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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10004039 No.10004039 [Reply] [Original]

Why do fujoshi hate male otaku so much, aren't they pretty much the same?

>> No.10004040

Can you stop making thread about fujoshi every fucking day?

>aren't they pretty much the same?


>> No.10004043

>aren't they pretty much the same?
Not at all.

>> No.10004047

Same reason guys hate fujoshi: Incapability to feel any empathy, so they're perceived as a foreign force corrupting what they enjoy. Things would so much easier if people were able to get any sympathy going.

>> No.10004059
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1351544091860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're aware how easy it is for girls to get boyfriends right, even if they're fujoshi?

>> No.10004062

I'll say what I said in the earlier thread on this: it's because both groups have unrealistic standards for relationships. It's one of the reasons we are so focused on fictional characters -- because they are better. You are likely not willing to settle and neither are they. And both of you are worthless piles of shit so it only makes sense to hate each other.

>> No.10004064

male otaku aren't 美少年

>> No.10004067

find me one with long black hair and glasses, i'll marry her.

>> No.10004073

No, you wouldn't. You'd get sick of dealing with the letdowns and imperfections of a real person and dump her, if she didn't drop you first for the same reason.

>> No.10004078
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>> No.10004089

japanese skin looks so smooth compared to western girls~

>> No.10004092

Yowza, she's a looker.

>> No.10004096


i'm not that delusional. I just want a person who is kind with me.

I was in love with Yuyuko for 5 years, but i'm beyond 30 now and never have a girlfriend.

>> No.10004102

How old are you guys?

I'm 24 and I'm a virgin. I often wonder whether /jp/'s virgins are generally a lot younger than me.

>> No.10004101

You say that but I think if you actually experienced all of the bullshit you have to deal with in a real relationship you'd want to be done with it.

>> No.10004113

23. Also virgin.

>> No.10004111

why does age matter anyways? if you're a virgin, you're a virgin. no big deal really, besides women are cruel.

>> No.10004112


relationship may hurt, but it's also one of the greatest things to expérience!

Hideaki Anno tough me that

>> No.10004115

>besides women are cruel

I know that. Women hate male virgins.

>> No.10004116

not only does it hurt, but they are also tedious, time consuming, and not fun at all. especially if the girl is clingy, which 90% are.

>> No.10004121

>i'm not that delusional
>I was in love with Yuyuko for 5 years

>> No.10004122

>especially if the girl is clingy, which 90% are.

I thought people liked clingy girls.

>> No.10004118

Up until your wife decides she doesn't want you anymore, cheats on you, sues you for divorce, takes you children and house, has your wages garnished for alimony and child support, etc.

>> No.10004120

26. I stopped caring awhile back for some reason, probably related to my depression issues.

It would be fun to have a fujoshi to go to cons with, granted that they're not the squealing annoying sort. I've met some who are nice to hang out with, but I end up drifting away.

>> No.10004123

>I just want a person who is kind with me

Haha you'll never work out a real relationship with that attitude

Just stick to your Chinese cartoons

>> No.10004124

Unrealistic expectations? I've never even gotten that far. How does it work?

>> No.10004128


26 year old virgin here.

I know /jp/ hates this sort of NEET club attitude, but part of the reason I don't post on any other boards anymore is because they all seem so different, full of people with girlfriends and so on. There are a lot of real feminists these days too, and /fit/ has a lot of guys who are obsessed with that PUA stuff and call anyone who isn't interested in it a beta.

>> No.10004129

Meido delete this shit right now

>> No.10004130

>Chinese cartoon

it's japanese and it's call Anime, geezzzzzz

>> No.10004131

Think hard on why you prefer 2D girls and I think you will realize that one of the reasons is that 3D girls are not good enough for you. They're disgusting bitches and whores. Fujoshi think something similar but regarding 2D and 3D males.

>> No.10004133

Real life sex isn't like porn.

>> No.10004134

Two sides of the same coin that either disdain or ignore each other.

>/fit/ has a lot of guys who are obsessed with that PUA stuff and call anyone who isn't interested in it a beta.
/fit/ hates these people too.

