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>> No.47166639 [View]

No, no, you only push the old lady if she's in a wheelchair.

>> No.47166642 [View]

>Order Knight saved by his Holy Relic secretly sabotaging the wicked bicorn's attempt to defeat him.
>Holy Relic very clingy after the fight.
>Demands fishos and ear scritches.

>> No.47166659 [View]

Child gf (+1000 years old)

>> No.47166668 [View]

There is a dearth of strong external challenges in the setting. But the remnants, the internal challenges of compatibility, are treated like candy floss — and are presumed to automatically resolve. What can I say but that I think the hubris of ‘fixing’ people should follow the classic pathway?

Actually I’m phrasing matters as if an internal standard is hardwired in monsters, along with probabilistically inescapable fated love. It’s a simple thing to wonder about the clash of deeply held irreconcilables, really. It’s common as muck irl, and therefore gives a sense of realism.

If a far less motivated human can feel equal degrees of disappointment and affection for the same subject, monsters should certainly be capable of the like — and at a higher intensity. Yet unlike humans, monsters cannot opt-out of the entanglements. A ready source of chronic tension, voila. Is it more entertaining when the human remains unaware or not, in your view?

>> No.47166674 [View]

>When the cute, innocent dormouse hits you with the most vulgar profanities you've ever heard

>> No.47166700 [View]
File: 44 KB, 1347x698, 1716173555907807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based holy relic protecting anon from those wicked whores. Hebis would be proud

>> No.47166703 [View]
File: 145 KB, 1280x996, 1626506793104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can a mere sleepy mouse say? at worst she can tell you to cheese it

>> No.47166711 [View]
File: 306 KB, 850x850, 14687542571698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irredeemable villainy.

>> No.47166712 [View]

It's depressing, so not the best for an escapism world. To put it bluntly, if what you said is true than she better off alone and me hiding/killing myself is the better ending since it will reset her fated one or something. I don't like your idea not because it's bad but because it's reminder that we don't deserve an happy ending since we're irredeemable fuck ups

>> No.47166715 [View]

The words are too lewd and vulgar for this thread.

>> No.47166727 [View]

I wonder if you can feel her insides clamping of you when you have sex with her while she's sleeping, imagine making her gape at a tournament while she's asleep

>> No.47166746 [View]

No one is irredeemable, all are able to be good, as all are innately good.

>> No.47166769 [View]
File: 32 KB, 896x843, 1710380930375775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mice may look pure and innocent, but they are anything but.

>> No.47166778 [View]

But your fated one hate you for who you are while also being locked with you without a possible escape if I understood the main post correctly. If that's the case, it's a horrible situation and I prefer never meeting her to avoid unnecessary pain.

>> No.47166793 [View]

As I said, everyone is capable of being reformed. No one is too far gone. It merely takes time.

>> No.47166801 [View]

It’s basically the classical notion of the tragic flaw, as applied to monsters. The directly available elements are:
a) profile stuff
b) fixation on a specific human

It need not end in eye-gouging and maternal incest. Mildly unpleasant but unsolvable ambivalence is something we all find tolerable — it’s the natural human condition. Pure hedonism simply doesn’t match our neurology, so a lack of it even in escapism is to expected. I’m a bit surprised you view it as depressing enough to prefer to avoid all the good blended within the bad. If humans can appreciate/accept the necessity of feeling some misery for the sake of a loved one, monsters should do at least as much.

Something something better to have loved and lost blah blah.

>> No.47166811 [View]

Dormice are irredeemable.

For this reason, I volunteer to take all of them into my home, so that they're not a menace to society. I totally won't end up making more of them.

>> No.47166828 [View]


>I’m a bit surprised you view it as depressing enough to prefer to avoid all the good blended within the bad.
Because mamonos don't deserve, they're inherently pure being of goods, matching them with someone they're not interested in is cruel at best and can only end poorly for both consorts.
True but is it worth it? Will it even work at the end or it will just be a vicious cycle of frustration. They have no words on this matter, we're the judge and executioner. I feel like not playing the game is the best outcome for both. Maybe I didn't get the original post

>> No.47166830 [View]

Damn but that's a cozy nest, is this what's under the trapdoor of a trapdoor spider?

>> No.47166841 [View]

What the fuck? No, that level of evil only works for harpies, and even then it's mostly because tar and feathering a creature that already has feathers isn't as funny.

>> No.47166848 [View]

You will always be playing the game, even if you make no moves. To sit still is also action. Your fated one will be there to pick you up from your obstructions, and that is what love is about. To feel sad is perfectly natural, but know you can always choose to do better, even if it is the smallest step forward every moment.

>> No.47166867 [View]

>Stinky neet dormice
>They never wash
>Molasses smell becomes the smell of rum (fermented molasses)
Unfortunately, it's not actual alcohol, and you don't get drunk tasting her. But the flavor is there!

