thread

This is what every good minority in their little ghetto on /jp/ does. The kigs post in their thread and leave us the hell alone. The MMD/Miku guys post in their threads only. The doll people post in their threads only. And so on.

The people who can't keep to this become the annoying ones, like touhou fans that make a thread for every new Touhou image that comes into existance, iM@S fans spamming pointless threads about single idols, and idolfag stalkers who occasionally escape their ghetto and post some thread about some bitch group no one cares about.

>> No.9995344
File: 260 KB, 5000x3750, qsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I've traced an image, but after reading Deardrops, I decided to give one a go again. It's not particularly -original- content, I guess. Also, I continue to take way too long to make these, I'll probably post the finished one later today or tomorrow.

>> No.9995379


I feel you're referring specifically to me. I am in these threads all the time, when a new one is made, I go to it. I post anonymously and when I post my art I do it only occasionally and I don't namefag so I don't attention whore. I feel if I posted more instead of "posting and leaving" it'd create a worse problem.

>> No.9995499


my hero, ilt's beautiful

>> No.9995638


who's Bahi JD?

>> No.9995658

Some up and coming japanese key animator from Europe.

Pretty amazing in my opinion.

>> No.9995694


>> No.9995734


godlike, good mah boi this is what all artist should strive for

>> No.9995769

Hot damn.
Those artworks.... so fluid OTL

>> No.9996021

Everything there is his creation? Even the anime clips?

>> No.9996030


>> No.9996032
File: 284 KB, 1240x1216, 1351787441063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9996151

Shit I'm crying
why there's people like me in the world
look at this guy, and he's probably younger than me
why the fuck I even dare to dream becoming good
just fuck everything

>> No.9996154

Wow, that's very impressive. I really loved the animation for Sakamichi no Apollon.

>> No.9996193

He was 18 when he made this


So he is about 20-21 now and the most inspiring part is that he is completely self taught after being inspired by stuff like GiTS

>> No.9996212

very cute. problem is iris position, not coloring.
nice lines, go on
...what game, the "world split in day and night" one?

>> No.9996230

If you call "another confirmation that you're scum and a reminder of your limits" inspiration
maybe I can still learn to work in constructions

>> No.9996238
File: 32 KB, 341x249, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-well, I've made this in 9/9 with my laptop's pad, I think this belong here

>> No.9996245

I like to think more along the lines on of "He did it and you can too"

>> No.9996271

He did it when I wasn't able to draw a straight line. Actually, I still can't draw a straight line.

>> No.9996297

Then practice drawing that straight line until you can draw it.

>> No.9996317

I'm practicing.
Not because it affects anything but because I just like drawing.
I don't know why that other person is so depressed about it. It was pretty silly to think you could be anything in the first place.

>> No.9996329

Practice! He learned everything by online tutorials and books so the information is there you just need to learn how to apply it.

I actually want to learn more about animation and 3d at this time but I'm still struggling with body anatomy so it'll be a while.

>> No.9996351

"He did it because he's himself, and you can't because you're yourself"
that's how it works. why you didn't do something good in place that wasting hours masturbating and playing like if you still were 16? power of will can't make you go back in time. forcing unrealistic hopes on yourself is more pathethic than admitting your failure as an artist.
you remember that dream, when you were young, of being destined to be a mangaka? yes? itcould have happened...but your weakness of resolve doomed you forever! your destiny is dead and you murdered it! hahahaha, my fucking sides!

>> No.9996440

I have come to hate whenever someone says "my sides".

>> No.9996460

You speak of effort more something almost everyone on the internets is incapable of doing.

>> No.9996479
File: 353 KB, 1280x800, suwako-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, calling it done and moving on.

>> No.9996514

We will see about that.

>> No.9996518

Awesome. and such clean-ness.
signatures are a shitstorm magnet though...keep your head down.

>> No.9996529


Love it.

>> No.9997803 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1195x925, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9997872


This is pretty good I guess

>> No.9998091



>> No.9998481

Lewd from you? I didn't expect this.

>> No.9998693
File: 32 KB, 460x630, skrillex2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /jp/ i drew my favorite 2hu for you

>> No.9998833

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9998860

Waiting for the day you draw some porn for us.

>> No.9998888

I like your 2hu kawaii

>> No.9998896
File: 13 KB, 746x551, jbcs_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting jbcschan

>> No.9998929

Not going to happen

>> No.9999116
File: 420 KB, 5000x3750, qsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just worked on this some more, it's currently 5 AM so I'll finish it tomorrow. Well, technically today, I guess. I'll do some basic coloring right now.
I think some of the lines are bit off weight-wise (as a result of doing it all manually), but I'll fix that tomorrow as well.