>> No.10004136

the problem is, how am i supposed to enjoy my vn, disgaea, drawing, or anything else if a girl expects me to text back ever 2 minutes? they also get really upset if you don't respond and it can be hard to deal with. they also want to know what you're doing every minute of the day and you have no privacy whatsoever.

>> No.10004138

>and /fit/ has a lot of guys who are obsessed with that PUA stuff and call anyone who isn't interested in it a beta.

It's funny because PUA guys are really the biggest manginas. Their whole identity is tied up into getting pussy, from having approval from women, to the point that they'll deride and insult any males who aren't bound in that way. They're beyond pathetic.

>> No.10004144

Somebody sounds jealous~

>> No.10004147


>> No.10004148

>They're disgusting bitches and whores.
No, they're not. I just don't want to deal with them in the romantic sense, okay? The world works like it does.

>> No.10004150

>No, they're not.

Yes they are.

>> No.10004151


>> No.10004153


/fit/ has a lot of spillover into other boards unfortunately, largely the result of its symbiotic relationship with the misc board at bodybuilding.com - I'm not entirely convinced having a board that's supposed to be about health and fitness being completely dominated by bodybuilding fags who don't even play any sports 99% of the time is a particlarly good thing either.

>> No.10004155


31, missed one opportunity in my 20 because i wanted my first to be a big love.

Now it's been years since i haven't meet someone of the oposite sex. i besome shy beyond stupidity, even online.

>> No.10004157

I'd hate to have a poor,underachieving couch potato as a partner as well

There's something more about relationships than having the same hobbies

>> No.10004163

No they're not.

>> No.10004169

Yes they are.

>> No.10004170

I honestly don't know what I'd do without /jp/. That's why I'm so protective of it from outsiders.

>> No.10004172

I hate the idea of a lazy leach who just stays home and goes on the internet and watches anime all the time. Atleast she cooks and made me a cake on my birthday.

>> No.10004173

Then /jp/ers are the same. they get sad whenever people don't reply to their threads. And all the NEET threads always ask you how you are doing

>> No.10004177

Ask me I'm a fujoshi

>> No.10004178

i'd be willing to support my NEET girlfriend... if i had one

>> No.10004175

finally a good /r9k/ thread to post in lol

i was gettin a little bored

>> No.10004176

You would learn jap and shitpost on Futaba.

>> No.10004181

Was your family raped by PUAs, betaboy?

>> No.10004179

or he can go to Tohnochan.

>> No.10004180

will you be my girlfriend

no sex though

>> No.10004186

You can't tell me it's not true. The PUA community determines the value of a man by how much pussy they get. It's a mindset which makes your value dependent upon approval from females.

>> No.10004187
File: 539 KB, 1863x2043, 1349033072873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are the typical ``otaku girls''

>> No.10004189

Sure as long as you give me $5000 dollars every week

>> No.10004190

Do you really think really successful men need to fake being confident with women? I mean, I'm talking about very attractive, confident, wealthy men here. Do you really think they even know what the words 'PUA' mean? Do you think they've ever so much as read a word in a single book by one of your faggot gurus like Mystery?

I want PUAfaggots to leave.

>> No.10004191


>> No.10004192

NEET threads are crap because they attract bloggers. When there's no real topic, all kinds of random faggots are able to find something interesting since everything goes.

>> No.10004193

more like every girl out there www

>> No.10004194

err i'll pass

>> No.10004197

stop stuttering like that, this is the internet- there are no vocal handicaps involved.

>> No.10004198

I don't disagree, but your post came off as extremely bitter.

>> No.10004199

>if he has a fap folder it means you aren't enough

is this real life

>> No.10004200


Freezing ? because you like satella ?

>> No.10004203
File: 334 KB, 1000x1000, 1344364425282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this pathetic

Holy shit nigga, I always thought that everyone here was just kidding. Don't tell me you guys have actually never had sex before?

>> No.10004204

Am I the only one who finds these sorts of possessive, controlling attitudes cute?

>> No.10004208
File: 8 KB, 414x248, 1346819301822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff makes me happy to know that I have a tulpa girlfriend and I will never have to deal with all of this nonsense about porn folders or crazy smelly fujoshi girls.

>> No.10004209


This particular troll ran its course years ago, try something else.

