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>> No.44538343 [View]
File: 301 KB, 2944x2944, 1676239876360121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchouli walks into the Voile library, feeling refreshed after a busy morning of research. She spots Remilia and Meiling lounging on some chairs, deeply engrossed in reading a volume of manga together. Patchouli sighs and scowls when she sees they're reading Naruto. She walks over to them, leaning down to peer at the pages disapprovingly over Meiling's shoulder.

"Naruto? You can't be serious. That series is nothing but flashy fights and tired plotlines reused over and over again. There are so many better options in my library than that trash," Patchouli says in a condescending tone.

Remilia pouts at the magician. "Aww, but Patchy, it's really cool! Look at all the action scenes! Who cares about plot when things go boom?"

Meiling nods eagerly in agreement. "Yeah Ms. Patchouli, the fight choreography is amazing! I've been trying to learn some of these taijutsu moves myself during my leisure time."

Patchouli sighs heavily, looking between the tiny vampire and gatekeeper with a weary expression. "Of course neither of you care about the quality of the writing or character development. Typical." She shakes her head in disappointment. "Honestly Meiling, you should be at your post guarding the gate, not in here indulging Remilia's childish hobbies."

Remilia crosses her arms, scowling up at her friend. "It's not childish! Manga is literature too you know!"

Meiling holds up her hands defensively. "I'm sorry Ms. Patchouli! I was just on break for lunch and Remilia wanted to show me this volume she found. I'll head back to the gate now, don't be mad!"

>> No.36087124 [View]
File: 301 KB, 2944x2944, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_farrel_kb__a0b4dc10f9b91c95c49bf46a69ebee26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first day I slept with yukari fumo I dreamt I saw her in a little store offering stuff to me
dreamt I was running on a desert battlefield with lines of droids fighting and I threw fumo yukarin really high up and ran past the robots and caught her afterwards, 2d and murdoc appear and one of them gets heart pupils in his eyes and runs towards me so I kick him over and he laid still, then the other did the same
dreamt I was stumbling along a beach at night dragging a hiltless(representing I was ronin) through the sand, a kid is walking past and I just happen to stumble when he passes me by and he got spooked and ran for a little bit, I crawl up this kid's playground spiral tube but made of wood and at the top realise I'm holding my fumo totally dirt covered and think about getting her a bath
dreamt I woke up in my bed except sitting up with boots on and I had an extra yukari fumo, wondered if this might be a dream but shrugged and snuggled with them
dreamt I find my yukari fumo who was lost around some mall dawdling around acting senile and looked seriously weathered with age
dreamt I must've been playing some high stakes ds3 pvp because some dad drove around to my place and his kid was in the back crying and saying no while he took a couple of fumos and threw them out the window, one was patchy, I picked her up and dusted her off
dreamt yukari was wearing a black tabard with the lower half split into three parts, with a red sun a white crescent moon and a blue star
dreamt I was in vr in some building with a fair amount of peoples, I was flying around singing with hecatia and some lampads, there was a fate servant there dressed in black with a scythe and she showed off a noble phantasm with a lot of purple slashes with the scythe and she was getting close to me when hecatia told her to back off and called me her property
dreamt I had some kind of litre juice box(that was maybe an explosive) in a fridge and this tengu girl was asking me if that was mine and I said yeah I know I'm not supposed to have this type of import then megumu came out with a couple other tengu saying I hadn't earned my tokin hat yet and that I'd be punished for this
a couple of dreams about megumu but I remember nothing except they were nice interactions with her
dreamt a colossal spirit of miko was walking over the waters near a cliff side while ships of factions that opposed her were in the waters far below, bits of the end of her cape getting torn off by their masts
dreamt I was with sakuya, I wanted to get my hands on her silver stopwatch and couldn't help but eye it and she must have noticed because she went over to remilia and decorated her with it, then I complimented remi calling her "a silver serpent" which made her happy, somehow I got lured out to the end of a long pier and was thinking about how I once lured someone out here and pushed them off when a sumireko-like girl who was my girlfriend pushed me off and laughed at me, she had an exact count of the times she got something over me saying something like 400-50 bragging about her overwhelming advantage, I ask "but will it ever be enough?" and she says I'm right
dreamt about a dark cave that had junko inside
dreamt I had fallen a long way down a cliff and left a decent mark, and junko comes crashing down leaving a deep silhouette hole, and points out over the cliffs a bunch of other holes she had made throwing herself off, and I say yeah I can't compete with that
dreamt I was near a large waterhole where there was some mystical obstacle course to be able to enter the painted world(dark souls), clownpiece was there and she was staying there because she wanted to go to the painted world but was intimidated by the course, me and some other guys telling off one guy who made a bad uncensor of ke-ta's clownpiece, saying he tainted her navy gem
dreamt rumia was at a dinner table with others, she had strange looking skin, speckled like brazilian opal, and she had the ability to mute sound like luna, one of the women eating with her pointing out she was doing it again
dreamt eiki's ability was to manipulate darkness, which had to do with being able to disappear and attack from any possible angle
dreamt I entered a church and joon was there, probably something to do with group hypnosis and taking people's money away
dreamt a house I was in was turned over and kisume with a whole well fell after me and I narrowly avoided getting trapped by her, then I pat her head and it was soft, she got annoyed and disappeared with her well
dreamt I had a wall scroll of keine
dreamt I was in the stands at a wrestling match, I saw ringo and offered her some food and she said had made some rules about fans feeding her since it happened a lot
dreamt about going through an orange tunnel tent and seeing kagerou
dreamt every single touhou was split up into two groups and I was on one side with cirno in front of me and loser witch behind me and I said "it's not fair! their team has two yuukas!"

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