>> No.9999129


Take your shit to /i/ tracer

>> No.9999509
File: 428 KB, 5000x3750, qsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor update, rest's for tomorrow.

>> No.10000205


>> No.10000505 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 882x1000, slimegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to hug a warm slime girl basking in the sun.

>> No.10000579
File: 1.49 MB, 2528x3232, 131553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP before I get back to painting >>9990193

Gonna detail it and try to make the cabin kinda dark. Probably try to make the guys look cooler too.

>> No.10000585


>> No.10000790

honest question

why would you trace? all its doing is crippling you in the long run

>> No.10000854
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x2192, Yellette 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origin Caricature Donut Steel.

I need to try harder.

>> No.10000863

yes, this is it, thnx

>> No.10000872

I don't get why guys refer to it as tracing, essentially it is but this is usually called vectoring and some people like to have clean vector pngs instead of pixelated lines.
Wallpapers and such often use them
and there's some demand for good vectors

>> No.10000889

fuck, you should've said vectoring in the original post. i didn't realise you were upscaling the image, since you referred it as 'tracing' in the first place

>> No.10000932


wow, found an interview about this guy too:


Isn't this a dream all NEETs should strive for? to work in animu industry?
fuck, I'd even settle for a job as an inbetweener

>> No.10000930

Having 8-digit post numbers here just feels wrong.

>> No.10000968

Rejoice, brother, /jp/ is coming of age. Our figurative balls have dropped, we are men now and ready to have our voice heard.

>> No.10001112
File: 201 KB, 603x550, koishiqs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10001740

Thanks guys. I'll duly take note of the positioning of the irises in the future.

>> No.10002068
File: 2.19 MB, 3200x1800, yuuko-3200x1800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't want to put the effort in actually learning to draw properly. It's the first time in several months that I've opened an image editor for more than five minutes and it'll still work out in the end. If I drew an image from scratch every few months without any practice in between, it would be useless.
Because I'm not actually vectoring it. Well the outlines can be scaled up indefinitely, sure. But the filling color will actually be raster due to laziness. The previous image I posted already has eyes that I couldn't scale up indefinitely without losing quality.
Here's the previous image I did, back in June. It should make it clear what I mean by raster colors, I just brush it with a huge stroke size to somewhat match the original. The background is vectormagiced.

>> No.10002233

Saying such a thing, it makes me sad. D:

What's wrong with learning to draw? It's just absurd that you don't mind putting in effort to do what you did, but are too lazy to learn to draw.

Don't you care about making real, original content? You're not limited by what is out there to be traced, but your own imagination! Is that prospect not good enough for you? D:

>> No.10002230

say what are the programs usually used to create animation or gifs? i want to dabble in that a bit so a list of programs would be great.

>> No.10002243
File: 280 KB, 500x650, NB CRAZY1341943523105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10002252

I've been accompanying these threads for a while, just lurking. The way only visual arts get replies feels very "not truNEET". Is it because it takes too much effort to listen through whole songs or writing?

>> No.10002263

More than likely it's because people are just a lot less interested in those things comparatively.

I, for one, have been waiting for someone to post a story here or something for the longest... there have only been a few instances at all where I have.

>> No.10002289

I love this style and it looked familiar so I had to look you up and actually remember to favorite you on Pixiv. Keep up the good work!

>> No.10002306

No. That's a dream every f/a/ggot has.

>> No.10002312

Can you please stop being an idiot posting fucking reaction images?

>> No.10002313

>Is it because it takes too much effort to listen through whole songs or writing?
No, it's because they're shit. Not in general, on an individual basis. It seems wrong to reply saying they are shit though, since they probably put more effort into them than the background-less sketches of a single person most people post. I tend to listen to at least music though.

If someone posted a story that wasn't fan fiction and I noticed it, I'd probably read it, maybe not. I'd definitely read/reply to a short VN or comic if someone made one.

>> No.10002326

I don't care much about them because they usually suck, and I don't even feel like wasting 5 minutes to give my opinion about them.

And you are right about the effort part, it's just much easier to simply look at a picture than having to listen 4 minute long songs or reading a story.

>> No.10002484

please go back to /a/

>> No.10002533
File: 62 KB, 500x375, fuck this gay earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading through that, it's basically the same old success story.
1. Make something good enough.
2. Relevant key people find you and you become friends with them.
3. Get involved with them and your career is underway.

The same old story indeed, and the same goddamn thing: "YOU NEED CONTACTS TO BE SUCCESSFUL!"

It's hard to stay clean if you live with apes, huh...