>> No.47166877 [View]

>Baph says anon burned the toast and sucks at magic but she loves him anyway
>anon now sincerely wishes they never met!!
Ironically, MGE disagrees with your solution. I’m not saying that Oedipus Rex is approved, but some chronic flaws and discomforts are generally acceptable in MGE. The sheep ruining her husbando’s farming is another example. It’s not the sort of enthralling ambivalence I like, but the point remains.
Humans are imperfect. Individuals are innately distinct and partially incompatible. Mamano don’t meld with you into some seamless blob of total agreement and approval — not even Shoggs do that. Perhaps my first example was too extreme, but the general idea is one of the oldest human genres and is still common.

>> No.47166881 [View]

I see your point of view but I disagree deeply. If it was true we would love in an utopia and even with the influence of MGE I don't believe in us reaching that level of enlightenment and self abnegation. Also, I think that leaving the game is possible by getting yourself out of the choosing pool

>> No.47166899 [View]

>Mamano don’t meld with you into some seamless blob of total agreement and approval
At that point you're the same person.

>> No.47166902 [View]


>> No.47166904 [View]

>Marrying your first monster daughteru
>Marrying your first monster granddaughteru
>Marrying your first monster great granddaughteru
>Marrying your first monster great great granddaughteru
>Marrying your first monster great great great granddaughteru
I'm not gonna lie. If I had a dormouse as a wife, I'd 100% be doing this.

>> No.47166977 [View]

Need a girl to hold me like this

>> No.47167006 [View]

Are witches gonna be an endangered species post-portals? It feels like half the time anons want a bapho gf it’s criteria that could be met by an ordinary sabbath member. Happens a lot with krakens/scyllas and lilims/succubi too.

>> No.47167103 [View]
File: 472 KB, 1086x912, 1489458129129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about wendis?

>> No.47167130 [View]

I don’t mind the TF gimmick, but I don’t like flat girls or the cold. Seems like they’d keep me warm at least.

>> No.47167176 [View]

pure and innocent

>> No.47167184 [View]

Before the manticore pounces and kills me, as that's obviously why she's chasing me throughout this wasteland, I'd ask if I could at least have her crush my head with her thighs as my execution method

>> No.47167185 [View]

I only accept LN Wendi's as canon

>> No.47167206 [View]

>"What, are you fucking retarded?"
>loud tailpussy shchlorping noises

>> No.47167215 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1122x697, Wendigo109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47167227 [View]
File: 567 KB, 1003x1416, limmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, you fell for their tricks and all your offspring will look like living representations of whore of babylon. Are you happy now?

>> No.47167229 [View]
File: 533 KB, 856x654, 1684087135683855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make more

>> No.47167232 [View]

Would be better without the transformation stuff, same as all the girls who do that.

>> No.47167244 [View]

Tf is wrong with you

>> No.47167266 [View]

Ah yes, she's sucking my soul out with her strange mutant demon tail and poison! It's just, involving a lot of cuddling and aftercare, and sudden questions about baby names.

>> No.47167267 [View]

Just a retarded outsider forcing shitty memes as usual, R&I

>> No.47167317 [View]
File: 211 KB, 1280x1812, Serving_Titty_Monsters_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47167367 [View]
File: 315 KB, 2105x1488, 1627790617277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47167424 [View]

>Centaur wife refuses to let you ride on her back until you let her ride your back

>> No.47167446 [View]

>Sweaty minotaur invades your home while you're running an errand
>Raids your kitchen and makes herself comfortable in your bed
>Falls asleep in your bed
>Is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up when you try to get her to leave
>Instinctively grabs your arm and pulls you in when you try to push her out of bed
>Holds you in a deathgrip embrace as she continues to sleep for the next 10 hours
Hope you went to the bathroom before you got grabbed!

>> No.47167454 [View]
File: 579 KB, 706x1000, 42047919f4c77914e48d0f60fbd1cd8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have encountered the Elf Queen who rules the ancient elven woods. You must kneel to her or else she will be displeased with your lack of etiquette.

>> No.47167461 [View]

>try to push her out of bed
Rookie mistake. You grab a bowl of warm water, splash her loins and go relax on the couch. When she wakes up she will think she wet your bed and silently leave out of embarrassment. Works for most of them.

>> No.47167485 [View]

>sweaty minotaur
this is a very important detail. am I going to smell of cow when she's done hugging me?

>> No.47167522 [View]
File: 92 KB, 800x1000, Witch - Beast 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, lol!
I DO know that baphs get a ton more art so I got more stuff to pick from. I'm not really a loli guy, and what witch are there is usually leans pretty hard on the loli aspect.