>> No.10004212

when you posted that picture i imagined you as a cute little girl

>> No.10004218

It's funny because one of them sounds extremely sensible:
"If masturbation was enough men wouldn't be pathetic losers who scramble over themselves to fuck. It clearly isn't"

>> No.10004224


>> No.10004227

That's what they get for dating normals. Masturbation is way less of a hassle.

>> No.10004231

I know, but it makes me feel more secure about my social problems.

>> No.10004232

otakus and fujoshis=different turds but from the same asshole

>> No.10004239

They're sort of similar, but sort of different too. Same with female otaku. I don't think female otaku know what it will be like to be truly alone, since they always have the option of getting a boyfriend some way or another. Just look at all the girls who posted or post on /jp/ openly, don't they all have boyfriends? Milk, Fukune, Pygma etc.

>> No.10004240
File: 371 KB, 600x800, 4fe0a8ddXjT3CKfZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do fujoshi hate male otaku so much, aren't they pretty much the same?

>> No.10004245

Fujoshi and 'female otaku' are the same.

>> No.10004248
File: 99 KB, 600x800, 4f89c03eGH785g7i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really think they are!

>> No.10004249

29, although I lost my virginity at 24. I fucked 3 200+ lb fat chicks in my life, two of them I never even came and I loved none of them. It's easy to score fat chicks, but honestly it's better to just stick to your onahole. I still consider myself a virgin.

>> No.10004250

Can't you guys see why it is total suicide to show up as girl? You guys hate girls yet there is always thread asking for girls. If one shows up and her data easy to get it is up! Instantly. Is it any wonder why everyone are weirdedd out by guys.

>> No.10004252

I don't think they hate them, it's just that neither side are interested in each other.

>> No.10004257

>I still consider myself a virgin.

You are retarded

>> No.10004262


men never have a "virginity" anyways

that's women shit

>> No.10004264

>You guys hate girls yet there is always thread asking for girls.

What? We don't want them posting here.

>> No.10004266


Exactly the same with me, I fucked a fat chick who tricked me into believing she was thin with angle shots and old pics from before she became a whale.

>> No.10004269

physicaly, the concept of a male virginity is stupid

>> No.10004270
File: 977 KB, 778x900, d174b767d67a577338a6c0e4a8b32e80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's PUA?

>> No.10004272

If you want to go that direction, women don't either because they hymen can be broken from nonsexual activities.

>> No.10004274

I honestly don't think this thread is asking for girls. Milk is the best example of what complete shitposters most females are. /jp/ shit is just a subcultural affiliation for most girls, for example, in high school Milk used to be into going to raves.

>> No.10004282

I'm guessing Pick-Up Artist.

>> No.10004278

We're very much aware of how dumb it would be to post "hey guys I'm a girl" even if it's related to the topic. Wish this wasn't how things went, but what are you going to do, we're still very much a boy's only treehouse.

As for the personal info thing, this is one of the reasons I have nothing trackable online. Giving your attention to facebook is never a good idea.

>> No.10004280

Pick Up Artists
google it

>> No.10004281

Pick-up artist. Basically men who train themselves to pretend to be confident and act in such a way that they can pick up women to fuck them.

>> No.10004288

>You guys hate girls yet there is always thread asking for girls.
Nice bluff, she-monster.

>> No.10004285

Yeeah of course. I post wherever I like though. Church Synagoga no problem.

>> No.10004286

what's wrong with raves

>> No.10004290

>Wish this wasn't how things went

Why exactly? You're not real fans, you can only be a real fan if you've experienced ronery because that renforces the value of 2d to you. Women cannot be ronery and therefore they aren't real fans. You're just looking for a subculture to belong to. If it wasn't this, you'd be into something else, like being a 'girl gamer'.

>> No.10004295

Loud obnoxious people
Lots of people

>> No.10004292

fuck off normalfag

>> No.10004304

I can see how a lot of people would be miserable there but I want to know if there's something particularly bad about the people who go to them.

>> No.10004312

>Women cannot be ronery and therefore they aren't real fans.
To be honest, I think the average skank has probably experienced much more loneliness than I ever will.

>> No.10004310

Could you please take your "incredulous normalfag" schtick somewhere else?

