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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.47136593 [View]

I think what he's getting at is that people are supporting its removal have no spine.

>> No.47136613 [View]

No, I'm saying that the author has no spine and that the slightest bit of criticism drives him into "change everything" mode.

>> No.47136625 [View]

bratty anon needs behavioral correction from horny 2hus

>> No.47136641 [View]

Never had a problem with it, adds a bit of character and make her feel more alive when comparing with the same generic phrases most authors/translators like to use.

>> No.47136645 [View]
File: 65 KB, 680x680, tiredcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even more aislop in my eraTW
I want to go back.

>> No.47136651 [View]

Grow up and make your own branch if you hate it so much.

>> No.47136670 [View]

I think Parsee weird Persian references are cute.

>> No.47136705 [View]

But you can go back. Just don't update.

>> No.47136727 [View]

I tried and it failed.

True but some of the new stuff is actually good, it's kind of like with minecraft and it's updates - they suck on a massive scale but occasionally you get something worth keeping.

>> No.47136760 [View]

They suck on a massive scale in your opinion, because you are biased against what you consider "slop". Again, grow up. You're in the minority.

>> No.47136791 [View]

AI slop is better than ESL slop

>> No.47136799 [View]

Why not just giving the choice?

>> No.47136803 [View]

a few people reeed at it and hurt the authors fee-fees so it's getting removed, no further discussion
as if half of the people who complained about it weren't samefagging
if we had ips this wouldn't be an issue, because the devs would see more people support fun features than hate them

>> No.47136815 [View]

Aislop is ESLslop

>> No.47136819 [View]

Nobody cares.

>> No.47136846 [View]

I do and if nobody else does then we might as well add NTR and scat.

>> No.47136855 [View]

You're deranged and baiting if you unironically believe that.

>> No.47136858 [View]
File: 3.36 MB, 4000x4000, 7738519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread~‼
New thread~‼

>> No.47136870 [View]
File: 1.17 MB, 1150x3624, 1664075691476761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hina with a mechanic to take away other girls' anger/hate marks but her breasts expand the more misfortune you feed her (they slowly return to normal size as the misfortune dissipates)

>> No.47136884 [View]

How would you handle the player expanding her to the maximum?

>> No.47136890 [View]

I mean, through other means than that mechanic. Like starting the game with max boobage or praying them to the maximum.

>> No.47136893 [View]

You can't just take everything lying down.

>> No.47136894 [View]

Pushed down and hope you brought a milking machine.

Look I haven't thought that far ahead for a fun shitpost idea thats definitely not my fetish.

>> No.47136895 [View]

There is nothing wrong with AI.

>> No.47136900 [View]

Get a life.

>> No.47136912 [View]

We're on a /jp/ general

I still don't like it, in fact, what says some people here aren't bots?

>> No.47136927 [View]

It's funny because I had a dream last night that I just went and ctrl-f'd all the italics in her dialogue and replaced it with a normal word but then vinum goes and actually does it for me.

>> No.47136929 [View]

that's an extremely weird thing to dream about

>> No.47136930 [View]

>what says some people here aren't bots?
Nothing. AI could be behind every single thing, are you gonna live in terror because of that?

>> No.47136936 [View]

The threadshitter is back...

>> No.47136937 [View]

I'm sorry, but my AI model cannot process that request.

>> No.47136943 [View]

>he doesn't use an uncensored model like base Llama 3 70B

>> No.47136950 [View]

Not terror but annoyance.

>> No.47136951 [View]

I'll keep you in my mind when making debug items or hard-separating the mess that is the DDS2 plotline.

>> No.47136954 [View]

All we do here is talk about fetishes.
That idea does sound fun. Though there'd need to be something for her natural state already being gigantic, like I dunno, maybe an extra size that just immobilizes her for some time or something. Or the excess misfortune getting converted into milk that needs immediate release, like you said.

>> No.47136959 [View]

You're tilting at windmills bro.

>> No.47136965 [View]

Living your life in annoyance sounds pretty bad to me, but you do you.

>> No.47136992 [View]
File: 589 KB, 1000x1500, 1677301208207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fetish-wise sure that'd be the easiest logical conclusion that's basically how I play Hina on f-list, but I was trying to think of how it would fit in alongside game mechanics while also not getting too far into the realm of "grotesque". Though I guess theres always room for another toggle in the extreme content menu next to ntr and gore.

>> No.47137008 [View]

Sirs, People tilt here over single appearance of a male in a text based dating sim, I just want some authenticity with the people that claim to do something here.

>> No.47137015 [View]

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

>> No.47137044 [View]

Dogshit coomer sloppa

>> No.47137061 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 1440x1200, 1664023006934819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think lactation or big tits require an extreme content toggle.
Logically this only happens once the player already sets Hina to the max boob size, so the only people who see this scenario already are fans of very big boobs.
On one hand you have flat fans that have to "suffer" by bumping Hina's flat chest to small boobs, on another you have boobfags that "suffer" by having Hina shove her milkers into their faces(whom they must like at least a little bit, otherwise they wouldn't deliberately give her boobs). Or refuses to move for a couple hours, which wouldn't be an issue because the player would immediately go back to the girl whose hate marks Hina just took away. It's not an issue.

>> No.47137080 [View]
File: 364 KB, 2560x1440, hinacle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to start her out as flat. The growth contrast and inconvenience is the fun part.
But yeah having Hina be a general mood-modifier for those around her would be useful even without my funny fetish. Turn sullen girls normal, give normal girls happy status. Give Hina a favor boost every time you drag her around town to look for unhappy people since that's entirely her thing anyway.

>> No.47137082 [View]

>nooooooooo how dare you talk back to ME, the thread dictator! I decide what's right and wrong!!!!!!
Biggest dipshit itt

>> No.47137111 [View]

It's mine, not yours.

>> No.47137115 [View]

>lOoKs FiNe To ME thoUGh?????? WhY Do YoU CaRE?????????
Actual NPC yapper post. So transparent too. Fucking tourist grifter piece of shit.

>> No.47137393 [View]
File: 17 KB, 606x1315, Wifeguya Scouter Day 1348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love her so much it makes me want to bully her, because an upset princess is lovely, too.

>> No.47137477 [View]

Someone with some common sense for once.

>> No.47138025 [View]
File: 117 KB, 850x680, 1711497246393949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47138507 [View]
File: 3.31 MB, 2669x3509, 1690977524083098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give every 2hu a canon boyfriend along dating mechanics with their boyfriends
>make random events where the game would remind the player "this is what would happen if your 2hu were real. She'd ran off with another man"
probably remove futa interactions while I'm at it