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>> No.42462295 [View]
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I bet sanae loves kneeling to do stuff amirite
If you know you know

>> No.36721279 [View]
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>> No.22548652 [View]
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Is there one sluttier than Sanae?

>> No.21685947 [View]
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>> No.19054394 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 331 KB, 1889x1259, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I did today? I searched pictures of Reimu on danbooru! That what I did! For find awesome pictures of my lovely Reimuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
but NOOOOOOOOOOOO! All what I the pictures I find was of Sanae the whore with MY AWESOME REIMU, that what I foundddddddddddddddddddd.
so then
I went to touhou wiki! to search for Reimu's relationships. And sanae was number 3 from the start!!!(3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!) after Marisa and Kesan (lol Kesan).
And wrote about their relationship 3 rows.
And then, much later was YUKARI with 2 rows. 2!!!!
THAT MEAN, that Sanae the whore X my Reimu is MORE POPULAR then Yukari X Reimu. AND THAT BAD.
It's not I like Yukari X Reimu, couse as you know I like Suika X Reimu. BUUUT. I don't hate yukari. even I tried! She's too sexy for me to hate her and She's cool
like this IT THE BEST REIMU'S YURI VIDWO EVER www.youtube.com/watch?v=3poj8o…
So I can live with Yukari X Reimu as the most popular Reimu's couple
BUT WITH SANAEEEEEEEE. How do you want me to live with that? I cannnnnnnnnnnnn't ;A;
so NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! peoples, stooooop it. JUST STOP MAKE SANAE X REIMU PICTURES. you think they go together well, SO THEY DON'T
REIMU IT SO MUCH BETTER THEN THIS SANAE. She's just a BAD COPY of Reimu's style and acting like a shit.

if you want to know why I hate sanae
*start to copy things I said in past*

I hate Sanae ;A; She's so.. Not original. TOO CLOSE TO MY REIMU. And who let her to be so close to my Reimu, hah?? YOU'RE NOT REIMU! You even not a enemy of her because Reimu is so TATLLY BETTER THEN YOU. AND YOU TOTALLY NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO YURI WITH HER. ok? nooooooooooot have the right! Peoples who think Sanae and Reimu go together right, go fuck yourself!!! ;A;
Myyy poooor Reimu, to have things with stupid innocent slutty girl like Sanae, hope you still surviveeee ;A;

I very love yuri, very very much ;A; Yuri is awesome!
But, mean.. I like Reimu x Suika (yeah, I know that rare and wired.. ;A;) but.. If I'm seeing Reimu x Yukari, I really can understand it! Because.. Even if I don't Reimu x Yukari, I think she is awesome! She have.. Character! She is not just.. Regular cutie-anime-girl.. ;A; She have something spacial.. Like the most of touhou characters.. And I can see her suit to Reimu.
But sanae.. She is.. Just.. Moe-good-girl in the same age as Reimu, and they are both mikos, but.. Mean.. she is not interesting in anything. She only just nice, and that's it, and I find her boring and a little stupid.. And regular, very regular ;A; She can be hero of mahou shpujo, but for awesome character like Reimu, indifferent and cool like.. I just can't find it work! Only for hentai pictures of two sexy girls doing things, but for real and true love.. How that work? ;A;

A playable character.. See, I see her different between Reimu and Marisa ;-; And not only that, I see her alot like a bad imitation of Reimu.. Marisa is.. cool. I can't say she's not. and.. I love Reimu and Marisa as main characters. I don't want any new main character, even not one of my favorite.. But not specially not Sanae! ;A; One miko it enough, and Reimu is the best miko ever. if need new playable character, I not was choose Sanae.. There's character who more deserve it. But I don't want or need more.. T__T Maybe Sanae and reimu can to be friends, but sanae as a main character with Reimu and Marisa.. It really not work to me.. ;^; To not talks about romance between them.
But I think it all personal opinion, so we can't fight of that XD lol. sorry I started it ^^U
And I don't hate her because of the design or something like that.. QAQ


>> No.16414626 [View]
File: 353 KB, 1889x1259, 1373360229456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a slut!

>> No.16352745 [View]
File: 331 KB, 1889x1259, 1398631235646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lugenpresse! That honor goes to Sanae.

>> No.14490370 [View]
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>> No.13002892 [View]
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>> No.12377621 [View]
File: 331 KB, 1889x1259, 1373360229456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing you can imagine that would be too kinky for Sanae.
She would search around for stray dogs and then furiously fuck them like she's a bitch in the heat.
She would place your cum on her toothbrush and would brush her teeth with it and love it.
She would allow you to tie strings to her clit and nipples and then parade her around the village like that with you pulling her by that strings.
She would work as a urinal in the public toilet and nobody would notice any difference.
She would invite thousands of men to fill bathtub with their cum and then would bath in it and masturbate like crazy.

>> No.12184129 [View]
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Go ahead. Say it. I dare you.

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