>> No.10004319

Can you take your truNEET shitposting elsewhere? I had a genuine question and I'm wondering if anyone has a genuine answer.

>> No.10004325

You shouldn't need an answer. You know how people here feel about normals. So stop acting like you don't understand. Fuck off.

>> No.10004333

I was wondering if there was something particularly objectionable about raves in particular, or whether we were just bashing on her for not being a shut-in. Please stop being a needlessly aggressive cunt.

>> No.10004337

You're probably one of those people that goes in every NEET thread and posts, "Hey how do you NEETs manage if you don't have jobs? How do you get money?" aren't you?

>> No.10004341

I've never done that in my life. I can already tell that you rabidly shitpost in every thread where you disagree with someone who might possibly not be from /jp/, though.

>> No.10004349

>who might possibly not be from /jp/


>> No.10004352

To me it seems highly unlikely to enjoy something like that unless you're an asshole or really stupid, so I just like to assume that ALL of those people are at least one of those things. There's your answer. Now please lay it off.

>> No.10004353

Nah, how about you get the fuck out of /jp/ and take your shitposting with you.

>> No.10004354

skrillex junkies #YOLO cockscukers

>> No.10004362

>I was wondering if there was something particularly objectionable about raves in particular, or whether we were just bashing on her for not being a shut-in
Isn't it obvious? Night clubs and such are the very epitome of "not being a shut-in". They're literally shrines of extraversion.

>> No.10004364

Just because you're spamming redirects and telling people to fuck off doesn't mean you're not a shitposter. Get over yourself.

>> No.10004359

Says the 3D Whore Defense Ranger.

>> No.10004370

I thought raves were places you went to get take drugs and listen to electronic music in the dark without actually talking to anyone.

>> No.10004371

jeeeez you wouldn't know if you're fucking flap or flab with that one

>> No.10004376

Stop going against the board culture while trying to claim some high ground in the argument. It isn't working.

>> No.10004383

just shut it already you bitches

>> No.10004390

There really aren't any arguments or high ground to be had here; I asked a question, you've been telling me to fuck off for five posts in a row, and I declined to take your suggestion since I think you're a retarded shitposter.

>> No.10004391

>and I declined to take your suggestion

Please reconsider.

>> No.10004398

Why don't you have good audio equipment at home? Because you blow all your cash on ecstasy and bitches?

>> No.10004407

It's already been answered by multiple people. Fuck off.

>> No.10004401

Please respond to my original question.

>> No.10004413

I have a pair of ATH-AD700s. That's the best I can do for now.

>> No.10004410

Please read my reply: >>10004362

>> No.10004421

Well, would you go to a rave to listen to music?

>> No.10004423

Indeed, one other person did. I just wanted to know if you had anything to contribute.

Please, for me.

>> No.10004439

He could just CTRL-C & CTRL-V my reply and it would add nothing to the discussion. The post is already there.
>Please, for me.
I see.

>> No.10004441

I probably wouldn't go myself, I'm not that big a fan of electronic music and it would probably be sweaty and uncomfortable. But I've watched people stream Tano*C Tour events in /jp/ before and it looked like everyone was having fun.

>> No.10004456

Or rather, the kind of electronic music that ends up getting played at these kinds of events, I guess. I like a lot of the more melodic kind of electronic music, with or without vocals.

>> No.10004486

if there was a rave that played my 2hu electronic arranges, then I would go to it

>> No.10004488
File: 499 KB, 1064x1080, 1338680334763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujoshi, why must your skin be so smooth and soft? Why must your hair be so silky, so lovely to slide through our fingers while you sleep in our arms, the cadence of your restful breathing such a comfort to us in times of turmoil? Why must you be everything we want and need in this world?

>> No.10004541

Many people in /jp/ and doujin music producers seem to enjoy these events, though. Although of course people won't be doing LSD and ecstasy and other drugs at these events. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something and it takes more to be a rave than electronic music and a light show.

>> No.10005241
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1739, 2e17edc1638f52dfa7436a1eb6570da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What difference does it make?

