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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.47133045 [View]

Still doing it wrong retard

>> No.47133048 [View]


>> No.47133051 [View]


>> No.47133055 [View]


>> No.47133056 [View]


>> No.47133063 [View]

Nice Miko!

>> No.47133065 [View]

Koyori's tits are NOT out
I repeat
Koyori's tits are NOT out

>> No.47133067 [View]

time for yet another kusokamige with Botan

>> No.47133069 [View]


>> No.47133072 [View]

taso was worried about what she would've done if the update didn't finish downloading

>> No.47133075 [View]


>> No.47133076 [View]

Patch(es) doesn't stand a chance against you taso.

>> No.47133082 [View]

she killed him?

>> No.47133081 [View]

taso will be violent to those who spoil the dlc

>> No.47133086 [View]

she joked about pun between the update patch and patches

>> No.47133088 [View]

Kanata should really update her SSD. Her loading times are crazy

>> No.47133090 [View]

taso already happy with the qol updates

>> No.47133091 [View]

Disliked and unsubscribed and I'll lodge a formal complaint at her twitter hashtag so she sees it when she egosa after the stream is over

>> No.47133093 [View]

taso thinks the update is just for her because of how much it helps her item management

>> No.47133094 [View]

You can file your complaint here

>> No.47133099 [View]


>> No.47133103 [View]

That bitch...

>> No.47133104 [View]

taso feeling good in seeing the item update in action

>> No.47133117 [View]

taso being tempted to get smarter to use spells

>> No.47133118 [View]

>is the sea safe?
>you died

>> No.47133119 [View]

so which holo is it this time

>> No.47133120 [View]

TASOchan wants to use lightning like Killua.

>> No.47133123 [View]

oh shit is the heimin back from his trip

>> No.47133129 [View]

taso wants to change the hairstyle but thinks it's a waste that she can't see it

>> No.47133130 [View]

this is just jankier version of only up

>> No.47133136 [View]


>> No.47133137 [View]

don't make it sound like torrent is less useful taso...

>> No.47133138 [View]

The first altF4 came out years before only up but okay

>> No.47133143 [View]

kamataso when

>> No.47133144 [View]

So is ER dlc any good

>> No.47133147 [View]

WTF Kanata got the scythe on her 2nd drop.

>> No.47133148 [View]

This is the good kind of furry friend.

>> No.47133150 [View]

IGN says it's a 10/10

>> No.47133151 [View]


>> No.47133152 [View]

I got to play it early it's good

>> No.47133154 [View]

don't brag about being good datenshitaso...

>> No.47133155 [View]

jet fuel can't melt cliff faces

>> No.47133160 [View]

obakataso thinks the NPCs are underestimating her intelligence

>> No.47133161 [View]

holy legs

>> No.47133162 [View]

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>> No.47133163 [View]

taso's int is too low to learn magic...

>> No.47133164 [View]

feels good to watch taso live again

>> No.47133167 [View]


>> No.47133168 [View]

taso setting up a guruguru flag

>> No.47133169 [View]

whore yo