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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.46904455 [View]

>#jk #jk1 #fjk #16歳 #16yo

>> No.46904460 [View]

more power systems in action shows should resemble nen on the surface but with none of the convoluted explanations or categories. just call it psychic powers, throw in a mechanic about increasing strength based on vows/conditions, and then focus on other aspects of the story.

kinda like darker than black. it has its own problems but the powers and their conditions are cool.

>> No.46904461 [View]


>> No.46904474 [View]

>おはようございます without any other comments
are japanese people bugs

>> No.46904484 [View]

i think i will replay nier and understand a quarter of the japanese unlike the first time i played it many years ago and understood none of the japanese

>> No.46904490 [View]


>> No.46904491 [View]

>many years ago

>> No.46904501 [View]
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>> No.46904507 [View]
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>> No.46904508 [View]

there's veterans in this thread who are laughing at you right now, because they became great at japanese in roughly 2 years - to the point they could understand 98%+ of what they hear or read in almost all media they consume.

is it ok to lag behind them? i guess so...if you don't actually care about japanese.

>> No.46904515 [View]

it is only my fourth month of learning i mostly just read manga and do card reps and refresh my knowledge of grammar whenever i get confused
this is easier than german was to be honest because there's not a lot of good german media but japanese makes it easy

>> No.46904517 [View]

chronological time spent studying doesnt matter as much as time spent using the language. maybe anon never started seriously studying. no point demoralizing someone that's doing the right thing now. for 99% of ppl here this is a hobby that you're sposed to do for pleasure

>> No.46904521 [View]

that's not a demoralization post. it's encouragement. i treated japanese like a hobby and it's why i ultimately failed but anon doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.46904533 [View]

even if we got cheap readily available tower of babel level translators, japs will still require N1 for at least 10 years

>> No.46904542 [View]
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What is she trying to say here, I have no idea. the right side specifically.

>> No.46904544 [View]
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oh ok, sorry. i didnt understand your post. just tough love so to speak?

>> No.46904578 [View]

don't apologize for your djt posts

>> No.46904588 [View]

you see, you mustn't ring people's door bells when you have no 用 with them. get it?

>> No.46904612 [View]

that makes more sense, literally translating it kinda says: you see, even though (you) having no errands/business (with them), dont go pushing it (the doorbell).


>> No.46904629 [View]



>> No.46904649 [View]
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movie was comfy

>> No.46904659 [View]


>> No.46904666 [View]

ちゃ駄目 is ては駄目 which itself is the conversational version of てはいけない. often used by superiors, teachers or parents to express forbiddance. ては/ちゃ/じゃ is part of MANY expressions

>> No.46904694 [View]

I have a quick question about the use of desu and i-adjectives.

When saying something like "the food was not good"
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta
Is proper if I am speaking informally?
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta desu
Is proper if speaking formally?
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta deshita
should not be used, because there is no need to turn desu into deshita because the conjugation of oishii indicates already that it's past negative, correct?

>> No.46904701 [View]

got it, I was confused more on the use of も with 用 plus のに, if you could explain that, that'd be great, but I think i get the gist of it now, devilish trips btw

>> No.46904717 [View]


>> No.46904719 [View]
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>> No.46904723 [View]

yeah. in that case desu isnt serving a grammatical function, you're just tacking it on to be polite. so you dont conjugate it like you normally conjugate the copula

>> No.46904737 [View]
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>> No.46904739 [View]

suigintou is better

>> No.46904747 [View]

just slightly emphasized shift from 用がないのに. のに expresses that one thinks whatever comes before it should be different or runs counter to expectation

>> No.46904753 [View]

but in this case the dont ring the doorbell doesnt run counter to the having no business right? the way she phrases it seems like "despite/even though you have no business, dont ring it (doorbell)"

>> No.46905390 [View]

no more desu!

>> No.46905749 [View]

having a daughter these days seems like a fucking nightmare

>> No.46905758 [View]

just feed her lots of sugar from a young age so she gets fat

>> No.46906211 [View]
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Updated DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

[!] must be included in the next OP [!]

>> No.46906514 [View]

>but in this case the dont ring the doorbell doesnt run counter to the having no business right?

it's not "not ringing" the bell, it's "ringing the bell". grammatically affirmative. everything before ちゃ is the description of a single situation

用がない + ベルを押す > 駄目
用がある + ベルを押す > 大丈夫


because that part should be different
if you had a 用 ringing the bell would be fine, but you don't = のに

>> No.46907130 [View]

what an explanation! I completely forgot that ては was affirming everything before it! thanks anon, now it makes alot more sense why のに was used!

>> No.46908182 [View]

What the hell am I reading? This is the worst explanation I've ever seen on のに. You don't even have the right sense of the word. I like how your shit examples conveniently leave out のに.
It's not although/but or anything like that, it's just nominalizing の + complement marking に.
>now it makes alot more sense why のに was used!
No, it doesn't. He didn't explain it at all. He just said "grammatically affirmative" and you shook your head and went, "oh, wow, that makes so much sense! :3"

>> No.46908426 [View]

n5 grammar might be a little too hard to understand for a mouth breather such as yourself.

if someone rings your door bell, you expect them to want something from you (用). if they don't even anything to say or ask to your but still rang your doorbell that runs counter to normal expectation. it shouldn't like that:
>she didn't even want anything from me, she just wanted to ring the shoot dang door bell
this isn't hard but you're extremely stupid so i had to type out all this obvious stuff

>> No.46908484 [View]

also 用もないのに is almost idiomatic. in certain situation it simply means for 'for no specific reason' 用もないのに訪ねる 'to pay visit someone for no specific reason' (bc you just want to see them)

>> No.46908749 [View]

lmao I don't care about the nuances of door bell etiquette. There's no contrast here, のに doesn't always mean "but," you absolute retard. This is like trying to have a grammar discussion with NukeMarine
>also 用もないのに is almost idiomatic

>> No.46909314 [View]

用があるのに訪ねない dame!

>> No.46909363 [View]

My anki deleted all of my progress on my phone, what do I do now?

>> No.46909385 [View]

強くてニューゲーム da!

>> No.46909395 [View]


>> No.46909412 [View]

goodluck ;3

>> No.46909444 [View]

wanikani solves that problem btw

>> No.46909526 [View]

4, you can't have だ or its variations after おいしい like that

>> No.46910036 [View]
File: 8 KB, 634x85, 1708839564767738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i aint got time for this