It seems kind of silly to worry about what other people think about us. Yeah, we like the same kind of things, but if they don't like you, what sweat is it off your back? You still have your VN's, anime, daki's, light novels, bridges and whatever else you might be otaku about.

I've met cool otaku/neet/fujoshi and I've met a lot of bitches and douchebags. If you shut someone out because of what you think they are, you lose out. Maybe if we weren't so quick to pidgeonhole people, we might learn something, meet someone, find something that would make your life a little better.

I like /jp/. I like its neets, its hikkis, its fujoshis. There are a lot of nice people here, it's sad to see people being douches to one another based on what's between your legs.

I'm a 40 year old neet and my best friend is a fujoshi that I've known for the better part of 10 years. I'm glad we didn't dismiss each other so easily.

While I agree that women have an easier time finding a bf, I think everyone has a hard time finding a good person, and loneliness can weigh heavy in any heart no matter the gender.

>> No.10006291


>> No.10006317

Day fatalbutt

>> No.10006322

>my best friend is a fujoshi that I've known for the better part of 10 years

Is she old and single like you?

>> No.10006331

This is actually pretty cute.

>> No.10006346


Is that video somewhere online like YT?

>> No.10006347
File: 457 KB, 709x1000, 78f984055c419b4f4a8330e1b202d202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujoshi like homosexual things

>> No.10006362
File: 383 KB, 711x900, shota kr kry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By definition

>> No.10006376

I'm finally liked by a girl! Maybe I won't have to be gay anymore.

>> No.10006379

homosexuality is a choice, anon-kun

>> No.10006440

>I know /jp/ hates this sort of NEET club attitude
What? Le truNEET xD shitposting is a huge part of /jp/.

>> No.10007176

It's neither a choice, nor is it something you're born with.

>> No.10010729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10010749

I used to pretend I was a shifty character in the Cyberia club from SEL, a Neo-character who left his room for space or air or forwhatever reason seemed more believable. I like that kind of aesthetic. It's a real shame that there isn't kind of a thing. I don't imagine those things anymore, but I like the brooding aesthetic, similar to the attraction to the ``messy room'' or ``roomscape'' tags.

>> No.10010844

Because fujoshi, like their male counterparts, can't into actual relationships.

Why do you think yaoi is so rampant? Male-on-male action is often preferred, because fujoshi can't have their fantasy guy bang some other girl, and they can't insert themselves into an erotic scene either

>> No.10010855 [DELETED] 

While handsome bro-tier godlike men exist (Hijikata toshiro was the real deal, even I would go gay for such a man*) this isn't true when we speak of women. The only truly incredible beautiful bro-tier badass girls I ever met were all lesbian alpha male. (Maybe that's why I want to be the submissive lesbian little girl).

*Not that he would mind, the shinsengumi being as gay as greece.

>> No.10010862
File: 62 KB, 200x245, 200px-diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just need someone to teach them what insertion means.

>> No.10010882 [DELETED] 


That's why I also prefer futa. I just feel jealous when faceless guys rape mah gurl.

>> No.10010904

>This thread.
Good goys.
Dont reproduce, your future has already been decided for you.

>> No.10010913

Joking aside, it's interesting. Even virgin otaku don't have much trouble inserting themselves into erotic fantasies because there's less of an emotional involvement. And a preference for lesbian porn is just a matter of whether one can stand seeing another dick in there.

>> No.10010929

My future ends when I die. Reproduction doesn't have much to do with it.

>> No.10010936

Fujoshi and NEET are made for each other. The government should match them up and watch Japan's population grow exponentially.

A match made in heaven.

>> No.10010939 [DELETED] 

Please don't feed people that are using nonsense such as "goy," in a sentence.

>> No.10010943

I'm sorry. I was bored and careless.

>> No.10010949

Thanks for your understanding.

>> No.10010955 [DELETED] 

These are some good fucking goys.

>> No.10010982 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 761x1100, pic (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wasn't there a proposal from some crazy extremist Buddhist right party to reinstate arranged marriage?


I'm seriously planing to have children but I don't know if I should do it with a white girl since europe is fucked and you too if you are white in the long term or with a japanese girl (my superior genetic material as a tall handsome white man from Germanic ascendancy will eventually compensate my total social awkwardness) since I'm an otaku and a weaboo.

