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>> No.41295082 [View]
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Completely random Mei speculation... what if the secret villain isn't actually some kind of Witch Kazuho but rather Witch Miyuki?

Obviously Kazuho is very suspicious with her backstory now outright stated to be a lie (by Nao in the Night Pool Kazuho character story). And then we had fragment hopping reporter Midori stating Satoko's and Kazuho's existences are the cause of the tragedy.

But then... why Satoko? Kazuho has absolutely no relation to Satoko so far. Mei's magic enemy also attacked Witchtoko and attempted to take her power according to her story. So, it seems like there's some kind of connection between them.

So, rather than Satoko and Kazuho directly causing the tragedy, what if the issue is that the person who causes it is connected to them both? Last story taking place in the Dark Awakening timeline shows future Miyuki really depressed over Kazuho's disappearance when they returned to the present and left Kazuho in Hinamizawa 83, and although she dismissed a dream Nao had about Kazuho as just a dream, right afterwards she's crying by herself and lamenting how Kazuho doesn't appear in her dreams in spite of her dedicating her life to find out her fate.

Newest story for Syndrome Akasaka ends with a brief tease of a teen Miyuki of a world where Akasaka went insane similarly to Nekodamashi. The scene is very brief and just shows a student asking her whether she's the daughter of -that- Akasaka, and she angriyl just says she'd kill her if she asks that again. Now, the story itself didn't show Satoko injecting him, and you can read it like he went insane naturally due to conflict with his superiors who wanted him to leave Hinamizawa and leave the matter aside. But it also skipped the entire escalation of his insanity, jumping straight from his disagreements to the burning house. So, there's still space to reveal Satoko caused it.

So, what if the villain is a Miyuki who originated from a world like that? Kazuho then probably would have met Miyuki under different circumstances in her real identity, and that's why her past is a secret.

In the Strange Rabbits event, it was shown Miyuki was hiding a secret about a certain "Child" (and her death?) from everyone else, and it's suggested this child would be recognized by the other characters. So, maybe Miyuki from a world where Akasaka was known as a deranged killer and she suffered under that, eventually met and befriended Kazuho under completely different circumstances, but then Kazuho died and at her bottom she got turned into a Witch by someone. Then she's told the Akasaka situation was caused by Satoko and starts a revenge plan, also aiming to bring back Kazuho somehow. Thus why Mei's tragedy is tied to Satoko -and- Kazuho, but neither one is the culprit. Rika being dragged to hell again then is just bait for Witchtoko.

Also, Miyuki got to become a magical girl too. And so far all magical girls are witches or witch-related (Rika and Satoko from Kira, who also appeared in Mei, and then fairy Hanyuu also became a magical girl... Miyuki is the only odd one out).

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