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>> No.45580429 [View]
File: 84 KB, 580x470, HSE IN SPACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-mortem autopsy:

Synopsis: Magic unreal space tree traumatizes Anon even more, guided by his non-existent daughter.

It's honeslty just imagery to make things easier to understand lol. I haven''t read a lot of stuff on non-euclidean architecture and eldritch horror. My closest inspiration is Solaris and the transient structures built by the living ocean. There are quite a lot of space trees in Japanese media. Laputa, Kurohime, the original ending of Battle Angel, etc. I think the tree in EO3 even came from space if I remember the mural right. Wait, you thought this had lore? lol. lmao, even.

I know jack shit about the language of flowers except which part of the body a chrysanthemum is and what deflowering means. Hata no Sekai distilled the island's phenomenon into a form Anon could fathom. A single object made of multiple parts that cascades further down into various smaller components. I'd like to think a bit of Kaugya's powers were thrown in the create the abstraction of fate and destiny Hata showed Anon and some bit of Sanae's vague ability to create miracles allowed her to notice the island in the first place.

Anon's retardation:
Essentially, Anon is concious while his form is being constructed in nowhere. This includes his brain and ability to think complex thoughts and emotions. Hata no Sekai is mimicking him, learning how he moves, thinks and talks. Something a little cute thrown in with the cosmic despair. The mind reading is Satori powers.

Nowhere isn't real, but it can hurt you. Hata no Sekai isn't real yet, but she can observe the island. Anon is real and got his consciousness jettisoned into non-existent space with his daughter that isn't real yet. All the "Nowhere, non-real, non-existent" speak is really metaphysical mumbo jumbo but also tongue-in-cheek about the narrative as a whole.

They can explain stuff afterwards without being too out of place. They're also an excuse to connect all the specials.

Bad end portal:
I thought it would be funny to include the Warning Talismen ending for EraTW in a way that fits HSE canon. Allowed me to get in the requisite Yukari bullying after doing a wholesome and vanilla reality with her.

Why even do this you sick fuck:
I felt bad about the Solstice deadline being joked then hyped. I also thought the image of Anon and his daughter watching stars on a glowing gray rock with a dead tree on it would be neat. I'm no drawfag, thoughever. I'm barely a writefag.

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