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Okayu Yoshi's Island

Okayu was very tired today, so she got up only an hour before the stream started, as opposed to the usual two. She took a bath to wake herself up though, so don't worry about her being unable to keep her eyes open; she just has a bit of a morning voice going on.

>Throat medicine
Okayu uses cough drops pretty regularly, and she recently purchased some kind of stronger version on Amazon. She didn't realize it before she ordered, but it seems like it might be really bitter. She wonders if she'll be okay with licking something so bitter, even as a kid, she was bad with the powdered medicine her Baa-chan would give her.

>Oh my baby

>Cool phrasing, bad advice
Okayu has been treating all her level scores like test scores, and her scores for the last world are less than flattering. She copes by saying taking the test is more important than getting a good score; nothing will happen if you don't even take the test. She later says it's bad advice, when people joke about taking it to heart. There were many times where young Okayu would avoid studying for tests, thinking "Whatever happens, happens.", but as an adult, she finds that's not a smart way to look at it, and advises you study.

>Okayu bullying
Okayu gets too distracted, and dies when thanking a new membership. When she complains about being too happy to focus when she gets a new member, several more people join in an attempt to distract her.

Okayu admits that she must have been underestimating Kamek up until he started murdering her a bunch of times in the last stage. She likes that he seems to have acknowledged her, and is now coming in at full strength. She likes enemies/rivals in anime that are willing to recognize the protagonist's strength, like Vegeta and his "Number one" speech about Goku.

Okayu really loved the game. She thought the music and art were fantastic, and talked about how the cute art was extremely deceptive about how difficult the game really was. She also really loved the final fight; the music with the guitar was really cool, and she thought the concept was really unique.

Okayu didn't actually apply for Gamers when she first auditioned for hololive. The position she applied for was just hololive in general; or at least that's what was written in the listing. During the interview, YAGOO asked if she liked games, to which she responded yes, and then he said she'd be a good fit for Gamers then. Chat jokes about this being similar to Ryoma's father in Prince of Tennis asking him if tennis is fun, and she finds that funny.

>Natural Okakoro
Okayu thinks the thumbnail for today is real cute, with that pose like she's trying to make takoyaki(?). She saw that Korosan had a thumbnail with the same pose and thought it was tee tee. There's a lot of Okakoro coincidences like that. They didn't make any sort of plan to do this, but they just have a lot of the same tastes/interests, so it happens rather frequently. The fact that they're friends due to being real similar to each other leads to a lot of natural Okakoro. It's rather mysterious at times.

>I dream of Okayu
Okayu sees a lot of people saying she appears in their dreams. She can't control her dreams, so she doesn't get to dream of characters she likes very often. It seems that if you fall asleep with her stream on, you have a higher chance of encountering her, like a pickup gacha. She hopes you do something fun together, though even in dreams it's probably just playing games if it's her. Dream of Okayu, okay? Let's have a fun date together.

>Kids and action games
A superchat mentions that they got all 100's on each stage as a kid; Okayu says that's incredible, and she wants to pat that kid's head. That can't be something easy to do when you're so young. Okayu says she feels like kids might be better at action games than adults though. Comparatively, she thinks her reflexes and motor skills as a child were better than they are now, and that's a big part of playing action games. Adults are usually better at solving puzzles and using logic, and those games may have some timing elements in them too, but kids might be more suited to games that are purely reflex-based.

A golden egg for making it through Yoshi's Island! I wonder what's inside.

>Next game
Okayu's not sure what she's going to play next, now that this game and Yomawari are finished. Just like with Shiren and the 100F dungeon, she wants to return to get all 100's with this game at some point in the future, but not immediately. In the meantime, she'll do some research on what she should play next. She'll announce it on twitter when she picks something.


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