>> No.10002535


Not practicing is useless as is your "contributions" to this board and thread, it's time for you to leave you're garbage and don't belong here. Your kind of filth is the worst you don't even have any shame for what you've done, a dirty tracer will never be accepted in OC threads ever, 5 year olds drawing stick figures have more skill than you'll ever have

>> No.10002541


His own hardwork/talent far outweighs the needing contacts part.

>> No.10002555


>> No.10002566

Sure, tons of hard work is needed to get any "good enough" results, but the what separates him from the near-professional level amateur artists comes from the hard work in the PROFESSIONAL world, which comes from his career, which in turn comes from his good contacts.

If he had never had those contacts, he would still be a near-professional artist sitting jobless at his home churning out some self-publications and fanart, probably eventually leading to finding some other career than what was his original dream.

>> No.10002576

Hundreds and thousands of amazing artists die every day of starvation in their shacks, remaining unknown to the world. Sad but true.

>> No.10002960
File: 161 KB, 678x415, akyuun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry.

>> No.10003014


He made those contacts, he applied for jobs, he worked on stuff like Skullgirls early, built up a profile, he went out on his own to contact Cindy Yamauchi and other artists/animators online, his profile is the reason for his contacts, he was originally told he could never work in Japan because he's a foreigner, but he worked hard and never took it as a no. There aren't many people in the world who can put together something like Shithead Action.

>> No.10003118

Sorry 'bout what?

>> No.10003135

>Shithead Action
Now that I watched it, it's definitely not something out of my skill's reach. Maybe I should draw one. He even used the same software (EazyToon). Hell, I can even say that I can arrange my animation's timing better than he did back then and I can draw as well as he did.

All that's standing between me and my animation is a fuckload of drawings.

>> No.10003140

drawing something like this. I don't want to offend people who like her by posting this, it's just that I'm pretty bored.

>> No.10003170

You're dumb

>> No.10003208

Just ignore that kind of crap.

That doesn't look too bad, to be honest. I read a manga with a similar style but can't remember the name.

>> No.10003491

Its not bad actually.
go on and do it. I'll cheer and shake your hand for congratulations, or mercilessly throw stones in your soft parts laughing at your arrogance.
now this interesting.
you think you can write shit?
you actually wanted to draw a comic, but you can't draw?
eh, go figure. I not only can't draw, but my english sucks as well, so I can't write for shit
write a story about the melancholy of dreams dead before blossoming, a fundamental genre of NEET literature.
if you have no idea, write a short erotic tale about sparky4.
I will judge and decide the winner.

>> No.10003607

>I can't write for shit

You've got that right. Nothing after "NEET WRITING CHALLENGE" made any sense whatsoever.

>> No.10003745

You got the important part!

>> No.10004474

>you think you can write shit?
>you actually wanted to draw a comic, but you can't draw?
For nearly this reason, I'm considering dropping my comic ideas and turning them into light novels/VNs. I could probably draw better than a low end VN art, and takes less effort/amount of images.

>write a story about the melancholy of dreams dead before blossoming
It would just be the same as The Legend of Black Heaven.

>> No.10004683

>The Legend of Black Heaven
I really need to re-watch this someday.

>> No.10004706

Is that really a good to watch? Seems horribly dumb from plot summary.

>> No.10004886

>Is that really a good to watch? Seems horribly dumb from plot summary.
In theory, it's dumb. In practice, it'll depend. It's pretty funny at times, the series is short enough to not waste your time, and is mostly about it's story than the plot ... that is, it's about a middle aged guy who wants to relive his brief moment of glory. It's kind of really touching, with his wife trying to get rid of his old stuff and being tied down by life and a kid, when he really just wants to rock. He gets a chance to do so, and it dwells on his degrading marriage, and his offers to get his band mates back and their also crappy lives.

The aliens aren't really a focus on it, nor are they dwelt upon that much. It's mostly just about making you feel feelings. "the melancholy of dreams dead before blossoming" is a better plot summary, which is why I mentioned it.

You should really watch it. And watch it knowing it'll all happen to you someday. Except the part where you get to rock out with hot alien chicks.

>> No.10005025

Alright, it should be quite appealing to me so I'll give it a try. I was just a bit surprised about the alien thing out of the blue. Thanks.

>> No.10006754

>Except the part where you get to rock out with hot alien chicks
...could be a metaphore for escapism gear.
isn't it the reason why you kept watching cartoons and playing games, /jp/? to forget the harshness of your life for a moment?

>> No.10006793
File: 96 KB, 651x671, Ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10007191


do you remember when you had a future /jp/?
tell me how it was

>> No.10007213

I never had future from the beginning.
I don't need links for that

>> No.10007275
File: 7 KB, 412x447, filename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10007282

I liked the song, just that. it doesn't have hidden meanings

>> No.10007295

Because this is clearly a thread about posting links to shitty songs that you like. We've all simply misinterpreted the purpose of the thread, every single one of us, except you, oh wise and benevolent /jp/-Jesus.

