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>> No.46990498 [View]
File: 66 KB, 850x568, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_yoshioka_yoshiko__sample-108af8dd866151dd86471e3019585c45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Relocating the village is an equally arduous task, the wild areas of Gensokyo are wildly populated by Youkai and Fairies who wouldn’t appreciated being forced to move even for the sake of a new village, not to mention those areas are inhabited by Youkai because they are dangerous to humans in the first place.”

“W-well, it's not like I can't fix it, but it's very hard. At first my real body was somewhere else, but that somewhere wasn't anywhere, the HSE building was just the small portion of me that poked into reality.”

“And forcing you back there isn't going to work…” Sighed sighed, rubbing her temple. “I suppose we’ll just have to figure something out, worse case scenario we’ll just put your body in another dimension.”

“Not to mention, the second one seemed intentional,” Okina said, gesturing to the ominous black orb as it floated over the carnage. “But the question remains, what could such a being desire?” Okina said as she lounged on her chair, and appraised Sekai.

“I just wanted for nobody to die, but…” Sekai trails off as she raises her head, gazing as Ibaraki and then to the others gathered nervously.

Miko shook her head in affirmation. “She’s not lying, her desires are rather pure and I haven’t sensed any malice from her so far. Although, what’s this about someone dying?” Miko raised a questioning eyebrow, looking at the blood-splattered Oni.

Ibaraki shrugged, not caring for the Saint’s judgment. “She was already dead.”

Mima raised the question. “Who-”

Before being cut off by Reimu “Yoshika, that zombie you ran into earlier. She survived the explosion, only to get killed by Kasen.” And Reimu answered it, nonplussed by the revelation, she had likely figured it out earlier, or already known the answer without realizing it.

Mima sighed, shaking her head, but not really caring. “Well, I guess she was already dead.” Okina thought it was ironic for an ex-vengful spirit and would-be-god to say such things, but the girl always did think she was better than other people.

Sekai frowned, but didn’t saying anything. While Miko and Byakuren shook their heads in unison. Which seemed to exasperate Shou somewhat. “But, about my brother, Yukari did make him, but she doesn’t have any control over him.”

Sekai nervously pressed her fingers together, eyeing the group surrounding her as she tried to think of a beneficial way to explain what her brother wanted. “Ah, well, he just kind of hates you all.”

Reimu and Ibaraki huffed and said in unison. “Figures”
While the rest of the group looked on with disappointed, or disintrest.

Sekai tried to come to her brother’s defense.“H-hey wait I-”

But Miko, interrupted Sekai. “I feel like you are all getting distracted.” She said, with a wave of her shaku, before asking. “Does anybody even know where Anon is?”

Everybody, except for Okina, balked, waiting for someone else to speak up, until Okina was forced to. “I did send Seija and that cute little husband of hers to find Anon, but I have yet to receive a report back.” Okina had to hide the strain in her voice, worse case scenario he died, best case they found him but hadn’t made it to Okina in time.

It was then that a pile of wooden rubble exploded. “Hi, ya assholes.” Seija jeered, kicking her way through the rubble she just obliterated as small splinters of wood and pebbles fell from the sky, as she dragged a normal looking man by the collar. “You’re looking for us.”

“Seija-” The man said, fruitlessly trying to hold his wife’s reins even as she dragged him over the rubble.

“Lemme handle this.” Seija said, waving off her husband with one hand as she let go of his collar, causing him to fall to the ruined street below. “Last we heard, Tewi made off with him and we haven't seen him since.

Everybody froze as they processed her answer, Miko and Byakuren gave skeptical looks, Shou was confused, Ibaraki looked as if she was about to kill Seija and if Reimu’s gohei was still intact she would have snapped it in half.

“Excuse me?” Reimu said, stressing the words as she held herself back from hitting the Amanojaku, her hand still stinging from the pain of sealing Yukari by using a shrine maiden technique with her bare hand, an unorthodox use of her powers.

“I dunno, a couple minutes ago, Koishi said she noticed Tewi making off with him and Ran while Goro was out.” Seija said, in a tone that read to some as bored, but to Reimu read like measured disinterest.

“Seija-” The tried to intercede again, this time without being dropped to the floor.

“I told you I have this under control.” Only for him to be brushed off by his wife again.

Ibaraki looked annoyed. “Great, looks like we’re gonna have to go after him again”

Okina stepped her hands together in a scholar cradle. “Not necessarily, Tewi, while significantly weaker than Yukari, is far harder to find.”

>> No.6602289 [View]
File: 66 KB, 850x568, village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Gensokyo. I saw it, as I was down with a high fever.

It was one of those threams that left you feeling bitter and disappointed for waking up.

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