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>> No.45000634 [View]
File: 1.73 MB, 2048x1024, Maybe I shouldn't have picked two characters who don't have a lot of fanart to use whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you, come again!" Lemontene exclaimed, Joyful and without a single thought in the world.

Oh, that's right! She was supposed to be helping host a beverage stand. Aside from valuable information, Rikako was also admittedly lower on money the past couple months then she preferred to be, so she decided to capitalize on the Hakurei Shrine Experience's sudden popularity spike. How? By opening a concession stand nearly right next to the bloody thing, of course! It completely worked, too. Who knew dumping year-old chemicals from the back of your fridge into normal drinks and advertising it as "special one of a kind flavors" were so attractive to thirsty people in line for sex?
...Okay, It's not very morally okay nor legal but it's not like there's anyone to stop the two of them. With Reimu looking to be out of the picture and everyone else glued to the attraction, the only sort of authority even possibly left to stop them are a School Teacher & The Local Town Princess who has a few screws loose in her head that make her think she's also a qualified police officer.


Oh yeah, It's not just her here either! That fairy named "Lemontene" wasn't even meant to be here at first. But she somehow found this place during the few first hours it opened and hasn't left since. Normally being seen hanging out with a stupid fairy is equivalent to social suicide here in the human village but Rikako doesn't have a social life in the first place so there's not really much else she can lose in that department.
plus she's helping for free and is clearly passonate about her new job so it's not THAT bad. I mean "lemon" is in her name for pete's sake, she's obviously gonna be skilled with juicy fruits. But Rikako does have to wonder: "Where on earth did this one come from?". must be a newer fairy since this is the first time she's seen the 'tene in-person, but even then it's odd. Was there seriously some type of Lemontree with enough power to justify it's own fairy? Lemons aren't even that popular in Gensokyo last she checked.
It doesn't help that the only noteable background information the bugger's given so far is that she is the little sister to a greater fairy, but I don't think that's even possible via Magic. Becuase wouldn't that then mean that every... fairy is... tehcnically rlelated....... toe....

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