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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.4755187 [View]

im a nuclear engineer and have to 
say, this is a fuckstupid idea

>> No.4755192 [View]

That's why NEETs like us make excellent candidates for being launched into space, we don't care much about venturing outside much and can handle little human interaction(though on an Orion style rocket with lots of humans on it, this isn't an issue).

>> No.4755194 [View]

Hahaha what? it's so much less than that

>> No.4755198 [View]


/jp/'s own paradise?

They'd flock to this island.

>> No.4755207 [View]

The new trend is flying magical lolis.

>> No.4755218 [View]

You got a better idea on where to get the critical masses of fissionables, a way to raid nuclear warhead storage, a way to get SILEX enrichment to work, or have a nuclear fusion reactor that has a positive energy balance?

>> No.4755219 [View]

Ehh, I don't know.

- Utopian paradise

- Interact with other people
- Meet people from the Internet in real life

The second one is the dealbreaker for me. Any island filled with stinking weeaboos is no paradise.
Not that you're all stinking weeaboos, of course, but there are bound to be enough to make it no fun for anyone.

>> No.4755220 [View]
File: 299 KB, 683x1024, Freeman_Dyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, let me put this on my to-do list right next to "construct a mega-structure that captures all the energy output of the Sun".

>> No.4755222 [View]

Not really, we've charted 100 billion stars/planets.

>> No.4755236 [View]

Oh how could I forget, they will be necessary to create the rocket superstructure.

>> No.4755240 [View]

we would have a better chance of m
e stealing the virginia class sub
marine that i work on.  i still d
ont think i would do it, because y
ou faggots would all back out, an
d i dont know how to stear the da
mn thing.

>> No.4755250 [View]

Don't you mean right next to your astrochicken proposal and your plants that build their own greenhouses proposal?

>> No.4755274 [View]
File: 30 KB, 238x140, subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virginia class submarine that i 
work on

>> No.4755278 [View]

its not that hard to get into the 
nuke program for the navy.  just 
have to have no D grades in high 
school, and score well on the ASVA

>> No.4755281 [View]

Those don't carry nuclear ballistic missiles now do they? I don't think that stealing a submarine nuclear reactor is going to be worth it either.

>> No.4755290 [View]

Boomer boats were a cold war phenomenon. Attack subs can still carry them, but it's specialty equipment.

>> No.4755292 [View]

Sure sounds like butthurt Americans who refuse to pay their debts by raising their taxes one percent because they're lazy assholes in here.

Seriously, the people of France paid off their war debt with SPARE CHANGE. Why can't you just man up and quit blaming your presidents and actually pay off your debt?

>> No.4755297 [View]

Because our dumbass presidents keep raising the national debt to levels that can't be paid off even if the taxes were raised to 100%.

>> No.4755313 [View]

Almost forgot, we need about 800 0.14 kiloton nuclear bombs to reach low earth orbit, you wouldn't happen to have that many would you?

We could just build a nuclear Verne gun(http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/03/150-kiloton-nuclear-verne-gun.html)) with just one 150 kiloton nuclear bomb, but we wouldn't be able to launch people into space that way. There'd be significantly less nuclear fallout though...

>> No.4755324 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1250x1425, alicesmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then we complain that they're hindering science and technology when they cut back on space funding when there's nothing out there for us anyway.

>> No.4755339 [View]

Debt isn't real man it's just like a concept or a number

>> No.4755346 [View]

O'RLY? Did you know that a typical 1 mile diameter asteroid is estimated to have over $20 trillion US dollars worth of industrial and precious metals?

One asteroid contains enough gold to crash the price of gold into the ground and there are lots of asteroids.

>> No.4755390 [View]

And since Obama's looking at doing cheaper space missions, NASA's contemplating visiting asteroids...

>> No.4755399 [View]


Clearly we should follow the route the Spanish did. That ended well.

>> No.4755771 [View]

Considering NASA's current state of things.... Russia, ESA, China and Japan will get there first.