>My face when I'll be the nigger stealin' the jap wominz

>> No.10011037

I wish I was a twink so all the fujoshis would want my body

>> No.10011064 [DELETED] 


I wish too so all the boys would crave me and since I wouldn't be disgusted anymore by myself I'd gladly suck any dick presented to me.

>> No.10011088

That's what you actually believe. Think some bike riding accidents are going to pierce your inner meat?

>> No.10011119 [DELETED] 


Your pic is showing Gintoki and Hijikata. Now her is my question:

How can you not be gay for both of them?


>> No.10011121

Earlier I saw two young girls riding horses. They were bouncing up and down and they looked really lewd.

>> No.10011168

It's a free country.

>> No.10011694

Why WOULD I be?

>> No.10011740

Because that would be fucking gay, nerd.

>> No.10012391
File: 1.99 MB, 385x325, 1347659158475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friend looks good, is not totally retarded, childish, built like a tank
>thinks the best he can do is a single mother that went through a bitter break up, shes morbidly obese with bad hygiene, hes taking care of her kid as his own, got her preggers, they are getting married in 2 weeks..they have been dating for a year and a half..
>she gets child support from her previous moron catch, he hasn't figured it out.

all dat uterus privilege.

>> No.10012407

why does /jp/ hate 3dpd?

now do you understand?

>> No.10012421 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 347x120, Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fujoshi
She even posts on /jp/

>> No.10012420


fuck off with your /a/ memes

>> No.10012515

Kindness and mutual respect are the foundation of a successful relationship.

>> No.10012517

>they hymen can be broken from nonsexual activities.

Physically possible but very rare. (If that's what your girlfriend told you, then I'm sorry.)

>> No.10012540

32, divorced, had girls in highschool.

Women aren't generally worth your time, money, or energy. 2D is superior, wish I had known that a long time ago.

>> No.10012561

Burnt out filthy normal.

>> No.10012562

but 2d girls can't dangle their shoes in front of you

>> No.10012639

>32, divorced, had girls in highschool.
Lmao what a loser

>> No.10012877

Some are ok, keep trying.

>> No.10012889

>the board culture
We /v/ now

>> No.10013006

>posting on /jp/


>> No.10015301 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1000x857, 2d48d00b17aeb302e247313e4ca6886c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love is more than physical attraction! They have a wonderful personality, are awesome bro-tier dudes. You would basically drink, smoke, bet and make a fuss every day. Plus they have souls as shiny as silver!

And they aren't 3DPD.

>> No.10015310 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - /soc/, mirror 2

>> No.10015313

> 3DPD
> /a/ meme

How fucking stupid do you even have to be to speak with authority on thing you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.10015317

No idea, perhaps you can tell us lmao

>> No.10015335

/jp/ - When /v/ Doesn't Give You Enough Attention

>> No.10015448 [DELETED] 


Since when one faggot decided /jp/ loved 3d pig dusgusting people?

I bet you're australian, it's the only part of the world where it is still summer now summerfag.

>> No.10015503

Gintoki and Hijikata


>> No.10015539
File: 508 KB, 1288x1809, 1347980425749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DPD, not even once.

>> No.10015544 [DELETED] 


Is that supposed to be a disgusted "beeeeh" with disdain?

>> No.10015562 [DELETED] 


Oh fucking God. I prefer to live in mudslime land over a feminist society.


>> No.10015569
File: 1.02 MB, 1397x908, gintama-gintoki-hijikata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No im curling myself into a little ball on how cute they look together

>> No.10015603 [DELETED] 


I've just watched the episode this is from some minutes ago! They clearly are tsundere for each other <3

>> No.10015622

Guys, guys. There's no need for so much ill will against real women. We're not /r9k/ here, so show a little compassion. It's not their fault they were born into these 3D bodies. Just like us, they can't help being flawed.

We shouldn't judge them for failing to live up to impossible ideals, but rather wish them the best of luck in their romantic pursuits and hope that they can find happiness within the shadow of their perfect 2D counterparts.

>> No.10015636 [DELETED] 


Every man is expected to be young Clint Eastwood taking care of the house and the children while being rich. Women have nothing for them between being the most fuckable thing men can lay their hands on on a daily basis. No glory, no friendship, no badassry.Women can suck my dick.*

*The only thing they seem good to.