>> No.10007328

Tell me how it feels to have a future? Are you longing for friends, family, job and appreciation you once had?

>> No.10007524

Sure. the worst part is that I lost everything important for my own fault. I gave up my dreams because I wanted to help the people I loved, and in the end, I found myself hating them for this.

>> No.10008084


>> No.10008092
File: 226 KB, 1500x2400, nueline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nue Lineart. I focused on improving the joints, did I do well?

>> No.10008439
File: 125 KB, 500x694, vocaraku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BahiJD is great. R as a whole is just fantastic to watch, full of old charm and great ideas.

Aren't you answering your own problem? You practice and become skilled, and people will contact you for it. It's not like he had the connections before he was even animating. If you make good work and push your portfolio, people ARE going to contact you.

Besides, I wouldn't exactly call it a total success story--if you break into the animu field at all, you are doomed to shit pay, unless you're a huge name. I think it's better coined as a prominent 'do what you love, get paid for it' story.

>> No.10008467

Pretty sure he went after the contacts instead of waiting for something to happen.

>> No.10008474

He did say "push your portfolio", which is exactly that.

>> No.10008559


Nice side boob, but from now on just do sfw versions and post those on /jp/ so you don't have to edit so much or at least use "japanese censoring"

>> No.10008572

>I wouldn't exactly call it a total success story
watch at your pic. then watch at your birthdate.
I don't even know, magister.
just shut the fuck up.

>> No.10008586

I keep re-reading this, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What are you trying to say?

>> No.10008630

I think he's trying to say that Magister is pretty much past the expiration date himself as an artist. At least compared to BahiJD.

>> No.10008673

Expiration date? There's no such thing. If you're willing to get off your ass and work for it, anybody can do it. BahiJD is obviously a special case, but even if he wasn't, that's no reason to let it be what discourages you from trying.

>> No.10008729

I'm saying that someone like magister, that stills struggles with basic concepts in the mud of 4chan's drawthreads, must have shitted inadvertitely his own brain in the toilet to call that not a huge success.
no offense implied- magister is the less faggot of his club, but this time I think he said a pretty huge bullshit

>> No.10008732

So why aren't you succesful like him, anon?

>> No.10008747

>to call that not a huge success
He did specify that he meant that in the economic sense in the very next sentence.

>> No.10008810
File: 209 KB, 936x1080, non-futa ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10008830

>If you're willing to get off your ass and work for it, anybody can do it.
You make it sound like gathering all the willpower to do it isn't the most difficult part.

>> No.10008842

...like "him" who? did I say somewhere that I'm better than somebody?
...there's really people that start working into cartoons and chink comics because they want to become rich? isn't the creative part what interest them the most?

>> No.10008864

...being able to gather willpower is the starting point.
starting points are the easy part, dude...

>> No.10008876

I was talking about willpower that lasts longer than a week or two. The kind of willpower that keeps you working on it a few hours every day.

>> No.10008916

Of course there's room for improvement, but it's looking pretty decent.

>> No.10008935

As you invest commitment, you become more likely to invest commitment. This is called an escalation of commitment.

If you invest your time in any given thing, you become more likely to invest time in it in the future because you're biased toward justifying your usage of time.

The most important part of individual progression is the manipulation of ones own tendencies, not willpower.

>> No.10009026

You guys sound like art virgins. Just keep drawing and keep exposing yourselves to new art. You'll be amazing in no time at all. It really is as simple as that, especially if you have some natural talent.

>> No.10009052

Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.10009127

>You practice and become skilled, and people will contact you for it
Nope, it doesn't work like that. You need to stuff your shit down everyone's throat, and there will be 0.1% chance that SOMEONE MAYBE will be benevolent enough to test you specifically or demand more exclusive works to consider you worthy.

Can you lie harder please.

>> No.10009169
File: 52 KB, 547x695, ryoubikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it look natural to pose like that? I'm not sure if I should let him cover his hands like this or show the hands.

>> No.10009185


Draw the hands so you get better at drawing hands, don't take the easy way out

>> No.10009182

I like how you guys are super ready to call Bahi special but won't accept that art comes naturally to some people. At the same time you're ready to put down yourselves and everyone else because you feel like constant drawing doesn't get you anywhere.

I don't care who you are, if you draw for the rest of your life and post it online, not only will you be a master but your art will make something out of you.

And no, drawing just 2hu won't get you anywhere. If that's all you want out of your art, keep it at a hobby level and don't bash anyone else who's trying to make something out of their work.

>> No.10009206

Thanks, I'll do that as soon as possible. Feminine hands are new and hard to me but I'll make sure I get it right.

