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>> No.34182325 [View]
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Crossing through the thickets and foliage, you arrive at a massive clearing at the end of the river. The field ahead of you stretches into the distance, adorned with countless amount of red flowers as far as the eye can see. A gentle warmth envelopes you as the shinigami docks her boat against the shore.

“And.. we’ve arrived. Just past this initial field and a bit over there in the distance, you’ll find her.”

You get off and spend some time staring off into the distance before looking back. The shinigami was already rowing away in the distance, leaving you stranded here. Turning forwards again, you float through the seemingly endless expanse of red flowers. It felt strangely relaxing, comforting even. Yet, a slight sense of building dread began to pile up every second. The ominous feeling only grew with every step you took.

In the horizon, the image of a large, imposing throne came into view. It had an intricate, golden and ornate looking design which rose off many meters off the ground. The sheer size of this structure made you seem like a mere dwarf in comparison. And atop this seat was presumably the Yama herself. You gradually come to a stop when she takes notice of you and shifts in her seat to acknowledge your presence.

“Halt. Step no further.”

Her voice boomed through the air, sending ripples that made the neighboring flowers gently sway against the vibrations. You trembled before her presence, looking up, you were fully aware of your own current powerlessness. Suddenly, she pointed what seemed to be a wooden rod down directly towards you.

“Wrath. Malice. Hatred. Evil. Such traits I had observed long before you had arrived here, human. It has already been long decreed that due to this transgressions that it is judged your sins shall drag your very essence to the bowels of hell.”

You remained still, utterly speechless and frozen in a pathetic mix of fear and anguish as she continued her speech.

“However, I will allow this. A chance of redemption from this grave sin you have committed. You will be forgiven by accomplishing this one last good deed.”

The Yama reaches out her empty hand and a mirror slowly materializes in her palm. She releases her grip, the mirror slowly floating down until it is directly in front of you.

“Make amends with her. The youkai you have wronged, for her soul writhes in billowing despair because of the evil you’ve inflicted upon her. You have but only one single chance.”

Then suddenly the mirror shines brilliantly, enveloping your vision with an intense white light. You try to avert your gaze from the blinding radiance and shut your eyes tight. But when you open your eyes, you find yourself standing in a blank, gray space. You take notice of the fact that your body has returned but the a seemingly endless void is now surrounding you.

However, in the distance, you can see someone. It was someone all too familiar.

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