Good work, republicans.

>> No.4755776 [View]

I'll get subsidized health insurance now instead of going without as a NEET

Niggers doing alright by me, if you ask me.

>> No.4755782 [View]

ITT faggotry.

>> No.4755788 [View]

I think 2D girl in a parallel universe are much more likely then on other planets.

>> No.4755796 [View]

You can't explore .0001% of something that never ends.

What the fuck.

>> No.4755802 [View]

While a parallel universe might be in 2d there would be no "simulated" 3rd dimension there for it wouldn't be anything like you imagine. In fact since it has no depth there could be millions of 2 dimensional universes in every single space we know. Even in your brain.

http://www.youtube.com/user/10thdim Whats some stuff here to get an idea.

>> No.4755810 [View]
File: 241 KB, 682x680, 5264862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've explored .000(repeating)1% of the universe. Since the universe may very well be infinite. Does that mean we've explored infinite infinity?

>> No.4755817 [View]

No one ever said there was no ending. Actually scientists believe our universe is nothing more then a space time bubble. Whats beyond it no one knows, no one knows if it's even end in a strict sense it might be something like the earth with no "end". If you walk around the world or dig through it you still end up on earth but when you overcome gravity you go somewhere else. This same principle may apply to our universe.

>> No.4755827 [View]
File: 22 KB, 414x445, 1215798625139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should elaborate, does this mean we explored ".0001%" of the "known" as in seen universe by the Hubble telescope. Or does this mean we explored ".0001%" with the help of Hubble and and we suspect theres more but theres no actual evidence such as photographs. ?

>> No.4755836 [View]

>can contain more
key word here "can" not does, most astoroids are nothing more then what you'd call "rock". Not every asteroid is rich in metals we need. By that logic the earth is a fucking silicone heaven

Composition of the continental crust:
SiO2- 60.6%
Al2O3- 15.9%
CaO- 6.4%
MgO- 4.7%
Na2O- 3.1%
FeO- 6.7%
K2O- 1.8%
TiO2- 0.7%
P2O5-0.1 %

>> No.4755841 [View]

thank god, we can do tons of breast implants before we deplete the earth!

>> No.4755855 [View]

Or make a huge super computer! Too bad we'd have to have Gundam 00 style energy output to actually separate the Si from the O2 and make use of it.

>> No.4755879 [View]

It's not a "bubble", that would imply we live in a closed universe, which we do not. We also don't live in an open universe, either.

We live in a flat universe where the energy of matter is counterbalanced by the energy due to gravitational pull, which equals a total energy of 0. Since the total energy is zero, that means the universe came from nothing.

Thus, the beginning of our universe is is explained by the fact that everything came from nothing.

>> No.4755890 [View]

By bubble they mean space-time as in a bubble of it since space time was created at the beginning of the big bang and is expanding. Remember space-time is made out of dark mater and dark energy mostly.

>> No.4755895 [View]

Why don't you take your shitty Croatian cosmology and blow it out your ass?

>> No.4755902 [View]
File: 25 KB, 590x329, DarkMatterPie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will expel my brown matter today thank you.

>> No.4755916 [View]

>this thread
why did we change from japan/random, again?

>> No.4755924 [View]


>Dark Energy

What in the fuck, this is not "something" of the universe.
Dark Energy is something that seems to come from OUTSIDE the universe, or at least the event horizon of matter and energy as we know it.

>> No.4755928 [View]

Science is scary.

>> No.4755938 [View]

hehe intergalactic gas

>> No.4755944 [View]

What. No. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.4755945 [View]

>In physical cosmology, astronomy and celestial mechanics, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to increase the rate of expansion of the universe.

>> No.4755953 [View]

This response is implied. You do not need to state it.

>> No.4756015 [View]
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>> No.4756020 [View]
File: 193 KB, 1000x1211, 1197141823005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4756020,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

i have not better job