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>> No.45246822 [View]
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Majima is the most wonderful girl. Fun stuff as always, sis. I kneel, I'm a dumbass when it comes to animation edits

Ah, the Hypmic cards! Doppo's card maker is one of my favorites. Potato's stuff is great, really talented modder. I'm fond of those who go above and beyond for their characters, particularly for the guys. When I think about it more, AA2 is pretty much the only 3D eroge that even allows to mod decent male content w/ VA work included. If only Illusion (now ILLsoft what a great name change) stopped making shovelware. Iirc they do in fact have yumes working with them funny enough. But yeah, the AA2 community does indeed have a lot of dedication for such an old game. Though, I think nowadays most modders have moved on or preferred to keep their distance. Unfortunately for me, I accidentally deleted a lot of my content including some years old stuff while doing a clean up recently. Gotta rebuild things anyway. Thanks for the kind words though!
And same, I used to also play the shit out of the Sims 2 as well. Best game in the series. If only Sims 3 wasn't a wreck with its performance. Loved the open world in that.

I think I saw those! I'm guessing freelance work for CDs is what she does nowadays?
desu I wasn't too fond of Chigiri's eyes and how Yuriko was drawn at first either, almost felt she was different people from seeing one screenshot to another from the main game. Though, what sets Choudoku apart and convinced me to really love Chigiri's work was the FD and seeing more of Majima ofc. Love how she draws the hair and does her coloring. The protagonist is especially cute in the cheongsam Majima has good taste Made me appreciate the huge variety of hairstyles and outfits overall at the end. There aren't many otome that has that, really. Of course seeing more of Majima's facial expressions made my heart go doki doki. Thought his smile was endearing while his devilish smirks were even better. The cutest ones have the best expressions. Don't think I can hang a tapestry at my place but I want at least a small portrait of him for my shrine one day haha

Yeah, I recall the Steam version of Choudoku was announced at very short notice and so was the English TL. I figured it's not within their style to set a date long term and release things several months or years after nowadays I guess. I feel like that's good in a way because companies for this medium are notorious for constantly delaying things out of nowhere. It is what it is now regardless, though.

Go for it! Admittedly Majo's beginning is slow moving where it builds upon heavily on SoL but trust me, it's worth every second and hits harder because of it. Plenty of people have already played it including some from the untranslated eroge thread and have loved it. It's one massive emotional rollercoaster despite the game's length. Besides the music track I've sent earlier, this one is yet another which gave me chills.
Just thought it was the perfect BGM to convey the finale.

Liarsoft and Littlewitch both have great art styles! Other really good artists who can also draw nice males in eroge are Carnelian and Yamamoto Kazue. Later was involved with illustrating My Fair Angel, which is apparently a lewd Princess Maker-like game with incest - ikemen protagonist is technically the dad of the girl he's most involved with in H scenes. I haven't played it yet but I heard plenty of good things about it from those who did here in /jp/
But yeah, some of the most talented writers in the medium are indeed those who have experience writing other genres for sure. Really feel those are more experimental compared to the usual corporate ones in the industry (ex. Otomate).

Understandable. I dropped learning Japanese several times myself in the past because of university and other factors. As much as some meme "you need to be really young to learn JP", I feel like it was way better now to take in things after I was finally done with school and started a more healthy lifestyle. Also easier to be consistent and admit any mistakes instead of pretending nothing is wrong. No way to really learn unless you practice good consciousness at some level imo. I haven't tried or heard about Kanji Tree but seems like a useful app! Tbh I brute force ~1800 kanjis into my head which was ultimately really useful for learning vocabulary intuitively. Hard to say it's for everyone but it worked for me
Also spin off with Yuriko after Kyouko's ending would be so kino. Headcanon her finally snapping and coordinating a series of "mystery" Chinese deaths in Majima's route main bad end after becoming a crimelord and getting cucked way too much just like KnS2's villain

>> No.45063717 [View]
File: 94 KB, 244x236, 1697469280513421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agony/禁飼育 is peak otome utsuge
The mega link on AS still works???

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