>> No.10009263

Constant drawing for me is like drugs. I'm not going anywhere with it. Its strange to even think of it as something worthwhile. There are thousands and thousand of people who fail daily and never get anywhere with their practice until they die. The only difference is that people talk a lot about Bahi, and never talk about some Ashar Akpur.

>> No.10009343

hands business apart, the pose seems natural enough to me. I like it.
keep going, Pupilsman.

>> No.10009400

>let him cover his hands

Did you mess up when typing or you simply drawing a female and calling it a trap? Because that would be sad.

>> No.10009404

Ryou is a male character from idolsmaster anon

>> No.10009411

>who fail daily and never get anywhere with their practice until they die
I'm one of them.
I tried to stop. but fuck, I can't get rid of hope.
somebody explain to me. please.
I want to give up. why I can't!? its a damn curse!

>> No.10009433

That's not my point.

>> No.10009467

You should just say your point outright next time instead of being roundabout about it.

>> No.10009519

Well, I thought it was quite explicit, but I'll do that.

>> No.10009521

Not him, but you should go buy a bag of reading comprension. you need it, anon

>> No.10009720

Why are people replying to the obvious troll with no punctuation? He's not even trying to be different.

>> No.10010214

Looks good. When can we expect the blockless version?

>> No.10010263

Derpy as fuck face

>> No.10010273

Which one? I can't tell because neither one looks like it.

>> No.10010277

Are there any writers on /jp/? If it's all artists I understand, since that's pretty commonplace. I wanted to ask if anyone could point me in the right direction to get me some help when it comes to writing lewd things. I can write most anything else without a problem, but when I try to get lewd it's hard to read.

>> No.10010283

Because writers aren't artists, am I right?

>> No.10010284


How about you not reply to him and stop giving him the attention he wants so bad. Fucking trolls always lurk these threads.

>> No.10010286

This is a joke, right?

>> No.10010289

You know what I meant.

"Drawers" sounds strange to me.

>> No.10010290

I'm not a troll, asshole.

>> No.10010292


>> No.10010354

>Non futa

I guess I'm okay with this, since it's Ran.

>> No.10010383

At least she has her pubes this time.

>> No.10010422

I'm a writer, but I've never written anything lewd before in my life. I've never attempted porn or anything like that either.

>> No.10010431
File: 181 KB, 1165x1653, p03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drawing the mangos

>> No.10010442

Same story with me, I ask only because I've been trying to get lewd but am pretty bad at it.

>> No.10010491

Who she might be?

>> No.10010564
File: 41 KB, 166x152, 97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If possible, can the drawfags post their works and age?

I'm a bit curiously about /jp/ current artists

>> No.10010594


19 - 21 years old:

>> No.10010602

how can that guy have 2 ages?

>> No.10010605

What, no way. You're so close to my age, JADF. I never knew.

>> No.10010614

between those two you dummy

>> No.10010790
File: 146 KB, 750x1000, danzaisha hisami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 years old

>> No.10010805
File: 384 KB, 1918x1290, Kuro-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 years old.

>> No.10010914

So dark and edgy

>> No.10010920

original character do not steal

>> No.10010935

Magister is 22

>> No.10011050
File: 161 KB, 705x1080, orin_construction_col.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10011080 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 646x700, Futa C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



OC do not steal

>> No.10011374

She's edgier and cooler than you will ever be.

>> No.10011518
File: 80 KB, 615x885, parseeguitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll finish this later, don't pay it too much mind.

Also had an idea about a rearrangement for Green-Eyed Jealousy a couple days ago. I'll start working on it tomorrow, if I can be bothered to.

>> No.10011578

30 >>10006793

>> No.10011737
File: 59 KB, 579x1389, des.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10012146
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, 20120908b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


29, very close to getting my Ph.D on Wizardry.

I wonder when (or if) I can support myself doing this for a living.

>> No.10012247
File: 205 KB, 650x529, okuupecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10012642
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1200, vita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did >>9990280

>> No.10012684
File: 157 KB, 772x1161, d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10012739

You could draw porn for Katushiro Otomo's works and sell them.

>> No.10012881
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, quickie 5mins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24...25 in 2 weeks

Trying my best to win the Rustle championship one day.

>> No.10012930
File: 676 KB, 1280x799, hakurei-jinja-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning out a painting idea. Probably more involved than it should be given I cannot paint scenery worth shit.

>> No.10012958

>Trying my best to win the Rustle championship one day.

Is that a euphemism for having sex with a prepubescent girl?

>> No.10013000

No, I will one day draw lolis so well, you too will think I've traced CP.

One day I will be the greatest loli artist of all time.
But not today....not today.

