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>> No.38452478 [View]
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>a day in the MGE world
>A new destined hero has risen to once again challenge the Demon Lord and bring Order and the Light to Glory and save Man from the seductive monsters
>But the Royal Makai Top Brass and higher ups and especially Demon Lord Lilith eventually get news of this new hero
>Down the line Monster Intelligence Agents reports that this brand new spanking hero is a young woman, a heroine!
>"Oh my, yet another heroine to beautify! Oh dear Goddess, when will you learn and to cease delaying the inevitable. But oh well, I'm not complaining nor am I in a hurry. I'm sure one of our many succubi operatives will take care of this new destined heroine to rise up against me-" Lilith brags as she is then interrupted politely by the lesser demoness lackey reporting to her
>"Uhm... I'm sorry to cut you off there Mrs. Lilith. But I wasn't exactly done finishing the report. You see, this heroine is well... She is not just any heroine. She is- I can't believe I'm saying this, but this new heroine is an Otome Heroine. Or as the Zipangese would designate her as; a 'Yumejoshi.' or a 'Josei Female Lead.'"
>Lilith pauses for half a minute and then says plainly; "What?" Another pause and then. "You're kidding me right? An Otome Heroine!? Are you sure this information is not fake or is legitimate? Yes, I know what an Otome or Josei is and I definitely am aware what a 'Otome Heroine' is. I have consumed my fair share of Zipangese Media, but those type of heroines are supposedly a myth! You mean to tell that somewhere out there. The Order has a new Special Snowflake Woman who has her reverse harem of good looking handsome men and or young boys traveling with her, and supposedly competing and vying for her attention and affection?"
>"...Yes." The mamono lackey responds meekly
>"And this implies the possibility that this heroine emanates an aura and field everywhere around her that makes still single young men and boys immune to the charms of monsters? And that many young single men or boys will instead gravitate to her and try vying for HER attention?"
>"Yes Mrs. Lilith. Just like in those Zipangese Josei Manga, Otomes and other Zipangese-made media aimed towards Older Women." The mamono lackey responds again meekly.
>"And who is the monstergirl agent that has sent that report?" A male voice is heard from the darker parts of the room, and out walks Demon Lord Lilith's Husband.
>The mamono lackey is surprised and briefly bows to him and answers. "It was reported by Agents Schneizel and his wife Agent Carmona of the Runya Runya Sabbath."
>Lilith and her Husband look at each other, back at the Lackey and to each other with the Husband replying. "Yeah, Schneizel Belmondo. I know him during my hero days. An old partner who I worked with very shortly in a few missions but know each other well. Yes dear, this has to be legit information for I know Schneizel rarely ever lies. Even with his new monster-centric life. Therefore, this new heroine... Might pose an unknown threat or an anomaly. I mean, think about it. A woman who has the passive ability to make numerous single men fall in love with her and be enamored to her by just being a simple Plain Jane." The Husband asks the Lackey again. "This Heroine with her Boyband Traveling Companions, she is a plain looking average girl, correct?"
>The Husband looks to his dear Lilith again. "Yep, that's an Otome Heroine or Josei Female Lead alright. Just like in the Zipangese Comics and TV shows. What shall we do dear? We've both personally seen and dealt with Lawful Good and well mannered Shonen Protagonists and even edgier Light Novel Protagonists as well. And we've converted them all into loving husbands and romantic prospects. We've also dealt with Heroines too, but THIS? An Otome Heroine!? A Josei Protagonist WITH the ability to form a Reverse Harem of young men and boys!? This might put our long term goals into jeopardy. Especially if The Order and my Old Goddess Friend gets a hold on her. What shall we do honey?
>Lilith looks at a distance then answers firmly. "We deal with her quickly and swiftly. And we're doing this personally. I can't risk sending any of our brave men or boys against her or she might do her Otome romance bullshit and turn our men and boys against her. And this Heroine might prove a challenge to our monsters or even my own daughters... Pack your armor and gears dear. And I will inform our advisors. We will both deal with this Heroine. I'm not going to play it safe and make shit straight out of a trashy Zipangese Comic or Novel ruin or muddy up our work!"

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