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>> No.39906822 [View]
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It's actually pretty enjoyable with all those lovely SMT references once you get out of the grinding hell stage. You want inflict every status effect pinning down your enemies while your demons/human allies destroy them? You can. Summon your demon allies by kissing your ring? Doable. Tame a powerful demon through tense negotiations, capture their heart, and then only bring them out whenever you're window shopping? Can. Show-off as a male glasses wearing bunny butler while skipping and holding hands with the monstrous Alice or travel the land being princess carried by Cu Chulainn? Why not? Go to the beach dungeon wearing nothing but speedos with your buddy-buds? Been there, done that.

I survived purely as a f2p just by farming mats and p2w peeps focused on their pvp rankings. Guilds are comfy af, and the game forums were very active. We thought it would last forever, but of course normal mmorpgs have a finite lifespan. There's also a gacha SMT, but I think only long time player masochists with deep pockets play that as it's become nothing more than bait for whales.

Once you finish all the routes, you can try looking up /vg/'s smtg thread archives for their SMT V reactions.

Anyway, Yamato's route in Devil Survivor 2 was fun too. It kinda made him crazier in the anime adaptation and it didn't help that Suwabe voiced him. There's also something about his connection with Alcor voiced by Sakurai, but it's better to play the game because of how much they squeezed game contents into 13 episodes. They have a good voice cast, memorable OP/ED, but it got ruined through cutting off contents.

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