Check back in a decade. I only started drawing for the first time in my life in June.

>> No.10013012

>the greatest loli artist of all time
Not while Higashiyama Show exists.

Just read his "I know you know" and look at those anuses. THOSE ANUSES.

>> No.10013118
File: 906 KB, 1000x1000, gj1350447728814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


latest version of project 16


>> No.10013533

Thanks, I'll do that.

No, I meant that. The tits are only there because he is padded with breast pads for job reasons (gravure being one).

>> No.10014274

Ouch, my heart!

>> No.10014438
File: 726 KB, 728x1761, swimsuit girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still learning color and anatomy

>> No.10014457

>that face
Yaranai ka?

>> No.10014478

I like it, maybe can look better if you add a bit of... "gradation?" in the woods.

>> No.10014508
File: 56 KB, 345x347, 1327278287492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking damnit man

>> No.10014510

That looks great.

>> No.10014520

People don't draw actual traps, they simply draw female bodies and say it belong to a man (or sometimes add a bulge). And that goes straight against the very concept of 'trap'.

>> No.10014524

Do not post images that aren't OC. And do not post reaction images at all.

>> No.10014532


Ham,what the hell are you doing on /jp/ ?

>> No.10014529

There has never been such a rule, unspoken or not.

>> No.10014536

do you have a pixiv or something?

>> No.10014541

I guess so, and that includes me. I'll take note of that and draw him a body closer to a boy's one in the future. Fake tits aside, the hips did looked a little too wide even for an average man.

>> No.10014546

Do not post posts that aren't OC. And do not post posts at all.

>> No.10014550


>> No.10014556

It IS the very concept of trap. Only terrible crossdressers and actual twinks get butthurt over that.

Are you really going to listen to every fool with controversial bullshit for an opinion?

>> No.10014558

Oh, shut up.

>> No.10014561

You must be new?
Why, isn't that witty? You make us so proud.

>> No.10014569

You disagree? Get out, scum.

>> No.10014566

That black shading makes your drawing look really cool! What sort of style are you trying to go for with it?

>> No.10014567

You are an idiot.

>> No.10014576

Back off. I will be the first.

>> No.10014570

Nice one, as usual
You can ask me for marry anytime Sai

>> No.10014573

The point of calling them traps completely invalidated if they look like a man, retards.

>> No.10014580
File: 213 KB, 646x700, huskycensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to obey these strict new rules, I hope no one sees anything offensive.

>> No.10014586 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 500x500, futo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just turned 17 a while ago

>> No.10014602

No, but I don't think that he's completely wrong in what he said. The hips put Chihaya to shame and that might have been too far even for a trap. Feminine traps are still a lot more appealing for me to draw, though.

>> No.10014652

He's not saying they should look like a man, for fuck sake. It's basically a matter that people like the concept of trap but not the trap itself, in other words: fapping to a denomination.

There's a difference between being feminine and being an actual female.

>> No.10014682


Is it just me or do people draw traps that look like girls, act like girls, but have a penis, but when you mention the desire to see more futa like that, people go "OMG that's gay!" as if futa is somehow more gay than traps

>> No.10014686

>but when you mention the desire to see more futa like that, people go "OMG that's gay!"
Those people are known as trolls.

>> No.10014691

Not the guy you are replying to but I just think they are simply stupid.

>> No.10014721

It doesn't matter what they like, it matters what it is.
Basically you are saying that traps should be drawn different by everyone, just because people fap to them for the wrong reason.

>> No.10014725

No me I'm not gay though.

>> No.10014728

Futa is usually lesbian, which IS gay. Also Futa usually have vaginas too.

Traps typically function as girls wherein the author has them say "btw im a guy" at some point, and then they continue to be girls.

Futas are all about looking at giant throbbing cocks. Traps don't focus on the penis outside of porn.

Also traps can be used for straight porn, usually the girl doing something sadistic to him. Futa is still gay even if it is straight.

>> No.10014731

>Futa is still gay even if it is straight.
It can't be helped.

>> No.10014733

Okay, but traps are still more gay than futa regardless. Just because they "act like girls" and "look like girls" does not mean that are girls. It's still a guy, and a guy fucking another guy, or being attracted to a guy is gay.

Futa count as a female with a cock, even 3D herms count as female, it might be gay if two futa are fucking. But even less so if a male is viewing it as compared to if they were viewing a trap get railed by a guy with a ten inch cock.

>> No.10014734

>Traps don't focus on the penis outside of porn.

>> No.10014736
File: 94 KB, 630x623, oh boy here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also Futa usually have vaginas too.
But what about... newhalf?

>> No.10014738

Newhalfs are guys unless otherwise stated.