>> No.10015646

It's not the bodies that are digusting, it's their personalities. They are unforgivable.

Now run along back to tumblr and reddit with your white-knighting. Maybe one of them will even reward you with sex!

>> No.10015655

Why arent you like Clint Eastwood then?

>> No.10015668


>> No.10015669

Silly boy, it doesnt snow in South Cali

>> No.10015694 [DELETED] 


I wish I'd be ;_;

>> No.10015699

That girl got some funky ass teeth, need to buy her some Colgate for her birthday.

>> No.10015701


She needs like a dental plan more

>> No.10015703

I never want anything to do with real women, not because I hate them, but only because I know I could never be happy with one. My choice of 2D isn't based on a rejection of 3D, but rather because I love 2D on it's own terms. The way I see it, real women and I may as well live in completely different planets. Nothing they do really bothers me anymore, so long as they leave me and my little world alone.

I guess I just don't understand why you people get so angry.

>> No.10015712

Wow this is the first non-biased opinion i saw in /jp/ towards 3d women

GJ anon

>> No.10015720

I think there are quite a few girls on /jp/, we just don't know that they are here.

>> No.10015732


Vive la freedom, I've thrown my last phone into a wall

>> No.10015741
File: 33 KB, 245x296, b7b369192af660f136d62a457e1de93a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btw i'm a girl

>> No.10015743

Her teeth are fine unless you're American.

>> No.10015755

what kind of teeth do you think looks ugly then

>> No.10015792 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 250x250, 28862702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10015804

You have selective eyesight.
It took me a long time to realize that a huge portion of imageboard users and other rejects actually are potentially abusive people who have just been denied the opportunity. Shit's absolutely disgusting. It's the reason why I always find it suspicious when people try to make the discussion more casual or less nerdy.

>> No.10015812

I don't think you know the purpose of body building....

>> No.10015844

Why are americans all teeth fetishists?

>> No.10015846

more like, he dosen't need to

>> No.10015852 [DELETED] 


I'm not american but I find har teeth a little fucked up. But it wouldn't be a problem if she wasn't buttugly. The only cute thing about her is her hair.

>> No.10015857

>It's the reason why I always find it suspicious when people try to make the discussion more casual or less nerdy.
I'm not sure what you mean by this part. Elaborate please.

>> No.10015858

That's not true you jackass.

>> No.10015876

Low IQ criminal scumbags don't care about certain "irrelevant" formalities nor do they have any real passion towards the actual topic. I don't want to entertain such people.

>> No.10015877

Because colgate advertising campaign.

>> No.10015886
File: 307 KB, 1650x927, c9286705-dba1-4a6b-a041-b117f855faa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the brightest but I'm harmless. Please don't hate me.

>> No.10015898

Look at this nerd

>> No.10015920

They're just bitter because even though we're handsome, intelligent and have high powerlevels, we're not interested in disgusting 3D girls. We're everything they could want in a boyfriend, but since they're not 2D, they don't stand a chance with us.

>> No.10015943

Because male otaku are ugly, misogynistic, socially retarded, usually less hygienic then the average normal, and hang on to feeble things like racism or "nerd cred" to keep themselves above an arbitrary line of perceived self-worth to withhold themselves from committing suicide.

>> No.10015951

Do muslim fujoshis exist?

>> No.10015964

>"nerd cred"
You think that's pathetic? See: >>10015876

>> No.10015971
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, 1272904190636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I could get a fujoshi to love me. I'm a pretty nice guy.

>> No.10015993 [DELETED] 


Either the left trans or the right fatty.

>> No.10016011

me in the back

>> No.10016025

Oh, 4th is really cute.

>> No.10016027

10/10 waifu
would cum inside

>> No.10016043

>Because male otaku are ugly, misogynistic, socially retarded, usually less hygienic then the average normal
The same goes for the female ones

>> No.10016048

You see? It took only ten minutes before the first wise-ass appeared:

No wonder actual sperglords get so much shit when comments like
>>10004131 fly around.

