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>> No.46110195 [View]
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Perhaps, I shrugged. "Still, I can help in some way." She reached around to her back with her free hand, and withdrew the fishing rod. "Here." She offered it to me. I stared blankly at her. Just like that...? "Just like that." She said, nodding. But - She barely even knew me. "Correct, I don't know you. But, I do know Komachi, and just one look was enough to tell me that she likes you well enough. Plus, you're apparently related to the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, so getting on your bad side seems...Unwise." She shrugged. "Oh, don't think I'm handing you something of great value. I've plenty more fishing rods, and this one just happens to be one that I wasn't getting along with anyhow. Perhaps it'll warm better to you." Blankly, I reached out a shaking hand and took the fishing rod from her, securing it to my back with the strap that she had been using. "You'll need bait, of course, but I'm afraid that I'll have to leave you with just the fishing rod. I'm sure you'll find someone to help you along with the rest." She sized me up. "In fact, once you're more skilled, you could try and come back here. I'd be interested to see if a human like you could learn to fish these waters." She cast a hand behind her, indicating the river. "Ah, I never introduced myself. Urumi Ushizaki." I bowed slightly and introduced myself, then explained who I was in relation to Reimu and Yamame more clearly. "Well now, how interesting. Is this-"

"Oi!" Reimu suddenly shouted, looking over at me. "We're going!" I gave an apologetic goodbye to Urumi and returned to Reimu and Yamame. "You've...Got her fishing rod. How have you - Actually, no let's just move on." Reimu shook her head. "Alright, so Kutaka is at the border with Hell, and Komachi's given us permission to cross the river. That said, her boat isn't built for more than two people at a time, so if you get in, Yamame and I will fly above you."

"Er, hi." Komachi said, waving. "It's not going to kill you, don't worry. You can get in." I had been slightly worried, to be sure, so I nodded with some relief at Komachi's words.

Turning around, I asked Yamame for the packages in her arms. I imagined she'd feel safer if they were in the boat and not at risk of falling into the Sanzu River. She thought for a moment, then nodded and passed them over to me. "Ooh, that's better." She said, her voice still very scratchy and hoarse. "Arms got stiff." She rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. "Ah..." Holding the packages, I precariously stepped onto the boat and took the other seat, facing Komachi. I decided that I'd best keep my arms from touching the boat, because it did look very...Splintery.

"Ready?" Komachi asked, her scythe in hand. She got to her feet, her sandals making clacking sounds against the wood of the boat. She repeated the question to Reimu and Yamame, who nodded and took to the air. "Alright..." She pushed the boat into the water, where it seemed to wobble precariously before settling. And just like that, I was crossing the Sanzu River in the company of a Shinigami.

Which was a sentence I'd not thought I'd live to see, in the truest sense.

"You'll only get anywhere flying if you've got my permission." Komachi explained, pointing a finger upward toward the figures of Reimu and Yamame, up in the sky. "They'd be flying around in circles until they got tired and either went home or went into the river otherwise." That was a rather morbid thought. "Oh, sure. Especially since you're marrying one of them." I blinked, looking back at her. She grinned, looking quite pleased. "Saw the ring. I should have seen it before, at Kasen's place, but I was in the middle of a horrible fever and I wasn't even sure what was real at that point." ...Ah. "Ah, well...I did get a week off thanks to that, though." She was silent for a moment, the only sound the gentle sound of the water as Komachi steered the boat. Curious, I asked her how long it was going to take. "Who knows...?" She murmured lazily. Blankly, I asked her what she meant. "The distance is different for everyone. It all depends on the sins you carry on your back. Usually, you'd need a fee, too." I...Didn't have any money. I'd left it all at the house. "Yeah, I figured as much. Reimu didn't have any either, the time she crossed the river with me. I'm about the only Shinigami out there that'd agree to this, you know? I'll just have to collect your fee when you die." I was glad to know Komachi, then. Otherwise, this wouldn't have been possible.

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