>> No.10014742

>Futas are all about looking at giant throbbing cocks.

Except you can have the exact same story with traps you can with futa only it can be sexier.

Cute girl, 'big reveal' oh you have a dick. The same kind of fetish trap users like where in the story the character is revealed to be a futa.

The whole futa's with gigantic dicks only is not something I like either, but that's the only stuff western fans like. I find futa to me more enjoyable the more yuri like it is. With cuter characters and more focus on the eroticism and not just plowing someone.

The only difference is people think that traps can only be X and futa can only be Y. If futa was gay, I would be able to fap to het and gay porn. I literally do not enjoy het of any kind. Only if I imagine a trap as a futa, or flat out don't know.

>> No.10014740

Traps are usually involved in affairs with man, which IS gay. Also traps usually have asspussies too.

Futa typically function as girls wherein the author has them say "btw I have a cock" at some point, and then they continue to be girls.

Traps are all about fucking or thinking about fucking a boy. Futa don't focus on the penis outside of porn.

Also Futa can be used for straight porn, usually the girl doing something sadistic to him. Traps are still gay even if it is straight.

>> No.10014741

Could you guys have this discussion elsewhere? It's annoying to have dozens of new posts in the OC thread just to discover they're all about dicks and reaction images.

>> No.10014744

pls don't post if you don't have anything to contribute

>> No.10014746


newhalf arn't futa it's the japanese word for transexuals

>> No.10014747

>Traps are still gay even if it is straight.

But traps are never straight at all.

>> No.10014748

Too late, here comes the bump limit.

>> No.10014750

Just like Futa.

>> No.10014753

But futa is always straight. Even if a guy is being pegged.

>> No.10014757

What happened to the time where trap was just a guy who identified as a guy, was treated as a guy, and was straight, but viewers/readers though he was a girl and fapped to him until someone mentioned that he was a guy?

>> No.10014758

>Even if a guy is being pegged.
Straight as a rainbow.

>> No.10014760

How the fuck shemale is straight?
On the contrary, how in the hell a totally girly looking girl (which is maybe a man, but its not revealed) is gay? Fuck, they keep being feminine even during sex. How its not straight?

>> No.10014764

Dude, if there is no same sex sexual relations going on, or attraction of the same sex, then it isn't gay. The definition of gay is just being sexually attracted to the same sex.

>> No.10014765

>shemale = futa

>> No.10014767


Shemale=/= futa

Herm is futa.
Shemale is a guy with a sex change.

>> No.10014778

>is a guy with a sex change.
And even then it's not a complete sex change. Breasts don't count as a primary sexual characteristic. (women with flat chests are still women!)

>> No.10014782

Yes, that is exactly the point. Since it's impossible for a male to become a complete women. No matter which way it's sliced, he's always a guy in that regard.

You fuck a shemale? You're gay. Bottom line.

"But he looked like a girl!"

No excuses.

>> No.10014787

Who here makes music?

How did you get started? What programs do you use?

>> No.10014792


>> No.10014803

Just go pirate Fruity Loops.

>> No.10014817

That didn't work.

>> No.10014822

You couldn't pirate it or you found out you suck at music?

>> No.10014834

It was revealed to me that you belong on /a/ and not here.

>> No.10014962

I like it

>> No.10015011

>get told
>baww you belong to /a/
sure is thin skin

>> No.10015033

Hwā wesan þu quoteth?

>> No.10015152

jp bird

>> No.10015224
File: 126 KB, 491x913, 20121108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otomo? maybe Shirow Masamune with the stuff he's been up to these days

/i/ still won't let me post the last time I tried, I'm just just floating around the internets now

nope, but I have a blog set up


>> No.10015463

I simply can't like that style.

>> No.10015591

so cute, miyazaki.

>> No.10015682

now draw snails for me.

>> No.10016035
File: 27 KB, 711x559, carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a snail
that its carrot

>> No.10016332
File: 72 KB, 478x824, ad4gf56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10016403

I'd be more jealous of this skill level, if I wasn't so much older that it doesn't even matter anymore.

>> No.10016479

You know what? I think that the main difference betwen people like Bahi and the whole-life-practice-bu-can't-do-shit guys is not the skill, but a tendency to become less and less self confident with time. I mean, probably throwing yourself into the fray while still young and hyped helps in delivering the minimal results your ego needs to...to...make your art level up faster, or whatever way it works.
its a matter of attitude also, to me. talent helps, but you can gain with practice ( I mean doing things, not doing exercises)
I like it.

>> No.10016572

I always get in incredibly high spirits during practice, especially if something looks better than before for once, but on the next day the mood resets. When you wake up, there is only one loud thought revolving in your head, its a question about why are you still fucking trying.