>> No.10016051

4th from left/2nd from right is best choice

>> No.10016070

I want to go into her room and play games with her, while she is comfortably nude around me!

>> No.10016076
File: 148 KB, 445x500, when 4chan was good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a friggn nerd

>> No.10016097

Ever think why they suddenly like horses when they hit puberty? Sure, ponies are cute and all that, but they never really want to ride them as hard as they do when the hormones hit.

>> No.10016153

You can go ahead and tell me to gb2leReddit but it won't change the fact that teenagers who try to look cool can't handle this shit. They don't see the balance.

>> No.10016459

>teenagers who try to look cool
But that's you exactly.

>> No.10017461 [DELETED] 

>Plus they have souls as shiny as silver!

Nobody noticed my pun ;_;

>> No.10017501

Some girls get off riding horses. Maybe that happened to them at a young age and they don't know how to use their hands or anything else.

I want to believe this.

>> No.10017502

Bitch should spend less time reading her anime and more time brushing her teeth. I could run around and sweat all day and if she sucked my dick it would come out of her mouth dirtier than when it went in.

>> No.10017735

The left girl is not a transman, she is just half negro, or perhaps Malay.
I can totally understand anons confusion though.

>> No.10017750

fujoshi are gayyyy

>> No.10017777

Ranma and Inuyasha project Rumiko's sexuality and are both self inserts.

>> No.10017793
File: 463 KB, 1440x810, Hikki 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute smelly NEET feet!

>> No.10017825

Nice quad

>> No.10017943


>> No.10018112 [DELETED] 

where can I watch this glorious piece of video?

>> No.10018637

No ones gonna give you no fucking source when you behave like that.

>> No.10019145
File: 61 KB, 636x356, 063923b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10019161
File: 1015 KB, 497x863, b44ffx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10021308


Why do NEET girls show off their slutty feet!

>> No.10021310

What games are those behind her?
Other than gaysketball

>> No.10021319

Even normals read manga in Japan. And if she were a real fujoshi there would never have been any naked pictures of her to show up online in the first place.

>> No.10021326

What is it with Japanese people and their aversion to sitting Indian-style? Playing a game like that just makes you look like you have the Downs.

>> No.10021323

Lewd whores. I should have know

>> No.10021332

nice not-remotely-convincing shoop

>> No.10021604

the PS3 games from left to right are Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City, something (splatterhouse?) and Binary Domain

>> No.10021613

How 2b fujoshi

>> No.10025013


>> No.10025171

>Big strong powerful object under your legs you control the reins of.

It's a dick replacement. I've read too many articles to ever be convinced otherwise now.

>> No.10025191 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 270x232, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man up, finally talk to the cute girl at work
>check her facebook that night
>find a link to her tumblr embedded in a status update from 4 months ago
>run her tumblr account name through google
>find her matching forum accounts
>find her livejournal within one of her forum sig
>today's entry:
>"UGHHH, I hate my job. I had to work late, I had no time to study for my japanese quiz, and that creep from IT tried to hit on me. At least I has mah ferrets to cheer me up!"

aaaaand there you go

>> No.10025197

Time to don the ferret costume.

>> No.10025200

cool meme arrows bro

>> No.10025202

>find a link to her tumblr embedded in a status update from 4 months ago
>run her tumblr account name through google
>find her matching forum accounts
>find her livejournal within one of her forum sig
You do sound like a creep.

>> No.10025206

Yeah, it's so terrible to look at the information she made publicly available online. Fuck off, whore.

>> No.10025211

Now she's going to know looked her up on the internet if you don't talk to her anymore or act weird.

>> No.10025212

So? She isn't interested anyway.

>> No.10025221

Yeah, but normalfags think that's weird and creepy.

>> No.10025241

You could get fired

>> No.10025248

Prove he looked at it. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.10025256

Besides, that's not going to get you fired. What is she going to say? "I think my coworker looked at one my livejournal posts! Please fire him!" Don't be retarded.

>> No.10025259

I never really talked to her or acted not-weird to begin with.

But she apparently likes Fate/Stay as much as I do. And for that we are both incompatible.

>> No.10025272

You told someone you like VNs? Why would you do that?

>> No.10025304

I never told her that, are you kidding?