>> No.10016827


don't be like that. i didn't want to discourage anybody. here's some advice in hindsight considering my own growth up until now:

as someone who wants to improve, no matter at which level, there is one thing you need to do and two things you need to understand

first is: put in the hours. it sounds banal, but in hindsight i really think it's important. if i didn't put a good 600+ pages of sketchbook past me i wouldn't have gotten anywhere. seriously.

secondly: learning attitude. this is what "talent" is in my opinion.
bad attitude:
>"b-but that's not constructive criticism!"
good attitude
>"everything you say is feedback, if you say it's shit it just means you _think_ it is shit. i'll have to judge wether you have a point, wether you're missing the point or wether i'm just not good enough to get completely positive feedback yet."
bad attitude:
>"show me, tell me"
good attitude:
>actively searching for information. trying to understand. WANTING to know. experimenting a lot. "feedback"
after all, you WANT to know, right? you WANT to understand, right? then act on that emotion. go and try to find out, try to understand how things are done.


>> No.10016928


for example, i right now am trying to get back into designing characters more freely after all this mechanical way of practicing.

examples of what i've done throughout the years:
-youtube "beginner drawing etc, beginner tutorial, etc"
-google "drawing bla bla. manga bla bla. inking bla bla.
-look at someone better than me and ask "what the fuck is the difference between that and my level? trying to find out what he can do and what you can't. this will lead to huge insights often. then adding the skills to your learning backlog" "i want to do that too" (i asked this question not just in drawing, but often in storytelling and other fields too, like moviemaking)
>ahh, it's the bits of black fill he uses that gives the lines more weight, let's try it.
>ahh, he uses method X to create that effect, let's see if i can do it too.
in my beginning years i was very experimental

- buy and download pdfs and how to draw books. judge the quality of the teaching by the skill of the artist who is teaching. if the person's good, the lesson is gonna be legit one way or another, but there are a lot of different ways of doing things.


>> No.10016937


just try to learn a lot. in time the skill will take shape
seriously, SEARCH and FIND. it's all about you. asking for tips and advice will help you, but you need to have the right attitude. a attitude of learning, because the burden is on you. it's always about you.
it's completely fine to just fuck around if you are at the beginning. as long as you put in the hours and stay curious. it can even be a lot of fun. no, it WILL be fun. learning about color theory, photoshop and watercolors for example was fun among countless other fields.

"wanting to get better" won't get you anywhere as a beginner. practice as long as you want by yourself, you won't break certain thresholds.
but "wanting to know" will get you far.
learning attitude means everything. look at books and material that interests you. keep an open mind. try to understand.

at the beggining i thought there is this "one thing" i need to understand and then progress will be flawless. now i now there are about 1000 things i need to understand perfectly to create good art or manga. so keep figuring out stuff.

>> No.10017118

Why so blocky? Also that ear holy shit.

>> No.10017336

blocky makes it easier to think in 3d. it's just a perspective practice. and ears are kinda hard, but not that much of a priority.

>> No.10017388

>People think futa is gay
>Two thousand fucking twelve.

If liking to watch a girl with a dick fuck another girl makes me somehow gay then so be it idiots.

>> No.10017651

...what amazes me is this continuous debating.
does it really fucking matters if its gay or not? if someday a sex scientist pops out (which is unlikely, as sex scientists said that futa is etero*) and says that futa is gay, you will just stop liking it abruptely?
dude, who the fuck cares in the end? only 11 years old kids, soccer moms and catholic repressed old people give a fuck if something is gay.
fucking stop please.


>> No.10018044

That's it, no more fapping.

>> No.10018402
File: 280 KB, 800x610, okuuorinpecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10019128

Get a good and funny writer and we can kill Ume.

>> No.10019917

Goddamn it, I already died once today. Not again.

>> No.10020218

Oh god, this is just too adorable.
Gotta say the filename bothers me a little though.

>> No.10020589
File: 50 KB, 342x425, TP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10020591

ah waste of time, age limit time for a new thread.

>> No.10021351

Not until this one is dead.

>> No.10021419

I want to say fuck waiting and draw something for the new thread, but then I realize I'm too lazy to draw the OP image and copy paste a proper opening for the thread.


>> No.10021424 [DELETED] 

Under 20

>> No.10021428
File: 143 KB, 1500x1500, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under 20

>> No.10021442

It's Akari dressed like Komachi? Yuno with a weird belt? Or maybe OC do not steal?

>> No.10021445

It's Akari dressed like Komachi

>> No.10021454

Nice, that was the best choice. Now, color it!

>> No.10021478

20 minutes for the contest subject voting.

>> No.10021486

I can't into coloring. I just started drawan

>> No.10021499

Really? Then, it can't be helped.
